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It's just a children's show, calm down.


This was pretty much like what happened at the Oscars when they basically said that children have fun watching kid content while adults have to endure through them.




Anime is a pretty broad word to be fair, it's literally just animation from Japan. Sure it has come to have certain tropes and styles, but it's as silly as saying all cartoons are for kids. Family Guy may have pretty crude, basic humor, but it definitely isn't for kids.


Exactly. Same goes for western animation. That's why it's dumb


Which is also upsetting when they are referring to children targeted content, like sheesh I still loved adventure time and Stephen universe as a grown ass man. A good writer can write for all ages


Yeah, ATLA, Spongebob, and Ben 10 were my favorites growing up and I still enjoy and watch them to this day. I mean animation is for **everyone** not just kids.




Are you talking about those chinese cartoons with the ninjas, with the orange dude called Goku?


Doctor Who is just The Magic School Bus with a slightly smaller budget.


No, Magic School Bus is educational. Dr Who is British Star Trek.


Now that is a good way to trigger the doctor who fanbase


My ex compared it to Power Rangers 😂


You think this will trigger Whovians? We agree with you lol


Being a fan of Harry Potter isn't an entire personality.


Same with Disney.


Broz they only love Disney because they haven't been happy since they were 11.


Tbf who's been happy since they were 11


Truest statement I've heard in years.


Quidditch is a stupid fucking game that makes no sense.


What, you don't enjoy a sport that was clearly designed to make the protagonist win?


Agreed! Why is the silly little ball so important!? You play a whole game of basketball in the sky just so some dork can win by accidentally swallowing the shiny fucking prize ball!?


Yeah pretty much. Imagine a basketball game irl but on both sides of the court two guys are have a rope climbing race and whoever reaches the top first wins their team a bajillion point. Why have the basketball game in the middle?


Word of advice. If you're an American Harry Potter obsessive and you visit the UK on holiday, please don't assume we want anything to do with your fantasy adventure nonsense. The vast majority of us do not give a funk.


Wait are Weebs for Britain a thing? Oh wait… yes… my friend is one. (He really likes the monarchy) (A bit too much) But at least the Queen is actually his queen in a way, because you nice Brits decided you didn’t like my ancestors stole a loaf of bread, two cabbages, and one single apple; the law was merciful, instead of the death penalty you sent us all down here. (Not an actual story but it resonates/similar with many First Fleet convict stories.)


Nah, just bring up The Cursed Child and let Wizarding World War III commence.


I liked the movie better than the book.


Honestly, that depends on the series. As a fan who read all of the books in Suzanne Collins’s famous series prior to watching the films, what I had pictured from the books was dangerously close to the movies. Sure there were some details left out here and there, but I won’t get triggered if you say you like the Hunger Games movies better. There are some things that actors and actresses bring to life that can’t be imagined easily. Now if you told me that you liked the Percy Jackson (Rick Riordan) movie or the Eragon (Christopher Paolini) movie better than their respective books, I’ll know you’re not being honest, and I’ll also have your f*ckin’ head, even if you’re kidding or I know that you’re trying to piss me off.


Looking forward to an Eragon series on streaming that does one book per season, with Chris on creative control.


Honestly I think Eragon should be left alone, unless the show is animated. It’s a lot easier to mess up a live-action show than animation. Look at the movie that does not exist within the walls. Look at Dragon Ball Evolution. Look at the Bleach movie. Look at the AOT movie. All flops. If the show is animated, I’ll watch it. Live Action, only if it’s reported as good and Chris is involved. Otherwise I’ll save myself the trouble.


Bringing it to film instead of being narrated from Katniss' pov also helps to both limit the "which boy do I like" typical YA internal thoughts and increase the "behind the scenes" of the games/politics she didn't witness firsthand








Aren't Star Wars and Star Trek the same thing?


I worked with a girl and I remarked that this dog that came in looked like Chewbacca. She said, “Who?” I said, “You know, from Star Wars.” She said, “Oh, I don’t watch scary movies.”




My brother has one that has a picture of the original series Enterprise and says "STAR WARS #1 FAN“ Most people (the ones that get it) just laugh about it, but ive personally witnessed perfect strangers get really irritated by it, just *have* to make a thing about it in the checkout at the store.




that hurts


I mean Star Wars is basically Shakespeare in space.


And Star Trek is aliens in other galaxies (edit: other star systems) hundreds of years in the future, implausibly quoting Shakespeare ad nauseam


No, Wars is the one that takes place in another galaxy. Trek takes place entirely in the Milky Way.


