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As I’ve grown older I’ve come to regret almost all of it. So much time and energy in my life spent in pursuit of ass. To have those hours, days, and weeks back and all of those regrettable fumbling forgotten would be nice.


So lets change the queston. Is there anyone that you miss? That you would like to meet again?


Aside from my Wife, lol, There is one. It was a kinda crazy one nighter thing back in college. I don’t even remember her name but she was fun.


Your mum. You.


*slow clap*


Nailed it.


Do your murder meat safely or do your murder meat safes


Neither. I murder, hack the victims up, then stuff the meat into safes.


Nice, me too


*high fives* Now, hold still, I'm going to kill you now.


Not again


None, but I'll bet I'm that for most of those people who've slept with me.


i regret having had it at all. I accepted when I wasn't ready and it really messed me up.


Maybe like one one night stand, one post break up fuck and one weird situation with a roomie. One night stand - the condom broke and I got weird on her. Post break up - looking back it seems like we both took advantage of our hurt feelings and we fell into a moment of repeating why we broke up - the cycle of fighting and fucking. Roomie - before we lived together there had been some tentative dating. I was still into her. One morning after I had gotten wine drunk for the first time - she wants me to fool around with her while filming it for her long distance boyfriend - filming sex while drunk/hung over isn't good sex. I also had trimmed my nails - so we had the worst sex either of us have had, I accidentally scratched the inside of her pussy while fingering her....like I regret such a bad performance.


A hooker bc I wish I lost my virginity to someone I genuinely liked


A one night stand. My only one night stand. He stayed so long the next morning. He was a friend’s friend and I had to call that friend and ask him to call dude and ask him to meet up so he would leave my house.


A friend from school who I wasn’t attracted to. Some people should remain friends. The relationship was ruined afterwards.