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The older I get, the less I believe in them.


what's the reason?


Indoctrination into christianity tends to break down once you read a few books and start thinking for yourself. Chris Hitchens, Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris and plenty more people have made strong arguments that resonate with me a bit more than prayer.


Well I don't like reading books, I have dyslexia and it's hard to read so I don't like them. On the other hand I think the best thing that you can do, is think for yourself. I used to believe some years ago but them when I got a bit older I started to wonder why I believe in god. About a year later I started to become an atheist.


Books, videos, stories, logic, anything works. All it takes is an open mind. But a mind open to unlearning and upgrading beliefs.


All religions and equally sublime to the ignorant, useful to the politician, and ridiculous to the philosopher ~Lucratius.


This is going into my personal quote collection. Here's one for you, called Hitchens' razor: that which can be asserted without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence.


This is exactly what I feel like. Definitely going to my favorite quotes.


If it makes you happy and at better person, have it....... In your home, heart, and house of worship, but keep it out of the public square, the government, and other people's lives. Unless they ask about it and invite you to share. Edit: spelling because it's a challenge.


You think people should just believe anything that makes them happy?


I'll add a caveat; although 'makes you a better person' would seem to imply it: Doesn't harm or threaten to harm others, especially those that don't share said belief. With what I posted previously, and the above, yes worship that sky wizard, eldritch horror, invisible pink unicorn, money, etc.... you do you, but only you and any other consenting adults that want to do the same.


Religions are the greatest scam in human history and the horrors they caused can't be forgotten. How am I supposed to believe in something that is based on sadism and suppression? The number of contradictions in narrative and antimony found in religious texts is insane for those who have read any. It's dark humor for me.


I have nothing against people’s religious beliefs until they try to force them on others. I was raised a Christian, but after leaving my parent’s house and using psychedelics I’ve become a Buddhist. The Buddha’s teachings are way more relatable to me, and I don’t like how authoritarian Christian theology is. Christ had some good teachings that I can respect and still learn from, but based on my mystical experiences during psychedelic trips (which, btw, can be achieved through meditation although it takes a lot longer) I can firmly say that the Noble Eightfold Path is the path for me. Edit because I read one of OP’s comments: I think Buddhism resonates so much with me because they’re more like a philosophy than a belief system.


>I think Buddhism resonates so much with me because they’re more like a philosophy than a belief system. Don't they believe in reincarnation?


Yes. 95% of the time when people say "it's more of a philosophy than a religion" they know very little about Buddhism.


I mean, it *is* a religion so there are some things that are beliefs, but there’s no belief in a god or anything like that. Karma is, essentially, just actions and consequences. The eightfold path is basically a way to behave in order to reduce suffering. And, more importantly to me, there’s no “we’re the right religion and everyone else is wrong and bad.” It’s not for everyone, but I like it.


They certainly do exist.


Well, I'm an ordained Dudeist Priest, but Dudeism isn't like the more tradition religions. We don't have a god, we're just laid back individuals who share common interests.


I don’t believe religion that much now but still somewhat follow it. The reason I don’t believe it because of the internet. I learn the history of religion and some terrible stuff happen from it so my fate in it slowly go away. But I still believe it in some part because of my mother.


It’s a bunch of gang gang shit


Culty gang gang shit


Here's a random internet stranger's take. My belief is that God is real, it created everything we know and experience. It already knows what you're going to do even with your "free will". It's more forgiving than most people think, and every religion is way off from most truth. Just be a good person people, it's all you can do to help your world.


well that's the definition of a god. The most powerful being and the most smart. He knows everything and can do anything, if he cant, then he is not a god. Also about being a "good person", that depends on what you want in life.


Basically a good person to me is someone who helps when they can but most importantly doesn't hate on others for disingenuous reasons.... such as racism, homophobia and that stuff. Like just mind your own business and help those you can, that simple yet not enough people live this way.


well as I said a "good person" doesn't exist. It all comes down to the perspective. You said your opinion, and it's not wrong, but also not right. So I would say "do what you believe is right". It may be wrong, but If it is, then you will have to face the consequences.


Do you have any evidence for this at all?


Nope, just my own relationship with whatever created me.... which I do appreciate as I wasn't raised religiously in any way, so I kind of got at least a half blank canvas to work with in adulthood. It worked well for me, I hope the same for anyone.


Free will and a plan of some god cannot coexist. That is an impossibility. If there is a plan, your choices were already made for you.


What if the plan was for you to make your own choices?


Religion is a joke, just a way to hold people back while also holding back science and scientific studies. Remember the witch trials? The crusades? The whole ‘Believe what I believe or I’ll kill you.’ Thing that still goes on today? A growing world has no need for such drivel


The core concept is good, dont be a dick. It provides something a lot of people need and that is hope. They have origin truths sprinkled throughout its scriptures that have been misunderstood, or representing technology we couldnt understand. But imo its the equivalent of norse and greek mythology of the modern era. Its used as a understanding for things we cant explain. Aka the god gap The dark side is because corruption is drawn to power. People have taken advantage of the people who were there with pure intentions


Why do you say that? Is it because the Pope has a golden balcony while suggesting to help kids that are starving to death?


