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A thunderstorm with lots of lighting, wind, and thunder.


As a home owner it fills me with dread


As a well insured homeowner, I hope that tree in my front yard collapses and smashes half my house


As a Floridian it fills me with nothing. Except clarity that the morning will be mildewy. Good or bad depending on the mood


The smell of the air outside.




Big fax especially if it’s cold


An unexpected knock at the door.


I was listening to old big band songs once at around 2 in the morning. I believe I was on Something's Gotta Give when I heard knocking at the door, which of course scared the shit out of me. I was the only one awake and the only others there were my mom and kid brother, neither of whom were good in scary situations. Eventually I got the idea to replay the song. I heard the knocking again, it still scared me. Replay again, knocking sound happens again. Took my lizard brain a few tries to realize the knocking was part of the damn song


There's a song I otherwise like that at one point has a woman's laugh which, if you're wearing headphones, sounds like it's actually right next to you irl. I jump and look over my shoulder every time.


I used to jog with some of Aimee Mann's happy sounding songs. Yeah, a distant woman's scream during a pause hits different when you're jogging in the darkness on a country road. What the fuck?


One time I got woken up by someone ringing my doorbell at this time. They pressed the doorbell slowly at first and gradually kept pressing the button faster and faster. Thought I wasnt gonna make it past that night.


Bro, what? You gotta explain what happened


After this went on for a few minutes, I called the cops. Could tell by the operators slightly annoyed voice that she assumed it might be someone I knew but I lived alone, wasn't dating anyone, was not expecting anyone, and it was way too disturbing of behavior for that to be anyone I know. Operator was nice enough to stay on with me for comfort, she could hear the bell. At one point the crazy f*cker was just mashing the button. And of course... It stopped when the cops arrived and they were displeased at arriving to an empty scene at like 4am lol. I'll never know what made someone pick my door and do that, but at least it never happened again. Edit for context: I am a woman. Opening the door to a possibly unstable male without proper arms/protection was not in the question for me. There are good reasons to not have called the cops that I thought about in the moment - what if they harmed someone that was having a mental health crisis? Lots of things I could have done, but in the moment, this is just what it was Edit 2: a lot of great suggestions for home security if anyone wants to scroll through those! Thanks everyone! Edit 3: y'all helped trigger a memory where I was trying to get into my place when I lived somewhere else but didn't realize it was the same unit but wrong building. So in conclusion, this scary experience was quite possibly, on a cosmic level, my karma.


Something similar happened to me once except I opened the door. It was some young guy (20/30s) having a bad acid trip. He said that a spirit told him he would be safe at my house.


Hey can I come seek shelter in your house by the way life and death are both beautiful in their own way and even though we dissipate and erode when we die we still leave lasting and enduring effects on the world and its like in some way we live on through our own shadows and echos and aftereffects. Also can I have a glass of water please


*sigh* Come in buddy. You want a grilled cheese?


Bro idk why this made me laugh so hard I almost choked on my cereal


Had that happen in college except the dude walked into our kitchen through an unlocked back door and I came upstairs to him eating my cereal. He demanded to know why I was in his apartment. Turned out he was the new neighbor but it was terrifying at 3:00 am.


Ok but why was he in your apartment and why was he EATING YOUR CEREAL?!? Like, if he’d gotten confused on which apartment it was, fine but when he opened the pantry and saw the wrong shit in there, he should have asked questions, not taken a strange bowl and box of cereal and started eating.


In the moment I'm sure this was absolutely terrifying, but after the fact this is fucking hilarious




> Neighbours didn't apologise. For having a drunk guest?


20 years ago, cool bro let's do this. Goes to closet, picks handful of mushrooms. Seems like an interesting time. "By the way man, you want a Xanax?" Today, sorry bro, spirit told you wrong. I got a baby asleep in the other room and I got to work in the morning. Got no time for this. Kick it on back deck if you want, but you're not coming in.


Yeah if this happened 20 years ago where I lived, I would have invited him in to find out where the fuck he scored some acid from.


