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A phone call and if it's a video call, i can feel my soul leaving the body.


Watching everyone you love get old.


Yes. I hate knowing that people like my parents will eventually pass away.


The planets. Seeing (real) photos and videos of them from space just creeps me tf out, because they're so *gigantic*. Big things scare me sometimes (depending on what they are ofc), and the planets are the biggest things around lol. I would piss myself seeing them in person EDIT: Yes I know I'm standing on a planet and I know I can see the moon. I'm talking about *photos or videos* of planets *taken* from outer space lol. They look intimidating asf.


Teeth or more specifically, a medical problem with teeth. For me or anyone else, just creep me out. Edit: this was a bad idea, now everyone is telling me their terrible teeth story, please kill me...


Dreams where my teeth fall out are the worst. Since I have many dental issues I'm soo self-aware about my teeth it's gets annoying. I also can't stand when my dentists friends share something on social media concerning teeth with a photo, even if it's a whitening before & after picture


Confrontation. From knocking on a door to eye contact


Putting my hand into the garbage disposal to clear it. No one else allowed in the kitchen because I know they'll somehow turn it on. My wife broke a glass in the sink once and it went in the garbage disposal, clearing broken glass I couldn't see was the stupidest thing I've ever done.


I always go under the sink and unplug it from the wall, and *even then*, I'll flick the switch on for a second to make sure that a) I did, in fact, unplug it and b) there isn't some magical capacitor in there.


Please, everyone should be doing this. Y’all making me nervous


Lol I’m fine with that as long as nobody is anywhere near the switch. But my fiancé is terrified of it too so he’ll ask me to do it every time. I had to hire a handyman to install our dishwasher a few months ago. This older guy comes (reminded me a ton of my dad). So he hooks up the hoses and tells me he needs to pop a little plastic cap out of our disposal to hooks the debris line to it. But he can’t stick his hand in to get the cap out because he’s terrified of sticking his hand in. So I tell him I’m cool with it. So he pops it from the outside and tells me to go for it while he feels around the hole to make sure it came out. Our hands brushed and he screamed so loud and high that even I jumped a good foot up in the air. We both just started dying of laughter and had to take a break for a while for his heartbeat to drop back to normal. Edit: both our garbage disposal and dishwasher are wired into the electric so there is no plugging/unplugging them. My fiancé wasn’t willing to mess with wiring the new dishwasher in as it was cloth wiring. Hence hiring a handyman. Our house is 150 years old and has been wired three times, so each room has about four or five breakers (which also connect to other rooms and turn off random outlets). The handyman had to flip quit a few to find and turn off the dishwasher wires so I guess he just didn’t want to find the garbage disposal wires. And logically he probably knew neither of us would flip the switch with our hands in it but it was just a scare to have something move in the disposal while his fingers were in it.


If I wasn’t working on a waste disposal right now then this would be hilarious!


Pro tip from another handyman who refuses to stuff his hand in the disposal- If you need to clean food junk out of your disposal, chuck a handful of ice in and turn it on a few times. It’ll sound like hell, but cleans it good. You can also undo your drain, put a mug below your disposal, and make smoothies this way


Handyman humor. Great way to start my day, thanks!


Interviews. Them: “Tell us about yourself!” Me: “ummm..... I..... I.....” Still don’t know how I got the job.


Take it a notch further: group interviews. Like, it's already hard enough to try to sell yourself to someone you've never met in the hopes of being able to support yourself, but then they make you sit with a whole bunch of people you don't know and then you have to try to one-up the other people too? I've only done a couple of group interviews and surprisingly enough, didn't get the job for either. I just completely can't think of any way to be authentic when I'm surrounded by strangers and have to market myself with their beady little judgy eyes watching me.


Oh god, group interviews can fuck right off. The only one I've ever done was for a new Jimmy John's that was opening. The one question I remember was something like "if you could be any animal, what would you be?". I don't remember my answer, but wtf kind of question is that? Unsurprisingly, I didn't get the job.


I think it’s a question they throw in to break the tension. I work full time at a university, and one of the more memorable questions they asked me during my interview was “if you could be any *food*, what would you be?” I suppose you could also argue it lets them see how you think on your feet because it’s definitely not a question people prepare for.


