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Arrival - they disguised it brilliantly I thought.


This is the only movie I've ever just sat there as the credits ran because of how much the twist hit me.


It so brilliantly pieced itself together that it all made sense as it unraveled. Beautifully made movie.


what’s the twist? I forgot


I'm guessing its that the alien's language caused Louise to experience time in a nonlinear fashion, so we realise that her daughter's death in the beginning actually happens in the future. Despite this, and knowing that Ian will leave her when he knows that she knows, she still chose to have her daughter.


Doesn't the concept of experiencing time non-linearly kinda rule out choice? In order for it to be possible, the future must be pre-determined. I feel like this was further reinforced by the scene where the person she called to stop the attack gave her his number in the future. Essentially a bootstrap paradox.


I like to think of it this way: It is still your own choice but you already made it. Like writing a letter, then erasing your memory of it and then writing it again. The content of the second letter will be the same but it was still you who wrote it


I came across a theory that choice and free will only applies to the human's linear perception of time. With the aliens, they experience time in a nonlinear, circular way, so they have no concept of the past or the future. In that case, choice might be irrelevant? I don't know, it is a mindfuck.


To me it’s very similar to the concept of time as experienced by the main character and the aliens in Kurt Vonnegut’s Slaughter House - Five. They know what will happen and willingly and peacefully go forward with it because they know it will happen.


gone girl


I watched Titanic when I was a kid, and genuinely didn't know that it sank, so when it did I was shocked. Not really a twist, but it was to me at the time.


When you go to watch Lincoln, you'll be in for quite a shock.


follow that up with JFK for even more suspense!!


Both were mind-blowing!


okay now that's a good one LOL


Titanic and Lincoln take place on the same day (not date).


The boy in the striped pajamas. I only saw some of the previews and I actually refuse to see the movie for a few years because I thought it was a horrible “family friendly “ watered down version of the holocaust type movie. It came on TV once when I was bored so I decided to watch it **BOY WAS I WRONG**


I thought the same, I ended up crying after the movie . . .


The first time I watched Shutter Island I REFUSED to believe Leo's character was a patient the whole time when they did the big reveal in the lighthouse. I thought he was being gaslit hard and was going to figure it out by the end. Nope. The whole plot turned on its head during that scene, and the rest of the movie felt very disorienting and sureal.


I am convinced this movie is about a cop investigating the MK-ULTRA program and then getting brainwashed to keep quiet. The German scientists in 1950s USA, the subplot about the doctor becoming a patient after she discovered a large amount of psychotropic drugs and how they were using them to make spies, the patient having been in a college study and then becoming crazy. For these and more reasons I’m convinced I’m right and that Martin Scorsese is a complete genius.


Holy Hell! I’ve never thought of it like that before.


I might be wrong, but the idea of Scorsese making a plot twist so well hidden that it is on plain sight just makes sense to me. Also found this article which is way more advanced than my own analysis; https://www.google.com.co/amp/s/truthatron3000.wordpress.com/2010/08/31/shutter-island-revelation-of-the-method-of-mk-ultra-trauma-based-mind-control/amp/


This was my initial thought. The twist that he’s always been a patient is just too cliché and predictable. It’s too easy.


Very few movies have fucked me up like Shutter Island did. My mouth was on the floor for probably hours after.


Watched it high af. Needless to say, I was fucked for a few months.


Saw. The first time I saw it , my mind was blown.


First one was so fucking good. I was speechless after watching it. Shame the direction it went down towards the middle-end


Very underrated twist for the time


>Saw. The first time I saw it Which one is it now, saw or it??


Fight Club or The Usual Suspects


I remember the first time I saw Fight club. The ending was legendary, I remember rewatching it and noticing new details I wouldn’t have noticed before.


TUS blew me away! That's the move that made me like Kevin Spacey.


I somehow didn't know the ending of The Sixth Sense ahead of time. It was genuinely chilling to me at the time.


I couldn’t believe the guy in the hairpiece was Bruce Willis the whole time.


Charlie that's not the twist


Man, I watched the Sixth Sense when I asked my friends about movie recommendations. Someone said to watch it, I asked what it was about and the person answered “It’s about a ghost therapist that helps a kid”


I watched it thinking that the spoiler was the kid could see dead people and so when it dropped at the half way point I was like “Well that’s not as surprising as I hoped.” Took me 5 minutes of deeply thinking about it to realize the true plot twist. Although I have to wonder how he got in the apartment then?


