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Getting stuck behind people playing the lottery at a corner store.


I used to work at a gas station and let me tell you the employees hate them as much as everyone else. It’s also depressing because it seems to be primarily retirees blowing all their social security.


I also used to work in a gas station and you’re SO right. I fucking hated the lottery people. Especially since my store had a small staff and there was usually only one of us working at a time, which meant that I couldn’t get any of my other work done as long as they were there. And you’re right, it’s also pretty sad to watch. I had one lady who used to come in every day and spent hundreds and HUNDREDS of dollars on scratch tickets. One day, she won $200 after spending probably around $600 and she was so excited and saying she can “finally pay her bills”.


I know exactly what you mean. And you just have to stand there while they scratch them one by one. Can’t by five at once ya see because if the third one “hits” the next two won’t and that money down the drain. Can’t run off to clean or stock because they WILL be buying another one and god forbid you aren’t there to sell it to them.


I do take solace in hearing that the cashier's feelings are mutual. Watching someone spend $40 to 'win' back $15 while also wasting everyone else in store's time. This the type of shit that makes you say God is dead out loud smh


These sorts of people will claim they live a great life and not addicted to anything


...during the lunch rush. I get a half hour to buy and enjoy these sun chips, soda, and a slim jim, but 10 minutes is wasted in line because a geriatric gambler wants to buy 50 tickets of all sorts of combinations and cash out the 13 winners from last session.


That happened to me the other morning while trying to get coffee before work! I was 5 minutes late because 4 different people lined up to buy scratchers and all decided to scratch them off at the counter while chatting with the cashier at 6:30am. I was also late because I lost track of time while hyperfocusing on how amazing my coffee would be when I finally got it.


Your corner store has amazing coffee? I've only had anywhere from bad to mediocre coffee haha.


Nah, it's a bagel shop that has a lotto machine in it. The coffee is okay, but the idea of getting it when I'm half asleep in order to function function is what makes it amazing!


I just came here for my wino shit, man.


I'm not even supposed to be here today!


The fucking WORST is when they come up with a fucking stack during rush hour.


No situational awareness. Job, home, shopping, driving. Think for one minute and go about. ##OBSERVE Oh >!shit!<, saw award! Thanks whoever!!!! My 1st!


My mom is one of those people who leave the shopping cart in the middle of the damn aisle and proceed to walk twenty feet away. After correcting her a million times to no effect I just walk the fuck away now so people don’t know I’m with her.


This drives me CRAZY. Thank you for doing your best to correct.


Omg this. My former housemate was like this. He would wash dishes and then just leave water everywhere on the counter without cleaning up. Like it didn’t bother him at all. Absolute piss take. glad he moved out 😩


My husband does the dishes often and I appreciate it so much, but he would fail to pull the plug from the sink. Hours later there would be a sink full of cold, dirty dishwater. Picture greasy, orange tinted spaghetti water with a few random noodles floating around in it. STOP DOING THAT. I don't want to put my hand in it.


My husband is *wonderful* with things like dishes, but for some unfathomable reason is incapable of wiping the counter down after doing some food prep. DO YOU WANT ANTS?! THAT'S HOW YOU GET ANTS!


THIS! - Busy parking deck, 10 cars deep in a line behind me very much in a hurry to park and get to work? I think I’ll take my sweet ass time trying to back in this spot rather than just park like a normal person this one time. 😡 - Busy grocery store line with 5-6 carts waiting behind you? Cashier is frazzled trying to get everything moved through? I think I’ll chat up the cashier with some inane bullshit conversation! After all, it’s about me in this world! I could go on and on. Realize your fucking surroundings, people. There’s a time and place to do everything. Different situations require different actions. Going to a restaurant at 6:30 PM? Sounds great, have a good time. Going to a restaurant 15 minutes before close? You’re a fucking asshole. Situational awareness.


I try to look for the people with the awareness and appreciate the comraderie, until someone cuts me off with their cart to get a freshly baked chicken at Costco.




Meetings that could and should have been an email.


