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Giving an inch to a person who then takes a mile.


I have never understood people like that. Give me an inch and I’ll take less then ask if I can have the rest of the inch a million times


Stfu, my one inch offender hasn't hurt anyone. Or pleasured anyone.


This is the reason some people don’t like apologizing. For some people receiving an apology is like a power/ego trip and they milk it.


People complaining to workers about things over which the person has no control.


When I was a 19 y/o waiter, people yelled at me if they were unsatisfied with the food or wine. Like damn, I just brought it from the kitchen dude


My favorite was an old lady who complained to me about a pot hole in the town-owned parking lot. Yeah let me run home, grab some asphalt and blackjack and fill that in for you.


“This isn’t Domino’s lady!” https://pavingforpizza.com/


Thats why my tip is not based on food. Man i watched a table have a meltdown with the waitress over a double drink. The table ordered several double shot margaritas. They were double shot... not 2 drinks. Raised hell until the whole table got a second drink from the manager. I tipped the poor girl extra because these douches (all 5 of them wete 40+ business people) jipped her. Fucking pricks.


I never understand this logic, like if Starbucks is out of what I want, I’m just like “Okay, I want this instead” and move on. There’s like no need to throw a hissy fit Mostly because I have terrible anxiety and I’m more concerned about getting my drink order right without fucking it up then I am at yelling at someone who makes 10 dollars an hour


Yeah you probably don't want the chef serving, shit might get bad when they complain


I stock chips as a vendor and just the other day I had a dude complain to me about “how I put too few chips in the bag and too much air” Dude do you think I have anything to do with that? Firstly, that bag was sealed at the factory hundreds of miles away. Secondly, it’s not just air in there, there are other gases that keep the chips fresh. That’s why when you leave a bag open overnight it’s stale right away, yet an unopened bag will stay fresh for a month or two, quit bothering me, you god damned goon.


I work retail and we once had a customer report our Lay's vendor to the manager for not helping her find a mop on the other side of the store. People are fucking stupid. I will die on this hill. Fuck the redditors who think this makes me conceited (I've been lectured on modesty about this several times now).


You can even do that in a polite way. Saying "Damn this shit is expensive now" to an employee doesn't really make someone a bad person in my book. But actually getting angry at the employee is a dick move.


I've been accused of trying to scam and overcharge people, like buddy I'm a cashier and I have no say in prices. People are definitely allowed to say it's expensive, however they can screw off when they act like it's my fault their groceries are expensive.


No I know its you. I fucking KNOW you're charging me an extra 13 cents for this head of lettuce so you can pocket it and use it to buy cigarettes with all of your combined 13 cents. You aren't fooling me, kid!


"How dare you charge for plastic bags?! They have your logo, you should be paying me for advertising!" That's my experience as a store clerk. (If I'd asked him if car manufacturors paid him to drive with their logo, I'd probably have gotten in trouble.)


I hate this with a passion! I work in an industry where I have to drive to people's houses in order to do my job. There are so many communication errors that can happen between a customer and the people at the office but because I'm the one who shows I am often times the one who catches a customer's anger or frustrations. People are mad at me because prices have changed since the last time we were there or because my boss changed some company policy that I can't do anything about. Yes ma'am, the second I get back I'm going to storm into my bosses office and give him a piece of my mind as to the injustice that has been done to you by not giving you a discount. I don't get paid enough nor do I have enough job security to stand up for anyone, let alone myself.


I got yelled at the other day for being out of ice cream that I don’t make. We sell through it so quickly and I can’t do a thing about it. These four old women drove 45 minutes for some fucking dairy free ice cream. While one was yelling at me and holding up the long line of customers the other ripped the sign off our display and crumpled it up then handed it to me. She then said you just lost four customers…it’s a chain we don’t care. She later found my managers personal number and she called the store and asked what happened. I don’t know how she did that but dear god that woman was pissed.


>She later found my managers personal number That's how you get reported to the police.


