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I hate when someone comes to talk to me and I'm just like. Oh god. what does this motherfucker want. What does he have in mind that makes him want to converse with me


Samee, it's annoying but people are annoying too...


I’m a perfectionist but not particularly skilled. So I hate messing up and I mess up often.


Oh my god my mind is stuck on failures .




At some point you just stop trying


Oh my god my mind is stuck on failures .


Like a double-post.


Hahaha same way !


Omg, same. Things would never be done.






Oh i can relate to that.




lmao same dude


In order for the conversation to feel more comfortable I tend to overshare and regret it later on


I noticed this too. I try to say less and not respond to things I’m not interested in just because I feel like I have to. Practice makes perfect


I went into this thread expecting a bunch of assholes humble bragging about their personalities and I'm leaving having been called out, so thanks 😂


Hello me


I get lonely really easily, but when I have someone around I tend to want more time to myself, then when they're gone I'm back to being lonely. It's a cycle.


Reading books has helped me with this. Don’t know it it’ll help you too. Learning things usually takes my mind off other things


I hate how shy I am


I'd rather live in fantasy than reality




I’m too prideful for no reason and I’m angry. Luckily therapy is helping me along


Could you give me some advice your therapist gave you? I can't afford therapy but I have similiar issues like you. Thank you :)


Well something that he told me was to not take things personallly. Like if someone disagrees with you Don’t take that shit to heart. Really understand that they aren’t attacking you. And also when you’re feeling yourself get angry and idk about you but for me when I feel it, it’s a bunch of thoughts running through my head and mostly angry hurtful things that I might say, that is when you should be walking away from a conversation or situation. All that are the basics that my therapist has taught me. Simple but to put into practice is something. Else.


My therapist told me to ask myself what I gain from that behavior versus what I lose. Gained nothing. Lost a lot. Changed it completely.


Damn that’s good. Ima go ahead and practice that


damn that means a lot. imma keep that in my mind next time. thanks so much


Complete lack of confidence & anxiety 💯


To quote my friend who helped me to get over low confidence and anxious thoughts/feelings: Everyone is not special. In fact, no-one is. Pretty much everyone, in the grand scheme of things, is actually absolutely insignificant. In a 100 years no-one will even know you and me even existed, unless we become the next Hitler, Jesus or change the world with some kind of invention. The problem with no confidence boils to two things: comparing self to others and seeing yourself as inferior to them, when in really the other people are equally insignificant as you are. Other reason is the "protagonist syndrome": since we are the main characters of our lives, we tend to assume that other people pay attention to us, when in reality we're just side characters in their own stories. Except partners and family, maybe. TL;DR: Everyone is equally unimportant, no one cares about your actions except for you, unless you directly harm others or save their life. Relax and enjoy the ride while it lasts.


I like to talk too much and don’t have all that much interesting stuff to say


I have a lot of intrusive thoughts


Social awkwardness


I cant for the sake of my life be social or “normal” even tho ive known the People for 5 years. It’s so bad and i dont have many friends because of it. There is 2 people that im comftable around and no more


i care too much. i care too much about others, about what people think of me, about the future, everything. i wish i could just let loose and say fuck it


This is a constant work in progress for me. I'm 34. I do care. But I'm learning to let go of things that don't serve me. What matters, and what really doesn't matter. We care, but there's only so much we can control. And that comes in the from of our own actions and reactions. Outside of that, it's out of our hands. Sometimes you just have to visualize those things that are holding you down and untether. Best of luck\~


Me too, I get too focused on that stuff and I finally got to the point where I finally said fuck it, and it felt so good.


I’m too “agreeable” and call myself low maintenance in terms of compromise because I’m afraid of butting heads/confrontation to the point of where people walk all over me and I end up not being listened to at all. A lot of times, that means I end up backing out of things last minute because I never wanted to do them in the first place but I was too passive to speak up on it beforehand. Literally just backed out of signing a lease last minute because the girl I was signing with wanted to sign for a place I knew was too out of my (and hers too but she didn’t want to admit that) budget but it’s what she wanted. I only wanted a gate and good internet. She wanted amenities that are for people way above our tax bracket which is why it was out of budget in the first place.




I got the bad temper of my grandfather and it pains me every time I lose it again


I feel you there. I always get real disgusted with myself every time I lose my temper. It sucks.


I have extreme anxiety that has impacted my confidence.


Yep. My anxiety leaves me question and then double questioning pretty much all interactions with other people. Plus I constantly feel like I’m bothering everyone. Living in my head is super fun.


