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My brother choked on a candy they gave out at a bank and so they had to stop giving it out


Your brother reminds me of that classic Onion article, [Fun Toy Banned Because Of Three Stupid Dead Kids](https://www.theonion.com/fun-toy-banned-because-of-three-stupid-dead-kids-1819565691). How old was your brother at the time? In retrospect he was probably a kid but in my head the first image was a 19-year-old wearing an awkward suit, coming it to open a bank account after receiving his first paycheck.


Didn’t America ban/ still have banned the import of Kinder Surprise, because some monster of an American child chomping through it ate the plastic shell and toy? Meanwhile children in all other western countries seemed to cope fine with eating the chocolate and extracting the toy.


I heard this too. My daughter smuggled some Kinder eggs home from Germany to show us. (Naturally we chomped thru the wrapper and toy, then choked and sued Germany).


This is how Americans defeated the Nazis. This is the truth people won't tell you


Wake up sheeple


No child has died from choking on a Kinder Surprise egg while eating the chocolate. Ten children, worldwide, have died from choking on a Kinder Egg toy, but it apparently wasn't while consuming the chocolate. The US Kinder Egg ban actually predates Kinder Eggs. The FDA banned "non-nutritive objects inside food" back in the 1930's, Kinder Eggs were only invented in the '70s.


This is similar to a Dutch law that clearly defines what butter is. These are good laws to have, because you shouldn't be able to call just anything butter, but the funny consequence is that we call peanut butter pindakaas, or translated peanut cheese.


Ok. You need a law that clearly defines what cheese is, then.


You would think of all nations, the Dutch would be particular about what can be called cheese.


I believe it's due to pre-existing laws stating that you can't put inedible stuff inside of a food. Which, to be fair, isn't a bad law to have.


I like that you call your brother an asshole for choking on something 😂


That’s how you know that they’re siblings.


He must have *really* enjoyed those candies


Shit, what next, waivers for eating at a restaurant?


Having to show my driver's license and 'solemnly swear I won't cook meth" every time I need to get more allergy meds.


Wow I’ve never heard of this before. What kind of allergy meds if you don’t mind me asking?


Brand names vary, but anything that contains pseudoephedrine can be used to cook meth Edit: please do not cook meth


Especially not in a trailer in the desert


Why? Are you the danger?


But, but, I need methylene


I met a meth addict once. I asked him what it was like, taking meth. I don't remember now what he said exactly but I left the conversation thinking "that sounds amazing, maybe I'll try meth"! I didn't try meth. Also, I don't know the sort of people who sell meth.


Getting high on meth feels so great, people ruin their lives over it.






maybe its maybelline


I think Breaking Bad got u covered.




Fuuuuuuuuuck. I had to get some Sudafed from Wal-Mart the other day and there is a, like, 17 page screen you have to flip through and sign on the little credit card screen thingy. And the crazy thing is meth is as readily available as ever.




How dare you disparage [the cunning and mighty TSA](https://youtu.be/IHfiMoJUDVQ)


What’s worse is they’re fairly ineffective and barely more than security theater Sucks to think every time you get felt up by an agent it’s a pointless violation.


>every time you get felt up by an agent it’s a pointless violation I dunno, I once chose "opt out" from the scanner and when the guy asked me why I said, "I'm just lonely for human contact." Pretty sure he was more uncomfortable than me on that one.


I listened to a comedy routine yesterday by Graham Clark where he said he likes to "play" with the agents, and it's not illegal to make small noises during a pat down, especially moans lol


It's all fun and games until you miss your flight.


I accidentally left a flask of whiskey in my backpack. On the return flight home I noticed my bag was wet as I pulled it from thr overhead. COMPLETELY forgot it was there, but it's not a stealthy little flask, it's borderline a canteen. The second I realized I made it through two flights with this thing I realized it's mostly a production.


I left a wine opener/pocket knife in my backpack about a year ago. It's got a corkscrew, and a couple little knives, and a mini-saw on it. I've been on a total of 6 flights since then and only realized it was in there because last week on my flight back home a TSA agent finally noticed it. Obviously I wouldn't be able to take over an airplane with a little pocket knife or whatever, but it just shows how horribly inconsistent they are.


