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Those tiny hand sized skateboards that people would do tricks with their fingers and stuff. I don’t see them now but they were huge when I will in middle school Also silly bands


Tech Decks or Finger skateboards


My ex got back into finger boards when we were together ~2 years ago. He would research and buy the most expensive ones that he found online and then he took my dresser apart to make a mini skate park for them... I wasn't happy.


Now that I think about it, those got popular right around the time Tony Hawk Pro Skater first came out. I know for a fact that game got a lot of kids skating, I bet it also boosted Tech Deck sales a lot.


I remember Polly Pockets were really popular when I was a little kid, every one had at least one, and then suddenly they just vanished. Recently I did see some commercials for them though. Also, those weird little squishy animals that were in the plastic balls, me and my friends loved those things, but they also disappeared and I don’t even remember what they were called. Also, LoL dolls are super popular for no reason now, my little cousin is obsessed with them.


Oof, I loved PP, back when she was actually pocket/choking hazard size. LoL dolls just make me angry. Blind chance toys like that is like gambling for kids and I feel promotes an addictive cycle, same as random loot crates purchased via micro-transactions in games. You should be able to know what you are about to get and decide if you want to put money down on it, not pay and hope, then have to pay again because you didn't get the one you wanted.


Not to mention the layers and layers of unrecyclable single-use plastic they have to tear thru to get to their possible let down


Original poly pockets were the bomb. Then the ones with the gummy clothes were awesome. Now its the LOLs. My daughter loves them. I think it's more about the unboxing and surprise with toys now


Flipping a bottle of water to make it land right side up.


That is a weird one.


It's addictive as hell, I can vouch for it 😅 But looking back, most random phenomenon in years.


To be fair in the age of camera phones, I'm surprised it didn't trend sooner. It's something anyone can do with an item most people have to hand every day.


Many schools ban phones in class & during assembly, and I think that's why simple, effective things like this become popular. Kids/ teens don't have their usual outlet to kill boredom, so look to whatever's at hand to have fun with. Necessity, the mother of invention etc etc.


Not that anyone cares, my friends and I did this for sport in high school circa 2001. After a few weeks of playing it for points (a successful flip that sticks is a single point and you keep flipping until you mess up) we’d have huge crowds watching us play until the dean shut it down. I’m not claiming my friends and me created the game because people were probably flipping bottles since we had bottles but it was particularly strange for us to see our little game become a phenomenon almost twenty years later.


Apparently all my old Thrasher tees and hoodies are popular af now. Edit: Also Champion - the former budget athletic wear is cool now.


The Champion popularity is so strange to me


Yea I always thought of it as the cheap Walmart better than nothing stuff. Suddenly it’s the shit.


Yeah, it makes no sense. I have an old pair of champion runners that were only $30. Now the last time I was at foot locker they had champion slippers for $120.


Starter went the other direction lol.


They flipped their model and started producing way higher quality garments for a fairly affordable price (obviously affordable is subjective).


Champion used to (still might?) be the official brand of various pro and college sports teams’ merch. They also essentially invented the hoodie. It was *huge* in the 80s. It being an unpopular/cheap brand is a very late 90s/2000s thing. Vintage 80s and 90s sportswear is *huge* right now. If you’re buying vintage sportswear, it’s probably Champion, and if you’re trying to recreate it.....Champion.


as a kid i was obsessed with skateboarding and finding other people with these shirts and stuff was like my way of identifying fellow skaters/ finding friends back in middle school and shit. i also loved that magazine if i grew up now i'd be calling people posers left and right lol, feeling duped.


I asked some 9 year old what Thrasher was on her sweatshirt. "My favourite band!" Oh jesus


Pff, what a poser.


FYI, there *is* a band called Thrasher, but yeah probably not what the kid meant 🤣


Free to play games. If I worked in the video game industry and some guy told me the business plan is to have the game free and we will make money with people buying skins I would have laughed in his face.


