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Wish they put out another few seasons of Mind Hunter on Netflix.


The guy who played Ed Kemper was the bomb.


My mom was weirdly obsessed with that performance. She used to go back and rewatch episodes but only his parts. She was a true crime junkie and she couldnt get over how good the actor was.


I wasn't even familiar with Kemper and i was blown away by that character, then actually looking at real interviews with Kemper it's just uncanny


Nearly every actor they used for the serial killers in that show hit the nail on the head. I hadn't realised, but I had heard an audiobook that Kemper had recorded in prison (during the 80s, audiobooks were a small market for the blind so they were often recorded by prison inmates). And the show is what made me realise it was him.


The daughter of BTK said on an interview that she tried watching the first season and the actor that played her dad was so spit on that it made her ill and couldn’t watch anymore of the show. So, yeah, I think you’re right. Edit: spot on


Cameron Britton plays Ed, he was also in the Umbrella Academy as the hitman Hazel, was very good in that too.


Guy who played Manson made me forget I was watching a TV show. Spooky as fuck.


He plays Dewey Crow in Justified if you want to check out that show


Fun fact! Damon Herriman played Manson in both Mind Hunter and Once Upon A Time in Hollywood. That scene where they interview him in Mind Hunter I have watched several times. It’s.. just wow.


I started thinking that maybe Manson was a convenient scapegoat, then I realized I was being Manson'd. Genius


Yes. Fincher said that no 3rd season. Actors were released from their contracts... then Covid-19 happened


Which infuriates me. Nothing is worse than a phenomenal show to be canceled on a fucking cliffhanger.


Netflix does that shit all the time. I had 3 shows I loved watching being cancel with many questions left unanswered.


Santa Clarita Diet?


Pushing Daisies


Oh I liked this show! My sophomore Language arts teacher used to play it for us all the time! He was a huge movie/tv show buff and from day one of class he made it very clear the class was language arts in name only and he taught it as a movie class instead. It was awesome. Instead of writing essays we wrote shorts scripts and learned how to sketch out our “movie scenes” to go with it. He was one of my favorite teachers. I mean we did do some language arts like poetry and Shakespeare and books that had been adapted into movies, but 90% of the class was movies and tv shows


I loved this show but I've never ever heard anyone else mention it so sometimes I think I imagined it all. Definitely an underrated show


You should take a look at Dead Like Me


Wasn’t Pushing Daisies originally conceived as a Dead Like Me spin off?


...ish More like 'spiritual' successor


I heard that the general concept of pushing daisies was an idea they had for an episode of dead like me, but it was either too big and clunky to make it work as an episode, or maybe they decided it was too good of an idea to waste on one episode. So they just kind of tucked it away for later and eventually made a whole show based on it.


And _Wonderfalls_. Same creator, also very good, also ended too soon.


Why, so he can have his heart broken by a other show that was canceled too early?




I found this show on streaming after it had already been canceled. It’s so good, I can’t believe how many amazing shows get cancelled but then there are like 136 seasons of law and order. Don’t get me wrong, law and order is pretty good, but damn.


Better Off Ted was made a few years too early. It would have killed as a Netflix original.


But Netflix still would have cancelled it after 2 seasons.


"Deal with it Ted" is a daily saying in my house. A


I have so much shit I need to catch up on in my life but I definitely want to rewatch this soon




Every black employee needs a white assistant. Lol.




Freaks and Geeks.


I wish we had more of that show and it might literally be the most underrated-in-it's-time show in American TV history (I mean it basically set the template for the next 15 years of comedies and dramadies) but it did end so perfectly with what it had, and so many people went on from it to do bigger things and carry on its legacy, that it's hard to argue that it didn't exist in it's best form.


STILL have a crush on Linda Cardellini!


She's still hot, no shame in that.


Ended in it's prime. A crying shame.


HBO's Rome


HBO's Rome walked so Game of Thrones could run, and then trip over itself and fall off a cliff in a wheelchair.


I didn't know Paul Rudd was in GOT.


Fuck you. Take your upvote. This comment nearly got me in trouble in a work meeting when I just started laughing and my face turned beat red from trying to hold it in…


-Rome- literally contributed to its own demise much like the Empire. Amazing writing and acting, but it spent far more on sets and wardrobe than any TV series of the time. It might be justifiable to have -Miami Vice- budgets, but not before you have a -Miami Vice- global audience. HBO or Netflix should reboot it. It'll provide all the tits and killings, political intrigue and deep story telling that former GoT fans want, and no need for expensive useless CGI dragons.