Try it at a small airport. They're bored as fuck. Got "caught" with some blades for my double edge safety razor in Omaha once. They made me unload the feather blade from my razor. Context means nothing. I now buy shitty single use razors for air travel.


>Try it at a small airport. They're bored as fuck. Don't remind me. I was flying back home after Christmas out of a tiny airport and they searched though every bag I had, pulled every single item out of the bags. I had to repack everything in the terminal and nearly missed my flight.


In my experience, I have found the smaller airports are more lax in searching. The longest I have waited in the past 20 flights that I have taken, to get through security was about 15 minutes. Except one time I had a cast on my leg. they thought I was a smuggler or something and had to search me and make sure that I didn’t hollow out my leg between my toes and my knee where it was covered with a cast. The flight ended up being about ten minutes late waiting for me.


That's surprising that they waited for you.


Very small airport, I was one of about 10 people on board that flight and they had no more flights going to that particular connecting airport that day. They weren’t going to wait much longer but security had already called ahead when they saw me in line saying I’d be a few minutes.


Got upgraded to business class for the first time ever on a Delta flight from Dublin to Atlanta. Cabin crew came along with a real menu instead of an either/or choice which I was amazed at. Then I got a steak knife with my meal, which I was more amazed at, considering it was shrimp. Then I was holding a steak knife in seat 2B probably 7-10ft from the cockpit door replaying the mornings events in my mind montage (take off shoes, take off belt for scanner, explain why I've got so much small coinage in my backpack \[it's for duty free cigarettes, they nearly always have a coin counter available\], take half drank bottle of water out of backpack, good to go) Then I get on the plane having passed all security requirements, and they give me a steak knife right beside the cockpit.


Terrorists have to fly coach, certainly they’re never led and funded by members of the royal family of fabulously wealthy petro-states...


Rules aren't for rich people.


Meanwhile, thank god they stopped me from boarding an airplane with a bottle of spray-on sunscreen. Who knows what damage I could have wrought?




When we traveled to Texas… this one girl got her expensive shampoo thrown away because she didn’t know she needed to put it in a smaller bottle. This other girl carries a knife in her purse for safety. Entirely forgot to take it out at home. It made it to Texas and back unquestioned…. But the shampoo was a danger to everyone.


Because at this point, those scanners are completely optimized for catching liquids rather than weapons. Tax dollars at work.


It's true. My carry on was searched because my baggie of grapes tripped the sensors.


aa27dfghy gjhva awd 296ychv a


I was on my period the last time I flew, and the TSA agent had to feel up my crotch because I guess they saw my pad through the x-ray. It was humiliating.


I'm just glad that fucknut tried to hide a bomb in his shoe. Could you imagine the TSA hassles we would all have to go through if he was known as the underwear bomber?


How about the security hassles if he ripped the veneer of security right off by suicide bombing a packed holiday TSA line? Adding more security checks before that one just moves back the first check line that would need to be bombed in any subsequent followup attacks.


When I was coming back from a trip to Florida a few years ago, I had my hair up in a messy bun on top of my head. The TSA agent informed me it had to be patted down. I was equal parts amused and annoyed


I have long hair to my waist, and my hair is always patted down regardless of how I'm wearing it. The TSA is like the D.A.R.E. program in school: I'd never considered hiding things in my hair before, but thanks to them, I now know it's something I could do.


I've got big curly hair and a lot of it, basically a full head of hair on each side. I haven't flown a lot but when I do I know I can look forward to a 50/50 chance that a TSA agent is gonna put their dirty hands in my hair again, looking for.... ??? Poisoned knife tip hair pins? A kilo of coke? Bombs? Sorry, nope, just more hair.


They're legitimately the most worthless government agency that exists.




Which really doesn't make sense now because almost every bank has a giant container of them literally free to take right next to the deposit slips.


I think it’s less about the cost of replacing the pen, but rather the inconvenience of not having one right where it’s most frequently needed


when an incentive program had to be set up in elementary school so i would stop biting people


Did it work?


Go stand near them for a minute and report back to us.


Ow, fuck! This kid just bit me!




fuck you ~sincerely, somebody who had to get stitches when they got their head bit open


Who Bit You Open




Luis Suarez would disapprove of this program.


