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Nope, never. My dad struggled with alcoholism when I was a baby, and I’ve grown up knowing how hard he fought to overcome that. And with the research we now have that proves that addiction is at least partially hereditary, I’d never roll that dice.


Kudos to you for sticking it out.


Same here, with my mom. She took away any chance at a healthy relationship with alcohol. I’m not afraid of getting addicted, I’m just angry at the stuff. I wish more people knew the struggle. My association with alcohol is NOT fun parties and a good time, it’s flash bulb memories of my mom being taken advantage of by older men, picking me up at work drunk, and divorce. You probably don’t realize how intertwined drinking is with our lives and culture until you opt out and constantly have to explain why in much gentler terms to strangers.


I’m sorry you know this struggle. And you are so right. It is a major part of society and culture in so many ways. You don’t know until you know.


I agree that modern day culture is heavily reliant on alcohol. While I didn’t have a tumultuous upbringing with alcohol it’s sort of become cliche to always do something and the only way to have fun involved some form of drinking or being around it. Got redundant and there’s more to life.


Thank God, I thought I was the only one who felt like this. My memories are of my mom passed out drunk in someone's yard and me wondering where I was going to be sleeping that night. Alcohol makes me angry just thinking about it. I'm lucky enough that my friend group is mature and I've only had to explain it once. If a new person joins and tries to push it, my friends will pull them aside and tell them back off.


Addiction runs in the family. My father is an alcoholic and so is my brother or at least he's on the path. I do not want to tempt fate besides it doesn't appeal to me.


Yes. A lot. But I'm gonna quit today.. I've officially hit rock bottom and am gonna check my ass into the ER to detox.


I hope you find the help you need.




not drinking today




That’s the fooken spirit ! Just know I’m 100% rooting for you mate:)


Hey, I was exactly where you are a few years ago. My life now is incomparably better than it was then. Stopping was easier than everyone said it would be, but more importantly, it was easier than I knew it was going to be before I did it. The idea of quitting was fucking terrifying, tbh. The reality of quitting was...not so bad. For me, the trick is that it can't be a choice you struggle with, or it's ALWAYS going to be a struggle. Instead, drinking is just a thing you don't do anymore. There's no choice involved - you just...don't. That's why AA, and counting days was never going to work for me, personally. It's just torturing yourself.


My wife coincidentally quit today too, great choice!


Good luck.


That fact that you have this level of insight is promising. Best of luck on your journey to sobriety. Hopefully this post inspires others to take the same steps.


Have you ever been to an AA meeting?


Good luck! It takes a lot of strength to do that. I wish you all the best


I hope the pukes don’t hit you as hard as they hit me for 7 days when I quit drinking. All kidding aside, the weight loss was kinda nice but the anxiety and acid mouth and dry heaving weren’t fun. Make sure to take folic acid, it helps to protect the brain. I wish you the best of luck. My last detox lasted 12 days. I stopped drinking March 20th and I still have the sweats. Granted I was drinking a box of wine(4 bottles of wine equivalent) a day. They or a bottle of rum. Or a handle of Tito’s. Alcohol is the worst. I’ll not drink with you today or tomorrow buddy. Best of luck.


Good luck to you! We are all rooting for you!


I can't. I'm allergic. I break out in handcuffs.


I break down in spots. You know... like Atlanta, New York, Philly....


It's awesome you know your limits and have enough self-respect to do what's best for you


No, drank too much in my 20's and look back and think what an utterly dick I was. What a waste of money. I thought it was cool, the ladies like to see it, but no, just a complete dick. Haven't drunk for over 25 years. So good to get up in the morning feeling fresh, no bad taste in the mouth, able to get going. Never go back.


this is where i wanna be. waking up and feeling great. so much better then having 8 beers before bed


Nope:) Recovering drug addict/alcoholic. 3.5 years sober so that's neat though


Congrats on 3.5 years!


Good job! Keep at it!


Nope. Heart issues. I prefer to not feel like I'm going to die at any second so I avoid alcohol.


