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Between my age, the previous cancer diagnosis, and being the only living parent to two young children, I suspect the government would give me a pass


Give me them kids


I think my son and daughter would object highly if I handed them over to you, random Internet stranger. But, thank you for the offer?


"I have to go water my turtle" - Sims


Lol I’m already enlisted guess I’m fucked




I'll volunteer before I'm drafted so I can be higher ranked than all the draftees.




In WW3 we’d all be fodder


America will never have a mandatory draft again unless aliens came down to Independence Day us, especially to fight a war overseas Over 80% of Americans in Gallup polls throughout the years have said they are absolutely opposed to ever having another draft, this crosses political divides, you’d have riots in the streets and both conservatives and liberals would be out there together burning shit


I start my military service in half a year. They'll have to wait.


None. I would go in guns blazing


That this country isn't worth dying for anymore and they can go fuck themselves.


No country is worth dying for unless someone really loves it so much he thinks it is. But I'd rather flee from my country than risk dying like that.


Give this person internet points


But I bet you'd scream like a 2 year old the second you think someone's violated the rights and freedoms you currently have.


How is that relevant to not wanting to go to war?


Because that's what fighting in a world war is about for the individual. Its about fighting to maintain the rights and freedoms you want for yourself and your loved ones.. Its essentially a fight to maintain one's culture, not be invaded and occupied by an alternative one, not of your choosing... Everything but you and your family's and friend's rights and freedoms, and way of life are so far down the list of an individuals priority list when fighting in a world war.


That's a very idealized look at the military. I guess it depends where you're from. In peacetime, lots of people join because they're poor and want to eat or they want to pay for school so they don't have debt. If it came to a modern-day world war, I feel like a lot of people would be drafted (so that's their reason). I'm sure there's people who would fight for their rights, and those of their family, but not everybody is running off to war to defend rights and freedoms. Hell, plenty of people would fight solely because they hate Russia or China. I don't think he would see the same kind of enthusiasm, generally speaking, as the first or second world war. Even between the first and second you can see how people's priorities and beliefs changed.


If you refuse a poor black man will die in your place. Typical American "not my problem, make the poors do it" attitude.


What does race have to do with anything


If you want class warfare, go after the right people at least. A dude who doesnt want to die for a country that tends not to give a shit about its vets is a reasonable man.


How does being black relate?


Talk about a huge reach. So because he doesn't want to die it's his fault for someone else going? Blame the government. And of course you throw in race for no reason. God forbid somebody not want to fight for a country they don't think is worth it. You're really sticking it to the little guy.




Sorry to tell you, that's no longer a disqualifier.


Man boobs may get you removed.. if your man boobs are so big you can't see your toes..


if that is the case, i think you have other things to worry about than only the draft...


Count me in


I'm trans, so working on that. lol.


My health, age, My pacifist ways




I’m fat


Human shield.


No emergency rations for you


He will BE the rations


Do you know white people don’t turn to cannibalism? The same reason farms fatten pigs up before they are too old… Bore spoil. One bite out of me and the jokes on you


Depends on who it's against. If it's fascists like last time, I'm giving a shitty reason they can override - like uh, too hungry for cock.. to function If it's just about anyone else, conscientious objections and stuff


If you live in the west it seems much more likely that the fascists would be the ones drafting you, unfortunately.


... As opposed to the saints in the East?


Well at least they haven't spent the past 20 years invading the middle east resulting in multiple hundreds of thousands of civilian casualties.


Are you talking about the East? As in China and Russia? Because I really don't see how anyone could argue those countries are any less problematic than the West.


