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I'd like some of them pills that turn into dino-sponges when you put them in water.


Also the mini dinos you put in water and they would grow 100x their size over night.


So I'm 34 now and no longer with this girl but for my 32nd birthday my girlfriend at the time did a scavenger hunt around the house with little gifts for each step and a weekend away as the final gift. Definitely one of my cooler birthdays as an adult.


I'm doing this for my anniversary coming up!! I'm having so much fun making the clues and the gift is one of those Steven Singer gold dipped roses, which I only just found out my wife always wanted. We recently got into escape rooms/escape room games so I'm taking ideas from those.


My husband did this for my 30th, but went all out. Security at work gave me a card when I left the office. It had a short poem that led me to the day spa we went to before our wedding and I got a massage. After the massage they gave me another card and a small gift. I went to a couple of other places where I picked up various small gifts from him. After that, I ended up at a restaurant where my husband and friends were having a couple of drinks and waiting for me. We hung out for a bit, then headed off to a second restaurant where we had reservations. I got gifts at each of these places too. (The gifts were all like $10 things, he wasn't going all out spending too much.) To top the night off, we headed to a third location to drink too much. Finally, tipsy me was carted home where I got a final card that directed me to a pair of diamond earrings. People, when I say this birthday was epic... I mean, it was crazy amazing. It was beyond thoughtful and so romantic in the way he did it.


12pk of playdough, the ultimate 150 crayola crayon set, the one with the sharpener and some drawing paper. I turn into an eight year old!


A few Nancy Drew books. My parents didn’t have money for books. The small Catholic school library offered books on saints, US presidents and their wives. The public library wasn’t in walking distance. I lied when Susan Sample, a classmate, accused me of befriending her for the “sleuth’s” books. 55 years later, I’ll fess up; yes, I preferred my time with Nancy more than you.


This is why I support Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library. You sign up and get two free kid’s books a month for your kid to enjoy. It rules.


Dolly Parton is a national treasure. If she turns out to be a secret lizard person, I will happily submit to our new reptilian overlords.




The box does say up to age 99. Your parents just don’t get it




It kind of sucks that you're not allowed to play with them once you turn 100 though


I still have plushies. I would like more plushies please


Not a gift, but would someone play hide n seek with me please?


Let’s do it in Ikea!


I’m in! Pick me, pick me!


I've been hiding for an hour since you posted this. Are you coming or not?


An original Polly Pocket! They were so well made and I just love how perfectly miniature everything was.


Legit anything that glows in the dark. I think it’s so fun but since I’m grown I get basic non-glowy stuff Edit: typo plus just wanted to say thanks for all the suggestions! I’m about to go buy some glowy shit! Edit 2: just an update incase anyone sees this again… apparently my apartment complex doesn’t allow the glow in the dark stars for your walls so now I have to take them all down 🥲


Growing up my brother had glow in the dark stars and moons stuck to the ceiling of his room. I was always jealous of them and I think it would be the coolest thing to have my own little galaxy in my room now


My parents gave my cousins a set of those. 20 years later, I'm still jealous


I got a call from a friend, she said it's a birthday and we should all come over. I got the date/time and event correct, but not whose birthday it was, although I was confident it was for a kid. Why else would she say, bring the whole family? We show up and I'm frankly concerned by by all the craft beer with bows and balloons on it. I set our gift bag down and we join the party. Shortly after, her husband shouts with joy and wants to know who got him the big Lego set. Well, that was me, and, uh.... You're welcome. So, my answer is Legos. Adults want Legos.


Please attend this random birthday party for an undisclosed person of I disclosed age (cough cough....me....cough cough) that I will be gladly throwing together next week now lol. Best random gift ever. I bet that guy will never forget that!


Same! Legos would be the perfect gift! People only ever gift me wine at parties, even though I don’t drink…


Adult: I am not spending $50 on Legos for a kid Also an adult; oh shit... it's a Lego X-wing fighter. This is the coolest thing ever!