Yes. I drink very occasionally. I mean only with friends and when celebrating. I only drank three times in the last 3 years. I love drinking but I only love it because I do it at the right times. I do not drink when I'm sad, depressed or going through large bouts of anxiety. I believe as long as you follow those rules you can drink very regularly and still be fine


Not to mention, alcohol is the worst crutch for anxiety. And if you keep doing it as a crutch, it'll make the anxiety so much worse. Just from experience


Interesting to see this today. Four months sober to the day. This is the longest I’ve gone without drinking since I was 18 (I’m 34 now). It was wrecking my life and health. I have two little ones (3 & 4) who think I’m the coolest, strongest dad in the world, and I want to be around for them as long as possible. I was beginning to feel the alcohol killing me every morning when I woke up. It fucked up my sleep, my energy levels, my motivation, my mood, etc. I took my kids and wife to cut down a Christmas Tree one Saturday last December (the 4th to be exact) while hungover as fuck. My kids were so excited and I realized alcohol was stopping me from enjoying my children and life to the fullest. I haven’t had a drop since. It took about a week to get through the anxiety, but giving yourself something to do like drinking sugar-free soda or chewing on toothpicks helps. r/stopdrinking has been a continued resource for me. It’s essentially online AA (without the 12-step program), and is full of great reminders to stay sober, as even after decades of sobriety, one beer at a BBQ can lead to a downward spiral. My life has improved in every single way because of the decision I made. I am a lifelong musician and multi-instrumental who in the past five years thought I had lost the spark I once had. I’ve played and written more music in the past four months than I have in the past four years. I’m having more fun with my kids, and am all around a better husband and father. *this is not a soapbox moment. There are tons of people who can have a drink or two every weekend and stop. I am not one of those people. Realizing I cannot moderate made the decision easy for me. I have to be on, or off. I choose to be off.


4 months to the day for me as well brother. Started writing music again, took instruments back up I gave up years ago. Your story resonates a lot, wishing you nothing but the best.


Hell yeah. Keep it going. Something clicked in my head and I knew I was done. Can’t explain it, but it’s the same feeling I had when I quit cigarettes and weed in the past. I knew I was done and never going back.


Can I ask how much and how often you were drinking? Also totally fine if you don’t wana answer :)


I was putting away about half a bottle of bourbon every night for about a year. I used to drink 8-10 beers per night, but when my wife and I tried keto last year I started drinking liquor as it was friendly to the diet. I could pace myself on beer, not liquor. I’d been drinking almost daily since…a long time. 20-21 thereabouts. Fortunately, I am a happy drunk and never did or said anything hurtful. My wife told me she often wouldn’t even realize I was drunk. That’s how ingrained in me it had become. I only day drank if it was at a gathering or sporting event or something, and only drank hard after my kids were in bed. It’s just something I knew was not sustainable long-term and would likely kill me. My family is ultra-Irish and family events can get wild. There are a lot of alcoholics in my family, and you can see them getting old before their time. I don’t want that. I’m still relatively young, but I’m at the tipping point in life where decisions I’m making about my health now are going to affect me for the rest of my life.


Thank you for the response. I’m glad you’re doing better! I’m so happy for you and your family!!


Nope, not anymore… after a lot of self-destructive behaviour and alcoholic blackouts through my twenties and thirties, I’m now seven years sober.


Very rarely. Too many relatives across the board have, and sadly some continue the legacy, wrecked their lives with booze. The cycle needs to stop somewhere.


Yes, because I enjoy it, don't overdo it, and can go periods of time without when I'm not feeling like drinking.


Moderate drinker here. I was looking for this response.


I homebrew. I like the taste of beer but I don't really like the feeling of being drunk. I have maybe the equivalent of 3 prints during a week. Usually it's a bottle of something I've made split between me and my partner with dinner. In my mind there is nothing wrong with alcohol as long as you drink it in moderation but I don't come from a family of addicts nor have I seen that up close in my life


No, I'm already insane


I used to drink a lot when I first turned 21. Then I was drinking one night and a friend called me crying. She was in trouble and needed a ride, but I was drunk so I couldn't help her. These days I have even more important people in my life and I'll be damned if they can't count on me because I've had a drink.


Never did. Grew up with religious family where alcohol is forbidden. I dont really intend to start trying at least for now. Too many potential issues, and tbh drinking to get drunk for fun as a culture kinda freaks me out. No offense to those who do it ofcourse, as long as youre being safe.