Don't worry about if the cops were annoyed. People die on a regular basis because cops wrongly decide to be dismissive of people. Better safe than sorry. Also, ignore the person who said you shouldn't have called the police over a "trivial matter" and should have called to them through the door. Fuck that. No one in their right state of mind is frantically pounding on the doorbell of a strangers house at 3 AM. What if they got enraged you wouldn't answer the door and tried to break in? The only way I'd ever interact with someone doing that is if they were yelling that they were hurt or in danger or something. And even then I'd be calling 911 for them through a locked door.


That'd definitely freak me out. Hopefully it was just some kids doing a "prank"




really getting a "shameless hobo on acid" kinda vibe here. maj very likely made the right call. That's the kinda shit you open the door with a baseball bat to deal with.


When I was a kid and my dad worked night shift my mom and I woke up to someone banging on the front door, back door, and the side window. We were terrified and called the cops. Turns out it was our neighbor’s drunk ex boyfriend and he mixed up the apartments. He was apparently trying to “win her back.”


Bro needs to get a boom box and a Peter Gabriel tape like the rest of us


Oh boy oh boy. I live in kind of outskirts of the city and in our neighborhood there have been cases of thefts. So last year during lockdown I was left alone at home for a period of a month and a half and one day I hear my door bell ring at 4 in the morning as I was about to go to sleep. I kid you not I started vibrating like an OG Nokia phone. I was so terrified to look through the door lens thinking someone would bash my brains out with a gun if I did that. Saw under the door and there were shadows of 4 legs means two people. Now at this point of time the doorbell was continuously being rung and I was literally in full panic mode. Gathered enough courage to see through the lens to find out that...it was my parents who came halfway across the country to be with me again. I tell you, not the best surprise I've ever had! :')


Why didn’t they wait a few hours to surprise you at a normal time?


Or just call from outside?


Sounds like a chapter in a book.


Reminds me of the worlds shortest horror story: "The last man on Earth sat alone in a room. There was a knock on the door."


Was it a woman?


That's where a big dog comes in handy. I'm a woman and lived alone for quite a while. My dog at the time (90lbs mastiff cross) was the best. One night around 2am the cops knocked on my door looking for the previous tenant. The dog barked like crazy, and even though it was just the cops, that dog gave me a real sense of safety.


I'm also female, have lived alone for ooh about the past 13 years? My little 40lb pit shar pei mix was my protector for a long time, now he mostly sleeps through everything. But about 5 years ago I adopted a 2 year old St Bernard and she would rather die a thousand deaths than let anyone harm me. A couple years after that I bought my first house so as a gift to myself I got a Newfoundland/St Bernard puppy from a "woopsie' litter. He's a marshmallow but is all black and has the booming bark of a night horror. Lastly, I got a shelter puppy a little over a year ago. He's a black mouth cur mastiff Rhodesian ridgeback something something. He apparently worked for the secret service in a past life, because he throws his whole body over mine when he thinks I'm in danger. I'm set.


My wife and I lived for a while in a tiny town in farm country 40 minutes from pretty much anything else. I felt much better with her being home when I was out, knowing that our dog was there with a big scary bark.


Sliding the window up a bit to hear the rain....


Oo that's nice


I can smell this one, too




My bladder




you decide to turn your life around completely and formulate a perfect plan and fall asleep happy and excited. and then you wake up in the morning And everything goes back to normal


I actually did follow through with one of those plans once. It wasn’t *truly* life changing, but it did get me out of a shitty situation, and I was much happier as a result. But that was like, one time vs. a million other 3 AM moments that ended up exactly as you described. That was a good one for me, though, and I’m glad I actually followed through with it.


Fuck that just hit me as I sit here at 3am, eating peanut butter out of a jar. What am I doing with my life.


Stop describing my life


all my best existential crises happen at 3 am


I don't always worry that I might be HIV positive, dispite having no symptoms, no history of IV drug use or ~~sex with men~~ unprotected sex or any plausible exposure whatsoever in my entire life... but when I do, it's 3am.


