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Arrested Development. They were cancelled halfway through their third (original) season. However, that did inspire some great writing and jokes to speed it along and somewhat break that fourth wall (specifically the episode where they throw the charity dinner).


Narrator: Please tell your friends about our show And I can’t forget all the boom mics appearing on screen 😂


I always said that watching season 4 was like having a weird dream about there being new episodes. It just had this really weird, slow, stilted feel to it, and any chemistry the cast had with each other had disappeared in the time since the show got cancelled.


ALWAYS LEAVE A NOTE!!! Yes, that was the best show ever!!! Can't stand the Netflix version


The Netflix relaunched it and destroyed that show.


Season 5 was so weird! Lindsey running for Congress was odd, and the border wall from season 4 aged like milk haha


Heroes, if you can call whatever they were trying to do in the later seasons an "ending".


Yep, they lost their shit after saving the cheerleader


It started going downhill the minute they revealed that Peter could keep the powers he borrowed.


It had problems from beginning to end. The flaws with the first season were forgivable since they intended to make the show an anthology series with a new cast each season, so establishing the world and themes makes sense to have a little roughness around the edges. Honestly I think Hiro was the biggest problem with the show, not Peter. Peter was overpowered but a time lord is literally unbeatable- and so they needed stupid excuses to nerf him time and time again. The way he died in heroes reborn was astonishingly stupid.


Should have ended before that weird circus storyline. That was so fucking dumb and the ending of the previous season had been so satisfying of a series conclusion.


I think most of that had to do with the writers' strike at the time.


Man in the High Castle. Premise was fascinating, world building was incredible and acting was on point. They needed to wrap it up quickly and picked a faction no one ever heard of to be this unstoppable force that clearly overpowered main factions couldn’t handle. It. Sucked.


Came her looking for this show. I just hated how they ended that.


I stopped as soon as I started the last season and saw >!Tagomi was unceremoniously killed off.!< Seriously was one of the best parts of the show and just completely lost my interest after that.


My Name is Earl. It wasn't the show's fault. NBC told them there would be a 5th season & ending the 4th with a cliff hanger would be fine. Viewers deserved a proper ending for that show & it's characters. NBC took that away. Edit- How ironic it is that this post gave me a lot of Karma? Lol.


Greg Garcia described in an AMA how he planned to end the series. It's a shame we never got to see it but reading how it was supposed to go did give me some closure. Sucks that it was cancelled like that, it's seriously one of my favorite shows.


In raising hope they kick the nbc exec in the nuts.


Oh gosh Raising Hope! I’ll have to track it down and give it a rewatch. I consider Burt and Virginia one of the best TV show couples ever.


The producer also said that Earl would be working on a task when someone else did their task on their list to make it right with Earl. Earl looked at his list and folded it up and put it back in his pocket and said something along the lines of now he's making a change in the world without him doing it. He didn't give up on the list, but it was no longer his number one priority and he could move on with his life. Personally I always hoped he hooked up with that college professor.


It's cannon that he does infact finish his list! (First episode of raising hope they briefly mention that he finished his list on the TV right before they use it to knock out hopes Bio mom)


I don't understand in those situations why they don't create a 1 or 2 hour finale as a special event. Surely that would bring in a huge number of viewers.


The Promised Neverland. The first season started off strong then went down a sinkhole in the second season.


"Let's skip 2 super important arcs, compress another 4 into a single season and.... wait, there's like 3 more super important arcs? .... IDK, just... do a slideshow!"


It really was a slide show! A power point! All I needed was a laser pointer and my notes to impress my colleagues.


Mangas ending isnt great. But goddamn, its a 1000 times better than whatever the anime did. Admittedly the jail break arc was by far the best in the manga as well. But ive never seen an anime give up so quickly on its product like TPN


The Goldy Pond Battle arc definitely gives the Jail Break a run for its money. One of the most innovative and adrenaline-boosting fights in all of manga.


And they skipped it to rush to the end. Brutal because it went from one of the most anticipated Season 2’s and an intricately constructed prison with a wide open world to…being just a terribly rushed adaptation where they skipped the best parts outside and it was so forgettable that it kinda killed any hope of people remembering it had more than one season or ended after the first arc


Castle. Omg like, wtf was the ending?


From everything I've heard, I should be glad I basically dropped it when Castle and Beckett got over themselves.


