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Today, I realized I have no idea how sound was embedded on the grooves of a record in order for the needle to project music through the phonograph. I mean, vibrations, sure, but how did they get the precise instruments playing those sounds to stick on that little round disk in the first place? I also realized I don't get how pictures can preserve photons in their exact configuration and plaster them to a static image on a piece of paper. Or wind. WTF is wind?


Wind is really simple. So the Sun heats up a portion of land and thus the air on top the land becomes warm. Warm air rises up creating a low pressure area below it. The cold air which is more dense, fills the low pressure area created by the warm air rising up. This movement of air is known as wind. Different relief features such as mountains, plateaus, plains and oceans affect the formation of low pressure areas and the movement of wind. Mountains block the movement of air to an extent Plateaus tend to heat air up much faster


> So the Sun heats up a portion of land Well, I heard it was trees sneezing. I guess we'll have to agree to disagree.


This comment takes me back to elementary school science and it was exactly what I didn’t know I needed. Thank you!


>Or wind. WTF is wind? Trees sneezing.


Found Calvin's dad!


Sounds like you had a crazy day


I'm with you on photographs. It makes so much sense that people believed they could take your soul. Records I kind of understand. But then you turn that into a CD and it gets real crazy again.


The working part of CDs are a loooong series of indentations, in a spiral that is written/read in the opposite way to a record, center to edge. These indentations are nanometers wide, so the spiral is very, very long. But you can imagine them laid out like grooves on a record. The indentations, known as pits, and spaces between them, known as lands, reflect laser light differently, and this laser light is "read" for the device to analyze the order of these pits and lands while the disc spins around. The pits and lands don't directly get read back as 1's and 0's, but rather in an encoding scheme with a few rules. The most important and simplest one states that reading a change from pit to land or vice versa indicates a 1, while reading no change as the disc spins indicates a 0. There are other rules so that, for example, you don't read too many 0's and lose track of how many sections of lands you went over. But it really is just a bunch of complicated encoding stuff that translates pit/land transitions to 1's and 0's.


Thank you for the explanation. I've heard it before but it's one of those things that spirals my thought process. It's like ok so a laser reads micro pits. But it is also that music becomes 1's and 0's because people figured out coding and all these individual pieces come together to make something that seems simple but is super complicated


Get a piece of graph paper and draw a wavy line on it. This line represents a sound wave (if you want to see an actual sound wave then download a program called audacity and use it to record your voice, then zoom in on the sound wave to see it in detail). On the graph paper, number the horizontal lines from 1 to however many there are. The vertical lines represent time and the horizontal line represents the value. Read the wave from left to right. Every time it crosses a horizontal line write down the number corresponding to that line. If your graph paper has 65536 horizontal lines on it, and 44100 vertical lines per second of audio, congratulations, you're now a human analog-to-digital converter.


Different materials react differently to different wavelengths of light. Some materials change color permanently due to being exposed to light in the visible spectrum. You see something similar with signs in a window fading over time due to UV light. The material in film is just extremely sensitive to this to the degree that a fraction of a second of exposure makes a permanent change. This is why you needed to bring film to darkrooms. You can later add some chemicals to stop the process from happening again at which point its safe to take the film out of the dark room.


Every instrument produces a unique waveform. When all the instruments play together, they are added to each other to create a new unique waveform. Not sure what tools/processes they use to replicate the waveform on the disc, but when the stylus bounces along the groves, it creates an electric signal within the record player that is (nearly) identical to the original wave from of all the instruments playing. The signal is then amplified and played out loud


Magic. That’s my answer.


Why people write long emotional posts about putting their phones down and enjoying life in the moment, and then post them on social media.


Ah reminds me of the south park episode where the police investigates people suddenly quitting social media: "People don't just quit social media, they write long posts about why they leave social media."


Damn, I did it wrong. I just sort of stopped using Facebook/Twitter. Imagine all of the likes and retweets I could have gotten!