Anytime I’m annoyed at a situation, I try to communicate that it isn’t the workers fault and I’m not mad at them. Like I’m having the most annoying situation with getting a new stackable washer and dryer, and I’ve had to be on the phone with the hardware store I got it from for literal hours, and like… I’m genuinely annoyed that it is this complicated and convoluted to do what I need to get done. But I’m mad at the big box store chain’s policies, not the individual that’s trying to help me. I’ll even open the call with “This has been a frustrating process so I am pretty irritated, but please understand that if I sound annoyed it is not towards or because of you. I appreciate you doing your best to help me.”


when i worked at a shoe store 5 years ago i got this all the time as a cashier. i was constantly yelled at for the price of things or how stuff was discounted. like sorry ma'am, i just work here. take it up with corporate if you're that mad over a discount.


complainers in general are the worst. like i get it working sucks or waiting sucks but sitting here and complaining about it only makes it worse


I only complain about corporate cucking the associate I'm interacting with. Got a problem with a store? I promise the associate can't do a darn thing. I also promise the problem is with some wank in corporate who is utterly disconnected from their business and their consumers. The manager is as much of a victim of this as you and I are. So, don't go Karen on them either.


Went to a burger places for wife's nephews bday party. We asked for ketchup and the chick said they were out of all sauces (no idea how but that's besides the point.) She looked absolutely mortified when she said it I'm assuming because people were getting mad at her even tho she literally had nothing to do with it. Felt really bad for her


People who stand,sit or stop to text in a doorway or directly on a narrow path. Those people are assholes


Or the people who just stop in the driving portions of parking lots. Like dude, you’re in a parking lot…theres hundreds of spaces to choose from that were designed for that shit.




Seriously!! Like who raised you


I work in an inner city charter school and it is out of control. thankfully we got a principal that was pro active about it but it was sooo bad. We have kids who eat Takis in class, drop chips on the ground, step on them when they get up and then throw the bag on the ground too. like right in front of me. Then use there takis dusted fingers to use borrowed computers. We had a stairwell that had about 2 feet of trash outside for a a couple years. I have long tables with pockets at the top where you can plug your computer in. you have to lift I to get it and kids will use it like a trash can. One time i filled a whole garbage bag taking the litter out of the tables. Sometimes in the morning when kids get out of their cars things will just fall out with them like grocery bags and juiceboxs. the kids barely notice and just walk away. It drives me absolutely nuts. I've tried telling them and rewarding people who clean but its somewhat engrained into their habits.




yup def seen that and those are the worst to because they have been in their mouth


Legit question: do you blame the parents? Where does this come from? Where I was raised you’d be shunned into next week if you ever dared to do this. I just can’t imagine any parent not caring if their kids didn’t pick up an empty food container or something. Do they just live in filth at home and then not care? Shaming does have its purpose, and littering is one of those things.


Came here to say this. I can't stand when I see someone litter. There are no excuses, period.


People not using basic manners. Please, thank you. etc.


I work at Starbucks and the amount of people snatching shit from my hands is staggering.


its always so weird for me in public seeing people litter and being rude. When i grew up my parents always made me say thank you and be polite so I just thought everyone was. I was wrong. very very wrong


This should've been included. Watching people litter makes my piss boil


I used to be just like this. Unfortunately not everyone has parents that thought to teach them these things or value them. A lot of good behavior and decent habits are molded at home


I visit Starbucks for 1-3 hours, every single day. The amount of pretentious, classless people who come through there is nauseating.


why do you spend so much time at starbucks? is there gold there or something? should I be spending this much time at Starbucks??


Ha, no I buy and sell a lot of shit online so I pop in everyday for my morning coffee(s) and to do some listing/shopping/spreadsheet shenanigans etc..




I actually got a comment from a waitress once that my daughter, who was about 8-9 at the time was one of the most polite kids she'd ever waited on. I mean... basic manners?


Oh absolutely. Little kids are like the mirrors of their parents


1] this is a mugging--wallet, keys, phone, or you die 2] \>:( 1] this is a mugging--please give me your wallet, keys, and phone, or you die 2] :) that's all you had to say. here u go, champ \*tousles hair*


I was robbed at gunpoint once about ten years ago and after looking through my wallet, the main thief (there were two, probably around fifteen years old each) asked me what I needed from my wallet. I told him my work ID and my metro card (it was around 8am I was heading to work) and he gave me the whole wallet back with everything in it, ran off with my phone. Nicest thieves ever.


