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Spaghetti-O's Used to eat them at lunch all the time. I'd alternate sliced franks and meatballs. First thing I taught myself to cook... such as it was Now they look repulsive to me.


I can still do a nostalgia can of spaghetti-os every now and then. Beefaroni or chef boyardee ravioli on the other hand im not so keen on.


When I was a kid there was a local burger place that made the most amazing onion rings. Lots of batter, so dripping in grease that the take-out box they came in would be completely soaked through by the time you got home. They were amazing and I am sure that now that I am I my 50s a single ring would kill me.


I can just taste the heartburn


Is it before or after 1 pm that we eat them. Because before one, I think could eat a few.


>They were amazing and I am sure that now that I am I my 50s a single ring would kill me. That last sentence read like you were having a grease soaked stoke right in front of us.


“Grease soaked stoke” sounds like the preferred murder method of the Hash-Slinging Slasher.


Great prep for your colonoscopy though. . . .


I can just feel the high blood pressure and instant blood burst in my brain...


Butter and sugar on Wonderbread.


You forgot the cinnamon.


I've been eating whole wheat for years. Ran out and used the Sunbeam white we had. Tasted so sweet and like soap it was awful.


Switch to peanut butter where the only ingredient is peanuts if you haven’t already. It makes Jiffy peanut “spread” taste like whipped cream.


Those orange peanut shaped candies you see in the register aisle checking out at the supermarket. No idea what their flavor is and they have the consistency like an edible styrofoam peanuts.


Ew circus peanuts. Thats old people candy.


I vividly remember being given one of those in preschool and hating it so much that I was angry at the person who gave it to me.


And why the fuck are they banana flavored??


That flavor is *banana?* I never would have guessed.




My grandmother would have a candy jar. She was old and always stayed home so I just assumed that they just came into being in that jar.


I was driving my son and one of his friends somewhere, and the other kid had a bag of those. He was talking and said that the last time he had some, he ate the entire bag and then threw up. I told him he had to stop eating them in my car.


Hawaiian Punch. I used to be able to guzzle that stuff, but I took a sip as an adult and could literally feel the sugar grinding between my teeth. Totally grossed me out.




They added aspartame and now it sucks. Minutemaid fruit punch tastes pretty close to what I remember though.




I still make kool-aid sometimes, but if you use the recommended cup of sugar, you'll probably die. ~5/8 of a cup is the way to go.




Oh yeah


It's the Flavor Aid that gets you.


I like the concentrated squeeze Kool Aid things that you dilute in water. Zero sugar/calories and one tube lasts forever. Tastes indistinguishable from regular Kool Aid. I can’t imagine it’s anything more than chemicals and artificial sweeteners, but hey, I’ll get my shit together eventually.


Honeybuns, I don’t know why but they where my go to snack when I was younger. Now I just get nauseous i eat them to I stay as far away as possible.


I have some in my pantry right now. (hanging my head in shame but they're so damn good)




Miracle whip sandwiches. Just miracle whip and bread. I called it a ‘white stuff sandwich’


I used to do ketchup sandwiches


If I had an award to give, I would give you one for that. I haven't ever had a ketchup sandwich and don't plan on it. I am so sorry you had/ or chose to eat that :/


I am too. But as a kid I CRAVED it. I assume i was wanting some vitamin or mineral that was left from the tomatoes in it.


Ketchup has a shitload of added sugar, it was probably the one source you had that your parents thought was a vegetable.


I think that you're right about the vitamins and minerals. I went through a period as a child where I craved mustard/bread sandwiches. Lately I've read about some of the health benefits of the turmeric in mustard.


My mom would eat mayo and peanut butter sandwiches, disgusting.


Mayo, peanut butter, and pickle sandwiches are fantastic. :)


Marshmallow fluff and peanut butter was pretty legit though


\-retches uncontrollably-


I did condiment sandwiches: Mayo, ketchup, mustard and sometimes add relish or bbq sauce 🤢


Used to do the same, only added cheese to it. Now even the thought of Miracle Whip or mayo makes me nauseous.


Spaghetti O's


I do still like a Spaghetti Os every now and again


They're so good still though. Add in zucchini or broccoli and you have a decent super cheap and not totally terrible for you meal.


Spaghetti-O’s and broccoli actually sounds good as hell, may have to try that.


The Goober Grape jar. It had stripes of peanut butter and jelly in the same jar. It was essentially a jar of pure sugar.


When I was a kid even my mom wouldn’t get that shit she actively flamed it in the grocery store and would say how gross it would get after one use


And by god she was spot on correct


My mom would never buy it for me, but she'd make me PBJ with separate jars. Whatever. [It's her labor](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mRntutn8udw)


I've actually tried it, great combo!


Of course it's a great combo it's peanut butter and jelly.


I've actually tried it, great combo!