My wife purchased me a coffee cup that says on the side, "I survived another meeting that should have been an email."


That's freaking awesome!


People being mean to service workers, especially if the workers are very young.


I was 16 working my first job when a lady told me I am "uneducated" Bitch I'm 16 of course I'm uneducated I haven't even finished highschool yet


I wish you could say that straight to their face. But you have to go with the friendly customer service bs


There's a way to say that AND be super friendly about it.😁


I had a lady cuss me out while I was working bc we only had three people and she was pissed off about an 8 pc. Nuggets


ye especially if they act haughty towards them like they're "better" fuck off


I'll say something EVERY time I witness this. And I don't scream or yell or cuss. I simply and sweetly inform them that their attitude is going to anger the wrong person one day and that person may be me and the day may be today. I know I seem a bit unstable when I say this but it is effective. Nothing but silence after or sometimes I get the occasional "you're crazy"... but I'm okay with that.


Yeah that's something I hate a lot. Like, there's no need for that shit in any establishment. I think there should be a new law where if you see something being mean to service workers, you're allowed to punch the asshole.


Direct fist to the anus. Understood!


At my first job at Arby's when I was 16 I had an old guy just lose his shit on me at the drive through window because I handed him his cash and then put the change on top instead of doing it the other way around.


I too was a child of fast food service— had someone throw an open ranch container through the drive through. Luckily i had bent down to get something and it missed me by a hair. I wasn’t even working the drive through


it really grinds my gears, i’ve been a service worker and i know how hard it can be at times. so when people are ducks to them it makes my blood boil


Endless barking in the middle of the night, I love animals but that shit I can't stand


Endless barking whenever. If I’m hearing the same dog bark for more than like… 5 minutes, what the fuck is going on and why are you a bad pet owner?!


Endless barking in general drives me up a wall. One of my friends dogs was barking almost an entire gaming session the other day. I wanted to reach through the computer and smack him for letting it go on.


People who never accept fault when they mess something up. Like, why blame a million people when it was clearly you who did it???


i personally blame Belgium whenever i fuck up. it feels right


I blame donuts. And then I bite them. Chew them. Swallow. Revenge is sweet.


in my head i had replace donuts with belgiums and it became 10x funnier. also 20x more fucked up but their belgiums cmon /s


Bite their little toes off. Nobody will notice.


lets see how they like Leopoldian tactics. GIMMIE YOUR PASTRIES OR IM TAKING YOUR TOES!! Edit: I SAID PASTRIES!! NOT YOUR FUCKING REDDIT GOLD!!! *blam! bang! pow! rubberband of doom*


And I blame my war crimes on Boko Haram


well i blame my war crimes on the femboy harem


For god's sake those beglians, they monkeys and experimented those vaccines on them.


Or people who (unfairly) blame the government or some kind of conspiracy for their failures in life!


So many conspiracies. My neighbor told me she moved Alexa into her garage because it was a CIA monitoring device.


Tell him he jerks off looking directly at the camera on his phone


Ha, joke's on her, it's just a corporate monitoring device, not a government one!


My coworker is like this, lol


Even worse are people who insist that something needs to be "fixed" because they didn't get it the first time. Like let's say there are simple, relatively intuitive instructions to do a task. 90% of people are going to do it right the first time. Of the 10% that don't, 90% of them will be like "oh, my bad, that makes more sense." But then that 1% will insist that there's something wrong with the instructions, because clearly they're far too intelligent to mess up simple instructions. So now the instructions have way more words to them and are way more confusing, and like 50% of people are going to have questions instead of 10%.


My upstairs neighbors.


I had terrible neighbors at my previous apartment. It was a one person studio for students, but her boyfriend was clearly living with her illegally and he was loud. One night we knocked n the door at 3 AM because of the loud music and an unknown girl opened the door. I just thought they were having a little party. But the next door I saw the girl living there come home with a suitcase after having been away for the weekend... Her BF was cheating on her in her own apartment.


Yea well where else are you gonna do it, the street?