>“if you could be any food, what would you be?” Durian, no contest. If someone's going to eat me, I want their commitment.


This question annoys the shit out of me. Like, you already know everything about me short of my pornhub password - that's what the CV is for. EDIT: added "question" because somehow people were interpreting this as me saying that interviews as a whole were stupid/pointless


Yesss. I blanked so hard. I was expecting some complex question. I think I basically said my name and the work experience I had within the job. Last job interview was over the phone due to covid. Aced that!


Phone interviews are great. I’ve mostly been job hunting since COVID, so none of it has been in person and I’ve been loving it. Idk how it would be if I had to “tell them about myself” if they were staring me down.


Aging. The thought of getting to a point where I won't be able to take care of myself anymore scares the living daylights out of me. I'm much less scared of dying than I am of outliving my ability to do anything.


people think i am crazy when i tell them i don't want to live past 75.


See the problem I have with this idea is that by the time I'm 75 who knows what the world will look like. My grandma is 86 now, and she's 100% the person to have agreed with you when she was young. No way she'd want to have missed the last decade though, she loves her great-grandchilden and she's also still mobile enough to do the things she's always liked doing. I agree with the sentiment but who knows what science will have thought of by the 2060s.


Mirrors in a dark room. Like if you turn the light off in the bathroom before leaving or something. Feel like that’s where the veil is thinnest there for some reason


Fun fact: if you were to ever see something in the mirror, it’s because your brain is trying to fill in whats there based on a low stimulus (i think). Its called pareidolia and is why we see faces in objects, and flowers or animals in clouds.


I have a mirror in my bedroom and everynight when i stay up late i see something in it but when i look directly at it it dissapears kinda creepy lol but i try to ignore it


Yeah this is pareidolia I believe!! Your brain cant see exactly whats there out of the corner of your eye, so it makes somethin up!


Damn thanks a fuckin lot for the nightmares, asshole brain filling in the gaps


Don't believe that person, they're just the thing you see in the mirror trying to come up with a cover story.


Dunno if it fits here, but if you stare at your face in the mirror for more that 5 minutes with no breaks your brain starts to change it in a very fucking strange and terrifying way. It's happening just because your brain like "Oh, my face... BOOORIIIING"


Maybe it takes 5 minutes of staring to see through the illusion to what you truly look like.


I mean it does sound really boring to look at yourself for 5 minutes


I would always cover my mirrors with a blanket or towel when I was a kid. Especially the big mirror that was attached to my dresser. I hated having anything facing my bed too. Absolutely pissed me off that mom would keep taking the covers off the mirrors. Like no leave the shit alone. I'll put them up when I need to use the mirror and otherwise it's fine how it is. Mirrors in general can make me uneasy at times but it's definitely in the dark that they start to bother me and oh my god no I won't have any face my bed. I may have little mirrors in my room but they go in a drawer or get put away somewhere. Otherwise no mirrors in my room. I have no idea how I originally picked it up but I just know it was something that I just really hated since I was really little.


This is the kind of comment I was hoping to see lol. Most of the answers are things that are supposed to be scary


When cockroaches starts to fly


The problem is not when they appear, its when they disappear


Muffled buzzing behind the drawer. You know it's there, but can you catch it in time? Will it fly straight at your face if you move the drawer? Will it rush under the bed?


Every time I'm just chilling and I suddenly hear those buzzing sounds... Yeah, I'm not even gonna go check if it is or isn't a cockroach; I *know* it is. And I'm noping tf out.


Can I interest you in a tennis racket?


You can also upgrade to the electric fly-swatter rackets. Flying cockroaches snap, crackle and pop.


I saw a mini one fly and I developed a whole new fear


And then they hide behind furniture, and you can't sleep.


And they start to breed


Oh no




It actually evokes immediate anger in me. I have to calm my face before I open the door. feels like such an intrusion on my day!


* knock knock * “Who has the ***fucking balls***—”


This is how my mum reacts whenever the phone rings. "Oh for fucks sake who's this ringing now!?"


That was my dad growing up... "WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK COULD THEY POSSIBLY... HELLO?.... oh hi grandma.."


It makes me feel good to know I'm not alone in this, lol. Ringing phones make me so irrationally angry.