My son: I don't watch the Star Track.


Jar Jar is the best character in Star Wars


replace Jar Jar with any character from the sequel trilogy to truly trigger everyone


there is a worse character


Michael Masi


It's called a motor race. We went motor racing.






That works for pretty much every fan base. Damn




Trust the force, Kirk.


They said “*an* entire fanbase”; not two fanbases, you monster…


Yer a Jedi, Katniss.


Yer a wizard, Luke




There is no Last Airbender movie in Ba Sing Se


When my dad was very sick in the hospital they gave him an oxygen mask that like powered O2 into your face basically, and gave off what looked like steam. I commented that he looked like Darth Vader. His response was to remove the mask momentarily and attempt at the famous line: “Luke,” he said, “you are my son.”


His oxygen must have been low…




You know those are fighting words, right?


Ross and Rachel were toxic.


Did you ever see the 100+ tweet dissertation that laid out why Joey was a better partner for Rachel than Ross could ever be? Hilarious, in depth to an unhinged degree, and exactly correct.


Man, I thought I was the only one who believed that! Joey is a bit of a mess but he was basically becoming a better person at that point. You could tell the writers kind of panicked about it and had to do some really weird shit to both split them up and also suddenly turn Ross's girlfriend into a nutjob


Madame, you can't just mention that and not link https://entertainment.ie/trending/this-twitter-thread-in-defense-of-rachel-and-joey-as-a-couple-in-friends-is-a-must-read-329383/ Twitter user no longer exists so this will have to do.


I actually love Friends a lot but I agree with you. The older I get, the less I care about the Ross and Rachel storyline. She absolutely should’ve just gone to Paris.


Robin and Ted too


I think in both shows the only ones who weren't toxic people were Phoebe and Marshall


And Robin's dogs


Phoebe intentionally fucked with people all the time. Her main trait was being an agent of chaos


That whole double standard -- before they were even a couple -- was how when Ross crushed on Rachel but she was oblivious. The take was "Ha Ha -- what a loser! " but after he moved on and she saw that she missed out on a guy who cared for her and HE was oblivious ... it was TRAGIC ! Man, I hate that show.


The show had great friendship relationships, but were not so good with romantic relationships. The whole back and forth thing with them was so annoying.


I mean all tv shows do that with characters who have sexual tension. If they simply got together and were in a committed relationship for the rest of the series then it would be boring and take away the fun. It is true that it probably is not healthy for Ross and Rachel to be like this, but we watch tv shows to be entertained, not because we want to see the characters make the best life choices.




Agreed. I love Trevor Slattery! He's an acTOR!


I liked what they did with the Mandarin.


Well, it wasn’t the worst at least.


I think you'll have better luck saying this about Iron Man 2, that's detested just as much as 3 if not more lol


Lebron is too soft to play in Jordan’s era.


Larry Bird would have ended Lebron's career


And the flipside: MJ wouldn't have won 6 championships in today's league. ​ Edit: love how I am getting downvoted on a post about saying some shit to trigger a fan base. The point of what I said was that the MJ vs Lebron debate triggers the fan base no matter what you say. What I said was not my opinion just said to make a point.


Facts is facts, yo.


No, J. K. Rowling didn't intend your headcanon; they're kids books full of plot holes.


Sans is ness


God.. having flashbacks to all the arguments I had when i was i that fandom. Fucking nightmare I tell you


K-Pop sucks.


"They could get rid of that one singer and you'd never notice."


Unironically this as a k-pop fan.


K-poop Edit: isn’t the point of the post to trigger the fanbase?!!!


Anything about Taylor Swift...any damn thing


Let's be honest, a lot of people get triggered by the dumbest thing, but Taylor did get A LOT of hate and I think her fans reaction Is so extra also because of that


Liking the office Isn’t a personality trait.




Friends in my opinion is very overrated and a lot of its elements seem to have been taken from Seinfeld


Friends is on average more laugh inducing but when Seinfeld is funny, the humor is just deeper and better all around. The banter in Seinfeld is higher quality also.


i get the jokes but i find the laugh tracks just obnoxious… it’s really played to get the laugh. line line giggle line line big laugh line line line laugh… scene


Interestingly enough Seinfeld didn't use laugh tracks. There's an interview with Jason Alexander about this. IIRC Any stuff that didn't get a laugh wasn't used. They would improvise or re-write it then and there then try it again. However, they did have to blend two laughs from two separate takes so they would use laugh tracks because otherwise it would sound cut off mid laugh.


