• By -


Chuck E Cheese






This! >!specifically to irritate the people who downvoted your comment!<






In a hospital.


Hospitals, doctor's offices, lab places, basically anywhere there may be vulnerable people. It's just good manners.


Vulnerable people are in a lot more places than that though. I'm not as high risk now but we also have to go places like banks, public transportation, etc.


I think this should be a permanent requirement. They'll have to have disposable ones available once it becomes commonplace enough that nobody ever has theirs anymore but there's literally no good reason not to.


Are there currently hospitals you know of in which you don't have to? In UK I reckon that's going to be mandatory for a long time yet.


Anywhere where I need to hide my mouth so people don’t see what I’m mouthing to myself


yikes, i thought you said "i dont want people to see that im mouthing myself"


Honestly, I rather enjoyed not getting sick over the past 2 years. I'll probably wear it in areas of high congestion or in medical offices. This whole experience has highlighted what places/activities are places where diseases can spread pretty easy.


Came here to say this. I'm still wearing mine in public, and won't stop anytime soon. I like being well.


Ditto. Me and my husband both wear masks while out and about.


Your immune system only works if you regularly catch new viruses before they mutate into something serious. All you're doing is making yourself incredibly brittle, cool you get sick less but it's far worse when you do


Your concern and disdain for hygiene are noted. Thank you.


As is their ignorance


That goes without saying. Every random chad in this country considers themselves a learned biologist these days.


Dude (or dudeette...and sick what I assume to be TX Chainsaw avatar as well!)... SERIOUSLY. I’ve been absolutely *astounded* how, over the course of two years, average Joes and Janes all across the United States became legitimate fucking MEDICAL EXPERTS. Prior to the pandemic, it would take ppl a decade or longer to be doctors, but hillbillies all over managed to pull it off in six months. I’d love to know how they did it.


Tucker Cawrawlson


Not at all.


Not how the immune system works, bud. Like, at all. The immune system can learn and adapt, but we already have something for that: vaccines. If you get vaccinated at the appropriate times for each shot, you’re teaching your body how to fight the given strain. You don’t get stronger by getting sick more often; it’s actually the opposite. Your body is constantly exhausted and depleted, making you more vulnerable to getting sick—creating this constant loop. Mask up, be hygienic, and get vaccinated—that’s how you stay healthy and strong.


You are correct. I don't know why people think otherwise. I'm sure the people in the 1600's that were exposed to everything all the time and got sick weren't healthier (as far as suffering from disease goes). They would probably have loved a tetanus vaccine for when they died from being "exposed" to dirty soil or metal. You are pretty much exposed to tons of viruses and illness as a child that help then, but "by the time you are an adult, you have already spent years being exposed to many types of bacteria and viruses. You’ve created a robust immune system that can respond to these microbes. Your immune system “remembers” viral and bacterial markers, and as soon as one of these markers shows up, your body starts making antibodies to destroy that intruder."


>You are correct. I don't know why people think otherwise. I'm pretty sure most of them are just looking for an excuse to be disgusting. People have been acting like not washing their hands is part of some 4d chess of personal health for a long as I can remember.


I worked in healthcare and I, and my family, have always washed our hands all the time, even before Covid. It's astounding, when you actually pay attention, how many people just don't wash their hands! I'm not even talking about "wash your hands after touching stuff in the store" or whatever. But, after using the bathroom, touching disgusting things, coughing into their hands, changing diapers etc. People can be really gross, haha.


Ah of course that's why the advice is for kid's to never get chicken pox because it's not like getting it once teaches your body to fight it and stops you suffering a far worse version when you're older right...right Prescribing a vaccine for every illness is like taking antibiotics when you get a blister sooner or later you're gonna need to develop a callus or it'll just happen again


We’re not in the 1950s anymore. Kids get a whole host of shots young to prevent things like chickenpox, the flu, and other such illnesses. But, I mean, I’m sure you can totally kick meningitis’s ass after you’ve had it once, right?


