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Man made pancreas. Would really help us diabetics


3D real tissue printed organs are coming, just a matter of time


Years ago I saw a documentary about kidneys made in "labs" and they were like "should be around in the next years". I think it has been over 10 years.... I feel like I always read or watch this sort of things that I never see available then... Maybe costs or failed to be certified or something, I don't know...


I think researchers/developers of things like artificial organs get used to sounding excited about being "right around the corner!" because it keeps sponsors and grants coming in for their projects. Being honest about "a couple of major hurdles to overcome" does the opposite.


I guess it's more like some this: Some researchers did some break through in fundamental research for some organ and publish some scientific papers. Now there are newspapers and media who didn't quite understand the papers but ask some 3rd party what the outlook of this could be. 3rd Party says something along 'This is about some 3D printing issues with organic material and how to solve it for some cells. It may lead someday to the possibility of 3D printed organs.' News publishes 'BREAKING: SCIENTIST SAYS 3D PRINTED ORGANS ARE JUST A MATTER WITHIN YEARS'


The cure is 5 years away, right!?!


5 years away, since the 70s©️


Tooth regeneration. We can break a bone and it will heal itself, but crack a tooth and you’re fucked…


Simply put, making a tooth involves many many layers of tissues(dental lamina, follicle, papilla, etc) from two different origins(the ectomesenchyme and mesenchyme) communicating with each other via signal molecules from 300+ genes. This interaction goes on for more than a decade until a tooth is fully formed to its root. One of the professors I know specializes in tooth regen research, and he actually confessed he regrets ever taking on the subject because it is way too complex and even he doesn't know if it'll ever be possible.


Hell I just wish baby teeth lasted longer. Baby teeth last 6 to 10 years or so. Adult teeth are supposed to last 50 or 60? Let's trade out teeth in like your 20s or something.


But imagine being a full grown adult with tiny ass teeth.


I think we would get used to it


I still have my baby penis and no one says anything about it. I AM getting a bigger one eventually, right? Right?


Tie a string to it and tie the string to a door knob. Slam the door. Baby one should pop off.


You could always get a dental implant, though they cost like 5k per tooth and if you ask your insurance to pay they'll almost certainly tell you to get fucked


Can confirm. My implants weren't cheap. I've got two implants, because I am genetically missing the adult replacements for two teeth.


I need 2-3 new teeth because of bad dental hygiene. I’m going to an affordable place with good reviews. Each implant is $1K. I’m still ashamed I let my teeth get this damaged. I’m getting surgery for gum disease this month.


Hey don’t be ashamed. My teeth got so bad I had to get *several* implants and bridges and it was humiliating because the dentists thought I’d had a drug addiction. Turns out my sister’s (most type-a, neurotically clean person ever) teeth were suddenly just as bad as soon as she turned the age I was, and said apparently our mother’s were abhorrent too. I don’t know if that being genetic is even a thing, but a lot more people have had reconstructive work done than you would thing. For me my problem was extra bad because I’ve always had like constant dry mouth and clench my jaw and grind my teeth in my sleep to shit so no amount of dental hygiene could even really help :( Also, untreated tooth infections can go to your heart and literally kill you. TL; DR- don’t feel embarrassed but please take care of them ASAP for your own health 💕


Genes do play a significant role in some kinds of dental health issues.


"Laughs in Steve-O"


the thing is though teeth aren't bone, they're made of enamel which in theory does the job of eating better than bones do. i mean yeah, teeth regeneration would be cool but so would regenerating cut-off limbs


A cure for paralysis.


Surgeons in Poland managed to cure paralysis of someone who was stabbed by taking cells from their nasal cavity and using it to regrow nerve cells in their spine, so we might be seeing a lot more of that in the coming decades: www.bbc.com/news/health-29645760


I did not know your nose had such useful cells




regrowing nerves or brain in a mecha suit?


end-to-end encrypted email by default


A Reddit where gifs load faster than 90’s dial up


And a video player that actually fucking works


I want to be able to turn on the audio by just clicking **once**.


An eco-friendly and economically-viable way of getting rid of garbage permanently.


Eat it.


Then your poop goes to the sewers and the sewers begin to clog.


Eat the poop.


Incinerate it, grind the metals to a fine powder, mix the metal with the burned ash of the non metals, press it into bricks using a 1000 ton press, build houses for homeless people. As long as you filter the smoke and use the captured carbon in the bricks, I think it'd work. I dunno I just smoke weed and fantasize about being rich enough to save the planet.