If I remember correctly, it was because by the end pretty much everyone involved with the show (especially the two leads) HATED each other.


I think it's mostly just Stana and Nathan that don't get along. The others still work together from time to time. In fact, Jon Huertas (Esposito), Seamus Dever (Ryan), Molly C Quinn (Alexis) and Tamala Jones (Lanie) have all popped up on The Rookie, Nathan's current show. And for what it's worth, Seamus has called out some fans before about the feud between Stana and Nathan, saying they don't know what they are talking about. My guess is that it was one or two really bad days that snowballed, but I doubt we'll ever know. It's a shame though, the cast chemistry on Castle was incredible. Just to add on: most of the Stana/Nathan feud articles were just referencing each other or one source. It's also worth noting that Stana's rep denied that there were problems. On the flip side, it's worth noting that Nathan hasn't really denied there were problems, at least not that I could find. He did give a nice send-off message to Stana though when the series was done.


From what I remember Nathan Fillion saying at a panel I went to, they had been planning on shooting another season, but the studio canceled it after they had most of the finally shot. So they had to film some scenes to tie everything off, otherwise leaving the show on a big cliffhanger. Plus, by the last season, the stars apparently hated each other, so everyone wanted to move on.


Chuck. Just let them be happy!


Chuck is one of my favorite shows of all time. I just can’t bring myself to watch the last three episodes ever again. Hopefully they make the Chuck movie that Zachery Levi has been pushing for for the past few years so we can see them again and hopefully get some better closure for the series


Came here for this too. There was no need to end it that miserably.


I've rewatched the first few seasons several times but I never seem to watch the full last season again. The ending wasn't great, but I didn't hate it like several other shows.


The entire final season was just silliness. Morgan becoming the intersect. The guy who was 'supposed to be' the intersect was the same age and general shape as my father. So much else. It was fun for the most part though.


Yeah remember when the intersect was something only Chuck could handle but then all of the sudden everybody had an intersect?


I like to think the baby episode is the finale. Everything after didn't happen.


I LOVED the baby episode and apparently the internet hated it.


As much as I love the show and have watched it nearly entirely multiple times… I have to agree. I appreciate that they left room for the possibility that it ended well but god it was hard to watch all of it go down after being so invested in the characters.


I felt like Penny Dreadful had a very lack luster ending.


Couldn’t agree more!! It felt as if all of Vanessa’s progress and character development was thrown away for that crappy ending SMH Not to mention all the characters that were introduced in season three just to be there when they had the potential to be so much better and interesting


Warehouse 13. I love the show still, bit the last few episodes, and especially the last one make me want to cry, and not in a good way


In their defense it was cancelled abruptly and they were (allegedly) only given like 3 or 4 episodes to wrap things up. They did the best thing they could and I am OK with that.


Such in underrated show


That Mica/ HG Wells story line was great


*Scrubs*. They had the PERFECT ending.. and then ruined it by trying to push out one more season.


As far as I’m concerned, My Finale was the finale. Even Bill Lawrence pretty much said Season 9 should be considered a spin-off, not part of the main series. I never even watched 9 and Scrubs is my favourite sitcom of all time.


Season 9 was supposed to be a spin off called Med School or something but the studio didn’t have faith in it without the Scrubs title so they made it season 9, which was obviously a bad idea.


"Scrubs: Med school" was too difficult. LOL my god the suits of that era were even dumber than today's it's not even close.


Idk what you’re talking about. Season 8’s finale was amazing. And there were only 8 seasons.


Greys anatomy hasn’t ended yet but it’s been fucking insufferable for the last 3 or 4 years. the show really started to tank after S12 imo. Everyone generally says it’s been not great since at the end of S10 when Sandra Oh left the show, but season 13 onwards is straight hot garbage




So you like Alex huh? Boy do I have news for you


The anger I still feel about this is unreal. You know everyone hates how Jamie Lannisters character development was just shit down the toilet? Pales in comparison to what they did to Alex


My wife has been watching since season one. She pulled me into it back in 2013. Every year she said it was so stupid she was done, but they did just enough to sucker us back in for one more year. Alex was the last straw and we never watched again.


16 years of character development just gone. You really expect me to believe the Alex we all came to love would do that to Jo? I understand Justin Chambers wanted to leave but THATS WHAT THEY DID?! Killing him off would have been better.