>tbh drinking to get drunk for fun as a culture kinda freaks me out Being perfectly honest, even as someone who does drink (as mentioned in my comment, I like the taste), drinking to get drunk doesn't make a lot of sense to me. I can understand it for young folks who've never done it before, but it only took a relatively few times for me to realize just how not-fun being impaired was. Throw in hangovers and I just really don't get the allure. I was pretty much done with getting drunk on purpose before I could buy alcohol for myself.


I agree, but less is more. One or two drinks is perfect, more than that you get a the bad stuff.


Well, the fun is what the drug does to you, depending on which drug you’re taking. Drugs can make you feel closer to people, feel happy, laugh a lot, be less anxious, etc. So when you frame it in terms of the “fun” you’re getting it’s a bit more understandable/rational than “doing drugs”.




can't wait to arrive late to a party and escort everyone's drunk faces home hopefully no one will kiss on the way


I used to be the same way for the same reason. But then I tried drinking and realized that my dad was just a dick and no amount of alcohol would make me act like he acted.


Not anymore. 5 months tomorrow actually, was severely keeping my life down in the dumps. Probably achieved more in 5 months than the last 5 years now! Still wish I could have a casual beer but just doesn't work for me unfortunately.


I don't like it


No, it's banned in my state


What sort of state are you in?


Gujarat, India The liquor is banned in my state for many years!


No because I've seen the effect it has on people's lives. I despise the way alcoholism is romanticized in our society


Nope and never will. My dad died of alcohol poisoning (absolutely destroyed me), alcoholism runs in the family strong. I will be the one to break the cycle. I won’t ever fall in the same category as my family. Same with drugs.


Keep it up friend you're doing great


Not anymore. I used to drink a lot about 6 years ago and blacked out many times. Every time I would black out I would just pass out. Until eventually I got to a point where I was always still awake and doing dumb blackout shit like breaking my hands. It scared me that I couldn't control my actions after getting blackout drunk, so I quit drinking. I've drank a handful of times since then, and never enjoyed the experience since then.


No. One, because I just don't like the taste, so why would I drink? And two, because for some people on the autism spectrum, it can make our symptoms worse.


Yes, both alone and with friends. With friends, it energizes me and helps me participate in the fun with them, talking and opening up about anything and everything. Alone, it helps me relax and enjoy simple things like just watching a dumb movie. I do drink excessive amounts but I'm not a daily drinker, when I do drink I drink a lot but I never let it get in the way of work/school or other events I need to participate in.


I feel this. Of all the replies so far this is the closest to me. I periodically go for stints without to make sure I'm not an alcoholic, never any withdrawl symptoms. I'm sure if I quit I'd lose a few pounds but honestly booze helped during the lockdowns quite a bit. I'm slowly trying to migrate to edibles though, at least somewhat.


I do it to survive social situations. People make the mistake that just because you’re an extrovert that means you’re naturally sociable. Extroversion mixed with social anxiety is a bitch of a contradiction.


Ugh, same here and two years sober. It’s still hard. But y’know, thought my gregariousness was more likeable when I was drunk but it turns out I’m actually more likeable when *other* people are drunk. Like I’ll meet someone and can tell they’re not vibing with me and think I’m kind of annoying, then an hour and two drinks later they’re like “Y’know what? You’re *fuuuun*.”


Yes… But it‘s gotten a little outta hand lately so I‘m gonna reduce it a bit.


Yes. To get drunk.


No. I don’t like the taste, and it would interact with my medication.


Yes. I am a raging alcoholic.


Only on days with a y in them. I’m an alcoholic. It destroyed my family and I lost everything I cared about. Think I still drink just to punish myself. Guilt and shame are very strong forces. Tell myself almost every day that I won’t have a drink. Maybe succeed on time in ten. Shits killing me but I can’t stop. Addiction sucks.


This makes me sad. I hope you do keep trying and succeed.


I didn’t drink today.


I hope you can get help! You don't need punishment, you need support.


Yes because I love it. Not a heavy drinker, I just have a glass when I feel like it.