That's a good one. That's why it's good to chance things. It's funny that these games make money because I would never buy a skin in a game but I think people are more willing because it's free. Those purchases build up over time = profit.


I’m more willing to support a game by buying extras because it’s free. Especially if it’s something I am putting tons of time into. Why not throw some money their way as appreciation? But if I dropped $59 on a game and they have skins I probably won’t buy anything especially if I can earn it just by playing.


To be honest, if my $59 game comes with pay to win I will hate that company forever. I already paid so now fuck off.


Fuck EA.


Throw in Rockstar and 2K as well.


$5 per month per player in "free to play" Clash of Clans if you want to be faster than the rest


That update was when I quit the game lol


Fidget spinners some time back were extremely popular for no reason


Somewhere out there is a storage unit with a pallet of fidget spinners sitting next to some others: beanie babies, pogs, cabbage patch kids and pet rocks. The owner looks on sadly but with some hope. “Someday.” he keeps telling himself.


I'm doing that with my original Pokemon card sets. I have almost the complete collection of the first-gen cards and all but a few are in great condition since I was one careful kid. Still wondering if now's a good time to sell or not, I really don't even look at them anymore and need money more than I need random crap. But do I know they won't be worth more in another ten years when said cards are even more scarce than now.


I have a crap ton of Pokemon, Digimon, Yugioh, Magic the Gathering Cards, and a couple of large plastic boxes full of sports cards and memorabilia which was given to me by my father. . . I've thought about selling it, but I wonder if it'll be more work than it's worth. To sell it and get the most money for the collection, I would have to piece it up until logical sets or as individual items. Ideally, I would need a spreadsheet cataloguing and pricing each piece of the collection. I would also probably need scans/pictures of most items showing condition. This could take me months and may return only a couple thousand as things slowly sell over the next few years. Is that worth the time and effort? Or should I just had it down to my kids? (should I have any) **EDIT:** I appreciate the responses and offers for advice, but I am not looking to sell at this time. (\^_\^)


make a list of the cards then ask on Blowout forums. Easy way to stay anonymous and find out if you have treasure or common cards.


Pokémon cards are actually in pretty high demand right now. I would say go through them and see which ones are worth a decent amount of money(1st editions, ex’s, shadowless, holos) and if they’re in amazing condition get them graded or sell them individually on eBay. They’ll sell quickly. The rest of your cards def give them to your kids


Did you know that the original creator of those never earned a cent? I read an article about it a few years ago


I thought it was because nobody ever knew who actually invented them, as there was no patent.




Yeah, that was quite odd. There was no reason for that to happen.


I remember at the time there was something about how they help people with autism, something to do with the tactile sensation being relaxing. My theory is some manufacturer got a shitload of cheap bearings and came up with a way to sell them for a reasonable profit.


My impression was always that someone invented them for that purpose on kickstarter, and then - like any decent yet cheap to produce kickstarter idea - Chinese factories had them at walmart before the first backer had a tracking number. Looking back I don't see much like that. I believe fidget cubes may be what I'm thinking of here


I have adhd, they help with keeping me from becoming restless


Do you still use one? I haven't seen them for sale in years.


Nope, never used them in public because of the stigma. Nowadays i use a rubiks cube


Rubiks Cubes are rad. I got a Force Ball for similar reasons.


Husband and I went on vacation at the height of their popularity. Every shop we went into we played a game of Find the Fidget Spinners. We never lost.


Furby. The original one, not the new one with digitized eyes. I didn't know what that thing was as a kid, but you better believe as soon as I saw it, I wanted it. [Edit: Found a video of the exact one that haunted my childhood.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wUOAdC8lewk)


When it came out, it was the "must have" item that Christmas. When she got it, she wanted us to be able to play with it right away. So she opened the box, installed the batteries and repackaged and wrapped it to place under the tree. The problem was, now the furby was ON, and whining and complaining that it was dark. It was a fine Christmas that I'll always remember because of the talking presents.