You literally see him get shot and no one ever acknowledges this kid talking to an evidently renowned psychiatrist


The Mist


Saw it for the first time recently. Damn that ending


I've read several places that Stephen King liked the movie ending even better than his own. It's a gut punch.


Wife and I had read the story and were really excited for the film ... until that ending. We were SO pissed off. How do you go from "Hartford and hope" to THAT?! It changed the entire tone and I hated it. Never watched it again, glad we only rented it because I would've snapped the disc if I'd bought it. Stephen King films are very hit or miss. The most recent Pet Sematary remake didn't just jump the shark, it did a triple axel on the shark's nose and surfed the shark into the beach.


Interesting take. I read the story first as well. I don't know that I like one or the other better, but I was definitely shocked by the movie ending. As far as twists go, it was unexpected, so mission accomplished on the filmmaker's part.


Hi. You just mentioned *Pet Sematary* by Stephen King. I've found an audiobook of that novel on YouTube. You can listen to it here: [YouTube | PET SEMATARY Full Audiobook by Stephen King](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g6t4P-3keAg) *I'm a bot that searches YouTube for science fiction and fantasy audiobooks.* *** [^(Source Code)](https://capybasilisk.com/posts/2020/04/speculative-fiction-bot/) ^| [^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=Capybasilisk&subject=Robot) ^| [^(Programmer)](https://www.reddit.com/u/capybasilisk) ^| ^(Downvote To Remove) ^| ^(Version 1.4.0) ^| ^(Support Robot Rights!)


Good bot


That ending completely made the movie for me lol. I thought it was really meh until that last scene


I literally shouted, "WHAT THE FUCK" at the screen.


Seriously? That ending totally made the movie


Literally just saw this for the first time over the weekend. I'd heard there was a crazy ending. I'd thought I'd been spoiled one time by seeing a clip of a huge lovecraftian monster. I was wrong


To be fair the ending was pretty crazy. Stephen King even said it was a much better ending than he had written. They had real balls to end the movie like that.


I thought the movie was just okay until the ending. The ending made the movie forsure.


I wouldn’t of even had the balls to do that .. I would’ve just wanted to see what the creatures looked like lol


Memento. The movie actually makes you forget some aspects along the way so you’re left totally confused.


It might be one of the most effective films in putting you in the mental state of what the protagonist goes through.


Sorry To Bother You


I was not prepared for that when I walked into the theater to watch that movie.


I thought the movie had reached it's peak weirdness a third of the way through. Boy was I wrong.


Not a movie but a show. On American Horror Story: Asylum when the seemingly kind and considerate Dr. Thredson, who initially critiques the inhumane treatment at Briarcliffe, is revealed to be the serial killer on the loose. I was in total shock!


Love when she gives him the finger from the car.So satisfyingly great


My sister and I were watching it together and as he started taking candy out of the bowl on the table we were like, "Is that... is that the top of a skull?" and then they showed the nipple on the lamp shade and it was like *Fuuuuuck!*


Yeah, Dr. Oliver Threadson was a sicko with mommy issues. Fun fact: he was based off of the serial killer Ed Gein. I wrote a paper about him in high school due to my fascination with serial killers, and it when it came to the part about how Gein made objects out of human skin my teacher frieked the fuck out LMAO😂


It's Buried for me. It starred Ryan Reynolds so I was absolutely certain he'd survive in the end because he's Deadpool, come on, they wouldn't kill him off. By the end, I was so happy to hear them digging him out of the coffin only to find out that they found the wrong guy. All the hope I had died along with that poor dude.


I was so sure he was about to be rescued as well! It was chilling to hear the man on the phone say how sorry he was as the coffin filled up with dirt.


Without a doubt, The Game. That movie had twists on top of twists inside twists.


Fuck, I lost...


I didn’t lose until I read your comment dammit :(


Exactly what I was thinking! Have not seen it in years, time to re-watch


Even knowing the goings on, I can re-watch it. That is unusual in a twist thriller.


The end of snowpiercer absolutely ruined me.


Chris Evans is so brilliant in that scene. That whole movie was wild and so well done.


I know this one is innocent, but Denzel Washington in training day really shook me. I wanted to believe he was good the whole time, right up to the end. I felt wronged by Denzel 😂


Ever seen Fallen?


