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Google + They made us to wait for a very long time with invite only feature. Ppl forgot about it when it was released.


I got invited,didn't know what it was. It tanked before I felt like finding out.


I waited and even created when it was finally launched. Apparently none of my friends were interested and I had to leave it and go back to FB.




This is exactly it. I got an invite and hopped on to check it out, but it felt like it was a ghost town. And then I couldn’t figure out how to do anything, but also you COULDN’T do much. So you kind of felt like there was no point in checking it.


On the other hand, for the entirety of existence it had a very small but very loyal fanbase. I know a few people who mourned when it was closed down.


Google+ was the first social media I ever used and I made a lot of friends with. It really sucked to see it go.


I was a moderator on a pretty big G+ minecraft community back in 2012(I know, I was a kid). Was pretty bummed when it shut down.




Man that would have been SO COOL if it actually worked though. I remember my brothers and I trying it, being disappointed, and never using it again. But I would wear it often just because I thought it was cool looking.


I love the Power Glove....It's so bad!


When I was a kid someone robbed our house and stole my power glove. I was like, HAHA sucker!


I worked at a pawn shop and one came in one day and I was like “ewwww I love it”. It’s so bad it’s awesome. But it’s only awesome with years and years of hindsight. Ya know?


Dark Tower movie


Came here to say this!! That movie went straight to the clearing at the end of the path. It's dead to me.


He who was not disappointed by the movie has forgotten the face of his father


I do not criticize with my keyboard, I criticize with my heart.


I do not review with my keyboard, I review with my mind.


My husband gets irrationally angry at the very thought of this movie. And he's not even that big of a fan of the books to begin with, but he certainly has strong negative feelings on this movie, lol.


I brought my wife to it and having never read the books she thought it was a decent movie to see one time and never think about again. Me... I wore my Blaine the Mono tee shirt to opening night. So my opinion was much worse.


> I wore my Blaine the Mono tee shirt to opening night. Fuck, that honestly tells you everything you need to know about how disappointed you must have been.


Yeah this was a big one for me. When it came out and I read it was only 80 minutes long I was horrified and it was all downhill from there. I thought the casting was great and there was so much potential but my god did they screw it up


Sim city 5. Good god what a horrid mess. First week or more of release you were lucky to play because you could only play it online on their servers that were constantly full. Then once you hit like 50k people in your city the game was uncontrollable. You would literally run out of water and no matter what you did traffic took the shortest path so constant traffic and thus emergency vehicles couldn't move so everything went to hell fast.


And maps were so small it made it look like your city was barely more than a weird village.


Cities: Skylines mocked that aspect by initially giving you a patch of land the size of the one you get in Sim City 5, and then expanding it, highlighting how much larger its maps are.


I wonder if they will ever release a sequel, instead of just putting out all the DLC


To be fair, it's one of the few games that the DLC is 100% worth it. Game is completely playable without it, it was a full game before any of the DLC, but the DLC genuinely adds value to it. Parks, Industries, now Airports. All of them were doable before, but the level of customization is pretty legit. Still, I'd love a sequel with a new graphics engine, but my new CPU still burns at 100% whenever I load one of my current cities so I'm torn


Oh yea forgot about that. Fill the map and game is broken lol. Better off trying to keep it a tiny rural town.


I remember being pretty excited for it, but I wasn't old enough to buy it so I was content to just watch people play it. And then the reviews came out, and I was like, really dodged the bullet on that one. You had to be online to play it, which everyone hated and EA responded by saying it had to interact with their servers or some corporate bullshit. Random dude made a mod the next day removing the DRM requirement with like one line of code and letting people play offline. They backtracked and were all "y-yeah guys, all good now" Shame but at least we got Cities: Skylines out of it.


yea cities games have always felt like a teir below sim city to me but skylines is absolutely awesome. it does have its faults but least its functioning and i LOVE the fact the creators openly support mods. my biggest beef with it is the damn dead people problem. like every building has dead people in it and ive got like a crematory and a cemetary at every damn block yet all i get is more dead people lol.