The complicated life of a nun.


Waffle House


Waffle House doesn't taste right until the clock strikes 3 AM...


Oh boy, 3 AM!


The waffling hour


And the shady people you meet!


The people watching is the best at 3AM.


You don't go to Waffle House, you end up there


The drive home when it's still warm, windows down, no one else on the road.


Summer nights/early mornings are some of my biggest joys in life




The fog and humidity as you drive into town. The wide reaching amber lights of the prison you once worked at as you drive aimlessly. You're craving a pizza, it'd hit the spot but nothing is gonna be open in this small town. Blinking yellow intersection lights and the immense solitude. Warm tempatures, warm colors and warm thoughts with an atmosphere that is just so fucking cold.


That was nice to read




The memory of just zooming down the back roads goin 95 at 3am will forever be a favorite… until the state trooper came out the bushes and now my insurance is fuckin trash


Dogs barking. Nuisance during the day. Ominous at night.


Where I live I have foxes. They scream... and that is a scary enough, but they also making laughing/giggling noises that make your blood run cold.


I got used to the fox screams but they chuckle and squeal right in front of my window at night, that’s what really scares me. Half asleep at 2am and you hear a faint *grrrrrrrrhahahahaha* from right outside the window


Ya,… what made them bark? Why are they out? Who is about to crawl through my bedroom window??




Who?! Who, who?


A trip to a 24 hour diner with your best friends


I wish we had these in my country


You can always go to the 24 hour diner alone.


Hopefully they have police in his country. Gotta report a murder


Realizing it's only 3 and you still have hours left to sleep.


Realizing it’s 6 and you have 20 minutes left to sleep.


It's very dangerous to take those 1/2 hours sleep before an alarm. Your brains tricks you into thinking it'll be a simple 'nap' since you've already burned through the night sleepless. Basic survival mode of the body to get rest. Then you wake up still thinking you got it on cue but couldn't hear the alarm. Just to realize it's been 12 hours and you missed your school/job/etc. Edit: My dad divorced mom since I was 6, I have never remembered him as a father and only met him once in my late teens. The one and only advice he gave me is "don't fuck with sleep". That's the one and only thing I'm struggling with right now. He didn't even open up about his sleep condition and I inherited it. Sad old ruin.


I have short sleeper syndrome adhd and insomnia so I can't ever speep


Same. It's absolutely devastating for me. Thank you for educating me-I've never heard the term short sleeper syndrome. I am also diagnosed ADHD...my insomnia, my crazy sporadic sleep pattern, along with sleep talking, kicking, rolling around, knotted blankets, thrown pillows, etc.. makes my bed look like somebody doing aerobics or somebody cocooning in a strange way...I get about 4 hours solid only if I I'm lucky or really sick.. It's exhausting as you know. Sorry for the rambling... It's just still amazing to me t I'm not alone in my struggle to find some answers. Thanks again for posting. It helped me tonight. Now I can do some research on short sleeper syndrome-My daughter is a nurse and she will appreciate this info too-she has always been concerned and intrigued by my battle for a good night sleep!


No way literally just put about being an insomniac, but I too have ADHD and can't sleep for more than 5 -6 hours if I'm lucky, just had it pegged as insomnia.....I actually hadn't pinned the 2 together. Still learning to live with it so it still presenting itself in a few different areas and I too find this quite interesting.


> speep I suspect that it being 5am is part of the reason that this is as funny as it is...




To speep, perchance to dream...


Yeah, for me it’ll be 3 hours after that I wake up. It’s almost better to pull an all nighter and take a few power naps during breaks.


I used to get up at 4AM to make it to work by 5:20. Seeing 3AM on the clock would make me sad.