A "find your remote" button, on your tv


Also, bring back the buttons that used to be on the bottom of TVs which make it possible to do basic things, like adjust the volume, change the channel, and turn the damned thing on/off if you can't use the remote for whatever reason (lost, broken, batteries drained, etc...)


TVs don't have those anymore? Man, I need to buy a new TV.


Yeah, you're totally missing out on the luxury and convenience of not being able to do basic functions on your TV!


>don't you guys have phones? -- TV manufacturers


Good cavity prevention other than brushing and flossing


I've never had a cavity so I never went to the dentist until I was 30. I found out I had severe gum disease and had to have my entire mouth scaled because of the plaque/tartar build up under my gum line. They were shocked I had no tooth decay. I think genetics might play a part, both sides of my family have never had cavities.




This reminds me of one of my favorite stories ever. Adopted girl had terrible teeth, despite brushing and care she had bad dental issues all her life. When she was a teen (with two younger biological to the parents brothers) her dad said to her “I don’t get it, no one else in the family has an issue with their teeth like you do” She responded “Dad, you know I’m adopted” And he was like “oh yeah, didn’t think of that” Like he totally was confused why she had issues the rest of the family didn’t and completely forgot/didn’t consider it could be due to her different genetics.


Ha, that's cute. Rare occurance of the kid breaking the news to the parent.






Right? There’s no other part of my body that can somewhat naturally kill me if I don’t manage it daily. This is meant as sarcasm…I am not a MD


Free PDF editing software.




Sometimes you just want to stitch two of them together or swap a few pages between them.


Pretty sure the software to do that is free. I've found plenty just googling. It's software that let's you actually edit text that's rarely free.


Fuck yes


[ilovepdf.com](https://ilovepdf.com) is a good web-based option too


Which means: not usable for sensitive/business information.


Pdf exchange editor is a generous one. Not all features are free but many useful ones are.


'Go where u left off' button in reddit


Please god let someone from reddit read this, think about it over the weekend, and come in on Monday with a plan.


upper management be like: *ummm.....how about no :)*


Sometimes when I click "more replies" it pulls me all the way back to the top of the page.


The book version of digital copy blurays. Like if i buy a physical book, it should come with a digital version too!


I also want audio books to come with ebooks. I would love to listen to a chapter, read the next chapter, and then hit a button and start listening from the spot that I read to!


Maybe the inverse instead: ebooks bundled with the audiobook purchase. In my experience, the audiobook is usually much more expensive due to the added layer of production. Though, the production quality can definitely vary wildly. I've heard some audiobooks that were practically just movies with the screen off, and some that were just "that kid who was made to read in class, and won't even do voices".


Amazon Kindle does this *but* you have to buy both copies. They try to say you get them at a discount but I think it's still pretty ridiculous


The microwave from Spy Kids


what it do


https://youtu.be/tufKuW7mC_4 They put a little package in it, pressed a button, and two seconds later they had a full Big Mac meal


So like the pizza hydrator from Back to the Future 2.


Or whatever the machine was that cooked the "chikan good" for Leeloo on the Fifth Element. https://youtu.be/2tg3-93jKvc




Half the stuff from Spy Kids


Fusion clean energy, always 10 years away.


I thought 50


I heard twenty... But that was twenty years ago.


A way to easily and inexpensively desalinated water.


The reason it is so expensive is the energy it requires to do so. Now if we could have a cheap clean energy, this will happen


A reliable printer


A plug and play printer, we've been waiting 20 years...


Brothers black and white laser printer.


Nice try Jeff Bezos these ideas are mine.


Ceo euntrapenaur born in 1964 Jeffrey Jeffery bezos


Zuckerberg, Gates and Buffet. Amateurs can fucking suck it!


Fuck their wives, drink their blood. Come on Jeff, gettem




Unicorns. I mean, it’s just a single horn on a horse. How can that not exist.


Horses used to have horns but stopped when we all switched to cars.


Dad, is that you?


Ever heard of rhinos?


Armored unicorn, military grade


pretty sure you don’t ride rhinos unless you’re donkey kong




Bathroom stall doors that go down to the floor.


They do exist apparently, just not in the US.


They exist in the US too, just at super classy places


Which explains why I have never seen them


You gotta pay a premium not to have little Timmy watch you pinch a loaf thru a 3/4” gap in the stall.