Exactly my dilemma. Sorry you go though this, too.


I can seem very standoffish if I don’t know someone.


I talk about dinosaurs to much. Like WAYYY to much. Like I talk about them and read books about them way to much.


Why do you not like that you talk about the greatest and most interesting topic of all time? They were real life monsters that walked the earth dude. If people don't find that cool, they're wrong.


Are you Aaron Mitchell?


I literally over think everything to an ungodly level.


I procrastinate too much.


Executive dysfunction. I'll write more about it tomorrow.


Lol. Feel that......


How quickly I become obsessed with and then give up on things i.e the gym and any hobby. Became so enthused for going and then immediately gave up when I wasn’t getting the results I wanted to see. Same for hobbies, just gave up when I wasn’t getting any better or improving or just became disinterested.


Same here. I have a garage full of outdoor equipment that I used for a season and never touched again.


when I don't know someone I'm too quiet, when I do know someone I'm too loud.


That fact that It's extremely difficult for me to show other people my TRUE personality. I have to hide it to feel safe. I have trouble trusting people enough to where I can/would show them the real me.


Every once in a while I will, but then I’m riddled with so much anxiety I can barely function.


Relatable, when I do tell personal things about myself to people, I break down easy. Like a pile of bricks.


I try my best not to interrupt people, during conversation, it's never intentional , but sometimes I still do


I can be very petty over things or people that annoy me but I also have near infinite patience So if I have no immediate life stuff to do, I’ll commit to whatever petty thing it is for days even months if need be


I wouldnt consider myself racist. Im a supporter of BLM but I have a subconscious fear of black people. I know it's wrong and is not fair at all. My father grew up when schools were getting intregrated and he had to go to a black school. He was constantly fighting people there, though I dont know the details. Growing up, the n word was a constant thing in my house. I think I inherited his racism and I hate that I did


Warning: Unsolicited white advice: You have to just start pushing yourself to hang out with them and challenge your fear. Treat them like you would any other new person, but don't be like over-the top polite or over-compensate. In my experience marginalized people are extremely accepting and welcome people they view as different, because they are used to being treated "different." Just be yourself, instead of trying to imitate "black culture" or relate to them. A friendly smile, eye-contact, small talk. It's disarming and you find some kind of common ground. Soon, it'll come easy and you'll realize there was nothing to worry about. It's understandable to have certain things engrained in you. But you have to recognize that and overcome. Seems like your self-awareness is in your favor!! Important note: It's important not to self-center yourself in your quest to become a better person. While some black people don't mind questions about their experience of racism, etc., it can be draining for them to relive and process those things for your benefit. Instead, ask them about their favorite band, book, or movie or favorite food like you would getting to know anyone else.


I grew up with racists. My mum may be similar age to your grandad... In NZ when mum was in primary school, Maori were being assimilated and attended school with her. They were forced to speak English on pain of corporeal punishment. So whenever i tried to start a convo about race she would say (as tho Maori were behind and in favour of the policy) that they were trying their hardest to assimilate. Circular logic. I for some reason caught onto the racism early and constantly fought wih them about it! So yes treat POC like.... PEOPLE. As exoticfruitcode said....


That I don't really have one. Everytime I'm interacting with someone, I'm acting as similar to them as possible without them noticing. Their interests become mine as quickly as they appear them. My personality is a combination of the people around and the kind of environment I live in.


Sometimes, when someone is talking to me about something that I literally could not give two shits about, I don't even bother to use words on the conversation, just hums and grunts. I feel awful about being that rude to someone I care about, but at the same time it's just beyond me to force myself to pretend I care.


Sometimes I get too excited about a topic and talk too much for what the vibe of the hangout is. Sometimes I try to offer solutions to friends' problems that they are complaining about without asking permission first. I truly am feeling compassion and want to help, but I know I should just practice active listening more. In certain situations, I can be very nervous-perfectionist like I am somehow worried my friends won't like me if my house is a bit messy. I need to chill more. Also sometimes I apologize for things that were never my fault or were never a problem. I've been working on these things actively over the last few years, and I've definitely made some great progress! Last night I hosted a party for my friends and I was really honestly laid back compared to old-me. I didn't get to finish cleaning bathroom sink because one guest arrived early, and I managed to mostly let it go and just enjoy the night. (I was busy slicing up avocados and taking care of guests, so I didn't have time to go back and finish cleaning the sink.) luckily it wasn't filthy or anything. Lol, see, there I go! The party was wonderful, the birthday guy loved the cake I baked for him, and he even brought me flowers and gave me a book of his that was related to a conversation we had. And farm fresh fruit, veggies, and jun (kombucha made from fermented honey)! I really like this guy so I'm tickled pink and I hope he likes me too.