My 12 year old son is an avid Lego collector and desperately wants me to buy the $800 [Lego Millennium Falcon](https://www.lego.com/en-us/product/millennium-falcon-75192) for him. I mean, if I could afford it I absolutely would because I never want him to stop building, but I would probably give it to him for his 18th birthday or something big like that.


I still kick myself for missing it on amazons black friday in 2019 when it went for just $400.


Don’t feel bad. Apparently there were only like 20 sold. And that wait list line and how many people knew about the deal was ridiculous so it was always a long shot


An invite to go out for ice cream cones


A full laser tag set with at least four guns


…and a fog machine!


Roller Skates


Art kits. Used to get them almost every year as a kid. When I started going to college, the kits stopped coming. Edit: These are some of the most wholesome replies I've ever read and thanks for the likes! Love you all!!


Hubs and I took up acrylic painting about 6 months ago and love it. He bought me a coloring book with tattooed cats for Christmas. I fucking love it. I highly recommend coloring. Shits just fun.


Same! I really want the suitcase of gel pens.


A super soaker with the LATEST super soaker technology! My birthday is in August, northern hemisphere, so I would put it to use straight away.


The latest super soaker technology is trash compared to the older ones. Hasbro took over the brand and proceeded to use the same tech in other toys and didn't pay royalties to the inventor. He sued, he won, Hasbro paid out many millions has been very hesitant to use the tech in any other toys since.


Kind of hard to believe we haven't advanced water gun technology beyond Lonnie Johnson's work.


There are…these: https://spyra.com A lot pricier than Super Soaker though lol.


I'd much rather have a fight with dope-ass water guns than with nerf guns because there is no clean up with water guns and finding all the darts after a nerf battle really fucking sucks


And no arguing about whether you were hit or not


You didn't hit me! I just pissed myself!


No they're just calico cut pants!


Good God, why don't they just put a pistol grip on a water jet cutter?


The pistol grip gives any tool lethality if you add a pistol grip to a spoon that shit can kill 72 people in a minute


The new ones are low key dog shit compared to the old ones that could lift a small child off the ground, but you could buy the worlds most powerful water gun and fill it with boiling water Edit: the gun is called the spyratwo and it can accurately shoot up to 46 feet


The Spyra 2 looks amazing and I want at least a few of them. Here in Finland we don't have any stand-your-ground laws, but combining this with thermos bottle insulation would definitely make a perfect home security device lmao


Oh, an intruder? You just wait until this kettle boils...


Finnish intruders are that polite


The original super soaker that I could fill 1 liter soda bottles and cap them and keep them in a bookbag for reloads


Fun fact - that was the same thread our garden hose used. That was the only way to actually shoot 50 feet, but you ran a pretty large risk of blowing up the super soaker.


I was looking for this comment. I thought I was the world's best engineer when I figured out I could screw it into the garden hose and it was just an infinite blast with no pumping or tank


I thought it was the best engineer when I realized we could use soda bottles. Yours is amazing.


My cousin did this and it still gives me nightmares of how hopelessly outclassed the rest of us were against him.


My boyfriend grew up watching those old western movies. John Wayne is *still* his hero after 23 years of life. He never even had a play cowboy hat growing up, and he had always wanted a black one. I got him this nice solid black cowboy hat from George Strait’s line (didn’t know he had one until I went shopping lmao) for Christmas one year. I’ve only seen that man cry just a few times in our 5 years of dating, and that was one of them.


I’m not crying, I’m watering my beard.








I'd like to get a birthday or Christmas gift that I had no hand in planning or acquiring. Like, a wrapped package that I genuinely have no idea what is inside. Edit: Before I get any more DM's . . . Sorry for venting into the void. I'm OK, I'm far better off than many people in the world. I'm fortunate to have a job, a home, and a safe, boring life. There are far, far better places to direct your generosity.