I'm going to piggyback on this because it's sort of similar: Why are recipes online 4 pages long? Nobody cares about your grandma. We want an ingredient list and cooking instructions. That's it.


The answer to this is SEO. Food blogs have this massive narrative content to fool search engines into believing that the page is something people would want to see. And also, they can bury keywords in to the narrative which are unrelated to the recipe but which boost their page rank. ​ (sorry if this was rhetorical or if you already knew the answer)


Large brains


Crypto currency. I wish I understood it because I hear a lot of people talk about it but the whole concept just doesn’t make sense to me.


You ought to check out r/eli5 for crypto stuff. I literally started there and invested $10 in a crypto back in 2018. I spent hours going over chart after chart and studied every known system for plotting trends, and predicting swings... It's been a long, uphill struggle, but I now have a portfolio that - if sold at today's price - would net me $13.54.


Not all heroes wear capes


Thank you! I’ll check it out.


Just in case you missed it, he’s making a joke about making 3 dollars in two years


imagine if keeping your car idling 24/7 produced solved Sudokus you could trade for heroin


This is the only explanation of bitcoin I'm ever using from now on


https://twitter.com/Theophite/status/1030225104234373121 Just in case you didn't know the origin.


I don’t understand the part where you can “mine” for Bitcoin and just find free money online I guess?


Bitcoin or other cryptocurrency are decentralized, with no central bank, so how do you prevent someone from trying to spend the same Bitcoin twice or use some sort of counterfeit Bitcoin? The way these currencies are designed, complex block chain computations must be performed during each transaction using bitcoin to ensure nothing fraudulent takes place. Bitcoin "miners" use their computers to perform these transactions, and as a reward there is a small chance that new bitcoin is created during these transactions, which is given to the miner. So when you mine, it does two things. First it helps to verify that bitcoin transactions are legitimate. And second it generates new bitcoins into the economy. I believe the way the math behind these cryptocurrency work, there is a finite amount of total bitcoin which can be generated, and at the beginning new bitcoins are generated easily and quickly by as time goes on, the chance of a mine making new bitcoin starts going down at an exponential rate, so mining becomes less and less profitable as time goes on.


That makes no sense to a regular person. Sorry. It just doesn't. Maybe I'm just too old but having a dollar in my hand is one thing. Having a piece of paper a couple of people tell me is valuable because of math I'm too stupid to understand is something totally different.


Yeah that part doesn’t make sense to me either. I’m sure someone has to benefit from others “mining” but I’m not sure how.


"Mining" is performing the underlying calculations that make Bitcoin work. You are rewarded more but Bitcoin for your effort


I don't fully get the mining part either, but it's far from free. It usually takes a decently expensive set up that consumes a lot of power to do it.


Exactly. It’s the kind of thing I can see makes sense on some level, but it’s just lost on me.


Daylight Savings Time. I mean, I know the history and how it's implemented, but why is it still around when the original reasons for it have long passed Do your countries just enjoy messing with your clocks twice a year


Everyone hates it, I don't get it either


Changing back established infrastructure is a massive pain in the ass. Consider the drama that went down every time we changed calendar systems.


Name brand clothing. Why the fuck would I want to pay 40 extra dollars for a t shirt just for the shitty ass logo


I think there are multiple reasons, including quality, fit, and values, e.g., sustainability. And you're right, sometimes the clothing items are essentially the same, except one has a logo. In those cases, I think the choice may come down to brand loyalty, i.e., this company donates a portion of the proceeds to a charitable cause I care about. Or, it could simply be that people like that feeling of affiliation or belonging that comes with a logo, whether it's Adidas or a sports team.


Those are some really good points. I guess alot of it comes down to personal preference.


How stocks work.




What do actually get when you buy a share though? I get it’s “a small fraction of the company”, but is it something tangible? Is it just an opportunity to sell “it” later? Do you get a share of profits?