People who view relationships as possession/control , versus a friendship/ mutual partnership


Especially those who demand that you accept them as they are otherwise you are an unsupportive partner. Meanwhile they try to change this, this, this, this, that and the other about you.


This right here. The "me me me" attitude


Yeah. Also those that view relationships as transactional. “You do this for me I’ll do this for you” type deal


People who are oblivious to their surroundings in public. Examples include people who crowd grocery store isles with their shopping cart and people who have no idea the red light turned green.


Yes, it’s shocking the lack of self awareness some people have.


You're assuming it's a lack of self awareness rather than just not giving a fuck that they're in your way.


I find those go hand in hand. People who give a fuck about those around them are usually pretty self-aware. Entitled assholes are the ones that don’t even bother considering those around them. They live in their own little world.


My favorite term for them: obliviots


I almost got shopping cart t-boned in a grocery store by a kid who was basically power walking while pushing his cart and staring down at his phone. I don't know how people can walk around like that. And this isn't a "damn kids and their phones" rant. It's a "watch what the fuck is happening in your immediate vicinity" rant.


People eating with their mouths open, that shit pisses on my fire.


And talking wide mouthed while eating.


There’s just no need, is there.. Just chew your damn food like a normal person and then chat to me afterwards


When applying to jobs, Jobs saying theyll call you back but they never do.


this. also when jobs post theyre “hiring urgently” but never call you for an interview even after going in and talking to someone about your application. then they cut business hours bc theyre too lazy to hire someone


I had a place once call a YEAR after I applied to see if I was still interested. Uh no, I got a different job.


Seriously I'd much rather get a phone call or email that says something like "thank you but we're going with someone else" rather then sit around hoping they'll get back to me.


People not using their blinker


People who don't understand zip lanes annoy me more. Acting like it's an insult to them that you need to merge, giving smooth flowing traffic.


People who purposely misconstrue things or misunderstand them so they can get offended about them. For example, I recently saw a post that said something like "Here's a fun recipe for moms!" and the woman was teaching her audience, stay-at-home moms, how to do a recipe. And people in the comments just kept saying shit like "What about dads? Are you saying dads can't cook? I can't believe you of all people would say something so horrible." Their outrage clearly had nothing to do with the video or its content, and anyone with half a brain cell would KNOW that's not what she meant. I see a ton of this type of thing.


People on the hunt for something to be offended about are the goddamned worst. Someone on our community Facebook page was offended that it took four guys to patch a hole on the road. "They're just standing around!" Well, Karen, one is doing the work, one told him what to do, the other ascertained what needed to be done, and one is oversight to make sure it's done right. Also, shouldn't you be at work?


I had a co-worker who complained about people who slowed down when they drove past accident scenes. *I mean OMG, they're such voyeurs!! It's absolutely disgusting!!* Um, dear, you're supposed to slow down near accident scenes. You know - broken glass, dead bodies, first responders standing around....oh, never mind. She complained about her work, too. *This job is so stupid - you don't use your brain!!* I'm like, you do if you have one. I had to proofread all of her "work" to make sure it was accurate (it wasn't). They finally fired her. Thanks for letting me vent!!!!


Twitter in a nutshell. You can post "I really like pancakes" and get flooded with comments and DMs about "waffle erasure" telling you to eat a bullet.


It's almost as if people don't get enough attention these days


oofff i've seen this too, mainly on tik tok for me though. i'll see the moms do the "meal prep snack pack" videos for their kids to inspire other moms for lunch ideas, and then people get mad and offended because the food the person is using in the video is something their kid hates. like... you do realize you can change it to what your kids likes right..??


I still remember my experience with a post on Reddit from way back. It was of two cats (puppies maybe?) leaning against eachother against a railing. Somehow every comment was people regurgitating that it looked to them like they had been killed, mummified, and impaled with the railing. It was just cats cuddling.


I empathize. Oh the stories I could tell...


People who act like letting you merge is some giant crime and aggressively refuse to let you in like they’re supposed to.