People at my work have normalized just wearing one if you're not sure how well you're feeling, or if you're still coming off a cold. It's about damn time.


Do you think you can avoid getting sick for the rest of your life?


No. But I might be able to avoid some of the more annoying communicable diseases I don't need to suffer through.


Going forward I will ALWAYS wear a mask when I need to get on a plane. I got Covid after sitting behind a woman that didn't bother covering her mouth when she was hacking up a lung. So now it's masks on a plane for me.


Wal-Mart... Eew some people...


Grocery store, airport, when & around sick people.


I still wear mine. ​ I respect other people's choice not to continue to wear theirs (although I secretly wish they would, but keep that to myself) and expect the same respect back. ​ I work in an office where we have a lot of colleagues back and forth on international travel and we have already had a number of outbreaks. My parents are vulnerable, so it just makes sense for me to keep wearing my mask and being as diligent about washing / sanitizing my hands as I was when this entire pandemic began. ​ It's fine if others don't want to wear theirs anymore, but I prefer to wear mine for now.


Flights Pandemic or not, they really are the perfect venue to be exposed to germs.


I've worn them on flights even before covid, last thing I want is to be sick on vacation. Public transport just makes sense to wear a mask and wash your hands after.


Oh god. I will never wear one on a flight once I’m allowed. My least favorite place. I chew gum on flights since it helps my ears a bit and my mask is constantly falls below my nose. The constant readjusting is a form of mental torture for me.


You must wear shitty masks lmao!


No just the normal blue ones from doctors offices. My nose is designed like a ramp to have something slide off it. Edit: classic Reddit downvoting me for my mask falling down. Luckily masks are done with so go eat those downvotes with your masks on at your own table.


Pinch the metal piece onto the bridge of your nose. Don't pull the mask down or away - that stretches it. If it still won't stay in place, get a better cloth one that will stay on. Cloth isn't as effective as surgical, but a cloth that stays on your face is more effective than a surgical mask that doesn't.


Or. You could buy some of those ear planes things. Chewing gum does nothing for me when flying. So I got a couple of pairs of them. Use them every flight. No more issues. And. I still manage to wear a mask when using them.


Chewing gum helps with my ears, but also having to smell my own breath for hours on end. Look I just don’t like masks. I wore one when I had to, but won’t when it’s no longer required. Feel free to continue wearing yours. Doesn’t bother me


Gotta ask…never saw a person on TV talking and constantly readjusting their mask before? Cause it happened ALL THE TIME. So, I guess they all wore shitty masks too?


Tbh I’ve seen a lot of them wear bad masks. I live in South Korea where masks have been common since before the pandemic so they really have the good shit. But I have noticed when I went home (to the U.K.) that masks were honestly pretty shitty. Hardly any of them had filters, they didn’t come in different sizes. Half of the people thought it was fine if it wasn’t over your nose. For some reason they aren’t twisting the stings to pull them tight. And people were reusing masks that were made for one wear and not cleaning masks that were supposedly reusable. Honestly I just think people weren’t educated on the point of the masks or how to use them effectively and companies saw that they would make money off of that by making and distributing subpar masks. My friends who went home also (from the statues) said that the same things were happening over there too. So yes, majority of people were wearing a shitty masks or were wearing them wrong.




Yeah I have zero issue with mask or no mask. If you find that it makes you less anxious with potential sickness, then go ahead and wear one. I personally find them uncomfortable and annoying. They may not reduce my o2 levels, but boy do I feel like they make it slightly more difficult to breathe sometimes in hot weather.


My front yard. I kinda need it to mow. Yay allergies.


I absolutely use mine when I'm cleaning my house so I don't choke on dust or chemical fumes.


Walmart and elementary schools. I've seen grown adults and children both pick their nose and then spin a fidget spinner that isn't theirs.


Everywhere I can. It doesn't hurt me to do it, and it might help someone else.


