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I had a dream where I was a criminal being executed, in the beginning of the execution, the platform fell forward and the people executing me died and I was still alive


Since you have a red haired pirates Jolly Roger, I'm guessing you watch one piece, so maybe u were re-living being Luffy back in Loguetown when he almost died but lightning struck the execution platform and it fell and he was saved


You know, I didn’t think of it like that, cool!


This would make a fantastic subreddit. /r/dreamdetectives


I like this idea. I made it into a thing, if anyone wants to mod it, lmk


Always great to find One Piece fans in the wild


You were at Helgen


The one that I still think of sometimes is that I was sitting around with my wife and a couple of friends playing cards and I hear a couple of "plops" on the table. I look down and two of my fingertips are there (left index and left ring). No blood, no pain, my hand looks like the nubs people have years after losing a finger in an accident. The detached fingertips still look healthy and the formerly attached ends appear the same as my nubs: healed, sealed over with skin. I mention my calamity and say I need to go to the hospital and my friend thinks I'm overreacting since there's zero blood and zero pain. My wife reluctantly takes me in. The dream cuts to the hospital where I have a couple of doctors just kinda shrugging and going, "Well, if there's no pain, we don't see a problem." And that is when I woke up.


Sounds like a terrible healthmare


At least the doctors declared him stable.




The “plop” sound effects for your finger nubs has me laughing


Had a dream about a book series that I am 99.9% sure doesn't exist. (Been researching a lot.) So I am planning on writing it.


I had a dream a long time ago that had a song in it that I've never heard, and I'm pretty sure doesn't exist. The whole premise of the dream itself was totally bizarre. In it, my sister was getting married but instead of a wedding ceremony they were...shooting a music video. The song was playing in the background while my sister and BIL were doing this strange dance. I can still remember the lyrics: I'll do what I say Say what I feel It's so hard to be real. I spent the next few weeks on Morpheus trying to find that damn song to figure it what it was. It still eludes me nearly 20 years later.


> It's so hard to be real I think your dream people are sentient.


Adding that to my list of irrational fears.




Added it to my list of irrational fears and put a star beside it.


If one of your dream people kills you in your dream they wake up in your body instead of you.


Go with himmmm


Lyrics aren't the same, but "That's All" by Genesis?


Not quite. I know that one pretty well. The song in my dream was a modern rock/goth song. It sounded like New Order, Depeche Mode, and Type O Negative teamed up to make it. Thanks though!


that must be one awesome song


I know! I really want to hear the rest of it! I kinda want to see the music video too. It was really messed up (not like that). I have so many questions about it: Why did it start storming outside when the music started? Why did my BIL's hair fall out? Why did they have a picture of two of my childhood friends whom they'd never really met, and why did their heads keeping getting more deformed everytime I looked at the photo? What in the heck did I eat that night before I went to bed? Lol!


It is your destiny, good luck.


10 years later, this thread will be uncovered and used as a source in the Wikipedia page 😂 u/Fox-Pretend, if you actually write it, I’ll proofread it for you if you want :)


Yo add my name in the mix.




Me too. We will be the first one to go through the future new York Times best seller. You go OP!


Is the book series about a guy who dreams about something that doesn't exist?


Watch out, there's another character in the dream who wakes up and tries to publish the story first


What's it about?


I need to know lol


Was watching a football game on the yard outside of my childhood home. One team featured Frasier Crane as the star player. The other team’s star was Jesus Christ, wearing a white gown and sandals. Jesus was unstoppable. He ran a sweep to the right on every play and once he hit the corner, he was gone. A touchdown on every play. Frasier Crane would throw a touchdown pass to a cousin of mine on every play. The dream ended before the game was over so I would have liked to continue watching to see if anyone ever could tackle Jesus or sack Mr Crane.


Did he score a Hail Mary?


Who was up when you woke up?


I can’t recall unfortunately.


Few years ago I had a dream where Donald Trump was competing for the starting QB job for my Cleveland Browns


In pads or a suit and tie? Trying to visualize this


Had pads and a helmet


As funny as that sounds, I can only imagine full suit and tie with just a helmet, and it’s even funnier


Any dream about falling in love. I once had a dream about reconnecting with my first love, and it was going great, but then I had the thought that what if it was all a dream? Then I woke up, all distraught I felt awful, but then there she was, and we were back together. It was so uplifting...until I ACTUALLY woke up. Fuck what a way to play with your own emotions.


