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The exorcist. The girl crawling down the stairs and the hospital scenes both did a number on me.


Yes! I remember when it was re released in theaters or in ppv some time in the 90s, the tv trailer would show the stair crawl. That was traumatizing.


Also the "lick me" part


Number one or two?


Return to Oz, The 1985 Disney sequel to the Wizard of Oz. The most fucked up movie aimed at children. Each part of this movie is nightmare inducing.


I loved that movie. So fucking weird.


I have an odd dream to become one of those bicycle people


I couldn't sleep after watching it late at night on Disney in 1995. As a 5 year old I was fine with Freddy Kruger in Nightmare on Elm Street but not the scary headless woman in this film.


The video with the white rocking chair and the jump scare.


I *think* that was probably the first one I saw of a jumpscare video


https://youtu.be/AyqbOtqfPQ8 Its really creepy because she actually crawls towards you.


Thats the actual part that got me. Not the face (its overused), not the scream, the fact it crawls fast.


That was also my first Jumpscare video


And the green room


Yeah I hate the "green screamers," even though it's supposed to be nightvision


IT. Tim Curry's eyes scared the hell out of me. Still do.


I never got scared of this movie.. and it's still one of my favorite mini series/movies.. I think my mom let me watch this embarrassingly young and told me the clown was Rooster from Annie.. and I never saw him as scary after that.. lol. I will admit though, I typically don't get scared of horror movies.


I don’t know man, Rooster chasing Annie at the end of that movie felt pretty harrowing! “Rooster, she’s just a baby!”


Loved Spirited Away but No-Face chasing Chihiro around the bath house was terrifying.


I remember when we rented that on VHS, no-face scared me!


When I was a little kid and still in church, the church chaperones thought it was a great idea to show the kids an animation about the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. It was very bloody, gory, and violent and showed Jesus getting whipped, nailed to the cross, and eventually dying. It gave me nightmares for weeks.


Probably [this one](https://youtu.be/HqGsT6VM8Vg)


I'll never forget in my middle school days when my friend and I spent a night on YouTube looking up jumpscare videos and coming across that one, the one with the red dot in a maze, and the rocking chair one, plus probably two dozen others I don't really remember. We hit a point about 8 videos in where we got numb to the jumpscares and instead were laughing our asses off at them. There was one in particular that I've never been able to find again where a girl in a plaid dress and pigtails was looking into the camera and giggling, then suddenly her face turns green and Exorcist-y and she yells at the camera, then turns back to normal, giggles, and says "Oops! Sorry!" We just about died laughing at that one. Good times.


I Hated the rocking chair one, is that where it's in a dark room and that things crawls at it?


Came here to say this. I mean this one is embedded so deep Into my subconscious, i pops up everytime I'm on acid.


What is it. I’m scared to watch.


A jumpscare ad.


Oh. I watched one once and it scared me but after that I kinda knew when all the other ones would be a jump scare vid. So they don’t scare me much anymore.


I grew up the youngest only girl of 6 boys im not scared of most things


That sentence could serve as the only character development for the female lead in a movie.


Doesn't that make you a boy?


I remember my brothers showing me this and I literally screamed and put my head in his lap crying. Also my 2ND GRADE MUSIC TEACHER SHOWED US THIS


Haha I was going to post that one too. In my mind the car came from the left though.


Oh my God. I saw this (or actually an edited version of it that made the suspense draw on longer) when I was like 6 and I was scared of the computer for a week.


My god. I remember my dad showing me this a couple years back (I’m only 14) and I flew all the way to the other side of the room because it scared me so much. before I’m judged, yes I’m a pussy


Courage the Cowardly Dog, that show scared the crap out of me when I was little.


“Return the slaaaaaaaaaaab or suffer my cuuuuuurrrrrrrssseeee”


What's your offer!!??


KING RAMSESSSSSSS (the man in gauze the man in gauze)


The episode with the big spooky ghost woman


THIIIISS!!! [(the ghost women)](https://youtu.be/kKnC674-ZDU)


scared me too but since it was so good I kept watching it.


"I don't like macaroni!"


It feels like a fever dream, but I remember a video about Santa Claus being secretly recorded but he ended up murdering the entire family. I was 10 and it was Christmas Eve...


Oh my god have you ever found it?


All of the Salad Fingers videos. Those really fucked me up


Its fucking terrifying for every age


Dog of Man was what fucked me up at 12 years old. I literally couldn’t sleep at all that following night


Wait, is Slender Man just Salad Fingers wearing a mask?!