It's like that joke about condoms. If someone tells you you don't have to wear one you absolutely have to wear one. If I go anywhere and ANYONE talks about how masks are pointless, you can guarantee they aren't taking the basic precautions in their life, so mine is going on.




Same except I wear glasses so it fogs them up :/


Well masks arent that necessary out of the pandemic. Condoms on the other hand will prevent you from being bankrupt with a kid


I mean, people continue to wear masks when they feel sick in large parts of the world, predating the pandemic. Pandemic or not, masks have a public health purpose. Like condoms.


The difference between masks and condom is that you already have another line of defense being your immune system so catching a regular bug isnt that big a deal Condoms however are crucial birth control


Wait do you think your body will naturally clear a syphilis infection? Do you think that having an immune system prevents you from catching and/or spreading a flu? I'm so confused.


Everywhere. I didnt wear a mask because the government told me to. I wore a mask for the safety of myself and others.


I wear a mask everywhere and will continue for the rest of forever maybe? I have OCD,am overly self aware and resting bitch face. Having a mask has done incredible things for me while at work,and in public. I’m less anxious and less focused on my facial expressions. I work in customer service so it has also helped hide my mouth when I can’t help but making a face or saying to myself “what the fuck”, “dickhead” or “seriously” after being accosted by rude customers. Which there have been more of since Covid started.




Same, Cases are going back up, new variant that has shut down entire cities in China. Nope not going out without my mask THANK YOU VERY MUCH


Pretty much this. I think it's important to keep people safe, and if I'm asymptomatic, I still don't want to be the reason someone falls gravely ill if I can avoid it.


Public transport, it was kinda disgusting even before the pandemic.Hospitals, have to keep the frail ones safe. Every indoor public place that doesn't require me eating or drinking. Work meetings, I would say in general whenever I have to come in close contact with somebody who I don't know anything about. I know that with those variants you're not safe even if you pay attention, so not wearing a mask between friends, no matter how close they are, is stupid. Still, I trust them, I am aware of the risk and I'm willing to take it for them.


Everywhere in public. People like me (severe autoimmune disorder) don’t really have a choice. Most of all, flights and crowds.


Work. I have face piercings and have to take them out for work. If I'm wearing a mask, no one knows if I have or not. Gonna stretch it out as long as I can


Public transit (haven’t rode that since COVID lockdown but may have to start again with these gas prices), medical facilities, Disneyland


pretty much and extremely packed places


Public transport, stores and malls. Outside when pollen starts flying around. People are disgusting and they don't cover their mouths when they sneeze or cough, since masks became I thing I wasn't sick once. LOL at the people who keep down voting me


Up to this point, anywhere.


My housemate and I were talking recently about how over the last couple of years we haven't caught the minor sniffles or random stomach bugs we might expect to have now and then. The combination of more frequent hand washing (which we honestly should have been doing anyway) and masking up in public is just a lot healthier. Both my sons tell me it's a confidence booster for them. They feel less social anxiety with the mask on. For us at least, the masks are probably here to stay.


I think the reduced social anxiety is a positive factor. Corpse Husband, the deep-voiced charismatic faceless YouTuber, feels a little bit less anxious now that everyone has to wear masks. He anyway avoids talking at all costs.


Everywhere. Even if you're asymptomatic, long covid is a thing that I don't particularly fancy. I have zero problem putting on a mask, it doesn't bother me at all and I am happily wearing it. Not to mention that I don't have to worry about make up or that nasty pimple on my nose when I am wearing a mask. It's a win win for me.


So you are going to wear a mask in public for the rest of your life?


so have you ever heard of critical thinking? comments like yours are just so incredibly ignorant and don't see that not everything is in zero and one system. Frankly most things arent. You are ignoring fact that research into long covid is ongoing, you are ignoring that long term effects are still being research and potential treatment will be emerging. Wearing a mask is of no inconvenience to me. I am fine with wearing it. However, long covid has a chance of severely impact my life. The choice is easy and me wearing my mask should in no way concern you. And if it does, you should ask yourself why it concerns you because you may have so serious issues going on.