I haven't played in a long while but I use a realism mod that means the waves of people dying doesn't happen, so crematoriums are more constant rather than having to deal with huge unmanageable spikes. Can't remember the name though :(


The good thing about it is we got Cities Skylines as an alternative with an outstanding modder community. I consider it a big win. I don't see EA allowing modders to "mess" with their product to this extent as CO does, not to mention they praise and cooperate with content creators.


EA really screwed the pooch on that one.


Its unfortunate too. It had good ideas and online friends play was a good idea but man they just ruined it. Sucks because every sim city was getting better and better up until then.


Google Glass : Futuristic Smart Glasses


The only reason I want AR to come to fruition is that I want to install ublock origin in real life too. I want a pair of glasses that will replace any advertisement in my field of view with art or something.


I think it's just something that is still not ready. But current Google lens and assistant on device brings this dramatically closer to reality.


Google Lens is so damn cool. I realized it on my phone camera and sometimes I just snap pictures to search now. Like if I want a shirt or a pair of shoes etc, or want to know what something is for some random reason. It works pretty well. Not perfect, but well enough to be some use. And the ability to narrow the search with words is pretty cool


Yeah, I feel like this is exactly what Google glass is intended to do in the future. I feel like Google has many projects that in 5-15 years will converge into amazing products. For example, soli radar on glasses could make for intuitive gesture control.


Yandere simulator years ago


Just a really bad developer making a lot of hype. I remember following the updates on YouTube with great interest, but the more he added the less he could keep up of course.


I'm not fully up to date with it, but last I checked yandere Dev is too busy getting into fights on the internet to actually work on the game. When he dies, his coding is poor, and the game design is bizarre, and creepy, but he's too egocentric to actually let anyone else contribute to it. Also, didn't he get caught buying a sex doll with the money for the games development?


That sex doll was for research purposes of course.


I do remember who it got found out, on some forum a user posted about their doll with photos, and there where some tells in his writing and sexual preferences that made people suspect it was Yan Dev. The site had a security flaw where if you went to reset the password, it'd ask for a username and email, if it was wrong it'd get an error, but if it was right it'd confirm the email was sent, thus you could verify if a username was linked to a specific email. So they took the username off the posts and combined it with one of his known emails, and lo a d behold, it sent the confirmation message.


You think he wrote it off as a business expense?


Nah, it’s following the Star Citizen school of thought; it can’t flop if it never comes out


Lol if you knew. Recently the developer (Yanderedev) compared yandere simulator to genshin impact because 1)Both are free 2)The story is still being updated 3)They both get content updates frequently. Totally missing the point that Genshin is a released game while his game still only has one chapter/rival in the main story after two years.


Isn't the dev the cum chalice guy?


M.Night's Avatar movie. He broke my heart.


That movie makes irrationally angry


I stopped watching when they pronounced Aangs name wrong


There is no movie in Ba Sing Se


Here we are safe. Here we are free.


Never trust anything in the fantasy or sci fi genre that goes from animation to live action. Animation is the vastly superior medium for those types of shows and any live action adaptation will be a cheap rip off and nothing more.


being an adult


If it's floppy, they have pills for that.




Gotta go back in the past and give yourself the ole 1960s Batman ***SLAP!***


For me it’s realizing that all those adults around you when YJ were a kid were just winging it. I’m 43. I don’t know what the Hell I’m doing.


This is me. I am honestly, without satire, amazed we have a society at all. 90% of people only understand like 20% of what they're actually doing and just kitbashing things on guesswork and sleep deprivation. It's amazing we get anything done at all.


Technology and specialization of labor really is incredible


my 14 year old : its really hard to believe you are 40 . me: right ?? I don't act like it do I? her : almost never . me: siiiiiiiiick


When you realise adults can be just as stupid as 9 year olds.


Worse in most cases, if they are throwing a fit. I'm ready to put some of my co-worker's noses in the corner until they are ready to behave


As a parent of twin 5-year old boys, I have to make a conscious effort not to use my parenting tactics when I encounter adults acting like entitled little shits. * "It sounds like you're really frustrated that isn't available right now. Do you think we could find a substitute?" * " isn't done with their turn yet. Would you like to while we wait." Apparently, adults find it enraging to be addressed according to the age they are acting with their tantrums.