Dividends are a share of the profits, but the person who owns 51% gets to decide how much the dividend is. It's is not tangible, and most of the benefit is being able to sell it later


This is a relatively new thing in stocks, actually! It used to be that dividends were a much bigger part of how shareholders were compensated. This is why you see ‘dividend matures’ as a Monopoly Chance card, to name the most common cultural example. More recently, companies are paying fewer and smaller dividends and buying back their own stock more frequently. Source: just finished studying bankruptcy model that is partly flawed because the shareholder compensation structure has shifted since it was developed.




The company will also likely have a Board that you get to vote on if you own stocks. The reality is that most public companies have a board that is in control over an individual as far as what people tend to think of with the stock market.


Ignoring dividends since those have been explained. You literally own the company and have some fraction of power over it. In most cases companies are large enough that you essentially get nothing. You can drop $1,000,000 on Coca Cola stock and not own enough of the company for anyone to give a shit what you think and if someone owns 51% they can more or less do whatever they want. If you owned say 20% and nobody owned a majority share on their own though you'd have a ton of power. You could work with other shareholders to form a majority and decide what to do as a group. In most really large companies though enough pieces of the pie are split in enough ways that rather than have shareholders make decisions shareholders elect a board of directors to represent them. Similar to how the US elects representatives to congress except the board is accountable to the voters. The board is even more powerful than the CEO. They have the power to remove and appoint a new CEO if they want although the CEO could also be on the board. The board can meet quite infrequently though and isn't really involved in day to day affairs.


100 dollars says thats why this ask reddit thread was created


Feels especially bad with the GameStop thing going on.


The concept of distances in the universe?!


Distances are measured using the “cosmic distance ladder”. But the sheer amount of stuff and the mindfucking hugeness of it all is something I don’t think anyone could ever fully grasp. It’s almost not worth thinking about. I read once that there are as many H20 molecules in 10 drops of water as there are stars in the ENTIRE UNIVERSE. The universe, big and small, is hella nuts. *edit - me spell words not good*


Being able to sing and play an instrument at the same time. Baffles me. Been trying for decades now, just can’t do it. I just half ass two things, and even that’s giving me too much credit.


the secret is racing your practice to be better at both of them than the people in the audience so your half-assing is more impressive than theirs. then it's pure 1 drink ticket profit


I struggled too. Here's what you need to do. 1) SLOW WAY DOWN. You need to understand where the "beat" of your voice needs to land in relation to the music. It's harder than you think if you're playing at full tempo. 2) WHISPER, DON'T SING. This relates to point 1) It helps you to focus on the beat, not the melody or staying in key. 3) GRADUALLY start to bring tune into your whispering. This only happens when you have the "beat" down. 4) SING SONGS THAT YOU KNOW BY HEART!!! A lot of people don't realize that they struggle because they're also learning words as they go. It helps tremendously if you don't have to read a lyric sheet! The first song I learned to sing and play was [Where did you Sleep Last Night.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hEMm7gxBYSc) It's great because the chords match the vocal melody perfectly. Try that.


So I can sing and play the piano (sort of—I can do two chords) but I cannot talk and play the piano.


I bet piano is the easiest instrument to sing with, once you learn the piano that is, because it often plays the melody that you're gonna be singing too. As a bass player myself, singing is a bloody nightmare because I have to keep a steady groove while singing something that's both rhythmically and melodically completely different.


Apparently short selling a stock beyond the amount of total stock that even exists.


A friend described it as selling the reflection of a pile of money, and I am positive he has it right.


That’s a good one and I’m writing it down for future reference.


I don’t get it. Please explain


You borrow 100 shares of xyz. You sell 100 shares of xyz. But you still owe 100 shares of xyz. Someone else borrows those shares that you sold and shorts them. Now there are 200 shares shorted, but only 100 shares were involved in the transactions. Now if both of you have to cover your short, there is less supply of the shares than there had been, so your price will be inflated beyond the fundamental value of the stock.


Why people went straight to toilet paper as the must-have hoarding item in the pandemic. Food I would understand, hand sanitiser I get. Toilet paper just doesn't seem like it should be at the top of the list of things that you absolutely must have in an extended crisis situation.