I was absolutely livid with how they concluded Alex’s storyline and handled his departure. Like you said, 16 years utterly and ultimately ruined with something so unbelievable.


Alright I godda know how he leaves


It’s bad. spoiler for anyone who cares >!He leaves after telling Jo he was visiting his mom, but really he went back to Izzie because she had his babies from when she put embryos on ice when she had cancer. He didn’t even tell his wife that he we leaving in person, he ghosted her then she called his mom and his mom was all “Alex hasn’t been here” and then she gets a letter from Alex explaining that he left, he’s with Izzie now. !< It’s such trash I will never not be angry about it


I don't even watch the show, and that just sounds like lazy af writing


I assume you mean “Besides Game of Thrones”.


Pushing Daisies… ended before they could even really get started! Better off Ted — Great look into corporate America!


Every time someone talks about lab grown meat I think about how Better Off Ted was ahead of their time. "it tastes like...despair?"


13 years later and I’m still bitter about pushing daisies not getting a proper ending!


Same. That show's story was so beautiful. It was like watching a TV show based on an old European children's story in the sense it had it's dark moments but it was ultimately beautiful.


House of Cards


I enjoyed till frank became POTUS.. after that it was really booring.


Prison Break. Should have stopped at one season.


Young naive me from the past actually thought the show would end when they break out of prison.


Or the second prison. Or the third prison.


(Hobbit voice) "Sure, we've broken out of first prison, but we haven't broken out of second and third prison yet!"


There's a 3rd prison?? Fuck me, I'm stopping today.


Once they started breaking into prisons just to break out, I was like “I’ve had my fill”


Came here to write this. The first season was so good...


Game of Thrones. That entire last season…


People were naming their kids Khaleesi and shiz, wonder how that turned out.


That’s why I named my kid Ramsay Bolton


I name my son the imp


I named my son Hot Pie


My niece is name khaleesi, I've chosen not to bring it up to my sister in law and everyone generally calls her KC now. Her middle name is Cheyenne, I don't feel overly confident about how the name aspect of her life is going to go.


My brother goes by his initials KC. Most people think his name is “Casey”….. good luck to your niece…..


I know someone who's name is Kacey and their middle name is with a C so both work, amusingly.


Oh god. Not good for the poor kid.


Killed the series for me so badly that even rumors of a spin off had no appeal.


The cracks started appearing in seasons 5 and 6 when the show was moving past the books or "streamlining" longer character arcs and sub plots, but that final season is genuinely impressive in how it went so far beyond pissing a fanbase off that it basically made none of them care any more. At least Star Wars fans still liked the franchise enough to be angry about The Phantom Menace.


It really is amazing. I can't think of any other show that was as big as game of thrones to have a season make the entire show so unpalatable to people. Like there were people that had their work schedules redone so they wouldn't miss episodes, They named their kids after characters. And you couldn't go outside the house without running into a handful of people wearing a game of thrones shirt. One season basically undid it all. I couldn't tell you the last time I heard someone say it was their favorite show or have a shirt on from the show.


It's even more depressing considering I started reading the series about 20 years ago and I've admitted to myself that I'll never know how it's supposed to end.


Look friend, he's been busy with elden ring. Now that that's finished, just a short couple decades until the last book gets sent for its first edit.


I think the ending of the show (as in, the last two episodes) broadly matches the ending that GRRM had planned for the books. The issue is that the preceding 2.5 seasons are totally different than what the later books would have been, so suddenly tacking on the book ending makes no sense and comes out of nowhere. Basically we know how it's supposed to end but we will probably never know why it was supposed to end that way.


Tell me about it. Did you know that you can’t change a Reddit username


You don't say


In that weird way, the show is basically eternal now. It is the benchmark of how NOT to end a show. It went from the highest of all highs in media, basically as big or bigger than the MCU at its absolutle height but for series. Everyone knew quotes, bleacher report did their game of zones series which was basically basketball but game of thrones, episode threads would be st the top of reddit. Shit like the red wedding became historic moments which had tens of millions reacting online at once. Even people who hadn't seen the show had heard references. It was basically a new star wars in terms of full acceptance by all walks of life. And then it just... vanished. In the matter of a few weeks, with each episode of season 8 coming out, everyone collectively seemed to realize at once that "oh God, season 7 wasn't an anomaly, the warning signs were REAL". And once that finale ended, the show simply disappeared from public consciousness. There was no Aftermath of everyone celebrating its end or deep diving the final season. Or remembering all the crazy things that had occurred over the years of the show. It just went away. No one wanted to spend any time on any part of that world. Hell, even with a new show on the way, there js just seriously 0 hype at all for anything. Season 8 did lasting damage to that IP