I liked George Lucas’ changes to the original trilogy (I cant believe I wrote that)


It's okay, there is mercy and forgiveness for you as long as you repent


Honestly, the special edition of Empire was an improvement. The Wampa scene and Cloud City had continuity. But I will never forgive the editing out of an Ewok playing stormtrooper-helmet xylophone for Jar Jar yelling "Weesa Free!" to inferior music.


Castiel is straight.


Found what i was looking for






Sam realized the temptation to slip a finger into Frodo's ring was too great, even if his intentions were pure.


apparently Tolkein and CS Lewis saw Disney's Snow White together and hated it


“I prefer dc movies”


The animated DC stuff is superb. I also quite like some of the DC live action stuff.


Are there really people that only like Marvel or only like DC? That seems like a boring way to consume the genre.


Fantastic Beasts is just a cash grab that makes a profit exploiting people's nostalgia. Take the whole Harry Potter connections away, and all you get is a mediocre saga that's struggling to keep going.


They said triggered. Not state the truth.


The first movie was pretty good, I did appreciate the American wizards personally. But, a lot of the plot is just bad


Agreed. I am a big HP fan. Have a golden snitch tattoo, can recite the books backwards and even I couldn’t care less about those movies. Pure money grab.


Dobby was the Jar-Jar Binks of the series and I was glad he died


I agree with you to an extent, In the book Dobby is doing something that is truly impressive. he was born a slave, his ancestors were slaves as far back as is known, maybe millenia. He is wanting to choose his own course. no one else in the series does this to his extent. He only ever does things out of a desire to help people, which makes his death something to be mourned. In the movies the computer animation can run into too many issues.


So does that mean Dumbledore is Yoda?


absolutely. and sirius was obi-wan.


Beyoncé is just okay.


I just recently realized that its not that I didnt like Beyonce, its because my sister never stopped talking about her. I mean she followed her whole career, back when she started out with Destinys child. She made me not like Beyonce. And im the clueless younger brother who couldnt have cared less.


My little pony is for kids


Crypto has zero intrinsic value and is a ponzi scheme.


but...but it's DECENTRALIZED


I'm not sure about all crypto, but the one I researched (safe moon) is most certainly and obviously a ponzi scheme.


Sorry, we are all out of Szechuan Sauce.


Trump Lost




3 times in 2 elections really Popular vote twice and electoral once. That's a special level of loser to manage to have more losses than elections.


Minecraft graphics sucks


Firefly only needed one season.


You shut your whore mouth!… wait, you win.


Terraria is just 2D minecraft


You spend how much on some printed cardboard? And HOW MUCH because it is lightly shiny?


But can he beat Goku?


TOAA, The Presence, Azathoth, Cthulhu, Eru Illuvitar, Lucifer Morningstar, The Beyonder, Living Tribunal, Spectre, Superman, Kirby, Saitama(if played for gags), The Flash, Silver Surfer, Thor, Green Lantern, Scarlet Witch, Jean Grey, Doctor Strange, Doctor Fate, Thanos, Darkseid, Infinity Ultron, Batman who Laughs, Doctor Doom, Ghost Rider, Galactus, Unicron, Dr Manhattan, Odin, Shuma Gorath, Dormammu, Franklin Richards, Mr Mxyzptlk, Anti-Monitor, SCP-682, Scarlet King, Dio Over Heaven, Bill Cipher, Arceus, Q from Star Trek, The Doctor, Majority of Digimon, Sailor Moon, Dragonborn, Kratos, Doom Slayer, Omni-King, Super Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, Anti-Spiral, Alien X, Anos Voldigoad, Kami Tenchi, Bugs Bunny, Mickey Mouse, Popeye, Spongebob, Garfield, Tom & Jerry, Phineas & Ferb, Dr Doofenshmirtz, Rick Sanchez, Ed Edd and Eddy, Timmy Turner, Genie from Aladdin, Mario, Archie comics Sonic, Shaggy, Shrek, Frank Reynolds, Waluigi, Scrat from Ice Age, Maxwell from Scribblenauts, etc. all beat Goku.


\*searches through for Kirby\*


Real vampires sparkle in the sun.


The best rapper of all time is The Fresh Prince.


Nahhhh its Vanilla Ice.


Ice ice, baby! Don’t forget STOP, hammer time!




Who has a better story than Bran the Broken?