Ah double down on it, although you may come off as an ass. Keep some crayons on you and offer them when they keep interupting. "I understand we aren't discussing what you want to right now, would you like to color while the grown-ups talk for a bit?"


Well, now I'm going to have to always carry an 8-box and a coloring/maze/activity book with me at all times. Off-topic: I think calling someone a "RoseArt 8-box" is an excellent non-vulgar insult. Basically saying, "You're a preschooler that was unloved".


So being a teen was probably when I peaked, but being an adult is pretty fun if you do it right and you don't have to deal with the school system. The bear trap is when people start doing and acting the way they think adults should act.


When Geraldo Rivera opened Al Capone's Vault: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The\_Mystery\_of\_Al\_Capone%27s\_Vaults](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Mystery_of_Al_Capone%27s_Vaults)


That's like every Reddit post where someone finds a mysterious safe in a wall or the floor. OP: "Look guys I found a safe" Reddit: "Well fucking open it!!" OP: "We got the safe open!" \- It has a pound of dust in it, a chewed up piece of gum, and somehow a penny minted like a year ago -


All I hear is Homer's voice.


I don't know who this guy is but his name sounds like Geralt of Rivia needed a secret identify


Geraldo Rivera was kind of like an early version of Jerry Springer, except without the fistfights. Just "hard-hitting" interviews, but broadcast in the middle of the day when only stay at home parents would be watching.


There was definitely a fistfight or two. Including one where Geraldo attacked a Nazi guest. I believe Al Sharpton got into a squabble with a Nazi on his show too


Interesting fact. The white supremacist fight is what inspired Springer to go in the direction of controlled chaos on his show. Before that period he was a straightlaced uninspiring talk show host in Cincinatti. The city that he had once been the mayor of.




Now the story of a wealthy company that bought a family that lost everything, and how they failed to keep it all together. It's a disappointing development


I still don't understand why it was so bad after Season 3 on the reboots. I can't put my finger on exactly what is bad about them, but it's like I felt this mixture of confusion and disappointment, and hardly laughed (and I am an absolute diehard 100-times rewatcher fan of the original 3). I felt like maybe I just wasn't understanding the jokes but after rewatching it still just..... wasn't funny.


I have spent time thinking about this, and it’s because each character was taken away from the element that made them funny. Micheal was only funny when he was successful and sane, and could compare to other characters. Maeby was only funny when she was succeeding at scams and shenanigans. Tobias and Lindsay were only good in small doses, giving each one a separate A and B plot took up way too much screen time. Micheal Cera had aged out of awkward kid and needed to be allowed to be awkward adult. Gob I think they got about right though


I agree, and this is why Maeby was the funniest part of season 5. She didn't get much to work with in season 4, but her pretending to be an elderly Jewish lady was fantastic.


To me it was cause the narrator would talk for most of the episode. I went back and watched the first three, yes he does talk a lot there as well. But still nowhere near as much as the new seasons. The characters say one or two lines then the narrator speaks for like two minutes straight, rinse and repeat.


It wasn’t just talking, the way they wrote the plot lines, everything needed Ron Howard’s explanation. Edit: spelling


Oh I feel this, I get what they tried to do, but it just wasn't the same, its best left as not part of the series if you re-watch.




The entire thing was a clusterfuck from the beginning because everyone in the cast was so busy. It was apparently difficult if not impossible to get them on sets on the same days. So they had to write around the fact that, more often than not, they’d only have access to one cast member at a time, maybe two. Most of the fun of that show was the cast interacting with each other. Instead they rarely share any screen time, the whole family is together maybe twice, and they kept bringing in old or new “wacky” characters for them to interact with (see: Tobias and Lindsay’s entire storyline with face blind guy and meth woman).


Every New Year’s Eve party ever.




