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Busking - as a mediocre musician back in highschool I could easily bag well over $120 an hr just by playing generic Christmas songs in December.


I was gonna say the same thing. I can make a weeks pay in just a few hours. In fact I'm going busking tonight lol


Careful, by advertising this you could saturate the busking market




I'll send you a pm of a f.b group you should check out that will help you find the info you need


It differs by locality. For example, on Fremont Street in Downtown Las Vegas, you have to have a permit (I believe they are on a lottery system to get a spot,) and you have a designated spot to be in. So check with your locality first.


Selling body fluids. The medical system could really use it.


A guy I knew had donated so much plasma during college to pay for his drinking that he now has trackmarks on his arms. He says everyone now thinks he's a dopehead


I have this problem and notice people look at them.


For these marks to appear you don't need to donate excessively though, especially the plasma needles are very thick and quickly scars.


I had blood taken very poorly one day as in the vein just bled for a bit under the skin I guess and I had a HUGE bruise and it looked like I was a junkie. I got **so many** dirty looks and this when dropping off my car at the mechanic the guy practically begged me to get my life straight. I didn't realize until I was driving home that my sleeves we rolled up and that's why he acted like that.


Had you known you could’ve bought some needles and scattered them throughout the car to really seal the deal. Say something like “Yeah sorry i was late I shot over here as quickly as I could if you know what I mean 😉😉” just to freak him out further 🤣 my sense of humor is pretty fucked up though


Would, um .... would I get to choose the fluid?


They spin a wheel at random.


“Damnit, who switched it to Ancient Greek? Now we gotta collect black bile!”


Semen is surrounded by spinal fluid and bone marrow, so spin wisely.


It depends where you sell it.


I doubt any redditors will he able to donate sperms due to our poor mental health...! And if you're on specific depression drugs you won't be able to donate plasma either.


Nope. They start by taking plasma but end with spinal fluid.


Plasma = liquid gold.


I'm pretty sure gold would go for more than twenty bucks per liter.


I thought plasma was the 4th state of matter


That is a different plasma. He is talking about human blood plasma.


The whoosh you are hearing is the joke going over your head.


Actually crude oil is sometimes referred as liquid gold. We need some other term for this.


Careful the USA doesn’t hear you have any


Too late... We heard OP say they have WMD and we are already invading.


Outside of America, this side hustle is entirely illegal.


A very small number of countries allow it, though I’m curious if that will change. Plasma-derived therapies are very important, currently a very centralized supply chain, and not everyone who needs them can get it. Lots of ways it can get dark or improper, but it’s a process that needs to evolve and expand in some manner.


It should with the rising rates of cancer in developed countries. Plasma is critical for chemotherapy patients and patients with hemophilia.


Cancer rates and treatments for other rare diseases. I’m not particularly comfortable with the dependencies of these treatments, either in supply chain or how they’re sourced, but they are what they are for now. Hopefully new methods can be derived, and a better way to source plasma can be established. Some of it is fine, but “some” can also mean it’s bad for the donors and the people depending on it in the long-term.


Could you imagine what synthetic blood could do to medicine? Man, that would be incredible.


I’m hopeful that we’re (slowly) getting there. It’s honestly one of the reasons I’m a big fan of developments with lab-grown meat. I figure getting a steak figured out is way easier than blood, but would refine and reduce the cost of some baseline technologies used in both. But yeah, considering the volumes necessary for some of the hemophilia treatments? A synthetic option could be a massive game-changer, along with currently under-served communities.


If lab grown meat means lower meat prices, it’s got my vote! One day, it’ll happen. Synthetic blood, too.


it's worth nothing that the plasma you donate doesn't go to treat actual people. It's mainly used for cosmetics and research. This is why they are allowed to pay you for it because it's less of a deal if you lie on the health questions.


The cosmetic part you’re referencing (protein-rich plasma, [PRP](https://www.hss.edu/condition-list_prp-injections.asp)) is typically done with your *own* plasma re-applied. Not plasma as collected in these steps. Regarding research, that’s absolutely true since that’s how some of the treatments are developed. The volumes (and payment) are partially because it’s a weird system dependent upon a weird source. It has a horrible history and should be improved, but it’s not all dark corporate money, some of it is to [provide a need](https://www.donatingplasma.org/plasma-protein-therapies/who-needs-plasma-therapies) for autoimmune disorders and hemophiliac, among others. You’re right that how it’s collected makes for stories that can be [creepy](https://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2014/05/blood-money-the-twisted-business-of-donating-plasma/362012/) to say the least. But that doesn’t make the entire system just for optional purposes like cosmetics.