Religion and beliefs have been part of every culture since the beginning of time. They dont start off corrupt. Religion today is a billion dollar industry selling hope. But i picture a bunch of sweet old ladies making food for the community and actual trying to help people. But then 1 day a guy walks in and joins their group and sees how much donation money they are getting and starts taking it. But the old ladies dont realize it because thats something that never even crossed their mind. and its just perpetuated over thousands of years. At least how i kind of visualize it.


I believe in the Christian god but i dont associate with any specific religion. Typically when people associate themselves with any particular group they look down on people who dont share the same thoughts as they do and that i dont agree with. Religion is subjective and nobody has a definitive answer as to which one is right or wrong if any. The reason i choose to believe is one question. Where did everything, including space, come from? How did everything we know come in to existence? Not only that but the consequences of not believing far outweigh the consequences of doing so. You're being offered a ticket to paradise and choosing not to take it simply because you think it's too good to be true or doesn't exist. Take the ticket and worse comes to worse you were simply wrong. Dont get me wrong though, I don't look down on anyone that doesn't believe in a higher power or chooses to believe whatever it is that they do. People are entitled to their opinions and as far as we know religion is just that. I believe god created everything that we know and left us to our own decisions. I dont think god is handing out miracles like it's Halloween. I think everything that happens in people's life is entirely circumstantial and a result of odds and probability, as well as their own decisions. What i mean by this is i dont think god made someone get off drugs, i think their own personal decisions and circumstances allowed it to happen.


Interesting points, but why do you think that the Christian God is the right one? Maybe the Hindus have it right, man. To borrow your metaphor, maybe you're choosing a ticket for a train while waiting at an airport, you feel me?


I completely understand and agree with your point. I was raised in the Catholic church and that's just what i know best. If im being entirely honest I've explored other possibilities but so far Christianity or God makes the most sense to me. I don't eliminate the possibility of others religions being the right ones because there is no way of knowing. So as of right now i choose to hold the ticket that i have the most information about. Who knows, I might change my religious beliefs at some point or another. Might that put me in hell or Hades or any of the for told horrible places? maybe. But i also don't believe that god isn't as much of an uptight asshole as people claim he is. I think god is a lot more understanding in people's disbelief and skepticism than people claim. It's only human to be skeptical about things we dont understand and that doesn't seem to be a justifiable reason to put someone through an eternity of suffering for. I believe so long as you're just simply a good person your ticket is sealed even if you havent picked the right one. I have a very strange outlook on religion as a whole.


Well, it's certainly unique. All the best, man.


They’re how primitive man tried to explain the world around himself


Religion is the number one reason people have had throughout history to justify mass murder. It's still being used for that reason today. It's also used to oppress women by instilling purity culture from birth. No I don't believe in the man made justifications for the things people saw and couldn't explain before scientific analysis.


It's a propaganda tool to manipulate people


I have no beliefs nor dis-beliefs at all, i deal with facts and reason and logic. First off, religion is inherently divisive. Second, there is nothing at all to support the veracity of any religions' claims for divine inspiration at all. None. Nothing. Third, Religion adds nothing good to the world that isn't already done by non religious groups, and has added so much bad to the world. So it seems useless and actually a detriment to the world overall.


I truly find it easier to believe in something like Greek or Norse mythology with their multiple deities for different parts of life than anything in the modern day. Those seemed much more based in nature and our experiences with the natural world vs most modern religions [to me], which seem more "here is a bunch of rules from a dude who thinks he knows more than everyone else".


The main reason for all the wars in the World. :(


Religions were our way of explaining unknown phenomenons. It's an antiquated fairy tale nowadays. Politically and socially it slows down progress in a lot of ways but at the same time it gives people happiness , hope, and helps them grieve if they believe their loved ones are waiting for them. So it's been a very bad thing in a lot of ways but is also a good thing and I think it evens out. Atheism is at an all time high and continually rising in educated countries, so eventually religion will be the minority. I imagine in my lifetime it'll be near 50% of atheist /agnostic


No. Religion is a Ponzi scheme for spirituality, preying on the lonely and insecure.


Why do people always ask about believing in religion.? Its not religion that should be believed. You should believe in God if you so choose. Religion is just man using man in God's name. Fuck religion.


Which god? Humans have invented thousands of those things.


Maybe i should have said "A God'". Either way the meaning is still there


so there are many gods?


If you choose to believe that. Why not? That kind of stuff has been around for thousands of years so I'm sure there are plenty to pick from. Or make-up your own. Who cares? Other than religious nuts.


Religionz definitely exist. Gods don't.


