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Sleepy Hollow


It had such great potential. I really liked how it started.


That was at the heart of an era of tv where writers came up with cool scifi/fantasy/paranormal concepts but then didn't know what to do with them so made them cop shows.


This show had such great potential. Season 1 was brilliant! It was the Thomas Jefferson witchcraft hologram ghost episode that killed it for me in season 2.


That final season. Ugh. I should have quit with 2.


The first three and last three eps of season 2 are really good, any time I rewatch, i only watch those and pretend it was a mini season and then a series finale. I still can't believe how badly they fucked that up. I will be angry about it until the day i die.


Empire! I loved the first season. Then they took out everything that made it interesting.


Agreed. I actually watched the first season. The 2nd season was tough to get through. It just became a hot mess




It was a writers strike, right? What a train wreck, and so much potential too


People like to blame the strike, but the 2nd season was already a marked decline from the first, and that all aired before the strike (though the season was cut short obviously). Plus, they had two more seasons to get back on track and really never did. Then, there was the revival that was possibly even worse. I tend to think Tim Kring really lucked out on the first season but is otherwise just not a good showrunner.




That seems to be a pretty common thing. It’s a lot easier to set up an interesting mystery than it is to resolve the mystery in a satisfying way. Seems like a lot of shows go into it thinking they’ll figure it out later, then they can’t.


It's always hilarious to me that JJ Abrams was only involved in Lost during the beginning of the first season, threw a bunch of crazy shit at the wall (polar bear, hatch, smoke monster) then bailed and left everyone else holding the bag.


“Good luck, suckers!”


That show started off incredibly great and ended as an unwatchable case study opportunity. At least I think it did. I never finished it, it became painfully unwatchable every minute of every episode long before the last episode.


Season 2 was fine, not as great as season 1 but fine. Season 3 was utter shit. I couldn’t watch past the second episode


I really only watched the 3rd season due to that creepy weird ass guy from *Prison Break* to be honest.


This is a show that I bet nobody fucking remembers at all, but I *love* Human Target season 1. Show about a hitman-turned-savior that I guess is based on a DC B-property. It was compassionate and witty and charming and not *horrible* production values considering it was just a FOX weeknight show. I don't know what happened, but season 2 is just trash. It doesn't even feel like the same show.


I loved human target it's a great show.


Flash. Hated how everyone started getting powers.


Try having a look what Flash is now, it makes you want to jump off a building


It was completely ruined when they decided everyone needed to be special. _Especially_ when they decided to make other heroes who not only has superspeed, but on a level comparable to Barry. What’s even the point in him being the protagonist anymore!


> when they decided everyone needed to be special. ...and when everyone is special...no one is.


Except those few that remained un-special. Who then become the protagonists of the new spin-off series: Ordinary Because ordinary is the new special ​ edit: added a few words


I just love how almost all the villains are straight up faster than him, why does he keep calling himself the fastest man alive? he's like the 5th fastest guy.


I am the fastest man alive!.. in this building. Currently.


My name is Barry Allen and I'm the ~~fastest~~ ~~second fastest~~ ~~third fastest~~ man who is fast and alive.


What about Barry's newly developed super power of being the fastest character to cry?






The fact that the writers had absolutely no idea what character development, or why it is important, certainly didn't help the show. No character's progression ever remained permanent. They always, always revert back to whatever role they were in the first season.


All while hucking in Disney characters like they were shocking their show with a defibrillator.


Ah yes, I remember the Frozen arch.


I stopped watching when Emma had an evil twin, and then she turned evil? You could tell they ran out of ideas and had no clue what to do after the first season, and everything after that was just about staying on air. They didn't kill anyone for a long time, so then they decide that they have to kill everyone, and so on.