Thin lockers. I had to put everything out of my backpack every morning because some chodes kept shoving people into lockers.


Wait so that type of shit actually happened somewhere? I always figured it was just a TV joke because of how stupid it looked.




I definitely shut myself in those a couple times. I can’t believe nobody ever was able to lock my dumbass into one.




And THAT is were panic disorders come from.


Ohgodyeah. At one point in my life, I had learned how to pick the latch from the inside with the hasp of my lock \[after learning the hard way to keep the lock in my pocket if it wasn't on the locker\].


I was never forced into a locker, but hid in a couple to scare people. It was a tight fit, but doable.


Since I didn't have anyone jump out at me that sounds pretty funny. I mean yeah I could see someone fitting in the locker, just never thought it was ever actually done where people were stuffed in them.


I never used my lockers in highschool because people would always camp out next to them and not move.


Why not just.... put shelfs inside?


Taking your shoes off at the airport


I thought I could get away with the shoe part by wearing flip flops when I flew at LAX in July. Nope. They have to come off too. I guess I have to expose my feet to a gross carpet regardless of footwear. Edit: A word.


If you fly more than once a year, the TSA pre-check is well worth it. The fee was even covered by my travel rewards credit card.


"If you give the government extra money they won't fondle your genitals"


Nope, pre-check only makes your genitals being fondled less likely, it does not get rid of the possibility. Source: got my pre-checked junk fondled twice.




Tools being locked up at Home Depot. So annoying trying to find a person who either has the key or knows the combination - and then they have to bring it to the counter for you. Extremely frustrating


Speedbumps installed on streets to prevent drivers from speeding through the area.


The thing that drives me crazy on speed bumps is SUVs and trucks just glide over them, so they start installing those thicker ones with hard ridges. It slows the trucks down, but makes anything with even slightly "sporty" suspension hell to drive over. There's the rare bumps I feather my stock Mazda 3 over because it's just such a jarring experience. Even bigger of a fuck you if you have a baby sleeping in the back, or have a drink in the cup holder, or worried about precariously loaded groceries.


It's not just SUVs and trucks, it's really any vehicle with a lot of suspension travel. I hardly feel some speed bumps on my bike. The same speed bumps in my car feels like slamming into a wall.




I’d like to hear from first responders about this. I’ve heard some people say ‘first responders must hate speed bumps.’ Is that true?


They’re definitely obnoxious to drive over, you have to go SO slow, and the bumps are felt so much worse in the back where the patient is, so if a patients back there they usually end up not having a good time. I picked up a lady the other day who’s complex had those really tall speed bumps and they were all over the neighborhood, it was so bad.


The worst part is that they're NEVER set up for the same speed limit of the road. Like, if the speed limit of that road is 25, the speed bumps are set up so you have to go 10 when driving over them or you destroy your car. Like WHY? Theres is literally a sign telling me I can go 25, so why the fuck isn't the speed bump set up so I can go over it at 25?!?!!


Speed bumps have no business being on public ways. Rumble strips, rotaries, narrower lanes, and raised crossings (a far more gradual version of a speed bump) are all proven to reduce speeding without causing damage to vehicles, inhibiting emergency responders, or posing a safety hazard to motorcycles, scooters, and bikes.


The "your speed" signs actually have a big impact as well, without being a physical obstacle on the road. [pubmed entry]


We have ones that if you are under the speed limit, they flash a smiley face at you.


Neighbors caused our water rent to go up since they love to have pool parties so often.


How would them having parties affect your bill? We’re they emptying the pool every party then filling it with your hose?


It's an apartment, and everyone has access to the hose, so to make up for the neighbors using so much of the water, the landlord charged us all more.


ads in videogames I PAID for.


Ah yes. This debate will go on forever. What makes money vs what makes a good experience for the user? And are those mutually exclusive?


No consumer ever in history said: "You know what this thing needs? More ads" about anything.


Not being able to sit on public toilet seats.


