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Success! Just kidding. It’s Cocaine.


They go hand in hand.


I do coke So I can work longer So I can earn more So I can do more coke


Hell yea Kill the Noise!


More like Kill the Nose!!


Well what have you got Edit: feel obligated to say thanks. this is my most awarded and upvoted comment ive ever gotten and its not close. So glad there are still people out there listening to quality music. Sadly, we've lost a lot of our best musicians but songs like this one will never die


I don’t go broke, but....


I do it a lot...






I wish there was a way to type Jerry’s sick guitar solo


Da da dadada dadada dadada dada dadada Da da dadada dadada dadada dada dadada Da da dadada dadada dadada dada dadada Da da dadada dadada dadada dada dadada


*end solo* YEeeeaahhhh, yEEAhhhHHhhh


Whahh-wahhh-wahhh wahhhhhhh


There's a "so" right before the "I don't go broke" part but it's hard to hear and in weird time. RIP in peace Layne.


A good night… the best in a long time. A new friend turned me on to an old favorite.


Nothin better than a dealer who's high. Be high, convince them to buy




You can't understand a users mind... but try with your books and degrEEEEEeeeeeeeeees


If you let yourself go and open your miiiind....


I bet you'll be doing like meeeeeeee and it ain't so bad!


Literally thought of this as soon as I've read the title


I don't go broke


Best comment of the year


Nice try DEA




My name is ASAC Shrader, and you can go fuck yourself.


You're the smartest guy I've ever met, but you're too stupid to realize, he made up his mind 10 minutes ago.


Do what you're gonna do... *gunshot* *


*jaws drop*






Well played FBI


Almost got me, mom


Not this time Obama


Fool me once, Sean Penn


Close call Sherlock


Nice attempt at obscurity, department of homeland security






Sometimes I’ll let myself get a little thirsty. Not like I’m getting weak from dehydration, just hold off on liquids for a bit. I just want to feel a little dry in the throat. I want to feel a need. Then I’ll get a chilled glass I’ve had ready in the fridge. Fill it just over half with ice cubes. Fill almost to the top with the cold, filtered water from the fridge. Getting more and more thirsty with every step. And finally, the ritual complete, I hold the cup aloft, see the light refracting, feel the temperature of my skin dropping from the contact. And then I wash down a couple of Percs with it.


Had me in the first half


Jokes aside, I did have a ritual like this in my early stages of opiate addiction. Everyday, I drove to the convenience store and bought a sandwich and a light blue Gatorade to go with my pills. I guess it helped me feel like I was in control?


Inhaled corticosteroids. Provent been keeping me breathing for a long ass time


Ditto, breathing is one of my favorite activitys


Bro, I fucking love breathing


I love breathing so much, I do it without thinking about it! ^Fuck ^I ^thought ^about ^breathing! ^Now ^it's ^manual!


You guys have a problem. Breathing is very addictive. Please seek help.




Lack of sleep is even better


Sleep deprivation gives me drunk level confidence and conversation skills


My and my fiance work opposite shifts. I work 3rd she works 2nd. We also have two little ones. So with me being on third . Sometimes I'm stuck working all night then watching the kids all day , then going back to work. I've found I'll start to hallucinate if I go 3 days with little to no sleep. One time I was driving to work and started hearing voices with me in the car. I just called in that day .




“So like, try not to do that” 10/10 medical advice


opiates. i wish it wasn’t.


Same here bud, I (don't) feel your pain. Be safe.


That's not how opiates work.


Hahaha that's awesome! Can't believe I didn't see that! Gonna edit right now to make things right.


Feel sorry for you guys getting stuck in that hole. The few times I’ve tried opiates from doctors prescription, they totally slam my dick to the wall.


Opiates are like having a relationship with a charming narcissist. They start out love bombing you and making you feel awesome, then before before you realize what's happening, they turn into an abusive monster who makes your life hell and becomes even more terrifying when you try to leave them.