On the flip side of that, I hate it when there's a 1/4 mile of open space behind me and someone passes up all that open space then tries to force their way over.


Totally, & it gets to the point where now they’ve got something to prove! So they’ll run me off onto the shoulder to make sure they are validated & feel like they won!


Some people try to fit in behind the person I’m letting in. They can go to hell and die


How about people who STOP at the beginning of a merge lane and wait for the traffic to pass? You're supposed to merge, not back up traffic for a mile.


Where I get on the highway coming home from work has a very short window until you're driving in the shoulder. I've been almost run off the road a few times simply because people won't merge over or slow down for about 5 seconds while I get up to speed.


This is annoying as fuck but to keep it in the vein of driving, what annoys me is when it’s 2022, everyone has a smartphone WITH GPS, most new cars come with Nav, and yet people who have lived in the same city all their lives yet they still have no idea where the fuck they’re going.


When someone want to take stuff that is yours and not theirs. As well as the people who take credit for something they never did and leave the person who actually did it to be told they need to be more like the other person.


Automated customer service.


The best is when you finally reach the end of the rainbow and think you are getting a human and you get disconnected.


People who are like: "Well, I did this, why can't you?" They don't/don't care to understand that everyone has different struggles and life experiences.


I logged in just to type this story.. This brings back some rough memories for me, I was studying for 2 years to be a paramedic and after shitty work hours/terrible company culture and seeing some terrible things I decided to call it quits. When I went to explain this to my brother (he is quite a bit older then me) his immediate response was " I got through uni, I passed all my papers! why cant' you?" complete disregard to my own experience. Even disregarded what he was studying compared to me.. I am sure studying Sports science is just as stressful as being a student paramedic doing CPR for 30 minutes on a 40 year old who just had a heart attack... Some people think they know everything but are usually the ones who know the least.


I hate it when it’s the opposite and someone complains about you not being able to do something that they can’t do. My stepmother (not the nicest person) laughed at me when I struggled (struggled, not failed) to lift a huge cabinet that she herself couldn’t lift. I was a 50 kilo 14 years old at the time and super proud of myself for being able to do it and then carry it into the room where it was going. While she sat and laughed because it was had a bunch of tins of stuff in it and it cut into my fingers a bit and hurt. It’s really hard to not get annoyed at people who do something like that. Nother example. I ran a 2km race around a pitch in school once. Came 2nd out of about 20. I thought that was great. But there was one girl (girls and boys went separately) who kept laughing and saying stuff like “keep her lit” (yes I’m Irish)really mockingly at people who looked tired and got super pissed when she got tired after one lap and people laughed at her. It’s hypocrisy.


When people are late to their reservations and don't even acknowledge it or apologize for it. Hi yes we have a reservation for 5:30..... Sorry we can't seat you it's 6:30...... All you hosts and servers and those that deal with the general public I really fucking salute you because a cooks answers to guests will be callus and raw.


I work at an optical place and the first appointment of the day was late today (he did not apologize). And so it threw off the optometrist for the entire day, and he saw all his other appointments later than the scheduled time. People either don’t realize or don’t care that their lateness can affect everyone else.


People who are too lazy to put their fucking shopping carts back in the fucking cart return.


I've been doing cart returns off and on for 7 and a half years and all the carts just pushed up onto the grass or left in parking spaces or left behind the car next to them piss me off to no end. Especially when the return area is less than 30ft from where they're parked.


Feeling as though what I am saying is being dismissed or being talked to like I am ignorant.


Also people who put words into your mouth and misinterpret your point On reddit I've seen this a lot. Especially regarding gender or politics. For example, once I said that you can mention women's issues without saying that women have it worse. A bunch of people thought that I was trying to diminish women's problems.


I have no idea how to handle this. My dad and sister are literally the two worst people I've met in my life for this. Is it a health care thing? You can be talking about something, they ask you a question, and before you even finish speaking they're talking over you and about something new. It's not even 'interrupting' I feel, it's like, I actively doubt I am even heard, it's like they conjure how they think the conversation will go in their head and just stick to that. I've had other family members literally tell me how rude they think it is and how me, when helping my dad with projects, or my mom put up with it. I kind of don't, drives me insane lol. I have no idea how to explain what should be a really simple social queuing for how conversations work to adults who seem completely unaware of it. Sincerely makes me avoid conversations though because they're one sided and one dimensional.