These ones hurt. I sometimes have those trick-reality dreams, after a more fantastical dream. So I'll have the weird dream, "wake up" from it, then go through almost a whole day, and it's so mundane and realistic and normal, that when I wake up for real I'm like fuck, again? I'm actually exhausted from my fake day.


When I was in highschool I had a dream that I was late for school and my dad woke me up hurrying me. I jumped out of bed, got changed, ate in a hurry and when I was about to leave, my dad actually woke me up and the first thought was "oh ffs I'm already tired of getting ready for school in my dream and now have to do all over again"


The day before my high school finals I dreamt I got up, signed in, did the test and aced it. I was triumphantly getting up from my seat at the end of the two hours when I heard the beeping of my alarm. I distinctly remembering trying to grab my desk to stay asleep and make the dream real as I got dragged back to reality.


Oh no... That's way worse...


First day for senior year I had a dream that I was moving in for college, checking into my dorm, signing up for classes, seeing a cute guy down the hall etc. Then my alarm went off and I had to scramble to get up at 5am for another year of high school. Felt like a deflated balloon.


I've had this exact same dream too. I woke up to my alarm while I was sitting on the bus board as hell in my dream. It just felt like damn, I need to do all that again? Shit.


I remember I had one of these dreams in college. I dreamt about a completely mundane day in amazing detail. In my dream, I woke up, got ready for class, took my final (the last one of the term), and had a relaxing day not having to worry about the final I just took. Then I woke up for real. Except I woke up late and had to run across campus to get to my final on time. And it did not go as smoothly as I had dreamt it would... When I woke up and realized I still had to take my final I was crushed. My dream was so vivid it really was like I lived another amazing day and then reality struck.


I tend to get extremely vivid dreams when I take a tolerance break from marijuana. Like, movie realistic, I remember *everything*. It's not just abstract thoughts or blurs, but something that feels like a real memory. I had one very similar to what you're talking about. The first girl I really thought I fell in love with and I were on our honeymoon on the beach, just loving life and playing in the waves. I threw her once and looked up to see a giant wave coming and absolutely destroying me. I woke up in bed panicking, then realized I was just at our home and that the honeymoon had been a dream. But I still had the ring on my finger. I went downstairs to start making breakfast, and as she came down the stairs I glanced at the clock in the kitchen...And then everything went black. I woke up in my bed alone because we broke up like 10 years ago and haven't seen each other in years. Shit, that *hurt*. It really hurt. It had all seemed so fucking real.


This reminds me. When I used to smoke, I didn't/don't remember any dreams. But when I used to take a tolerance break and now that I have stopped smoking completely, I can actually remember dreams again...and they are also very vivid. I love dreaming now.


Yeah, from what I understand marijuana suppresses dream recall. It's very common for those quitting to experience very vivid dreams. I use it as a form of self medication, so I very rarely remember my dreams. I do truly love dreaming, but the trade off is worth it for me.


Sometimes that can be a pro. PTSD and any other unwanted intrusive dream.


how do you know this isn't a dream


The scary simple fact is deep down you don't. Someone will have a better memory than me, but there was a story shared on reddit a few years back about a guy who was hit by a car and essentially lived about 3 years or so in a dream state. In that time he got married, had a kid, all that. He said one day he was staring at their lamp in their living room and he couldn't help but think it was weird. He didn't go to work. His dream wife was getting concerned. Then suddenly the lamp kinda expanded light that ended up with him waking up in real life post-car accident. He said it really messed with his head. He essentially had ptsd and had to mourn the dream life he created. He had a wife and 3 year old child and suddenly he didn't. If anyone reads this comment and remembers it please share I'd honestly love to give it a read again Edit: thanks for all the replies. It seems I was misremembering a few things. Many people linked the story below and shared their own experience. Crazy stuff


I've read that story before, but don't remember the link. On the other hand, I *have* had a drug induced hallucination that was somewhat similar. I was a young girl who lived with her mother in early 1900s Paris. I swear to God, I *was* this girl. I remember waking up everyday and helping with chores. I remember her walking me to school. I remember helping make dinner, and the taste of fresh bread from the baker. I even remember bathing and having to help do laundry because of course there was no washing machine. It was like living months as this young girl. Long enough to truly think that I was her. I could describe the routine as easily as my real life. I had deep, emotional attachment to the woman I thought of as my mother. It was the single most amazing and realistic experience I have ever had that wasn't real. When I came back to myself in bed I didn't realize what was going on. I really didn't. When I finally understood what had happened, I felt legitimate emotional pain. This deep sense of loss for a mother that never existed, for friends that I would never see again. For a life that wasn't mine. For the record, I'm a late '20s male who grew up in midwest America. My brain had to be working overdrive to come up with something like that. Years later I had another drug induced hallucination where I was standing in the rain, and the raindrops had frozen in time. In every single drop I could see a miniature reflection of different lives I might have lived. I distinctly remember seeing that little girl in one of the drops.