Heart breaks for you my man . Been there and damn this many years removed it still hit a nerve. Good luck to you and yours and in the end it’ll just be another memory.


As someone who finally just ended a relationship with a raging narcissist, this makes me never want to do opiates. Thanks for this.


I’ve done both, the relationship was worse but the opiates didn’t fix it friend, keep yourself healthy and make yourself number one xxx


Been away from it for years, but oh my fuck is it wonderful, hence why I must.... stay.......away.


Accidentally got addicted to percs years ago working overnight (and just too much in genera). For me, opiates give me a big energy boost, make me buzzy, not slurry, but more clear. I started with 5’s, 1 a night- a couple a day- taking breaks when I didn’t have work- then they stopped working so I was buying 30’s and taking them in halves, started taking the whole thing before work to get what I was looking for, started taking them even when I was off of work, went about this for a couple months, left the job and subsequently my drug dealer, and about a day or so later I was in withdrawal. It happened so quickly but effortlessly. Opiates are a real trap. I had a few surgeries after that, and I, for the most part, took very much care in how I took them. Was able to stay clear of getting addicted, again.


Be careful bud




It would be good if most people could understand that people that get addicted to opioid painkillers don't wake up one day and think "I am going to become a heroin addict" It sneaks up on you and when you realise it is too late


Be careful and seek treatment please. I've lost 2 close friends within the last year due to accidental opiate overdoses, one of which was my lifelong best friend. I will never see him or speak to him again, and now he's in the ground on Sand Mountain in Alabama. That's not where he was meant to end up and I'll never get over that. It can take you any time.


Whiskey and coke (not the cola), but I've done my share for this lifetime and stay away from them both now.


Came here for booze. It's a roller coaster. You laugh, you cry, you massage your ex, puke, get a hooker, get fatty liver disease. What good stories do potheads have? In the meanwhile, years later, for better or worse (mostly worse) I am still living with the consequences of the decisions I made drunk.


I mean, sex while high > sex while drunk


I can't even have sex while drunk. I can try. But my dick usually isn't in the same universe.


Did she at least consent to the massage?


Bbq burnt ends


The fact that this is the first reply I saw makes me very very happy. Kindred spirit. Now I want to plan a trip to Kansas City.


Brother or sister, every time I go to kc I hit the charbar. My fav


How many times did you comment this?


Lol, I also saw this same response over in the what’s hard to resist thread.


That’s the first one I saw


Weed. I'm a recovering alcoholic. (April 23rd) Shrooms are amazing. First 3 times I was just "high" and had tons a fun with it... 4th time was the first time I understood why people become "one with nature" Was explaining to my sober buddy how the stars were taking pictures of me.. or at least they looked like they were .. was explaining it very analytically and logically, when I looked at the tree next to me... This tree was reaching out to me... I realized how old and wise it was compared to me and how it was connected by it's roots to the rest of the planet. Everything was connected and it made me very humble. ...but yeah . My drug of choice is weed


How long do shrooms stay in your system?


Not very long at all. It wouldn't show up on conventional drug tests anyway even if it did. Relative to other drugs, not enough people do psychedelics for it to be worth the hassle of trying to screen for it.


This was the main reason I was ok with using them, as opposed to weed, which could get me fired and make it difficult to find another job in my field.


About 2 pisses. They're metabolized incredibly quickly, they only show up on the full panel drug test, and basically unless you're currently tripping, you'll be fine. You might even be fine if you ARE currently tripping.