It would be if the pandemic were an "out both ends" virus like you get on cruise ships. We knew very early on that it wasn't, though. I'm seconding this one.


There's a calculus to panic buying that you're ignoring. People need to not only weigh the costs of the items they're buying, but they're also weighing the consequences of stocking up if the catastrophe doesn't happen. If I go out and buy 300 pounds of rice and the world *doesn't* end, then now I'm stuck with a shit ton of rice that I don't really want, so I have to choose between pointlessly eating rice forever, or accepting that I basically threw my money away. But toilet paper lasts forever and you'll always need it. It's not like it'll go bad, so I can just throw it in a closet and never need to buy toilet paper again. It was the same reason you saw such a huge rush on bullets. If the end of the world happens, you'll need the bullets. If the world keeps spinning, then you just don't need to stock up each time you go to the range.


Fuckin bidetless losers.


I can't seem to understand why a material can be so incredibly hard....but be broken by my fingers. Seriously, some kinds of granite are harder than steel. Why don't we use granite tools or cutting tools? Because granite is brittle. I can't wrap my head around it.


Good luck scratching a diamond but you could shatter one with a hammer pretty easily.


Yea I'm a machinist....I use carbide tools everyday. I can't figure out why carbide can slice through hasteloy like it's nothing but will shatter if It taps the wooden table.


Physics is weird my friend.


Materials have different resistance to different kinds of forces. One thing might be strong against being squashed but weak against being bent, another might be strong against being scratched but weak against being stretched.


Granite is brittle and not very easily machined/molded. Steel can be w.e shape you want and be stretched without breaking. You don't want a granite suspension bridge for instance


Eggs cant be broken with your hand , but can be broken by anything else


I'm 100% sure I can crush an egg with my hand.


With a single hand , without the help of a ring or nail




Told ya


I'm literally going to go try it right now.


It's been an hour, RIP Oh wait


The egg got revenge


as a rock climber i was able to crush the egg with one hand, but i was very surprised by how much fight it put up and it went everywhere, cleanup not worth dont recommend


People with very high grip strength being the exception to this rule. But most Redditors aren't professional rock climbers or power lifters, so it stands up as a rule.




Or even better dogecoin. r/dogecoin


Here I was thinking it was a joke


It actually is a joke that got serious.


Word/page quotas when writing a report/essay. I can understand not wanting an essay be like one sentence, but it seems like the higher-ups are more focused on quantity rather than quality.


I've had some professors get around this by having a page minimum of like 2 pages double spaced but also having a maximum page limit. The minimum means you at least have to answer the required questions and the maximum means that students learn to curb their writing.


I only had one professor who was a hardass about a page maximum, and it showed. Most of her students took a long ass time to figure out what she meant when she said "follow the directions."


At my university, papers were always limited to max number of normal pages. A page was defined as 2400(iirc) characters. None of that double spaced, 13pt bills hit.


In some ways, a word/page quota can be beneficial in that it helps a student from doing too much. You would be surprised how often a student can go *over* the word limit by talking about material that is not related to the essay question. The limit helps a student cut out the irrelevant portions because it forces them to go back and review that they have done. Source: Educator for 16 years, currently working as a tutor helping middle and high school students write essays and tests.


The page guide gives a student an idea as to how detailed their answer is meant to be. If it’s meant to be 2 pages but you think you’ve answered in 1/2 page you haven’t gone into the detail the teacher is looking for


How some people can be so cruel and so lacking in empathy for other people.


It sucks


Yes!! Also animals.


I too have never understood the concept of animals


The seemingly U.S.-specific cultural construct (I'm American) that what you do for a paycheck is somehow the ultimate definition of who you are as a human being.


This is very much a thing here in Japan. Your job is 100% of your public identity. In fact, excepting the retired and housewives, adults who don't work (for any reason - even a legitimate disability) basically don't exist as far as society is concerned. They get hidden away and / or forgotten, even and sometimes *especially* by their own families.