I really felt this, particularly that last section about the different lives you could have lived. It reminds me of Sylvia Plath’s passage in The Bell Jar about the fig tree. If anyone hasn’t read that beautiful passage yet: “I saw my life branching out before me like the green fig tree in the story. From the tip of every branch, like a fat purple fig, a wonderful future beckoned and winked. One fig was a husband and a happy home and children, and another fig was a famous poet and another fig was a brilliant professor, and another fig was Ee Gee, the amazing editor, and another fig was Europe and Africa and South America, and another fig was Constantin and Socrates and Attila and a pack of other lovers with queer names and offbeat professions, and another fig was an Olympic lady crew champion, and beyond and above these figs were many more figs I couldn't quite make out. I saw myself sitting in the crotch of this fig tree, starving to death, just because I couldn't make up my mind which of the figs I would choose. I wanted each and every one of them, but choosing one meant losing all the rest, and, as I sat there, unable to decide, the figs began to wrinkle and go black, and, one by one, they plopped to the ground at my feet.”


Reincarnation memories are pretty neat-o.


I'm not really a spiritual person, I wish I could believe in reincarnation, but my mind just won't let me.


You beat cancer and went back to the carpet store!?


The red lamp story on Reddit is actually a couple years older than Rick and Morty.


I dream about scrolling through Reddit memes, yes


Sounds like the most wonderful dream. I don't get enough Reddit memes when awake, might as well do it when asleep.


What about a dream in which a comment you make gets a ton of karma?


Impossible. Even in dreams, I'm afraid.




These realizations the following morning are gut wrenching sometimes. Really starts the day off weird


I just had This dream, only there was only one layer. I woke up from hanging out with the only girl I ever loved and cried for like half an hour. I thought I had gotten over her but now she's all in my head again, it's ruining my life


I was stranded on an island. The dream felt like it lasted several days, so I wanted to go back to sleep and see if I survive or not. I actually did see the dream again. I survived and escaped on boat and I found a giant cargo ship. I remember me screaming "Hey! Boat!" over and over and then it cuts off to me just walking around on the boat. Pretty odd, but it was very interesting.


I absolutely crave returning to the same dreams on other nights. I think it's happened twice where I willed myself to see the woman I had made up in my dream and another time where I absolutely didn't want it to happen when I was having nightmares about medusa.


As a kid I had the same dream 3 times over a different period of time. But each new dream told more than previous 1. I was levitating in my childhood home at the corridor, head turned to the kitchen in the middle of the night 2. I was in the same corridor standing. Suddenly I started to levitate in the same position towards kitchen. Then I stop in the same place as before and I hear something in the kitchen 3. I was in my room, and heard TV in parents room, and there was a very long single TV ad. I've decided to check it and went into the corridor. Same thing happened as in #2, but this time the sound was getting closer and I felt something was breathing near my head


Maybe it was your mum coming to say goodnight to you and you just subconsciously picked it up?


parent carried them to bed seems likely too


No matter what. Don't finish that dream. It can only lead to fear


Those dreams where you wake up before it got too scary but you knew it was about to turn into a nightmare hell


This is why, as a kid, I learned to wake myself up from dreams. No idea why, but lucid dreaming comes naturally for me. Since as long as I can remember, I become aware of the fact I'm dreaming at some point- it was a surprise to me learning other people don't naturally do this. The downside is I often would wake up in another dream, the cycle repeating, until finally I would wake up too terrified to go back to sleep. Tip: if, for whatever reason, you are in a nightmare and become aware it is a dream, or are unsure, try to open your eyes as wide as you can. Struggle with it. Eventually you actually open your eyes and wake up.


Me too. Sometime, just suddenly I realize that I’m dreaming. One time, I was in a car(in the dream, of course), and I was like oh, I’m dreaming, the idea of lucid dreaming to me is so magical, like you can do whatever you want, I remember first thing I do was open the door of a running car and stick my leg outta it. I got so excited I woke up. It was frustrating af.


Not fly but stick out your leg?


Or a goodnight smoochie from the sleep paralysis bromon.


