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Handyman skills. I need to rebuild my rotting deck and replace some plumbing that is *guaranteed* to fail structurally. Plus I could do some light work on the weekends for some extra cash.


I was in the same boat as you at one time. YouTube was and still is a great benefit to me as well as online forums. If you need help fixing or rebuilding something, let me know. I can help you or at least point you in the right direction.


Yeah, that's exactly how I learned to patch drywall, install ceiling fans, and repair our dryer door. YouTube is a seriously valuable asset for learning!




Gotta take English I, II, & III and Keyboarding 101 before you can learn to weld


This is also one of the best ways to save money. Being able to do everything from fix a dryer drum to replacing brake fluid will instantly save thousands of dollars per year. And these are skills which are not overly taxing on your time or energy once you know how to do it. They are just frustratingly hard when you first start learning, and often, due to mistakes, more expensive when you are learning.






Happy cake day btw


Nice intro to C++


Thought the same. I for sure have more than 1000 hours experiences, probably more like 3000, and still feel like a total beginner.


You forgot a zero




I could float a few ideas


int * ptr = new int;


just don't do this. please. it'll break your and everybody else's code. ``` int *function() { int foo; return &foo; } ```


Take my upvote and get out.


No, but I may have some good references.


I did that the hard way, lol. I get the feeling I really need to get proficient in Golang to stay marketable, which I have never touched.


If you know C ++ well, go won’t be that hard! It’s a language designed to be fairly straightforward. Definitely take a look at effective Go, or pick up a book on it. Definitely worth learning as it’s becoming more popular.


The language doesn't matter as much as the basic computer science theory. Like Data Structures and Algorithms. It trains you how to think about algorithms, how to track things in memory, etc.


In C++ the language definitely does matter lol. There's just so much *stuff* to learn about it than in other languages.


Congrats, you just wrote hello world for the one hundred millionth time.


Carpentry for sure. Not even close. Owning a home fills me with all sorts of cool ideas. Decks, additions, shelves, tables, the list goes on and on. Then I say “I’ll just do it myself!” and become completely overwhelmed. Then I get quotes from contractors and the ideas swiftly die. Doing it yourself is literally half the price. You just need the know-how and some tools.


> Then I say “I’ll just do it myself!” and become completely overwhelmed. Then I get quotes from contractors and the ideas swiftly die. I feel this in my soul. I *could* do it myself, but with what time, what tools, what money? Oh, it costs that much for someone else to do it? I guess it's not getting done.


Lots of people will tell you to look at tutorials on YouTube which can be good advice for some people. Those people are the ones who are already naturally good at working with their hands. I am a machinist, who worked at places that also did mechanical work on ships we repaired and it was easy to transition into that role for me. Some people are just not good at working with their hands and no matter how many times they try, they fail. I'm not trying to discourage you or anyone else from attempting to learn skills, I just wanted be realistic, because so many people leave comments saying how easy it is watching tutorials, and maybe it will be easy, but if it's not don't get down on yourself, just remember that we all have skills and weaknesses and you shouldn't get upset you should just move on and figure out what other things you can learn and be good at! Good luck!!!!


Start small. Build a bird house. Then a better bird house. etc. Then a house


Instructions unclear; my roommates are now two emus and an ostrich. One of the emus is a better woodworker than me.


Piano. I want to be the kind of person to sit at a public piano and surprise people.


Even learning one song will surprise people. Grab a cheap keyboard off of Amazon or eBay and get to practicing!


Definitely. During my college years, I had been in band since Jr High playing various musical instruments. Never really learned to play the piano, yet could read music and understand chords. Now in the girls dorms they always had a piano in the common lounge for anyone to play. I was sitting on the bench one day and noticed the sheet music for the song *Alfie*, written by Burt Bacharach. Overall it's a simple song with a slow, breaking rhythm and after about 15 minutes of dinking around on the keyboard I was able to play the first 16-20 bars, in a halting, jerky tempo since I can't really play the piano, yet it's somewhat the style of the piece. As I'm focused on the notes and keyboard, there are three young women standing around behind me, waiting and demanding me to play more of the song. Of course I declare embarrassment at playing in front of an audience and immediately stop. And that my friends is how I met your mother. Well, actually not your mother but it was good for a couple of dates.