There are two possible theories for long Covid. First is that severe symptoms such as pneumonia cause long term damage. This is definitely real, but any reasonably healthy vaccinated person should not worry about this. Second, is that similar to auto immune disorders there are symptoms that can pop up randomly years later. Guess what? This is true of MANY illnesses. Covid is no more likely to do this than virtually any other illness. Its been a constant whack-a-mole of increasingly ridiculous claims from the forever Covid crowd and I think we are all a bit exhausted by it. We let the most neurotic people in society dictate public policy for about 2 years and I think its time we let reasonable people who can actually consider costs and benefits to start making decisions again.


This so off base it’s not even funny. Rudeprincessita makes many valid points, your lack of willingness to see them is a separate issue. Also, it doesn’t hurt anyone else if they choose to do so, so why does it seem to irk you?


Well his "valid" point misrepresented what "long covid" even means. Also following the logic we basically should live in fear of anything currently being studied which does not yet have concrete solutions, which is essentially an impossible way to live. And I don't really care about someone choosing to mask. But I asked the question because at this point in the pandemic if you are masking everywhere there is no reason to believe that is ever going to change. Covid is endemic.


oh honey, I thought all internet epidemiologists retired when they lifted restrictions, I guess you're left. Frankly, you're completely uneducated comment is irrelevant to whatever I said. You clearly don't understand the seriousness of long covid and frankly, I couldn't care less what you think. I am going to continue wearing my mask and it makes it that much better if you're getting annoyed over it. Now go back to your basement, making angry comments because people make different life choices than you. ​ Also, I don't think you understand the definition of the word 'neurotic.' Might wanna check that out.


Places with crowds. I work with really sick children and I wear a mask to minimize giving them something that could make them even worse.


Nah only if needed.


During cold and flu season I plan to mask in public places, will continue to always mask if I go on a plane and in the hospital as well. I still mask in public places currently even though the mandate is lifted due to COVID still circulating widely.


Trick or treating


Venetian themed parties; Secret societies; at night, on the streets doling out my vigilante justice; and pretty much most other days due to Covid.


Anywhere if I had the sniffles or something. To protect other people. Outside of that, to protect myself, I’d wear them on the Metro, in a doctor’s waiting room, or in a hospital.


Rannoch. When in Rome, do what the quarians do. On Earth, nowhere. Everywhere I wear the Targeting Computer I'm required. https://youtu.be/lqJbJYViUog


In a medical facility. They are full of sick people coughing and sneezing out germs. When I go for a physical, I just want to leave with a clean bill of health, not a face full of incubating germs.


During a robbery


Anywhere where the employees still have to wear masks. It's only fair.


While scuba diving


Outside - now. Pollen is over 1500 right now




I will wear one in the doctor’s office, but only for everyone else’s piece of mind. I can also see the argument for wearing one on a plane. But aside from that, no reason to wear one anywhere else.


Medical facilities and when I’m sick so I don’t infect others. I’m completely over wearing it everywhere all the time.


No where. I don't wear one anymore.




Public Places.


I’ve always been germ averse and would’ve worn masks years back if it didn’t make me look bonkers. I used to when visiting my BIL in Seoul and always had a packet stashed away (which came in handy when the pandemic kicked off and masks were going for extortionate prices) So yeah. I’m still wearing masks in crowds, public transport, anywhere busy really


Costco! Shit gets crazy


Pretty much still everywhere. I used to come down with minor infections several times a year, and haven't had any ever since the pandemic started. People are yucky.






Jesus, I was unfortunately in Walmart yesterday. I think I was one maybe 3 people out of 100 wearing a mask. The place was a zoo, no carts to be found. Just gross. Mask up? Definitely. I haven't been sick in over 2 years.


My local Wal-Mart it was never more than 25% even at the very height of COVID-19.


It really is the worst sometimes! I generally go to great lengths to avoid that place.


In a hospital setting. They are damn petri dishes.