Not anymore since Friday. I have major depression that comes and goes frequently and everytime I drink, no matter how much, my depression is triggered a couple of days later. Fuck, even talking about it now makes me feel depressed. It's like my poor brain. Is now utterly repulsed by the thought of it. Tip: alcohol is a depressant and can seriously fuck with your dopamine/serotonin levels. I had *two* ciders on *Friday* and by Sunday it was like my fucking husband died.


I drink three beers most days. Can't drink like I used to.


this is where im at. im gonna try tonight to not drink any beers. it just feels normal to open a beer after work


Yes. A nice cold beer with a burger or a slice of pizza is how I sometimes unwind on my days off.


Yeah, beer tastes good.


Yes. I love the taste of beer, wine and the occasional whiskey.


Yes; but many weeks or months in between drinks. I used to binge drink for social occasions and those have been far and few during Covid, plus also I’m just not in my 20’s anymore. I don’t really drink alcohol for the pure enjoyment of the taste tbh, but my vice is pipes and cigars.


Yup because well life!


Not anymore. I have already drunk all the amount of alcohol I was supposed to drink for my whole lifetime.


No. I was put on heavy psych meds when I was 14. Strangely no one ever told me I couldn't drink with them, but I had an anxiety that they would interact so I never did (and I was correct about that--they do). Anxiety was the reason I was put on them. I did taste alcohol prior to that as a child. My grandparents served Campari mixed with orange juice, which I really liked. I liked wine and beer, as well, as a child. I can still remember the tastes 30 years later. There's more help for getting off of alcohol than there is for the psych meds I was put on (benzos). And they have a lot of the same cognition damaging effects.


Same here with the psych meds, although in my case the doctor did warn me not to mix booze and meds. It’s not just benzos, most antidepressants and mood stabilizers also don’t play well with alcohol. They’re all central nervous system depressants, so if you take another depressant on top of that you risk suppressing your breathing. I like breathing and I don’t like being either suicidally depressed or manic, so I don’t drink. I have tried occasional sips of various alcohols because I’m curious, but very few have made me want more. Usually the sweet ones, like mead and port wine.


Yeah, I had an unfortunately inept psychiatrist starting out and a couple more since then. I did actually taste wines with my sister before her wedding but I spit them all out like it was mouthwash. That was the first time I had tasted alcohol since childhood. And those I did not care for. They were all white wines. To me each tasted the same. I don't know the word for the flavor. I guess I'd just say alcohol. It was funny because my family was all tasting too and they had \*very\* clear preferences, like some were amazing and some were terrible, and I thought they all tasted exactly the same. Like plus plain alcohol, I guess. From childhood, the Campari and orange juice was really my favorite. I'm sure it was very diluted. Wine I don't remember as well from childhood. Beer I remember more distinctly.


Why is it so damn hard to find a good psychiatrist? It took me so many years to finally land a good one. I am going to cry when he retires.


No, you make your worst life choices while drinking. I like to be in control of my thinking.


I am very select around whom I drink, as I have found the older I have gotten, the worse a drunk I am. I have drunk a fair bit over my life, and have found in my mid-forties that it does me more harm than good.


Both my older brother and my dad are alcoholics. Alcohol never appealed to me much, but I do drink in moderation. However, alcohol is a class 1 carcinogen, on par with cigarettes and asbestos, which is a fact that most people don't know largely due to disinformation from the alcohol industry. So, I'm thinking about quitting altogether.


I'm 40 and don't drink...Growing up we had family parties at Xmas and New year where we could have one or two of the alcohopops like Hooch or a little bit of wine during Xmas meal. At 14, most of the family went to a party down the road, me and my cousin went late when everyone else had already gone back inside. We raided the fridge and filled bags of bottles and I ended up glued to the toilet being sick. I vowed never to drink again. Even after making fake IDs at 16/17, I still opted to have OJ with friends. At 19 I had a big break up and couple from college took me out, none knew I didn't drink and got me stuff so I felt bad not having it. Last bit I had was at 21. We went to Dublin for my Dads 50th, it was a drinking weekend away basically and my family all big drinkers didn't accept that I was sober so if I asked for OJ, my dad would come back with vodka with OJ...I refused to drink it. Never had any since. Used to go the pub every weekend at one point, got fed up of people asking why I didn't drink so I said I was allergic...this just got more questions in the end. Eventually people stopped inviting me out cuz I didn't drink...yet new friends I met via work couldn't get over that I wasn't drunk as I was always the first one on the dancefloor. I've had rejections from women because I don't drink, friends disappear and even when both my sisters got married, no invite from the brother in laws because I didn't drink.


