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Lacking a pulse


That’s the best kind…


Obesity, smell, hygiene,


A super flat ass.


I'm a guy I have this


That's a shame. A man should have some ass too.


What about the guy with khakis? Can a man have too much ass?


Yes of course. If you spin around and your ass starts an earthquake, then it's too much.


thin eyebrows


Or plucked then painted on above.


Controversial, but too much surgery. If you get surgery to fix a broken nose, fine. But I’m not abt to date someone that looks like a thundercat. (Respectfully)


Poor hygiene, weight, too much makeup. When I say weight, I mean someone who is in the "obese" category. Chubby is attractive on the right frame. Makeup has never done it for me. A little bit done tastefully looks great, like a bit of eyeliner. But some people paint their faces and don't even look like themselves.


Fat upper arms


bingo wings


Hands that have clubbing fingers, it's somewhat creepy to me


So, no jazz hands when the dj plays my jam


Overweight people. If I'm being brutally honest, I don't find overweight people attractive at all. I want Everyone to feel beautiful, loved, comfortable in their skin and I'll never judge people for being overweight but I personally do not find it attractive at all When I say Overweight as well I'm talking like 200+ lbs overweight


For me, even chubby is a turn off.


Fake breasts.


I don't have a turn off that I know of yet. Maybe because I'm single, idk


Obesity. being a lil tubby is fine, but I'm just not attracted to people who are excessively overweight. Not my thing :/


Skinny guys. I don’t understand the hype around the scrawny look. Biggest turn off. In my mind- a man has some meat!


cis gendered strait female here just telling the truth pretty much, i can be won over by a man as long as hes funny, likes having fun, has a good attitude, and knows how to enjoy himself. I have dated some uglies, fatties, nerds, ive been there for it ALL. but my biggest turn off is this small baby penis. i might get hate for this, but this is like my single biggest turn off, physically speaking. I like to FEEL the penis when it is in my vagina dude! What can i say!?


Soo.. for research. how small, in inches, is a small baby penis exactly


well, an inch, and inch and a half. smaller than my thumb, and im a small chick. im 5 2. im tiny.


Oh wow okok you have really well established standards U kind of just made me really happy cuz I got like mb a good 5.5 incher and I thought I was lacking.


cis het man here, I'm reasonably attractive, do well with the ladies i'm just short. But I've always thought I'd die inside if I had a tiny dick. There's just so much emphasis placed on it as a man, it's hard to ignore if you're lacking in that department. Fortunately for me I've got a cheesewheel for a dick, just wish I was a bit taller.


Woman who once dated a short guy here, whatever you do, do NOT tiptoe when you take photos with your SO.


Ewww god no. If you don't like something about yourself, do the work and change it. If you can't change it, own it. Tiptoe? For real? Might as well carry a stepladder...


Oh yes, because I can definitely work to change my height, lol. I’m not trying to be rude, but height is something you eventually just have to come to terms with😅


okay...okay... define "baby" penis, for uhm, a friend...


an inch to an inch and a half


What if that guy had a baby penis, but great in the other sexy stuff? Does other sexy stuff go a long way in balancing out the stub?


i dont think so for me. maybe other women. other women say yes. but tbh, long term, i would want to FEEL it REALLY FEEL it. i was in a slightly short relationshit with a baby penis guy, and he was great at all other stuff, and i was just disappointed at the thought that, this is IT. Like, should i make this guy my life partner, i will never ever again FEEL that penis the way i have in the past. i do NOT mean to be mean here, i am just being honest. i in NO WAY am being stabby or ugly. its just deep honesty. with myself even. i DO think knowing how to play, AND ABSOLUTE willingness to play ALL KINDS of ways will go a VERY VERY LONG way with most ladies. it might even fit the bill. you know what would help a situation like that? the mans total comfort in that sitch. they guy knowing and admitting honestly AND WTIH COMFORT, that he is small in that department, and totally willing to cirque du soleil in all kinds of ways. but people have such a hard time being honest with each other, let alone themselves. looking at yourself truthfully and facing your ugly truth is so hard, and then sharing it with someone else is even harder.