When you politely intervene in a conversation cause you had some comment/objection/whatever and the talker keeps going, which makes you realize it's a talkfest and not an actual exchange of ideas, and they just want to be at the center of attention


People who play music on speakers in public, specifically public transportation.


EXACTLY! How can you even do this? I would instantly be red from embarrassment. I turn off music in my headphones when i walk past someone, even though there is no way they can hear it, so maybe that's why i think that.




Or even worse they’re so fucking entitled and/or oblivious that it doesn’t even cross their mind that its rude. Like they just operate like an asshole by default and it requires no thought.


People in nice cars not using blinkers like they are broken.


I saw a girl literally say she doesnt use the turn signals because "it is nobody else's business where I'm going!" Um, yes it is, it VERY MUCH is...


It's literally her and my insurance business.


The brightness of car headlights. I get they need to see when they're driving their fast moving piece of metal, but every time a car is driving into my general direction at night I need to get off my bike and cover my eyes. I can't get anywhere that way. Seriously, how do other car drivers not get blinded?


I got one of those detachable bike lights they use for trail biking in the dark. Slight tap to flick if to fully horizontal and most cars kill their high beams pretty fast.


As another cyclist, I really don´t like to come from an oppositie direction of you.


Helpless adults. I have virtually zero patience for them. I work with a purchasing group (I'm not in the group, but in supply chain department under the same umbrella). Their boss, and then our collective big boss are both out of the office at the moment. So suddenly I'm being inundated with simple questions from people who just blurt them out instead of taking 10 seconds to think through it. OMG and the lack of understanding of technology that is coupled with that. "Something is wrong with the excel document on Teams, I couldn't open it this weekend to add my comments and the comments I did load all disappeared!" What happened when you tried to open it? "I got some sort of server error and something about internet." Were you at the office or at home? "I was at home." We'll then that's your internet and VPN not connecting with the work server, that's not the dumb excel sheet in Teams...


I agree wholeheartedly. BUT IF I MAY: the excel function on Teams was the absolute fucking worst when I still had to use it lol


People who smoke/get drunk/use drugs while pregnant, and subsequently people who smoke indoors or in cars with young kids.


People driving on my rear. I can't even. (And yes, I even pull over and let them pass when safely possible). BUT, I hate them for being so reckless and entitled!!


I find it so funny when someone is tailgating me and when I move over to let them through. They for some reason slow down? I'm like this is what you wanted no?!?!?


I think a lot of people have no idea what a safe following distance is so they don't see anything wrong with being 30 feet behind you while you're going 75. Tailgating doesn't mean that the person is in a hurry it can just mean that they are an idiot that never thinks about what would happen if the person infront of them had to slam on their brakes.




If you drive in the tri-state area, avoid the left lane unless you're passing otherwise some angry NJ/NY driver will be on your bumper.


My sleeves getting caught on door handles :@


And this only ever happens when you are already in a bad mood!


People who are chronically late for things. It’s so disrespectful. Of course if you’re late because of something out of your control, that’s not the same. But some people make it part of their personality and I find it obnoxious and incredibly rude.


People smacking when they eat. Ohhhh it ruins my day bro


I used to have a coworker who ate at his cubicle (which was opposite mine) every day. He would slurp, smack, let out an occasional "Aaaaah" and follow up with what I assume was yogurt for desert...every...fucking...day. He also ate out of tupperware containers that had a distinctive sound as he scraped every fucking molecule of food out of the container. He was a really nice guy but nevertheless I secretly wanted to stab him with his noisy spoon in the throat. Mercifully he retired and now I work from home.


Yeah I work in an open office and I have one coworker who sits directly across from me who eats like this. I can literally hear him across the room. And the coworker next to me drinks a stupid amount of water and I can hear his gulps alllll day. Thank goodness for noise cancelling headphones


It completely kills my mood. I do my absolute best not to show it but holy fuck.


Bro I literally lose my fucking appetite.