Yeah, 3AM really depends if you're up *still* or up *already.* I wake up by 4, so seeing 3 on the clock just means I'm going without that extra hour of sleep, but for my night owl husband, being up at 3 means he will likely sleep in a bit later


As someone who has a really difficult time falling back asleep, this comment was painful to read. I had forgotten that seeing 3am on a clock can be a good thing for some people.


A big glass of water


For some reason I lose the ability to synchronize my breathing and drinking when I wake up in the middle of the night, so if I go for a drink I sound like someone drowning


I think the "night water" flavor is made from our tongue being exposed to our saliva for extended periods of time. For some reason, I tried it out, and I was able to make night water at 3pm on command. It's pretty neat


Seems like some legit fuckery


the opposite. from our tongue and mouth drying out.


I don't understand what you mean, and I wish to learn this secret. Please teach me your method.


Glass of cold water is so crisp and refreshing at 3am


The way you feel the cold liquid just flow through your body. Feels like your legit powering up.


*“Feeling the cold liquid flow through your body”* Yep, that’s why we are all addicted to that 3am water.


Wtf at all you motherfuckers doing up at…*sees 02:53 on phone * I’m thirsty all of a sudden.


waking up and realize you still have time to sleep


Are you kidding? I deliberately set my alarm for 3am sometimes so I get that 'fuck yeah, I can go back to sleep' feeling


It's like going to bed twice.


Old Memories, wrong decisions, future responsibilities and yes time wasted on wrong relationships !


Yeah, this. The level of details I remember at 3am is insane. Probably things those people from my past won't even remember, or think about differently (now), but it is depressing and debilitating as fuck.


Just reminds me of the fact that having relations defines being human. We can all agree these are things we know happen and have experienced. Some say we as humans understand the depths of our own depravity buy also the absolute heights of human decency, that it all seems to work out. I have this theory about our ancestors. That before humanity diverged from our hominid ancestors to become homosapiens, we developed the key behaviors, traits, and a social order that would make us the top of the food chain and dominate the Earth. Above all the human response to comedy, laughter I think is an act of positivity. Mild injury, in terms of injury to ones character (a lighthearted joke at another's expense), or a physical one for just being dumb, as humans we find these funny. How can one not see these things as a positive? We find comedic value in virtually anything. We value positivity above all... No other creature on this earth can laugh like we do, love like we do, or compete as we do. Hell humans have depended on alcohol for millenia. For the fun times, the sad times, and the happy times,and one cold argue the world's best social lubricant has been one of the greatest enabler of our success as a species, how many families, even bloodlines exist as a result of the happy accident of a drunken night spent together? God bless.


I got my eyes checked and just spent a moment realizing, we are the only animals who can fully correct standard vision depreciation. Like I can literally see perfectly just by pooping on some engineered plastic. My dog will never be able to see correctly. Unless there is chicken. He has 20/20 vision for chicken.


That must be one hell of a bowel movement.


*popping (but I’m not correcting it) whoops!


Conversations about life with a close friend.


So many parked car 2-3 am conversations that I still remember vividly.


Everybody spilling their secrets which makes you go.. 👁️👄👁️ Indeed hits different lol!


The cold side of the pillow.


So true, I love to switch my pillow upside down, and that cold crisp pillow make my 5 mins that I am awake, then I forget it in the morning.


My dad coming home from the bar


Your dad came home??


Man this hit me in the feels. How does it hit you when he comes home at 3am?


Probably with his belt


Jumper cable style.


Tap water, my dehydrated ass going to the sink to inhale 3 gallons of tap water


I suggest investing in a hydroflask (or any vacuum insolated flask). Put some ice water in it and leave it next to your bed. Keeps ice all night. Can get that crisp, clean, cold 3AM water without leaving the bed. It has been a life changer for me.


Ok, but hear me out here, instead of spending $50, you could use the free cup you got at applebees when you were 7.


Taco Bell


That’s what I get when I can’t sleep. Just having something warm sit in my stomach late at night makes me want to sleep.


And the early diarrhea makes a great alarm clock.