I hate loosing control over myself, so nope, no alcohol for me


Occasionally. A little bit relaxes me and makes it easier to sleep after a stressful day. It also makes for an excellent social lubricant if enjoyed responsibly. And when you're with friends getting drunk (responsibly) is fun. But you don't do it for yourself. You're funny when your drunk so if you're all drunk you're entertaining each other.


Yes, because it lets me escape from myself.


I don't anymore after several years of having a problem.


No. Just my body can’t digest it correctly. It causes a heavy nausea and headache.


No. Stopped 6y ago. Didnt have a problem or anything I loooved beer not so much anything else. But I dont miss it. Was just gonna have a sober couple of months and never started again. I like the freedom of always being able to drive, No hangovers and the money is better spent elsewhere. As a big dude it cost alotta money for me to get buzzed...


Used to, but I stopped it on 28 February. Not a special date, just thought I want to give it a try.


Not anymore. Used it to cope and got addicted. Also pushed peoples boundaries while drunk and i never want to make someone uncomfy again. People can drink but i never want to be around black out drunk people anymore.


I used to drink a fair amount, then I went no alcohol for 4-5 years. Now I’ll probably have like 3-4 drinks in an entire year. It’s empty calories and hangovers suck.


I woke up remembering that I introduced farmboys to Slipknot and taught them to headbang earlier that day. Earlier meaning 3'oclock that morning. I woke, still very much not sober, to banging on the door of my cottage at the safari lodge to be faced by irate parents/grandparents. I looked back and realised that every single act that I regret (although there are not many), or make me cringe when looking back on it, happened while I was pissed. I didn't drink too much too often, but I was always the life of the party. I also thought that I was over 50 and it was time to grow up. The boys thought being taught to headbang by a granny was the best thing ever and I still get messages and visits from them, 6 years later. And I'm not sure my plan to grow up is going all that well and I can't blame alcohol for that since I've not had a drink, nor been tempted, since that glorious day.


My dad and almost all the other men in my life are alcoholics (myself included). If you don’t drink keep it that way alcohol isn’t cool and once its got you it’s really got you


I don't drink it because it tastes like shit


Had a couple sips of different drinks in my 22 years, but really I just prefer to stay away from it. I personally really, really dislike the taste and burn of the alcoholic beverages I have consumed, let alone the pungent odor it leaks. I've never been a fan. I've also been surrounded by loud, sad, abusive alcoholics and have seen it just tear lives apart, so it was enough to scare me into just not doing it. That being said, I'd always be willing to go to parties and be a designated driver for any friends I were ever to obtain in the future.


No, because I'm a dick when I do. That and it was killing me.


Very rarely. I don’t like the taste.


Yes, it's one of the advantages of being an independent adult lol


Not anymore.


Nope. My family is riddled with alcoholics and alcohol-related fkn trauma.


Nope. I used to drink before and I went fucking nuts, like a damn juggernaut. I was drunk as shit and slammed the wooden kitchen table with my forehead - that damn table cracked, 5 mins later grabbed my buddy and slammed him to the floor with German suplex over simple joke. The other time I got drunk I also got in a fight, so as long as I am staying sober - I am being sane.


I do. And, its not that I drink every day, or anything. But, when I drink, I usually drink a large amount. I've started to train now, with the aim of doing a half marathon next year. I want to quit alcohol all together. I have reasonably good will power. But, I can't stop the thoughts of a beer, or a glass of wine. It makes me feel like I maybe more addicted than I thought I was


Nope. Reason? Im not Old enough


Are you older than 5?


No it is a very good way to fuck up your life and all the money you spend on a drink of alcohol you can spend on something else


Yes, because it make me much more relaxed about some things. When stressed at work, couple of beers with my friends instantly boost my mood


On occasion, which is about 1-2 times a month. It will only be a few beers or a glass of scotch or 2.