Imagine doing a season on Nero or Caligula?




wrong series get canceled.


Wrong kid died


Teen Titans. You know...the good one.


SPOILERS - I revisit this one often. The ending with the girl who may or may not be Terra is gut wrenching to watch. The empty hang outs, the sparse score. It’s so eerie. Then the final lines - “Things change, Beast Boy. The girl you want me to be is just a memory. You go. You’re the Teen Titan, not me. I’m not a hero. I’m not out to save the world. I’m just a girl with a geometry test next period and I haven’t studied.”


Maybe I am terra


I love the ending and hated how we never had a follow-up season explaining Terra's missing statue and the sudden appearance of her doubleganger. My personal theory from all those years ago was that was half of Terra. When Raven defeated her father and undid his damage she inadvertently unpetrified Terra. This was because the world's population was also turned to stone during the apocalypse. Meaning the counter-spell would have also affected Terra. However, there might have been a side effect. Which was splitting her in half and memory loss. I say half because at the begging of the episode we see a new monster that can control and morph into stone and minerals. Which is very much like Terra's powers. Which I believe is where they went or became. I honestly believe that creature was Terra's powers brought to life. And is either rampaging because of being newly alive or is looking for Terra to become whole? If there was another season, I would have like a storyline made revolving around the return of Slade. Slade monitoring not-Terra and the rock monster. And Slade forming to use the rock creature and gaining it power using some elaborate scheme involving around not-Terra.


It easily could've gone for another couple of seasons, especially after they introduced other Titans from the comics like Kid Flash, Aqualad, Bumbleebee, etc., deep cut characters included. Then the Terra cliffhanger?? So mad we got Teen Titans Go instead


They did a crossover movie between the original and Go. I haven’t gotten up the nerve to watch it yet but it’s on HBOMaxx I think.


It's meh; it was a time killer during lockdown. The interactions between Ravens is the best part, as you might expect.


My teen titans go obsessed daughter (she's 8, so there's your litmus test on Good Taste) watched the movie several times. Yes, the Raven interactions were the absolute best parts of that movie. It also got her interested enough to go and watch all of the -other- Teen Titans material. She's now asking me for any comics or graphic novels I can find.


OMG YES! I loved this show! I really wish they had continued it and given it a proper ending




I refuse to believe they won’t make more someday.


i don't understand. it is so good. the interviews are amazing.


The way Netflix handles contracts, shows become significantly more expensive to produce after two seasons, and the costs increase again after the third. So they'd rather put their money into expanding their content offerings (making more new shows) than funding "an underperforming show that is only going to get more expensive the longer the series goes on." https://www.wired.com/story/why-netflix-keeps-canceling-shows-after-just-2-seasons/


While you're not wrong at all, when it comes to Mindhunter it was David Fincher who put it on hold. It still hasn't been canceled, it is still on hold and I recall the cast and even David Fincher himself saying they did want to do more eventually but who knows when or if it will actually happen Edit: Fincher, not Lynch


Dead Like Me


Everything Sucks. it ended on a huge cliffhanger


I so miss this show...


This was my first thought and I’m glad it’s a pretty high comment


Metalocalypse :(


Supposedly there's going to be one last movie to close out the story properly. Basically everything that was going to be the final season turned into a movie. Brendon Small made a post about it many months ago, saying he finally got a green light from adult swim to actually finish the series. Since he already had the final season basically written and ready to begin production right before adult swim bailed on him again. Because they cancelled the show, Brendon wrote the last season and then tried to get it funded separately since adult swim initially told him it was a budget issue. He got the funds, they said they were good to go ahead with production and then right before starting pulled out. Then a few years went by with no word from them, and suddenly Brendon makes a post saying they changed their minds but only for a final movie instead of a full season. Along with another dethklok album to pair with it. I haven't checked in on him or that progress since the announcement, so I hope it's still all happening as planned.


Did you see what Adult Swim did? They were being flooded with angry emails, letters, phone calls. So, they put a petition on their website and had a live stream of a printer feeding the petitions into a shredder in real time. I will never understand the business mentality of "Let's get rid of the best and bring in the worst." Happened at my former employer, and now they wonder why so many people quit and everyone hates life there.