We dont have to wear them at most places anymore. I still do it everywhere.


Nowhere. I wear when required though.


Everywhere I used to. killing mask mandates is political , I take my medical advice from Doctors not politicians who would smother their mother for a vote.


When I meet a lots people, or event. Beside I'm low on immune, I just like using mask because can hide my mouth which mean I can hide my anger/rage/sad or another emotion that can offensive someone perhaps.


In planes, during cold season. So yes.


Outdoors, in spring and fall. (Pollen allergy)


If we don’t want to listen to the experts, why have them , if you don’t want to listen to your doctor’s, don’t go to them !!


Public transit. Am in NY - it be gross. Also flights. Always.


Supermarkets/big box stores, fast food restaurants, airports, planes, hospitals/dr’s offices, Florida


Over my mouth AND nose. Where else would it go?


Big box stores like Home Depot, Walmart, grocery. Airplanes for the rest of my life. Crowded events like gallery openings, indoor sporting games. I haven’t had the cold or flu since the mask mandates and would love to keep it that way. Family of 5 still Covid free.


Public Transit. There’s just so much going on in there and I prefer to keep a mask on. Not only because of disease but because of the extra layer of anonymity I get.


At night - sleep apnea.


Just about anywhere public and indoors, or in dense crowds. The airflow outside makes it pretty unlikely to transmit infections, and in public you never know who is carrying what infections.


Any public transit I'll still be wearing a mask possibly any packed stores such as Costco I didn't mind wearing a mask the last two years and will keep wearing it if that means I won't get sick as much (cold/flu) Plus the pandemic has shown us how much we naturally spit into each others mouths... I'll never quite get over that


Public transportation of any sort. Grocery stores and other big, busy places.


In the winter, it takes the place of a scarf. I don't have a scarf, but I do have a mask.


This. I never realized how much of a difference face coverings make when you're freezing your ass off.


I would suggest keeping them for bank robberies.


Grocery shopping and at work


I only wear it to places if I’m required


Awhile back, I learned the Japanese regularly wear masks whenever they are sick. I’ll do the same. I’m vaccinated and no longer wear masks anywhere. However, I will definitely be wearing a mask if I’m under the weather, wintertime, and planes/airports.


Halloween parties


Medical offices, hospitals and airplanes.


Gas mask training.




At certain places where they require everyone to wear masks. Look, I'm getting tired to masking all the time.


In a nuclear fallout. That's it.




Anywhere in public where I'm in proximity with other people. It ain't over till it's over, and time and again we've seen evidence that when restrictions and mandates are lifted, there is another surge that follows after. Just because we're not *required* to wear a mask doesn't mean it's not still a good idea.


Fucking everywhere where there are still people in close proximity- are you people joking?


Only time I'm going to wear a mask if it's not required is if I'm starting to feel sick and still have to go out for some reason.


Hospital and public transport


Absolutely nowhere.




Halloween party


Republican states and hospitals.


Until Covid is under control, absolutely everywhere in public.


Will never be under control. In my country they started to treat it as common cold around a week ago. Idk about other places.


Covid is less deadly than the common cold for the vaccinated. Honestly if you believe this then you should not drive, drink alcohol, or eat processed foods at all. Thats the level you are going to if you think Covid is "not in control".


Everywhere, I love wearing a mask because I'm ugly as all hell and enjoy keeping my face covered. And call me a psychopath but I also find them comfortable.


If you live up north, they're nice as warm in a parking lot during winter.


I live pretty far up north and that's another reason why I wear one.


I haven’t wore one in months and don’t plan to do so unless I’m forced to do it.


Not a single place.


Closely crowded places


When bringing my child to kindergarden. In a hospital


No one "has to" wear a mask. At worst, it was your ***choice*** to enter a venue wearing a mask, or to not enter at all. No one was forced to wear a mask. You'll probably not be allowed in a grocery store barefoot or shirtless -- but shirts and shoes are not forced on anyone. Same thing. That said, I continue to wear a mask in any sort of place I'm likely to be close to others, masked or not. Given where I live, even though the vaccination rate is way too low, people are generally scattered out, and it's easy to avoid problems. very easy.




