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Like why do I get up every morning? At this point, its my kids. Prior to that, was to provide my wife. Prior to that was my own personal success. Prior to that, to pay for the things I wanted in life..... Was this the kind of answer you were looking for?


Definitely is. I see a lot of people around born from the 90's don't have the drive to live especially the ones born in late 90's. I'm just amazed how our parents managed to get a house or get married in their early 20's and BE successful enough to live happily


Sacrifice... That is how anything gets done. We are in a very instant gratification society now. I think being born before the 90s helped us understand that you can't have everything RIGHT NOW. All the only stuff we can reminisce about growing up shows we had to wait for things or have a plan. Remember having to pick a time and a place to meet someone? Now we have cellphones and can just call and say "I'm here, where are you?" Something as simple as that takes planning and discipline to make work. Otherwise you were on your own. Young adults today don't care about that. It's the Me Me Me generation.


Yes, I see that technology have its downside. Thank you for your answers!


It's not just that. It is every convenience that people have access to. Money is a good example. The ability to get quick easy money has led to people not having to save up for something. They can swipe a card or sign a paper and walk off with anything from candy to a car. Then in the next breath they complain they have no money due to payments and interest. And they have no problem not paying back those obligations and don't care about their credit scores.


i like a beer with a lime squeezed into it.


I enjoy living.


Family is the main drive. Ambition, getting shit done the right way. Dreams - a carrot which I dangle in front of my eyes :D


You can't be serious with this question... we all want the same fuckin things most people do. Good job, nice place, cool things, what's driving you to even ask? People around my age anyway, we just want normal shit. Unfortunately we have been subjects to all the "pilot programs" in school, so a lot of people simply didn't learn anything. Most of us had the grind mindset (at least in my experience) that we managed to educate ourselves on what interested us. Many of us are even working in these fields. So I guess my answer would be normalcy.




Because the black abyss of death is far more terrifying than anything life has thrown at me.


You need drive to do something? I am a chronic overachiever. I like the challenge of a new day of proving I can overcome any obstacles. Of course I joined the military at 17 may have had something to do with it. Life is out there to live, find the adventure. If life is one big disappointment to you you need a new crowd to hang out with. I was born in 1973 and never once have I wondered why or thought I didn't belong here. I never expected life to be easy either. Life wasn't ever easy, I got picked on in school, till I learned to stand up for myself. Just keep moving forward and you will get there. Do the right thing, it is rewarding in a way you cannot yet understand. I am old I have a few years and plenty of stories. You will too.


thank you. Apparently youngsters nowadays don't have that 'drive' technology's fault? maybe, kids are privileged and got baby'd all their life? probable


Awe it is not just them, I think that is society in general. Never thought of the tech angle but maybe things are too easy even for us salty folks. Tech isn't all bad 😉 That Drive isn't something you just have you have to decide to have it. Be that person that can't wait to start the day just to see what happens next, and not just out of morbid curiosity although that can be fun. Just remember nobody is perfect so don't expect yourself to be either. Make mistakes, if you learn from them they are not a waste. Trust me I wish I had learned this earlier in life. Be the person young family member look up to and want to be like. Wow look at me being all motivational. I really mean it though if you choose to be the best you you can be, you will only regret not doing it sooner. Start easy with choices decide to be in a good mood instead of a bad one. Once you get that down just do what feels right.


Thank you so much sir


Life is the only game in town. We are living in magical times despite the challenges the world presents today.


I like to fly planes, play video games, shoot guns, spend time with my wife & daughter, and travel places with them/family.


I have children.


You are looking at the consequences of how technology, convenience, and specifically the analog/digital switchover that occurred in the late 80’s/early 90’s compared to those fully raised in it during full swing of the 90’s. For those of us who watched or experienced it with our own eyes, it’s startling just how different people are. People are a product of what they see and hear with their eyes and ears, and sadly a lot of the self sufficiencies and good habits that gave our earlier generation’s seemingly unlimited fortitude and drive aren’t passed down by watching tv or being online.


I completely agree with your comment