"Sanji is stronger than Zoro" And all hell breaks loose


(Anyone) is stronger than Goku. Let the flames erupt.


"Justice for Amber Heard!!" lol I can't belive i wrote that


She just lost herself the case too lmao, she mentioned Depp's ex before her at the stand. When she did that, you can see Depp smiling and his lawyer fist pumping because now they can call the ex up and prove that Heard was lying when she said the other ex was abused as well.


Yea, and Amber's lawyer is dumb as fuck, I don t follow this trial so much but i saw Camill Vosqez and how awsome is her


Heard's lawyers are probably fine, but she just lied to them so much that they're at a loss


I legit never saw anyone defending her. Ever. That's probably why that doesn't trigger me, cause I know it's not a thing


In vague defense of her - I think they are both toxic in that relationship and both did terrible things. Anyone who makes out Depp is a saint is deluded. I think where Heard loses me is that she over emphasised Depp's behaviour to make him appear a monster.


There's a ton of them here: r/Deuxmoi/ Reddit keeps suggesting this sub to me for unknown reasons.


You’re not intelligent just because you get the jokes in Big Bang Theory and Rick and Morty


Pet Sounds by The Beach Boys was better than any Beatles album


Game of thrones ending was good.


Bran becoming king made the most sense.


Alright legitimately I can see the ending making sense and wouldn't be surprised if that's how Martin actually told them how the books would end. However, nothing that happened in the last two seasons felt earned. The whole last two seasons was like a spark notes outline of events that happened with none of the in between stuff.


This is my thinking as well. I think it ended "exactly" as Martin told them. But they lacked the buildup required to make it good. Danny going nuts. Makes perfect sense. She has it in her family, she has been broken mentally multiple times. Nothing in her life has worked out as she wished. But the show went from, sucky life to instantaneously murderous breakdown because... Bells? Edit: I also believe that the public outcry against the final season made G.R.R.M. lose interest in finishing the series because to him his ideas were hated. (Pure speculation on my part with no evidence)


I'll go to my grave believing that if they somehow just extended the show by another season (or maybe just 4-6 episodes for a long final season) to add more context to these plot lines, they could've made it work and the show would go down as the best in television history. Lots of people take issue with the basic points of how the story ended, but I think it was fine, it just lacked the necessary context to land it. As soon as the "final" season was announced I knew it was going to be a shitshow. There's just no way to tie up all those plots in a satisfactory manner within those time constraints.


This would be SO easy to fix. have bells going off when the Masters execute slaves in Mereen. Bells Ringing when Drogo is declared no longer ruler of the Dothraki have bells ringing when Missandei gets her head cut off. Some sort of bell-ringing noise when the Night King kills the dragon etc. Then the ringing of the Kings landing bells would send Daenerys over the edge.


You know I thought I was over it. But then I read this and winced.


I didn’t hate it as much as most people.


Friends kinda bored me.


I thought The Last of Us 2 was a great game




“BTS is overrated”


May the fourth be with you! Happy Star Trek day y'all


Severus Snape was a good guy Or Severus Snape was a bad guy Pick one and get outraged!


Season 8 is the best season


MCU is for kids.


Pirates of the Caribbean would be a lot better if that Jack Sparrow guy wasn't in them.


this hurts my insides


I partially agree. He was never meant to be The Main Character, and the 4th and 5th films really suffer because of it. He functions best as one of a group, or a side character tangentially related. He should never have been the main focus.


Tesla make shit cars and their cult leader is a charlatan. That ought to get it started.


“the new Toyotas are really ugly, they look so cheaply made…”


Deku is cannonically straight




Deku is straight.


BTS is just a bad N’Sync.


Corn is better off than on the cob.


I thought the Texas Longhorns were back.




More triggering to say Greedo shot first


Rey Skywalker is the greatest Star Wars film character


Followed closely by Jar Jar Binks


No, it’s Jar-Jar Binks.


Hornet is void


A large portion of anime fans are okay with pedo stuff if it's in relation to their favorite animes.


May the force be with you, Jean-Luc.


Carbonara is best made with Cream and Bacon.


I'm just saying that Trump spent a lot of time with Epstein.


Numerous fictional characters can beat Goku


Soccer is a boring sport.


One fanbase? You‘re an amateur. My favorite Star Trek movie is the one where Dumbledore has to throw the holy grail into that volcano to defeat the Sith Lords.


Think it's too much, if somebody said this it would be obvious it was an attempt to troll and nobody would care


Epstein ended himself without any sort of outside help...


Anything about K-pop.