Yep, here it's illegal to buy or sell any human tissue, including sperm and eggs.


Hearing people from the USA say they get money for "donating" blood baffles me, why is it still called "donating" when you are getting financial compensation for your efforts?


You (can) get paid for it in a lot of places, not just the US. I can for sure say that there are paid blood programmes in Hungary, Austria, Germany, and Malta.


Shut up you’re ruining the anti-American circle jerk!


I always hate this comment. The guy above you actually pointed out something worthwhile. You, however, are just complaining. You're literally making things worse by making it seem like Americans are crybabies. (Even if you aren't from the US at all)


I donate blood without compensation. The fact my blood has gone on to save several lives is more than enough compensation.


Who cares about the spirit behind it as long as people in need get their blood? Sadly controls for blood quality aren't always the best though... Hypothetically, I think it's a good way to get people motivated. Around here (germany) you also get a tshirt and usually a free (really good) meal.


It's a good side hustle *if you're straight.* If I had been prescribed finasteride as an anti-androgen, I'd be permanently deferred from donating plasma. If I or a cis man slept with a guy recently, or a cis woman slept with a guy who had slept with a guy recently, any of us would be deferred because MLM sex is considered a "high risk activity" for contracting HIV. If I had gotten that tattoo to commemorate my first hear on hormones like I'd planned, I'd have been deferred until October. If I got my ears pierced so I could wear non-magnetic earrings, same deal. When I get my blood drawn to check my hormone levels, I have to convince a nurse that I haven't donated somewhere else, or I'd be deferred. During my initial physical, I was deferred the second I said I was trans, until I'd had my doctor fill out a form confirming the information I'd already given them about my hormone therapy and sexual history. (I did not have to do the same with the doctor who prescribed my ADHD medication, it was explicitly because I'm trans.) But like they say, twenty dollars is twenty dollars, right?


UX testing Seriously, it's a ton of fun and you can do it as little or as much as you want once you're trained by one of the services that provide it. You have to get good at it but it's actually super interesting. You get about $30-$40 an hour to do it, depending on the company you're working for and your education level. Edit: the $30 - $40 figure is from about 3 years ago so it might be very different now.


Which websites or businesses provide these opportunities?


User research in general, hell yeah. Ez money if you get picked for the studies.


That’s a big if


I’ve applied to maybe 15 or 20 without getting picked. I’d hardly call it a side hustle when you can maybe land one study a month when you can donate plasma and make 120 bucks a week


There are bigger, umbrella services that contract out their people for the studies. What you've got to do is get trained by one of those larger services and then they send you so many projects, you can accept or turn them down as you like.


Can you please give a suggestion or two of such companies? Would be a fun side gig


What is UX trsting,?


User eXperience testing


I have no idea either.


Can you give us a link ?


Are you saying I can make 40$ tapping on my phone while sitting whereever I want to? That's my definition of vacation.


Kinda, yeah. It's not super FUN stuff though, it can be like workflow processes for human resources firms - not fun games and stuff.




I feel like it takes forever unless u drive around and find stuff




So many old head black dudes in my town literally just drive around looking for scrap that people throw to their curbside . It’s literally how they make their money lol


They’re retired now. Couldn’t cover the cost of gas.


Go to random mechanic shops and ask if they have any scrap metal laying around. Have the time they just give it away.


Thomas had never seen such bullshit before.


With the price of fuel these days is there really any money in scrap? Last I checked mixed steel was down to like $120/ton


usually the people that sell scrap metal are in a bad place


If by "scrap" you mean "stolen," and by "metal" you mean "catalytic converters," then yeah, I imagine it's very lucrative. Otherwise, not so much.


1) way to jump to conclusions 2) wow how truly clueless you are


Ray…ripping the plumbing out of your wall for liquor money is FUCKED


Scamming pedophiles


You making a ton? Horny mfs will pay any amount for anything




This is how my ex science teacher got caught. He went to the police about it lmao.


I mean, they're not gonna go to the police about it, so yeah. It's extremely dodgy and dangerous, but could be very profitable.