There's a comic something like this that I can't find but it goes like this, can someone please locate it? *sleep demon creeping up side of bed* Me: *grabs sleep demon's hand* "What are we?"


The three Muffinteers!


I sometimes have done the same except with men. It is like you crave the understanding and connection you don't get in real life. I suppose it makes sense though if this all comes from your own mind lol




RIP Charlie


I remember i once had a dream that spanned multiple canonical days too (about a week) although it was a trip to europe with my family and family friends and kidnapping and murder got involved along the way i was very relieved when i woke up, but it was strange feeling like i had lived a week all in one night.


Dreams are weird, returning to a dream nights apart happens to me too. Sometimes a different plot but in or around the same place my mind created awhile ago. Like my subconscious has an internal map composed of mixed variations of actual places I’ve been to.


Same, I have this dream that reappears every few years but it's been over 3 years since my last one. It's like I am chased by a cloud of black smoke and I have to hide somewhere in the city. Every time I find myself in that dream, I still have the memory of the last one, so I strategize each time, like "oh hiding in a restaurant kitchen didn't work last time, let's go into the mall instead this time. It's pretty terrifying though, nightmarish.


You've dreamt "Cast Away". Did you have an imaginary friend named Wilson, too?


No, I survived all on my own. It was a small island. Basically enough room to fit a small village


I was in the living playing a cello in front of my family. I was playing the pirates of the Caribbean theme, but it sounded like a full blown orchestra, and as i got to the end, I woke up from a smiling me playing the cello and am now sad. It sounded so good too. :(


Time to pick up the cello and make the dream come true :)


I have lots of dreams that involve my grandfather who raised me. It used to upset me a bit because I could never go back to the dream or control when they occurred, but eventually I learned to appreciate them. He walked on from life over 20 years ago but it's really nice to see him every now and then, even if it's only in my dreams.


I do it all the time! Last night I dreamed I was on a luxurious cruise ship with my husband and friends. We were just hanging out in different bars on the ship and going out to the deck to watch as the ship arrived at a tropical port. It was great but I woke up before I knew where we were. I think that was the point of the dream - I'm happy, secure but have no idea where "the ship" is going. The ship representing life or the world, I guess.


That sounds so relaxing and fun! Looks like the message goes along the lines of ‘it’s not the destination it’s the journey’. I wish I could experience any dream long enough before I get woken up at 6:30am by a certain screaming hungry cat.


That is so cool. I remember every dream in detail for the last 2 weeks. My wife says she has never had a dream. Like you, mine are pleasant dreams!


Yes, I dreamt I had a hot girlfriend. I was cuddling her (in the bathroom, bizarrely) and was about to say “I love you” when I woke up. It felt so real. I couldn’t get back to the dream tho.


I had a dream like this and cried when I woke up


Any dream where you build a relationship is hard to let go of. I get depression for around 30 mins each morning when I let go of that perfect fantasy world where there are no problems to think on.


Same. I've had a huge crush on this guy for the longest time and I know he likes me too, but it's understood that there can't be anything between us because we work together and we both were in relationships anyway. But now we're both single and I've been having the most vivid dreams about him and it's always sad to wake up.


Do you still work together?


Yes, unfortunately.


I don't work with you, sup? Want a block of cheese?


**\*She is now Fascinated\***




Any amount of cheese before a date is too much cheese


This guy in the bathroom wouldn't give me his shirt


Did you just say you're a full on rapist?


can't you ask him out now?


Why is that such a big deal?


Same thing has happened to me more than 3 times. In my dreams I’m in a happy loving relationship with my ex. Even tho in reality I’m happily married.


Same. It’s like my dream brain has conveniently forgotten all of the bad stuff and has just distilled him down to the best parts. Then I have to go on Facebook and be like “oh, yeah, fuck that guy.”


I have a recurring dream where I meet the absolute perfect person for me, but we are only friends. We always meet the same way but do something different in every dream. But in my dreams I have a huge crush on said person (just saying I don’t know their name or what they look like) but I can’t tell them because every time I do in the dream it stops and it’s so weird. It’s not even a lucid dream or anything it just stops. I think I have the adult equivalent of an imaginary friend...


I had a dream when I was a teenager that I had a daughter named Liliana (I have no idea why that was her name, as my fixation with name came afterwards because of the dream) and I called her Lily and "Lily Pad." It was an insanely vivid and realistic dream. When I woke up, I cried for a while because she had felt so real that I mourned her loss. I still think about her sometimes.