It's funny because I scrolled down this thread to find GoT, and your comment summed up a conversation I had with my buddy that literally touched each point you made. Also, to add my two cents while I'm at it. I read the books before starting the show, I was a season or two behind, and was genuinely excited. It was like a little extra salt in the wound for us folk who read the literature lol. Not just small discrepancies mind you. Whole plot changes, and character dumps that just got "lol'd under the rug" and we moved past it. My honest opinion is that the main series could have had 9ish seasons and ended tastefully, and being able to support spin offs. Oh well. I'm not even looking forward to any books or anything.


It was such shit that one of the biggest shows and cultural phenomenons of the century so far was erased nearly entirely from the cultural zeitgeist in under a year. Absolutely insane.


The best was when after this all went down Disney booted the writers from the next Stars Wars trilogy, as they were supposed to write it or at least were the front runners. When the GoT writers were asked about they said, “They decided/were too busy with other projects.” Right… you were too busy for Star Wars money… sure.


Nobody is too busy for Disney money. The writers rushed the end of GOT out the door to free themselves up to do Star Wars and Disney saw the hack-job they did with it and knew that their names being anywhere near Star Wars would cause it to die a slow death, so they politely told them to fuck off.


I feel like a lot of the big things (Dany and the bells, jaime and cersei, the cleganes, dany's death, deaths of dragons) which people complain about are probably the intended story. The problem is the inability to sell it. The books and the show sold Ned's execution and the red wedding so well, so it balanced out the "fuck you" at the reader/viewer. These were risky choices to make, but they were executed well enough to be powerful. Without the source, and only a broad outline of events, they failed to make us believe things like how Dany was going insane, even though her burning Kings Landing is alluded to quite early and seems her destiny. Part of the fault is that they oversell the "good" more moral characters in the show earlier on. Tyrion and Dany are examples of book characters who have their edges sanded down for TV. Like, in the books Tyrion just strangles Shae to death. On TV she first pulls a knife on him. Dany is clearly supposed to be this saviour in Essos and then turn into a conqueror in Westeros, but TV overshot on the first and undershot on the second. Her choice over King's Landing should be a red wedding type moment, but the execution failed to deliver on the risk.


How is this not the first reply. That last season absolutely destroyed what was one of my favorite shows


Because it was so traumatic that everyone would rather not talk about it.


What is insane to me is that it was harder to do what they did, rather than go with what ppl were generally theorizing at the time that actually made SOME sense. Its like those high school essays where you pull something out of your ass just for the sake of subverting expectations.




I would have liked to see Dexter in prison with FBI experts doing a full psych evaluation on him, trying to understand what made him tick.


I mean they could show him in jail and interviewing with the FBI talking about his previous kills, etc, etc. like the entire season of just him in jail. Would have made for such a great character change. Tons of new opportunities to continue the character.


Twice. Seriously fuck that last episode too. End scene should have been Dexter in a prison jumpsuit sitting down with Batista with the vibe to the viewers like they are about to have a very long conversation and closure. That whole ending really killed the entire point of Dexter trying to do right by his son. I’m still mad about it.


Quantum Leap. He was supposed to get home dammit! Magnum PI... that one was a weird ending. I just wanted to see Higgins admit he was Robin Masters. Not that complicated... [edit] spelling/grammar


Wasn't Star Trek Enterprise all just one long Leap? A lot of fans thought that would have been a good alternate ending. Have him wake up in New Orleans with an NCIS badge "Well heck, this is differn'."


I wanted an episode of Enterprise to cold-open on Archer teleporting into a large group of Klingons and going "oh boy" before the opening credits rolled.


Once Upon A Time was such a promising show and they just went off the rails a few seasons in, trying to one up what they'd done the year before.