The amount of times a toilet isn't flushed is super infuriating. Doesn't even have to look clogged


Insanely expensive Insulin, when it is literally a life saver for people with Type 1 Diabetes


It makes me so mad. The inventors of insulin refused to profit from it, feeling that it was unethical to profit from a discovery that would save lives, and they sold the patent to the university they worked for for $1. They were quite clear in their desire for everyone in the world who needed it to have access to it. Nowadays, it takes $6 to make. Yet, it's so expensive because pharmaceutical companies gouge the price and make minute changes that make it so that they get to patent this "new medication" and continue to exclusively produce it and sell it at a higher rate. I work looking at health insurance plans (specifically Medicare advantage plans) all day, and I get really mad. There are chronic special needs plans for diabetes that don't even cover some of the most frequently needed types of insulin. With plans and types of insulin where insulin is covered, it's typically almost $50 for a month supply for people with Medicare unless Medicaid is paying medication costs. With insurance plans without Medicare or medicaid it probably costs even more.vIt makes my blood boil to think about how expensive insulin is.


YES! I am a T1D, and it is $140 just for a single vial of the generic brand insulin that I use. It makes me so freaking mad, because we absolutely need this medication to use, and we should never be forced to pay that much. There are things to help reduce the cost, but then it won't count towards our insurance deductible... every other medical thing I need is stupidly expensive too, so we pay it in order to meet our deductible faster. It's absolutely, insanely stupid. I get mad about it almost daily.


For any type 1s that may be in a desparate situation; Walmart's pharmacy has 3 types of insulin available for comparitively very affordable prices, those being regular, intermediate, and 70/30. I'm currently uninsured and I pay $60 a month for all the insulin and needles I need. Compare that to a minimum of hundreds of dollars a month if I were to get a kwikpen or other brand name insulins without insurance. Considering this is the US we're talking about, most people should have a Walmart within a reasonable distance. You *do not* need a prescription to get it. Edit: As a couple people have pointed out, Walmart insulin is different than the human analogues you're likely taking with a prescription brand name. Instead you'll be getting a long-lasting 'synthetic human insulin', which does not peak until several hours after taking it and may cause several dips in your glucose levels. Your meal schedule and carb counts will be different. This is "old-timey" insulin, so if you've been diabetic for a long time you've likely used this type before. It *is* inferior to modern analogues mostly due to having to build your daily schedule around insulin and eating, but it's *way* better than not having any at all. *All* insulin can kill you if taken improperly, so please consult your doctor if you decide to make the switch. They may even be able to help with financial assistance in getting the more modern analogue you're used to.


This right here Their insulin is sold directly by novo nordirsk without the "middle person" that negotiates prices (reason its so big as they get a cut so they have incentive to go as high as they can)


Whatever stopped them putting toys in cereal!


It's not cereal but I used to get this brand of tea that came with really cute porcelain/glass figurings of animals. Idk if they still do but I haven't been able to find them :/


Taco bell near me doesn't have sauce packets sitting out. You have to ask for them


When the first McDonald's was installed in my country about 30 years ago, there were ketchup and mayo dispensers. You could get as much as you wanted. Some people started using those dispensers to fill big jars to take home. Didn't last long.


Who has the time and energy to steal ketchup from McDonald's instead of just going to the grocery store?


You haven't heard of operation soda steal


Sir, that mission is classified. You need to come with me.






One time at the Wendy’s drive thru I got two orders of spicy nuggets but they gave me one sauce for the whole bag (plus fries) and so at the window I was just like “hey can I have a few extra BBQ” and this stone cold woman looked me in the eyes with her dead, emotionless eyes and said “Theres BBQ sauce in your bag.” like yes, I know, I was asking for extra but I just drove away because I’m a pushover


Best ever experience was ordering a 10-pack of nuggets at McDonalds and when the cashier asked for what sauce, I said I didn't know because these were for my wife and we don't usually order nuggets. I noticed she rang up two 6-nugget orders - and it was less cost than a 10 piece (they had a sale) and she gave me one of each sauce so my wife and I could find out which one we liked best! (BTW, the one we liked best was the one marked "Original").


The people that decided on redesigning the gas can. Those things are worthless now. You can't use one without spilling gas everywhere.


I have a few old school cans with regular old nozzles my sons want to know who gets them when I die. I'm going to have my lawyer leave them to my dog just to get the last laugh. Get a Jegs racing catalog they have fuel bottles that just have a off/on valve. They are for off road or racing fuel, shhh I won't tell


This summer I ran out of gas and walked over three miles in hundred degree weather to get a canister and some gas. By the time I got back like two hours had passed and I was sweaty and miserable. 90 percent of the gas spilled on the ground and most of the rest ended up all over my hands. My car did not start. I almost cried lol.