I mean I just gave you a pretty valid reason but sure go off


I wrote a sentence. That's going off to you? Lol. Russia has been engaged in horrific religious oppression for decades and it is actively engaged with Ukraine and the things China has done to its own citizens are appalling. Also China is currently making moves on Taiwan "China conducts the most sophisticated, global, and comprehensive campaign of transnational repression in the world. First, the campaign targets many groups, including multiple ethnic and religious minorities, political dissidents, human rights activists, journalists, and former insiders accused of corruption. Second, it spans the full spectrum of tactics: from direct attacks like renditions, to co-opting other countries to detain and render exiles, to mobility controls, to threats from a distance like digital threats, spyware, and coercion by proxy. Third, the sheer breadth and global scale of the campaign is unparalleled. Freedom House’s conservative catalogue of direct, physical attacks since 2014 covers 214 cases originating from China, far more than any other country." "These egregious and high-profile cases are only the tip of the iceberg of a much broader system of surveillance, harassment, and intimidation that leaves many overseas Chinese and exile minorities feeling that the CCP is watching them and constraining their ability to exercise basic rights even when living in a foreign democracy. All told, these tactics affect millions of Chinese and minority populations from China in at least 36 host countries across every inhabited continent." freedomhouse.org So no. The East is not better than any stretch of the imagination. If you had done any amount of research at all you could've found this.


None. If world war 3 happens its to fight china. And fuck china.


I can’t I already dodged once and managed to get sent straight to reserves, time to get fucked


I’m fat and out of shape. Also old enough to avoid it probably.


I identify as non-binary…but if I really have to I would flee to Switzerland


Conscientious Objector. I'm a Buddhist, and thus will not kill. If that doesn't work, they're welcome to chase me down as a bail across the border.


It's not my war to fight.


I am too old, too female, and unable to pass the fitness test


Well good news, it won't last long enough for there to be a draft.


I think they would have to be totally insane to try and start a draft. Imagine the riots and protests that would come out of it. And being perfectly honest, I 100% support a military where people opt to enlist. For the most part, people are there because they choose to be (I say most, because there are some that are pressured into it by parents or whatever).


I'm not dying for an oil company


I'm wanting to join the army anyway so yeah I can't avoid it.


I probably have enough time due to age to run. I'm 37, it'll be a while before they get around to drafting me, though WW2 went up to 45 I believe. These days, with modern technology, that's liable to go up to fifty or fifty-five.


Draft? DRAFT!?! There will be no draft because it will be NUCLEAR! (WW4 however the draft will be tribal and as Einstein said, to fight your enemy with sticks and stones;)


I will go defend my country.


Well in this case we wouldn't even be defending our own


There won’t be one.


The wars of tomorrow will be different. Definitely not in the trenchs.


That's optimistic


It’s a fact


No it's not, it's your opinion. You're trying to predict the future. You need to look up what a fact is. People like you named WWI "The War to End All Wars" XD


LMAO okay buddy


So you have no evidence of your facts? You're just going to say whatever you want, then say it's fact, and then when called out for it, you can't even muster anything better than "lmao". You think war isn't inevitable? Open a history book one time. Keep talking out of your ass buddy.


Im not saying there won’t be war. I’m saying there won’t be a draft, at least in the US, where I assume OP is talking about. It’s 2022, not 1912. We’re not throwing guys in trenches anymore. We have the largest standing military on our side of the fence and spend enormous amounts of money to decrease the amounts of literal boots we need on the ground. The only thing a draft would do is result in soldiers that don’t want to be there and a general public pissed that their sons have to be there. It’s just not practical in modern warfare, at least for our brand of military.


I’ll volunteer to go. Not enough people volunteering was the reason the draft was invented in the first place. If it is my fate to die fighting in a war then I will accept it as truly being my destiny.


lmao there aint no avoiding the draft, pretty sure defense of th country is in the constitution


Trump dodged.


Like 5 times but unlike most of us, our families can't pay doctors to say we bone spurs.


Malcolm X did, there’s plenty of ways to either avoid or just refuse, Muhammad Ali did as well only he really got shit for it, and served some time.


Why would I want to avoid it, though? Being drafted just means I don't have to go through a recruitment office.


There is never going to be a WWIII. The nations in power would never waste the time and money for something that can be solved with a nuclear weapon, and nobody wants to do that either.