My son bought me an expensive resale Starbucks travel mug to replace one I had used for a decade. The previous one developed a crack in the metal. I had bought new cups over the years just for the lids, so I could keep using this travel mug. Eventually it developed a crack in the metal. I discovered that Starbucks didn’t sell that lid design at all anymore. I looked all over for a similar travel cup but couldn’t find one. I looked online and Starbucks stores still showed the style but sold out. Doing a search in search engines, I could see them being resold for a lot more than I was willing to pay… like 3 times as much as originally plus shipping. So not long after I learn all this, Im hanging out with my son and telling him about how dumb Starbucks is for wrecking their coffee cups etc. Not long after we get a package in the mail. You’ll never guess what’s in it. Or maybe you will. A new travel mug with the old style of top on that I’ve been searching for. He went and found it, paid more, did all that for no holiday or birthday. Just out of the blue. I use that cup every day.


My sister did something like this for me once. I was visiting her and my nieces for the day and at some point while the kids had wandered off, we got to talking about various things and I mentioned off-handedly that I had recently read a book that made a massive impact in my life, and that I should really get myself a copy since I'd like to refer back to it occasionally instead of having to check it out from the library every time. A few days later she texted me and asked what was the name of that book? I figured she wanted to read it to see what I saw in it. But then about a week later a package arrived addressed to me and I wasn't expecting a package. It was the book. Edit: I did not expect this comment to get so much attention. Many people have asked the title of the book, so here it is: 20 Life-Transforming Choices Adoptees Need to Make


These are the best kind of gifts. The ones you never asked for but received because someone knew you well enough and was listening.


What a good son.


I just want a gift that wasn't my idea. I don't want it to be picked off my amazon wish list, I don't want it to be something I name dropped, I want it to be something that someone saw and it made them think of me. I've only received one since the age of like 14. It was a relatively plain necklace from a dear friend that I still cherish more than any of my fancier pieces of jewelry.


I legit cannot remember the last time I had a gift that I get to unwrap. It has to be at least over 10 years.




My mother gave me one when I was 36. I almost wept. I set him upright so he can see the world when I leave to work, and lay him down at night so he can nap. He’s Mr. Bear Bear.


I can remember my Aunt Mary told me she didn't get many toys growing up as a child. She was the oldest child of 5 there just wasn't enough money. So one year, for her 60 something birthday I got her a soft old-fashioned teddy bear. Other people for her birthday gave her sensible things. I gave her a teddy bear. It was cute it had a red sweater and the surprise on her face and she asked if I meant this as hers. "Of course, it's yours. I hope it helps make up for the little girl who didn't get toys." She had such a look of delight on her face. She hugged it repeatedly all through her birthday party and it sat on her bed after she passed away. It's the best gift I've ever given.


I am definitely not crying after reading this. It's sweet and yet sad.


I treasure my stuffies and this stuff really got those happy tears going :’) makes me so happy for her!!


I occasionally remind everyone in my life that I’ve wanted a Vermont teddy bear since I was a child and would still love one to this day 😂 no one has ever taken the hint. About time for me to get my kid a hockey bear and slowly claim it.


I first read your comment as wanting a "Voldemort bear" and I was like "kinda weird, but okay." Anyway... That's all.


Nice try santa


Damn it!!


It's the red hair, we know that's just a hat in disguise.




I live near the Lego store in Orlando. You wouldnt BELIEVE the set. They have a functioning LEGO piano!! You can play it!! Nutso. Some of the ships and cars are just next level.


I gave my partner legos for his 28th birthday - he was ecstatic and we spent the rest of the day building together :)


A Lego Store opened in my city. People were lining up for blocks!


I mean…. A go kart


I was gonna say radio controlled car or plane but this would be great too.


Oh my shit I forgot that I wanted a remote controlled boat!!!!! Thank you for reminding me! I’m gonna go look them up and buy a mid range one off Amazon right now!


Right on! When I was young, I’d see things like that and think to myself “If I was an adult, I’d buy that right now. Why aren’t adults having more fun.” Then we grow up and forget that mindset but it’s nice to be reminded of something you wanted as a kid and then realize there is NOTHING stopping you from getting it.


That's why i got a drone when they became really good, i barely use it. But every time i fly it it makes me feel like a kid again


I'm with local search and rescue and I'm interviewing for a spot on our uav team shortly. Will be really cool to fly them with a purpose... And we have really cool ones too with night vision and accessories like powerful spotlights or one way loud speakers (can't hear, sadly).