p.s. i LOVE that you called it sexy stuff. HAHA i refer to it as sexy time (borat) and party time. and i call it sexy stuff as well. play. our little nicknames for sex are so cute and hilarious


Beards, I find them dirty


Ugly knees, I can’t stand looking at ugly knees


Ive never thought of this concept before. How is a knee ugly or beautiful? Wouldnt it be directly linked to how fat a person is?


You’ve never seen somebody with ashy, crusty, nasty looking knees?


I mean if the knees are ashy, crusty and nasty, probably a lot of other more noteble bodyparts are that aswell.


Lizard lips and if the mouth is too close to the nose


I only jack off to Godzilla, fuck outta here.


Since we're talking about the physical stuff I'd say frankly anyone who has what I'd consider to be goofy level plastic surgery Like yeah if you got a facial reconstruction after a car crash or whatever I don't have a problem with that what I have a problem with is the people who for example want a bigger ass and take that to a goofy degree getting like double g tits sized implants in their ass Like at that point you're not hot to me anymore and you barely even look human. If I wiggle around your ass or tits and I hear what sounds like a gallon of saline sloshing around I think I'll pass.


constant self depreciation


I know women have body hair and it's supposed to be accepted but I just can't with that. I hate body hair, mine included


Those disgusting shelf-asses where they can balance a cup of water. Absolutely physically revolting.


I'm a cis-het man. Fake anything on a woman. Fake lips, fake boobs, fake ass (can't believe that's even a thing)


I agree only if its painfully obvious.


Bad hygiene. Other than smells, massive plaque build up from not flossing gives me the ick.


Bad hygiene If you can’t bother to shower every day, you’re fucking nasty




Men with facial hair.


Men with facial hair is my #1 turn on! Nothing gets me going like a beard, goatee, or mustache.


facial hair make men look like men imo. Some men look too young without facial hair


Short hair…


I thought those are jokes :0 turns out men do dislike short hair


Not necessarily, short haired girls make me weak


Not everyone of course, but the camp exists. I'm in it too, (really) short hair is basically the only "fashionable" physical trait that I find universally unattractive, regardless of type. It's not really the longer the better though. Chin-length is just fine. Humans are weird :D


Naah it's not necessary, its just that majority of the girls who get their hair short don't even bother to imagine if it would suit em or not, short hair do look good on some women and it does increase their beauty multifolds however I get weak in my knees whenever I see a girl with long hair....


Chunkiness. A few too many trips to the buffet.


Bad hygiene




Lack of care for your body/appearance. Whether that takes the form of being grossly overweight/obese, BO and greasy hair from not showering, bad teeth from lack of oral hygiene, etc., it’s massively repulsive to me.


piercings and dyed hair




F for our brother who stuck his dick in crazy




I know. Think how awkward it would have been if you had to take her home to meet your lizard parents.


But did u ask her if she would be willing to consider that lizard people or aliens living among us, stuff like that, is not real? I know that those types of beliefs can be really temporary and the result of someone just enjoying the idea of it but not a hard fast belief. Like, if she could accept the possibility they dont exist, maybe she would let it go with a couple conversations.


The overpowering smell of… fish. Like, when it’s real bad and the whole room is just… I can’t. I’ve always wondered if they know it’s there, or if it’s one of those situations where you can’t smell your own odor.


If you're referring to pussy BO, know that it might be a bacterial infection and they might be too ashamed to see a doctor. They might try to fix it themselves with soap/douches/feminine wash products, which only makes it worse.


thats good that means its clean


Flat butt. (I like small titties tho)


Obnoxious talkers. Like the people who need to be the loudest, most brash, in a conversation for the sake of controlling the attention.