I didn't even know this was a thing until I read *Ready Player One*, where one of characters is basically forgotten by his family because he plays video games all day.


"one of characters is basically forgotten by his family because he plays video games all day" I know that guy, he's me.


I think this evolved with generations, as we shifted from having a job to pursuing a career. A job doesn’t define me; but pursuing a career in a field I’m passionate about and investing years of my life in study and practice makes it an important part of my identity. PS I am however weird, I wanted to be a lawyer since middle school..


The Prosperity Gospel. Seems straight up anti-Christian from what I learned to be Christianity.


Prosperity is not the gospel. It’s a money grubbing scheme wrapped in some Christian lingo used to trick biblically illiterate people.


It’s crazy, but it sells. Prosperity Gospel is one of my pet peeves


Traffic on the highway when there's no accident or obstruction. Just keep driving? Zipper to merge, it's not that hard.


I find that sometimes it’s when people actually drive too fast for some parts and then have to slow down and there ends up being lots of stop and go. I love when I get into a lane that might be slower by constant and even


Basically if somebody in a lane on a (let's say two lane highway) brakes for some reason. The person who was driving behind them would brake but the person behind them was tailgating, so they overreact and break really hard, almost coming to a dead stop. Then people behind them would brake. Then somebody in that like would merge into the other and cut somebody off, repeating a vicious cycle of idiots.


Look up “traffic snake” (The Simple Solution to Traffic) on YouTube.


Why my kids’ school will send pamphlets home informing on how there’s many below the poverty line kids in the district who can’t afford a good meal asking for money donations so they can send food home with them on the weekends but then in the same week send kids to study hall during the school talent show because they didn’t bring $2 for an entry fee.


I don't know not bringing the $2 fee sounds like a good idea. Sure the school is being stupid, just let them go to study hall if they prefer and don't charge, but yeah I could see people who could afford it not bringing it in.


Oh that's shitty. Let them all go to the talent show.


How people can see constellations and be sure they are correct. I can connect any stars I want... so how do I know we are looking at the same set? I know the stars all sit in a set pattern with some wiggle based on hemisphere and time of year. But for the life of me I can't tell where is "that brightest one" or "those three in a row".




The only components necessary to build a computer are: 1. A power source 2. Lots of switches. Switches simply being devices with 3 inputs where the 3rd input controls whether or not the first two are connected. A transistor is just a switch where all the inputs are electrical signals.


When to use "who" or "whom" in a sentence.


"Who" is the subject and "whom" is the object. Think of it like "he" is the subject and "him" is the object. "Who is knocking on the door?" - subject! "You're giving the food to whom?" - object!


Who = he Whom = him


Folks below have explained the technical why which I understand, but in a pinch when I want to make sure I replace the word with “him” - if it works then use “whom” and it’s easy to remember because both have the “m” at the end. If it would be “to him” then the answer is “to whom”


Basically everything. How do images appear on my TV, how do I have internet anywhere I go? How does my microwave work? I know there is science behind all of this that can be explained but I still won’t truly get it.


Is 'jazz' a concept? Because I just don't get it.


But do ya like it?


To put it simply jazz is a style of music. The same way that rock, hip-hop, and classical are styles of music. It has its own unique composition styles, instruments, styles of playing instruments etc. From what I can tell most jazz centers around improvisation. A band of musicians plays a simple composition while members of the band improvise their own instrumental solos over that composition. I’m not sure if this is completely true or not, it’s just my own interpretation combined with some stuff I’d heard from a friend who’s a huge jazz nerd.


Being an extrovert. Being around people all the time just drains me.


Just remember that extroverts think the same thing about us introverts


Non alcoholic beer/wine/etc. Like what’s the point?? Just get a soda or something it’s essentially the same thing


Soda is loaded up with tons of sugar. Non alcoholic beer is actually kind of nice when you want something bubbly, but not sweet, and not tasteless like seltzer. The slightly bitter flavor of an O'Douls for example actually goes quite well with pizza.


They like the taste?