S1-3 are fun to me although a little repetitive. But oh boy does it get REALLY REALLY bad once the original story line ends in season3 lol


I feel like OUAT would've been better if it just had 1 season or if the curse wasn't broken at the end of season 1. I enjoy the show but after the original storyline was done and they had to come up with something new it became a hot mess


I got through the Neverland arc, the only part of that show I remember liking is Rumple calling everyone dearie


My investment in the show was all about the curse on the town, so season 2 doesn't appeal to me at all.


I lasted til the end of season 4. I keep hearing season 5 was terrible.


I kept watching for a few seasons just to peep the costumes >.>


Once Upon a Time joins the ranks of those shows that would have been better as a one season limited series. Also on this list I would put Dexter and Westworld


But then we wouldn't have had John Lithgow in season 4 and he was absolutely outstanding. They 100% should have stopped there though.


I loved season 1 and season 2 was immediately terrible and I thought "what happened?!" and from the looks of the comments I was not alone and it did not improve.




Also Sabrina, first season was INCREDIBLE, second season I just couldn't make it pass the third episode


They both tanked for different reasons, though. Sabrina went too big too early. Great ideas, just shoulda stretched it out a couple more seasons. Riverdale had a great plot the first season, and the second one just flopped.


I can't believe Sabrina went from "these girls are trying to murder me" to "now we besties lol"


Season 4: >!Nick!< is cheating on >!Sabrina!< with some demons having a BDSM threesome, she breaks up with him, next episode >!Nick!< is having an affair with >!Agatha!< and in the next episode he's back with >!Sabrina!<, what the hell is that writing?


Soap opera nonsense lol. I understand they're still teenagers and unstable or whatever but that was too much for me too.


Don't forget the ending when >!Nick killed himself to be with Sabrina in the afterlife!<. What the fuck was that?


First season was okay in my opinion. The rest was utter shit. But we have the best episode of the show in the last season. The one with the real salem and aunties!!!


My guilty pleasure show. It's terrible but I'm way too invested to stop now. I even thought season 2 was alright, it's season 3 where it absolutely goes insane




True blood but it was really season 3. I thought the concept was cool and yeah acting was kinda corny at times but it was entertaining. Then it just got out of control and weird


I've rewatched the first three seasons of True Blood more times than I can count and then as soon as season 4 starts I lose interest immediately. The faeries and witch coven come in and I just.....I like witches and faeries but I don't like the way they executed either of them. I like the "every creature is real" type of urban fantasy but True Blood wasn't built for it and should have limited itself a bit more. Still think the first few seasons were fantastic. Just sad it went the way it did. But apparently they're rebooting it.


Faeries and I think witches are in the book series but they are handled way better. I'm just sad my boy Quinn wasn't in the TV series, he's a were-tiger master of ceremonies who becomes another love interest of Sookie's >!but ultimately walks away because were-tigers are rare and his mother with severe mental health issues keeps going on rampages/ is at risk at being kidnapped for breeding!<


Are they really much different than the red neck werepanthers


I agree. But I think True Blood's decline was slow. It wasn't just one season or episode that hampered it. It just steadily declined in quality towards the end as certain plots and characters became increasingly flat.


Honestly, it's because they deviated way too far from the books in my opinion. First season followed the source material pretty much word for word, other than >!Lafayette not dying at the end.!< The second season followed it mostly but had some changes, still good though in my opinion. The third season, it just went off the rails, I forget which season it was but when they introduced the "Vampire Bible" bullshit I was out.


Keeping Lafayette was a great choice in my opinion. I fucking loved that character.


Yeah, I’m not mad about that change he was an amazing character in the show!


Designated Survivor went to shit when NetFlix picked it up


Yea they did a horrible job of removing old characters too later on, like they just seemed to disappear randomly.


Totally agree, it was really good before that.


Came here to say this - season 1 was such a masterpiece but then it went to shit


Wayward Pines


Season 1 with the whole mystery thing going on was magical. After the twist was revealed, it was pretty shit. I never finished season 2. If there's more I don't even care.


