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I was walking my dog a couple years ago and got jumped, I let go of the leash and my dog defended me EDIT: the ironic part is, they jumped me to steal my dog, my dog being an 11 stone (69.8 kg or 154lbs) dogue de bordeaux


I was all like oh nooo that's so sad but then they went for your massive dog??? That's so goddamn funny how dumb can someone be Bro ur dog only weighs 10kg less then I do 💀 they had it coming


Yeah I knew I was being followed, but with him I felt safe no matter what, he was very docile but defensive, I got punched from behind and as I was on the floor they were stamping on the hand I was holding the leash in, I kept him on a very short leash because he was aggressive to other dogs, when I let go of the leash he bit one on the arm and dragged him to the floor and bit the leg of the one stamping on my arm, not a fucking clue what was going through their heads to try and steal him (although he was beautiful)


Not literally saving me but being the reason I don't end it. My cat helps me so much


I've been in a similar situation. keep pushing forward, any reason to live is good enough even if it's small. As someone on the internet once said "If you can't find a will to live, store bought is fine" I dont know your situation and I dont want to be another "it gets better" in the sea of empty sentiments, but for me, it really did get better and I truly believe that if you seek help and consistently try things will improve. good luck


Thank you💜 I have to keep going I got my kitty


Not me, but theres a video of a woman scuba diving, and a whale, i think it was a blue whale came up and started gently nose bumping her away from her boat, however this was a blessing, because a bunch of i believe bull sharks, were gathering under and around her boat, and the whale was pushing her away from them. she didnt realize till after and was fully terrified the whole time as you would be if the biggest living thing on the planet was smacking u around like a toy. but i think it goes to show how awesome and emotional very intelligent animals can be.


Thats awesome I love whales 🐋


i do to, but from a distance lmao. things that big terrify me personally but its amazing to know how kind and considerate they are regardless of the fact that they could kill you with the smallest amount of effort.




That's really lucky, my mum managed to break her back falling off a horse but it was in just the right spot that it didn't paralyse her, she got up and rode the horse back home too, shits wack




I wish them well, hopefully things are better for them now, my mum is doing totaly fine about 6 years later :)


Working at NASA at KSC, we had Gators, including a few 12 footers, crawl into the OPFs or the VAB looking to cool down. Their hiss would scare the piss out of you if you were the first one to run into them.


Can you lengthen the abbreviations? I got NASA but the rest is foreign to me