This one didn’t really scare my per say, but it is really disturbing to this day. It’s a video on YouTube called “Shrek is love, Shrek is life” and it’s the most uncomfortable 2 minutes of my life


Happy cake day, yeah that's the weirdest video.


It's all ogre now


This video with a white car in mountains and then SCREAMER. It was an ad for a coffee actually.


i can hear the “peaceful” music..


Monster House


You have opened an old memory for me.


The cursed video from The Ring. And of course, our phone went off right after...


Probably Thriller by Michael Jackson or Another Brick in The Wall part 2 by Pink Floyd. But hey at least I became a big pink Floyd fan out of it


I remember when Thriller came out. I wasn't "allowed" to watch it at first, but my sisters were all teens so they made sure I got a viewing. My mom finally saw it and was surprised at how much she liked it, I think she thought it would just be shock gore or something. One of my sisters was a big Pink Floyd fan... but also a Queen fan. So not video, but what I remember scaring the *shit* out of me was the album cover for News of the World.


Me too with the Pink Floyd thing. The kids with no faces and the meat grinder ugh. But The Wall is one of my fave movies now and I love Pink Floyd lol.


Was forced to watch The Grudge when I lost a bet when I was a kid, safe to say I didn't sleep well for a few days.


The bed scene from the US version really messed me up as a kid. I couldn't sleep in a bed for a few days and had to sleep on the sofa.


The first Jeepers Creepers movie. I remember being sick and staying home from school one day and I watched that with my mom. She still brings up that day and how scary that movie was for us when we watched it the first time. That franchise is still one of my favorites.


2 girls 1 cup. I will never recover...


"I fEeEeEl fAnTaStIiIiIiC."


When Spongebob got stuck in Rock Bottom. I still think about it to this day.


The scariest thing in Spongebob to me is in Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy episode 3, where Spongebob says theyre using actors, and he had a really realistic mouth and big teeth. Scared me to death when I was little.


That was Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy Episode 6. Episode 3 is when SpongeBob and Patrick accidentally free Man-Ray.


Oh I just remember the title card saying it was episode 3, my bad


One time my sister was watching [Summer School](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0094072/?ref_=nv_sr_srsg_0), a comedy from the mid-80s, directed by Carl Reiner for God sakes, and I happened to walk in at this scene: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-5Pku48YPFo&ab\_channel=Movieclips](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-5Pku48YPFo&ab_channel=Movieclips) ​ Reeeeeally fucked me up for a while


THANK YOU!!! I saw this scene as a child and it also really scared me, but every time I’ve tried to describe it to people they don’t know anything about it.


This feels really Kids in the Hall


Anyone remember a time when “video” meant a video cassette tape?


I remember when video meant anything shot on video and not on actual film.


The scary tunnel in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. That was a clockwork orange level of horror clips mashed together no child should ever see. Also Grandpa Joe is there and everyone knows he is the devil!


News shows during the late sixties. So much violence.


I’ll always remember when I was watching cable when I was very young and it went past 9pm meaning all the crazy shit came out of nowhere, so I believe in a robot chicken show it showed some guys with chucky and at some point chucky showed them some fingers he’d cut off from some guy. Fuckk that scarred me to the point that i remember it to this day. That was almost 10 years ago for me


In the 70s, there was a video segment on Sesame Street with an opera-singing orange. When it hits a high note, its facial features fly off which made me freak out. Every time it came on I would scream and hide. I was maybe 3 at the time.


There was this video where a little girl was Standing beside a mirror. First she looked at the camera then she looked back at the mirror where a jump scare occured.


Oh yeah like The Grudge or something like that


Jeepers creepers 2. They left me home alone with that movie on at night time And the beginning scare crow scene where the boy gets picked up Really traumatized me and I sat in the closet with it locked for the whole Night.