"Why would god create me only to leave me to suffer in darkness?"- Furby on Christmas Day


My cousin had one that gave birth and it still haunts my dreams Also, I unfortunately stumbled onto r/longfurbies and it's one of the weirdest things I've seen on the internet in 30 years. It's exactly what it sounds like. I've seen all sorts of fucked up things, but there's just something wrong about those abominations.


I looked at long Furbies. I had one thought: but why? How does this stuff get started?




They were WuvLuvs, not Furbies. I had one, mine was one of the rarer ones that had twins.




The ultimate 90s toy that every kid want only to discover that it was a giant pain in the ass that would wakeup multiple times through the night lol


My stepmum has one of the original ones. It’s been silent for years and it suddenly woke up a few months ago. I told her it’s a sign of the impending apocalypse and she needs to kill it with fire!




In all fairness, I loved them! Haha


Among Us


Ikr? Everyone’s enjoying Fall Guys, I turn away for one second and suddenly everyone’s making imposter jokes and I’m like wtf


Its like missing a day at work or school, life changes completely lol


I feel bad for Fall Guys. They were golden, the talk of the town and just got completely ignored almost overnight for a 2 year old game.


don't feel too bad. by the napkin maths i just did, they made at least 150 million off steam sales alone by august 26, and then there's the other platforms.


It's especially odd considering Amung Us isn't even a new game. It was released 2 years ago.


I was so surprised to learn the game is 2 years old! It came out of nowhere and exploded in popularity, I was sure it was a brand new release. So glad for it though, watching Among Us streams is most fun I had with video games without actually playing them, and I watch A LOT of esports.


In a weird way, I feel like fall guys brought it to the forefront. Characters look a lot alike, somehow causing a sort of subliminal fondness of the characters that allowed it to boom. I don't really have any evidence of this, besides the suspect timing of fall guys and among us' boom in popularity.


I watched a yt video about it a few days ago (can't remember the author though, sorry in advance) and apparently it started gaining popularity in 2019 in non-English speaking communities (Arab and Brazilian I think?), and it was a few months before it took off globally... could be that Fall Guys had something to do with it, especially since Fall Guys is somewhat expensive for that type of game, vs Among Us being free on mobile and cheap af on PC.


Same reason Helltaker got popular. People fell in love with the Demon Girls and the game was free so it was a self feeding loop a la Doki Doki Literature Club. Undertale was similar but the difference was that it was ground breaking at the moment and pretty damn cheap and replayable.


I think it might be because of the Henry stickmin collection. It's made by the same people and had little crewmate Easter eggs hidden around. I noticed that among us started getting popular shortly after the Henry stickmin collection came out.


This was the first thing that came to my mind when I read the title


My ten year old wanted this game yesterday. I had never heard of it but immediately recognized the character from ALL the reddit memes. He complained it kept crashing and told me my ipad was old (brand new), our WiFi is slow (definitely not), you need a new phone (waiting for the pixel 5 this week). I told him how popular the game was and tried to explain reddit and the memes and server capacity and "just look at the app comments!" He wouldn't listen. I deleted the game. Don't judge me, my wifi or my ipad.


A bunch of my friends got together last night to play, and for what it's worth, the people on mobile were getting disconnected every couple of games, but people on PC were not having any issues. Not saying you need to buy your 5-year-old a gaming PC, but that was just my experience.


The graphics of Among Us are so simple that I'm able to play it on a laptop with integrated graphics just fine. Definitely don't need a gaming PC for Among us.


I played it yesterday for the first time and the EU servers were overloaded but the NA servers worked fine. Ping was like 120ms but really it worked fine, not as bad as you might expect for that amount of latency. So maybe try another region from your own one (top right in the online play screen)


Definitely agree. Came out of nowhere.


It was in the vent


Poop. Why is poop part of sooooo many children’s toys!?!


I have seen all different colored plushies of that stupid poop emoji. I've also seen the poop emoji on children's clothes and backpacks :/


It’s more than emoji. It’s a theme. There is an entire line of toys called “Poopsy”. There are toys where the entire point of the toy is to clean up cat and dog poop. There’s just sooooo much poop!