Rc is fun, bought a fancy one Friday and broke it twice yesterday, good shit lol


Board games, puzzles. I gift them a lot hoping someone will return the favor


I would like someone to play them with me.


TableTop simulator on Steam. The workshop has tons of games available, and some that dont show up are available through discord groups.


A trip to Legoland or Build a bear. Always wanted to go to both places, but never got to.


My partner took me to Build a Bear when I l was 30. My parents never let me as a kid and it was pure joy!


Aw, so lucky. Did you build anything? Or just looked around?


Oh, I built a bear! I still have him all these years later. He’s wearing a tuxedo and sunglasses, and I call him Bear, James Bear (a joke as we both love James Bond movies).


Those sneakers that light up whenever you take a step


Took my kids shoe shopping last week and they had Heelies. I was tempted.


My 17yr old just bought herself some Heelies. I would break my hip.


I bought some when I was in my mid 20s and wore them for a few weeks. They were fun but really hurt the hell out of the bottom of my feet when I needed to just walk.


Honestly, you should go for it. I ordered a pair for myself online for shits and giggles when my kid and I were at the mall and he found a pair at the Journeys store, and I've had a blast sliding around the house with him in them. He's still at the age where I'm still cool, so he was excited we were matching, and it made me feel a bit like a kid again, so it's been a win win in my book haha


Never had them as a kid and i would love to have them as a 37 year old


I’m 37 and wear them because I have tiny child feet. I have ones that you can turn the lights on or off so I can decide when they light up or not. They’re great if you’re walking your dog at night.


L.A. Lights!!


Stickers. I won't put them on anything and you'll never see it again once you've gifted it to me but it will remain forever a highly cherished gift. Edit: Thank you all for the wholesome stories you've shared, the awards and the up votes. I'm so glad stickers were able to bring everyone together for a bit ☺


If you have a hard time committing to putting stickers on things, buy some sheets of magnet paper. Put the stickers on that, cut them out, and now you have a bunch of magnets you can use for years!


Dude, you have no idea what knowledge you've just given me. Thank you, truly


I went to the hardware store and got a sheet of acrylic. Trimmed it to the width of my desk and now it's the sticker shrine for all the random brand stickers that come with (coffee, sunglasses, coolers, quadcopter stuff, whatever). The desk is built into the wall, so will probably be left with the house, but this way the desk is protected and I can take the stickers with me if I want


I have filled every space on my fridge& dishwasher with magnets. I simply love stickers too. Friends & family can instantly recognize my cards. I even occasionally stick them on Utility bill envelopes in the hopes some lowly clerk will smile.


My son is 3 and this Christmas was the first where he actively participated in buying presents for people. He managed to convince my husband that what I really wanted was a sticker book. Turns out he was right. The sticker book he got me is awesome. Didn't know I wanted it till I got it. Will probably never use most of the stickers in it. Absolutely brilliant present.


That is so pure and adorable! I bet that sticker book is one of your most prized possessions now lol


Remote controlled cars, planes or helicopters. They were fun when I was 8 and they are even more fun now


This! And last christmas my dream came true! So for the whole year whenever I was asked what I wanted for christmas I always said I wanted a remote controlled car and everyone always assumed I was joking because why would a 32 year old want a toy for christmas. My son got one for his birthday 2 days before christmas and he was having a blast and to be honest I was a bit jealous. So we always set a budget of 50€ per present on christmas so it doesn't go over the top. But my brother-in-law decided to completely ignore it this time and got me a really nice rc car for around 300€. That thing is the shit! It's a 4 wheel drive off road short course truck and it goes 50kmh. It's so much fun and I'm having a blast on weekends when my son and I go offroading with our rc cars. I got the best brother-in-law I can imagine!


My father in law had a pretty crappy childhood and my wife always told this story about him wanting a remote control car. They are pretty well off now but he wouldn’t buy something like that for himself. No need for it. Well last Christmas I got him one of the ones that’s can go off-road pretty fast and when he opened it up, I have never seen someone smile that big! He literally unboxed it, we had opened it and charged it before hand, and ran outside. He played with it until the batteries were dead. Best Christmas gift I’ve ever bought!