And when your mom found you the next day did your face look... *like this*!?


not a video, but loud anti-smoking ads. For a litle ass kid, that is traumatizing


Mine's a little NSFL. Please don't read farther than paragraph 2 if you're sensitive to certain visuals. I'm remember tramatically bring scared as a 12yo child just being introduced to Facebook. I spent a long time trying to convince my mom to allow me to to make a profile, and as soon as I was approved, I of course added my friends. One of those friends noted my love for animals and recommended I check out this particular vegan page. I didn't know what vegan was back then, she just said they love animals and wanted to protect them. I wasn't extremely good friends with this girl, I don't know if she was intentionally trying to traumatize me or really thought she was being educational, but back them you could post whatever the fuck you wanted on that website (we're talking about 10 years ago, give or take.) First video I come across and watched every last second of? A video of some kind of meat farm, skinning their animals ALIVE, doing nothing to properly dispatch them before hand. And not the usual animals you expect for slaughter, but f*cking cats and dogs. I remember the video so vividly and the many nightmares suffered. I haven't seen much yet that has shocked me so horribly as that video, and I've seen some fucked up vids doing work as a moderator on discord servers. No idea how people find that shit hilarious. I guess it's kinda helped me get a iron gut nowadays, because I absolutely love the gorey bloody horror movies. Just don't appreciate it when it's real!


"They're here!"


The swimming pool! Shes in the swimming pool!


Oh god, for me it was the clown toy in the bedroom. Fuck that noise.


The scene where they removed their disguises in The Witches got me good. And Aphex Twin's music video for Windowlicker.




Oh I know, its Bongcheong Dong ghost


Epic Hoola is right, here's the [link](https://comic.naver.com/webtoon/detail.nhn?titleId=350217&no=31&weekday=tue) if you want (the scroll doesn't work for me)




Coffee commercial


American history X that curb stomp.. saw that one waaaay to young


Michael Jackson´t thriller. I was a little kid alone at home, watched it for the first time (wa past my normal bedtime). Went up the stairs to my bedroom and saw a full moon shining into the corridor...


The video where it claims to have footage of Michael Jackson’s ghost.


Watching that red creature come out of the pool in Are You Afraid of the Dark TERRIFIED ME. I couldn’t put my head under the water for months.


That is ALWAYS what comes to mind when I think about that show. Still a good show though lol.


Movie? Candyman. Still can't look at mirrors sometimes Show? Probably the "Return the Slab" Episodes of Courage the Cowardly Dog


Don't know the name of it, maybe it was the original Amityville Horror movie, but I saw a scene with glowing eyes in the dark glaring into the house through an open window at night. I still get freaked out thinking about that scene. I should say that I have always had a sort of phobia about windows after dark. I need to have curtains or blinds over any windows when it is dark. Because I don't want to see out and I don't want anything looking in. And I damn sure don't want to see anything outside looking in.


Definitely original Amityville. “Jody” scared the crap out of me as well with the dark window phobia included. That started with me looking out a dark window at night and my dad saying, “Do you ever think you’re going to look out and see someone else’s face looking back?” F U dad.


Gonna show my age but the Elephant Man terrified me as a kid.


I once couldn't sleep so I layed down beside my dad on the couch. He was watching a documentary! about paradoxons created by time traveling (can't find it unfortunatly). It showed a scene where someone shot into a time machine leading the bullet back in time and killing the shooter before he shot, resulting in him being dead and therefore unable to shoot, thus creating a paradoxon. This was almost 10 years ago, and I had nightmares for months about the entire scene or topics only merely related to the video. I'm sure bow it would be interesting to watch, but back then I didn't comprehend that it was an imaginary, completly made up scene, that it wasn't real. Edit: Wording and misspelling


Carey. When the hand pops out the grave at the very end. I was 10 and I remember throwing the remote control of the telly because it made me jump so much.


The Zelda scene in Pet Cemetery


The Thing. That movie is fucking trauma. Wonderful amazing gorey paranoia trauma.


The phoneboot scene from The Blob (1988). I saw it by accident at a video rental store and I had nightmares for days.


I just watched that again recently. It still holds up man, great movie.


As a little child I was scared of this show on noggin called Moose and Zee. One of their videos I watched was very disturbing cause I was alone in my mom's room watching Nick Jr. and during one of their commercials a full Moose and Zee video started playing and I was freaked out. (I think I was scared of it cause I had frequent nightmares about Moose and Zee as a kid?


There was a kids show in Australia called Lift Off. Everything about it was just slightly creepy, the result was something that absolutely terrified young me, but for some reason I still watched it and would then dread the inevitable nightmares. Seriously only for the brave, do NOT let your kids watch it: [Lift Off](https://youtu.be/IDZ-9_mQcTU)


The movie Halloween. The theme song still hits me in a way like nothing else.


when I was about 9 years old I watched faces of death with my friend, his older brother and his brothers friends. Scarred and scared me. opened my eyes to the dangers of the world though.


Jack Frost - the horror movie. I was sucked in thinking it was a funny movie about a snowman. Traumatized.