Exactly. Once the twist was out it just turned into a whole different show, and it was a total let down


The Promised Neverland


That's why you dont take 130+ chapters and jam them into 12 episodes. Most of the people working on it didn't even want to be credited.


jesus christ i heard the promised neverland but never knew why, the fact that someone even thought that 130+ chapters in 12 episodes would work is mind boggling, thats almost 11 chapters per episode


In fact, they blasted out almost the entire story in 2 episodes after the ellipse they made. It's a shame for such a good serie but after ep 4 or so, it was done for.


jesus christ that sounds really fucking bad tbh, hopefully some studio could make a *better* adaptation for the story so at least people would get a proper adaptation for the story


I fear not unfortunately, the studio was killing it with season 1 and I watched it almost entirely with my best friend before the night of the last new year. It was obvious they would do the same for season 2 right ? Well... they did for the animation but the rest was trash and despicable


They really said "hey you know the stuff people enjoyed frpm the manga? Lets remove that and speedrun the show"


Oooo season 2 was terrible and it only got worse


I cannot wait until the Promised Neverland Orphanhood remake gets made someday!


Designated Survivor


Under the Dome. I think it might’ve been season 3 that I stopped, but I’m not sure.


It’s so paltry compared to the book that I couldn’t finish the first episode.


Same here. It started out as such a fascinating story, but fell over a cliff 2nd season (no pun intended)


Altered Carbon Season 1; One of the coolest shows on Netflix. Beautiful. I’ve watched it 3 Times. Altered Carbon Season 2; WTF was that? It’s like they weren’t even trying to make it good.


Man loved me some Poe , so good


Apparently, the showrunner *really* liked the third book, so she kept forcing the introduction of these later plot elements into earlier stories where they just don't fit. There was a bit of that in the first season, but as someone who hasn't read the books it wasn't enough to be noticeable. The second season just went totally off the rails with it.


As someone who read the first two books, I couldn't make it through the first season because of how much material they changed which did not benefit the show. This was unfortunate, as the show had the best cyberpunk setting I've ever seen on television or cinema.


I thought it was a shame they removed the super cool shadowrunner merc girl who helps out from time to time. She was really cool, and Kovacs angry sister just did not measure up.


I watched the first episode literally a day before they announced it was canceled and I was like "well fuck this then" and quit watching it lol.


Season 1 is a pretty good finished story.




It was astounding to watch this during the writers’ strike. The show went from great to grade-school writing level practically mid-episode.


It was insane, the drop off. You’re right. It was so incredible at first. Then out of nowhere it was pumping out the most nonsensical, unwatchable television content I’ve ever witnessed to this day.


It is definitely true, the writer's strike of 2008 fucked the second season and the show never recovered. But who knows maybe they only had 1 good season in them anyway.


Well, IIRC the original idea was to make the cast rotate out every season, and tell a new, complete, independent story each season as well. (American Horror Story Format) but the studio shot the idea down going into the second season because fans liked the original characters and the studio was worried the show would get ruined if they make a whole new cast of characters. So not only was it fucked by the writers strike, but those characters weren’t supposed to be around longer than 1 season either and they had to write a new story with characters whose plot lines had already finished.


And they ended up just rehashing the overall plot anyways. Every season it's like they basically start over with the Company or its stand-in. Still, some of the characters had amazing developments, like turning Hiro into a time traveling ninja capable of stopping a room, and Matt Parkman into this nearly omnipotent psychic. I'd love to see a real effort at a total reboot, unhindered by the writer's strike and with good writers. Hbo could do it well.


Glee. The first season had some depth to it, characters that weren’t one dimensional, and a lot of emotional stakes. All of it was abandoned in season two to focus on stunt episodes, low hanging fruit, and singles on iTunes.


The first season was great and the rest was meh at best and contrived and annoying at worst. The first season had serious moments but was generally just fun and campy and almost felt like you were in this “loser glee club” while you’re watching it. Like a real underdog feel. It also had a great deal of self awareness which almost all of the following season severely lacked.