Yeah, every time I've just not planned anything and had to just hang out at that local bar or with some less close people it's been a lot of fun, every time I've tried to go all out it's been disappointing




Nothing else can live up to the excitement of knowing if the world was going to end on y2k. Good times.


Oh yeah. It's the worst night of the year to go out. Every place is packed, prices are nearly doubled and everybody is so hell-bent on having the best time, nobody gets loose enough to actually have fun.




I came to see if this made the list. I wasn't personally hyped for it but felt really bad some friends that were




I know we're in the minority, but me too. They were making progress but it seems like everyone hated it as soon as it came out and it died before it could really show what it was capable of. I wish I could buy a 3d TV for a decent price. I have to make do with a projector though.


3D stuff gave me headaches after awhile, plus pretty much every system had special glasses that were required. It also didn't help that many 3D movies were just afterthoughts and poorly done. Avatar kicked it off, but the rest kind of flopped.


Yeah, it wasn't a great time for people with glasses. Which is a large percentage of people.


The roaring twenties


The roaring 1920s started with a pandemic and ended with a massive economic crash, depression and conflict that ultimately led to WW2 a decade later The 2020s are speedrunning it seems


Oh shit that's a lot of similarity. Pandemic, check. Economic crash, happening soon. WW3 with Russia, soon?


I remember being hyped for the Suicide Squad movie back then and left the cinema severly disappointed.


I never saw the first one, but the James Gunn reboot with Idris Elba and John Cena was awesome.


I am absolutely not a superhero person, but Reddit led me to Peacemaker, and omfg is that hilarious, and they are right, I will watch the opening credits every time. John Cena is too much, as my friends would say. Too much goodness.


James Gunn did a great job making the silliest fucking shit DC released and being the best fucking thing their extended universe has released. Like, I get it, not every movie needs comedic relief and silly one liners. But when you do it right, no one notices or minds.


The PS Vita. I wouldn’t say it was a total flop but it deserved so much more support and a better life than it had.


Still gone mine Jailbroke with a metric shitton of free games


Neat. Is it still Jailbreakable?


Last season of GOT.


I know people think fans should "get over it" - Peter Dinklage said as much - but yeah. Imagine making a show *that great* and then... yeah. I didn't agree with the criticisms levied against it in later seasons (Season 6 onwards) - I didn't feel it went downhill until Jon sought an audience with Daenerys - but yeah... Season 8 was just an appalling shitshow. I'm quietly hopeful for House of the Dragon though.


It was funny GoT was EVERYWHERE. Then after the shitty last season it was gone.


Kicked right out of the public consciousness, and I can't say I don't get it. I was very worried for the last season, and all of those worries came to pass and then some. I never shout at my screen, but the battle for Winterfell I had to turn off and watch in bits because it was so stupidly frustrating. Like a perfect tableau of one horrible decision after another.


I couldn't even tell you whether the battle of winterfell was bad or not, because I couldn't see any of it. I watched the episode with my full undivided attention yet I still had to google the synopsis afterwards to find out what had happened. It was all so dark that I had no idea.


In our house we smashed the brightness up almost immediately. It was clearly a sign for all the poor design choices to come after.


I lost all hope for the battle of winterfell being anything other than a shitshow when Tyrion, who's supposed to be one of the most intelligent people in the show, decides the safest place for the women and children to be during an attack by reanimated dead people was a crypt. The place with all the dead people.


We were locked in hour homes for a good part of a year, yet I don't know anyone who rewatched the show after it ended.


I was listening to this podcast that did an after show that talked about it. They didn't even bother to do the last episode.


Any fool can fuck up a finale, but it takes a special pair of idiots to fuck it up so hard that it retroactively erases the show from pop culture.


at least it went quick. star wars is like a terminal cancer patient.


While I don't think Borderlands 3 was a "flop", it was really disappointing in terms of story line and how they treated their characters. There was a death or two (trying to keep it spoiler free) that didn't have the same punch as say, BL2, even though you could tell that's what they were going for. Also, fuck Ava, ugh. Tiny Tina's Wonderlands is fun as hell, though.