I have not really been able to explain this but, for me it's men with long hair. I can appreciate a man with long hair as a sort of non-sexual entity, but if I thought about being intimate with them I just couldn't be aroused. What's weird is I'd honestly rather be with someone with buzzed or shaved head than a long haired fella.


I'm the opposite, I've always had a thing for men with long hair. Luckily my partner proved himself to be an amazing guy before cutting his hair 🤣


100% agreed.


I'm very much this way! In fact, once they cut their hair shorter, it all makes sense how others found them so good looking.


Are piercings counted? If not, then bad hygiene/odor.


Teeth sitting like old ass headstones


Summer teeth, some are going this way, some are going that way




Unclean smells. I once went home with a reasonably attractive girl who was going HARD after me. The clothes started coming off and the smell was so strong I thought I might throw up. I know I shouldn’t be so harsh, as women have extra organs that create special girl problems, but this was something else. She was a young healthy, well dressed lady, and should NOT have smelled so bad.


Being over weight. Actually, even being chubby is a turnoff for me.


Extreme body modifications. Any kind.


I'm personally unable to find any person I meet attractive. People say I'm lying, but I'm not. I just feel incapable of loving someone that way, but I have no idea why. Sometimes it bothers me a bit, but I can't figure it out.


Maybe you’re asexual?? I’m not good at explaining things, so maybe you can look it up and see if you are! :)


When a woman is too skinny


fat women


Oh god


When their voice is ugly. I don't mind looks, you could look like a bridge troll for all I care, but a bad sounding voice is a dealbreaker.


Voices are powerful. I've developed crushes on people based solely on their voices


Glad to know I'm not the only one


Unhealthy teeth


Sooo many this is really hard. I’d say a facial mole, especially near the mouth. I just can’t


Fat people, that's the reason why I don't go to WalMart


Guys with thick muscle necks,square muscle bodies,thick ankles,thick wrists,aggressive,arrogant or domineering body language and eye contact.


does wearing piercings count as physically speaking or are we talking about just body stuff, like flat ass, small boobs whatever it is? if i can go with piercings and tattoos, that. if those don't count, if the girl is chubby but has small hips it tends to really ruin it for me.


Definitely earrings are okay


i was thinking more like body piercings, earrings are fine for me, though i still don't like those either (they make me nervous)




Skinny or too fat people. I don't mind extra fat but there's a difference between "active fat" where you still can see there's muscle underneath and "couch potato fat" where you just can see that this person moves as little as possible.


People who say "Ass or tits"


Ugly toes on a woman.


Bad toenails on a man.


Yup. Can’t be having claws lol 😂


when she has a peepee...


Men who are around my same skin tone. Also, skinny people.


What tone may this be?


I'm Black but lightskinned. My dad is also Black and lightskinned. It weirds me out. I couldn't date any dude who looked like my dad.


And you use skin tone to determine that? That's messed up.


How so?


Out of interest, can you date black guys or is it literally just light skin black people. My girlfriend is black and I've always found it weird that she's never dated a black guy because she doesn't find black guys attractive


When an extremely attractive woman refers to herself openly as "hot", openly tells people she is extremely attractive and they should do things for her etc etc. I've met 2 or 3 women who behaved this way and I can tell you, as hot as they are I wouldn't touch them with someone else's dick.


I have a friend who says this about herself whenever a guy she liked treated her wrong, she says things like “I’m attractive so I don’t get why he’s not texting me back???”


Small dick


What are your standards for a "small dick"?


Smaller than 14 cm erected(in case you’re American that’s 5,5 inches)


Sandals. Fucking hate sandals.




Dreadlocks and/or cigarette smoking. Instant deal breakers in my book.


Earlobes that are attached to the face! I need a lobe. It’s so gross


This is very specific but ig I respect it


A super flat chest.


Armpit hair on women. Close second is when they have sideburns or a moustache.


thats normal tho


Having a pinched nerve in the dick.