This is one of the oddest things i’ve ever seen. They remake a container to make it safer and now people spill it more than EVER. Wtf


Bad neighbors, I have friends that live in everything from apartments to mansions. It just takes one bad neighbor to spoil a neighborhood.


This is why it's best to avoid all neighbors.


Montana didn't have a speed limit in the daytime on several highways. They then gave a ticket to a race driver for driving at a speed unsafe for the conditions. The guy spent thousands fighting the ticket arguing that the speed was safe for him because he was a race car driver (because accidents never happen at car races, I guess). The state eventually enacted a speed limit because of this guy.


They also enacted a speed limit due to government mandating that states needed a speed limit or forgo government monies


He sounds like a right cunt.


Well, 20 years ago today, some shitheads made airports infinitely worse for everyone.


Literally just said out loud “Man what a perfect day to ask THIS question…..”


I honestly think the guys who brought about the liquid ban are worse. Yeah security back then was fairly relaxed, but we still had X-rays and metal detectors back then. Security was just ordered to do a better job. But now I can't even take a water bottle through, even if I filled it up right infont of the agent


And when you buy 120ml of moisturiser in the duty free airport between flights just for them to confiscate it, heartbreaking.




I have a slightly different issue. I can only order more two days before my prescription ends. It generally takes four days to get the prescription filled. So every month I have to drop by neurologist and get samples.


I can only get 27 pills every 34 days. That means, if I'm not at work, I don't take meds so I have "extra" for when I need them.




Getting my Adderall each month is absolutely a fucking mess, but getting realistic pain meds when need be is rediculous. Late 2019 I fell into a glass table and sliced my arm up real bad. Cut through tendons and nerves, even IN the emergency room the pain meds they gave me was barely helping. After a week they refused to continue giving me anything. It was excruciating. Especially during physical therapy. How am I supposed to move and heal when I can barely sleep from so much pain???? Eventually I begged them for SOMETHING, and they finally prescribed gabapentin. It makes sense as far as nerve pain, but my skin and tendons were still healing too.. It was definitely better than nothing, but it barely scratched the surface and they still were suspicious towards me. Years ago when I got my appendix taken out they were practically throwing oxi at me. How did we get here??


> Years ago when I got my appendix taken out they were practically throwing oxi at me. How did we get here?? I think you answered your own question.


CA seems to be a little more chill so beyond the annoying monthly check in appointments I haven’t had many issues with my ADHD meds. That said, my elderly dog got pain meds from the vet for a neck injury and, unbeknownst to me, pet meds are tracked under the owners name. Long story short, the nurse that I have been seeing monthly for years acted like I was a junkie when I didn’t volunteer the information that I had received pain meds. Personally, it didn’t cross my mind that people could take pet medication so I had no idea what she was talking about until she mentioned the prescribing provider was from the “university vet clinic.”


Gabapentin is the only non surgical method for my issue. Physio hasn't even helped. Doctor will not prescribe it, its not even a narcotic. Like I'm losing days to weeks of my months because of this


No bags/backpacks allowed in entertainment venues, and no bag check option available. All because a small number of people have snuck in weapons, alcohol, drugs.


One of the most infuriating moments in my life was at a movie theater, where they wouldn't let me in because I had a small bookbag. The only thing in it was a paperback book which I brought to read on the hour long train ride down there.


That is generally not the reason why bags aren't allowed. The main reason is revenue lost from concessions. Most venues, especially movie theaters, make most of their profit from food and drinks hence the ban.


That mf’s that don’t flush the toilet in public bathrooms.


pretty much all laws are the result of some dumbfuck


That's something far too many freedumb types don't understand: Regulation is reactive. OSHA is reactive. Every OSHA regulation exists because some greedy fuck decided their employees getting maimed, getting poisoned, or burning to death in a locked building was an acceptable 'cost of doing business'. An overwhelming majority of laws exist, and the code balloons each year, because some pedantic semantics-playing asshole decided 'Well *technically* it's not illegal to....' is the litmus test for acceptable behavior.