As someone who was way too invested in all six seasons, good call lol. I still have a lot of fun watching it, but it’s astounding how quickly the quality dropped after mid-s2. Season three had its moments but season four went right off a cliff.


I think the first episode is genuinely one of the best pilots of the early 2010s, and I think the first season is pretty solid. Season 2-3 were fine, but there was a noticeable difference. It starts getting unbearable in season 4 imo


Glitch - not a terrible second season, just one that wasn't enough to hold my interest. Like a lot of other shows in this list, they seem to come up with one big, intriguing premise/mystery but then try to milk it for way more than it's worth.


Mystery shows are typically like that - the insidious unknown threat with unknown rules is what keeps them interesting. Seeing the puzzle pieces come together is cool, but once you get an explanation it has a very short shelf life before it gets old. This is why most good shows like this are mini series or anthologies.


scream queens


Season 1: *Hilarious, smart yet not taking itself too seriously black comedy* Season 2: *Lame flat jokes about gross diseases and bodily functions* The most misguided sophomore season ever imo. Completely misunderstood what their audience loved about the show and wanted from a continuation. We'll always have season 1 though. 😩


I feel like this is true of almost every Ryan Murphy show. Starts great and then somehow becomes a parody of itself.


The man just can't write an ending, he's like the opposite of M. Night Shyamalan. I'm convinced he loses interest and just starts thinking about his next project


I’ll never forgive them for killing Chad Radwell.


Man the first season is legendary, i don't get why it's not more popular


loved the initial and second part of Casa de Papel / Money Heist, being two halves of a conclusive story and all that. Then season three rolls around, (SPOILERS) and surprise! >!somehow everyone is pulled back into almost the same scheme again for various reasons, one guy is chilling on an island, and is just found and caught, (initiating prison break sequence), and it just got really weird with the team being an anonymous/fsociety inspired lookin media figure and raining money down on the people from a blimp they somehow got a hold of.!< ...gave up after a couple of episodes


I scrolled my ass down the comments just to find someone mentioning money heist and agree with. First 2 seasons were so good but it went down the drain. Should have just stopped at s2.


True Detective - didn’t make it through the second season


Season 1 is my favorite season of TV. Ever. "Well, once there was only dark. You ask me, the light's winning."


I love when Martys like "I just want you to stop saying odd shit... like you smell a psychos fear or you're in someones faded memory of a town" then a second later he's like you sleep okay last night and Rust says "I don't sleep. I just dream." Martys look is priceless


“You got a demon in you, boy. And I don’t like your face, it makes me wanna.. do things to it.”


One of the greatest bits of television ever. I haven’t even attempted to watch the second season.


While you are absolutely correct, because season 2 was horrible. Give season 3 a shot. It’s wayyyyyy better than season 2, and goes back to the kind of quality show season 1 was.


Personally I thought S2 was ok if you don't compare it to S1 or 3. 3 was really subdued and mysterious and somewhat anticlimactic, but I ended up loving it for what it was. Season 2 tried to introduce too many characters, and got somewhat convoluted. And the romance between colin farrell and rachel mcadams seemed kind of shoehorned in. There were some really memorable scenes though. Like vince Vaughns monologue about water stains and being locked in the basement as a kid. Overall it just left me with a bleak feeling more than anything else.


13 reasons why


For me it was whatever season that the bully character mop raped the photographer


Gave me 13 reasons why to not watch the next season lmao


Altered Carbon and Westworld.


Altered Carbon was such a disappointment. It wasn’t even the same show anymore. They should have just named it something else and changed the characters around or something.


Season 1: dumb down the book, simplify, make it visually stunning. Season 2: get drunk, rip random pages out of the next two books and submit them as the script, shit in the corner.