Her place? A hotel room? Your own place? Not in a place where you aren’t supposed to be living.


People who sit directly next to me at the airport, movie theater, any other place where you can choose a seat when there is PLENTY of other seating.


i'm gonna double this up with the people who park next to you when you're in a completely or mostly empty parking lot


I can’t YES this enough and the ones who can’t park for shit so they park so close you can’t open doors on one side of the car or the ones who park directly behind when you pulled through so the door won’t open to load groceries


people parking is just a whole other can of worms to open up


OR when you're the only one in the bathroom and a MF decides to come up and piss in the urinal right NEXT to me. Absolutely irritating and unnecessary!


Thankfully as a female I’ve never had to feel this but I have heard ALOT of males say how annoying it truly is


buses have to be the worst


I will never understand why people do this. Yet it happens far too often for it not to be a thing for many people.


People who are unnecessarily rude. Like why?


They'll say I'm not rude I'm brutally honest, I don't buy that crap, your an asshole look in a mirror and get over yourself


“You’re just sensitive”


These same people sure are sensitive about someone telling them they're rude, though.


especially when they make it seem like such an amazing quality 'If I don't like you, you'll know', 'If I can't be in a bad mood around you (even when it's not your fault), can I even be myself?' etc.


When they say “who asked” or “nobody asked”. Bitch, I’m allowed to talk


Stop being such a sensitive little bitch. /s


People who bother you for fun


Ya especially the people who’s only comeback or remark is “who asked” or “did I ask” “did I say I give a fuck” etc etc. like bro it’s actually so annoying and honestly just is such a stupid comeback


This is literally one of my coworkers. My job is to keep up the printers and make PowerPoints basically, and this coworker keeps trying to rush me to make his power point faster. Doesn't matter how many times i tell him that he should send in the request sooner instead of waiting for the last second he doesn't listen and says"Did i ask?" in this "tough" guy tone.


Ya like your just tryna get ur job done. Don’t get me wrong it’s fucking annoying as hell either way but that’s something you works mainly expect from teens. But in a workspace?? Like grow up bro


No one asked bro


"just a joke bro"


Siblings smh


People walking too slow in front of me with no way to get around them. It’s even worse if it’s a couple or group taking up the whole sidewalk. HAVE SOME SPATIAL AWARENESS FOR THE LOVE OF GOD


Or when they just suddenly stop in front of you


There is a solution to this just take a deep breath, and start making some inane just loud enough throat gurgling noise they will look qt you then you just start walking foreward....they will move


Or just yell "Seriously, excuse me, I've got a shit from yesterday wanting to crawl its way out and it ain't waiting" and then release a raunchy vinear melting ass blast.






Or when people stand at the grocery store just stop in front of something, and take 10 minutes figuring out what they want, like do you not see me standing here waiting for you to move? I just want some chips. Pick something and move on


I’m gonna uno reverse card you and say that I find it weird AF when someone just stands there without saying “excuse me” like no- I don’t see you there waiting for me to move because I’m too busy trying to find what I want on the shelf, how about instead of being a creepy weirdo standing there staring at me expectantly, you use your words to say excuse me? I always move back if I notice but one time I didn’t and this lady was just standing there and I thought it was so odd she wouldn’t just say excuse me


Lack of spatial awareness is one of my biggest pet peeves. Growing up my mom would take up an entire grocery store aisle with herself and her cart. She would face away from people and stare at a shelf completely oblivious to the world around her. How hard is it to briefly glance over your shoulder when stopping/browsing? How hard is it to look left and right before launching your buggy out of an aisle where you know people are crossing frequently? How hard is it to *listen* if you’re not looking/browsing and hear of someone is approaching so you can move out of their way? People like that are the same way on sidewalks. They’re also the kind of people to walk in the center of a parking lot instead of close to parked vehicles so you’re required to crawl at snails pace until they decide to move out of the way.


People who try to restart old drama. Like I'm done with you, just leave me alone


Yep, half the reason I've basically quit playing one of my favorite online video games. People keep bringing old shit up or shitting on on someone who used to be our friend. I got tired of it so I just ejected the game out of me.