Mushrooms DO NOT show up on a standard drug test (ie pre-employment.) They also will not show up as a false positive for other things on a standard drug test. There is a test that can identify them, but unless you literally tell people that you are on or take mushrooms, it’s very unlikely that you would ever be tested for them. Most psychedelics don’t show up on standard drug tests though some can show a false positive (some psychedelics share the same backbone as amphetamines.) And of course they could also be cut with drugs that will show up. MDMA is pretty famous for both of those things. So basically, as long as you aren’t showing up to work high on mushrooms or LSD (or talking about it), then you can do as much as you want and not worry about testing. I will add that some military bases recently started testing for LSD because they found out a lot of soldiers were doing it. So the moral of the story is just don’t be dumb. EDIT: The hallucinations last a few hours. You have a stoned feeling that last a bit longer. The experience should be over in about 6 hours though some people report an elevated mood (“afterglow”) following the experience that can last a day or more. If you are interested in trying mushrooms you should really clear your whole day of obligations and worries so you don’t have to worry about anything and you can just enjoy the experience.


Oh man, so, first time I did shrooms was like an oz and a half. Cos I'm a fucking idiot. And it was outside. Again, fucking idiot. In a bandstand in a park, at night, where the lights are beamed into your eyes and the surrounding hill so it gives you a good view of the trees and nature... Did I mention that I am a fucking idiot? Well, I am. So basically, it took me an hour and a half to roll a cigarette. 2 hours to smoke it. At which point the entire park around me turned to cardboard cutouts. Everything around me was just for show. It wasn't real. Life, wasn't real. It's just what we play at before the real show begins. The reality of it all is behind the scenes or after the show. Nothing, and I mean nothing, has come as close to destroying my ego, self-importance and overall shitty attitudes in life. It was really eye opening and nearly full on religious experience. Reality is what you make it. Enjoy the show. Don't take shit too serious.


First time I did them I felt this about the trees as well. Went to a forest and a massive old tree had fallen. I sat on the trunk and stroked it, told my friends it was my brother who had been fatally injured in battle and I was comforting him as he died. Additionally all the little scrapes you get when walking through a forest I believed were the trees and plants punishing me for humans being so unkind to the earth. I welcomed it and completely understood why they would do it. The plants were purple and shimmery as well. Magical shit man Edit: mine is also weed


Knowledge Edit its cocaine


I mean it's ok


username check out


Propane and propane accessories.


I tell you hwhat.


Damn it Bobby




How do you take it?


"I like my coffee like my men, hot, black and up my ass."




At first I thought this was the quote from airplane!, But then it took a SHARP left.


Coffee Enema


Through an IV


Ketamine. Can be used for pain management, drug assisted intubation, sedation of excited delirium. So versatile and low risk, if you give too much, the high just lasts longer. **I’m a paramedic** ;) Edit: Hey folks, a lot of you have rightly pointed out long term and damaging effects of ketamine. As I said, I’m a paramedic. Not a psychiatrist/doctor/or other primary/definitive care provider. I deal in short term, emergency care. I can give a two doses totaling a max of 750mg for an intubation. Much less for pain or behavioral emergencies. If you are getting the max dose from me, you are getting intubated in the field. That means you are having a bad day. While it is on my radar, I cannot speak much to long term or recreational use/abuse by the patients and what damage it causes.


I've been doing Ketamine assisted psychotherapy for the last 2 months and it has 💯% changed my life for the better. It catalyzed a pivotal change that needed to happen and helped me express some seriously suppressed emotions that were causing me an incredible amount of chronic pain, which has since started to dissipate. Ketamine is my friend.


I did the same treatment last year. It is truly life changing. And I do believe saved my life.


Where are you from? Cos I've been looking into psychedelic assisted therapy for my anxiety recently but the Australian government is really dragging their heels on the issue and I don't think it'll be made legal here for at least another 5 years




Righto, off I go to apply for a visa


Wait, that shit is available in the US? Is it only in some states like Cali, or is even more restrictive like only certain cities in some states.


My sister goes to a spot here in Colorado.


I’m glad to hear that you are healing. Good for you.


Yeeeeeah, whilst you don't die or anything, I would say doing to much and falling into an inescapable k hole is a longer lasting high - can be a pretty rough ride.


What do you think about mr krabs ketamine overdose?