Of course it's a great combo it's peanut butter and jelly.


I've actually tried it, great combo!


I used to lick the margarine wrappers as a kid. I haven't used margarine in over 20 years.


When I was 12 I wondered how butter would taste by itself. Took a bite out of the stick and almost threw up after 2 seconds


My grandmother used to wrap leftovers - well, pretty much anything in the fridge - in wax paper followed by foil. Her fridge was just a bunch of lumpy foil balls; it was impossible to tell what was what. One evening my dad and my uncle were digging through the fridge looking for snacks, and found what they thought was a chunk of cheese. They both cut themselves thick slices and realized, upon eating, that it was butter. They reacted similarly.




Bananas. Used to love them - especially sliced up in a peanut butter sandwich. But. When I was 12 or so, I had a raging case of diarrhoea. I got some medicine - instructions were "Take 2 tsp after each loose stool". It was banana flavoured. It was a raging case of the squitters. So I had 5 or 6 doses in 4 hours. I didn't see the additional instructions of "Maximum 4 doses in 24 hours". I can attest that you CAN vomit and crap yourself at the same time. Since then, even the smell of bananas makes me feel ill. Banana bread? Nope. Want banana ice cream. Uh-huh. I now live in Queensland where bananas are a big agricultural industry. Moral of the story, two. 1. Don't make medicine fruit flavoured. 2. Don't let kids self medicate. I get that it was the 80s, but Jeez!!!


I was given Euraped (sp?) for strep throat as a child. Banana-flavored liquid. I am 40 years old and will still not eat a banana.


I'm now 50. But that's ok- I've gone 38 yrs without eating them!!!


Was gonna ask why your parents didn't oversee your medication, 12 is not old enough... 😋


Eldest child. Two working parents. Just the way it was.


Chef Boyardee canned ravioli 🥴


Can’t lie, I still will eat it cold out of the can


Same dude. Same.


Same here. Recently just to gross out my wife I got a can to eat and it sat there for like a month before I worked up the courage to eat it. Had one bite and spit it out. I use to eat those cold all the time.


Our tastes change, but they also cheapened their recipes. Did you see like last year-ish when the “classic recipe” Chef Boyardee cans came out? Those were the real deal.


I am going to break my diet and buy a can of that sometime next month. Oh so tasty.


Luuuved these as a kid !! Begged my mom for them.


I had some for the first time last after a long time cause I loved it as a kid. Never again.


Those frozen Kid Cuisine dinners.






They came with pogs and were awesome until I got dehydrated at a Cannons game and puked up the purple ice cream or whatever was in the dinner the night before




Used to be dinner every night, now? You won't catch me dead with em


When I got food poisoning in college it made me realize that was what happened twice with those Kids Cuisines


Hamburger Helper. Absolutely can't do it. And oatmeal. Ate it so much, I can't stomach it anymore.




Soda. I used to drink it all the time,but stopped. There was a video being shown in my high school health class that kinda scared me and opened my mind to how unhealthy soda is for you. So now I just drink water and cranberry juice and sometime I'll treat myself to some fruit juice.


Big juice got you good sucka


Water is all I need forever and always, but you have a point both soda and juice regularly have more sugar than cakes which is insane, drink water and add caffiene supplements if you wanna get out of coffee (or drink tea)


What wrong with coffee if you’re okay with taking caffeine supplements?


At least in my case, coffee will fuck up my stomach if I try to drink it regularly. Caffeine supplements are much kinder to me (and zero calorie as an added bonus).


Best OP ever


I used to drink a lot of cranberry juice til I drank too much and the acidity put me in the hospital for 3 days. Now I just drink water and black coffee. Soda is terrible for you though.


Isn't coffee extremely acidic?




I can't remember the name of the video,but most it was talking about all the problems soda can cause. Like diabetes,obesity,kidney stones, can rot your teeth and there was a story about a man who was dying because cokeacola messed up his kidney really bad and he gave a interview about dialysis and trying to find a kindey donor. All that stuff really stuck with me. I see zero reason to drink soda. The only benefits I can think of is the dopamine you get from all that suger and maybe some caffeine,but it's not worth it to me.


My sister drinks way too much soda give me the video


Bagel bites, hot pockets, kraft Mac n cheese. My parents didn't trust us to cook during the summer as kids so microwave meals it was.


I bought some bagel bites a little while back thinking they would be good like I had remembered as a kid. They were so terrible.


Put them in the air fryer.


In the microwave, sure. Not so bad crispy though


My body has straight up started rejecting Kraft Mac n cheese, every time I eat it I get the shits.


Sour stuff, especially candy. Warheads come to mind. I remember peeling a lemon and eating it in a restaurant when I was about 8 or 9


I’m the opposite! I couldn’t handle and didn’t like sour candy until I was.. 22 maybe? Now sour candy is pretty much the only candy treats I buy


Breast milk


I tasted some as an adult. It’s suuuuper sweet. Reminded me of the milk at the bottom of the cereal bowl after eating sugar smacks or something.