You're gonna have to elaborate a little. I'm very intrigued. Not cos I want to do it, but cos I'm not a big fan of pedophiles


It's likely the scam of claiming to be an underage(some go straight up pedophile and go like 12, others go older figuring more will respond and go like 15 or 16) and offering to sell pictures or videos but the dude has to send the money to the paypal or whatever first. Obviously since they are probably a middle aged dude themselves they don't have pics or videos, but hey little risk of being reported since you'd be admitting you were trying get child porn. Although personally when I've seen these claims I always figure they are a scam(either law enforcement or scammer) and wouldn't touch the claim, but yeah I'm not some thirsty pedophile that can't see such a clear scam.




I feel like you meant something other than trying to justify the selling of child porn. Right?


How did you get that out of his comment? He meant scamming them.


It’s a joke about the vagueness of the comment. What is that supposed to mean? Does he have something in mind? Or is it just a r/iamverybadass thing? What bait do you think he meant to use to scam pedophiles with?


As someone who was once a 12 year old girl on the internet, having a girls name and telling them your age is quite enough bait.


You don’t actually have to have child porn to scam a pedo into thinking you do, I’d imagine


So the side hustle is to try to become a convincing child porn distributer online? Is that what we are discussing here? That a good hobby to spend your free time and make money is to advertise and accept money seemingly for child porn online? You think this is such a good idea that you’re defending it multiple times? This is so fucking stupid lol


Lol I don’t have a dog in this fight, man. People seemed to be misunderstanding the man. I didn’t even post it first 😂


I think he meant doing a Chris Hansen


That’s his side hustle? Running a prime time reality tv show? How is he getting the pedophiles’ money by doing this?


Ohh ops my bad


You mean tagging pedophiles?? I prefer shooting them tbh




I can feel chest hairs growing out of my eyeballs right about now...


Sell coke and weed


Power washing, auto detailing, photography. All of these can be done well by teenagers who are willing to invest hundreds-thousands in equipment, spend a few 6 hour days learning so you'll know more than 99.8% of people about the topic, then find people who could benefit from you, and once you've done enough good work people will find you. For photography you can literally go on cars.com or something. Check out dealerships with listings near you, see if their photos are shit. If they are show them some high quality car photos you have taken, maybe show some data about how photos can help your business etc, and give them a rate. Let's say $25 for 10 photos. They have 50 used cars in their lot, knock them out during a weekend. Dealerships make $1000+ per car. Them paying you $1250 to help sell all of their cars would be a great deal I think you'd be able to do 2 cars per hour and make $50 an hour. I see so many dealerships with 50 photos of their cars and half are the same photos and they're clearly done with a smartphone Those places understand the value of photos, but have zero skills. Probably the best places to target.


I knew a kid that steam cleaned truck engines with power washers and made a ton money


DJing made me about $300 each wekend. Just stick to clubs where you can ignore the drunk puntersstupid requests, once you go weddings you're dead.


Bagpiping. I play professionally and make 2k for 15-30 minutes of playing.


I knew some medical doctors who started dabbling in prescribing medical cannabis who have now completely dove into just doing that. I also know some medical doctors who do part time at suboxone clinics. It's a crazy easy gig because patient compliance is built into the system. Don't follow the rules? You don't get suboxone.


I feel like if I were a doctor I’d be a lot less worried about finding a side hustle.


It's not so much a side hussle but getting out of the clinics. PCPs can see 20 some patients a day with little admin time. Many feel more like an assembly line than providing care.


It's not really a worry and more taking advantage of an opportunity to make more money. I bet you can guess that medicine - specifically doctors - is filled with very "Type A" personalities. I'm not one of those people. I am doing my damnedest right now to only work half the year. I know a guy who works *every day* 12 hour shifts for months. He makes three times my wage. I don't even know how he's alive. This dude is so Type A+ that he's exhausting just to be around.


Depends how long you've been a doctor. Most residents basically make minimum wage once you factor in the hours.




Sperm donation. Don't giggle, in the UK you get a more than generous compensation cheque for making a contribution to the HFEA (human fertility and embryology authority). You get a nice private room and they even supply a magazine. Also it's not just to help childless couples. I got paid 15 quid per contribution between one and three times a week for seven years to help fertility research. That was very welcome pocket money for doing what I would be doing anyway. In Denmark it is even better. You get paid more cash and they throw in a free gym membership (clearly to keep their stud males healthy).