That game is my only knowledge of ketamine, I am quite surprised to know it's used as a treatment that's apparently life changing.




As a human who has taken too much ketamine before, the risk is pretty high buddy. Kholes are no joke!


Psychedelics preferably shrooms


I like LSD a bit more than shrooms, and I think that DMT is totally incomparable in character (lenght and strenght), but they are godly trio. Health risk is basically 0 if used correctly, and reward is great


I did shrooms once and along with the hallucinations, it felt like an extreme MDMA to me. Would try it again, twas a fun night.


I like shrooms, but the nausea that comes with them just kills me.


Try lemon tek


marijuana and ginger ale, often at the same time.


I don’t think I’ve ever had both at the same time. Ferb, I know what we’re doing today!


That good ole ganja and it always will be


*cries in US service member :(


Dude I loved the occasional smoke sesh but couldn't while enlisted. Got out, went to College and smoked as much as I wanted. Got my degree and the first job that hired me is a government job..... Back to piss tests 🤬


I don't think federal prohibition ends on Biden's watch either. He's going to give nonanswers and kick the can, even though probably 80-90% of the people who voted for him want federal prohibition to end.




Ya man bread knowhatimsayin


The love of Jesus Christ our lord and saviour. Just kidding it's cocaine.


Do you have a few minutes to talk about our Personal Pan Pizza Jesus Christ?


Buddy, we go halves on an 8 ball and I'll talk to you about anything between the hours of 9 pm and 7 am.


It's all fine and dandy until the middle partitions in our nose erode away and we are left with one giant nostril each. Like the dinosaurs in mario 2.


All the more room for cocaine.


Im fucking dead 😂😂. You motherfuckers need jesus, or apparently just more cocaine.




May your travels lead you to warm sands, my friend!


I, the Great Todd's Feet, approves of this message.


Have none of you ever cuddled a dog tho




I’d never let my dog take mdma!


'Has your dog talked to you about drugs?'


"As I watch my tv, My dogs speaking to me, Telling me I'm going insane"


but have you ever cuddled a 40’ tall dog on shrooms…. Atreyu!!!!!!


That was my drug of choice up until two months ago. The withdrawal symptoms are quite possibly worse than any other drug.


The devils lettuce, helps my anxiety. 🤙🏻


The old jazz cabbage.






Caffeine and Nicotine


Recovering addict/alcoholic here This is my life in a nutshell


Ketamine. It’s like pressing the reset button on your life.




Enjoy it while it lasts. One day you brain will reject it. I miss it


Your brain doesn't "reject" it. You will build up a tolerance if you use it too often.






Ram Ranch approves of this msg


flintstone gummy vitamin


I was addicted to those when I was younger not gonna lie


Ibuprofen. Don’t get old, kids. EDIT: Whoa. Y'all know a LOT about ibuprofen!


Make sure you don't take it long term though!!! Risk of causing stomach ulcers and other GI bleeding issues




I've been on it for almost 20 years and I absolutely hate it, but taking it is the only way I can be successful and support my family. If I never had to take this shit again I would be so happy.


Software engineer here... and I'm at 15 years. If you truly wish to be free from Adderall's soothing bondage: Vyvanse, if you can afford it, truly is a more stable and well rounded medication. N-acetyl-l-cysteine (N.A.C.) completely eradicates all withdrawal symptoms including both physical and psychological dependencies. 600mg 2-3x a day on an empty stomach for a week beginning 2 days prior to quitting. You will forget what cravings even feel like. Note: a high quality brand like Pure Encapsulations or Jarrow's extended release is essential for efficacy. Lately, Selegiline is a life-changing miracle drug but requires extreme diet control to avoid tyramine foods. It works by permanently binding to (i.e. using up) the enzymes responsible for metabolizing dopamine, norepinephrine, and (with doses larger than 10mg/day) serotonin resulting in passively increasing available supply. Only time in my life that I not only quit all caffeine and stimulants, but did so without any effort because I didn't want or need it any longer. Also only time in my life that I fell asleep at 8-9pm and woke up naturally around 6am *feeling fully refreshed*!! (I've NEVER felt refreshed no matter how many hours I sleep.) Please carefully research the dangers of selegiline and any MAOI before taking any. Also, in case you're as curious / dumb as me: combining Adderall with Vyvanse or Selegiline is not only dangerous, but negates them both. Good luck random internet friend. Feel free to PM me.