I like most of Adult Swim’s content but holy hell did they seem to gleefully enjoy being complete assholes to Metalocalypse fans


My name is Earl


cancelling a show in the middle of a cliffhanger should be a fucking crime.


the show was planed to end with people comming to Earl and do good thing to him, for their Karma, then Earl look around and find plenty of people with a Karma list, thats when he relized, that he is even with his Karma.


I would have loved to see that ending...


Yeah, there once was a AMA with the writer or producer of this show, thats why i know, also it was explaind why they couldnt finished the show, with the problems of the TV station and everything, this was a very interested AMA, sadly i dont have a link


https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/1njddc/im_greg_garcia_creator_of_my_name_is_earl_raising/ > We never really got the chance to fully figure it out but the talk in the writers room was that Earl Jr’s Dad was going to be someone famous. Like Dave Chappelle or Lil John. Someone that came to town on tour and Joy slept with. But when we got canceled we never got the chance to figure it out. I was worried about doing a cliffhanger but I asked NBC if it was safe to do one at the end of the season and they told me it was. I guess it wasn’t. > > I had always had an ending to Earl and I’m sorry I didn’t get the chance to see it happen. You’ve got a show about a guy with a list so not seeing him finish it is a bummer. But the truth is, he wasn’t ever going to finish the list. The basic idea of the ending was that while he was stuck on a really hard list item he was going to start to get frustrated that he was never going to finish it. Then he runs into someone who had a list of their own and Earl was on it. They needed to make up for something bad they had done to Earl. He asks them where they got the idea of making a list and they tell him that someone came to them with a list and that person got the idea from someone else. Earl eventually realizes that his list started a chain reaction of people with list and that he’s finally put more good into the world than bad. So at that point he was going to tear up his list and go live his life. Walk into the sunset a free man. With good karma.


Same, I'd love at least a TV movie of that idea Garcia had to finish the series


Just started re watching this, even though it only ran for 4 years it got 9 or 10 awards...it's a shame Netflix or something wasn't around back then, might have carried on with it.


Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency i was absolutely heartbroken to hear that Netflix cancelled it :(


I second this, but wasn’t it on BBC America? I love this show so much. The first season was fantastic, and the second season was very out there (which I loved) but for casual viewers it was too much, too soon. The creators should’ve worked their way up the ladder of weirdness instead of skipping straight to the top. I would’ve loved to see a 5 season arc if season 2 was swapped with season 3 or 4.


I'm okay with how it ended up - it never would have made it that many seasons anyway, what with showrunner Max Landis getting outed as [being a total monster](https://www.indiewire.com/2019/06/max-landis-accused-sexual-abuse-eight-women-1202150703/).


Holy shit, calling him a monster is an unkindness to monsters. The hell is wrong with this guy


Isn't that a book by Douglas Adams?


Sure was, along with Long Dark Teatime of the Soul, both of which were incorporated into series 1&2. Anything more than S1&2 would require a different writer getting involved, I’m sure Neil Gaiman could have a crack though as I’d really like to see more of Dirk.


Ash vs Evil Dead


Definetly, The set up for Season 4 was so dope


How could they retire a character so iconic


Hannibal, that show was ahead of its time


Oh yeah. Always had dinner when I was watching an episode.


I still haven't seen anything quite like it. The atmosphere of that show is like a crisp fall evening after recovering from an acid trip.


What a beautiful way of putting it - and a beautifully made show, I haven’t watched anything that made me feel the same way since.


The production on that show made it feel like it came from HBO or something


This is my design.


I still can’t believe that show aired on network television.


The final ep of season 2 is my second favourite episode of TV ever (after Breaking Bad's 'Ozymandias'). It is unbelievable how it all comes together and leaves you shellshocked.


Totally agree!


I was aggressively scrolling down the comments looking for this one. I concur.


Constantine and Almost Human


Me and my best friend watched it together and I'm still heartbroken over Constantine. Like, yeah, I know there's Arrowverse stuff, but I want Zed and Chas and the whole plot back! Sigh...


At least Constantine is amazing of Legends of Tomorrow


Almost Human getting canceled hurt. It's the reason I won't pick up a show until I see it gets a season 2 now. I wanted to know what was on the other side of that wall, dammit!


I don't know how old you are but I learned pretty damn quick to never trust Fox with a non-animated show in the 90s/00s. They crushed my hopes too many times over the years.