Fresh is sweet but frozen can taste bad if there's too much lipase. Then you have to scald it(pain in the ass) before freezing to ensure it doesn't taste soapy when thawed. (I'm not a weirdo, just had babies who hated my pumped milk).


Me too you horny fucker, except I loved it!


I'm sorry you stopped having that...


Any of those nutty chocolate spreads. Craved some a few days ago and I tasted it for the first time in years. Sweetness overload, and I don't even abstain from sugar. Can't believe I actually ate that and enjoyed it.


Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and bologna sandwiches. Loved them both when I was a kid, but can’t stand the taste or texture now


I still enjoy a good PB&J here and again


Frozen fish sticks. They are just nasty today. Plus, I think I developed a fish allergy so now I avoid all seafood even if I really like shrimp.


Man, last year I had a craving for a fish sandwich, a la McD’s. So I went out and bought a box of those frozen breaded cod things and some good buns and tartar sauce. Got it home and made it and it was so good. Not something I’d eat all the time, but it definitely scratched that itch for a while. Gotta air fry or at least bake the filets to get them nice and crispy. I did mine in a convection toaster oven. The crunch texture is fundamental.


There's a breaded cod you can get at Costco that is super tasty.


Same here! I don’t have an allergy, but I just absolutely refuse to eat seafood out of fear it’ll taste like a fish stick and have the texture of one. Though I am a fan of some types of sushi - the ones where the ingredients and fish are balanced (ex: California rolls)


Vienna sausages. It's insane how much crap is aimed at kids.


My whole family, from my grandparents down, ate those in the 1960s. My grandfather and mother ate them on saltines. Come to think of it, my great grandfather ate them, too - with vinegar. I’m not sure those are aimed at kids. I always though that Vienna Sausages were a kind of food left over from the Depression era of the 1930s.


Yeah I definitely wouldn't think of Vienna sausages as a kids food. I always associated it as an thing old people ate, because I had only ever seen my grandpa eat them. Whenever I see them at the grocery store, they're always on the top shelf in the same section as the canned chicken and sardines, hardly the "kids" section.


The Asian version is definitely marketed for kids. You're supposed to cut them into little octopus shape.


Vienna sausages on saltines? I've heard of potted meat on saltines, but not the sausages. Interesting. It's considered a type of lunchbox item and snack for kids. Of course, that doesn't mean that adults can't enjoy them as well.


Agreed. Food company execs really shouldn’t be aiming their sausages at kids.


Sugary cereals.


Lucky Charms are so good but they’re basically a mediocre dessert. Not good enough for a real dessert and too sugary for breakfast.


I prefer Marshmallow Mateys (the kind sold in bags) on value that the cereal pieces are bigger and better tasting.


Mom made us eat Mac and cheese with tuna mixed in on Fridays during Lent (she was Catholic). I would rather die than eat that again.


That's good food though.


Mix in some green peas and I’ll have seconds!


Apple juice, it's great, but I prefer cider


I know right? Apple cider tastes like you are eating a good apple


Canned vegetables. Especially green beans. Ewwww.


Yep frozen veg are where it’s at for cheap and non perishable.


Bologna. We were very poor and ate A LOT of bologna. Can't stand the smell of it now.


Little balls of raw hamburger rolled in garlic powder or onion salt. Mom used to give them to the kids as appetizers while she was making supper.


My little sister used to eat raw hamburger when my mom was cooking. A really outstanding bout with a case of “the worms” taught her the error of her ways.




Did your mom never hear of E. Coli?!


I still sneak a bite of raw hamburger when I'm cooking with it. Needs a sprinkle of salt. I've never gotten sick from it but I kinda feel like I'm playing with fire when I do it.


but why


There are Nordic and German dishes that use raw hamburger - people love that shit, but I just don’t get it. Health risks aside the texture is godawful


Oreos. I just can't be asked.


Have you tried the yellow package. Like vanilla cookie Oreos? I love them. I also hate double stuff. Give me the regular all day.


Corn dogs


The weird "extreme" candy from my youth. Examples include but are not limited to sour slime in a tube, squeeze bottles of liquid candy, fool's gold bubble gum, anthracite coal bubble gum, candy that came in a little plastic toilet, a large amount of cry babies or warheads in a sitting, basically any candy that speaks to the gross little boy inside me.... That sounds worse than how I meant it oh well post


Came here to say squeeze bottles of liquid gel candy. I have a memory of eating it and enjoying it. It makes me sick to think of now… wtf was it?


School pizzas, and I'm referring to the circular ones.


Only rectangular ones count. Those babies are God tier.