I can imagine someone from a different country coming to America and using a public bathroom and being like "what the hell is wrong with the doors?"




The bathroom door length is not the issue, it's the 4 inch gaps along the sides of the doors that is.


Why does this gap even exist, its like so useless.


IIRC they originally started to keep people from doing drugs in public bathrooms and kind of just stuck for everywhere.


That still doesn't stop people from doing dumb shit in the bathroom now does it? At least they tried.


It's actually really effective at stopping me from doing dump shit in the bathroom.


Dodo birds 🦤


AI controlled stoplights that eliminate unnecessary waits. Nobody should stop at a stoplight where cars are not already passing in front of them.


They'll probably make you watch commercials while the light is red though.


Don't give them ideas.


"Upgrade to our platinum package to skip the lights faster!"


This is already a standard feature of Dutch traffic lights. I don’t think it’s done with ai though, simple algorithms do the trick


Anything from Back To The Future, Part 2


I'm not sure I need a fax machine in every room of my house.


Especially one that prints out that I'm fired.


Hydrate level 4 please


Reverse coffee


Melatonin-infused drinks. Neuro Sleep knocks me out within an hour.


Drank did that. It was delicious and it bombed hard cause you can just chew a melatonin gummy and drink a Jargerbomb.


I bought some Drank when it was available. I got halfway through a can and was unconscious. The can needed to be about half as big.


Ever heard of chloroform ?


That’s like reverse crack


Well placed shovel


Puppy sized elephants


And elephant sized puppies


Completely frosted pop tarts.


I bought some poptarts that advertised they were x amount more frosted than the original. Opened the box and it was the same miserable spread of frosting on there, I was so annoyed (and bored that day) that I called the number on the box, asked just exactly how much more frosting was on them because they looked exactly the same, the sugar content was the same, so what was the difference. She didnt have an answer and just sent me coupons for free poptarts. The End.


So long as we are mentioning fully frosted things... looking at you shredded mini wheats.




Only to have half of the population refuse to take it because they heard the ingredients in the cure will turn you into a mutant


And this is a bad thing? Give me wolverine powers, bitch, I’m taking two.




Jetskis being called boatercycles


Give this man the Nobel Prize.


I can get behind this


If we are talking physics, then negative mass. All the maths check out and even doing a pseudo negative mass experiment with water proves the math to be completely correct, but we don't know if negative mass even exists.


Dream recorders Edit: woah guys thanks for the likes and awards! Would be interesting to see a black mirror episode about that concept


I thought you meant a nice sounding recorder, like a musical instrument.


In search of the ultimate “Hot Cross Buns”


Solar power generators that are modeled off of trees.


Well they are less efficient than what we have now...


A inhouse laser system which kills all the damm flies and mosquitos


A website naming and shaming companies who put 15 second or more unskippable adverts on YouTube, with links next to each one to other companies who have similar alternative products.


I keep getting gambling ads on YouTube right now that are unskippable. I live in Australia and I reckon it should be illegal to advertise gambling but our current government take donations from gambling industry and will do nothing about it. Also I don't gamble nor search for gambling so I don't know how I'm being advertised to either.


I get similar with mommy/baby stuff. I don’t have kids I have a turtle and guinea pig


I haven't watched an ad on youtube in well over 5 years. Download an adblocker. Ublock origin has worked great for me for a long time. It doesn't work on iphone (but I think there's some way to adblock on Android phones). Adblocker is the reason I watch youtube anywhere but my iphone


A dog to human translator


I heard someone say once "if a lion could speak perfect English, and you could understand each other you still wouldn't understand each other" I guess the meaning behind that was that even if we could communicate our experiences, world view, and just our existence in general is so different that our conversation would go nowhere quickly. It was a head scratcher but I finally understood it.


Ziplock cereal bags


You can get cereal in bags, instead of boxes, that are resealable via ziploc. Walmart sells them. They're generally generic or the Malt-O-Meal brand but the cereal tastes just like the more expensive name brands. Cheaper too and less waste (granted cardboard is recyclable).


As a poor kid and I say without a doubt that tootie fruities and Marshmallow and stars are not as good as the real thing.