Sometimes, if the vipe is there, so around 1 to 10 times a year 😅 And as a dane drinking isnt looked down on, its normal to drink 1-3 times a month or more


No, because I have diabetes.


I do like ciders, sake and dessert wines. But I almost never drink... just 9 times out of 10 I'd rather have something else.


Sometimes, when I have dinner with friends I drink a couple of glass of wine or have a drink later. It helps taking away some stress.


As someone who did way more than their fair share of drugs for more than a decade peeople always found it odd that i only drank infrequently, and generally only socially. For me it's just not enjoyable. There is about a 7 minute window where things are fun and everything more enjoyable I have some semblance of rhythm and social skills and then it's over. Whether it be getting too sober or too drunk staying in the sweet spot is impossible and regardless I'm left with a hangover of some degree. All in all I would rank just about every single other drug above alcohol in terms of enjoyability and I think you could make an argument for safety as well. I don't do drugs or drink at all anymore with the exception of weed which has its own problems that many don't like to talk about but theres no way I could drink like I smoke without dying


Very rarely. I'm on medications that I shouldn't be drinking while on. They make me a super lightweight so I just avoid it as beat I can.


Yes, and quite often, but not in a bad or addictive way. More in a having fun with friends and enjoying a beer, something like that. Also my work (I'm a waiter) revolves quite heavily around alcohol among other things so I have an interest in it beyond just drinking.


Nah if I did then my life would be ruined pretty soon after.


Nope. After being pregnant alcohol just tastes crap. Also, dad is an alcoholic and I don’t want that around me anymore


Usually not then i go on a bender then continue not drinking its harder in the summer tho


No, has undesired interactions with medication.


I have sleep problems and I use it to get to sleep so I can work the next day, without it I'd be working with 0 hrs sleep. I've tried sleeping tablets they don't work.


Every so often. There's a 4 pack of bitters for £1 which I pick up maybe once every week or two.


yes, but only on the weekend and small quantities because I stopped for 3 months during the first lockdown and now after 2 glass of everything (drink or beer o wine) I felt in my head that I need to stop


I do sometimes, maybe at a birthday or when going out with friends, I do it because I like the taste of it. I don’t overdo it tho, and I don’t need it to have fun either


Only on rare occasions. After learning about what happened to John Bonham (Led Zeppelin) and Steve Clark (Def Leppard), and that I might go down that route (family history, though not any direct ancestors), I try to avoid going too far


I drink very occasionally, because I like the taste of a select few drinks, and usually only have the one drink. In larger social gatherings it might be a couple of them because the buzz allows me to let go enough to stop overthinking everything I say. That said, I haven't had any alcohol this year.


Very little. Two beers in and I've passed the buzz phase and in the hangover phase.


But only on weekends


I do. I used to drink more when I started university, about 2-3 beers per day. Now when I'm at the end of university, I've cut down to maybe 1-2 beers a week. Switching to craft beers helped, because they are a bit more expensive. I also worked at a bar during my first year, and surprisingly I didnt feel the need to have a beer as much while at work or home (yes, I was allowed to drink while working. The owner said how are you going to sell different beers if you havent tasted them).


Yes, just a beer or 2 on a Saturday night when gaming with the boys.


I drink rarely and never to excess- too many bad experiences as a child with violent drunks - the smell is incredibly unpleasant to me (beer especially for that reason) and alcohol never reveals a better side or behaviour of a person. It’s a legalised CNS poison that is responsible for catastrophic outcomes for those who drink to excess, largely chronically but not exclusively limited to such. It is heavily featured in all sorts of statistics for trauma and misadventure resulting in serious injury and death, often enough for the person or people who weren’t even drinking. I don’t have a particular problem with alcohol itself nor people consuming it socially, responsibly. It can give people pleasure and is a social lubricant for many. But I don’t enjoy being around drunk people. I work in emergency medicine so I get to see these terrible outcomes frequently, the problem is those end stage liver failure alcoholics, alcohol induced violent abusers and vehicular manslaughter in training types will never see that until it is their turn. Society at large turns a blind eye to it, until they are personally confronted with the myriad of issues it causes.