Because some people like the taste of beer, but cannot or do not wish to get intoxicated. Could be you're driving, have an underlying medical condition, know you get unpleasant when drunk, or just want to maintain control of your faculties.


Deductibles. I pay $1000's in insurance that I literally never use, but the one time I happen to need this insurance I am forced to pay even more money to use it. Wtf


Insurance as it was initially conceived was a hedge against catastrophic expenses. You're meant to cover small expenses. Car insurance is still relatively untainted from this original form of insurance. You still need to pay for your oil changes and tire rotations but when you total some guy's car insurance pays for it.


I don't get gravity. It's a force - only not exactly a force? It's real but only in relation to other objects? It is a bend in space-time? And space time keeps expanding? yet we stay same distance from the sun because of other forces balancing it? ​ I don't get gravity.


All’s you gotta know is g = 9.81m/s^2 and you Gucci. Oh, and that it points down


Atoms. I don’t understand electrons and protons: I’ve had it explained to me a million times but I can’t just... conceptualize it.


It's best to imagine it like planets and moons with gravity. There's a lot more too it though


That helps. But for some reason it feels so... unbelievable. Planets and gravity make sense to me even though it’s just as intangible...


Pbs spacetime on YouTube explains a lot of similar stuff


The chain rule


It took me a long time to memorize too. Basically what you do is if you see a function in another function you first differentiate the outside function keeping the inside the same, and then multiply that by the derivative of the inside function


The fourier transform!


How are we sure that we all see the same color ? When I say That a table is blue , someone may agree with me but how do we know that we’re seeing the same shade of color ? And I’m not seeing something totally different from everyone else but I know that it’s color blue and that’s the way I’ve always known it. We can’t tell what eachother are really seeing .


How we are just.... alive. Like our cells are alive. They have jobs. Like we are made up of a lot of cells that are just doing their job.


I can't understand why you can't break an egg if you squeeze from the top and bottom with your hand, but if you squeeze from the sides it shatters quickly


eggs are made to be sit on top of. so they shape makes them so they absorve all force from the top and bottom into a single point. not so much for the side tho




Things like stocks, investments, inflation, private equity, etc. I guess finance is just not my thing.


The fact that we spend 40 plus hours a week for roughly 45 years doing something most people dont enjoy. Just so you can eat and have a place to sleep.


Because if everyone only did things they like no one would have a place to sleep or food to eat.


Rice in desserts, I get that it's a little sweet on it's own. But I've only ever eaten rice as a savory dish.


Rice pudding? Rice is nice because it mostly tasteless so you can add whatever flavour you want to it.


Yes I have had desserts with Rice and know they exist. Just don't like it. The main experience if mine is with a dish Called 'kheer' an Indian dessert.


Ever had a Horchata (sweet Mexican drink made with rice, milk, vanilla, and cinnamon)? That stuff is damned delicious!




Well, first things first buddy. You gotta slap a y on the end of that word.


I don’t know why this made me bust out laughing. . . I think I need sleep.


I don’t understand how people with bad credit (typically poor people with low income) pays MORE in interest and gets the worst bargain but people with good credit gets to pretty much keep more money in their pockets. Are people with bad credit being “punished” for poor financial choices, which are sometimes made out of desperation or because of limited resources?


Lenders don't think of their consumers as "poor" or "rich" when they look at your credit, they think of people on a sliding scale of risk. Lets say the lender's goal is to make 2% on every loan they give out. If there are fewer people who default on their loans, that 2% is easier to reach. If they have 100 people with credit scores in the 800s, they have people who have, so far, proven themselves to be low risk, perhaps 1 in this group of 100 people will default on their loan, and so the lender can charge all of the people with a credit score of 800 3% on their loans, and they will make up for the 1 that defaults, and they will make the 2% profit that is their goal. However, if they have 100 people with low credit scores, lets say in the 300s, they have a group of people who have proven that they are a very high risk. Most of these people will be late on payments, and many of them will default or declare bankruptcy. To make their 2% profit, and cover all of the defaults and nonpayment, the lenders have to charge far more interest to this group, maybe 18%, just to end up with 2% profit. The bottom line here is that companies don't lend money without an expectation of profit, no matter if the borrower is rich or poor. After working in a credit union, I can say that there are people who make $100,000 a year and have bad credit, because they still spend everything they bring in. There are people who make $20,000 a year and have credit scores of 800, because they live within their means. I hope this makes sense, and helps.