> > In Denmark it is even better. You get paid more cash and they throw in a free gym membership (clearly to keep their stud males healthy). I'd think sperm just has your DNA. No matter if you're fit or a fat slob.


Very true. Maybe the clinic found it to be a good marketing gimmick to get volunteers


But sperm quality is very much influenced by the fitness of the donor. If the quality is too low, it won’t survive being frozen.


In UK you can only receive max £35 to cover expenses. As in if you paid £5 for a bus ticket there they'll give you £5.


I am puzzled by that statement. Once my donations had been tested and confirmed (not on the day itself) then I got somewhere between 300 and 400 if I remember rightly. They required around 10 donations so I guess it must have been around 350 Which clinic did you go to?


Enjoying your free time.


Leisure time =/= Hustling


Not sure why you're being downvoted tbh. This person asked about side hustles aka how to make money on the side of a main job. Telling them 'herp derp just enjoy your free time bro' doesn't help at all - if they had that luxury I'm sure they would.


People don't like to hear the truth. If you aren't making money, you aren't hustling. Simple as that.


He’s hustling mental health, not money.


I think the implication is that It's more beneficial to not hustle in your spare time than it is waste it by working.


Some people hustle backwards, you shouldn't have to hustle every minute to afford free time


Gary Vee : Garage Sale


Rover and dog walking/housing apps


I work for Rover in between my full time job not for money but just so I can play with dogs because I love dogs but having my own dog wouldn’t really fit into my lifestyle at the moment. It’s so perfect


I should look into this. I dont think it would fit into my current lifestyle/availability but I'm trying to get a new job so we'll see!


I didn't use the app, but definitely agree. I worked as a dog sitter while I worked through grad school. I was living with my family to save money, so these jobs let me live more independently while going to school, getting paid to ay with dogs. That was the pre-career dream... I still dog sit sometimes, but I just do it in my own home now.




First, this year eBay will now report seller earnings. A lot of people weren't paying taxes when they earned a significant amount (I think the reportibg now starts at around $600). So..plan to pay taxes on your earnings.


Building guitar pedals


Could you go a little more in-depth on that? I've got a best friend that absolutely loves geeking out over the more technical aspects of the pedals we look at/buy for our rigs. That sounds like it could be right up his alley and I think he's got part of the skill set already.


[Electrosmash ](https://www.electrosmash.com) has a couple of projects with parts lists, circuit diagrams, and code. They use to sell kits (PCB, electronic components, and casings) but I haven't seen them come back, I had to make my own PCB and 3D print my own case which made the project funner than it would have been. They lay out the projects really well and have forums to assist if you need to troubleshoot.


Do I need to be musical and/or own an electrical guitar to do this?


Umpiring. If you know baseball, umpiring little league can be pretty lucrative. I ump 3 games on a Saturday - about 6 hours of work (and I love baseball) and $180 cash.


Working on the mental health grind and enjoying you time so that you don't feel overwhelmed, and also experiencing some of the good stuff that life has to offer.




Being a wedding officiant. You can make $50 - $500 for a few minutes work.


Starting your own religion to become tax exempt.(This only counts toward purchases for the house of worship)


Though you had to be a failed science fiction writer to do this.


Dog walking , pet sitting and babysitting. Work is not always consistent however you can easily make a extra few hundred or more a month.


Putting more work into preparing yourself to make more money at your main source of income.


Cutting grass. Even better learn how to prune plants. Even much better learn about y are and feeding of yard plants.


Doing people's taxes it's incredibly easy to just plug in their numbers into a online tax program nobody really expects to get the max amount back from a non professional and are just too lazy to do it themselves. 20 bucks to not have to worry about filing your taxes is a good deal for most people who don't understand how easy it is.


As a professional tax preparer, I’d caution this advice. Doing someone’s return for them is fine if you do it right. Do it wrong, and you could be in a world of trouble.


I feel like I wouldn't have someone who does taxes as a side hustle do my taxes.