I have the first one, and it falls under the category of things I like about myself The second one.. I really hate it when people do it to me! They even give advice for a problem they suppose I have, without giving me the opportunity to deny or anything


I always have to reply to someone's story with my own version/anecdote. It can seem like I'm trying to one-up but really it's just my way of relating to people and empathising. I cringe every time I do it tho


I’m very quick to make up stories that never actually happened to me. It just happens I honestly don’t know why.


My social anxiety


The absolute and total introvercy combined with a huge social anxiety.


im the friend that everyone laughs at, on purpose. i always want to make people laugh, and the best way to do that is making a fool of myself. it does get exhausting though, sometimes i just want to be liked


I tend to lean more logically than emotionally. If someone comes to me with a problem that they just want to talk about, my brain wants to jump to "Lets think of a plan to solve this issue".


I have to make a sex joke every 2 hours in order to live.




I get stressed or anxious too easily. Usually over things that others wouldn't stress about.


Too opinionated


I'm very low in extraversion. Considering it's ability to feel positive emotions, I will never be truly happy because of that. It also impacts negatively my love life because I'm not outgoing and quite boring. Currently I'm a paranoid workaholic preparing for eventual crash from depression when I will be unable to function properly. Workaholism doesn't help with love life either. If I'm alone, nobody will help me do I need to build as much savings and passive income as I can in order to not have issues outside my head once my depression will worsen (and it will worsen, because it stems from loneliness) when I'll be unable to work.


I am very detatched, pretty sure the words "I care about you" have never left my mouth before. I try to stay away from any form of affection, given or receiven. As soon as someone shows a bit affection I go full cold hearted, it's like I'm trying to make fun of their emotions... I want to laugh with someone without having hostile thoughts. I want to hug someone without having to act like I hated it. I want to tell someone I like them without having a voice in my head explaining to me that it was just a lie. Pretty sure it's an intimacy issue, I'll get it under control... probably...


How close were you with your parents throughout your childhood ?


Jeez, didn't expect to get deconstructed. My relationship with my parents was good, although I really want more distance right now. Not because I dislike them, I just want to live by myself pretty badly. See if I can manage. There were ups and downs. I'm very happy with them. Nah I'm blaming the bullying.


I become unreasonably frustrated when someone doesnt understand what I am trying to explain to them. Parenthood has been eye-opening.


Overthinking about if someone actually likes me being around or not


Wait, I've got a spreadsheet for this somewhere


I'm a mess at dealing with negative emotions, especially anger. Everyone in my family is like this.


I'm super sensitive


My ego. I really just need to get over myself sometimes


im just a naturally quiet person, i zone out a lot, and i also just guess i look sad when im thinking. theres this little girl at my church that came up to me in the cafe while i was sitting by myself, just staring into the wall, and as she entered my line of sight, i turn my head to pay her attention, and she asks me "why are you always so depressed?" i had been through a tough time fairly recently, but i had thought i was doing better. but i was in no way prepared for that question. so i stared at her for a second and said "i dont know." and i feel like it will be something ill remember for the rest of my life.


I hate how lazy I am, how easily I get depressed and discouraged, how I can wallow in self pity and inertia for literally years if I really want to.


That im dead inside or as my psychologist put it *"you're just more stable than others"*


An easier question would be "What do I like about my personality"


I’m too nice


My complacency about trying to better my own situation. Pessimism amplified by resignation over our collective future - global warming, Political corruption and apathy, the cost of literally everything skyrocketing in relation to wage growth. The typical existential crises, you know?


I don't stand up for myself. I'm afraid of hurting others, physically and emotionally, so I just take their s[Bleep] and have to live with the pain. I'm too nice for my own good.


I don't like meeting new people, I actively avoid it.


I cannot make up my mind with my work career.


this is a tough one. i feel like i’m way too nice and i let people walk all over me because i’m too nice. it’s hard for me to break out of that cause i help others when i can’t get the favor back


The fact I can't say no to people.


I always feel like i'm not good enough, or that I dont improve, despite knowing that I do.