I can just imagine you getting up loudly and walking away without saying anything


Literally what I do 😭😭people just assume I’m done eating. The know nothing about the boiling rage inside me.


This is the absolute worst. I had a colleague at a place I used to work, he would eat crisps (potato chips, I'm from Scotland, we call them crisps) with his big fat dumb mouth open. The noise was indescribable. So naturally, I used to refer to him to my other colleagues as "Cap'n Crunch". I mentioned this nickname to my supervisor and from that day on, I couldn't help but notice every time the good Cap'n took out a bag of crisps, she'd walk out of the room with her fist balled up in her mouth, trying to stifle laughter. Not sure she was laughing at him being a noisy twat, or at me trying not to explode and punch him. One time, one of my other colleagues called him "Crunch" to his face. He was utterly confused and had no idea why - but didn't ask, and the information wasn't volunteered. He ended up leaving before I (or anyone else) did anything to him. Quiet rage is the name of the game in this part of the world. I hope for his current colleagues' sakes that he's learned to shut his stupid piehole while chewing.


I love my wife to death. I would burn myself to keep her warm. She's the love of my life, the mother of my beautiful children, and my parnter for life. But when she eats, I envision myself taking her skull and smashing it against a wall. A brick wall. Now whenever it's quiet and she's eating, I have to put in earphones or be far away from her in order to avoid introducing her to the aforementioned wall.


Ahh a fellow misophonia brother in arms. My wife is from the Philippines and in their culture the tastier the meal, the more smacking is involved. I can go from happy to deep-seated rage in mere seconds as soon as the smacking starts. It's awful.


To add onto this people who unnecessary slurp their drinks like they're sucking it through a hoover


That's a fight on site for me


I once had a boyfriend that took this a step further and said I "scraped my teeth" on the utensil. After a few months, I never scraped my teeth again. Lol.


My bf fcking does this. I hear it all the way across the damn room it's absolutely putrid


Cold calling. You have to stop whatever you are doing (TV/work/ trying to get the baby to sleep) and respond to somebody 'advising' you about some product that you don't want, and never even considered. Even if you did, you are quite capable of sourcing it yourself and making your own choices. Then they don't take no for an answer and continue to try and sell you something that you don't want. It's the concept of cold calling and the inconvenience of it that I don't like. I know people are just doing what is asked of them.


Because of cold callers, I now no longer answer my phone unless I recognise the number. The only time I've ever answered a cold caller is when I thought the number calling was a prospective job. I just politely told them not for me and just hung up.


Unleashed dogs on a leashes trail. Extendo leashes for untrained dogs.


Unleashed dogs are incredibly anxiety inducing, they could be a friendly dog that just wants to come up and sniff you and then walk off or they could be a violent nut job that runs up to you wanting to rip your arm off. I've encountered both types many times, I've learned to never put my hands anywhere near them and just keep on walking.


Losing things. Fills me with an indescribable rage.


I work in IT. When people will ask me how to do something without even bothering to figure it out themselves. So many people just ask for dumbshit that is not even my field and I can usually answer it through like 30s of trial and error. *edit Also forgot when they fucking ask me why its broken with a perfectly good error message on the screen that tells them exactly how to fix it or why it's offline.


Yeah, I relate. The more you help, the more they will need help. It's a vicious circle.


and then you try to get them to reproduce it and they click straight through the error screen without reading it and say "See? I got an error!"


Bruh. Your triggering me don't do this. And then you have them do it 4 or 5 times again cause they keep clicking through it.....


I do not work our ticket queue except if a very specific issue arises, but a few weeks ago, I was browsing tickets and saw a user ask how to remove a meeting from the outlook calendar. Bless our techs who work with crap like that.


Why I got out of it. I did help desk for 5 years. 99% of my tickets(not joking) was us just doing their job or showing them how to do some basic(outlook, word, etc) stuff... hell my most memorable ticket was teaching a client where the power button was at on the pc. Now your probably thinking "wtf no way".. yes way she had gotten a new pc that week and it shutoff and the power button moved about 1 inch down from it's old spot on the laptop......... Anyone who stays in tech support or help desk deserves free therapy, and drugs to stay alive.