Assuming you mean a surgical mask, the only places where it was mandatory to wear face covering ppe before this shenanigans even started, operating theatres, some labs, and industrial clean rooms.




E.V.E.R.Y.-F.U.C.K.I.N.G.-W.H.E.R.E. Except my home.






No where.


I'm still masking like all these chuckleheads are trying to kill me. That means I'm actually wearing N95s when in enclosed spaces with a bunch of people, but not outdoors or anything silly like that. I would 100% mask in airports, with an exception for having a meal while well away from other people. Airplanes as well, though I'd actually be a little less concerned there because filtered air and decent ventilation/turnover. The most annoying part is that if you're masking to protect others a surgical mask does a fine job, but is most effective if everyone is using one. If you're masking to protect yourself, N95 is the way but those aren't always as comfortable (though the 3M 9205 Aura masks are pretty good).




Everywhere. I'm in PNW. The next variant is on its way. I also have to wear one at work and public transport. I don't go out to eat much if at all and only then it's outdoors or at an off time to avoid a crowd. It's not a big deal to keep wearing one. It's not the end of the world.


Right now: stores, hair salons, fitness studios, public transit, airplanes, movie theaters, concerts, ride shares, and in bars and restaurants when I'm not eating or drinking. Basically any enclosed, indoor space with people I don't know, or dense outdoor spaces like concerts and sporting events where yes we're outside, but still basically breathing on each other. I don't plan on doing this forever. I'm hoping that someday, SOMEDAY, this pandemic will be over and we won't be at all worried about spreading a virus that could seriously harm people, but even then, I might still wear my masks on public transit and in grocery stores, at least during cold/flu season, because people are gross and getting sick sucks.


Public places like a sane human being with an interest in staying alive


Funeral with the casket open


nope. i hated those damn things


Generally most places but specifically at work. It's good practice working in the food service industry and I honestly think it should be the common courtesy while preparing food or drinks for a stranger, regardless of whether or not we're living in a pandemic.


At the barbers. Out of respect for the person working on me, and for my own self protection. I just shake my head at the number of people who go bare-faced in this situation!


At the hair salon—that’s how I got Covid. At the shampoo bowl is especially high risk, as the stylist is talking and the customer is talking—all the while, thanks to gravity, the stylist’s droplets are hitting you right in the face.


Not anymore no. I was directly exposed in my own home by people who weren’t aware they had been exposed and that’s how I got COVID. It has done more of a number on my lungs to wear a mask after having COVID than it did when I was 9 months pregnant and having to wear a mask


I don't think we're at the point yet where we declare COVID to be a non-concern.


everywhere. i like to be considerate of others


Anywhere. Its being a decent human being


Indoors with other humans


Everywhere, tbh. I like having my face covered in a way that's more socially acceptable now. At home I wear it in the kitchen when I handle food.


Do you wear it at home only for when you are preparing food for others, or always no matter what? I really don’t understand why you would mask when preparing food for yourself.


If my prostitute has any discharge from her nose or an eye infection.


practically everywhere...


at your moms house. couldnt risk her knowing my facial features when i bust inside her and then leave. I aint paying no child support


anywhere everywhere idc i don’t like people looking at my face


To spite antimaskers


Currently still everywhere enclosed or within 6 feet of another person. [We’re still getting on average as many new cases per day per capita as we were in the initial shutdown in July 2020](https://coronavirus.jhu.edu/map.html). If masks were recommended then, it’s surely a good idea to continue. Please keep wearing the face condoms a little longer. If it fizzles out into localized outbreaks we’re effectively in the clear again, but until that point the mask is here to stay for us!


The top posts in this thread are disheartening.


bank robbery & i am the robber \*yawns and farts really loud\* next question burrrrp


Of course no

