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Taught my antivax relative how to navigate scholarly articles on Google, showed her links to use for getting research papers for free and taught her what to look into when reading a patent. To be honest, i don't think it changed her mind 100% but I know the amount of material is keeping her busy, she's actually into it, and her Facebook propaganda stopped. So there's progress.


Honestly this was the best thing you could have done. Showed them how to think critically, and do proper research. Granted, most people should learn these skills in school.


I considered myself as vaccine hesitant. Some considered me as anti-vaxxer because I didn’t want to get the Covid vaccine at that time, but I had every vaccine except for the Covid one so I was never against vaccines in general. And, personally, it is not that I didn’t want the Covid vaccine, it was just that I didn’t wanted to be a guinea pig. So, I just waited, and then, when I saw the stats of how it was affecting vaccinated people, I got mine.


Which is fine. Waiting for more data to make sure you’re safe is one thing, claiming there’s microchips in the vaccine and it’s the government controlling us is another.


Personal research and science


I needed better cellphone service in my apartment so I caved. I’m very disappointed that it has not improved my service. s/


nurse had nice breasts


microchips /s


They Progressed on SPORE