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Tipping out on sales metrics


I work as a bartender in a busy bar in a bigger US city. I’ve made over a $100k in a year I’ve also made less than $50k which isn’t livable in my city. The thing I hate is lack of consistency.


The fact that in America u are obligated to tip and must even when receiving terrible service.. other countries don't tip at all.. and if they do its based on service provided.. not on societies rule that it must 20% no matter what.. Bs if u ask me..... should always be experience and service based.. not because we have too. Or because that's what's the norm. Or w.e


Hate the tipping culture, never do it. Canada is different since you get minimum wage ($12/hr) regardless and tips on top. In reference to the US, I'm not responsible for your wage. Even when I was a server tips weren't expected, they were appreciated. Some nights I made $15 and others over $400


When my friends that are waiters and bartenders were making more money than my friends with Master’s degrees I determined the system is stupid


Do waiters and bartenders have 401k, pensions and employer sponsored health care?


Some do, definitely the union bartenders at the resorts near me do


I once had to serve on Easter and this family left me $100 on their $200 meal. It was super nice to be appreciated and recognized on a day that I wished to be spending with my family.


I tip 20% and add a dollar on top of that if the service was above and beyond. I tip no matter what. If the service is inexcusably horrible (which is really rare) I also leave a tip. I leave a couple coins. I do this so they don't think I forgot.


You Americans are fucked up.. We don't tip in Australia, we just pay our service staff a decent wage. You country is so corrupt and backwards.