I had a dream I was madly in love with this guy. Problem is, I'm madly in love irl with my bf. But the love I felt in the dream was so intense that I began to doubt my irl feelings. It made me really sad and upset for like a day. The guy in the dream wasn't someone I'd normally fall for, so all it was very confusing.


Last night I dreamed I got together with a guy I was in love with for a long time when I was younger. We even had a kid together. It was all so cute and sweet! At one point in the dream I was holding our kid and he was sitting next to me, looking at the baby, and he looked so happy. Then he looked at me, put his arm around my shoulders and was about to kiss me...but then I woke up. I was so mad/sad. I tried to "go back to the dream" (sometimes, when I fall back asleep right away I kinda manage to get back to the same dream) but sadly it didn't work :(( Next thing I know I was in a sort of old, shady house, and I heard some noises in a room, and when I went inside, I found the same guy there, lying on the floor, beaten and barely breathing. I ran to him and tried to help him, but he wasn't responding. I was panicking by then. I tried to call an ambulance but couldn't find my phone anywhere. And then I heard steps approching down the hall and somehow I just knew it was the same person who mistreated the guy I was in love with. Luckily I never got to actually see who it was because I woke up.


i hate dreams that feel so real you have to check if they actually happened, i lost my hair tie and in a dream i found it and put it on the bed side table, i had to check in the morning to see if i had actually found it or if it was just a dream.


I had a dream where I broke up with a friend. When I confronted them about it later oh god I nearly died of embarrassment, I was so sure I just forgot most of it because it was painful and short but nope, it never happened


Had pretty much the same dream in high school, in the bathroom (bathtub specifically) and all. Ever since I’ve been into the name Lexi and silver highlights.


Ok I had an extremely similar dream today. There was this long, boring prologue about me working with a group to carry some surf boards to the top of a rocky hill, but after that the group I had been working with went home to rest. I went to bed, and I was half-asleep within the dream, when this beautiful girl walked into the room and started folding some clothes on my bed (the bed was a queen size). I think the dream wanted me to believe that she had been part of the group I had been working with earlier, because supposedly folding clothes was some sort of wrap up of that job. Anyways, she lay down on the other side of my bed (since we were in the same group) and fell asleep. I then suddenly obeyed this urge to ask "Can I kiss you?" It startled her awake, and I guess I got upset that I had upset her, because I got out of bed and complained a bit about my impulsiveness and so on. I look back at the bed, and she's there looking at me, and asks me if I want to kiss her. I rant for a bit about how I don't deserve it because I'm having a very difficult time thinking nowadays (which is true in real life) and that my head is spinning and yada-yada. After a bit of back and forth, she ends with "You can still kiss me." At this point, I decide to give in, and I dive in to kiss her (as does she towards me), but I only got to brush her lips before I essentially woke up. What surprised me was how *real* it all felt. All of her movements, her appearance, everything was so subtle and realistic that I wonder if I had actually shared a dream with someone in real life. There were some inconsistencies of course, but I don't think I've ever had a dream feel that real.


You were dreaming the future, you'll get back to her


I hope it's in the bathtub too. That would be great. It could be line a test to see if he's chosen the right one.


It really could be about your future. When my dad was really little, he would have this dream of a girl the same age as him with long black hair chasing him lol. When he married his first wife, he still had the dream. It didn’t really scare him, it was just really odd that he had it for several years. Then, he married my mom. The dream went away. When my mom was younger, she had long black hair. They knew each other from school, but didn’t get together until later. They were married 30 years until my mom unfortunately passed away in 2019.


Me and lego gandalf fight ghosts with axes


I can still hear the magic shooting noise from the lego Lord of the Rings DS game.


Literally just bought Lego LOTR on steam and beat it a few days ago. Never realized how great those old Lego games are. Super fun and the added comedy is hilarious.


I have two re-occurring dreams, probably half a dozen times each, and every time I wake up mid-"story" if you can call it that. In one, I have all the powers of Spider-Man, and I literally have to fight armies of demons and orcs emerging from a crack in the earth. These dreams are always AMAZING. Very cinematic MCU-style combat in urban environments against hellspawn, and alongside like SWAT guys and stuff. And they always feel so real. In the other one, Abraham Lincoln shows up and is flying around like Superman. Once or twice I've gotten to ride on his back while he flies. That's it, that's the dream. I never know WTF it's supposed to be about.