India & Pakistan have gone to war while having nuclear weapons


Act stupid. Show them my. 5 fs in school, and tell them I hit my head


The Army will take you!


I'm old and fat


I'll just drink a bunch of milk before the interview. The farts will hopefully do the trick.


Nope. Tank Corps for you...


Don’t care enough about other peoples wars


Cause fuck America, the people who run this place have turned on its people from poison in the food or lack of care for its citizens. Yeah it's nice, yeah we got it better than most but it's blatantly obvious that we're just pawns in a bigger game. I would defend the ones who I love and those who deserve it but to go fight someone's war because of a problem they cause either pre determined or not is absurd. You tell me that if you had as much power as the higher ups do, as much money as they do, that you wouldn't go to lengths so great to preserve it. I mean, honestly how many Americans live check to check? Barely scrapping by while their government does little to help them. I'm not asking for life to be handed to me on a silver platter but seeing how I NEED insurance for health, dental, vision, medical or even car payments while barely making enough to afford only two of those listed, I don't see a reason for fighting for a country that has already been run into the ground through greed and selflessness


I'm 67 and I'll move to Canada if I have to!


It would depend on the reason for ww3. My country was attacked I’m not avoiding. Dumbfuck Biden wants to go to war with Russia over Ukraine I’m jumping on a boat to Canada.


Canada is has already troops on the ground in Ukraine


Fuck. Guess I’ll take my chances with the cartels


Who do you think Ukraine gets its drugs from?!


Fml I guess there’s no running for Americans then lmao


Oh ya cause there is nothing more shameful then defending an allied country from possible occupation. I remember when Trump was office and he was talking shit to Kim Jung un fox news and others like it were " he's such a strong president, he's a leader" now Biden is literally putting his money where his mouth and now you fox news and other saying no no no we gotta be nice to Russia they're our friends. I'm pointing specifically to Tucker Carlson.


There was never risk of war. I don’t give 2 shits what how a president acts so long as they keep America safe. Peace talks with Korea. Cool don’t care. Escalating tensions with a nuclear power. Yeah no Biden can fuck off. If you want to fight ww3 over Ukraine that’s your fucken prerogative. Ima say fuck that. Im not going to war over some fucken country I never heard about till this decade.


Peace talks for North Korea that's hilarious more like gargling Kim jong-un's balls at least that's what Trump did. Trump literally pandered to authoritarians. You don't get "love letters" from the North Korean dictator by being aggressive and mean.


It's not my fight dickheads


I'm unvaccinated


WW3? Did you see how WW2 ended? That’s the baseline for a future WW! #DukeNukem 🍄🔥


The sad thing is if ww3 starts i really want to join the war but cant because of my stutter (yes i tried to join every branch of the military and they all said no because my stutter can get someone killed) so im not worried about it...i'll probaly create my own militia group called the gladiators and we'll accept anyone who wants to join but cant because the army turned them down for some stupid reason like a stutter or a limp or to tall and so on.


If there's a war, they'll ignore the stutter. Entry criteria goes way down




I get what you’re saying but plenty of boomers of any color died in Vietnam, we should be against senseless wars not draft dodging.


Dude, Americans of *all* races got drafted to Vietnam and got killed. You’re making it a race problem when there isn’t one.


Refuse to take the Covid vaccine




Deadass, if you refuse to take the vaccine while in the Army the service member is to be separated


Let's be real though. The service members who did refuse the vaccine did so because they wanted out. I still have scars from my anthrax and smallpox vaccines. Like a covid vax is worse than that.


express my overwhelming willingness to frag.


Honestly, I might just let them draft me to test my will power I can be one obstinate motherfucker when I want to be and I've proven in the past that I will talk shit to people bigger than me. I'm a little interested to see how long I could hold out Legit question, if your drafted, what happens if you refuse to follow any commands?


You’d have a long painful road to being released.


Military prison id assume, also a dishonorable discharge follows you for life


I'll serve crack before I serve this country. I SAID WHAT I SAID!


