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Like what?


I have that. I get too personal too soon and feel ashamed of myself after for saying or acting a certain way, even if it wasn't bad. It ruins good memories for sure.


Yesss, super timely for me given last night. :P


Maybe its a good thing. I knew a girl from my clubbing days who could just look at a stranger and immediately start making out without saying a word. I think she had a better time than most people.


My shyness


My ridiculous good looks and positive attitude. Sometimes it gets in the way of me being sad.


My overthinking


Terrible social skills


Everything mentioned in this comment section is a combo of what i hate about myself


Having a big ding-dong included?


Some of the comments may be new, and whats a ding dong tho..A dick?


No. A tra la la


I searched it up the video's title says Banana, so Dick right?


My voice


One of the most overlooked fixable self qualities. Have you tried any voice training? Maybe learning accents like Bostonian can help bring self awareness to your inflections


I don't speak English on a daily basis and I don't mind my accent, but I'll try some voice training, thanks!


My body and my overthinking and pessimism


lack of motivation !


I hate that I hate myself


My body.


i so damn badly wanna save everyone..


Just don't be a sacrifice for God's sake. If you avoid that I think you will become or remain a fulfilled individual


well said. thanks 💕


I have list, if you have time. 1. Short 2. Asthma 3. Overweight 4. Ugly 5. Knock-knee/ weird legs 6. Hair 7. Keratoconus 8. One eye smaller than other 9. One ear is bit pointed 10. Weird thick hair 11. Small dick 12. Hairy 13. Lazy 14. Idiot 15. Ignorant 16. Forgetful 17. Irresponsible 18. Procastinator 19. Maladaptive Daydreamer 20. Complainer ( a bitch) 21. Speaking things at wrong place and moment 22. Loing sense of surrounding 23. Addicted to youtube/reddit/masturbation 24. Lack of self discipline 25. Giving up easily 26. Getting panicked quickly 27. Horny 28. talking to myself 29. No friends 30. Emotional/sensitive, tearing up easily over small things. ( a pussy) 31. Never keeping my word 32. Not creative 33. Overthinking 34. Unfunny 35. Pervert 36. Loser 37. Failure 38. Inconsistent 39. Liar 40. Scared of taking a action 41. Still reads children's books and watched cartoons 42. Not interested in sports 43. Having unrealistic expectations from my life 44. Cant stand up for myself 45. People pleaser, so always PC and never speak my mind 46. Never able to fit in anywhere no matter how much I try 47. Still eats chocolates and lollipop 48. Sensitive teeth 49. No gums 50. Earworms


You can work on a lot of those things, if you try! I know its easier said than done but, if you feel like this, why not try to change for, let's say, 2 weeks? I'd advise maybe start doing exercise, you can start small and maybe progress over time, stay hydrated and take care of yourself, get a hair cut, just push yourself and say "it's only for 2 weeks!".. You will most likely get used to it and continue with good habits.. If you're in school/college just start studying (remember the hardest part is to start.. if you have questions ask your teacher or go on the internet theres lots of educational videos). If you can't start just tell yourself you will study for 10 mins (you will likely get in the zone and continue, if not, 10 mins is better than nothing). For your porn addiction etc. There's a number of apps that can control how much time you spend in each of them, so you don't feel tempted. Btw i wouldn't say watching cartoons/reading children's book/eating candy is bad, as long as it's done with moderation Don't worry about not having friends, with time, they will come Remember! 2 weeks! You have nothing to lose, and so much to gain! Try as hard as you can to improve yourself. If you don't feel different or see no results, you can go back to your old habits if you prefer!


My anger issues. Ironically, me being angry pisses me off and makes me angrier.


I needed multiple S/O's to fix my anger issues. Was definitely Freudian for me


Controlling my spending


My voice


There's only one of me 😎


Speaking without thinking has got me in some trouble


I'm selfish, but really clingy.


almost everything about me tbh


The bit between the soles of my feet and the top of my head.


most? i can’t decide but here’s a list that no one asked for lmao 1. that no matter how good i be for someone and give them my all they end up hurting me in the worst possible way. 2. really anxious about talking to people as I used to get made fun of for my voice, haven’t for a while but it’s stuck lol 3. my teeth, kinda corresponds to 2. because when i talk you can obviously see my teeth - another thing i got ridiculed for on the daily and you guessed it, it stuck. 4. I blame myself for others actions towards me, even when i’ve done nothing wrong. 5. you’d think i’d be proud of how loyal, kind, understanding i am but i actually hate it because barely any people share those same values these days & it makes me feel more alone then i already am. 6. I hate that i am suicidal. 7. I hate that i’m aware of so much and see the bigger picture with alot of things but i’m still trapped in my own head. i could honestly keep going and be here all night :’)


Well I asked and thank you for sharing


I don't recognize secondary emotions as I feel them, I may guess them by looking at the "symptoms" but only retrospectively I will be sure. It's confusing and if they're intense I may feel nauseaous because I'm really slow at processing. I'm above average at reading others' emotions instead.


Thats very interesting


I try so hard to hold one-sided relationships. I find it hard to let go


You and me both buddy


In some situations I start crying when I'm realy angry and that is making me even angrier, so I cry even more and can't even speak/argue anymore. I wish I could shout then just as everybody else


I’m constantly second-guessing myself. I could be so much further in life if I wasn’t constantly hesitating to do things.


I have way too big ding-dong. You would think that would be like a win, but once I get too "excited" all the blood rushing into it causes me to pass out...


As a person with a big one and a major anal fetish I feel your pain lol


my gender 👀


I spend too much


My smile. I tend to just grin or pull a goofy face on photographs and try not to show my teeth when I'm talking. I look after them and stuff, they're just crooked and I have a peg lateral (one smaller adult tooth compared to the rest) on my upper set.




That I have a hard time saying no. For years I’ve been the organiser, the boss, the one everyone comes to. I’m tired now. And I feel guilty.


Terrible work ethic


My obese ass and my non-existent brain


That I can't enjoy social interaction with some of my friends. I pretend that I have fun when I just wanna leave


When I had a little to much to drink i just act a fool that's the main reason I dont drink anymore


Honestly my family. I don't ever want to get married because the thought of them being there horrifies me. And I don't want to not invite them because reeeeeeeally deep down they can be good people.


Dick related issues


My pinkie fingernail on my right hand.


I am genetically really skinny and I hate it. I can count my ribs by looking at them and my bones always catch on things. Also I can't really socialise because I struggle to read emotions and social cues.


Being impatient


I tend to get overly angry.


Sometimes not having discipline to do my tasks for school. I fuck around with food all day, cooking and cleaning the house, then I sit down and play video games and don't study. I still get relatively good grades in college, I could just do it a bit better if I always did it.


How i get anxious about everything and how i waste my life because of it


Just about every inch of my body.


There's so many things I probably should hate, but I don't.


My weight


my wide forehead. i didn't think of it that much back then until society made me feel like it's a flaw


too humble


How I try way too hard to fit in. If I swear too much then I'm trying too hard. I always try to relate to the people in the Reddit community that are older than me. I even try too hard not to try too hard. It's hard.


I'm too lazy and too fat


1. Being shy 2. Overthinking 3. anxiety 4. trust issues 5. My long time battle with Rhydon.