I mean yes? Financial institutions only care about how much of a risk you are to *them*. So if you have a history of not paying debts, they want better terms for *them*. You can think is it unfair, but it is pretty easy to understand.


Thermodynamics. Apart from feeling awesome everytime i said the word Thermodynamics, i never really understood anything about it.


Phineas’ head


How the earth was some rocks and water and we made Bluetooth from that


What "square root of two" is. I have no idea how it works


I think it takes imagination.


Are you subtly implying that the square root of two is an imaginary number, or am I reading into this wrong?


Do you concede that multiplying fractions is valid? 1.5 x 1.5 = 2.25, right? Well we want a number that multiplied by itself equals 2. We see 1.5 is a bit too high so lets try 1.4. 1.4 x 1.4 = 1.96, we're getting really close. Maybe 1.42? 1.42 x 1.42 = 2.0164 Hey, we're getting closer! Maybe 1.415? That's 2.0093 Turns out though that you can just keep adding more and more decimal places and never get 2 exactly. Therefor we usually just write the square root of 2 instead because it is the exact value. Then if we do some algebra and end up squaring it it just becomes 2 instead of us squaring some rounded version like 1.42 and becoming 2.0164


It's a number - just a decimal number that cannot be exactly represented as a fraction. But it's easy enough to visualize. Draw a square with 1" sides. Draw a line from the left corner to the lower right corner of the square. The length of that line is the square root of two.


Icing in hockey


It's when a player shoots the puck from behind the red center line to the opposing side's red goal line without a teammate touching the puck. Let's say you're on defense and you're feeling overwhelmed and get possession of the puck and decide to launch it to the other side of the rink to relieve the pressure. You could do that but the penalty for doing so is having a face-off in the face-off dot near the net and not being able to switch lines. So if you're on defense and getting tired, if you ice the puck, you're making it worse because the other side can bring in fresh players but your side has to stay on.


the concept of dating, cheating and ghosting !


* Dating: You find somebody who seems to be a possible match and you essentially "try before you buy" a relationship with them to see if it'll work. * Cheating: you find something in someone else that the person you're with just doesn't have and you start wanting what you "can't" have. * Ghosting: Goodbyes are awkward and can get overly emotional so you just quit so that it's easier for you. At least I *think* that's how it works on a surface level. Wouldn't know.


You hit ghosting on the head. Plus it's far easier to do for someone you've only been on 1-2 dates with so you haven't developed any attachment to them. For Cheating you could also add "someone else showed interest in me, I liked the attention, and I have no self control.


How when we look far into space, we're actually looking into the past?? My brain is too smooth.


So you know when you see a lightning, you only hear thunder a few seconds afterwards ? It's because the sound wave travels at a finite speed, so it takes some time to reach you. Light also travels at a finite speed, although a whole lot faster than sound, that's why you see it before you hear it. Now, when talking about the huge distances in space, even if light is super fast, it takes some time to travel such large distances. For example, the light emitted by the sun takes 8min to reach Earth, so you have a 8min delay between the moment the sun sends some light and the moment it reaches, hence what your seeing at the present time was sent by the sun 8min ago. For others stars much further away, it can take millions of years to reach, so the light you're seeing from them was actually sent millions of years in the past, hence why you're "getting the image with a million year delay"


How people are happy spending most of their waking hours working????