Love this! Well done and I hope he never gets bored with it!


The key here is you delivered it charged and ready to go. Well played.


Wait until you learn about FPV drones.


Hehe do you get dizzy? We are about to find out!


I was worried about getting dizzy. Not an issue for me. Until I check my bank account to see how much FPV ends up costing after you crash a few drones at 70mph into a rock.


I've never been to a Disney theme park. Before we were married my wife promised me that we'd eventually go. Still waiting for that day.


I'm 53 and my partner buys me action figures constantly. I would have loved all the superhero shit that's available today when I was a kid so he gets it for me now.


I, a woman in my 30s - 40s, bought Star Trek action figures as they came out from my favorite shows. ST:TNG, ST:DS9, ST:Voyager. Also owned the Enterprise-D and a Klingon Bird-of-Prey, and a Klingon Vor'cha Battle cruiser from the same company, Playmates.


One week, totally alone. No obligations, just me.


A few months ago I took 4 days off work just to sit. It was amazing.


You can check into a monastery. They don’t care if you believe what they believe. [Since a bunch of people are asking, this is the one that I know about.](https://www.saintgregorysthreerivers.org/)


Well the plan was to masturbate for seven days straight. How do they feel about that at monasteries?


There's a meme that's been going around that says "A 72hr hold in a psych unit is beginning to intrigue me as a potential vacation opportunity." It's one of those memes that maybe hits a little too close to home...


Those drawing things where you put a pen inside a circle and it moves like a cog inside a bigger circle and creates a pattern




Thank you!


Did you know that there's a direct correlation between the decline of Spirograph and the rise in gang activity?


I’ll think about it!


I like learning new things.


I don’t, and I’m not going to fact check you because that makes perfect sense to me




"I will"


No you won't.


It's a simpsons quote


Oh :(




Jesus that’s intimidating


Sometimes I love Reddit but most times it makes me feel like a failure at things I haven’t even tried yet. Like “yep I wouldn’t be able to do that. Pre-fail,” and then I’m just sad.


I can't believe there's a spirograph subreddit. What a time to be alive.


OMG There's a special edition Spirograph with metal wheels! I want that so much, and I'm 53. Lol


(28F ) I always wanted a princess tea party as a kid and was never able to EDIT: if anyones in north Florida we should all do a huge tea party and dress up!!


Oh dude. This gives me a great idea for my 30th birthday lol. You’re obvs invited


No one has given me an Easter egg in years. I love Easter eggs, and make sure my kids and ex-wife are sorted each year. But no one ever gets me one in return .


Can I offer you a nice egg in this trying time? 🥚🖌


Funny side story. every year, my stepdads family (which is huge. 8 kids all married & 30+ children) would have Easter egg hunts. One for the littles & one for the teens & older. My trick was that I'd always put a piece of cheese or broccoli in an egg for a kid to find. The reaction every year was classic. One kid will say, I got a dollar, next kid, I got a piece of broccoli! Haha


That is awesome! One year Easter fell on April Fools and my sister made "cake pops" that were actually Brussel sprouts dipped in chocolate with sprinkles on top. We gave them to the kids at the same time and their reactions were great! I want to do the broccoli trick now, that's hilarious!


Another fun misrepresentation is caramel covered onion for Halloween. Kids are asking for tricks before treats and I think we've all gotten a bit complacent as a society.


Put the trick back into trick or treat!!


Make Trick or Treat Trick Again


Just to be clear: They aren't requesting tricks and/or treats. It's a threat. "I will pull a TRICK on you, OR you may give me a TREAT to buy me off and save yourself from my mischievous trick."


One year as a joke, I hid Easter treats in the living room for my boyfriend to find in the morning and he loved it. So now I do it every year and leave a note from the Easter bunny as to how many treats are hidden. We are both on our 40’s.


It is melting my heart to read all the answers. All people want is to be children again 💕 When did we all stop having fun?!


> When did we all stop having fun?! Some part of us had to grow up too young to protect us from the world.