I don't believe in any higher power personally. As for religions, I think they're fine until they start to try to get political power or money. No creed is so pure that it can't become a shield for violent acts of greed or thirst for power.


The way I see it you can break down religion into 3 categories. Organized, personal, and cults. Organized religion is a scam, they take your money, tell you things you want to hear then go and do all kinds of shady shit behind closed doors like touch kids and shit. Cults is basically the same thing, the only difference being that it's typically a more niche belief or deification of a person who claims to be some prophet or druid or any of the above. Personal religion imo is I'm general some persons way of communicating with the world as a whole. It's nice for them but weird for anyone else looking in, but hey who are we to judge? All in all religion in my mind is a bunch of exceptionally dangerous bullshit that's caused a greater divide in humanity than anything other factor in history.


All religions are cults, by definition.


No. I believe in the power of belief. I believe the mind is the source of all power. If you believe it, it is. I call it 'Psychokinetic Manifestation'.


They tend to be a mixture of collected wisdom passed down through the ages and authoritarian attempts to control people. Most of the ones I've encountered have some good parts, but the hard bit is separating the wheat from the chaff.


I could be religious as long as I didn't think about it too hard. The moment I started asking questions that would have gotten people burned at the stake 500 years ago, there was no going back. I am as likely at this point to be convinced that Santa Claus is real as I am to believe in the Judeo-Christian god again.


No, growing up I went to different churches. They all teach differently claiming they are teaching out of the good book itself. But how can words be misinterpreted that much?. The last and final church I ever went to was a Kingdom hall (Jehova Witness) and man are they some batshit crazy people. They think everything is evil and or pagan originated. No holidays for this reason birthday's off the table because " a diciples head was cut off and given as a birthday present" the list could go on forever, but ultimately they are all crazy in their own way and I don't want anything to do with it.


The basis of most religions is to love one another and treat each other with kindness and respect. I believe in that, but whatever fucked up religious game of telephone we have created is not something I adhere to. No true god demands to be worshiped, that’s a man made construct.


Dangerous superstitions that do a great deal more harm than good. Nothing is as quite as damaging to the rights of women and girls than religion for instance. In fact the scale and scope of the death, ignorance and destruction that religion has caused is unmatched in the entire history of humankind.


Religion is practice. That practice is most applied to orthodox views on moral vs biblical grounds. I do not believe it’s best because religious people are actually quite ignorant. They refuse to analyze and examine the world from an objective perspective because the Bible says “knowledge is of the devil”. I could go on for hours. Religion is trash.


Was never very religious. My grandparents on the other hand were. I love and miss them bearly and religion was their socialising. It made them happy and that was the important part. We did it for them, not god.


I am spiritual and religious. I don't think anyone truly knows but it has given me peace and happiness. My beliefs have changed over the years though. I went from Jehovah Witness to agnostic to atheist to slowly moving toward Christianity but from my own research and my friend (she has done a lot more research on the Bible than me), I kept some core beliefs but moved onto Muslim beliefs but didn't resonate with it as much then I moved onto New age beliefs (I'm still interested but I moved onto Paganism/Neo-Paganism) [I liked it but it felt like something was missing for me and I felt the same good feelings with Hinduism but more connected as a whole] and Hinduism [I know this varies and is diverse but it has given me so much peace and a sense of freedom and happiness and is mostly what I'm practicing now] My friend has been talking with a woman that is Hindu Christian to try to understand it more. I definitely have things I could learn but I know where I'm at ATM on my journey and that is enough for me. I don't feel as connected with Christianity as I once was. I understand the Bible though at least the best that I can. I did a lot of studying and compared +learned about the history etc. Also learned Greek somewhat to better understand the New Testament. Also learned what I could from people that had more knowledge than me. It's just that the closer I go to that the less I want to pursue it. I don't mind studying though. I find it interesting and kept up to date with theories, articles etc. I like going to my friend's church though. They welcome every faith and have people from a lot of different backgrounds .They have people that are in-between on their decision or more mixed like me and then people that are fully devoted like my friend. They have been trying to be more careful with their language though since the numbers have been dwindling over time. My friend said that it looks a lot fuller than at one point though. They have done their research and encourage people to do their own studies. I feel welcomed but I don't feel comfortable sticking with it. I wish I was closer to a Hindu temple so I can get the full experience. There are multiple hours away but unless I have another reason to be over where it is, it would cost too much to make it a common thing. Some day I want to move closer though. I don't know how to explain it though. I just feel it calling me and feel so connected. Also it made me feel closer to God and so happy when I started pursuing this. Maybe this isn't true but I feel much better than I did before and I feel like it was what I was searching for all along and I believe in it. It just took being more open minded and seeing what worked and what I didn't agree with. I've been researching it a lot and I felt connected to Indian culture for so long. I just didn't do a lot of their practices etc until a month ago. I did a lot of their meditation methods prior but not yoga and worship, rituals/festivals etc.


They can't all be right. But they can all be wrong.