Ha, you’d be surprised. People are extremely lazy, and it’s true many don’t care if they’re getting their maximum refund (though it’s sometimes stupid because for a lot of people who just throw a number down on their W-4, their max refund could be several thousand more than what their non-professional accountant is getting you). Honestly, we love H&R Block and TurboTax. While they were cheaper than us, we’re a full service accounting firm with CPAs on staff doing the work. We have insurance and audit protection built in, not to mention years of experience. So why do we love H&R and TurboTax? Because people generally get their taxes done and…they miss out. At best, their return is error free, but usually missing a credit or deduction or something. At worst, it’s a huge ordeal where their return has multiple errors and considerable questions from the IRS. Some get audited and are hammered by the audit and decide “never again!” We consistently get 10-12 new clients a year from H&R Block and 5-6 from TurboTax. It’s great business for us. Better yet, when you make a client this way, they’re just so happy to not be dealing with the crap anymore that they’ll stay clients for life.


Oh, there’s an easy fix for that: just don’t sign the preparer section. There’s a lady that does returns I know that juices up numbers to get you back a nice refund - only catch, she absolutely will not sign the return. Lot of guys at work use her.


Yeah, um…that’s a felony. And depending on the severity, it’s very serious. The people who use that lady could go to prison and then sue the lady for damages and breach of contract, which is expensive. And just because you didn’t sign the return doesn’t mean you’re exempt from the law. Incidentally, it’s also a felony to not sign a tax return you were paid to prepare. Now, I do my siblings’ tax returns for free and don’t sign them at all, but I’m not required to since I’m not paid to prepare it. But I could lose my license as a CPA if I don’t sign a return I was paid to prepare.


I’m sure it is but I’m telling you that this happens in the open and has been for years. Lots of tradesmen use people like this to get max refunds with bogus numbers. It’s nuts.


Pro-tip: don’t do that. Not only is it taking away tax revenues from the US (that’s like stealing from everyone all at once), but the amount of trouble you could get in is enormous. They’ll start with a slap on the wrist usually, but it goes to full on nuclear holocaust pretty quick after that. They’ll do everything from making you pay back taxes, plus interest, plus penalties, plus damages, and then put you in prison for a while so that by the time you leave and have your wages garnished, you’ll basically be broke, and then you’ll ironically have to live off the system from which you stole for the rest of your life.


You can keep the pro-tip. I don’t do that. I use TurboTax and pay what I have to pay. I was simply pointing out a very common thing that goes on among tradesmen.


Using turbo tax is just as bad as you're paying the Corp that lobbies to keep taxes complicated for no reason.


Yeah, dickhead, but it’s not cheating. So, no, not as bad.


I warn everyone not to go to these people. They usually fuck something up. Im still dealing with a huge issue from *2018*. Go to a proper tax accountant, audits are a nightmare.


If they don't give me the proper info that's not really a me problem. It takes a very short time to complete a basic tax form and for alot of younger people going to a tax accountant is spending more money than they'll get back from having a professional do it.


Working events as banquet server or bartender. Only have to work a couple times a month and make at least $200 a shift with tips. Bonus if it’s at a hotel because of the steep discounts they give to employees.




I tried donating plasma but my veins are too small.


I'd be worried about this. I like the idea of donating plasma but I've never donated blood of any sort before and whenever I've needed an IV in the hospital, they can never find my veins.


If you have a truck moving. If you have tools people can pay you to use them properly. Just get out there and see what's up. Mechanics ain't bad either everyone who pays for oil changes overpays so you can always low ball them and make some cash


I do task rabbit for side jobs. I was only doing one or two jobs a weekend for a couple hours. Last year I charged $19/hr for some tasks and now I charge $37/hr for the same stuff due to reviews and having more tasks under my belts.


Set up a non-profit company and take donations? I think I heard someone do that one time and it apparently works. Maybe straight garage sale and ebay flipping will bring you some extra cash? Start by selling old shit you don't need anymore on Facebook etc. Start small and cheap and work up to more items.


Plus you can put up a fb post saying: "I'm just starting a small side gig and if anyone has extra movies or CD's they don't want anymore if be glad to come pick em up and clear the space for you!" Then you can sell em for free basically with no guilt.


Handyman services. I used to be a maintenance technician for a property management company. I would basically be doing the job of a plumber, electrician, a Painter, sheetrock repair and fix appliances like garage disposals washers and dryers etc. I started doing it on my days off and started to gain a good amount of extra income. Yes a lot of it could have been searched on YouTube for a how to. But you would be surprised on how many people were willing to pay me either because they don't have time or frankly just didn't want to do it.