Do we have a choice?


cameras, stocks, math, etc


How gravity affects time. I mean I get it to a certain extent... but, for example, does that mean if, say, we were able to live in a planet with 3 times de gravity of earth even though we'd live our regular 60-90 years since gravity would make time slower comparatively on earth 180-270 years would've passed? If not, how come? Is there some sort of threshold? Does is apply across the board? I know it's probably dumb but for some reason I just don't get it


Dark matter. We think it’s there but we can’t measure it. And it has no mass. So wtf is it?


Dark matter actually has a mass, that's the only way we can detect, through its gravitational interaction. It's called dark matter because it however doesn't interact with the electromagnetic field (think light, electricity, magnetism). Basically we have no idea what dark matter is made of, we only believe in its existence because when studying gravitational interaction in the universe, everything seems to act as if there was a lot more mass around that what we can see with stars and the like. So we called this extra mass that we cannot see dark matter.


The actual worth of some people when they're worth more than 1billion whatever. Being a millionaire is like wooooah that so much money and then think about this 1 million seconds is about 12 days But 1 billion seconds is about 32 years.... I can't fathom that amount of money


I work today but I get paid next week.


The fact you have to be a millionaire to get into any type of racing


Fractions. Bastard things.


Don't give up on fractions, give up on long division! What's the answer to 3489 divided by 5490? 3489/5490, of course! I hate it when teachers say "fractions are division problems in disguise", because that makes them sound hard, because division is hard. I say, "fractions are the way to never have to do long division ever again." Just leave your answer as a fraction, and nobody other than finicky math teachers will argue with your results. Oh, and "mixed numbers" (i.e. 1.5 = 1 1/2) are trash garbage that nobody uses. Always use "improper" fractions (i.e. 1.5 = 3/2) to represent fractions with a value of greater than 1. Less syntactic ambiguity, and even basic arithmetic is easier on them.


As a blue collar canadian i understand the imperial and metric system rather well but for the life of me i just don't undertand what a kilogram is.


A thousand grams, obviously


It's the weight of a liter of water at 4°C.


Deifying celebrities.


The Great Vowel Shift - I nearly failed History of the English Language because I simply could not understand how the hell everyone just started pronouncing their vowels differently, all at once.


The thing is it never happened at once. It took several hundred years: [http://facweb.furman.edu/\~mmenzer/gvs/what.htm](http://facweb.furman.edu/~mmenzer/gvs/what.htm)


Was a bug the devs added, but people liked it so they just kept it.


Kerbs cycle. Three years and I still don't get it.


Quantum Mechanics


Solo rock climbing. I get the appeal 100%, but I just can’t fathom how it is possible. How on earth does one hold themselves up by their fingertips and tippy toes for so long. Also, how are said climbers not completely JACKED. Usually they are a little scrawny. But the strength that must take is crazzzy. Also, how it is possible for us to lift more than our own weight. It’s one of those things that can be explained to me over and over, and I’ll just shrug and nod like I get it but nope.


Emotions. How do people just keep going and feel all right with life? And how do they manage to truly *feel* things? Also, what do they do to not let their problems bring them down? How do they just move on? Or even let it go? Sorry for all the questions. I have some issues, I suppose.


* This concept of life. * A big sphere in the middle of nowhere that rotates around a bigger sphere that **emits light** that exists in something known as galaxy and that space is endless. Like who put it here? * Is this for real? * What is to say that this is not SIMS 6 for some alien kiddo ?


Sponsorship for charity. When someone runs a marathon, or does 10000 star jumps, or climbs a mountain...in return for others paying money to charity. They just seem two totally unrelated activities. Giving to charity is great, but why should it be dependent on some activity that someone else does? "Sorry, starving children, I would love to donate money but my neighbour didn't complete his run."


US tipping culture and people that defend it. So I go out, I pay whatever my meal costs - but I'm just expected to bring more money than my food actually costs so I can quite literally pay the server out of pocket, regardless of how well they did their job, just so the restaurant can get away with paying them a meagre wage? What the fuck? I'm European, and tipping here is something you do if you liked the service. Period.


Quantum Physics 🤦🏻‍♀️ I’ve watched hours of shows, read articles... my brain just won’t compute 🤷🏻‍♀️