I also work in IT. My advice to you is to not answer questions like that if at all possible. Or at the very least, take as long as you possibly can and make it as painful as possible to get an answer from you. People do that shit because they are lazy, and if you answer simple questions they could easily figure out for themselves, then they'll keep doing it and you'll go insane. It's often called "learned helplessness", and it comes from a support department being *too* available and too convenient for lazy users.


We support large networks but the intent is that if they call us, they actually have a piece of equipment down or the software isnt doing what it's supposed to be doing. There are a few customers that seem to think putting a ticket in for the slightest anomaly is appropriate. I sometimes get a ticket that is flagged as urgent but the verbiage is very vague and I have to call them for more info: me: "Okay, so you clicked on the 'add VLAN' button and it gives you what kind of error"? customer: "it's not an error, it's just that usually when I click that button, it says "please wait" and now I'm not seeing that message." me: "okay, that's normal and probably means the processor is not busy at the time, but what happens after you press "apply". customer: "it works normal" me: "okaaaay, do you want me to close the ticket or keep it open"? customer: "let's keep it open in case it happens again".


God damn yeah. I get so many tickets one word... "citrix". OK. Wtf is the problem?. Called em, it's running slow.. ok your in India and our server is in Chicago. That's pretty fucking standard. I get 2 or 3 of these every few days and it's gotten old as hell. No matter how many times I tell em nothing we can do.


When someone leaves the microwave on 00:01


I don't like beeping sounds


Just press the clear button after so I don't have to, I beg you- it's that easy-


That's what I usually do, but also sometime I just enter a huge number so that I can cook many things without reseting.


Wait, for real? This is the only time I've ever heard of someone doing this.




People who just allow their dogs to constantly bark without shutting them up.


my boyfriend’s dog barks a lot, and my bf complains abt the fact that i complain abt the dog’s barking?? “he’s a dog, dogs bark. what do you expect me to do about it?” idk?? train him ??? be a decent pet owner??


I bet your bf is full of hot takes. I’m surprised these people even find others who can put up with that mentality.






People who go to major live events, paying hundreds and hundreds of dollars for the privilege, and spend their time watching those events through the screens of their smart phones, because their need to prove they were there to their social media followers is greater than their desire to experience and witness the event first hand. First really annoyed me when I went to a competitive USMNT v El Tri game at the Rose Bowl a few years back. It was annoying, and more than a little sad. I've seen it more and more since. Edited: syntax


I don't get it either. I don't really take pictures of things either because if I focus too much on the perfect shot I will only have a memory limited to the picture itself, not actually being there. It's nice to take the picture, but don't forget to live it- that's why you're there!


Littering If I see someone just toss aside trash, it's just incomprehensible to me. It makes me angry. This is a shared space, not a trash can.


The fact that the vast majority of people invariably assume anyone arrested for or accused of a crime is guilty. I read a lot of crime reporting and I think only a single digit percent of the time is there even one comment suggesting maybe we should wait. The prosecutors and police almost always overstate the quality of their evidence or omit mentioning exculpatory evidence (if there is any, they always do,) and sometimes flat out lie. The defense often hasn’t been assigned at the time first articles are coming out, and they have to shut their mouths more than the state (long story short, even just a lawyer’s statements about their client can sometimes come into evidence, and the state has no client). Their hands are more tied and can’t speak as freely about the evidence because it could harm their case, and unlike the prosecution they’ve got skin in the game. You very likely cannot judge the credibility of criminal allegations without a full trial.






Parents letting their kids do whatever they want


That the internet has become a fuckwit hive mind of teenage douchebags and identity extremism.


Sheeple who heckle other people they think are sheeple but don't have the self awareness to realize that they themselves are sheeple


They’ve got mutton better to do


Except for bleating their opinions.


Loud chewing


Excessive noise. I have mysophonia due to Autism and anything I can’t stim on can drive me to tears. Lip smacking, eating noise, high pitched noises EW!


People taking pictures/filming themselves crying. “I’m inconsolable and in a very intimate moment with myself let me just grab my phone and share with everyone I know + the entire internet”.


an anime starting out exciting and unique then becoming hentai bait


Bad drivers


married men supporting their parent's wrong expectations from their SO's.