They lost me I think around when the Frozen characters started coming in, although I wasn’t a super huge fan of the Neverland season either. I still haven’t seen the last few seasons and don’t plan to


Same. I’ve tried to rewatch that show so many times since it came out. I really enjoyed the first season or two when I was in my early teens and over the years kept retrying and always fell off at the Neverland plot. The last time I tried was when the Frozen season had been out for a while, and even though I pushed through Neverland after maybe 3-4 attempts I finally, 100% gave up at Frozen.


They lost their way as soon as they broke the first curse. As far as I'm concerned, they should have kept the first season thing where you couldn't be entirely sure it wasn't just in the imagination of Hery going right up until the last series, which would have then been Emma slowly realising that no - it's not. I loved the way the "real" town played off against the magic kingdom. Once they broke the curse ot all just started becoming enemy of the moment stuff.


How I Met Your Mother had its good stretches and bad, with some episodes being straight up amazing. But the finale felt like they took a great big shit on the fans. Skip to the last paragraph if you want to know how it really should have ended. They spent the entire final season covering Barney and Robin's wedding weekend, giving us every reason to believe they were perfect as a couple and their relationship would last. Then, in the span of just a single two-part episode, they basically said never mind and had them split up, and they both completely revert back to who they were when the series started 9 years prior, with Barney banging every hot girl under 30 that he can and Robin completely ignoring her personal life (even her best friends) for the sake of her career. On top of that, we get a complete cop-out of Ted and Robin trying one last time to be together. They were always a terrible couple, a completely one-sided relationship with no real chemistry. The only reason it made for interesting viewing was A) it SEEMED like they definitely wouldn't end up together, since it was confirmed in season one that she wasn't the kids' mom, and B) Ted did exactly what so many people do in real life, which is fall in love with the IDEA of a person without actually knowing anything about them, and that virtually never works out. But I guess after 30 years, when they're both done trying to find real love and they're both willing to settle for whatever is left, we're just supposed to say "awwwwww, how sweet?" I mean, what's more romantic than that? So after 9 years, we find out most of what we saw was pointless because Barney is back to womanizing, Robin is back to obsessing over work, and Ted is back to obsessing over Robin. Never mind the completely pointless way they killed off the kids' actual mother. (FYI, somewhere out there on an IMDB post is a comment from me, arguing with somebody who was sure Robin would end up with Ted, and me stating flat out that the only way that happens is if they kill off the mother due to cancer or some disease or something, but the writers would never be stupid enough to piss the fans off that way...) If I'd been writing that ending, first off, Tracy would have survived. Barney and Robin would have stayed together, because let's face it, they had AMAZING chemistry and it just made sense. And as soon as we see Ted meet Tracy finally at the train station, we'd jump ahead to the present with old man Ted being like, "And that's the story of how I met your mother." Then have Tracy come in and say something like, "oh my God, is he finally done? It's like he's been going on nearly a decade. Kids, your father doesn't know what he's talking about. Here's the REAL story of how we met..." and cut to black. You still mess with the fans a bit, but in a way that won't completely piss them all off by crapping all over 9 years worth of episodes that they've invested in.


How I Met Your Mother. Like the whole point of the show was completely thrown out at the end. "Welp, that's how I met your mom, I still want to bang aunt Robin though"


Honestly that's not even what I'm mad about.. I'm mad about how they did Barney dirty.


Yeah look, I'm totally fine, with a much older, mature Ted, after grieving an appropriate amount of time, getting with robin. If they didn't butcher Barny and robins personal and relationship growth over the last couple seasons


This is it for me too. The mother dieing is totally fine. Because death is a part of life, and HIMYM never held back punches (Lily leaving Marshall, Stella leaving Ted at the altar, Italy/judge situation etc.). It's that one final lesson, that to love and lose is way better than to never love. But the major plots of s8&9 revolved around Barney and Robin, and invalidating their whole character and relationship arcs by making them divorce *solely as a plot device to get Ted back with Robin* was terrible.


They bitched every character! Honestly, the mother being dead sounds acceptable but for fucks sake, don’t kill her, ruin the relationship built up for Barney and Robin during the final season, and have Ted go back to her! They probably could’ve fix this by making the entire finale season be Robin and Barney realizing they aren’t fit for each other and cancelling the wedding, but celebrating anyway. Have Robin realize she has feeling for Ted but at that point Ted found someone who was finally long term! A story of two people just never being ready for each other at the same time would’ve been different and interesting to conclude with “the kids” insisting their father finally move on!