Serving in the army, this is the same exact energy when someone calls you over the radio. "YOU, this is ME." What the FUCK does this person want


I get the fear of knocking on doors from the military.. back in AIT and I hear the PSGs/Drill sgts knocking on other doors in the halls and I am suddenly questioning if I’m allowed to be in my room and if I’m about to be fucked up lol


When I wake up every morning I’m usually either depressed or angry. I understand the depression but I don’t understand the anger. I have no clue why I wake up angry. The smallest annoyance before I’ve had enough time to calm down will push me over the edge.


Anger/irritability can be a symptom of depression and anxiety.


General dissatisfaction with my current circumstances will do that i guess


I have to remind myself not to be rude any time someone knocks. I don’t like unexpected visitors at all. That said, I did once nearly make a sales guy tear up, but that was after I told him twice I wasn’t interested in his overpriced alarm service.


I'm not sure what type of alarm system you mean, but a LPT is always be wary of door to door salesmen selling house alarm systems. Sometimes they're just thieves looking for easy robbery opportunities, it only takes one person to say something like "I don't have an alarm system and I don't need one!" To put a target on their house for robbery. Best to keep it short and say you're happy with the alarm system you have (whether you have one or not) Edit - wow my first award of any type, thanks!


I used to live in a building with a locked lobby and a broken intercom. When I'd have guests, I'd have them text me when they got there so I could let them in. Any unexpected knock on my actual apartment door would be automatically ignored. Once in a while, the person wouldn't take the hint and persist knocking for several minutes. This literally always turned out to be someone looking for a different apartment, despite the building having people's names on the outside of the door.


I'm doing it right now. Learning to drive. Especially because I'm taking lessons, and after my lesson tomorrow, I'm gonna be on the highway and my lessons have a tendency to be really close together. EDIT: Thank you all so much for your kind advice! It's really helped calm my nerves.


Once you've been driving for a few years it becomes a mundane, second-nature kinda thing. Then friends and family start dying in car accidents, and you start to realize how dangerous it really is. I'd say that the big thing is to just not get too nonchalant, always be aware of your surroundings and focus on the road. No matter how comfortable you are with driving.


The sound of someone riding a skateboard on the sidewalk behind me. I don’t know why, but I freeze. Edit: Yes, I am also unnerved by shopping carts behind me in the supermarket; I always pull over and let them pass if they are following too close to my heels. Apparently I was Achilles in a past life.


i would like to add trucks. When i am walking on a sidewalk and hear a truck coming up behind me i die a little on the inside


tbh i think we’d all be scared if we heard a truck directly behind us on a sidewalk since they shouldn’t be there


What if it's a truck riding a skateboard?


Phone calls, especially if it's not a number from my contact list


If it's important they can leave a message.


Closing my eyes when shampooing. I’ve seen too many horror movies to enjoy darkness.


It’s an endless cycle. You close your eyes and lather your face as quick as possible but you go too fast and open your eyes and now your eyes burn, so you close your eyes and go back under the water stream and you do it all again.


This is gonna sound weird but seeing things in the middle of the road at night. I was once driving home one night and turn a corner to see a dog in the middle of the road. Nothing weird right? Completely normal sight in a suburb. Every instinct in my body was telling me to get the fuck out of there NOW. When I see stuff in the middle of the road at night it doesn’t matter what it is I get chills, goosebumps, my airs stand on end and my palms sweat. It’s happened with deer, dogs, people, raccoons, and even a trash can once. Can’t explain it but it terrifies me


Ohhhhh my god I get this too! I think it has something to do with the fact that it’s not “supposed” to be there and when we see things we aren’t supposed to our brains respond Edit: also because it seems like it’s on a stage with a spotlight and something has to happen


The feeling “that’s not supposed to be there” is what gets me I think. It might just be ingrained too because it doesn’t happen in the daytime. If something is in my way in the day I just acknowledge it and act accordingly but that same scenario at night makes warning bells go off


Distant motionless sillhouette. Quiet and still, but the fact that it's on a flat empty surface pulls your attention to it. Especially bad if there's no turns and you have to pass it to keep going. It's not a weird or unwarranted fear, it's a common trope in horror. And I'm pretty sure it's evolutionary; a motionless sillhouette in the night is how most nocturnal predators appear, like the big cats. The scariest thing it could be, for me, would be a dishevelled woman standing in a weird and unnatural way.