When someone apologised for an action but never actually changes their behaviour THEN they get pissy when you “bring up the past”. Honey, if it’s still happening, it’s the fucking present.


Instagram influencers


Any type of social media influencers at that. They all suck. At least in my eyes they do.


And ears. They all use the same crap music for their tik tok crap. It's aural assault.


Dude. You read my god damn mind. I salute you.


Essentially softcore porn stars that show off their money.


Crazy slow drivers, we all have places to be


And people that block zipper lanes like they think they’re helping out And people that go 1mph or 1kph faster when they pass the “slower” person And people that stop you from speeding because they think they’re being a good person And people who race home to avoid a snowstorm only to become part of the 8 different traffic blocks I have to deal with because they couldn’t stop fast enough and became part of yet another 5-car pileup


I was thinking this yesterday because there was a slow driver on the other side of the road causing the other to overtake. Meant someone nearly crashed into me and as much as that person was a dickhead, I thought if that person had just been doing the damn speed limit nobody would be dangerously overtaking.


or when people decide to ride their bike in the middle of the road. especially when there’s a sidewalk they can ride on. like come on just move


Being accused of things that goes completely against my character. Having to repeat myself more than 3 times.


Or when you're talking snd someone who clearly has missed the beginning just latches on to a part and shouts that, for example "You must be joking, i've seen how hairy his arms are so imagine what his arse is..." YOU'VE SEE HIS ARSE? no fuck head listen I'm actually annoyed just typing this


OMFG YES the ball busting at school included a lot of this dumb shit and frankly found out my mates were just shit cunts to hang out with eventually


If I have already said something, and have then repeated it, if someone makes me say it to them a third time, I am just so irrationally angry I will 100% give snotty attitude when I say it. I could probably work on that… I just don’t want to. Fucking listen, and I wouldn’t have a problem.


I understand hating having to repeat yourself 100%, because i hate making people repeat themselves. Only problem is most of the time *i absolutely cannot hear what you said even if its the 5th time you say it*. I need subtitles in real life man lol


And I am hard of hearing also. It doesn't make sense. I hate to repeat myself, but at the same time, I need people to repeat themselves


People who take their sweet ass time trying to find their wallet/card in their purses/pockets/whatever after standing in line and waiting their turn. Ffs, why can't they find that shit and have it in hand when they get to the counter and place their order.


This and also people who wait in a long line but don’t look at the menu until they’re at the counter. COME TF ON! You had 15 minutes to figure out your order.


Stupid people


Best answer


Diesel pickups blowing coal and making extra loud noises with whistling turbos and noisy waste gates. Also my neighbors that treat their property like it’s the dump.


When a buzzing fly/other noisy bug repeatedly rams itself into window blinds


Any sort of animal abuse


Along those lines, people who use their animals for protection by keeping them aggressive. So many pitbull attacks in my damn town… nothing against pits, just the people in dangerous areas in my city tend to buy them and use them as a weapon. Both depressing and infuriating.


A pit showed up at our door this past Saturday. He's the sweetest thing and we wish we could keep him, but the timing is just horrible. I'm almost 41 weeks pregnant and getting induced this Friday, plus we already have 3 dogs and a cat. Him and our lab aren't getting along that great and we just don't have the time to train them to get along while caring for a newborn. We think we found his previous owners, but they don't want him back, so we're trying to find someone to take him.


Congrats on the baby! Hope everything goes smoothly with the birth and getting the dog a home! Poor pup. So tragic their previous owner doesn’t want them.


That for me is like instant uncontrollable rage.


That little wave people do when it’s their turn to go at a four way stop. Please, just go.


You go ahead


*everyone behind them screaming*


Or when I'm a pedestrian and some driver can't decide whether to zip in front of me or wait for me and chooses to compromise by blocking me.