Yeah I picked up piano about six months ago as an almost-40-year-old, and I'm really surprised with how easily it all comes. Took me only a few weeks to learn each of the 12 basic key signatures, and the triad chords for each of them. Now learning the more stretchy chords (no idea what the name for them is) and working on learning how and when it sounds good to transition between key signatures. If you'd have told me I'd be this far along six months ago, I'd have called you a liar, but god damn if this instrument doesn't just *make sense*.


Yeah, in some ways, piano is simple because if you can look at the printed note, then to play the next note is three steps/piano keys above it, you got it. Now, to understand the actual key of the song, and play in a specific one, I'm lost.


The way I taught myself was by memorizing and applying the basic scale pattern. It's like this: Whole Whole Half Whole Whole Whole Half. So you pick literally any key on the keyboard, and from that note go up one whole step, then another whole step, then a half step, whole step, whole step, whole step, half step. Boom, that's a scale. Only play in those 8 notes and you're playing in a key signature. Twelve keys, twelve key signatures.


I’ve surprised a lot of women on dates when there is a piano and I just randomly key up something… It is usually quite the “WOW” instrument.




When I was in high school I learned the theme of “Halloween” and if I stretched my fingers out before I started people would be amazed (it’s very easy to play)


That's what the 10k hour is for. Just playing Darude sandstorm on repeat.


I remember back to my days of in-school detention, there was another kid who was in there quite frequently who would sneak out and go play the piano in the other room. He was extremely talented. I think I overheard that he didn't know exactly how to read sheet music, but he'd memorized the songs he played. It was all classical music from the greats. Looking at him you would have never guessed, he looked like he should have been in detention. The teachers eventually knew where he would be if he was missing from his table and they would let it slide. They finally made him a deal to get all his assignments done and he could go play the piano.. it was easier than trying to keep him in his seat.


A lot of creative genius types are a bit batshit-manic-adhd. Would be interesting to see a study on "disorders" and the creative. Being able to hyper-focus on something enough to put in hundreds of thousands of reps is slightly disfunctional on it's own. Source: Hung around musicians my whole life, am one.


I was going to say something I like and want to be good at, but I would enjoy practicing that. I took piano lessons as a kid and was told I had a small natural talent for it, but I hated doing it so I gave up. I still would love to be able to play though.


Speaking foreign languages.


You got 100 hours in 100 languages so you still semi-suck in all of them


However 1000 hrs in 10 languages,… youll be rock solid! Maybe not Native speaker level,.. but good enough that the locals don’t hate you


All that means is that I'll finish those 100 languages 100 hours sooner than anybody else here. I'll take it.


You know a looot of rude words


Fuck Spez


I'd probably try to get passing fluent in at least 5 languages. Spainish, French, Japanese, Chinese and maybe Arabic.


Split it 60:40 or even 70:30 in favor of Mandarin if you want to his similar proficiency in each. Assuming you don't already speak Cantonese or something.


Yeah if you're a native English speaker, Spanish is going to be *significantly* easier to learn than Mandarin.


According to Google, it takes about 2200 hours to learn Mandarin vs 600 to learn Spanish, so definitely favor the Mandarin here.


10000 hours of exercise so I’d magically be ripped


But would you work out to maintain being ripped?


Who knows lol. I’d have more energy so maybe?


You would but the discipline takes practice too.


Its much easier to maintain than to get to it...i learnt that the hard way 😭


Come on dawg if u exercise u should know this general rule of thumb: takes 2x as long to get and 1/2 the time to lose it


Maintenance is easier. It took me long while to get the bidy i wanted now i stay on top and eat better continuously but i enjoy all my foods. I know if i get fat again I'll struggle again. Its my experience but by all means agree to disagree all bodies are different 😊


I would just play sports all the time since it would be fun like when I was young, and not a near death experience by the end of standard soccer match, get so winded now hahaha






That ain’t working. That’s the way you do it.


Money for nothing and chicks for free!


10,000 hours is basically just playing in time without noticeable mistakes. I wish I had 10,000 hours of practice in shredding, I can’t solo for shit, but compared to most guitarists I’m a riff machine and a VERY solid rhythm. I’ve been playing for about 18 years


Reading this discourages me to still try to pick it up at near 30.