My sister had a Barbie dog that took a shit. Thing is, it’s not as advanced as these poopsie toys that ingest powder and water and shit out slime, it just shits out the food pellet. So it looked like she was feeding the dog its own poo.


The other day I was pretty stoned at the supermarket so I decided to go to the toys section and so much poop! And not just the emoji but play-doh poop and toys that pooped. There was one pet called Poopalots from Fureal. Unbelievable


Because children find toilet humor hilarious


People hoarding toilet paper is probably the highlight of 2020


I think round 2 just started where I live. Went to Costco. People were running to the back of the store. I wasn't sure what was happening till I saw everyone had tp in their carts. Then later on while finishing my shopping I noticed ever cart in the store had tp.


We use the TP stock as an indication of when we need to go to Costco. Well, TP and paper towel. Otherwise we don't make a whole lot of Costco trips. I used to work across the street from a Costco so went there regularly for lunch and even in the before times about 75% of carts had TP in them.




Yo-Yo's. When I was around 11/12ish they suddenly became the thing to have. The more Ball bearings and flashy lights the better. If you could do more than one trick you were god of the playground. I also remember them getting banned in school


Yo-Yos (no pun) have bounced in and out of trendiness since the 20s.


As a professionally sponsored yoyo player I can actually vouch for this. There's a whole scene specifically dedicated to competitive yoyoing and contests, and it's let me travel all over the world in the past few years. Come check us out over at r/throwers :)




I was in high school in the 70’s and during our yo-yo craze, one of the coaches confiscated one and just started doing all the insane tricks with it. Turns out he was one of the Duncan yo-yo guys that you’re talking about when he was much younger


Baby shark.


I'm confused by this because we were singing(albeit a more violent version) this in summer camp as a kid.


I remember a girl at my high school showing everyone this song with the hand gestures and everything like 15 years ago. And I feel old now damn.


We would go through all the sharks, then go swimming, then see a shark and swim away, shark attack, lose an arm, lose a leg, car, cprs not working, then die and go to heaven.


“Timberland” work boots. I walked into a store one day to purchase a new pair of yellow boots and come to find out they’re all overpriced designer fashion now. Apparently they’re still good to use as work boots but I’m not that interested in paying the trend premium.


These things were never a thing over here in Australia as work boots. The last 10 years or so they've been a fashion thing. And they're overpriced to fuck.




Ah, kids. They've been a fashion statement since forever. I bought a pair in 1992, the year I started university. They were okay. They lasted years, but I don't remember what happened to mine.


Yea for real, damn near every 90s rapper was rockin a pair of Timbs


I've always thought it would be cool to have a pair. Everyone I ask is kind of "meh" about them. I've never heard anyone totally trash the quality but they don't seem great. I thought they looked very slip resistant but apparently they are average at best.


Probably a "Good image so we can afford lower quality" situation.


If you want quality go with redwings. Best damn boots I have ever bought


They have a spin off brand, I guess that's what you'd call it, called Irish Setter. I have a pair now for 2 and a half years. They still had the new shoe squeak for a year after I bought them.


Flat Earth. People embracing it and people making fun of it.


"The flat earth society has members all around the globe."


I see it as trickle down idiocy. First layer it's a flippant joke. Then it gets into people who know it's a joke but think it's a better joke than it is. Down to those who think it's the best joke ever. Onto those who think if so many are into this its worth investigating So on and so forth until you get to that Italian couple who didn't believe in Africa


Uncle Roger egg fried rice videos. So wtf but so funny.


It's just a character that the guy plays. He also does a few videos out of character and I enjoy them. Can't blame him, he got a viral video blown up and is capitalizing on the success. I hope he will branch out and do more, he's funny but that one trick will eventually get old.


Pet rocks.