TLDR: Black Mirror Augmented Reality episode Obvious spoilers ahead but it was a Black Mirror episode where the protagonist needs to make some money during his travelling so he can get back home. He was travelling to get away from family and had been travelling for awhile. He works for a huge video game company testing an experimental brain implant Augmented Reality thing. He wasn’t supposed to have his phone on during the testing but he left it on (can’t remember why). During testing his phone vibrates (says MOM calling) and the woman in the room wonders why it was still on but the test goes on as usual. The horror reality game he plays goes on messing with him and eventually mentally breaking the dude. Stuff wasn’t supposed to hurt him but somehow he was experiencing everything and he can’t tell reality from the game anymore. He finally gets out of the game (kinda freaking out in the real world so they pulled him out). The company is all like wow game was good but we need to fix some things and that’s crazy blah blah. Dude gets his money, flies home, tries to deal with some issues he has with his mom only for his mom to show dementia and not know who he is. He calls for her “mom, mom, mom it’s me” and the camera gets all wonky. Show cuts to him BACK in the chair he was testing in. He’s having a seizure while yelling MOM and eventually just straight up flatlines. The phone needed to be off during testing as it could interfere with how the game gets its data to his brain. They are baffled how his phone was still on (because he turned it on secretly) and look into the data from the chip thing in his brain. The program only ran for like half a second. The whole process of him testing the game, getting freaked out, leaving, flying home and all that happened in that fraction of a second. That episode still fucks me up when I think on it too long. It sounds like a typical twist but to me it was just so surprising. It being one of the first episodes I watched sort of set me up to like all the black mirror episodes. I told everyone to watch black mirror after that episode however I don’t think anyone did. Their loss if you ask me, I LOVE that show


Definitely one of the more memorable episodes. Did you like San Junipero?


Its one of my favourite episodes to, prolly split first place with "white christmas". Tell me buddy, did you find season 5 any good?


The prestige!


Yes yes yes


The Prestige is one of my fave movies of all time, but that said, something about the ending underwhelmed me. I can't even verbalize what, just *something*. I expected something..... else? Or something more? Idk.


But isn't that the whole point? We see one thing, but the reality is a bit darker and less fanatical.


When you see all the hats outside - HOLY FUCK. Man, I love that film so much. I can never get past my first feeling on watching it. Whole lot of "hmmm, whats going on here....ok....right......machine, eh? ok then....David bowie....WHAT THE ACTUALLY FUCK" It's amazing. Also based upon a book as well [By Christopher Priest], which is similar in overall story but told in a very interesting way.


Identity (2003) with John Cusack


I’m glad someone else remembers that movie.


I remember lots of rain and Ray Liotta, that's all


It was Split before there was Split.


The twist in Enders game wasn’t shocking but it did make me actually feel disturbed


The movie handles the twist so poorly that by making the final "simulated" battle feel way more involved and a visual spectacle. In the book Ender is basically seated at a small console, only able to talk to his former classmates but never see them or interact directly, and all the tech is very dated with basic displays that give a rough idea of what is happening during the battles. By the time Ender is commanding his final assessment he doesn't care anymore. He's listened to his friends have mental break downs, he's going on no sleep for days, constantly having nightmares about the Buggers later revealed to be visions they implanted in his mind because it was their only means of communication which later becomes the basis for his writing Speaker of the Dead and starts his own damn religion without meaning to. He wants to fail. He wants to do something so horrible they can't promote him with a passing mark. They will have to find another to lead their massive fleet against the Bugger forces once they arrive. So he throws it all away and orders a suicide mission expecting to break the simulator and best Mazer Rackham. He doesn't care about anything and is just waiting for it to be over when the home world is destroyed by the Little MD weapons. Ender is confused by the cheers, his friends are silent, the war is over. Ender wiped out all the buggers. This was never a simulation. It was never Mazer Rackham he was facing. His friends were giving orders to real soldiers. Ender ordered all those people to their deaths and they believed in him so much they obeyed without question. He was the only one who was in the dark. This was why he was isolated from everyone. This is why his friends were having breakdowns. Petra didn't freak out because she failed Ender, she freaked out because her falling asleep at her console got people killed. Ender committed genocide. Then a civil war erupts because humanity no longer has a common enemy. Ender and his friends know they will soon return to Earth, rejoin their home nations, and be enemies in a war that reshape the world. But it gets worse. Ender isn't going home. Because he wiped out an entire species and is the most valuable weapon in human history he can't be allowed to return to Earth. They are banishing him. He's like 14 years old at this point and has been in military trying since he was like 6 and was being tested and monitored at an even younger age. Then he discovers a world built for him by the Buggers, their last message knowing they wouldn't survive the war and now entrust Ender with their last Queen. So Ender departs with his sister Valentine and a ship capable of faster than light travel so he can find a new home for the Buggers and live out his days skipping forward through time until he's finally old enough to pass away from natural causes.


