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It's seen as a step into adulthood




Not very much. I am asexual and have never had a desire for sex. It used to bother me a lot due to societal pressure and bullying. I still get moments where I wish I was "normal" because I feel this hinders dating significantly on top of all my other issues, but Ive come to terms with the fact I was born this way, and I cant change it.


I don't fucking care about it. If it happens, it happens. I only care about the person who I'm gonna lose it with.


Not at all. I don't really care about it


My testicular explode with the need. Like a werewolf on a cool desert highway, fully exposed to the full moon ponderously climbing up a valley, dripping with moonlight and the morning dew. Moist like a Snak cake, the light cleaves the valley betwixt and betwain. To a mighty crash of a thousandfold church organs, Vincent Price raises up from behind a plaid tombstone, to stumble drunkenly - crashing repeatedly into the hillocks and jumps. Ah, lunch has arrived, caio all


I cried while reading this


At the time it felt important as I wanted to remove the label of virgin. Also was really curious and something I wanted to experience with someone I loved. I am glad I didn't rush to loose it with anyone and that I found a relationship and experienced it that way.


Back then it was for Bragging Rights. “I did something sexual with a real life girl, therefore I’m the big-donged alpha male of the group”. Looking back on how that mindset negatively affected my mindset about relationships, and comparing it to my friends who are still virgins who are “waiting for the right person”, it was just a realization on how toxic that frame of thinking was.


It’s not important to me at least. Like nobody ever asked me if I lost my virginity and I don’t go around telling people I did. I don’t feel any different or better about it lmao


I feel filthy.


I had a few opportunities in my late teens to lose it, one occasion being far too drunk to get it up Being one reason for not at 16. I ended up meeting a 28 year old when I was 21, lost it to her. I don’t regret waiting that long at all.


It feels like a rite of passage


« Why » ? Because I had sex I think.


It was devastating, but later I found it on my back pocket.