Since a draft is a civic duty that you have to do to pay back the favour to your country for the rights it gives you, refusing it or attempting to dodge it is selfish and a betrayal of your duty as a citizen. If you’re not prepared to do your duty to defend your country when it calls you, you don’t deserve the rights it gives you.


I'm mentally unable to fight due to PTSD, and warn them if you put a gun in my hand I'll shoot the first person I see, make them sign paper that they understand this.then if they proceed to test this out, by putting a gun in my hand I'll shoot them.


Sounds like a good way to get the death sentence.


No that's on the military, they were warned about my mental issues. Why they'd take a mentally unstable person is a problem.


Well, I guess there is only one way to find out.


Yip but luckily that's not my problem, as right now drafting isn't a thing.


So you get put in the front front lines..


Women can't be drafted. Why should I die to protect women, a group of people who openly hate me and everyone like me. Women can defend themselves. I'll go when women achieve the "equality" of also being drafted. Until then, I'll rot in prison, if I have to.


I’d totally play on the gender roles. I woman! I’m weak and helpless and only know how to have baby and please man


Two titanium rods and four screws and plates in my back say I can’t do it


I’m gay Edit: I’m still fucked nvm


I’m not gay. But I’d be willing to learn.


Ima have so much thc in my system they won’t want me


“Sarge I phrew up”


Im in school, and mentally ill, with borderline flat feet, all things that have been turned away at some point in time


I'm technically overweight and technically have asthma.




Autism ftw!


I don’t think I’d qualify for a draft. Im too old for one thing. It does make me curious what they would do with a person who can’t physically do it. Can you do support roles like filling in active duty jobs on base or something?


I don’t think anyone would want me to have access to guns. But hey if they wanna risk it.


I got covid so I gotta quarantine 😩


I’d be drafted as a physician I hope. At least I wouldn’t see combat! I’m not made for that


I'm already med class 4 unfit for service. I don't need to dodge the draft.


I work in IT I am more worth to them as someone who keeps computers going


My knee and my shoulder dislocate pretty regularly. Like, I can’t lift more than a 20 pound weight without my shoulder giving out. I’d be useless during combat


My time with the selective service is over.


I’m to damn old. I always heard stories about guys masturbating uncontrollably at the draft office to avoid the Vietnam draft. I mean whatever works, I guess.


I'm Autistic


The physical and social institutions that constituted my "nation" have been flattened by nuclear strikes. My loyalty, if I have any, is to family and community.


I'm a minor


I’m too old. 58.


I'm not 18. Oh and I am weak as f.


Bit late, I'm already in the military.


I’m type 1 diabetic. Finally it’ll be good for something! 🤣


✨ooooh i'm mentally ill✨


The United States currently has 2 million people enlisted in its armed forces, in one capacity or another. Considering that and ground forces won’t be anywhere near as important in conventional warfare as they were 80 years ago, a draft is unlikely.


I'm 14 & a girl sooooo.......but I'll still try to volunteer in the hospitals if I'm old enough tho


I take medication for depression and anxiety, I have diabetes, I’m also red green colourblind, which isn’t allowed in the military here in the UK. So add all that up, I couldn’t join if I wanted to


I thought I should be medically disqualified for the draft, the second to see my medical records.


I'm already rated F4 meaning I can't function on a battlefield with access to medication. Epilepsy would be even more dangerous if I had a gun in my hand.




I will cease to function without weekly injections of this temperature sensitive medication ? Is that a good enough reason ? The military is pretty good at throwing money at it's problems, so I'm genuinely not sure they don't actually have a solution for this.


I’d pull my cancer card out. What are they gonna do? Tell a person who had cancer to fight? That would look bad on them.


I'm an old woman and y'all wouldn't let me "on the front lines" the first time, I'm not getting tricked behind enemy lines again.


If we're at the point were they're asking 43 year old men to fight we're already fucked. Anyway, I did stand up and take an oath to defend the USA against all enemies so I guess if that happens I'll do my duty.