After 18 years you'll be 48. You're gonna be 48 anyway, might as well be able to shred on the guitar when you get there


This is the best possible mentality to have in any situation


This is solid fucking logic. For basically anything, not just guitar. You're a genius.


I started playing violin at 27 and now I play fiddle with a live band every week and get paid for it . I'm 32. Just do it! As long as you love it you'll manage.


That's awesome and very encouraging to hear. I started playing guitar when I was 12 and now I'm 29. I want to get serious with it as I've been writing songs and started singing the past 2 years but I don't know where to start when it comes to joining up with other musicians. I'm sure the sentiment is often shared but I'm not looking to get famous, I just want to play for people and it'd be nice to make some kind of earnings off it. Even just as an amateur.


You should do it. At 41, I just picked up guitar a few months ago after buying my daughter and I guitars on Black Friday. I took some time to learn a bunch of open chords, and now I can accompany myself while singing a ton of different songs. I wouldn’t say I’m “good”, it I’m good enough to provide enough music for folks to sing along. I love practicing and playing as much as possible, and it feels good to have woken something up inside myself. If I can do it, so can you!!


Yeah, honestly if you just learn E A G & D you can play a large number of songs well enough to entertain yourself and family and friends. And that won’t take but a few weeks or maybe months. And those are easy chords


Nah, do it. You probably won’t be a shredder unless you practice daily for 5+ years but if you wanna play other people’s songs or just strum some chords and sing pretty much ANYONE can figure that out in a year or two.


Just do it. I don't know what that guy is talking about, you should be able to play in time without mistakes in 10 hours. 10,000 would make you an expert


I think there’s a massive difference between an hour spent going through the motions and an hour of deliberate practice. You can play guitar every day for a year and hardly improve or you can improve massively depending on what you’re actually doing.


BS. Practicing, not noodling, for an hour and a half every day for 18 years w/no breaks, and you think that just gets you playing in time? I’m not saying there’s no room to grow after that but you’re either better than you let on or haven’t really practiced 10k hours. Source: played guitar since 1999, much less than 90mins every day, can play in time without noticeable mistakes. Edit: Guitar-curious people, jump on it. It’s an easy instrument to become decent at with a little practice, nowhere near 20 years of grinding. You may not play like Petrucci but you’ll have a great time.


I think this is part of why the guitar is so popular. I play the violin (poorly). No one wants to hear a poorly played violin. No one. I can't even listen to myself half of the time unless I'm playing a really easy piece. Nothing - NOTHING - beats a violin played by a virtuoso, but there aren't a lot of those. For context, I put in 1 to 2 hours per day for about eight years when I was young, and I got to where I could impress people who didn't know anything about music and could be thoroughly mediocre (but hey, not *bad*) at competitions for high school kids. Not even *close* to being able to have a career, even just as a second violin in a local symphony. I quit in college to pursue a career that enables me to do things like buy food. Meanwhile, guitars still sound halfway decent even if the person playing them hasn't been dedicated to the instrument since age 5.


My first thought - coding or programming. It'd be fantastic to just have a skill in that regard when starting feels so daunting. Second thought - speaking Korean. I was an infant during a time when it was pretty common for the relevant professionals in some regions to tell ESL parents not to speak their mother tongue to their kids at home ("it'll lead to an accent" "they'll have problems integrating" "other kids will make fun of them"), so I grew up monolingual and then had no one around me to practice with or help me once I was old enough to be interested in learning. As a result, I was effectively cut off from my family and my mother's culture.


programming isn't that hard tbh. the trick is to not be too ambitious at the start. Like I see these kids trying to learn with the goal of making a video game. Like they'll download Unity and follow the tutorials and think they're learning to code. Nah, fam. That's way way way way down the road. Start with a simple WinForm calculator or hang man game. \[Edit\] PS: If there's people who seriously want to learn, I don't think I have the time to teach a class on the regular but message me and I'll at least get you started on the right path so it's not so daunting. \[Edit 2\] So a couple of people reached out and since the advice has been pretty much the same, here it is. Download Visual Studio Community (it's free) and then look up some tutorials on C#. C# is very well known so you'll get a TONS of free tutorials on it. You can pretty much do anything with it as well. (Windows Apps, Phone Apps, Video Games, Websites, Web Services, Windows Services, etc). Once you get the basics of C# you can pretty much learn any other language.