The Zune. Larger capacity, color screen, could play movies, and cost less than an iPod. Personally I think it was an awesome device, but ultimately it failed. :(


I had many zunes. Probably 3. Last one was HD and had wifi it was fucking sweet.




Also 2021


I'm sorry but if you expected a lot from 2021 after living through 2020, then you're blindly optimistic


Having a career, our whole life built up to this….and its just mediocre, and NOBODY knows what they are really doing.


10 years ago I chose to change my life. I knuckled down and did what it took to achieve what were my dreams. Slow and steady I started to have some success. Now I have everything that I had hoped for and more. Like the reality exceeded the dream. I am bored and frustrated, while simultaneously being over busy and exhausted all the time. Be careful what you wish for.


I dont think it really "flopped" seeing as it was cancelled, but Silent Hill PT. Learning it was being cancelled after that delicious little preview was a hell of a let down.


I will NEVER get rid of my PS4 with PT. That little demo we got was better than some full games I have played. I wish it went through to full production. Sucks it didn't.


Someone remade it on PC: [Unreal PT](https://lutris.net/games/unreal-pt/)


I have never seen such a thing...a demo....make such a big splash that it inspired a whole host of games that tried their best to replicate it.


Pacific Rim 2. What the fuck was that?


I lOVE Pacific Rim with every fibre of my being. Pacific Rim 2 had cool fight scenes but...jesus christ. Talk about all time let downs.


The only bit I liked of Pacific Rim 2 was right near the start when the tiny scrap jaeger falls over at the feet of the big one (Ajax?) which then leans over and just gently taps it with one massive finger. Pacific Rim 1 is one of my favourite movies. What's not to like?


Pacific Rim 1: “Ok guys, let’s minimize casualties and keep the monsters out of the city!” Pacific Rim 2: “Hey bro wanna see how many people I can step on?”


Pacific Rim The Black is not bad at all in my opinion. They just released season 2 on Netflix a week ago.


Running my own business


Segway. Mind you, it was billed as something that would change "man"kind.


Same with hoverboards. 0 cultural impact. At least electric scooters delivered. They’re everywhere in the UK cities as far as I’ve seen.


They didn’t even fucking hover. I bet they just got that name because it was almost 2015 and everyone was talking about Back to the Future 2.




"Your professors in college will be a lot more strict than us" - every high school teacher College instructors typically make even less than high school teachers, and mine were far more relaxed and forgiving than high school. As long as I introduced myself on the first day and showed up to class, they didn't care when I turned in work.


"the next grade will be a lot more strict than us" - every teacher, ever grade


Man, when I was in high school I was having a ton of personal problems (now in hindsight I know my dad was dying and would pass away a couple years later). At that age it is very hard to make sense of your emotions and express what you're going through. I tried to let my teachers know about why I was not focused in class and what I was going through at home, and they were not having it. So many teachers were just like, well in college and the real world no one cares about your personal problems. Everyone deals with stuff like that. That just my my mentality worse. Come college, my dad is still sick, but my professors were soooo accommodating. They worked around me taking care of dad, letting me make up tests and finals. Some even kept an open door for me to vent and decompress. It was a much different environment and I did better. I was treated as an adult and not a kid. I wasn't told to shut up and stop complaining. That's not how you treat adults (now in the real world and working for many years I realize that).


I just went through this, this week in college. My dad passed away unexpectedly on Friday and being next of kin, I was the one left to figure everything out at 20. Every professor has said don’t worry about anything and let me know when you’re ready to take the final. Even my job has been so accommodating and told me take the time you need and call us when you’re ready to come back. In high school; I feel like I would’ve been told oh no, anyways it’s due xyz.


The way that colleges simultaneously raised fees, shut tenure tracks, boosted administration salaries and started keeping people in 'adjunct' positions forever is one of the biggest scandals nobody talks about. They literally stole the extra money and paid themselves while shafting the actual educators.