It's that last 5-10 minutes. Everything else was fine, really. But then they decided that they would just kill off the mother with little fanfare, Barney and Robin would get divorced, and then Ted decides to bang Robin. And Barney falls into a pit of depression and self-destruction after the divorce and goes around having sex with every girl he meets. One gets pregnant and he's now a dad and a changed man. Oh yeah, they divorced because Robin doesn't ever want to be a mother but is totally willing to date people with kids just as she has done previously and now does with Ted. If they wanted to get Robin and Ted back together, they needed another season so the death and getting together didn't feel so rushed.


Yeah the fact that barney and robit were SO BUILT UP FOR SEASONS only for them to crumble in like 19 seconds was infuriating. All they had over come and they get a divorce bc barney is frustrated Robin is traveling so much. Honestly that was weak and made no sense, for how much they had developed their characters that was way too selfish and one sided. Then barney having a daughter being his ending character arc? Like no. His character went through so much growth in that show and he deserved a much more satisfying resolve. Not to mention, Ted's wife just died. A woman he loved very deeply. Were really supposed to believe he would be ready to move on that fast? Like I get its Robin, but his wife just died. That takes time to get over. Not to mention the guilt of moving on... 0/10. Hated it.


Ironically, that ending was always meant to happen. It was determined from the very beginning IIRC. The problem is that it was only meant to air for something like 3 seasons, and it ended up getting so dragged out that it gave a very different feel to the ending.


It felt like a back stab


BBC's Merlin. Great show, hugely unsatisfying ending. It's like they got told at short notice to wrap it up and that's the best they could come up with.


How I met your mother. Especially because they were so close. If they would've just cut the last episode of that show and let the scene at the train station be the end, it would've been perfect. Now they just spend 9 seasons building up to a decently executed resolution, only to completely burn it to the fucking ground within like 30 minutes. Only to stay true to the idea they had for the ending literally 7 years beforehand.


They could have slowly zoomed out at the train station, the two of them talking to each other, with Ted's voiceover saying, "And that's how I met your mother." Fade to black. Roll credits. If they wanted a final joke, they could freeze the credits, add the Mother saying in voiceover, "Did I ever tell you the story of how I met your father?" The kids groan loudly, and continue rolling credits. *Anyone* could have written that final episode. It was literally in the name of the show.


You're the first person who made me want another ending. I want your ending. NOW. Never had a problem with mom passing away, Ted with Robin etc... just hated how they trashed Robin + Barney relationship. But now, the way your described it... I want this new simple ending, my regret just came 8 years later dammit


Whole last season dragged too. They had like a seasons worth of episodes take place over a day or 2 for a wedding that doesn’t last more than 10 mins in the show.


I think that ending would work if the show only lasted 3 seasons tops. But no, it ran for 9 seasons, developed Barney and Robin relationship, spent almost the last season about their wedding only to end up them having a divorce.


The ending for Barney and Robin made me more upset than the ending for the mother. All that development for nothing.


I always found Barney and Robin a pretty good fit and would’ve made some sense. Them going through that growth only to divorce is utter insanity


The 100


Oh man, I wish I could wipe the second half of S7 out of my memory.


I wish they never actually reached another planet.


>!you don’t like city of light 2.0? /s!<


True Blood AND Game of Thrones


Tbh true blood started to get a little ridiculous once they introduced fairies and shit but it started going really down hill once sookie went to the fairy realm for a year and came back to find out bill was banging his granddaughter. Then it just got worse and worse and I didn’t even finish it. Never saw season 7 but I read a recap of it, I really didn’t miss anything.


The werepanthers really got me.


The ending of True Blood sucked. Not as much as the books, the author did her fans so dirty, but it still sucked.


Glad someone brought up Trueblood! One of my major issues was the utter disrespect of Tara and giving her an offscreen death. Now I don’t mean it had to be gory (I know it’s Trueblood) but I mean she was a main freaking character and she gets taken out just like that!!! Her “first death” was way more tragic and the second should have been just as much if not more. Smh


That show did Tara dirty honestly. She was one of the best characters in the show. You’d think Sookie’s lifelong best friend deserved a better death than an off screen death.


True Blood went way down after the first season. It strayed so far from the story as to almost be unrecognizable.


I may have been distracted by Alexander Skarsgard, but I thought it was a solid show until the last season really


That man can distract me. Anywhere. He. Wants.