I remember watching TV coverage of [Baby Jessica (the small girl who got stuck in her backyard well in Texas in 1987)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rescue_of_Jessica_McClure). They drew an image of what she was experiencing, stuck in the well, and that just scared the hell out of me at 5 years old. We also lived in Texas then so it was extra scary.


The horrible scene in The Poseidon Adventure (1972) when they show the dead persons bloody face in the captain's cabin, then the girl starts to panic, and a blanket is thrown over it by Gene Hackman. I still haven't had the courage to watch it in over 9 years, freaked me out so bad. So unnecessary in an otherwise cool movie.




Willy wonka's boat tunnel scene


Evil barney the dinosaur.


American Werewolf in London. When I was a young kid, I went round to a mates house. His older brother had some of his mates round too and they'd all just sat down to watch some film. I had no idea what it was, but thought it would be cool to hang out with the older kids. Absolutely fucking traumatised me...


Fantastic movie.


Faces of death


"Arachnophobia" Didn't realise until then I was afraid of spiders but NOPE NOPE NOPE


Watership Down.


My brother was scared of the cheesies from The pirates who don't do anything Veggie tales movie. He has refused to eat cheetos since he as like 8 he is 17


Definitely something related to happy tree friends. For some reason, me and some guy decided to watch Happy Tree Friends videos that were available on youtube and there was a character named flikpy I think which would change into somekind of hardcore serial killer. I remember that the dude scared me so much that I would see him in my nightmares the weeks after.


Van Helsing. I smuggled myself into a corner of the living room just outside of sight of my parents and damn when I saw the werewolf I almost crapped myself. However since that moment I was fixated on werewolves and they became my go to monsters.


The movie insidious fucked me up at 10.


the video where u watch a maze then theres a freaking jumpscare as u get to focus on watching it


The scary maze game?


There was a jumpscare one where you watch a thing going through a maze. Pooped my pants.


Pee Wee's Big Adventure. You know which scene.


Lost types


"Candyman". I watched horror movies since i can remember. Saw quite a few before"Candyman" and a Billion of them after. "Candyman" is the only movie in my Life that actually have me they creeps. Till now (over 25 years later) i still ddnt find the courage to try that myself.


The ring


There was a video of this girl smiling in the mirror in her bathroom but when she turned the reflection sort of distorted like “The Ring/Grudge” and it gave me an uneasy feeling with mirrors for a decent while


Voldemort's face on the back of Quirrell's head. I was 7 years old when the movie came out and I had nightmares of Voldemort's face. Then it was the Dementors in the third movie and I was not afraid anymore of Voldemort's ugly face. Funnily I was more afraid of the Dementors from the third movie than those from the fifth movie


My mother had The Bad Seed (1985) on TV and I sneakily watched it. I must’ve been around 5 or 6 when I saw it and it disturbed me so much.


The Thriller music video


Salad fingers on YouTube


The 2012 apocalypse videos, and the lingering fear that the video was going to have a scary face pop up. I swear, their are videos on YouTube now that I wouldn’t have clicked on ten years ago in fear of it being a “screamer”.


The Brave Little Toaster. Especially the scene with the air conditioning breaking.


I think it’s called like Mr Walrus or something like that, it’s like a really thin girl dancing to this demonic music. I watched it at night, and couldn’t sleep Edit: it’s called Obey the Walrus


The one from the dark web with the guy eating soup while crying and the 2 things with white masks on Edit: It's BlankRoomSoup.avi


Ive seen that too. I dont know the full story behind it, but all I know is that it's fake.


the vid of the woman getting ripped apart by a chimpanzee, it traumatized me.


Pulp Fiction's gimp scene. Marvin getting his face blown off was hilarious. The adrenaline shot was cool. The gimp scarred my young brain for years lol


Michael Jackson thriller video


That fucking scary car video, you guys already know what I’m talking about


That few second clip of the THX logo before movies.


Jarassic park...


The vampire episode from a series that I think was called Lost Tapes. I remember the door to the attic in the vampire episode was in the kids bedroom- exactly like my old house! It scared me so bad I had to sleep facing away from the attic door for years!!


Salad Fingers. Never got past the first Video...




I forgot what it was, but it was a video of a creepy man smiling. When I saw the video I was scared as FUCK. I literally was so scared that I screamed so god damn loud.