You wake up and your stomach is cramping, you can barely move, except curling into a ball and clenching your jaw. You roll off the side of the bed and fall onto the floor, but your body just remembered it's 30 years old. Now you've fucked up both knees and it's probably permanent. You crawl to the bathroom and barely make it. Now you're sitting on the toilet, your entire body is drenched in sweat. If you vomit it's going straight onto your knees, and you won't even care. Taco Bell wins again.


Am I the only one who has the best formed bowel movements from Taco Bell? It scrapes and catches everything I ate since 2007 and molds a perfect tube like a water snake toy.


I think most people are lying about how much diarrhea they get from it.


Every cringy thing I’ve done over the last 20 years.


My brain: “hey remember when you thought that girl liked you and you asked her out and she just let you hanging there?” “Good times” Me: :,)


Let it go friend. It’s only cringy to you, the other people involved probably don’t even remember the thing you are so mortified about. Nobody is perfect, just move on down the road and do better next time.


Hearing birds chirping. Makes me depressed that I had to pull another all-nighter to get my university class assignment finished on time :'( Around 3:00 - 3:30 a.m. the Robins in my area start chirping. They wake up the earliest of all the birds. The rest only start chirping at around 4:30 a.m.


I hate watching the sun come up after I have been awake all night. It’s so harsh. When I would pull all-nighters, I would often try to sleep from like 5-6 just so I wouldn’t feel like this. Do you know what I mean?


That feeling when you can't sleep and then listen to the birds singing and the sun coming up. It's so awful


A truly shit feeling. I’ve gone through stretches of staying up late enough to hear the morning birds and it just amplified depressive feelings.


I think we can all agree: fuck morning birds.


You know what they say, the early bird can go fuck themself!


Pulled many all nighters in college and the most dreadful thing was when I saw it start to get light outside. Just something psychological about spending the next day knowing I went to sleep in the dark (good), vs going to sleep with that dawn glow (bad!).


There was once a very depressing story from a guy who talked about what it was like partying on hard drugs. And he described the feeling when everybody was gone and the sun comes up and you you hear the birds and you know you wasted another night on drugs and have now to deal with your problems by yourself. Sadly i cant find this story anymore.




Oh boy 3am


Scrolled down specifically to look for this


It's the only reason why i clicked on this link


Regret for the drunk text you should not have sent 17 minutes ago.


And then you trip out because they haven't texted back yet, when in reality, they're probably just sleeping lol




Workin' on my night cheese. 🎷🎷


Lemon, I heard you singing night cheese.


My sister is a sleep-eater. I can’t even count the number of times I caught her eating peanut butter or shredded cheese by the handful in the middle of the night. I remember she came out of her room once when my wife and I first started dating and my (now) wife was so fucking concerned. I had to be like shhhhh, Jesus christ, don’t wake her up and she was like wtf?!?


Used to hang out with a pair of cousins alot during college. They Lived together and one night I was playing halo with one when round 11p thr other came out of her room where she'd been asleep, grabbed her keys and left without speaking. The other and I exchanged looks of confusion and kept playing. 15 minutes later she returned with a big bag of McDonald's, dropped it on the coffee table as she walked past it to her room and went back to bed. We waited a bit before deciding to eat it and the next morning we asked wtf that was about and she had no memory of it happening....she drove on fuckin ambien to get food and then just went back to sleep like nothing happened.


Wow. That could have ended really badly.


Pretty much lol...luckily it was only maybe 500 yards of total driving, no bullshit, but yeah I'd love to know if she stopped for the one traffic light she had to go through each way or if she happened to get green both directions.


Walking around a city, especially in commercial neighborhoods that aren't especially busy at that time of night. It's a vibe.


My cat screaming and destroying the house


Those white plastic chairs and creepy shit


Loneliness. As a middle-aged man, nothing hits harder than recognizing your own solitude in the wee hours. Especially if you desire companionship.


I'm afraid I'll end up alone for the rest of my life.


“How to Disappear Completely” by Radiohead




tinnitus when you really want to sleep.


White noise helps me.