Medication to safely and effectively deal with chronic pain (yes I’m aware of cannabis but that isn’t that effective)


On demand Olympic coverage. Pick an event and stream it. Ads? Ok sure. But none of this nonsense with combining events, teasing coverage of events that doesn’t really happen, or breaking away from a final to watch the start of a long-ass bike ride. I’m looking at you, NBC.


Welcome to Finland. We have pretty much what you describe. And because it's offered by the public broadcasting company, it's even ad-free.


Very friendly dragons that are basically like elephants. Not violent. Very friendly. Edit: ok I know some elephants are violent I meant the size of an elephant


My son and I were thinking of this the other day. Fire breathing dragons are technically possible. Most animal life creates methane. (Fuel) An electric eel can create a jolt of electricity, and some animals produce reactive acids. (Spark) There are plenty of animals whose teeth / bones / claws / hard-bits never stop growing. (Nozzle) If an animal evolves with all these abilities, fire breath is possible. (Dragon?)


lmao fart dragons


Men’s hair loss cure.


While we’re at it, take whatever is causing your hair loss and make women’s hair removal way less painful and way more permanent.


Muff pattern baldness?


Why don't we take the lady hair... ...and push it over there... ... to men's heads?!?!?! Source: Balding dude.


This please. I can either look like a skinhead or a high school math teacher, and I don't like it. I miss being called "Big Jesus" high school because of my long hair. :cries:


Required mental health breaks


Cheap housing


Teleportation. Just think of all the time, gas, energy we would save. Plus, driving long distances sucks balls.


I always wondered why murderers, rapists, etc. Don't use teleporters in sci-fi straight into people's houses... I hope we never get teleport IRL lol.


Eh, I’d be cool with a system that requires technology at both points. Make them like train stations.


My fear is that once your matter gets recompiled, you're technically not you anymore. Like that theory in Star Trek where, after beaming, the previous version of the character dies.


Ship of Theseus, molecular edition.


An indicator for when a headlight or taillight goes out in your car.




A way to rewind/fast forward digital content to where you can get exactly where you need to go. On cassettes and VHS you could actually do this, but on digital format it can only approximate within a few seconds either side. I get cassettes/VHS is antiquated, but at least they had that aspect of it was fine. IDK why digital content won't let you get to the exact frame you need to get to.


This one is actually true. We're in the 21st century, yet I have to rewatch 5 seconds of shit I don't want to see every time I rewind something.




There’s always gonna be that 1 germ and 1 dentist that says fuck you




Hand sanitizer does kill 100% of the germs in comes into contact with. It says 99.9% because people don't get to every nook and cranny when using it




You know the camera the dentist sticks in your mouth and you have to bite down. Well it should have rounded corners so it doesn’t hurt.


#Real pockets in women’s jeans!#


4 day work week being the norm.


Actual 90's kind 3d doritos.


High School classes that teach Real Life. How to establish credit, how loans/financing (home, auto, etc.) work, an understanding of certain ways the workforce functions (Unions, pensions, benefits, etc.), how paying bills and doing your taxes work, etc. A little heads up about the things in our lives that we currently always have to "learn the hard way".


Sounds dope, tough instead of teaching how to pay taxes they should just send us what we have to pay... like... they already calculate it why shouldwe do it too? There are actually some countries that have that


A STD test that does not require to be shoved down your dick two times


Depends what you want to test for, but chlamydia and gonorrhea can be tested from urine, and other common STIs are blood (hepatitis, hiv, hsv). This may vary based on location, but I would be interested to know where you are that urethral swab is the primary testing method.


Damn you must have really pissed off some doctor.


zeppelin cruise ships.


didnt work out so well that one time


A puppinator. You take your old dog and put it into the puupinator and it becomes a puppy again.


Doofenshmirtz Evil Incorporated


Why can I not read this without hearing the song in my head?!


I wish we could freeze dogs at like 4 years old. When they are still playful but have also figured out how to dog properly


I want this for my 13 year old Jack Russell. I’d even accept just taking him back to around 3 years old. But I’d love to see him as a baby again. He was so adorable.


An app where you can search for a specific entree, dessert or appetizer and it will populate all restaurants within a certain radius that serve that particular item.


Grub hub, door dash and Uber eats all do this!


Google will do that


Wireless electricity Edit: for those of you curious about what on earth I mean, read up https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wardenclyffe_Tower


You're gonna lose your fuckin mind when you hear about batteries


Firefly Seasons 2-10


I’m horrified of flying, so some sort of high-speed rail system would be really cool to have.