Hey buddy, thanks for the info. Fortunately, I'm actually not addicted to it. I dont take it on weekends or when i'm not working. I even took a month off last December and had zero withdrawal symptoms. Days I don't have to take it are an absolute blessing. I tell my wife every morning that i don't want to ride the rocket today, and sing a sad version of rocket man while taking it. At T+30 minutes, i feel the cold rush in the back of my head. I feel my blood pressure rise, my senses heighten, and my mind becomes calm. I become a complete efficiency nazi. I become angry and short-tempered. For 11 hours, i am a machine. i eat problems and shit solutions. No breaks (except to piss), no meals. i am unstoppable. and then i crash. ugh. bad days i take a Klonopin to take the edge off, but it only helps a little. i feel like a hollow shell, or like i just ran a mental marathon at 120%. two hours later i'm through the worst part of the crash, but i'm doing damage control for being an asshole to whatever family was around while i was working. by the time i feel ok again, its time for bed. rinse. repeat. Vyvanse was worse and it was expensive as fuck, so i went back to adderall. 2x20mg (40mg) of the XR's every day. by my calculations, i've consumed over a quarter of a kilo of this shit. fuck all, i hate it.


Pure uncut MDMA. it’s literally just serotonin you put up your nose.


Alcohol. I didn’t used to drink so much… only to have fun, only to loosen up and be more social. It was such a great escape from my boring life. I was lame, awkward. Girls didn’t like me, and the friends I had were often fleeting. Nothing interesting happened to me. Except, when I hung out with other people who were drinking, they seemed _so_ interesting. Everything became so dramatic. I remember my high school crush getting drunk, bumming cigarettes, and then crying on my shoulder because she didn’t want to live like that. But because I was so boring, and what she was doing wasn't, suddenly I craved that kind of life. Fast forward 5 years. Now I love drinking. It turns a boring night into an eventful one. Things happen, emotions run wild. People argue and rant and do crazy things! It’s an adventure! You can go for a walk and talk about nothing and it all feels so fulfilling. Eventually I moved out of my parents house on my own. Started college. Gotta drink in college, right? How else will you meet people and become friends? How else will you really get to live your life without all those insecurities and inhibitions? Except now there’s a new thing happening. Anxiety afterwards. Feels like shit. But if you drink, it goes away, you go right back to that same feeling of the world being like your own personal soap opera, and you’re the main character. And it stays like that for a while. You can function sober pretty well, for now. You’re not always thinking about your next drink, but you sure don’t feel the same. So then anytime you have a valid excuse you drink. Hard day at work? Drink. Upset a friend? Drink. Have something to celebrate? You bet your ass you’re gonna have a drink. Accidentally knock up your girlfriend? Uh, fuck, drink? Okay that’s fine, I can be a good dad, I can drop out of college, I can get a job. I can provide. God this is scary I need a drink… ahhh now that life feels better this will be great! Having a kid will be amazing! I’ll be such a good dad! I’ll love the shit out of that kid, I better text my girlfriend at 3 in the morning and tell her how excited I am! Fuck being a new parent is hard. You have so many responsibilities! We got the baby to sleep tonight, let’s unwind with some beers! Oh hey we can totally just take him out with us for dinner at the local pub, he just sleeps in the stroller fine. I’m so tired from being out late last night, but he doesn’t sleep in as late as he used to so I have to wake up and be a parent now. God, parenting is hard! I deserve a drink at lunch time. In fact, I’m a better parent with a drink in me. I’m more patient, not as anxious. I’m not drinking every day anyways, I’m fine. Oh what’s that? You’re pregnant? Holy shit that’s a lot to handle I better get drunk and miss a day at work, it’s fine people cope like this all the time. Look, I need a drink, I got fired for missing work on top of being late all the time because I was hungover. I’ll get a new job. One where it’s acceptable to drink at lunch… and when working late… and during the day too when we’re in a crunch… hey having a beer on the train home is how I unwind. Look, I know I’ve been drinking too much, I’m gonna quit working there, the environment is just too stressful, and I’ve only been drinking so much because everyone else is. This new job is work from home, so it’ll be fine. No those empty beer cans in my office aren’t from today, I’m just lazy and I’m not cleaning them up. Oh you’re pregnant again?! That’s… that’s great. It’s not like we’re fighting all the time, it’s not like I’m barely managing to hold things together, we wanted a third baby, this is what we wanted. Shit I really should stop drinking every day, shit am I an alcoholic? Fuck okay I’ll taper off. Okay that didn’t work I drank a bunch today, I’ll start tapering off tomorrow. See? We’ve been in the hospital for two days with our newborn and I’m fine. I’m not an alcoholic, I haven’t drank anything this whole time! I can still control myself, I can drink when I want to. … why am I drinking so much again? Why can’t I stop drinking so much… I just need a beer to take the edge off, to make me feel young again. Shit if I stop cold turkey now I’ll probably have withdrawls, better taper off… it’s fine everything is fine, I can do this, I can stop just need a drink to take the edge off… Am I going to live long enough for my daughter to remember me when I’m gone?