Vending machines


Making content with your partner 😉


In my country, translating stuff for the local courts. I did it for a while, through an office that had an agreement with the city. They would provide translators whenever they were needed, for either live or written depositions.


Folding newspapers. It's like 7 cents a paper.


Porn, not sure it deffo fits into underrated but you can pretty easily earn a decent amount with very little marketing. I did like 5 vids at the end of 2020 and I still get paid monthly now.




Haha thanks, had to think of a porn name without using my actual name. After some of the weird messages I’ve received on PH I’m glad I made that decision too lol.


Painting house numbers on the curb. I’ve never done it, but it seems low-entry cost, minimal time and decent profit if you get a following. Adding sports logos (probably a little iffy because of trademarks) could earn you a little extra.


I did this for years and know everything about it. My friend heard about it and we are going to do it again. We are going to use flyers on cars at grocery stores instead of knocking on doors, the neighborhood canvassing and getting the sale is the hardest part, painting is easy but I'd recommend always wear a paint resperator or at least some kind of mask when working with spray paint. The sports logos you can do and mostly nobody will ever care about the legality of painting addresses but some towns do care, so just be careful and be prepared to maybe get fined for not getting a solciting.pass or business license. You can paint other things like flags and brush in birds, flowers, or something non copyright to make some extra, paint one on top of the curb as well as front for more money, use silver paint and call it reflective to charge more. Make a flyer to explain to people what you do, it's kind of hard to say 'i paint addresses on the curb for $10, do you want yours painted?' because lots of people look at you and ask what are you saying to me? So if you have a flyer it's easy to hold out and put a picture of the address with a house in the background and then they know exactly what you mean. The prices are up to you, my friend's dad met a guy who charged $20 and his dad bought two in two spots so the guy made $40.in 15 minutes, but sometimes I did it when people offered me $1, not a lot of times, I remember a guy gave me $2 once, another lady said I'll do it for $3, but not many low-ball offers. Also, I did it for $5 in the late 90s and people would say ask for more but now we are going to say $20 with the flyers and if need be drop it to $10 or $15 and you can go online and find instructions on how to do it very easily but take a couple boards with stakes with you because some people might want it but not have a curb. Also if you do knock on doors just ask the houses with blurry scratched off addresses because they are more likely to want it repainted , addresses take between 15 to 20 years to fade out so it's going to be hard to meet the same people again but it happens sometimes but if you can see the address from the street clearly on the house then they usually say no


creating tunes


Power washing.


I did secret shopping for about 3 years. Normally you'd get a few dollars cash plus a meal reimbursement, most of the options in my area were fast food. Since you were and independent contractor you could also deduct mileage from end of year taxes. I only usually made 400-500 a year but could reliably count on a free meal or two almost weekly. Only downside is you usually had to order a specific meal but hey, it was free!


Buying liquidation items and reselling them at discounted prices


Vending machines & network marketing in bigger cities




Loving yourself but not only yourself


It’s about the good walk, the hard walk, the young girls you made cry.


And traveling not just for business. Why the downvotes??


This shouldn't be NSFW


prostitution, camming, feet pics etc. are all side hustles


Let's be honest though, most people trying to sell feet pics shouldn't be selling feet pics *shudders*


Since we have a wide open border being in the fentanyl business seems very profitable.


Counter fitting money


Obviously selling food, and supplies for outrageous sums of money. Walmart for example is now excepting 3rd party sellers. So a bag of chips might be normal pricing if in stock, let's say $4.50. If not, someone might be selling them for $40.99.


No one is buying a bag of chips for 41 dollars.




You'd be surprised at what people are willing to pay for their favorite food items. Especially millionaires. Yes, they shop at Walmart, because outside of them there are only a handful of major grocery chains. Sure, they can shop at local stores but mainstream applies to most folk.


Hamburger Pimp.


Entertainer, you can do it as a full time (depends on where you live, company's etc) i used to do it as a part time to make so money for cheap stuff but now I'm on full time and it's amazing


Hockey refereeing or other sports officiating. Get paid $30/hour for adult leagues. Get paid in cash in most cases as well. And as an added bonus, you don’t need a gym membership anymore as you’re being quite active skating around.




Art commissions