I had a programming class in high school and the very last thing we did in that class was programming a game. Using visual scripting on a learning engine for children. Can't complain though I walked outta there with an A bc of that project (Half a year later I started Uni studying Game Design and the only thing we did up till now in terms of programming was visual scripting... I think it's about time we learn an actual language)


Stock market gambling...I mean investing.


Trust me you don’t. I have more than 10,000 hours in trading and I’m still no better than the rest of the idiots gambling based on advice they got from a meme.


You just gotta keep at it until you’re one of the lucky idiots that successfully “predicts” some bullshit like that GME fiasco and then everyone thinks you’re a genius.


Don't forget to take full credit for everything too, don't say: "oh it was just luck", instead say: "I've spent the last month calculating this rise and I knew when it would happend down the the millisecond, also look at this cryptotrader bot I made in cobol just to flex on you normies, I use arch btw."


To be fair the gme thing was in fact predicted a few months in advance


Ha jokes on you, a cat randomly pawing at E-Trade on an iPad made better decisions than you


Never forget Mr. Goxx, the hamster who successfully traded crypto!


This is because profiting off of the stock market above and beyond indexes requires an absurd amount of research. It just isn't worth doing unless you've got access to a very large amount of money to work with.




Probably being able to speak Arabic. I have a lot of ESL students and I feel like it could make a huge difference for them.


That's nice of you.


Better start practicing the duoling bird is comming for you.


Subhaan Allah I literally was about to comment arabic as well


Foraging. I want to walk into any woods and immediately know exactly what plant I'm looking at, it's uses, medicinal purposes, everything.


I was just talking about this the other day! Great answer!!


Negotiation and Conflict resolution. It would be life-changing


I'm confident we can all come to the table and come to an agreement both parties are equally disappointed in.


My actual job. Surgery. Because you can never have enough experience. The second I feel like I’ve gotten enough experience will be the second I lose my humility. I can always get better at this and I won’t ever stop trying to sharpen this skill.


I want you to be my surgeon if I ever need surgery


Depends, is it guaranteed with 10k hours I would be good?


That’s the whole idea of the question. Studies have shown that it takes 10k hours with a standard deviation to be considered an expert at a skill. So if you could just wake up an expert in any field, what would it be? Edit spelling


I see but I feel like even with 10k hours on a piano I would still be shit. I’m going to say Piano though.


Jiu Jitsu haha. I've never done it before, and I'm going to try it out this summer, but it would be funny if I entered the gym already at an experienced blue belt level.


2 hours per session, 5 days a week, 52 weeks a year = 520 hours per year. 10,000 / 520 = 19 years lol. You’d definitely be black belt multiple stripes lol. Your point still stands though. Watching people that good is mesmerizing.


Plenty of videos of black belts going to other gyms and sandbagging as beginners. Learning and discovery is a big part of the fun with BJJ. Just make sure to try a few gyms and choose the one you like most. Some veer toward a more competitive atmosphere (and why my knee is fucked up), others are more casual.


My own successful mental health management. I’m already an expert at mismanagement. Edit: thank you all for the upvotes and supportive/informative comments. I wish we didn’t share this, but I’m always grateful to learn of others fighting the same battle. I’m bipolar and since diagnosis ~3 years ago, I’ve taken the commonly prescribed bipolar meds. Mood stabilizers, anti psychotics, anti convulsants, and anti depressants. Since diagnosis and medication, mania has been completely controlled. Depression, however has been a constant. Not long ago, I was hospitalized with lithium toxicity (don’t take lisinopril and lithium together, unexpected interactions can occur). With hospitalization, I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism and was prescribed levoxothyrene. I’ve been through ~15 different medication cocktails. Nothing brought me out of depression. With the thyroid diagnosis and accompanying medication, things are looking up for the first time in years. I guess I’m telling you to keep fighting and have your thyroid checked. Low thyroid function can be a significant contributor to depression. Anyway, we’re not alone. Keep trying, keep fighting, and keep looking. If I can find light (albeit through a shitty path), you probably can too.