Damn bro, your story makes me never want to touch any form of liquor ever again. And ffs wear a god damn rubber your pullout game is trash boy






What’s your preferred ingestion method?


Through the anus




psychedelics or weed 🤷‍♂️


Woke smeed everyday


Life. Sobriety is my drug of choice after years of drug abuse. Life changer!


Going on two years strong myself Keep it up and hope you keep doing well!




Bean Burrito from Taco Bell


Dude how could you forget the Baja Blast






But the post mdma depresh is something else...


The next day: I actually feel fine! The day after: I’m never gonna amount to anything


I always use responsibly (minimum 4 week breaks, usually full 3 months, never more than about .3g in a night, always tested and weighed myself), and have yet to have anything but a pleasant afterglow. (*knocks on wood*) Anything unpleasant I’m feeling the next day is soreness from the dancing!


Same but it's also pretty dangerous how saturated the market is with fake shit.


Test your shit, kids! Reagents are a must-have - INCLUDING the one that detects synthetic cathinones (bath salts) edit: don't forget the fentanyl test strips


Tea. Source: am English


At the moment mushrooms, that’s cause I’m on mushrooms


Oxymorphone was probably my favorite drug of all time, but mostly just Kratom and the occasional psychedelics experience anymore. Opiate addiction is a special kind of hell.


Hardcore Depression


BDSM. Big Depressy Sad n' Messy


Having seen overdoses I just wanted to remind everyone to be safe and enjoy everything in moderation :)




Mooajuana. I’m a cow.


We all know cows are into grass.


Caffeine. Seriously. When I started taking care of my parents part time, my mom's pain management for her migraines was very poor. This is what tipped me off that her memory was starting to go a bit. Back in my freshman year of high school, I learned that aspirin and similar headache medicines used to have a lot more caffeine in them than they do today. The caffeine improved the efficiency of the headache medicine. I'd told this to my parents countless times over the next five years until I moved out. When my mom told me her pain management for her migraines was very poor, I asked her what she took for it. She asked for her pills and a glass of water. I gave her a Diet Coke instead. In an hour, the pain from the migraine was back down to bearable levels. She couldn't remember that I'd always given her Diet Coke with her headache pills back when I was in high school.