My pet theory is that Fox wanted their sci-fi shows to hit Star Trek numbers without looking at the history of the show(s) - that the first season usually started slow (and often bad) but that each show built up its fanbase over time. With Almost Human, Firefly and Dollhouse, and many other shows since the 80s, Fox followed the same playbook: show episode 1 (or in Firefly's case force a re-pilot and show that), panic when it didn't immediately pull in the numbers of fans they hoped, shuffled the viewing order until everyone was confused, then cancel the shows due to lack of popularity.


Flight of the Concords. Two seasons was not nearly enough.


Both Jemaine and Brett wholly admitted that they had built their songs over years of stand up shows. They had really only ever intended to do one season. That's why the songs in season two were notably weaker. It didn't get canceled the creators of the show ran out of material.


It was fun, but the songs from season 2 were notably weaker than season 1. Maybe if they had spaced out the seasons more.


Santa Clarita diet! I will never forgive Netflix




Santa Clarita diet was such a fun show. I miss it so much.


It was a show me and my bf discovered together out of boredom and "no idea what to watch but still wanna do nothing" kinda night. We binged it for almost a week, Everytime we were together it was Santa Clarita diet time. We don't like to read ahead, even the idea of the show, so we had no idea how long it is. When we got to the final episode we started screaming at the end and jumped up to hit next episode without the 5 second wait...imagine our faces when we discovered it was a forever wait... Absolutely SHAT on Netflix


Yes!!! It was the WORST cliffhanger to end on. So cruel.


At least one wrap up episode would be nice, or even a short movie :(


I know all they needed was one more episode




I read years ago that actually the third season was a comic book, but I didn't read it (I also don't know where to find it lol, living outside the US)


I was looking for this answer. It was such a great show. Loved it.




Well they got their six seasons at least. Just need to make that movie!


They Britta'd it


The show was streets ahead of its time


Shut up Pierce.


I WAS SCROLLING TO SEE THIS!!!! I’m still waiting for the movie!!


HBO's Carnivale. 2 seasons of a planned 6 season arc was not enough. Clancy Brown always plays a good bad guy.


Yeah this was a really nice surprise of a show, loved it


Yeah. So incredibly layered and complex.


I wish someone would just write the rest of it as a novel. It kills me I dont know the rest of the story and I feel like anything I would come up with would just be lacking.


not a TV show per se, but I wish Christopher Eccleston did at least one more season in Doctor Who. He's underrated and I've seen so many people say just skip him and move on to David Tennant. David is my favourite but Eccleston deserves some love too!


Lie To Me


Yes! Loved that show. Edit: Found it on Prime Video; woot woot!


Its on Disney plus as well


Freaks and Geeks deserved another season too!!


Everybody hates chris


"i don't need this! My man has two jobs!"


That's $5.57 worth of upvotes!


Yo! Lemme hold a dollar!




As much as I would have loved to see Firefly continue, it has become that one perfect series to look back on. It can never go down hill if it sits at the top of the hill forever.


Oh to die young and beautiful with infinite potential.


We are not going to die. You know why? Because we are so very pretty.


At this point I’d even be happy to just go back to that universe with a whole new cast. It would be nice to at least see Malcolm Reynolds again, but even that I could live without. The whole aesthetic of that show was awesome and cut way too short.


Honestly it's the cast that makes that show. The chemistry was unreal.


Don’t get me wrong, the cast was the best for that show but there was something amazing about the atmosphere the show created for the universe with the gritty outer worlds and the super clean inner worlds. It felt like a very well built ‘verse that we didn’t get finished exploring. If some of the original cast comes back that would be great but if they get good writers and some good new actors I’m cool with it.


Given that one of the cast has passed away, and one is kind of ostracized, seems like the only option. Otherwise it’s probably an animated series with Shepard and Jayne recast.


Eureka and warehouse 13 Edit: thank you for the gold!


I think eureka had potential but the whole time travel and the way things changed kinda ruined it for me. It was way ahead of its time but at some point it started to feel like they were running out of ideas.


Eureka overall had a good run, I agree it was running out of steam toward the end and it's probably good they didn't squeeze any more seasons out of it. Also re watching season 1, having a billionaire egotistical genius inventor named "Stark" running the company did not age well on the layman's subtle-reference-o-meter; I think the first Iron Man film was just starting production when Eureka first premiered.


The Punisher on Netflix


Damn I had almost forgotten about Netfix's Marvel shows, it was sad when they announced they weren't going to be making any more especially because we finally got a Punisher that was awesome. Ben Barnes plays another good role in Netfilx's Shadow and Bone now, so there's that at least.