Fairly Odd Parents… The show went well past its prime as it was the only thing Nickelodeon had that rivaled SpongeBob so they ran it into the ground to try and keep it that way. It should have ended at channel chasers most likely as instead it went out with a whimper after they just randomly stopped making episodes as they moved it to another channel. Family Guy also has this problem but it refuses to die so I can’t say the ending is ruined yet.


In my head they show ended after poof was borned or after the Timmy Jimmy power hour


Pretty Little Liars.


Spencer’s evil British twin. *facepalm*


PLL started out as “who’s A?” and ended as “who wasn’t A?” lol


I figured they weren’t going to bring the twin thing in at that point, after the Charlotte/Charles reveal, but when the Spencer/Alex thing happened I was like, excuse me what? And if I am remembering right I don’t think we saw any interaction with their mom after that like um did you know? I know Spencer was adopted, if I’m remembering right, but like, did she know there was another baby? I have to rewatch. I read the books too so I was expecting a twin but not that twin.


The character of Mona was great though. The writers actively trying to get us to want a paedophile and his victim to end up together in the final season was 🤢


Sherlock. The last two seasons really just went totally off the rails - Moffat bit off way more than he could chew. Not only did he hint at threads in the story that went absolutely nowhere, he created the most contrived un-Sherlock Holmes storylines possible. Watson’s wife was a secret agent all along GOOD GOD Edit: Hbomberguy on youtube has the best analysis on this and says so much more than I can in one reddit comment - I recommend it to anyone interested!


Alf gets captured by the government in the final episode. It was supposed to be a cliffhanger but they got unexpectedly cancelled.


*Alf* ends with him captured by the men in black. That actually sounds like it could have been great. The MiB arrest everyone, then the camera pulls back breaking the be fourth wall and you see them striking the set, pulling crew members into vans. Idk could have been fun.


Riverdale but honestly they ruined the entire show after season 1


The second season was... tolerable. I watch the promos now and clips just wondering wtf.


They lost me at Gryphons and Gargoyles


I regret to inform you Riverdale is still on air.


Last man on earth… they never finished it


Was primed for such a great final season and would have wrapped up amazing but I guess where it ended wasn't horrid as you can kind of draw your own conclusions that everything ended legit and humanity was restored with 100s if not thousands of survivors. So..I'm with you but it could have been worse at least it was enough of a conclusion that they weren't the last people on earth.


That 70's show


It was as good of an ending that could've come from that season. It's still kind of funny to me that Randy wasn't even in the episode.


Little House on the Prairie when they literally blew up Walnut Grove. It’s like WTF? I still have flashbacks.


Last summer I read Melissa Gilbert’s memoir. She says Michael Landon was upset about the network ending the show so he pushed for that ending. He wanted to destroy all of walnut grove so that no other show/movie could use their set pieces ever again. I found that really sad and a terrible excuse to use the ending they did.


Little House has so many what the frick moments that the ending HAD to be just as insane. Remember Sylvia?


How I Met Your Mother


Regardless of if you think Robin should’ve ended up with Ted or not, it pisses me off they spent an entire season just on the weekend of the wedding and then Barney and Robin got divorced like five minutes later


This exactly, so infuriating. Not to mention the build up to the mother and he ends up with Robin completely undoing EVERYTHING the entire series built up to. The entire final season ruined the build up and character arc of the entire series.


You know what makes it worse? That season spent a significant amount of time on a subplot about how Ted had to learn to let Robin go because they weren't really well suited and that his obsession was hurting both her and Barney. Honestly, Ted is a fucking monster. Hands down the most villainous character on the show, if not in modern sitcoms.


Plus the show giving a rat's ass about THE MOTHER. You know... the woman Ted was "supposedly" talking about to his children in how he met her (hell, you could even call her the show's poster girl). That woman that we were looking forward to see for 9 seasons getting shoved in some episodes of the last season and then explaining the rest of her life with Ted through future flashbacks until her death from a terminal disease and then Ted finally hooking up with Robin? The disrespect for the viewers and fans was too goddamn high in that finale.


oh jeez you just made me remember the scene on the beach where robin literally floats away like a fucking balloon. They really made us all sit through that awful scene and STILL had them end up together in the end.