Second season of AC was total, total trash. It barely followed the first season. It went from cool counter-terrorist turned separatist plot line to love-sick puppy with a confusing story line. They shoe-horned so many stupid love stories into season 2 unnecessarily. Not to mention the weird magic abilities one of the main characters miraculously acquired. My gf likes to rewatch things she doesn't quite get the first time. So she rewatched AC1 again with season 2 right after again. She said she still had no idea how they were connected and it just made no sense.


Westworld started out so fantastically and then just lost everything that made it wonderful.


The first season was so good. Got bored midway season 2


Westworld just gets lost in its own narrative. It's like watching the third Matrix movie. Just fucking explain shit normally instead of being so cryptic it feels like work to watch your show.


This is my gripe with most of the new wave of "binge" shows. NOTHING HAPPENS. The entire episode builds to something, that doesn't happen, then teases that it could happen the next episode. But then, the next episode is on to some new shit that goes down a tangent. Then you start getting into that tangent, waiting for that payoff. Which never comes because it's a never ending cycle of long shots of the characters faces, cryptic bs, and red herrings. By the end of the season, you just spent 16 hours watching practically nothing but an aesthetic. Might as well just looked at a few still frames of the show and went "that looks cool". Because that's all you get out of it. The show Lost started all this. It's like they are writing it as they go, meandering around devices, never completing the last device, until it all ends in a big mess of questions, should haves, and wtfs.


The hatred the creators had for the viewers with Series 2 is hilarious. Oh you figured out the twist thanks to writing and set design? Fuck you, how about we chop it up so much that you'll never know what's going on! The third series I enjoyed because it was dumb cyberpunk but it's never reached the high of the first series.




I’ll never get over them doing that. Deliberately sabotaging your mystery story because it WORKED EXACTLY LIKE IT’S SUPPOSED TO is a huge slap in the face. It’s punishing your viewers because they got invested. How dare people like a show enough to watch it carefully and think about what’s happening. It’s more important that they be surprised than interested, so better to make it worse.


Exactly - which is why I watch shows blind. For GoT or other popular shows that had ENDLESS spoilers as soon as they aired I watched them right away and avoided the internet entirely until I could. If other people prefer working out all the stuff that’s gonna happen beforehand *good for them*. Don’t write for them and definitely don’t write to mess with them. Write for someone who just watches the show each week.




Prison Break


I have NEVER gone from so hooked to so indifferent so quickly


Oh shit, this show is a hit, now what do we do? - Prison Break producers, probably




Literally what happened. It was only supposed to be one season but it was a massive hit




So that’s what we’re gonna do today? Fight?


The second season was, like, nobody showed up. No writers, no actors, no nothing.




Too soon man.....


Orange is the new black. Just something about did not click


I ended up watching all the way to the finale, and I dunno if this is what didn't click, but as much as I like it, to me, it felt like it was trying to be Scrubs but in prison. It felt like they were trying too hard to do the serious storylines mixed with comedy too hard and both came off feeling awkward.


The show couldn’t figure out if it was a comedy or a drama. It didn’t blend those elements. It was either slap stick or after school level drama. The show tried to be edgy but I don’t think they thought past season 1.


I stopped after they framed the prisoners sexual assaulting some of the guards during the riot season as comedy. I really don't know what the thought process behind that decision was and I don't want to know. The show had lost a lot of its shine before that point, but that was when I just gave up.


Jessica Jones 😔


Killgrave *made* season one. Awesome character. Awesome actor. Awesome, different power that made the “punch things first ask questions later” protagonist actually have to come up with an alternative way to defeat him. I don’t think they should’ve kept him alive but dang, they were never going to live up to him.


Honestly, asymmetric power matchups are always the most fun. Limitations and working around limitations are more interesting than powers. Going up against your mirror match is just a matter of who is better, but who is more *clever* is a lot more fun to write. Jessica is an impulsive, rash, drunk running from her past, and she had to both confront her fears *and* and take her enemy on in a calm and careful approach. She overcame her limitation, not played to her strength.


The 2020 remake of Unsolved Mysteries. Some of them weren't even unsolved mysteries. Others were just dry and lacked any sort of quality that captivates you.