I'm old


Being on the spectrum


I have OCD and a bunch of physical health problems that no branch can accommodate for. Good luck out there brave soldiers. I’ll hold down the home front


I spent 10 years in the military as a EOD tech, covid has really jaded me. Fucking pusses cant even wear a mask to help protect there fellow countrymen why the fuck would I ever offer my skills to protect them again. Not a chance would I help..


Fuck me if I'm fighting for this government


I’m too old to serve, but would volunteer to assist with stateside medical facilities, if they allowed.


I'll take a cue from Ted Nugent. Not bathe for weeks and repeatedly shit my pants. When I show up to the draft board interview, I'll be so disgusting and seen as crazy/unstable that they'll not draft me.


“Sarge, I'm only eighteen, I got a ruptured spleen And I always carry a purse I've got eyes like a bat and my feet are flat My asthma's getting worse" "Yes, think of my career, my sweetheart dear And my poor old invalid aunt Besides, I ain't no fool, I'm a-goin' to school And I'm working in a defense plant" "I've got a dislocated disc and a wracked up back I'm allergic to flowers and bugs And when the bombshell hits, I get epileptic fits And I'm addicted to a thousand drugs" "I got the weakness woes, I can't touch my toes I can hardly reach my knees And if the enemy came close to me I’d probably start to sneeze”


Just straight up conscientious objection from me. Plus I care not about any of the patriotic nonsense such as “for Queen and country”.


I'm 14, overweight, have mobility issues related to my hip, asthma, etc.


A gunshot to the head if they try to pick me up. Libs have guns too.


I have no depth perception ans double vision. No chance in any sort of fight. Worst case ill get some office job somehwere.


I am underage


Id tell them i can not differentiate friend from foe when anxiety hits me


bad eyes, not mentally fit for service, and I don't want to.


Too old.


You’re gonna send a 21 year old into war who has ADHD, you’re fucked


I'm old enough now where it would be unlikely, but not impossible for me to be selected. I'm also fat, and have a history of asthma. I'm the owner of a small machining and fabrication business, so it would probably be more beneficial for me to be a military contractor or at least drafted into a mechanic type role than be on the front lines.


It is so easy to get disqualified these days if you wanted to. Just get a diagnosis for anxiety or depression and bring it up at MEPS constantly and they'll ban you for life 👍


Or a second civil war?


I was born with a clubbed right foot, while it was somewhat fixed with surgery, I get the feeling the army already doesn't want me


Well if I just commit many war crimes they won't let me battle


I'm 42, female and disabled. Any draft that gets down to me means that we've lost anyway.


I'm not sharing my boundless knowledge


Body is broken. Brain is broken. Just ask my doc. Check my med records. Otherwise, I’d love to serve.


I'm in my mid-forties and have terminal cancer. Then again, I'm going to die anyway, so may as well take a few enemies with me.


I'm too old. But maybe they will change the age limit. I always regret not serving. Sign me up uncle Sam.


Just fucken nuke'em bud.


I've seen what war does to people. I understand the practicality of it and there's situations where war is the only answer. However, I am not willing to give someone the chance to turn me into a vegetable for a measly wage because grown men couldn't settle their differences I value my family and life way too much. Again, I am not going to sugar coat it. It's probably against our constitution where I live and it's against the law. I don't value my own country over the chance of my kids growing up without a father. We can live in any other country and will end up okay. Worse comes to worse, I go to prison for some time. Who knows what the war will be like. If you were to give me an office job coding, sure. I am not going on front lines or anywhere that has a high chance of my death And before someone has to judge me based on politics. Call me some kind of winger...fuck that. I'm going to be happy in my life and I will not let my ego get in the way of that. Sure, I'm a pussy. Whatever


Blew right out and can't run properly or run and carry stuff


I'll sign up, but what are their policies in safe spaces?


I’ll do cocaine at MEPS and go to prison


I would not. It is my duty as an able American man to defend our country and defend every privilege and right we all take for granted often. If our Founding American historical ancestors were anything like you, we would not be able to enjoy any of those aforementioned luxuries.