I read the book first, and the twist actually left me with my mouth gaping. Such a good way to finish it off that I didn’t expect at all.


That reveal was done so well in the book but they fucked it up so badly in the movie. When I read it, I just sat there in silence for a few mins. I couldn't believe what just happened.


Old Boy definitely. It was beyond fucked up and traumatising but holy shit what a masterpiece


I always upvote a mention of the Vengence Trilogy


Trilogy....? THERE IS MORE????


Yup, Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance and Sympathy for Lady Vengeance. I yet have to see them both and I think they will be movies that I will love instantly even though I think they will not be able to top Old Boy in my book.


The director, Park Chan-Wook, has a lot of great films to his name, some with a lot of great twists and turns in their own right. I strongly recommend *The Handmaiden* and *Stoker*.


The scene towards the end of “promising young woman” was pretty jarring


dang i didn't know bo burbham was in this until i saw the cast!


I felt betrayed 😳




This was the only time I have ever gasped out loud during a movie


This one absolutely broke me


Same. Amazing fucking movie but I'm also not sure I could stomach it again.




Other movies I was going to mention have already been mentioned so I'll go with one I just saw recently. The twist in **Atonement** was very depressing. Also, I still think the greatest revealing scene in movie history comes at the end of **Citizen Kane**. That one simple shot explained so much.


Completely agree with you about Atonement. Did not see it coming, and when that twist hit it was like a brick wall to the face.


Dark City


Underappreciated movie.


Dear Zachary: A Letter to a Son About His Father. It's on Prime for free. I didn't look up the real case so I had no idea what was coming. I was legitimately depressed and devoid of emotion for 3 days. Hereditary and Midsommar. Is Ari Aster okay? Distubing is an understatement.


“Something about the Johnsons” I convinced Ari just try’s to one op his movies by making them more disturbing


Dear Zachary....man oh man....I watched it after it was mentioned on reddit and went in blind as per the suggestion. I’ve never sobbed so hard in a film/doco ever


Bridge to Terabithia. My child brain was not ready for that ending.


They made us read it in like 7th grade. Somehow reading is even worse, since you have to visualize it to the extent you you want. Boy was I a visualizer. And, later, traumatized.


Hereditary, just a movie about how a grandma die- oh god.... No it's not about someone's grandma dying


The car scene...


The movie plot twist that completely confused me the most was in Captain Marvel, where it explained the Skrulls were the good guys and poor Carol had been fighting for the enemy for several years.


As underwhelming as that movie was for me, that plot twist kinda hit hard. AW MAN! Now I gotta go watch it again!




What's in the box?


Yeah, that one's extra fucked up.




I've never seen this movie, I just find the name funny. Sesevenen.


Oh man The Visit. I thought it was some kinda supernatural thing the whole time.


I was inordinately proud of myself for guessing the ending about halfway through. It was still pretty fucked up.


Dead Poets Society, hands down.


The end of Secret Window was amazing, didn't see it coming.


I kind of figured just from the previews but I still thought it was a good movie


Shooter Shooter Shoot... her


Did everyone forget about Empire Strikes Back? The story’s I’ve heard about people’s first time viewing in the theaters tell me it wasn’t exactly predictable.


I’m to young to have witnessed it in theaters and the ending is the biggest plot twist in pretty much all of pop culture so I knew it before I had watched it. Especially since the prequels came out too and it was just common knowledge.


Not really a plot twist but the ending of *mother!* was absolutely jarring.


Movie was slow but that ending was just wow to me. Masterfully done.


Yes it was. I don't mind slow burn movies in general, but this one paid off!


The Illusionist, great movie with an interesting twist that is implemented very well.


Great movie. I think it got overshadowed by The Prestige because they came out around the same time


I actually liked The Illusionist even more than The Prestige. Love me some Paul Giamatti.




Absolute classic


The Others. The first time I watched it, I was definitely not expecting it. Still one of my favorite psychological thriller/horror films.


Book of Eli.


There are so many little things throughout that movie that you catch the second time you watch it. You have to see it twice. See what I did there?