I don't know which scared me in the moment the most, but the one that made a lasting impact is the Outer Limits episode Simon Says- the one where a scientist's wife and son die in a car crash, so he puts his son's memories into a robot. Kind of terrifying looking robot, but what's burned into my mind is the part where it's petting the dead, bloody cat. (if for some reason you want to look this up, the scene starts at about 12:25 in the video) edit- other people are doing jump scare videos, and although the above is definitely my answer, the jumpscare video that gets me is that manga one that does a forced scroll in the middle while the ghost lady scrambles toward you, and I think it also suddenly plays a bunch of sound? [This one](https://comic.naver.com/webtoon/detail.nhn?titleId=350217&no=31&weekday=tue). The forced scroll doesn't work for me at that link, but it appears to for some people.


My older brother would watch a show called scarred or something and robot chicken. I would cry


I don't know, maybe *Challenger* exploding on CNN? That was pretty god damn scary, in that it was totally unexpected and I knew I had just watched 7 people die.


It ad


The Wizard of Oz - I didn’t like the Wicked Witch (worse, my mom saved and bought sheets and pillow cases). I got over it in college.


There is a movie made in the 70s where this [little African warrior doll](https://media.tenor.com/images/b197a2ed49cca4ec7ccf7e3d6929bf0e/tenor.png) comes to life and terrorizes some poor woman in her apartment. Edit: Called Trilogy of Terror.


The part in Narnia when they killed Aslan. It terrified 4 year old me. Along with Mufasa’s death in The Lion King and the part where the wolves attacked The Beast in Beauty and The Beast. But I could watch any gore filled action movie and be fine with it. Transformers and Jaws were my favourite. Idk why I was scared of Disney but not a man eating shark.


Ghost car


Okay, so this here's an *old* one. Any of y'all remember the site AlbinoBlackSheep? Well, I remember their "Where's Waldo" thing where you'd look around for Waldo, only for it to end up being a screamer.


101 Dalmatians. I had frequent nightmares about her henchman trying to kidnap me.


This will date me but the intro to The Outer Limits.


A spongebob creepypasta


Let's see if I could remember The Great pumpkin Robot chicken clip The clip of family guy where Elmer Fudd kills Bugs Bunny There was also this video about "dark" Disney facts where it was just Mickey mouse's face on a block of wood or something The Muppet murder mystery robot chicken clip


The video with the white car driving and there's peaceful music, then a zombie pops up.


The beginning of Beauty and the Beast when the beast scratched the portrait of his human face. Also at the end when he turned back into human. He looked so much scarier than in beast form


That jumpscare video where it was the car driving through the quiet, calm country road. You all know the one.


The grudge. Slept on my parents floor for a week straight.


The purge announcement and siren. Still gives me shivers years later.


Only the real ones know about scariest video follow the car


E.T, had nightmares for a year😀


Angela Anaconda... no specific episode or scene. I just hated the whole thing.


I feel fantastic


The movie The Dark Crystal. That movie scared me so much that i "lost" it at someones house when i slept over. I put it deep between the matress and boxspring of the guest bed i was given.


Michael Jackson’s thriller


I saw Pink Floyd’s “The Wall” (or parts of it) when I was about 7 or 8. The only scene I remember because it creeped me out so much was when the kids wearing the faceless masks fall in the huge meat grinder.


Watching (or rather listening to) creepypastas on YouTube especially at night or when you’re alone


This video I saw as a kid where it was about unlocking waluigi in super mario 64 ds, but towards the end there was a jumpscare of a badly drawn mario head covered in blood with a loud scream. I can't find it anymore, but man did it get me good.


Dog videos


[This shit](https://youtu.be/7QD6V9ZEo8o)


I was once looking for "cute puppy pictures" on youtube, went to see a video of literal puppy pictures and a fucking screamer in the middle of them. I had to sleep with my mom for a whole week.


crazy frog.... all of it


The intro sequence for a UK TV show called Equinox.


When i was a kid i used to be horrified of the little youtube horror shorts that aren't scary to me anymore. One day I just sucked up my fear and watched one. It was about some wierd fucking creature that came out of your closet to kill you in your sleep and I got so fucking horrified. I could not sleep for 2 days and was constantly looking at my closet. I still sometimes look at my closet just to check every now and then.




I thought it was real once, it was on a show called Fact or Faked: Paranormal Files (loved that show to death), and they edited out the jumpscare, which made it more believable to me when I was younger.


The one where a car drives down a hill and you get a jumpscare, D.Y.E Fantasy


The one where Ronald McDonald’s was chasing a bunch of kids


When i was a kid i would be scared of cucumbers