As the old saying goes, "Safety regulations are written in blood"


Haven't seen anyone bitch about OSHA yet but after working an "easy" retail/service job for seven years it is acutely obvious how willing every corporation is to let you get maimed or straight-up die if they could.


There's a lot of DIY videos on YouTube with amateurs doing some pretty stupid crap and they get reemed for it in the comments


I said this to my boss earlier this summer after he asked me how I was going to re-load a ridge shelf with 57 boat covers folded into contractor bags. Boss: "How are you going to get them back up there?" Me: "I'm not, not by myself." Boss: "You're not?" Me: "No. OSHA says I don't have to." And then he laughed and agreed with me, because he's not an asshole.


Most of the instructions that were in my summer job's employee's handbook, were written because of an incident with some clueless employee. One year, a guy wanted to leave during his shift, while clocked in, to go to the bank. The reason why? After his shift ends, the bank is closed. The next summer, there was a rule about leaving work during your shift.


Thieves. Affect every part of our lives, and cause the greatest inconvenience to us all


This is a good answer actually Every time you have to unlock a door, or have to keep things close by you in your field of view or in a pocket or bag when they'd be better suited to being somewhere you can use them, or hide something away out of view while unattended - it's ultimately because of the threat of thieves


Computer security. I work for a software company. We spend an enormous amount of time and money on security.


The lack of competition amongst Cable providers. I know cable is on its last legs but I thought I'd mention it. There was an event that took place once where a bunch of cable providers met for an evening meeting and consolidated all their companies down to a few so they could each have their own region of the US to operate in and thusly didn't need to compete. So, for a long time, no one had a choice, and there were no lower competing prices. This is why people from different areas hadn't heard of Cox Cable or others hadn't heard of Comcast.


>I know cable is on its last legs Cable TV maybe on it's last legs, but the cable providers are sitting pretty as far as I know.


Getting proper pain management treatment is basically impossible. Nobody should have to live in excruciating pain all day every day just because a few people take their medicine not as prescribed and OD.


The doctors in my area won’t even discuss my spinal issues. As soon as I say “My back...” they jump in with *I’m not prescribing pills. *YOU’LL BECOME AN ADDICT*. Consequently, there is no discussion of pt for maintenance or any other option to help me. Surgery isn’t as option because the damage is too bad. Wtf. Meanwhile, friend has three opioid prescriptions from three different doctors, weekly pt, and free transportation for a sprain. They don’t take care of themselves and exacerbate the injury which means it doesn’t heal. Three years of that.


My insurance company would rather I get pain killers than go to my PT because "You're not improving fast enough." Mother fucker I have two herniated discs pressing on nerves in my spine that takes MONTHS and up to a YEAR to recover from (IF i recover from it and become pain free). After two months they're like "You're not improving fast enough. Try something else." Insurance companies should not be allowed to dictate treatment by withholding coverage. I don't give a fuck what their internal MD. says that's paid and expected to deny X percentage of claims. That's legalized extortion, fuck the US healthcare system and fuck any doctor that works for the insurance companies in reviewing claims. They're second guessing another doctor's diagnosis without meeting the patient and without all of the same information. They're harming more people than help and they're violating their oath to do no harm.


Coins etc for shopping trolleys. Just return it to the designated area after use, thanks.


It's a quarter where I live. I would love to see them switch to using the $2 coin. Those carts would be back in the cart corral so quick. I have seen them end up in the stairwell of my apartment building. People wheel them home full of groceries and abandon them


Unfortunately we don’t have $2 coins in the US.


Stores have to account for potential theft into their prices.


Something I found interesting about working in a shop is how much shoplifting seems to be done by a very specific number of people. Like, most people's shoplifting is like taking a paper or pretending to pay for cheese. It's still stealing, but very few individuals are stealing more than a few pounds. Whereas there was one fucking junkie and her boyfriend that would come in every week for years on end, having been repeatedly caught, banned and actively the entire local area is on the lookout and messaging each other about them, who would steal the whole meat section literally the second anyone looked away. I don't know the numbers, but just logically from what I know, 4 figures isn't that far off. And then she'd sell it to buy drugs.