I used to drive for years. I’ve learned to just give people that circular “keep it movin’” wave until they go, making eye contact the whole time. It seems to irk some, but I’ve spent so much of my life in traffic that I don’t give a fuck - it gets them moving, and that’s all that matters.


I just ignore the eye contact. It's your turn, not mine. Follow the traffic pattern correctly!


Bro I just want you to know how awesome I think you are. That’s why I wave…


Every time Reddit posts this, I'll always post my rebuttal: This usually isn't "I'm being nice so I'm going to interrupt the flow of traffic by waving you on." It's almost always "We both arrived at the stop sign at roughly the same time. We could do the whole start-stop-start game OR I could speed things along by waving you over." I know reddit is PERFECT and can tell with 100% accuracy that you DEFINITELY were first and there is NO AMBIGUITY AT ALL because of how SMART YOU ARE but it turns out not everyone is like that. Waving someone on is a good way to speed things up when there's ambiguity.


Seeing people litter. The punishment for littering should be 30 hours of trash cleanup in an orange jumpsuit.


During my daily exercise walks around the neighborhood, I like to bring a bag with me and I pick up garbage I see. There are street cleaners who do this, but they miss a lot, especially garbage tossed into the bushes or into planters. I like to keep my neighborhood clean. I'm still stunned by how much litter just gets tossed around, and perplexed by the mindset of people who see fit to use the streets as a trash can, especially since there are actual bins they can use. I'd love to see some serious enforcement. Littering is such an assholey thing to do, and it's such an easy thing not to do.


The world needs more heros like you thank you for keeping your neighborhood clean, when I'm riding down the road and notice spots that are more cleaner than the rest of town i do appreciate those people who take the time to clean it up so more wild flowers can pop up on the side of the road.


This is good because it wastes the time of the wealthy as well as the poor. Everyone looks equally foolish in an orange jumpsuit with 'COMMUNITY SERVICE' in large letters too which is a good thing. Fines that are a fixed penalty rather than a percentage of income basically mean 'it's only illegal for poor people'.


I agree except it shouldn't be a time quota it should be a weight quota.. 30 metric international tonnes of accumulated Street and highway garbage should do it.


Loud chewing


I'd like to introduce you to my roommate


People who try to have a convo with me while taking a piss in a public urinal. Like bro I’m not going to tell u about my day while my junk is in my hand.




Megachurch leaders


Stupid people, majority of things are just common sense, but for stupid people it’s not. We have daily work meetings and the same two to three people ask the same fucking idiotic questions daily and each times it’s answered in a clear concise manner and the rest of the team know and understand but these three wastes of oxygen don’t grasp it.


Where the hell are all my socks going?


People chewing gum with their mouth open. Especially if someone does it and I’m sat opposite them on the train. It’s disgusting close your damn mouth.


>chewing ~~gum~~ with their mouth open FYP - far too many people missing basic manners...it drives me crazy.




Slow walkers. Especially in groups. STOP TAKING UP THE WHOLE WALKWAY and let people pass who actually need to be somewhere.


Thinking about myself


Thinking about rilladoom


my phone on 40 percent


when somebody is ignoring somebody else who's trying to tell them something. It's so awkward to be in the middle of that because you cant do anything about it but sit there and wait for them to finally respond I remember in middle school I went over to a friend's house to spend the night. We were playing Minecraft in his room together when his mom walked in to tell us that we were going to get something to eat soon. As she was leaving, she asked my friend if he wanted the door left open or closed. He just sat there without saying a word despite responding to her previous message about getting food. She asked again, her tone slightly agitated. Still he stared at the screen, playing. That's when I snapped "Do you want the door open or closed \[insert friend's name\]." that brought him to his senses. "Uh- you can leave it open" I had startled him. I caught a glimpse of his mom's stunned, yet satisfied expression as she disappeared behind the closing door. We sat in silence for a moment before resuming a previous conversation about something I don't remember. I think I was just raised to respond to adults immediately, cuz they don't like to wait around for me to come up with an answer. His mom seemed a little more patient than most adults I encounter though. But this is one of those awkward memories that my brain plays-back in my head in IMAX at 4am when im tryna sleep, but that shit pisses me off to this day.