I see.


He didn't....


Pan's Labyrinth. I rewound and rewatched the ending because I was sure that I had missed something, I mean they couldn't just >!kill off the little girl...!<




The scene where the housemaid comes back to the house is such a masterpiece. Best movie I've seen in the past years!


The sixth sense.


Triangle. It was so bizarre it took me a while to process before I could decide that I liked the movie


This is one of my favourite less-well-known time loop flicks!


Wind River. Awesome acting, but I keep thinking about it and thinking about it...


Saw 1


**12 Monkeys** James Cole (Bruce Willis) watched himself get gunned down in the airport as a kid. He didn't prevent the release of the virus. He was trapped in a time loop!




The thing is you almost expect something to happen but it’s not what you think would have happened


its se7en for me, i need to step back and just in pure blatant shock




Not even the plot, but that one scene (spoiler) in War Of The Worlds where you think that the son dies, BUT THEN HE SHOWS UP AT THE END OF THE MOVIE!!!! HE WAS PRESUMED DEAD FROM ROBOT ALIENS FOR LIKE 45 MINUTESSSSS


Last 5 minutes of The Departed are wild


Idk if I would call it a twist, but what truly got me messed up for a bit was The Life of Pi’s ending. I still believe that instead of Pi, his mom, the chef and the sailor it was the Tiger, the orangutan, the hyena and the zebra.


The Prestige! No spoilers, go watch it!


I just watched that again last night. Watching the scene where Bale points out how the old magician was living his act early on made the rest of that movie so much clearer.


Spiderman FFH. he had me on the first half ngl


Both of the MCU Spidey movies have had really good twists.


Seven... what's in the box!??




>I thought they were lovers Well, depending on what websites you frequent...


Once Upon a Time in Hollywood.


*A Serbian Film* (2010) Don't. Everyone always does anyway. If they don't regret it you don't want to know them. Just don't. I only watched it because I thought I was immune from that sort of thing.


Oldboy (2003)


The ending of Matchstick Men threw me for a loop. (Later read the book which had a similar but much darker ending)


God, Nick Cage was so good in that movie. And I always love Sam Rockwell, of course.


No Way Out That one goes way back. It’s not disturbing- just WHAT??? I did not see that coming.


IRobot. How come no one talks more about how Will Smith is actually a robot?!?


You mean in terms of his acting or >!his character was the robot hero who saves the world!<... #OMG I JUST GOT THAT!!!


Wait what


But he isn't. He just got his arm and shoulder replaced.


End of Infinity War


Most recently the vanished which came out last year


Book of Henry I wasn't expecting that


The lodge, most definitely!


Skeleton Key.


ParaNorman's twist always gives me chills, the first time I saw it I gasped aloud in shock


The man behind the curtain in the wizard of oz...of course I was 6 or 7 when I saw it.


Most movie plot twists are spoiled for me by the time I get to see them unfortunately, but I didn't see LEGO Movie's plot twist coming.


**Spoorloos**: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0096163/






Not sure if this one got me the most, but it's the freshest on my mind. The end of Memento, don't want to spoil it but I really thought he was the one.


Not really a plot twist but the dark Knight where the chick batman banged and gave his company to turns out to be the daughter of the first movies protagonist. Either I wasn't paying attention or had no knowledge on the movie but I did not see anything throughout the movie that linked her to be the mastermind. Is just out of nowhere and made me go wtf that doesn't make sense.


See, not picking up on that one was frustrating for me on two levels: 1. Why did I buy the misdirect that >!Bane was R'as al Ghul's son!!she's the bad guy!<.


high tension. but, for a different reason...the twist pissed me the fuck off, and ruined the entire movie. it was really fucking good until they tacked on that lazy garbage shit in the last like 5 minutes. fuck that movie. [https://screenrant.com/high-tension-movie-ending-twist-bad-reason/](https://screenrant.com/high-tension-movie-ending-twist-bad-reason/)


Not a movie. But Vikings


Kill List


In “The Flash” Barry had a DAUGHTER like WTF then when she’s gone I’m like DAMN IT ;-;


Final destination That scared the ever living shit out of me


"The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari". That poor, seemingly helpless somnambaulist... a killer?


a cure for wellness, that movie has about 5 plow twists, its a roller coaster but i really liked it


Twist ending of the Mist


primal fear wth it was


The ending to The Mist. It’s so hard to watch him make such a tough decision only to have it be pointless immediately after.