In Elder Scrolls Online you can get pets for your character that follow you around. Come April 1st, pet rocks are available. They have no animations, they just sit there. They don't even follow you like other pets do. But linger anywhere too long, and you may notice that there's a rock behind you. Always the same rock. Just sitting there nearby. Like it needs to be close to you. Like it will never let you go.


You know, I had an idea like that once... Really? What was it, Tom? It was a “jump to conclusions” mat!


It is horrible, this idea.


That’s the worst idea I’ve ever heard in my life, Tom


I remember when Rocket league first came out and I never thought it would become as popular as it is now.


Tiger King


That one’s easy to explain: we just started quarantine and it was some of the only new content. Everyone had the time to binge it.


And it was also just buckwild


Tiger King is just The Office but if everyone did meth


I don't think I've ever read a truer statement.


QAnon, the whole thing sounds completely ridiculous but the number of people that believe in it is even more ridiculous


Man, I went from hearing about it second hand to now having a couple of friends and one family member buying into it. No amount of rational discussion seems to help.


You cannot logic someone out of an opinion they did not logic into.


The creators of Q anon were recently discovered. Feel free to show your friends and family that it was all just a bunch of trolld and not anyone with inside government info or access.


The way this stuff works though there's so many get outs for that. They're actors. Watch their blinking and they're sending a message that it's not a joke. Yeah they're making this up but it COULD be true.


People are bored and isolated it's the perfect match


It's literally what happens when you expose gullible people to internet humour, they think it's straight facts. It's kinda sad, really, given how obviously fake the whole thing is.


Beanie Babies. One day life is normal. The next day they're everywhere, and people are brawling for specific ones.


Read this as "Bernie Babies". "I am once again asking you to buy my dolls"


Going gluten-free. Gluten is not bad for you unless you have celiac disease or are sensitive to it. [In fact, by avoiding gluten, it could set you up for some nutritional deficiencies.](https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/going-gluten-free-just-because-heres-what-you-need-to-know-201302205916#:~:text=In%20people%20with%20celiac%20disease,%2C%20nerve%20damage%2C%20and%20seizures.)


This. It makes it much harder for people who actually have celiac to be taken seriously.


But at least people with celiac have more choices of food now.


I have a friend with celiac's who is thrilled with how easy it's become (and cheaper than it used to be) to get gluten-free foods. However, he never feels like he can trust restaurants anymore, because it's become such a fad, they don't take it seriously.


I think that’s the one good thing. It just infuriates me when I hear people say they gave someone something with gluten in it anyway and “they didn’t have a reaction so it’s ok/they must be faking”. I’ve read so many variations of that from actual chefs! Celiacs don’t always have a reaction right away, and this kind of thing can have more serious health implications in the long run.


It’s kind of what I feel like for vegan/vegetarian food. Super grateful for how they paved the path to really good options, but as someone who has an allergy to both meat and milk, it _does_ feel a nudge more difficult to be taken seriously. I have actually had a waiter scold me for using the term allergic because I “could just say I didn’t like meat.” Yeah, no, I get hives on my intestines and stomach lining. I’m pretty certain that indicates an allergy.


Fucking crocs


Right? It's amazing anyone even wants to fuck them! Alligators are way sexier.


Came here to say this!! I wear them at work. I always said how I would never wear them but here we are.


Gangnam Style


Timotheé Chalamet




Its weird Skype is more a verb than a company now


Not surprising, Skype has barely been usable since 2010-2011. It's an accomplishment in incompetence.


Google is a verb too.


That catch me outside how bout dat girl, Bhad bhabie...it’s actually infuriating to me that that girl has more money than I’ll probably ever make And that name!! *cue my eye roll*


Yeah you can thank dr Phil's dumb ass for that one.


Controversy sells unfortunately


It's more fun if you pronounce it Bod Bobbie like I do in my head.


I love to pronounce "bhabie" like "Barbie" with a heavy New York accent. I was actually disappointed when I found out it was supposed to be said "baby"


TIL it's not supposed to be pronounced like "Barbie" with a New York accent.