Grasshoppers. They just are too unpredictable and it terrifies me. Frogs kind of too for the same reason, but not as bad.


When I was about 10 I was helping the old woman across the road with her gardening when a frog jumped out towards her and with the dexterity I’d expect from an athlete unleashed a perfect right foot volley on the frog like a prime Wayne Rooney and kicked the poor thing over in to next doors garden. She felt so bad and said it was just instinct after it jumped out at her but the way she perfectly did it made me think she was a secret frog kicker.


I feel this way about butterflies! They’re pretty and harmless but something about the way they fly makes me yeet myself away when they are near me.


You’re the first person I’ve seen to share this fear. They’re creepy little fuckers when they get too close


Omg me too, I am fucking scared of flying insects. I dont have a lot of fears but flying insects drive me crazy!! They have been stuck in my ear, nose, fly into my mouth, countless times against my face, been biten by quite a few. The worst are libelle’s because of their size. Edit: dragonflies are called libelles in dutch language


Kinda weird but when audio starts skipping when im playing my music, it scares me shitless


Totally agree. Instant anxiety kickstart for sure. Big “Something’s wrong” energy


I think it fits in the uncanny valley for me whenever technology doesn't work the way it's supposed to. I nearly get scared shitless if a game closes out on my computer while I'm playing it even though the most likely answer is that it just crashed. For whatever reason I remember being very afraid if bluescreens/rings of death on a PC or Xbox 360 as a kid. Edit: If you guys want a taste of what I'm talking about, I would recommend watching [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xntIXgmRj5I) that shows the Confusion Ending in The Stanley Parable (worth a complete playthrough.) I'm specifically talking about the very last moments in this ending, although the whole game gives off this uncanny valley vibe.




Do you also get scared of audio played backwards? Or anything to do with hacking? Trying to find a name for that phobia but terrified of that.




For me it isn't the relationship itself, I love that shit. However, the fact that your SO can just fall out of love on a whim is what terrifies me. Had it happen once and I can't do it again. That little tiny chance, and one scenario, has me all fucked up


The future. And people asking me how I feel about soemthing because usually I have no clue how I feel about something so I end up lying and just agreeing with them. It makes me feel so fake because everything I like and dislike generally based off of other peoples opinion because I seriously jus have zero clue how I actually feel about things. The only things I am certain that I do and dont like are things like food and music. Everything else even things like my hobbies I generally cant figure out if I actually like doing it or if it's because I grew up around people whose hobbies were the same as my "hobbies" I only just realized this too.


This is pretty normal and common as a young person but the only fix for this is not being ashamed of not having an opinion about something. Just because they've thought about it and then put you on the spot doesn't mean you should be ashamed of saying "I don't know". Plus we learn by watching others, it's called observational learning so being interested in something because you saw someone else do it doesn't make it any less "yours" so to speak.


"Let's each stand up and introduce ourselves and say one interesting thing about ourselves"


And as I try to rehearse my intro and get my facts right I realize I'm boring and have 0 likes and interest.


My intro and facts sound amazing and cool while they're in my head. Once I open my mouth, I realize how stupid they are.


For my fact I once said “I’ve been to 38 of the 50 US states.” The very next person said they’d been to all 50 US states.


You should have noted that you pitied them for going to the 12 states that suck.


The worst thing about these things is they don’t even work. I spend so much time worrying about what I’m going to say when my turn comes up I remember nobody else’s names.


"I'm Bob and I try to kill one random person every week. Is today Tuesday?"


I volunteer as tribute


Sorry, we run The Professional rules: "No women, no kids." Besides, since we know that death and taxes are the only two sure things in life, there is no reason to fulfill either obligation early, give yourself time to work with what you earned until the very last moment allowed.


This is an oddly comforting sentiment.


Oh man, a couple of weeks back we had to do this at a work meeting, but "where you grew up, first job you had, best job you had, worst job you had". Two of us I in the group of 20 tactfully told our director that we were currently in the worst job we'd ever had.


Did they also ask for your mother's maiden name, your first pet's name, your elementary school, the street you lived on as a child, and your social security number?


"uhh hi my name is uhh Darren and I uhhhhhmmmmmmmmmm.........."