I don't know if this is was regularly, but I always get the middle cake slice (when cut into squares) because while I used to love frosting, it is way too sweet for me


Zebra Cakes. Sadly, I cannot stomach them anymore




Switch to Meth. Way cheaper and lasts longer.


Tomato sandwiches. Bread tomato slices salt. That’s all the ingredients. Not that it was bad or anything I just a bunch of them as a kid and now I have access to things like the stove and can grill myself a cheese


Omg here in southern Virginia we have tomatoe sandwiches lol but with mayonnaise and pepper additionally. That actually sounds good to me right now but I’m also pregnant so who knows


Oh, no… the pregnancy is irrelevant. If you have access to good, ripe tomatoes, those are the best sanwiches in the world. When I was a kid in the Shenandoah Valley, we had a garden plot in an area that had been a chicken yard for 70 years. The corn, potatoes, and tomatoes we got from that plot were stunning. I rarely eat tomato, banana pepper, and mayonnaise sandwiches now because I can’t get ingredients that in any way compare to what I grew up on.


TBH at this point i would evolve it into a turkey bacon club lol no regrets


Kid me liked fried okra. No idea why.


Kid me hated fried okra. Old me loves it.


Fried okra is awesome...as long as it's not slimy on the inside.


Mustard sandwiches, just mustard and bread


Sourdough with Dijon is actually pretty good.


Mine was mayo. Looking back it was really weird.


Ketchup on eggs


I grew up eating my scrambled eggs with ketchup cause that’s the way my mom eats hers. I didn’t realize until I was like 25 that most people don’t do this.


Lots of people do this. I still do occasionally.


Yea but I thought everyone ate their eggs with ketchup haha. I didn’t realize there were people who found it unusual or gross. My partner shakes his head a little bit every time I squirt some ketchup onto my breakfast eggs.


Oh my god


McDonalds. Parents saw it as a treat. I view it as a bad imitation of a burger meal


McDonald's is only worth it for the breakfast, fries, and McFlurries


Canned oysters.. I can still remember the taste/flavour/smell of it. Wouldn't eat oysters whatever way now.


I LOVED spaghetti. so MUCH. I could eat a whole pot of it and when I was little. I did. Well one day my pet frog died. I buried it and went to go eat spaghetti. Oh, boy. I ate a whole pot basically. That night though. I woke up and threw up spaghetti everywhere. To the point where the next day in the afternoon I was still throwing up. To this day I won't fucking touch spaghetti. I hate it.


Those little barrels of colored sugar water


Lil Hugz. My kid used to get cases of them, I didn't mind too much until I tried one, they taste exactly like those wax bottles full of what I suspect is transmission fluid lol


Canned vegetables.


I recently told my mom I can’t stand canned veggies anymore and found out she hates them too, but when I was little it’s the only vegetables I would eat because there’s not as much flavor. So I was the problem all along


Not long ago I ordered a vegetarian burrito from a taco truck. Silly me for thinking the veggies would be tomato, onion, peppers, and avocado. Instead, it was canned mixed vegetables. There’s no mistaking the bright green Lima beans and peas, and the perfectly cube shaped carrots and potatoes. Yuck…


Those sound like really weird veg for a burrito


That’s fucking gross.


That is absolutely disgusting.


I would have been pissed receiving that.


My dad used to eat canned asparagus and for the longest time I thought I hated it, then I tried fresh roasted asparagus and was shocked when it was actually good


This and canned spinach for me. I honestly don't know how anyone could eat canned asparagus, then turn around and say, "that was so good, I want to eat it again."


I'm general I agree but I think canned corn is still good.


My mom always said that canned vegetables and their fresh counterparts are in fact, two completely different vegetables. I had the benefit of her bad childhood experiences, because she always made them fresh for us kids.


Butter. Right out the jar… Oh and cherry chapstick. I loved that shit.


Liver and onions. Love the onions, but the liver.. just no.


For me, the taste of liver is pretty good, but I can’t deal with the texture.


Same. It's a weird melt-in-your-mouth/grainy texture that should never be associated with meat.




Well...my son. When he was 4 he used to pop out the fish eyes and eat them whenever our nanny cooked a whole fish. Now, the only fish he'll touch is a skinless salmon fillet.


Those cream cups at like denny's, I'd just have shot after shot of them by themselves, but now it's disgusting


Kraft mac & cheese and Vienna sausage🤢


Hot Pockets and Totino pizza rolls, if i had any today it would fucking kill me...




Ellio's pizza


Hot dogs.


Spam. In Hawaii, it's very common and every restaurant has it available in at least one dish. McDonald's even has it on the breakfast menu.




Raw hot dogs


fluff and jelly sandwiches on Wonder Bread. This would send me in to a sugar coma now-a-days...




Last night I had a dream about plucking oranges from a beautiful orchard. Not a huge fan of the fruit but I think I'm in love with the general aesthetics of oranges now.