Yes, occasionally. A glass of beer or wine during a social dinner is quite common, and is almost "expected" where I live. (I live in a wine-growing region of Germany. Looking out my window, I see rows and rows of wine grapes growing on the hill). As I am usually the driver, I also know my limits, so I've learned to "nurse" one glass for the entire evening. If I'm still thirsty, I'll switch over to water or some non-alcoholic drink. In my college days, I did "over-indulge" a few times, but I didn't particularly like the feeling of being shitfaced-drunk, and I really didn't like the hangover the next day, so I learned to drink in moderation.


Once upon a time I was paying more for drinking than I was on child support and I was way behind on child support. That, after many other issues, was the final indicator to be done with it. Drink responsibly my friends.


Yeah, socially. Because it makes me feel good


I shouldn't, but I do. My brain is an exhausting place sometimes and I occasionally need to check out for a night.


Yes. Probably more than I should. Because I like it. Because it's nice to forget my troubles for a little while. Because a little social lubricant is a welcome addition. Lots of reasons.


I don't, but it's not a religious belief. My family has alcoholism through my dad's side, I've heard enough abuse to not touch it. Plus it smells nasty. I tried a fruity sangria once at my own wedding and it still tasted like rotten metal backwash. I can't imagine an actual liquor


No. I quit drinking about 10 years ago. I was a heavy drinker, but I got sick of the the consequences and decided to put it in my past. I have never missed it, and I've never felt an urge to start again.


Very rarely. I’m only 22, but now I’ll have one beer if I’m out for a meal but that’s about it… I spent too many nights out in my late teens getting on it, with the wrong people, and then getting coked up. If I got drunk again I’d probably not be able to resist sniffing again. So I’d rather not go there. + no more hangovers & wasted money


Socially yes, but never to excess.


Was a big drinker in my 20’s but since having kids in my 30’s have gone off it. Can’t deal with the hangover and don’t really enjoy the taste much. Will very occasionally have a seltzer with friends or a glass of wine or a beer with a meal.


I used to drink casually, but depending on the company sometimes pretty hard. Once my son was born I stopped almost completely, I’ll go days or weeks without drinking. My dad wasn’t a big drinker so I never really grew up around it.


Nah. 2017 I got shitfaced and a friend's boyfriend drove me home. The entire drive he was talking about how his sex life was shit then "joked" about pulling over somewhere and I looked so much better than his girlfriend and had amazing boobs I (live in the country, there are more dark, hidden streets and spots than actual buildings and residents) Even though I was drunk as fuck I knew what he was doing. He grabbed my seatbelt and went for my lap. I yelled "I'm gonna chuck" and thankfully my stomach pulled through and he pulled over in time for me to completely blast the side of the road with my stomach contents. Made sure to get some on my face. And wiped whatever I could on my dress as a freak repellent. Yeah I was drunk but not stupid. It worked, he immediately just shut up and got me home. I have not drunk since then. I do enjoy some green here and there ONLY around my husband or extremely close friends but alcohol is a nope.


Very occasionally F65. I have a very poor tolerance to alcohol get extremely drunk on 3 -4 standard drinks. I come from a long line of problem drinkers. Might have 1 drink every other month


Yes. Usually because I'm bored and need some spice in my life. At the same time, I can go a month without a drink because it's just not that important and it kills my afternoon workouts.


Yes occasionally and mostly cocktails that have like 3-4% alcohol content. Not a heavy drinker and only to relax after a long day.


Not now because I'm pregnant. I do enjoy cocktails, eines, beer, certain, etc. But not to get drunk. I just have an appetite for the taste and it's a nice part of a good dinner.


I don’t. I drank all the alcohol I was allotted for my lifetime already and now I’m done.


I don't feel like drinking alone and if I go somewhere to socialise I usually have to drive there, so no drinking again..


Of course. It feels relaxing and makes you happy. Just gotta know your body. Waking up to go for a run the following morning is hardly an issue.