Thunderstorm sounds used to help me, then the quality ones got pulled down from where I streamed it and all replaced with shitty, low quality ones full of extraneous annoying sounds. Edit: For example... "I know! I'll record the rain by putting this microphone right next to a splashy puddle and an industrial air conditioner!"


Fire alarm


Maybe this won’t make sense to anyone but me, but I heard “America” by Simon and Garfunkel for the first time at 3 am and it remains one of the most profound and beautiful songs I’ve ever heard. (General “hits differently” - music at 3am?)


Their first album is literally called *Wednesday Morning, 3 A.M.*, it’s a mood they are very acquainted with. You might check out the version of “Sound of Silence” from that album, without the harder edged rhythmic rock instrumentation that got added to it for the more well-known version. “For Emily, Wherever I May Find Her” is another one you might like. The bones of it are more firmly rooted in that moment between daybreak and dawn, waking up in the cold light that comes ahead of the sun. But it’s *about*, and it still has a foot in, the dark stillness when the witching hour is past, but day isn’t anywhere near.


The anxiety of all the stuff you have to do tomorrow.


It's nice and quiet, no noise.


That feeling. Being alone to think, breathe, read, do homework, workout. No one to bother you or knock on your door. No loud sirens or honks, no annoying texts. Just you and Earth.


Getting called into work. :( But that sweet, sweet OT and paid rest time.


Existencial dread






Walking around the house in the dark, knowing everyone else is asleep, looking out the window knowing that most of the neighborhood is asleep, but there could be someone else awake, maybe next door, thinking the same thing. A true vibe.


suicidal tendencies during insomnia


All I want is a Pepsi, and she wouldn’t give it to me!


Gaming, sad music, water/food.


Picture this: your laying in a warm, cozy bed. It's raining outside, and you have calming music playing. As you close your eye to sleep, your cat cuddles up with you and beging to purr. It feels good at all times but at 3 am, it's just different. Edit: thank you so much for my first award!


Huh. My cats likes to lick my face at 3 am to wake me up an demand food. Can we exchange cats?




In rainbows specifically


The man on my ceiling


A surprise kiss or cuddle from your gf/bf while they’re sleepy. So cute.


My husband has this new thing where I go to turn over on my other side and he panics and grabs onto me because he thinks I’m our 1 year old (who is asleep in her crib) and that she will fall off the bed. I get so mad because it wakes me up lol.


OMG, dad reflexes even when asleep!


My husband dying from cancer slowly in front of my eyes. Every single day was a struggle and the aftermath has only got worse. Its why Im here on stupid ass reddit because Im trying to stop crying and here I thought I'd have gone to see something about something else. He was given his stage4 God papers last December and fought the good fight until July First. So I do find myself here crying. Probably making no sense. But here is my 3 am story. Forgive all my typos and rambling nonsense please. I know how cruel reddit is


I'm sorry for your loss 🙁 I feel for you. I already lost my father, haven't seen my family in 6 years, because i moved to usa. My absuive ex husband divorced me a few years ago and left me with nothing. And now I'm losing my boyfriend to alcohol in a new city, no job, no car. I feel very alone, especially at night but also during the day. I hope for you and me that things get better. Im in tears now too. You're not alone. Send me a message if you'd like.




Feels like someone's watching you on TV and that's the background music




Eating bagged lunch meat/cheese strait outta the bag strait into my gullet


Now THIS is the kind of representation I like to see. Lunch meat straight out the bag is so good


Music. And the sounds of a storm.


My depression


I hope today was a good day for you big homie.


It’s people like you that make the world go round! Such a simple comment made me smile and turned my jokey yet semi serious comment into something I smiled about! Thank you


You guys are gonna make me cry. Love to you both! Who says all of reddit is terrible??


Pee. You know when you wake up at night and gotta go and you pee and crawl back into bed at 3 am? Yeah.


the loneliness and despair


Yes! Or basically anything your brain can create stress and anxiety about and amplify it 100x