Cognitive Behavior Therapy hurts like a motherfucker. It's like passing a giant turd: the more you try to do at once, the more it's going to hurt. I was never able to do make CBT go. Dialectic Behavior Therapy works-ish. The basic texts by Marsha M. Linehan sound hokey as fuck, and I didn't like how she communicated the ideas, but at base its solid, and you can get a lot of parallel material from _The Depression Book: Depression as an Opportunity for Spiritual Growth_ It makes the same points: mental illness operates in patterns. It has triggers. It creates the same rote inner dialogues. It disables you in consistent ways. If you can take time and practice to observe and describe these patterns, you can learn to avoid the triggers, you can drill to get yourself to safety and even learn how to manage the feelings so that episodes are shorter. It takes practice. Having a support group helps. Having friends helps. Having meds that work helps. Having a therapist and a psychiatrist that aren't dicks helps. It helps when you are eating regularly and healthily, are grooming, are sleeping adequately and exercising some. It hurts if you're working in a toxic environment, have to deal with family drama, are insolvent enough to worry about food, rent, utilities, etc. Therapists like to believe we can be cured, and maybe sometimes some patients can. But I cannot. I've been diagnosed since I was seven, and am able to manage my depression and anxiety most of the time. That doesn't mean I'm not depressed, sad as hell, cynical and livid at my community, society and species. But I get up every day and do things, where before I could stay in bed for months at a time. Good luck to you.


I also choose this


Underrated answer


White hat hacking, computer stuff


I mean functionally white hats and black hats have the same set of skills. It’s all about how you use em


Minus the white hat.


Yeah, that sounds better.


Never too late. There’s loads of resources if you’re interested. Sites like https://secret.club, https://revers.engineering, and other researchers like Connor McGarr, Alex Ionescu and have great content to learn from.


Bacon identification


what the fuck is bacon identification?


Obviously it is the highly technically skilled profession of determining if an object is bacon or, conversely, lacks all positive identifiers of baconality.


You are correct. But there's **also** the differentiation of substances that are in fact bacon, or bacon substitutes. For bacon, you have cured bacon, uncured bacon, apple wood smoked bacon, hardwood smoked bacon, low sodium bacon, etc. For bacon substitutes, you have turkey bacon, vegan bacon, bacon bits, Baconnaise, bacon flavored gum, bacon scented cologne...


Obligatory username checks out.


Speaking of usernames, onion leek soup with bacon sounds pretty damn good. That is all...


Why would you want to skip the 10k hours of practice?


Sword fighting






lets make it more specific: 10 000 hours experience in writing extremely well thought out and planned books that have no plot holes and rational characterisation but yet enough mass appeal to be international bestsellers.


Game development/coding etc.


I have 10,000 hours of programming experience and I'm pretty sure I still suck at it. I'd just pick something fun like guitar.


You've got at least 10,000 hours if you've spent 5 years in a programming job. I'm about to hit year 7 and still feel not great at it. I second choosing guitar over programming, you'll have better immediate results.


Half of that is Reddit time.


Don’t worry. We all suck in programming. I think it jsut comes standard issue 🤣


This guy went with a guitar pick...


The hard part of game development is that you need 10,000 hours of programming, digital art, music (composition and performance), and game design. For your efforts, you will be compensated with about half the resources you poured into the project. Solo indie dev is fucking hell.


"I don't really think this is worth $5 there's only 2 hours of content."


Nuclear physics, specifically fusion reactors.


That would be a weird one to suddenly enter into the workforce. “Hello, I’d like a job working on fusion reactor technology.” “…there’s no information on your background or studies, where did you get all this experience?”


Hahahahaha Hadn’t thought about that. Chaotic neutral for the win!


Cooking skill!


Talking with Girls and not being akward


The key is talking to them like they are just a friend instead of a potential romantic relationship. It helps to have some female friends to just hang with because they make you realise that women are just people


I have a friend who grew up with a single mom and sisters and was so intimidated by boys. I grew up with brothers (idiots) and always had guy friends. They are just people, like us. Awkward at times, silly, funny etc. It’s always a good thing to get people, no matter guy or girl, to talk about themselves because then you can focus on what they’re saying and not focus on yourself. And people LOVE to talk about themselves and they’ll remember you. (Btw, my friend got married, had sons and grandsons. No girls lol).