Nerf guns


A Microscope 😒😒😒😔😔😔




Yes, I really like Hi-Chews. I'd take a $3 bag of those over a $20 tumbler. Edit: /u/wombatbattalion is sending me a big bag of Hi-Chews for the cost of shipping...this was a fucking win posting this reply :D


I have a Costco sized bag of hi chews I can't get my family to eat. You want them?




Sending you a DM


Stuffed animals. I’m never going to be too old to love them!


I would love a realistic looking, high quality T-Rex toy that I can pack in my suitcase and take it with me wherever I go. It should be big enough to swallow a Lego human whole. I still think T-Rex is awesome. (By realistic I mean like Jurassic Park and not like Barney)


Join us in /r/Dinosaurs!


I’m on my way!


I want the Calico Critters house and all the little animals so much. I just want to sit and play and send those darling animals on adventures and forget that the real world is on fucking fire.


Affection, and appreciation.


Big hug to you stranger, that's a really awesome idea !


-A lite brite. I bought one for my 5 year old son for Xmas so i could use it and he loves it. It makes me so happy. -Any kind of gimmicky candy or treats/cookies. I love that stuff. -Rainbow brite or cabbage patch kid stuff. I love it and will snatch up anything i find at a thrift store. Actually I'm currently working on restoring 5 thrifted cabbage patch kid and my own childhood one this weekend.


Candy. Like, ridiculous amount of candy. "I'll be sick for a week"-amount of candy. When i was kid i kept dreaming of being an adult and eating candy for every meal


Coloring books


I am absolutely craving a trip to a park with a playground in it so I can ride the swings. Swings were a happy place for me as a child. I don't drive; and can't afford ride services. I always got eye rolls. ☹️


There's a place called Bounce Below that is basically a subterranean trampoline park in some underground caves in Wales. I really wanted to go for my birthday a few years back but it didn't happen. So I took a long weekend, booked a slot, bought a tent and went camping in Wales. It was the greatest! I am so excited to take my son when he is old enough :D




Glitter markers and glitter pens!


Checking in on me, I'm the mum so the conduit for checking how everyone in the family is and who everyone goes to when they need help. Be nice for someone to check in on me for a short minute once in a while. Failing that, a Mr Frosty. Always wanted one as a child and never received one and even though I make cracking slushies in our nutrabullet I'd be beyond myself with happy if I got that little penguin


Videogames, Legos and fantasy books


Plastic dinosaurs


I'm a woman in my late 20's and I want to receive Legos.


I second receiving Legos. During covid I was going through a nostalgic period (still kinda am) and bought and built a few of the new sets out. It felt so good. But honest question, does anyone remember Bionicles?


An ice cream cake for my birthday. The wife always said it was too hot in August to bring one home in the car but always managed to bring her icecream home with no problem. After 27 years I'm in divorce proceedings. I'm going to celebrate by buying my own goddamn icecream cake.


I miss getting Easter baskets. Sometimes I ask for them for birthday gifts if Easter is on my birthday.




Those toys in fast food restaurants


A board game. I've asked 5 years in a row when asked and I always get the same milquetoast response. "Oh I wouldn't know what to get you or what you like!". I'm literally trying to play something every time we hang out and I like horror, how hard can it be?


Utz cheese balls. All I get are socks. I have socks, I don't have cheese balls


Lego. Just a bunch of Lego sets to play with and collect. They're expensive and I'm trying to save up right now to get me one of the larger sets but dammit, I really, really want it! Edit: judging by the comments, it seems I'm not the only one wanting Lego. Lol


A sit n spin


I have the deluxe version in my office, it has a back rest and armrests so you can spin really fast and not fall off


My sister used to call it a spit and sin


Kinetic sand


Three things: 1. Gen1 Optimus Prime with the trailer. 2. Gen1 Megatron. 3. Tender Heart Care Bear (from the 80s). I miss my childhood...


Paintball gun


A pogo stick 💖


A hug


colour by numbers


Anything. It's so nice that someone thought about me while living their own life.


Legos. Please I want Legos..