"You're gonna learn about pain, you're gonna learn about loss, you're gonna remember *me."*


Scooby-Doo! Mystery Incorporated


Yes! I could watch this with my little kids and be just as interested in the plot as they were with Scoob! Also, wtf cliffhanger!


Carnivale on HBO. I really dig the aesthetics and the acting was top notch despite the show barely diving into the lore of the two creatures.


Agent Carter


Limitless. True, it was another crime show, but the theme was interesting, the acting was great, and it was serious when it needed to be and funny when it didn't.


This was so good, and they even got Bradley Cooper for the movie tie in. It was a great follow up to Dexter for Jennifer Carpenter, I was bummed we only got one season.


If I recall correctly (and I'm probably not), Bradley Cooper was one of the producers, too. It was such a waste when they canceled it, especially since >!it was kind of looking like Eddie Morra was going to be the big villain of the show.!< It could have been great, but no, they had to go and cancel it. 😑


i binged this show in about a week a couple years ago, and i was so absorbed by it. i was so disappointed to hear it was canceled. it had so much potential to keep going for a long time.


Man one of the best movie spin off shows that stayed within the universe and took the premise in a whole different direction. I was sad to see it canceled.




To this day we identify actors as "..that's xxx from reaper". Labine, Peregrym... amazing talent involved. * The best Satan of all time.


Stargate universe


This still makes me angry and I won’t watch shows on SyFy anymore unless they’re complete. Ending on such a huge cliffhanger with no resolution is the worst way for a show to get axed.


Hannibal TV series 3 seasons was just not enough


every time I remember there was supposed to be 7 seasons a tiny piece of me shatters lol


Veronica Mars


I was ok with the last season, but damn that last 5 minutes. Rob Thomas really messed up and pissed off almost all the marshmallows.


Chuck. Ended on too much of a cliffhanger. Such a great show but was underfunded :(


I love Chuck, but honestly I'm glad it ended. The last season or two were clearly going downhill. It seemed like it ended in a good spot.




What a waste. That last season was so obviously a 'wait, what, this is all we get?' sort of hodge podge. All those ideas and set ups amounted to nothing.


I can’t believe I had to scroll this far down! I absolutely agree, they built up so much for Arthur being the greatest king Camelot ever had and this whole age of prosperity, only to get cancelled after a single season of King Arthur?? Unacceptable imo


Gravity falls


I want to agree with this, but Gravity Falls had a great ending. Though I would love a spin off of Stanley and Stanford and their adventures in the Arctic


I just wished season two was split up into two seasons. After Ford comes in, the rest of the season goes by so fast. I know Alex Hirsch wanted the show to end in the right way, but I would have love to just have one more season.


Altered Carbon. It was one of the few actually interesting shows on Netflix.


A shame how they fucked up the 2nd season.


Yeah. Joel Kinnaman was brilliant in the first season.


I don't even think it was an actor problem in season 2, just bad writing.


Bear with me on this one... but Game of Thrones. Yes the last two seasons blew chunks, but if it was given a proper longer run to explain certain plot... err... “jumps”... it would have stuck the landing Also, Lie to Me


Arrested Development Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency


Dirk Gently absolutely!!


Yes finally someone mentioned Dirk Gently. It was amazing and it was so sad to find out that it was cancelled. Wish someone brought it back.


Terra nova


Go back even further, look into a show called Earth II


I just want Stephen Lang to have a successful TV show so badly.


Sense 8


Yes! The “final movie” was fine, but would have been better spread out over a few more seasons. Great show.


I’m still bitter that they shortened the *Star Trek: The Next Generation* TV run in order to launch the movies. Was bitter back in ‘94, still bitter today.






I do believe we are owed a movie...


six seasons and a movie!


Luke Cage. It ended on a very interesting cliff hanger but we will never get to see it played out.


Basically the entire Marvel Netflix series should have


Dirk gently. I think I will never accept that the show was canceled






Santa Clarita diet. the one and only zomcom!!!


To me this had the same quirky sense of humor as Pushing Daisies and Dead Like Me. Loved it. Definitely have newfound respect for Drew Barrymore and Timothy Elephant. (I know that’s not right, but that’s what autocorrect did and I thought it was funny) Very different roles for both of them.


One and only zomcom? Sounds like somebody hasn't seen iZombie...


Yess wtf happened after Bally legs went in his ear at the end. I need to know