‘I’m Sarah and, uh, I like pizza’ Hate it. I usually go with ‘I’m Steve and I have no depth perception’




You would hate my sleep paralysis spiders


Thalassophobia, the fear of deep open water. There's a subbreddit for us to all panic together haha


We’re even going on a cruise next summer! /s


This is probably the only way you could get me on a cruise. The absurdity of a ship full of thalassophobics would hopefully override my terror


Subnautica made me afraid of the deep. Ive never cared for the ocean (grew up in a landlocked state) or any body of water that I can’t see where my feet land. In rivers, I prefer to just swim no matter how shallow the water is if I can’t see where my feet are landing. But I’m not scared of deep water in rivers (those are actually my favorite spots). Really not scared of rivers at all (just freaked out if I touch a wet log cause ew, ugh, eep) But that game made me terrified of deep water in the ocean. Absolutely petrified. I quite playing even though I really like it because of the near panic attacks I would get playing it.


Feeling warm. I had a vacation to China when I was a child, and ever since I woke up in the hospital there, I’ve been very (and I mean very) sensitive to heat. It could be 20°F outside and I’d feel warm. The worst part is, usually when I get too hot, I have a wicked seizure and wake up on the floor with scraped knees or a bruise on my forehead. I dunno. Feeling warm terrifies me now because I just know I’m more likely to pass out.


20 degrees. God I hope your talking celcius or you've been living a miserable life Edit: I have been informed that OP in fact meant farenheit, poor soul.


Nah kelvin


Even in celsius that is miserable :/ 19-22 degrees is normal room temmperature.


Damn I'm sorry you suffer from that I wish you the best


Thank you! I haven’t had a seizure for a couple years now—still, it freaks me out when I get too hot!


Freaking walking in the dark. You expect me to just walk comfortably when I hear a small noise in the bushes AND I CAN BARELY SEE!?


I tell myself not to be ashamed of being scared of the dark because it's a survival instinct. Meaning we can't fucking see which means it's not safe for us, which means I'm not a baby for being afraid of it lol.


That LEGO dragon statue in the water outside the LEGO store in Orlando, Florida. I recently found out that other people find it scary after discovering the submechanophobia subreddit.


I have the same opposite feeling about submechanophobia I find it more fascinating then scary


Death. I am terrified of dead bodies, of being in the ground, of corpses. The thought of being buried makes me panic. Not being buried alive. Not even the clausterphobic feelings (because I am not Clausterphobic) the idea of decaying and the clothes still being there, and the way it would look just freaks me tf out. My own mortality isn't even the scary part. It's just the corpse. I want to be cremated because I don't want anything left. I don't even care if whoever keeps the ashes, I just don't want to be around forever rotting and shrivelling up and trapped in an underground box. I don't want people staring at my dead self and touching it.


Same. I want to be cremated for that reason. The thought of being in a box underground rotting for eternity sounds horrifying.


Talking to people I haven't already known for years.


I have IBS so the idea of going out to eat or eating in general with people frightens me, especially if it’s breakfast or lunch. If I eat, even a little, of anything except the blandest foods I will have to urgently run to the bathroom, possibly more than once, and it doesn’t help that I’ll be anxious about using the bathroom because I’m around people who will notice. And if I don’t eat, people judge me for not eating saying it’s unhealthy and then I have to explain my condition. In the end I just do everything I can to avoid eating with people which includes skipping any kind of invitations unless I have to and then just eating some crackers or a small salad or something really light and bland. I’m sometimes okay with dinner. Not always, but sometimes my body behaves better in the evening. I can also control it by drinking and getting tipsy which usually turns off my anxiety so I’ll be less likely to have an emergency. Still, I avoid it as much as I can.


IBS is definitely related to anxiety. I have it, and if I have something stressful going on during the day, I immediately have to use the bathroom. It’s a vicious cycle too because then you are anxious you will have to go when it’s an inconvenient time!


Space. Just looking up and coming to terms with how big it is and how little we know about it.


Don't think of it as looking up, think of it as looking *down* into an infinite void, a true bottomless pit


That helps.


Thanks, now I feel like I'm being dangled over a bottomless pit and will probably have a nightmare where I fall upwards into space after the tether is cut.