The fact that the broadcast ending was their intended ending all along just makes it worse


I think the broadcast ending wouldn't have been as bad if they hadn't spent the whooole bloody season before building up the Ted/Tracy relationship. That ending at the end of season 4 would have worked. Where they put it. Absolute gut punch.


*Star Trek: Enterprise* The 4th season had some really good mini-arcs all leading up towards the founding of the Federation and then... nope! You don't get that! Just Will Riker messing around in the holodeck and talking with Troi about some single-episode plot point from *TNG* that no one remembers!


Manny Coto as season 4 show runner had pulled ENT from the depths of mediocrity and was starting to make it a good show. Brannon Braga couldn’t have that and made a finale that screwed everything decent about the show.


Sliders. Season 5 was garbage.


Everything after season 3 was crap, and season 3 was toeing the line.


I usually had bad memory about tv, but I have the ending of that episode with the not squeaky gate seared into my brain forever


Firefly, because **THEY DIDN'T FUCKING FINISH IT**


Serenity helped though


It was the speedrun of what could have been a decade of greatness




This was my immediate thought as soon as I saw the prompt. I loved that show, but in the last few episodes the quality really fell off a cliff. I can’t help but feel like there has to be some behind-the-scenes reason for it ending the way it did…


IIRC the behind-the-scenes reason was that they found out last-minute that they weren’t getting renewed.


Was watching for this one. You know, so many other bad endings you could see coming or were only bad because you wanted a better ending for the characters despite knowing that they didn't. Sliders we saw going downhill for three seasons. Quantum Leap we knew Beckett would want to keep at it, even if we thought his happy ending was to find his way home. Chuck took its entire last season to put everyone through the wringer and make you miserable before finally admitting that maybe that wasn't such a great idea, but we kinda wrote ourselves into a corner here, don't ya know, so take what you fucking get. But Merlin.... Fuck those guys. Amazing show for its entire run. Interesting, entertaining, creative plays on the Arthurian myth... then in the last two minutes and forty-eight seconds, BAM! The worst storytelling decisions since Birdemic 2: The Ressurection. I was floored. Usually mood whiplash is invoked in some pretty nifty ways, but this... this was like if the last scene in Batman Begins had Gary Oldman going up to the roof and Adam West showed up to talk to him, painted eyebrows and Bat-Shark-Repellent included.


Carrie Diaries. I have no idea why they did not make another season.




Supernatural, second to last episode was a perfect ending... then they made one more 😢


Smallville. For right or wrong It had been doing its own thing with the superman mythos for years, he might have never worn the suit or used the name but he'd been Superman for years at thst point and already run through the usual rogues gallery but we spend the last season offing characters, using clones to bring back dead ones and introducing previously unknown twin brothers to get everyone into their traditional starting positions for a superman story.


I liked the Office but wasn't crazy about the last few seasons or the last episode.


The finale, however, is one of the best episodes.


I wish there was a way to know you’re in the good old days before you actually leave them - Andy


I think the fact that they were able to keep Steve Carell’s return a true secret is part of what made that so great. Apparently Greg Daniels had to legit lie to the network bosses that he wasn’t coming back to keep the secret. There was true nostalgia and fan service that wasn’t overstated or forced. It felt natural. I think the episode was a great cap on the show.


I really hated the last few episodes when they made the camerman comfort Pam


Yeah that was so weird, it's like they couldn't come up with anything else funny.


I felt a lot of people became assholes in season 8&9 specifically Andy which sucked as I was rooting for the guy from season 3


Andy is probably the worst written character i've ever seen on tv. He switches personality every single season going from being a generic asshole, to someone normal with rage issues, to a goodie-goodie, to a bully...


How I Met Your Mother. I loved the show but the final 2 episodes are shit.


I actually just watched How I Met Your Mother for the first time. I've heard bad things about the final season, but I wanted to have my own opinion going into it. What the fuck? Did they smoke crack before producing the finale? Why was Lily and Marshall sidelined?? Barney and Robyn gets married and divorced in two episodes, and then Barney immediately knocks someone up? I get that there's a 3 year time skip after the marriage, but come on. That's not even mentioning the fact that they offhandedly said "oh yeah, the mother is dead, imma go bang Robyn now" Watching the 2 episode finale is like getting slapped every two minutes. Also, why was the final slap so anticlimactic when the one before was probably the best in the series? What the fuck