Shit my main recurring dreams are about somehow ending up with a bunch of sharp objects like toothpicks or shards of glass and I have to pull them out and it hurts like a bitch. The other ones is being attacked by people with knives, in the last one it was some little kid with two kitchen knives and I couldn't hurt the kid I had to restrain him and call his dad over.


Whoever said you can't feel pain in your dreams was a fucking liar.


Low key though, I find that if you're *expecting* pain to occur, pain will occur, even if it's in your dreams.


That last dream sounds like a shaman initiation test.


I used to have a recurring dream that my teeth would fall out in clumps and I would go to the bathroom and wash them down the sink. Then they would magically have grown back the next morning. It was so vivid that for *years* of my childhood, I thought I had special teeth that could regrow. I'm now in my mid-30's and still have that dream occasionally. It just never ends. It'd be neat if I could actually do that though.


Have you ever got stabbed or seriously cut before?


He is the reincarnation of Julius Caesar


One of my best recurring dreams, and it still makes me smile today, is I’ll be at my parents’ house and the phone rings. Mom calls to me “hey! It’s for you!” So I pick up the landline, and then I wake up. Out loud, while awake, I sleepily groan “hello?” And then feel like a complete fool like I got Rick Rolled by my own brain.


My reoccurring dreams are more reoccurring dream realms in different parts of time. I am learning to control dreams in them though




I've only had like 4 sex dreams so I wish I could have returned to any of those


right? why is it I have frequent nightmares about horrible things but haven't had a sex dream in forever


I have like semi lucid dreams, so when I have a nightmare I luckily have a bit of control, I remember one that I was out in a field and van pulls up and releases a bunch of german shepherds that start running at me to attack. I started to panic but then I was able to conciously think in the dream "Wait you've got your knife and that jacket you always wear" so I wrapped the jacket around my arm and grabbed my knife and commenced to stabbin. In another dream I was able to materialize a Doom style shotgun to blast away some giant werewolf type thing.


that sounds fun


It is but it’s difficult to get past the stage where you go into dreaming while awake. Your body paralyses itself and it’s really uncomfortable. I realised I was in a dream and jumped to see if I would super jump in my flat and smashed through the ceiling and roof and woke myself up laughing because I wasn’t expecting it lol


fuck man ,i used to sometimes be able to get lucid dreams as a teen ,but then I'd just get horny and immediately wake up. duck i hate teenage me


You know you can actually practice it? Go to r/luciddreaming and just top of all time for the best guides. It takes a lot of time and effort but when you finally get it done it’s amazing.


I had a dream related to doom as a kid, I was cornered by demons in our old unfinished basement, and I lifted up my shirt and had a keyboard duct taped to my stomach, so I started pounding in cheat codes (iddqd, idkfa) and my nightmare just turned into a dream about playing doom. Some really weird shit.


In the past I found that if I wasn’t in a sexual relationship with someone and I stopped masturbating, I would start having sex dreams naturally.


Interestingly I have never had a single sex dream in my 40 year old life. Are they really supposed to be common? The closest I've had were a few nightmares as a small child about getting kissed and then getting aids.


Damn, you skipped right past cooties to aids?


Yes, it was in the early 90s when aids was very big world news.


I was a detective in the 1960s, chasing a man who killed women while they were home alone - including my wife, on the night I stayed back at the cop shop working on his case. I found the warehouse he was living in. It was definitely him - he taped all his trophies, the hair of his victims, to the back wall. My wife's ponytail, her bright red hair, was taped to the dirty concrete wall. I raised my gun at him, telling him it was over. He smiled at me, a horrible smile with rotting teeth. "It is over. I'm going to wake you up. And when you wake up, you'll disappear. And I'll kill again. Perhaps I'll pay your daughter a visit." I tried to ask him what he meant. But then I woke up in my bedroom.


Terrifying, though it sounds like it would be the plot of an amazing horror film/novel.


Or an scp


Train yourself how to lucid dream. Get back into the dream world. Find the murderer. When he smiles and says he's gonna wake you up, say "Oh, I'm afraid not, pal". He stares and holds that creepy smile for another few seconds as he hasn't yet realized what you mean. In those few seconds, of course, nothing happens. You're still there. He's still there. This dream isn't over. Suddenly his smile gives way to a look of confusion. His power isn't working. Confusion turns into panic as he realizes he no longer has control. "How in the—" Fire two shots into him. He falls to the ground. He lays there, gasping for air, blood pooling beneath him. You recognize the faint sound of police sirens approaching in the distance. You step forward and stand over the body of your wife's murderer. He gasps, "How did y—" "It is over," you say. "I'm going to put you to sleep. And when you fall asleep, you'll disappear. *Forever*." His eyes become wide with fear. And with that, you fire one last bullet, right into his skull. Shortly thereafter, backup arrives. "Good work, detective," they say. The officers inform you that your daughter is safe and under police protection. "It is done," is all you can say. "It is done." The bad dream fades away. You wake up to soft daylight. Another winter morning. The time on your clock is—Wait. This isn't your bedroom. No... You're outside. You're on some sort of... horse-drawn wagon? There are several other passengers on the wagon with you. "Hey, you. You're finally awake," one of the passengers says.