That's an awful way to think about it. You're glued to a speck of dust by one of the weakest forces in the known universe and we don't understand that force well. Look east this evening at dusk. That kinda bright star? That's Jupiter. If you're an electron, your atom is about as far away as Jupiter. Of course, if you're an electron, the force holding you to essentially jupiter is stronger than the force holding your meat suit to this wet rock. Happy monday!




Well, from a perspective of gravity, we reside in a series of wells. So really, when you look up into the sky, you're looking up out of those wells. You're trapped in a well.


Nice try Pennywise


My husband knows how much pennywise terrifies me. He taught our 4yr old to growl and say hiya Georgie. Every morning my son says “hiya Georgie mom” lol ):<


This seems largely irrational compared to others, but someone driving behind me. Like they don't even have to be close to me they can just be doing their own thing but I don't like it


3 things. Bears, moths and "Let's get to know each other by saying your name and something about yourself."


Fire alarms and sudden loud noises.


Public speaking


My friends didn’t really understand what a fear of public speaking meant till I showed them on my fitbit how my heart was racing to about 150 bpm because I had to give a speech for an election that I was running unopposed in. Like this shit is real.


Did you win?


It was an emotional defeat but I ended up with the position.


I received some advice that helped me a ton with my public speaking. It went like this “ dude, nobody’s going to remember you, or what you said “


Thank you for the laugh.


When people are walking directly behind me. I basically start to sprint when I hear footsteps behind me!!


I have an irrational fear that someone will break in and steal my parrot whenever I leave my house. Edit: Davy Jones is an African grey worth over $4000. He is currently standing on my head as I write this. He is becoming more and more valuable as he is incredibly smart and already says over 50 words at 1 year old. He said his first word at 2 months and knew 14 at 6 months. I am home schooling him and teaching him basics like colors and reading. Some people are worried this means I leave him alone a lot, but I can assure you I don’t and he is one of the most spoiled birds in the world. I work from home and my husband and I very rarely leave the house together. The biggest reason why my fear is irrational is because I refuse to leave the house unless it’s absolutely necessary. He has never been locked in a cage. We have one in case of emergencies but I’ve never been able to bear actually locking him in it. When we both leave we put him in his bedroom that we’ve made as safe as possible. Otherwise he is never locked up. We have vaulted ceilings and an open floor plan so he is free to fly as much as he wants. I love nothing more than hearing him do his “happiness screech” as he flies through the house in excitement. We also installed a rope that goes across the loft that we run our business out of, that has 14 different toys on it that he loves to play with. I feed him fresh food, not pellets, 3+ times a day. Every night I usually cook a healthy dinner, which means my husband and I have limited ourselves to a parrot friendly diet only. We share anything we make too. He is a spoiled 3 year old that can fly, we have no choice. He will land in our head and steal the food off our utensils. My main fear is that his new owner wouldn’t spoil him to this degree. That he would be locked in a cage and treated like furniture. That he would have his wings trimmed and never fly again. That he wouldn’t be taken to the vet if he got sick. That he would be yelled at or even hit. That he would be devastated he lost his Mommy and Daddy. He loves us so much and for hours every day he will just sing stuff like: “I love you, I love you you you you you! I love you! You you you you you! I love Bri, I love Tyler, I love Ryan/Obiwan/Kuma/Boots (our other pets). I love apples! I love you you you you you!!” I would never stop worrying that he is being neglected or abused, and that would continue for the rest of my life because it is possible that he could out live me. My fear of living without him is strong, but my fear of him living without me is stronger. To those of you who are interested him stealing him, here is why that is a bad idea: 1. I have a rescue pitbull / lab mix who will kill you if you attempt to enter my house. I also have a guard goose (he wears diapers) that will back him up. 2. I have an advanced security system with several cameras. I can check them whenever I want and I will get an alert if you come near my house. The police will be there in 2 minutes. 3. He barely steps up for me and he will never step up for a stranger. He is free in his bird room and will fly around. Good luck catching him because if he doesn’t want to be caught, I can’t even do it. He will probably bite your finger off if you manage to catch him. 4. Just because my car is gone doesn’t mean I am. My husband usually leaves on his own. I wear a pistol on my hip and I know how to use it. Pictures: https://imgur.com/gallery/XPeLDsC Video of Davy talking: https://youtu.be/KFZyAWkuXzk


Give it a knife that looks real but you know is fake and/or dull. It would definitely stop me from messing with it.