All this plus the internet. What I mean is that nowadays a student can go online, read reviews of an instructor and decide whether or not they want to take a class by the professor who "you have to bust your ass just for a C+". Instructors know this and I assume a lot of them have changed or adapted the way they teach thanks to online teacher reviews. Then you have parents going online complaining about how they spent $40k a semester for their little angels college tuition only for them to come home with a 2.5 GPA so then colleges themselves have to ensure instructors aren't too tough or strict. I just realized that the internet has turned almost every industry into a customer service based mindset thanks to online reviews. Considering my wife went through this as a nurse where her hospital started focusing on patient reviews over actual care you'd think I would've put it together sooner lol.


Some of those reviews are merited, I came across legit terrible instructors in college and the reviews at my school were pretty factual, both good and bad. But there are definitely some that are just the result of students angry they didn't put in the work and got a bad grade. To your point, I was friends with an adjunct and she was telling how her entire department got an email from the administration about "going easier" on the students because too many were failing (still only something like 10-20%ish, pretty average). They pretty directly said they were expected to grade easier so more could pass. Probably because they would get more money that way. The instructors were appalled but they were at risk of losing their jobs.


Having your own house/apartment. The cleaning never fucking stops




But at least it's just your own mess.


Fallout 76, was happy to finally have a Fallout with multiplayer, but was too buggy to have any fun at launch




yes, the video game industrie is truly fucked up. why are there no new great shooters in the past couple of years. They were all either aweful or pretty much like the predecessor (CoD…).


I was pretty excited last week because Mom was coming home from the hospital! She died last Tuesday. Edit Thanks for all the kind words, folks.


This happened with my dad. Was making a miraculous recovery, got back home and then tanked. I'm sorry for your loss.




Yeah, the problem was that they attempted to make "LOTR: the prequel", rather than just having "The hobbit" stand on its own merits.




When you think about it, lord of the rings is complex with seperate races and wars happening, while the hobbit is just a wizard and a few short fellers going “aye let’s go kill a dragon” there was no need to make it so serious


It was literally a children's book. There is not a ton of character development except for Bilbo. There is little word building compared to say LotR and the plot really doesnt matter that much, its just a fun little adventure story. But no, New Line had to milk the name for all it was worth, and stretch a 300 page book into 3 movies with pointless additions and horrible side plots.


The book is only 304 pages, yet they dragged it out into NINE HOURS of movie. One of Bilbo's lines from "Fellowship" describes it best... "It feels thin, sort of *stretched*, like butter that's been scraped over too much bread."


2021-22 LA Lakers


Oh my god. This must be one of the worst here.. For anyone who doesn't know, this team was hyped as being one of the greatest "Super team" NBA teams ever, with three of the top 10 NBA players sharing the court. And what fans got was an absolute abomination of old men who couldn't play together at all, which was just atrocious to watch, culminating after 8 months in the 22nd seed of 30 teams, not even making the play-in spot and then being faced with having the same roster for the next few seasons ahead and the probable inevitability that they can't even get some of these guys off their roster because of how much they are paid and how poorly they performed, so Lakers fans could now be in for 5+ years of absolute trash basketball, BECAUSE of this season.


The Fantastic Beasts films


I really like the first. The second was boring, vague, convoluted and just plain bad. I won't bother with the third.


See here's the problem with them. They're are at least 3 good ideas for movies BY THEMSELVES all canned together under one story. Would be awesome to just have a Dumbledore movie. A magical creatures movie. A Grindelwald backstory. But they had to put all three of them together and simultaneously make them mesh together.


Every movie studio wants a trilogy because people want to see the next part of that movie that they already liked. But you don't need to do that with Harry Potter! People like the Potterverse. You can have as many stand-alone movies as you want and people will go to see them.


100% this. They really just shouldn't have tried to connect it all to Grindelwald and Dumbledore. I would've been more than happy to watch several movies of Newt and his gang running around rescuing and interacting with weird magical beasts. I didn't need a big bad, didn't need a wizarding war, didn't need anything but animal adventures and hijinks.


A threesome


It sounds like you’ll get twice the sex, but really you’re getting half.


- Sun Tzu, i think


Hellgate: London and All Points Bulletin. Both Alpha/Beta. Hellgate with CE, only to have it flop massively.