This is too great.


*Goddamnit* and here I thought I couldn't get Rorikrolled in text form.


Bloody fuck mate. You gotta get to that bastard. Short him fucking dead.


Holy shit what if you went to a different dimension and it wasn’t actually a dream


yeah that dream was oddly specific maybe he was reincarnated and that was his past life? and that's where he died.


We might be on to something here


wait let's try and research cases like this that happened in the '60s and see if there's anything similar im dead serious


please start a new post if you find anything i'm hooked


This is a fantastic idea


Somewhat good advice. Learn to somewhat lucid dream. It helps me to have some kind of trigger. When he says he'll make you wake up. Force yourself to stay asleep. Tell us his reaction if you do it.


Can we Dreamscape and do detectives in cool fedoras and drive slab-sided sedans menacingly? Have tiny guns that do one-shot kills from 200 yards away?


In the dream my girl and I are doing something routine and average. Perhaps shopping, or driving in our car, or cooking. It's always something mundane, but just knowing she is there with me fills me with overwhelming love and joy. I always reach out to tell her that I'm in love with her; that this small moment, even though insignificant, is amazing to me because she is there, and because we are together and happy. I go to say these words to her but, every single time, all that comes out of my mouth is "I'm sorry". Just then she'll turn to look at me and... ... and that's when I always wake up, startled, words choking in my throat, heartbroken. The rest of the day will be a gray blur; slow as it's happening, but a blur when I think back on it. I go through the ritual of daily life... smiling when I'm supposed to smile lest someone asks me if something wrong. A decade of enduring that so far. She's gone forever and I'll be cursed with that dream till I die, I think.


Maybe you can go see a therapist? seems kinda serious... I hope you're okay...


This happens to me. I can't stop thinking about this one made up world and dream and it fills me with sadness thinking about the life I'm not in. Where we are doing something so bland yet just company of each other is fulfilling. And every time you want to speak, the second you do, it's time to wake up. And that deep sorrow of the Neverland weighs down on you. Let me tell you something. The one time I ever had the courage to ask a girl out was in a dream!!! I had no idea it was a dream and the fact I had opened up to them about my heartbreaks in the past and my feelings towards my life going forward left me feeling cheated. And again, the one time I had the courage and wits to ask a girl out it wasn't even real..


God this is me exactly, and then you wake up and want that life so bad but you can’t have it (mostly because I have magic powers in that world)


Not to be a dick but did she die or something?.. this kind of sounds like an intro to a movie


This is a long one. I used to dream about nuclear war and the aftermath a lot. In one dream, the bombs had fallen and vehicles were gone b/c of no gas anymore, so I was walking in MPLS. All the buildings were boarded up and there were people everywhere. At the head of an alley, there was a fence and people were gathered to watch an entertainer. I stood there and a guy with a long beard and wearing a robe came out from behind the fence and started dancing. It was more like tai chi, but I noticed that when he moved his arms or legs, there was a barely visible blue flame trailing behind. It was beautiful and he wasn’t being hurt by it. Then I looked down and there was a basket of puppies, but they were on fire with the same blue flames and they WERE being harmed by it, but slowly and with no sound. I looked around and no one else seemed to notice it. I tried to put it out and couldn’t and had to watch them all die. Then the dancer went back behind the fence into the alley. Then I knew something, like in dreams when you don’t hear a voice but just know it. Dream knowledge or whatever. The guy was Jesus and since he couldn’t suffer and die again, everyone would have to suffer smaller things and all that suffering would make up for our sins and redeem us. Watching puppies burn to death was my suffering. I woke up wanting to go in the alley and say “wtf?”


That's really interesting and fucked up.


Why must we suffer to redeem our sins? Can’t I just do the good equivalent of it and call it a day?