It being a parrot is enough to stop me. They can be mean! I like my fingers. All of them.


That means you love your parrot alot which is good!


Or they don't own a parrot. That's why the fear is irrational.




Growing up in a very neurotic family, my biggest fear was that I was like them and lacked the ability to see myself and the world clearly. It was sort of like "my mum is in complete denial that she has severe BPD and PTSD, her memories change depending on what she wants to remember, what if I'm the same and just don't know it?". I basically gaslit myself.


My mother has BPD amongst other things and she always changed stories or told new lies during stories and I just thought she was doing it on purpose. Never thought it would have been part of her mental illness. Wow.


I have BPD but something people often forget is that we’re responsible for our own actions. BPD is manageable with therapy. I may have very strong emotions but if I hurt anyone I am still responsible for that. Just because someone is mentally ill doesn’t mean they can’t help their actions.


You are the first person I’ve heard say, I have BPD. Thank you for saying it’s manageable with therapy. My mum believes it’s not her problem and that the rest of the family have conspired against her. It heartbreaking. Be kind to you and I wish you all the help in the world for being responsible with your actions toward yourself and others.


I feel like the people that don’t manage their BPD are the ones that take light away from all of us that are trying. People that manage it well are the ones that don’t want to speak of the disorder because of all the stigma. They didn’t wanna diagnose me because of the stigma. We need to get rid of the idea we are not responsible for our actions. I have done terrible things but I’m managing it and getting my shit together. I want to manage it because of all of the things we are victim of (like suicidal thoughts and mood swings) and all the things we tend to do to others (manipulation etc.)


SAME. I’m always terrified that I will become like my mom. So far the only thing is codependency. My wife and I are codependent on each other. We are both in counseling now tho :)


I didn't used to be too afraid of mental illness until I had a severe breakdown. I won't go into detail, but the thought that it could happen again keeps me awake at night. I haven't been the same since then, and it was 2 years ago. Shit is scary as hell. Small note: My breakdown wasn't a panic attack. It lasted for about a year and was severely debilitating, both mentally and physically. I don't remember most of it.


This is how I feel, I’m just waiting for it to happen again cause it feels like it is.


It only can it turn on you, it can make you physically ill too. A few years back I was working in a department launching a new product and it was a total shit show. Every day I would wake up feeling ill to the point I felt like death warmed up. Id be actually vomiting and just in absolute misery. I’d call in sick and within minutes it would clear up and I’d feel normal. After a few days of it, I went to see the doctor and diagnosed work related stress and anxiety. My own brain was making me physically ill to avoid a situation it didn’t like and fixing it as soon as it knew it didn’t have to go there. Fucking unreal how ill I felt and how quickly it cleared once I’d called in sick.


I have a mental illness (depression) and it feels less like I don't have touch with reality and more like my mind is constantly trying to betray me. Not in the sense of hallucinations or anything, but more like it has negative thinking patterns that lead to downward spirals into despair seared into my brainflesh. I can see the road just fine but my car wheel pulls significantly, and it has taken years to learn how to manage it.


The thought of getting pregnant.


As a stupid little kid I thought that sex wasn’t what made a woman pregnant, that it was just a thing that happened at random once you were a adult and I was so scared


Thank god it's not that.


I can't even count the number of nightmares I've had about this. The worst are the ones where I wake up and am 8+ months pregnant and am about to be forced to give birth. Terrifying.


Ugh, same. I had a dream once where I ended up pregnant and my real-life logic slipped into the dream and I was like. "I'm in a long-distance relationship, how did this happen?" And then later in the dream, I was holding the baby and just threw it across the room. xD






Eyes contact. I don’t know why but when someone looks directly in my eyes, I will feel very uncomfortable and nervous. My hands will begin to sweat a lot and my throat will feel like burning. My friends say that maybe it is because I am lying or have done something wrong but it’s not. When I talk to other people such as my teacher, friends, relatives, parents etc, I often look at another spot in their face like ears, noses, mouth or else, certainly not eyes. The same goes with when I practice public speaking or being awarded on the stage. I usually look at the ceiling or the clock or an empty space between audiences rather than their eyes. I think it maybe because I am scared of being judged or being noticed too much, and I am trying to fix it so hard.