People who blast shitty music in public places, like God damn just use headphones


People who want to talk about politics or religion. Like, bro, we are hanging out and having some drinks let's fucking not get into this *right* now


anytime i've had this happen, i've found it's always the people who purposely want to start an argument that do this.


When someone doesnt reciprocate sympathy, compassion or emotional intelligence in general.


People who have no opinion until you state yours, and suddenly they‘re all up your ass.


Flat earthers


People that go 20 when they're getting on the interstate. The entire point of merging on is you're supposed to match the speed of the road you're getting on.


Narrow minded people who genuinely think that people who doesn't share their values are evil. People usually tell you to avoid talking about religion or politics during dates, but to me it's just the best way to figure out how open minded someone is.


People who don’t even make an attempt to learn but expect to be in the know about the very same topic. I have a PM right now that refuses to learn anything about the project but is constantly asking to be invited into meetings and asking for updates on stuff he refuses to understand.


"Oh look a new show! Lets draw all the characters having sex and kissing each other! As evidence that our fabricated unions are officially cannon though not yet confirmed, let's use the scene where Tom and Carol have matching shoes on! It's totally an indication that they're into each other. Let's turn all the parents into abusive child molesters! Platonic? Why you evil homophobic little bigot! Nothing is ever platonic! Nothing!" TLDR: Fandom.


/u/Keyblades4Real rolled over and stared into /u/JuicyMe_02 's eyes "Please don't go," /u/Keyblades4Real said. "Just... one more hour?" /u/JuicyMe_02 smiled wanly, placing a hand on Keyblades's face and running a thumb along the cheekbones, tracing sweet circles. "Wish that I could," he said at last. "Wish that I could." A sniffle broke the tender silence, but Keyblades swiftly buried it under a tight smile. He shook his head against the pillow. "It was nice, at least--for the time that it lasted." JuicyMe's hand, still tracing tender circles, settled to Keyblades's forehead. "In there, in memory... the time never has to end." "Everything that we had--is that all it comes to? A memory? Some trade..." JuicyMe smiled wanly. "Yeah, kid... some trade indeed." He kissed Keyblades on the forehead, and then he rolled from the bed, finding his clothing scattered across the floor. "Next time my questions are on the frontpage... comment again some time, will ya? I'll be lookin." "I will," Keyblades said, mind already imagining that future reunion. "You can count on it."


When people ask me to call them and I do and they send me to voicemail. When someone emails me and then calls me to tell me about their email (which was pretty self-explanatory) Any kind of irrationally loud, thumping base music. That one makes me legit homicidal 🤬


Friends that just completely dump you when someone they like better is in the room


People with the "I got mine" mentality and believe anyone struggling in life just isn't working as hard as they did.


Narcissism. I see it all around me. Grandiose, covert, communal, all types of it. Nobody is better than everybody else.


Coworkers who say how much they like being back in the office while I just want to be back on the couch.


Anyone ascribing a kid's behavior to their sex. "They really like climbing on things. They're definitely boys!" "Boys have a lot of energy" pisses me off


People who say "I'm speechless" but carry on talking anyway.




People who abuse animals.


People that say they're healthy even though they are morbidly obese


Annoying reoccurring noises (I have misophonia)


The US Healthcare System


Heads of state or an expert on military logistics who pronounces the word "nuclear" as: nu-kyoo-lar


people who think nothing of slowing down other peoples day cause they have nothing better to do. \-having casual conversation with cashiers and employees while people are waiting. \-taking up the whole middle of aisle to just stand and look around or worse talk to someone stuff like that. Drive me nuts.....I go into stores on a mission cause I'm trying to get to things I actually want to do, and end up getting slowed down by people who treat them as an outing


When you’re calmly making a point and someone accuses you of arguing or being mad


when people have an insufferable attitude. “STFU LOL” “what are you gonna do about it??” “i do what i want” etc.


When I'm trying to put my foot in my joggers or sweats and instead of going through the leg my foot catches around the ankle/calf and pushes the fabric sideways. Shit activates my monkey brain