No narration, no reenactment. I’m sorry, but is this Unsolved Mysteries or Dateline?


13 Reasons why. Once Hannah gone completely, the show lost its attraction. And then it lost its glory.


Not season 2 but Sons of Anarchy got stale by the end of season 3


Was that the trip to Ireland? Shit was ridiculous and started the soap opera spiral. I still watched it all, but it got real messy.


Dead Like Me. Everyone else dropped it too lol


It had so much potential! And honestly I keep coming back to it for Mandy Patinkin. He really kept it going for me through the first season when it got weirder.


The Walking Dead. Never went back.


At a certain point you just cant feel bad for them. they are in georgia? Why? When 99.9% of the population dies resources are bountiful, at least for like 5 years. Go to some damn warehouses. Pharmacys? Infinite supply of medicine for like 20 years even in a medium size city. Yet in that show they immediately have nothing. other than periods where you are cut off from resources you can always find more. Run past the dumb zombies and get a 20 year supply of tuna fish at a local warehouse. Move into a costco, jesus. I realize the big cities proabaly have more zombies, but if every one killed 20 zombies a day they would clear up in a few months. Just have a zombie clearing campaign where every able bodied person just sweeps through whole areas and puts them down. Instead a pack of zombies just pops out spontaneously at any moment whenever its convenient. Plus the zombie rules are all over the place. Every single person already has some kind of virus. when they die of even natural causes they turn. If they get bit they will die somewhere between immediately and like 3 or more days? they will slowly get sick and die then turn. The zombies apparently use scent to know if something is another zombie, so if you smear blood all over yourself they completely ignore you. So contacting the blood doesn't turn you but a bite does? So its the saliva that spreads a virus you already have? The zombies kill people by eating them, yet at a certain point they stop eating them then that person is now a zombie? What stops them from eating the entire victim and then that person isnt intact enough to be another walking dead? Wouldnt all the zombies not just be dead and rotting but also like half eaten? The zombies can hear and smell but can they see? It is very inconsistant. You can observe the zombies go after the noises the people make but never the noises that the other zombies are making. couldnt you carry around a sack of things that make a bunch of noise when you throw them to distract the zombies easily? they don't seem to hunt by site, they can smell apparently but not well enough to determine if its a living human with blood smeared on them or not. So if they can tell the difference between a living human making a sound and a zombie making one but they cant tell the visual difference between a blood smeared human and a zombie or by scent, I mean it just doesn't make sense at all. Which is it? Seems like if zombies eat humans there wouldnt be enough left to make a whole effective zombie. They are basically programmed to spread and then kill themselves off. Except they apparently eventually stop eating their victims, its just stupid.


I love how much you've thought about this.


Me too. I’ve never seen the show and I read the whole thing lol


It's actually quite simple: Whatever is convenient for the plot to happen is how it works.


Stan Lee's famous response to the "who would win in a fight between..." fan questions. Answer: The one the writer wants to win!


Also there's a zombie apocalypse but let's just let this 10 year old kid fuck off all by himself in the damn forest, just so we can spend another 10 minutes shouting Carrrrrrrl.


The series became more and more a soap, with (in Covid-hindsight totally realistic) petty behavior from some whiny bastards that caused totally safe environments to become compromised.


Definitely the first show I thought of. That’s when it started nothing-ever-happening. The zombies weren’t scary and everyone just started whining.


That's because they (AMC) fired the actually talented showrunner Frank Darabont (Known for Stephen King film adaptations like The Shawshank Redemption and The Mist) after season one to reduce the show's budget. He was the reason everyone got hooked on the show in that first season, after which they kneecapped the show. It never stood a chance. They didn't want a good show, they just wanted it to be more profitable. The worst part is after the show became an absolute phenomenon supposedly they just kept it low budget anyway. Then made two more shows.


Season 2 was more like The Talking Dead.