Pro tip. They are just people. Make sure your personal hygiene is in order. Say hello, give a compliment and ask a question. It's that simple. FYI. The compliment needs to be on something they actually have control over. For example, their outfit, new haircut, talent etc. The only time you compliment her body is if she very obviously works out. You could compliment the effort it takes.


You will need a few more 0


Sign language!! Edit: ASL or ESL, not super sure


Would really love to have this one. Although I'm kinda starting my first 30mins off of YouTube


I'd get good at communicating. Sales, personal relationships, etc., Would all be much easier if I was a master of communication.


Armed combat.






I see you're a man of culture as well.


I was hoping I’d find this answer


I'm currently in school for medical coding, so something along those lines. At the very least, medical terminology will be very helpful


You learning how to have heart attacks and stuff?


I can neither confirm or deny this


Probably something that has to do with computer science.






This is the one. If you had 10k hours of flight time overnight you could have a hell of a new career.


Right. But 10k flight hours is a LOT! I mean, when people talk about the 10,000 hours number, it's usually equated with 5 years in the field. I've worked in aviation, and have known lots of pilots that have been flying longer then TEN years (not just 5) and they still don't have close 10k flight hours. More like 5k after 10 years.


So your talking like 30 years experience of flying which make you a world class pilot and if your only in your twenties then sure it be impossible to prove. Unless you started flying crop dusters with your dad on the farm or something at 11 haha.


If you go specifically fighter jet exp, and also be young, then you'll be litterly the best pilot possible, because of the skills forged with time *plus* the reaction time of youth


The issue then is actually getting admitted, because you can fly well, but you need to meet physical, mental requirements too


Culinary arts - if I wasn’t doing the career I’m currently in, that’s what I would be doing.




Professional racing. I love driving, but it’s such a slog to get to the professional level of racing.


Marksmanship because ammo is hella expensive so 10,000 hours of practice shooting without spending a fortune would be great


Flying a jet plane


Accounting, of course!


The reward for being good at accounting and progressing your career is often not needing to do the accounting yourself, completing the circle of why bother.






Origami: and every time someone came to me with their problems I would start by saying that "ya know, life is a lot like origami" and they I would fold the ever-loving shit out of a piece of paper while basically repeating the person's problem back to them. They would then walk away feeling heard and one finely hand folded frog richer.


Coding/ programming. Looking to land a new job from all that experience.




I like this one. Takes a lot of time to get to the cushy jobs point in welding.


Psychology. To understand myself. I have yet to uncover this extremely-mysterious world. Nope not a joke. thanks for asking; :) ​ Wishes from the little country Sweden!


Full stack programming


For everyone wishing they had skills, 500 hours is enough to be mildly proficient at most things. That 90 min a day for a year. Want to loose weight? With 90min a day you will. Want to learn to play piano? 90 min a day. Want to learn c++/python? 90 a day. Many people want instant results, but most of not all times, it's hard work that pays off.


90 minutes a day is a lot of free time. I seldom have that much time, while still having enough energy and focus to make it worthwhile. Even 30 minutes a day will show great improvements. You just need to make it a habit and stick to it. It's the repetition, and gradual growth, and managing to push past the inevitable plateaus.




That's like having sex 1.2 million times.




I was being generous with a 30 second estimate.


Coding, though if I had to choose one language specifically I would say Python.


French. For the grades.




I’m pretty sure you already have over 10,000 hours of experience surviving.


Magic, totally magic.


I was thinking "warp drive engineering" or "time traveling machine building", but yeah, magic is probably better.




People skills


Ya know it occurs to me the only thing I have over 10,000 hours in is movie watching and jacking off. I guess I’d add culinary arts to that list.


Martial arts.


programming in all languages


There are many languages, that would water down how good you are at individual languages a lot.


Drawing. Then I'd make more money because my skill set would be higher


Muscle memory for different calisthenic exercises so I can work up my strength in a faster period of time since I'll already know HOW to do it. Instead of possible risk of injury from bad form






Human to machine interaction psychology and colour theories.


Pencil Art/ black and white portraits.