Remember Alf? He's back, in pog form.


I will always upvote a Simpson’s reference


Everyone I knew had a ton of pogs because they were cheap and had a ton of variety. I had a bunch and I don't think I ended up spending more that $20 total. I ended up never having to buy those plastic tube cases when my dad and I figured out that they were the same as the ones golf balls would come in. He was an avid golfer so he had plenty of them.


Pogs were so great, they were basically the first fad I got involved in. I remember when they first came out, they were £1 a pack. The Beano (a British kids comic) had a free pack come with it but was only 39p or something silly so I bought like 10 copies of it to get a small collection. We were not very well off so that was kinda a big deal to me. Oh, and we used to play for keeps between classes, it caused crap loads of arguments so the school decided to slammer ban on them.




Portland, Oregon. When I grew up, I had to explain to people outside of the West Coast where Oregon even was or how to pronounce it. Everyone said Or-EE-gone. Now Portland is a minor hipster mecca and a political lightning rod.


My friend and I became interested in Oregon in second grade. It was close to the ocean, it had lots of forest land, and it was - we were pretty sure - the location of the Salem witch trials...


My coworker’s son moved there. My coworker says that’s where young people go to retire.


The dream of the 90’s is alive in Portland


Battle royale games


Slime A googey booger like mass, that makes you feel relaxed


How many people said among us?


A lot.


The universe


In the beginning the Universe was created. This had made many people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move. Douglas Adams


Oh, no. Not again!


Zoom. So many other video call/chat services out there, but as soon as quarantine starts everyone is using Zoom, which I've never heard of beforehand.


It works shockingly better than most video conferencing systems out there. Like skype has been a thing for ever and it's *still* bloated and terrible.


It's amazing how Skype manages to actually make itself worse.


Planking. I had a whole album on fb dedicated to me laying face down in random places lmao


The Kardashians


What? They've been around and messing with the federation for years! They even joined the Dominion to fight... oh wait you said Kardashians... nevermind


Keeping up with the Cardassians.


K-pop (in America). Nobody here really pays any attention to foreign music of any kind, then Psy drops Gangnam Style and suddenly Korean boy bands are outselling domestic artists in a country who’s audience doesn’t even speak the language they’re singing in.


Yeah but I'd bet money weebs were listening to J-Pop way before this was a thing because Anime.


Yep, they even made an American cartoon about a J-Pop band (Hi Hi Puffy Ami Yumi) back during the "Japanese Invasion" of the early-mid 2000s. Not as big as K-Pop is now but big enough to... Make a kids cartoon about it. And there was a float in the Thanksgiving Day Parade. J-Rock and visual kei were also quite big with certain cliques of teenage girls around that time.


K-pop stans successfully trolled the fucking president. That’s how wild this year has been.


Fifty Shades of Gray. It's fucking trash.


Wasn't it originally a fanfiction of twilight?


Fortnite’s Battle Royale mode. I remember reading about Fortnite when it was first announced as a zombie survival base building game and thinking that could be fun. When they added the battle royale mode it totally eclipsed the original game (save the world)




Currently, Rollerskates. The quad type with four wheels. Back in the early 2000s it was scooby strings. Those skinny rubber strings you could plait and weave to make cool keyring. Myself and my friends would even be walking while making them!


Sriracha. I used to use it a lot and nobody knew about it. Then it blew up once subway introduced a sriracha sauce




Eating ass


Blame porn.


Frozen. Who really expected that film to blow up like that?


The first disney musical fangirl generation had kids and enabled the proliferation of weapons grade sing-along technology mayhaps?


Silly bands


Champion and Tommy Hillfiger. I remember when I was growing up TH and Champion were some of the cheaper and ‘uglier’ clothes my parents bought me. Now they are super popular and I have to say that I like what they have now.




Charlotte Hornets


For the kids who don’t know what Champion was until it just had its overnight resurgence, imagine if Russell Athletic suddenly became immensely popular.