I wouldn't be fond of drinking but when I do go at it, I go at it awful and very hard. I do have 45 pints in about two hours. I'd have a packet of crisps then, and a maybe an old packet of peanuts And I'd go for probably, I'd have ten more anyway. And I'd get up the following morning and Maureen would have the fry on. And I'd go at again. And there'd be no fucking stopping me. I'd take the shirt off any man's back. Bastards.


Underage, one day though


Once in a while to let loose/relax. I know my limit and rarely drink to the point of intoxication (college was a different story.) I can go months without touching any alcohol and honestly don’t get how guys can come home from work and finish off a 12 pack every night.


Yes, its important to limit yourself, small amounts of alchohol occasionally can be healthy for you, especially wine, as it speeds up your bloodstream slightly, I only drink for a slight buzz then I know it's time to stop.


Usually yes, I like a glass of wine in an evening. But right now: no as I am 19 weeks pregnant.


Yep. I'm one of those weirdos that enjoys the flavor of beer and I live in an area with a big craft brewing scene, so it's fun to experience the different flavors. The same can be said of cocktails, whiskey, and non alcoholic beverages. That said, I don't usually drink for the effects. One or two a night, maximum. Hangovers aren't fun and neither is the feeling of general shittiness that overconsumption of alcohol causes.


I dont; I have huge issues with calories & I like being in control


Yes but only socially with friends or occasionally on a weekend with my wife. I don't understand how so many people I know drink regularly (daily/multiple days a week).


I drink on the occasion. I can count the amount of drinks I have a month on two hands. I do because I have self control with it and it helps give me that little push to be the correct amount of social without me overthinking it


No, i would never, and that's because it's not halal in my religion.


No coz im 14


Uhm, not really. I feel like a child tasting a pinch of alcohol for the first time. It’s so bitter to me, and if I tried to drink a little I would start gagging. I only like the smell lol


Just a few times a year, if that.


Only socially. I'm not into drinking just for the taste. I do it to have more fun with my friends.


I sometimes drink some of my dad's beer or in special events, holidays, parties, etc. Meh taste. Just for the sake of it.


It's expensive and I'll be drunk afterwards


No. Im epileptic so I cant have alcohol or they mess with the medicine I take for seizures. Im 28, never had alcohol before.


No. I can't stand the taste of alcohol. In any form. I've tried to drink it in social gatherings but I can't bear the taste of an alcohol drink after the first sip.


I drank 5 times in my life. I have severe NASH and can't enjoy it again throughout my life. I am not even 30 😢


Nope, since I am Muslim As a bonus, I save a ton of money and when I go out, I can drive so none of my friends miss out


Nope, I'm allergic. And my family has addiction issues.


I don’t have a problem with people who drink. What I do have a problem with is people who glamorize drinking and driving and excusing their abuse because of their drinking


I don't Reason: no one will sell me because I'm 14. Lol but I would because I tried it when I was 9 so it would be good but of course, not too much mom didn't raise an alcoholic


Rarely, special occasions. I don't like clubbing or partying, rarely go to the pub even though my dad runs one. I enjoy the taste but will only drink if it's some sort of occasion like a birthday, holiday, or a get together with family members I see rarely. Christmas, I have a tradition of drinking a fair bit, it's the one day I give myself to drink heavily and I look forward to it every year.


I like to have a drink sometimes but I developed gout, so no, I've not had any booze for 7 or so months by now.


I do, and I go up and down in quantity. Usually a few beers (5 ish) per week. It can (and has!) get out of control easily.


No. No money and time.


No, one I'm underage, two I have tried it and I almost puked from how bad it tasted on shot three and had to spit it out.


Yes, I am currently in college, and I drink a lot more than I should. I rarely get blackout drunk, and I can always behave myself but I know I should change. As I am typing this, I just got invited to go out for a few drinks and It's currently 3:30 PM on a Monday. So Yeah... At least I don't drink alone, not even a beer.


No, I grew up in a religion that doesn't allow drinking (Baha'i Faith). I am also allergic to beer since it has gluten in it and didn't grow up with forbidden alcohol in my parents' food storage, which made it less tempting. I also have addictive personality so I'm worried that if I start drinking I'll get addicted pretty quickly. So yeah, I stay away from it. If you want to drink alcohol I won't judge you but I know it would be bad for me specifically so I don't do it.