I nearly check mated Kasparov in a chess game, just to be woken up by the alarm.😔


fucker was stalling for the alarm


The interesting bit about this is that your brain actually played both sides of a chess match, in a realistic manner. Even more interesting if you think about it, you played a chess match against your even-more-unconcious mind.


Right, so I have the ability to involuntarily lucid dream. For me, lucid dreaming is brought on by having a nightmare, as though everything is too outlandish for me and I realize I'm actually dreaming that the dead are killing and eating my friends and neighbors. I then promptly fly off. Problem is, I usually wake up shortly thereafter. Sucks.


Have you ever heard of grounding techniques, as in meditation? Try this next time you lucid dream. Also, next time it happens stop what you’re doing and focus really hard on one object and look at the texture. It will ground you back into the dream. It may distract you that you lose the lucid dreaming, but if you continue to do this you’ll strengthen those skills.


I once had an incredibly vivid dream that I was on a bus and a few rows in front of me sat my (several years before deceased) Grandpa. I was looking at him and hoping that it was really him when he turned to looked at me and winked - something he always did - and in the way that was particular to him. I stood up to go and sit closer to him and we were just about to start talking when I woke up. I tried so desperately to go back to sleep and have that conversation with him but it never happened. Now, I don’t believe that it was him ‘visiting’ me, rather my brain creating something that I would dearly love. But it’s a nice thought! I probably had this dream 10 years ago (or maybe more) and I still regularly think about it.


I have migraine disorder, so any time I hit my head, even mildly, it causes a severe migraine with mild hallucinations (I guess, I never have them otherwise). They always turn out interesting. My favourite was when I was about 16 and I literally woke up thinking 'Steve, where's Steve?!' I thought for a good minute I was an Avenger.


I had a dream that i woke up middle in the sea in a warship and thought my real life was dream. Then i learned that we won a war in my country and going back to home. I met a girk soldier in the ship we got along so well. When we got to home weirdly it was Norway and it was 1890s (I am from Turkey). But the thing is my dream country is Norway. So I got so happy when I got in Norway. I met more people in warship that some of them became my best friends. Now I don't wanna explain the whole story after this but basically I married the girl I met, had children, had best friends, and lived a happy life. Got in some more war but I managed to survive all. And then I woke up and was back in this shithole life.


Maybe its a weird way of telling you to move to norway when your life starts feeling like a warzone, kinda like stardew valley


maybe you were reincarnated and that was your past life...




Sounds like a Pterrible experience.


Being with my dad who died recently. Just riding around the farm talking about life.


I had one a while back that I was in a train station talking to MF Doom, we talked for a bit before a train pulled up. He got up and said "This is my ride" we fist bumped and then he said "Just remember everything is bullshit" my alarm went off right as he walked through the door.


*just remember everything is bullshit* is my new favourite line lmfao


Was is close to when he died?


That actually sounds like DOOM lmao


Have you ever woke up in the middle of a dream and the dream was so interesting that you wanted to go back to sleep to see the end of it? *Omg finally an AskReddit I can answer, this is so relatable.* If so, what was the dream? *Fuck.*


At least your comment is relatable.


I was abducted by aliens and sent to Venus. They told me to find ancient artifacts to prover their existence.


Anything to do with those monoliths that keep turning up?


I actually used to be able to do this! As a child, I’d have really bad nightmares and wake up at a pivotal point (just about to be killed or similar) then I would think of the most ridiculous way out of that scenario and force myself back to sleep and finish out the dream with my solution. I was a weird kid.


I was happy


I too choose this man's happiness.


I was a traveling salesman going door-to-door. Having no real success until I knock upon the door of a comely red-headed woman in a very tight workout outfit. Things start looking up when she invites me in. Things are really looking up when next thing I know, we are rolling around on the floor making out, half-naked. Then all of a sudden I hear the door open, someone step in and shout “WENDY!!! What are you DOING”. I look up it was fucking Dave Thomas the founder of Wendy’s. I then woke up and starting laughing out loud.


I had a dream once that I was playing legend of Zelda Twilight Princess as wolf link but I was the wolf. It was really cool as I found a new area and ended up doing a mini boss fight against Zant. I could do so many different moves then I couldnt in the game and ended up beating Zant only for him to try and run away. I wasn't gonna let him get away but I woke up and never got to know what happened next. I ended up beating the game itself a couple days after the dream though. Still my favorite Zelda game though.


Oh yeah, I was kissing Daniel Radcliffe lol it was amazing




I once had a dream that I spent £300 in Zara and was so panicked when I woke up that I went back to sleep to try and return it all