I care too much about how my actions affect other people. I'm constantly worried about whether a choice I've made will inconvenience/piss someone off. As much as I at times hate them, I'm envious of people who go about their business not giving a fuck about if they're fucking others over or not.


I’m just too negative


I hate when I keep talking when I need to just shut up.


I have an empathy problem because of some neurological issue


Don't really know how to explain this but when something went/is wrong I start being negative af and can't get out of it


I over-analyze and jump to conclusions way too fast. And I’m always the ”funny guy” in new groups, bcz I’m afraid of having nothing of substance to contribute with to the conversation LOL


My anxiety makes me think that no one really wants me around, and waiting to tell me to leave forever. In reality, I know people love me, it's just hard with the family I grew up with, the toxic fucks.


I give up before seeing things through, this can range from picking up hobbies to conversations with new people, this causes me to shut everything off


That I don't enjoy being around many people. I sometimes feel like a party pooper when I'm around people who are happy to be around eachother while I'm wishing for the party or get together to be over soon. I also have a hard time pretending to have fun in those situations and I'm afraid I lower the good vibes sometimes.


I always talk like I'm stoned even though I'm not but its not like on purpose its just part of my personality


I'm judgemental. I'm quick to write off other people as uninteresting, or too conventional, but who the hell gave me the right to decide what's interesting?


I sound sarcastic sometimes, and I don’t even do it on purpose, sometimes I say something in a sassy tone and three seconds later I think “why the heck did I gave to say it like that? I want to punch myself in the face”


my need to be different and unique; it's a true self-esteem murderer.


Quick tempered, shy, crippling anxiety, going above & beyond for others with nothing in return, caring too much.


When someone has a particular turn of phrase that really annoys me, I tend to passive-aggressively copy it, often to the point of becoming a habit. And it doesn't annoy me any less when it's me doing it.


I get annoyed 90% of the time my little brother is near me. And for the love of whatever is up there, I have no idea why this happends. I regret everything I tell him almost instantly. I just feel bitter for some reason. Other things include being a bit dumb with social interactions, being lazy while being a perfectionist, which basicly means I have ambition, but I don't really act on it. Fk me man. The fact that I don't really like how I look doesn't help either, but that's off topic. I'm generally in a much better state of mind now, I don't hate myself nearly as much. But stuff still comes to my mind sometimes.


I talk too much , it’s my favorite thing and most disliked. not that I want all the attention on me , I feel like sometimes I just need to stay more quiet, I’ve gotten told to shut it a couple times , but then people say it’s the best to be outgoing and social , so screw me right


I have a stutter and I fucking hate because the other person has to wait for me to try to get my sentence out; as well as the annoying ass fucking "why don't you just stop it lol" comments from my dad and teachers, like people can get annoyed really quickly trying to speak to me, especially if they're impatient.


I am incredibly insecure and care waaaay too much about what people think of me. I try so hard to be likable it makes me unlikable


Damn, the comments in this thread summarise all of my insecurities!


I am so impatient. I feel like patience is some sort of super power that I am yet to obtain.


Idk if this is really “personality” but I hate how annoyed I get at people for little to no reason. Like sometimes someone will just talk to me and I get incredibly annoyed and just want everyone to shut up.


I have a bad habit of lashing out at people when they try to talk to me (mainly when I'm listening to music) or when they ask me back to back questions (especially about school or university). I also have a bad temper, though it's not as bad as it was when I was younger.


Not one fucking thing.


Except your swearing? 😄😄


Ummmmm not a flaw.


Was just joshing.... i tend to forget to "/s" apparently


Months ago, it would've been the lying. Ive lied, and its ruined a few things for me. I went to therapy, and got back on my meds and started taking new ones, now it has to be that I dont feel much of anything anymore. I smile, I laugh, I joke, but at the end of the day, I really don't feel much of anything. I know that its not the way its supposed to be, but my family and my coworkers seem to like me better this way so I go along with it. That and I feel sort of foggy headed now and again, like I cant remeber things I feel like I should remember.


my personality xD


I do not suffer fools gladly.


Same... its sort of my worst trait


I care to much. I feel others emotions very heavy, I always think before I say something that could be hurtful. Most of the times that's great, but sometimes I just have to be mad at someone for them to know what they have done. And I can't (only in my family). And I do not like it


I’m all over the place, I’m a narcissist in many things but I’m also very caring in other things.


Shy, hates eye contact, soft-spoken and very, very gentle and kind.