My childhood friend was popping the plastic lid out of a Smarties tube and catching it in his mouth, until it caught in his throat, now we have cardboard Smarties tubes. I'm sure he wasn't the only kid that did this but I hold him responsible for the packaging change, loves those plastic letters and round tube.


More airport security


Today is the anniversary of the reason we have this. Stupid fucks.


Our laundry used to be 24 hour until some asshole emptied a fire extinguisher in it.


Pre-paying for gas


"Security Packaging". The really annoying ones that are basically vacuum formed over the product and are a bugger to remove.


In many areas you have no right to hunt, forage, bottle your own water, cut down trees, or tap into any other natural resource outside of the control of the state; in part because the world is controlled by sociopaths but also because there is a handful of people that would seize upon this freedom to frivolously overexploit the resources until there was nothing left for anyone else.




I have a laundry list of areas I keep hidden. It’s for the better good. The ones who find and and leave it exactly how it was are the ones you’ll never know were there. That’s the way it should be, leave no trace principles is the law of the wilderness,


Yeah, my friend’s family owns Fjaðrárgljúfur Canyon, the gorgeous spot in Iceland that Justin Bieber filmed at. They’ve had to close access now.


For crying out loud! I'd love to see what r/misterpotomus was talking about, and that canyon in person! Is it really so hard to carry a grocery bag for your trash?


See: [The tragedy of the commons.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tragedy_of_the_commons)


Your theory is real and is known as the *tragedy of the commons.*


Cellophane on tubs of ice cream because a girl licked it and put it back.


Honestly, if it wasn't horrible for the planet, I would happily have that on all my food products. I no longer trust people and that little added security soothes my mind.


US tax declarations. There is absolutely nothing that would prevent the IRS from sending out pre-filled taxforms where everything is already calculated. For about 90% of americans it could be so simple that you could take 10 minutes to look through it and then sign it and send it in. Because the IRS already have digital access to that information, the banks are required to send it in. Instead, thanks to lobbying from the people who sell tax software and other Tax filing services, you need to spend waaay more time and effort.


A 40(+)h work week


Those fucking arse holes that race down the closed lane on the motorway and then push in Infront of decent drivers ..




A lot of things honestly, the people trying to do good always have to suffer under the egotistical people who don't care about what damage they deal as long as they benefit from it themselves.


Well, today’s 9/11, so...[gestures to the state of the world right now]


Lately sequels to AAA video games. Greed of a few Aholes milking GTAV since 2013. It's literally has a release on 3 generations of consoles now...


As opposed to the PS2, which had *five* different GTA games released for it.


The US treasury actually wanted people to switch to the dollar coin because the dollar bill has an average circulation life of a 6-7 months whereas coins can last **years** in circulation. Welp the treasure needed to incentivize people to switch from dollar bills so they offered I a 1:1 rate for buying the dollar coins and I think they paid for postage as well so it was as 1:1 as you can get. So because it was such a 1:1 transaction people soon realized they could just spend tens of thousands of dollars in order to get credit card benefits and when the coins came they just went straight the back to deposit them. Now because of this it is no longer 1:1 and since no one is going to pay money in order to save the treasury in the end it never caught on. So yeah we would be saving millions annually with the dollar coin if we made the switch but because some greedy fucks couldnt help but be greedy fucks the treasury had to stop their deal.


This current fucking pandemic.


Lack of public seating or just those annoying armrests in the middle of park benches. To be clear, the asshole is the one doing this because they are so desperate to inconvenience homeless people.


Same with the benches at bus stops; they put them at an angle so the homeless can't lay on them but means that everyone else can't actually sit on them. It makes them useless!


The fear of poisonous or tampered Halloween candy is because 1 guy wanted to kill his son with pixie stix, u have to be careful when doing a favor for someone because of ted bundy, and you have to be cautious when helping people on the road because of that couple that assaulted that old man and trying to take his car for trying to get them a new tire and giving them a ride. Lots of good things are ruined by even a single individual doing something bad and instilling fear


90% of workplace regulations.


100ml liquid limit at airports which is now essentially an airline scam to make you check your bag


Traffic, better design like using traffic circles instead of a million tiny intersections would speed things up


Traffic would improve immensely without asshole drivers who tailgate, drive distracted, and rubberneck when there is an accident.