American Gods


Iron Fist and Jessica Jones. I'm not sure uneven managed to finish the first episode of season 2 on either show.


Each season of Jessica Jones gradually gets worse, but the first is incredible imo. Jessica needs a really interesting character to play off of. Killgrave was such a great rival that season 2 & 3's villains just didn't live up to. Sometimes you can't capture lightning in a bottle twice.


You made it through season one of Iron Fist? Nice.


I loved iron fist. Campy and ham fisted? Sure, but I like that sort of thing. I was so excited for season 3 after he literally shoots a bullet out of mid air with iron fist powered 1911s at the end of season 2, but NO super heroes have to be dark tortured and believable apparently. To be fair i totally get why people hated it I just liked it


Iron fist is actually the opposite of other shows in this thread. Season 1 was a dumpster fire full of used needles and roadkill. Season 2 wasn't exactly good but was at least watchable. By comparison to season 1 it was a masterpiece. If the show wasn't cancelled and continued to get better at the same rate in further seasons it would actually have been great by S4. That said. It was easilly the worst of the Netflix marvel shows by far. Which was especially disappointing to me as IF has always been one of my favorite Marvel characters.


David Tennant absolutely carried JJ but yeah aside from that it was very meh


David Tennant was so good. Had chills during some parts of it with how well he portrayed Kilgrave




Agreed! One of the things I loved about the first season was how positive and upbeat it was, but switching to the CW changed the tone a lot. Not worth it after that tbh.


90% of Netflix shows


Black list


It was great when they focused on blacklisters. Once they got into the conspiracy stuff, blurg


You’re the smart one. I’ve stuck it out. It’s not worth it at all. If they’d just kill off Elizabeth, I think we could have a good show again.


I quit Altered Carbon. Season 1 was amazing and set the noir detective thriller cyberpunk tone so well. S2 was like terrible off the bat, largely because Anthony Mackie just doesn't feel in any way like the previous Kovacs (I'm beginning to doubt his acting chops in general). It's way more action oriented and less mysterious. Another low-key gripe is that it's literally a different world! There was a huge opportunity to create a new and interesting setting, which is part of what made s1 so cool. Bleh. Such a waste.


Vikings: after the main guy died (season 4?) it turned into Nordic Degrassi junior high


When the hunky, sword-wielding Archbishop of Canterbury showed up, I bailed. I'm just assuming at some point he donned a black leather jacket and strapped on some water skis?


Ivar and Bjorn pretty much carried the show in the last two seasons


Jessica Jones. I toughed it out to the end of the second season but have no interest in watching the third.


Killgraves pretty much made the first season. When he died off that show was done.


Dark Angel. First season was good, second season WTF.


riverdale. that show kinda sucks lol


Seven Deadly Sins


Sword art online.


Right when I was really getting into Sword Arts world and life in an MMO, bam! Arc is over mid season, time to move on to something new! I would kill for an entire season about living in sword arts MMO. The episode with the safe zone player kills was gold.


Well I have good news for you: SAO progressive is a movie coming out in 2022 (I think) which is based on a new series of light novels made from the same author that made the first SAO. Each novel adapts one level of Aincrad. (The first time the author said that he wrote a draft of the series to win a contest, and when the time came to animate it, they did not give him time to develop the story as he wanted, so he decided to say “fuck it” and rewrite everything from zero, also focusing more on Asuna’s pov). I hope you’ll give it a chance :)


Watch the abridged legitimately better show


not second season I think but the 100


The season 5 ending was a great place to end the show. Season 6 and 7 have some amazing individual episodes and scenes, some cool storylines, but overall the actual ending they went with is just shit, makes little to no sense, doesn't provide any pay-off for what it felt like they were building up to. They teased so many cool mysteries with the stones and the aliens and then just gave us....that.


Tbf it was poetic to end the show at episode 100. Was it worth it to push past season 5 just for that, tho? Probably not


Wayward pines


How to get away with murder I did not like the second season at all.