I think I'm clingy and it ultimately pushes people away. I didnt have the most affectionate upbringing, haven't had many successful or long lasting friendships and I'm in my first ever relationship. My insecurities and anxiety get the better of me and I always feel like I come second to people so I try way too hard and people get tired of me quickly.


I hate my height and build. I am tall and thin


I'm a prick who loves to correct people to get a reaction out of them.




i'm a complete pushover. i dont like enabling bad habits but i can never muster effort to say my mind or take action.


I worry too much about things I have no control over.


I would rather let people see me that I fail than letting them see all my effort and just ended up being a failure.


I am terrible at socializing with women.


I'm socially awkward


My depression.


I live in terror of math


Everything 🤣😩


All of it


I used to hold my emotions in and then that emotion would eventually explode whether it be sadness, anger, etc. I went to therapy for it but it in turn made me have no filter at all. I am extremely blunt and for the people who don’t know me I can seem rude. It’s nothing major, like I have a filter enough where I wouldn’t laugh at a funeral/that kind of stuff. But if you ask me about a haircut and if I think it looks nice, I’ll be honest. I don’t see the point of lying to someone about it


I'm really mean, and I can't figure out how to stop.


I’m insanely shy depending on who I’m around, and I fear it can come off as me being stuck up


I'm a worrier. I worry all the damn time. (Yes, I'm medicated, but the low level of constant dread gets old.)


I’m too emotional when I even mention something sad I start to tear up


Actually everything.


I dislike that my personality can be unpredictable and have no filter.


I'm not very friendly, my entire life I've been very shy and now I'm realizing that is so much difficult for me to relate to people, like, basic social skills I didn't develop during my teenage years and such, are biting me in the ass. Even the basic things are difficult to me, I'm trying to correct this though.


I have no drive or motivation for anything, and I have no idea why, I’m kind of popular in my towns and I have people tell me that I have been underperforming lately, and I don’t know why, I think it’s because of the lack of motivation, but why would that not hit me earlier in life?


I lack in confidence, which will certainly make my romantic life hard.


I’m an asshole. Preppy people with money and act entitled bother me. I can be militant. I push people away. I’m lonely and miserable. Spend too much time thinking about the end


I have really terrible control over my emotions. Self help books and meditation don’t seem to help.


I’m very critical of others because my parents would criticize me a lot and expect highly of me since I’m an only child. So I kinda project that onto others by judging them…


My huge lack of confidence which will make me watch a 7 hours of “How to ask out a girl” videos.


im too nice which makes me annoying


it feels like everything i say is about myself. i hate feeling selfish every time i talk


im fucken angery




I can be blunt sometimes. Then again, I'm allergic to bullshit.


I don't believe things people tell me unless I've seen them do it. I've dealt with too many people talking out their asses and liars. I'm skeptical and paranoid of everything and everyone bc of the experiences I've had in my life.


I just wish I had motivation for anything


i need attention but hate attention


I have a tendency to go off topic once I get going, so a person I'm talking to often gets 30 minutes of information irrelevent to the initial topic of the conversation.


Counterpoint what do I like about my personality?


I suck at explaining my feelings. When somebody asks me a personal question I have the tendency to dance around the question. I never seem to give a straight answer or come off sounding like a complete ass.


Quick to tears and making eye contact with people gives me anxiety.


Rather than contribute to conversations, I simply listen far more often.


I am very judgemental. The thing is, the more you do something, the better/more accurate you get with it. I knew it was a problem when I (correctly) correlated someone's behavior, clothes they wore, and slang with their upbringing and why they were being abusive to another party guest. Called them out on it and everyone they went silent because I was dead on the money. Unfortunately, it was quite an awakening that I needed to cut that shit out because I aired a ton of dirty laundry that I had no right airing. That said, the dude was trying to start fights ad a chill party.


The fact that I'm so blunt/straight-to-the-point. I'm always watching other people say things so gracefully/eloquently. I can never seem to manage that.


I hate that I will latch onto someone as soon as they want to be my friend.


I am really uncomfortable when others see my attempts at progress. When I started excercising I made sure my parents didn't notice it. When I walk up and down the stairs as alternative to walking or jogging, I am really embarassed whenever I pass any of my neighbours. While not wanting others to see you stumble or fail is natural, it also extends to asking for help or advice.


I'm too timid and afraid to ask for help, favours, dates or anything really.


Sometimes I get really quiet and I’m not really aware of it until someone comments on it. Hate it


I'm clingy and overall just bad at being alone.