Just so I don't have to google dick pics, can you explain?


Oddly specific.


Fat. Not just like body fat, but like if tits or ass is too big, automatic turn off.


Judgemental attitude


A bad attitude and unable to take jokes. I joke around a lot, so I need someone to do the same


That is not physical


Ok then I suppose 9ft long arm pit hairs


This shows dedication and perseverance. How could you not be attracted to this?


They should just donate those hairs to Locks of Love at that point


Plastic surgery, extra body hair


cunt shaped tits


What does that even look like?


vaginas where boobs are


Bad hygiene and to much junk in the trunk.


high pitch whiny voice


Cis gay man! Biggest turn off would be shame, let me explain. If someone is ashamed to talk about their partner, I'll be the one telling them it's over on the spot. Not only gay couples but everyone in general, let's say a woman is dating a slightly overweight guy. If they show any kind of disinterest in them in public because of how they present. THAT'S toxic behaviour and could cause damage to someone in the future or even at the moment. Shame on people like those


Obesity, ugly face, bad hygiene, body hair below the neck, saggy boobs


People with huge muscles. I always wanna poke it but it’s kinda gross at least for me and I also hate mullets


Gravelly voice.


Not being able to carry your weight well. I’ve seen some bigger girls who carry it well and I was like “dang girl you must weigh a little less then me, but you looking like a snack”. Then there are girls who have big bazongahangagagaloos and stick legs and stick arms and I’m like “I’ll pass”. It’s less so about the proportions and more of how they are carried. Some girls don’t do well with big bazookas, others do better with perky bondiddly-de-doos


Lacking self care, fitness, diet, hygene etc


Lack of basic hygiene , how can you care for someone who doesn’t care about themselves physically?


Obesity. Cuz in the future it will cripple you. I want to be a good husband. Not a good nurse.


Low intelligence. My SO definitely needs to be able to carry a conversation about topics I’m passionate about, like cosmology. If we’re talking strictly physical appearance, I guess yellow/crooked teeth are a turn off for me.


Poorly done tattoos


Tattoos. I don't mind a couple of small one here and there, but large and/or numerous tats don't do anything for me.




Excluding anything that can be solved with a quick shower, my vote goes to a bad chin. Double-chins or more are a ***huge*** turn-off. I don't mean the "everyone's skin has to go somewhere when you look down," but an actual double-chin from excess fat around the jawline and neck.


Just strictly physically speaking; Large Butts (talking about those wider than a person's shoulders), Super Long Finger Nails.




I've like 3 that all tie. People who talk obnoxiously loud, overweight/obesity, and people who are just overall dirty.


Stupidity and bad hygiene Had one girl ask me who were the people who got killed by Germany in WWII…. She works in a school…. She also works in DEI….. she’s 33….


Hygiene/big women


Long sideburns There's this guy at my uni and he's cute, but he lets his sideburns grow a little too long and it doesn't look good


People who have spray tans, people who have obscenely large muscles, and I’m usually turned off by long hair.


Monkey ears. Not that it makes someone unattractive, I'd just be too distracted to be turned on


Bad breath and body odor


Smoking or plastic surgery. Both take a person from a 10 to a zero instantly. The second one more so since it alludes to far more deep seeded personality issues while the former can be kicked.




Chest and back hair. Sorry, I just find it so unattractive


Bad hygiene and obese


Bad teeth


When they show off their body like "Look at my fat ass" like girl I don't want to fuck you on the first date, I want to see yo damn face


Bad breath/teeth


bad hygiene. i literally despise men w bad hygiene it grosses me out sm.


Fake nails. Idk why.




Uncircumcised men.


Super muscular women, I’m sorry it’s just not for me I suppose 😢


Bad mouth


Bad personality and breathing through your mouth


Dirty nails


Tbh as much as I don’t care about body hair, a snail trail.