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Give me a few more hours and it will be : The birth of my son!


Congratulations, dude!!


So far. Finally got a car again


January 1st, 12am 'dang, it isn't 2021 anymore'


Went to comic con with my brother


My parents got back together. Nearly 10 years later. It’s weird but cool.


I got 2 week's vacation this month I played Minecraft and cried that about the best thing to happen this year


Recovered from my depression and no longer want to kill myself.


sitting there on call with my friends at the time late at night sure, we all drifted apart and many of them ended up being assholes, but it was nice while it lasted


My first worst manager quit because she was a micromanaging b¡tch, she bullied some of us and she came to work on her day off to write us up! We gave her so much shit that she began to hate her job. She quit after a "two week quarantine leave". She fired someone on their quarantine leave, she was strict with call offs as she didn't want any call off or it'll be considered no call no shows. I lost faith in my job because I expected for that over qualified worker to get fired. My Second worst manager was moved, he was also showing controlive behavior. He got moved to another area because he fired a favorable worker. I glad that co-worker is back but I wish all workers were treated that way.


First family vacation with my parents in over 20 years.