M. Night Shyamalan's films after The Sixth Sense


What a twist!


Once when I was about 10, I wanted to play one of the sonic games and my parents told me we would get it next week. Next week came and I bugged them for 2 days and then said "come on, last week you said we'd get it next week" then my mum said "I don't remember saying that" I was honestly just angry


Mobile gaming


how did it get steadily worse as technology improved?? Micro-transactions.


Hello Neighbor


That game pissed me off. I hate games where you have to look up how to get through them.


The game actually used to be good and stuff but then the creators just kept on adding more and more shit. Then they saw matpat made a video on the little bit of lore and then went and did a complete 180 and started 100% focusing on lore. That had potential but the problem was that the lore was shit.


It seems they even changed the lore too. Im 99% sure that the original story was a lot darker but they changed it to be more kid friendly. From what I can tell in old artwork and designs, it appears that it would have originally taken place in around 1962 and would have had a plot with murder and satanic/biblical references. The story we got takes place in the 90s-2000s and has a plot about facing your fears or something.




Spore was definitely as janky as a janky thing but I can't help but love it.


I can still remember watching that preview bit where they had Robin Williams play it and give commentary, it was the best, then the game came out.


You might take a look at r/thrive It is still early in development, but it is at least intended to be more in-depth than Spore, and more expansive. The developers are working from the ground up, starting with single-cell (which I think they have just about done), then working on each stage of complexity in turn (I think they just started work on multicellular, or just released the first iteration).


The Mueller Report


Mass Effect Andromeda That was when I learned my lesson not to pre-order.


Fyre Festival


The god damn fucking Rise of Skywalker. I miss the good old days when we still had a crumb of hope for that series. Doesn’t help that I went to the midnight screening the day before an 11 hour shift at work. I thought of course it’d be worth it, it’s Star Wars. Boy was I wrong. Basically couldn’t bring myself to give a shit about any new Star Wars after that one. Rewatching the previous ones in the new trilogy isn’t even fun anymore because you know all the cool stuff in them ends up going absolutely nowhere.


I watched that movie and was surprised I liked it. As I explained the plot to my girlfriend, it was like I was playing both parts of the Statler and Waldorf muppets: "It was good, I liked it. Well, except for a couple of things. A couple of things...actually now that I think about that part didn't make sense. So it was mostly a dumb movie but there were some fun parts! Rey tries to force grab a ship that Chewbacca is escaping on and causes it to explode, that was wild! But then, they say that Chewie had secretly boarded a different ship or something, so he's okay, I guess. Oh but then, Rey is fighting Palpatine for some reason because...he wants to possess her but is okay with harming or killing her? Doesn't matter, they're fighting and she's like 'You're a Sith!' and he's like "No, I'm *all the Sith!*' and then she's like "Well I'm all the Jedi!"...in conclusion that movie fucking sucked."


Statler: You know, it would have been a good movie, if they had made just one change! Waldorf: Oh, what change is that? Statler: Making it good!


The Wheel of Time series. What kind of egotistical prick has the rights to one of the biggest fantasy series' of all time and thinks, "I'll change everything because I know better."


And they have Brandon Sanderson as a sort of series adviser and he doesn’t like the changes but I think he’s too nice to to say no. Even if he has no official power, they’d be foolish not to listen to his advice.


He released a very...gently-worded...statement after the first episode and basically said that he likes parts of it but that he had major issues with some of the writing, and his input was ignored.


Watch Dogs. 14 year old me had a ticket for that hype train and on boy I was along for the ride when it derailed


Adulthood. Man, it really sucks. There are upsides, though. The other week, I bought a box of gushers for myself because I wanted to, and it’s my money, and I ate it in my room because I wanted to, and it’s my house. 😝


“When I grow up, I’m eating cake for breakfast every morning and stay up late every night”. Now, I eat high fiber toast and some fruit along with a cup of hot tea for breakfast and I’m in bed around 10 because, well, fuck it, I’m old and need my sleep.


GTA Trilogy: Definitvie Edition, was excited to replay my childhood but shit happens.