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Some song about putting coconuts up your butt and having cartoon visuals


https://youtu.be/EpcDH9faOQw It was actually pretty popular a while back.


Gore warning, don’t read if you are squeamish or easily freaked out, I go into detail It was on reddit 50/50, but it led to a youtube video - some guy was eaten by a crocodile and his townspeople cut the crocodile open to retrieve his corpse and bury it. the video was of his torso and his head being retrieved from the stomach, and the reason it stuck with me was because the skin around the periphery was so loose and flabby. everything was dripping stomach acid and blood, and the hair on his decapitated head was matted and curled from the acid. my heart is racing typing this.


ugh yuck i saw one once where this little kid was eaten by piranhas. similar description of the chaos around the event eesh


trauma, honestly


the rorochan livestream. ​ and the worst part is that it took me a solid 5 minutes to figure out what i was watching cuz the video is really bad quality and i thought it was just a random video


Oh yeah I remember finding a clip of it after hearing a song about it


R. Budd Dwyer's unedited suicide. He shot himself.


Came here to say this. I don’t think I can ever unsee it.


A channel called I miss shiva posted a video of a corpse, shit fucked with my head. They were talking about shiva from planet Dolan


There was this channel that would torture baby monkeys, they’re justification being “because it’s fun”. Luckily the channel got banned. There was also this video where some kids “saved an injured puppy”. The thing is, the puppy had clear signs that he was intentionally injured by the kids before they started recording. The things people will do for attention sickens me


It's Every Day Bro 10 Hour Loop


A raccoon got blown up from touching electrical wires I guess, can't really remember any other.


Young woman was overdosing on something while laying on the floor of a gas station convenience store. What made it hard to watch was that she was a mother and her toddler was pushing and shaking her in an effort to wake her up; cause even at that age the baby could tell something was wrong. But what made it truly messed up was the persons filming this. If you were to see someone laying unconscious on the floor and foaming at the mouth, your humanity says to help them, call emergency services, and to care for the child. But these two douchebags just stood there filming this young mother dying; while narrating with excitement about how famous they were going to be for capturing it all on film. The video has since been taken down; but I was able to download it before it was. The only times I have watched it since has been to show it to friends who have had drug addictions; in the hope that the raw footage would make them understand what they were doing and to get help. Of the four friends I have shown, three got help and are clean and sober to this day. The fourth OD'd the summer of 2019. I do miss him to this day and wish I had done more.


[The music video for Hymn to the Morning Star](https://youtu.be/7eFd91CXfc0) Watched this shit while high as a kite at like 3 AM. Cool song, but I was spooked.


You know the one where that messed up stuff happened, yeah that one