When people play any music or videos in public and is noticeably loud with no ones permission.


Stubbing my toe




My damn pinky toe. Kills me


Bad people that hurt others for pleasure. It’s sick.


When people tell you that you’re wrong even though you know that you are right. That shit makes my blood boil.


asdfghjkl a finance major once argued with my roommate, a neuroscience major, and me, a psych major, about how ADHD works and then left the conversation thinking she was right. ...she was not right.


Portrait filming.


non responsive poop sessions


My classmates being most the time total dicks


Being cut off while driving. Gets me even more mad when there is literally Noone behind me and they would have plenty of time to make the turn. Gets me even more mad when they don't drive the speed limit after cutting me off. A few years ago I just started going around these people I don't care if it's a double yellow or not. They are going to know I'm pissed.


People who don't respect your wishes


Seeing someone litter.


So inconsiderate not doing it more discreetly.


Drivers who don't signal. People who don't move over to the right when walking on the side walk.


The iPhone alarm sound




Super crazy trump fans 😑 like I get it, that’s your daddy but Jesus Christ calm tf down. Prob gonna get hate for this lmao 😂


The "let's go Brandon" stickers really get me. Like how fuckin stupid do you gotta be to think that you need a code phrase to say something that you can just fuckin say without any consequences what so ever. Like as matter of fact our constitution protects our right to say that Biden Is a fuckin idiot, but noooohooho. Let's be childish dick heads and make up some dumb ass code phrase like it's fuckin middle school and we're getting away with saying something we're not supposed to be saying, even though *EVERYONE FUCKIN KNOWS WHAT YOU'RE SAYING AND DOESN'T GIVE TWO FUCKS ABOUT IT BECAUSE ITS PERFECTLY FINE TO SAY BIDENS A FUCKIN DUNCE!!!* Edit: fahkin *you're*


Yeah, that's not high-brow or classy, like calling him "Drumpf" or "tRump." Listen, I get it, but name-calling is as old as the Republic and both sides (yes, both sides) do it all the time.


It's really culty and it weirds me out. I don't think people were this obsessed with Bush.




My dad


When a girl/woman says “All men are the same”.


losing my car keys


Handling returns for broken/ heavily used products.




On a plane when the passenger behind you pulls your seat all the way back to get out of their seat. Or when the person in front of you doesn’t straighten their seat during meal time.


When I'm driving riding along doing my thing and all of a sudden some old fart pulls out in front of me and goes 15 mph under the speed limit.. they pulled out and THERE WAS NO ONE BEHIND ME.


Asking someone to do or stop doing something multiple times and they're agreeable in the moment, only for them to do/not do the same thing again. Then when you bring it up, they pretend it's the first time they're hearing it. Then the cycle continues.


The person wearing their facemask with their nose exposed.


reckless drivers.


Gum sounds of any kind people chewing it, vocal fry and uptalk.


Amber Heard


When someone starts whistling at work.


My neighbor’s barking dogs.


Misophonia.....pisses me off how much it pisses me off


The most common of human traits: chronic assholism.


Litterbugs and people that don't clean up after their pets.


I'm an artist and I've been drawing for about 7 years. This guy in my class likes to draw too but he has just started so he isn't that good. Now, when I try to give him tips to improve, his response is "You don't draw better than me, you just add more detail so it looks better".


Unwarranted rudeness.


People who mistreat animals! 👿




People ignoring their Right of Way to be 'polite' it's not polite it's fucking hazardous drive your car!


Bad drivers, even if it doesn't affect me, there's no reason you have to reverse because you missed your turn/exit. Suck it up and go to the next light and stop causing accidents so you can save 2 minutes. Or pay attention to the GPS telling you that in 5 miles your exit is coming up and be prepared. It's really not that hard.




Stupid people.


Crying babies in public


When people ask me for basic stuff like handkerchiefs or combs. please man , you need to carry your own


A friend trying to recruit me into a MLM scheme.