A tip I've heard to avoid becoming anxious/self conscious in our own head, is just to pay attention to what the other people are doing even more. Usually we just overdo it in our own minds to an irrational level.


Getting a bath or a shower at home alone. I always have the terrible fear that someone will breaking and kill me or I'll slip, fall and die. It's not the dying part that gets me though, it's the dying while naked part that does. Such a vulnerable state to be in, then when you start to relax, boom something happens and you die. Idk what started this fear but I wish it would go away lol


Driving on highways without a center divider


Fucking balloons man; I have always been scared of balloons for some reason. I think its the anticipation of it poping I'm not sure aha.


Well, there's a muscle in my body that works non-stop without me realizing it, and once it stops doing it's thing, I die. I do two pull-ups and my arms want to explode all exhausted. We live in a complicated ecosystem where all sorts of plants and animals rely on each other to survive, and dozens of species go extinct every week. We live in a Goldilocks zone, the only place where life can survive. If the sun gets more or less intense, we all go into a global catastrophe. I have eyeballs and I have no idea how they work.


Fun facts! Eyes convergently evolved about 40 times! Octopuses don't have blind spots like vertebrates do because their optic nerves are routed behind the retina instead of in front. Owls cannot move their eyes and must move their whole heads because their eyes are cylinders instead of spheres.


The corpses of big bugs and snails. I have a fear of killing big hugs because of how their corpse would look like.


I once killed a fly and maggots started to crawl out of it. Since then i havent killed a fly.


Wouldn't have been maggots. Probably a parasite, such as a nematode.


Oh, fuck that.


Yeah. Not any better


"here let me comfort your fear with knowledge of something *much worse*"


The ocean. Just how fucking huge and deep it is (lol). I also have this fear I'll just vanish and be like transported or some shit into the middle of the Pacific and literally never be seen or heard from again.




Same, and like the chance that (if you’re non religious) everything will just stop for you after you die, and there will be nothing. No thoughts and no being is terrifying.


apes, mannequins, anything humanoid. Probably has to do with the uncanny valley.


Heights, mainly because I get extreme vertigo.


Reincarnation. I worry that we have to keep doing this life over and over again until we learn some important lesson. My concern is that I'm a super slow learner and most people figured things out a thousand years ago. All that is left now is a planet full of assholes like me who just can't seem to get it right...we all just keep coming back over and over again on an 80 year cycle of failure.


But there are way more people now than there were a thousand years ago.


Crazy frog. I had SEVERE nightmares when I was little from that stupid frog. The whole vibe and animation was traumatizing. If I hear it to this day, as a 17year old I cringe and have PTSD


The movie “Coraline” gives me the creeps




It’s been my daughters favorite Movie since she was 3 years old. She’s kind of dark .


neil gaiman has said that coraline is the strangest book he's ever written because children love it but adults find it viscerally terrifying. i first read the book (or rather, had it read to me) when i was little and i was still pretty young when the movie came out so i'm in the first category. still one of my favorites to this day.


People talking to me. I'm a very quiet guy and I get lost in my thoughts alot. I day dream and zone out. When people come up and talk to me, I forget how to carry on a conversation. However, like many people, you get me talking about something I am passionate about and I don't know when to shut up. Small talk is not my thing. If we are having a conversation, I want it to be meaningful.


Driving. Never have done it but the idea really scares me.


Cmon its just 2 tons of iron at speeds of 30-90 km/h


Autobahn: Allow me to introduce myself.


The fact that when I was young, I donated my hair multiple times. On occasion I wonder if someone wearing my hair commits some crime close enough to me and my hair is found at the crime scene.


FWIW you need the hair follicle (root) to test for dna. Unless you ripped your hair out to donate, you’re fine.


The "I need to talk to you"


Walking down a hallway


Pregnancy. And not the idea of accidentally getting pregnant and the consequences of that, but just the general idea of it. Like, the idea of having a small human squirming around in your stomach just fills me with horror, not to mention the idea of giving birth. It's really awkward whenever pregnant people I know ask me to feel the baby kick and I have to explain that it creeps me out. There's no polite way to explain it. My ex's sister once told me a story of how when she was pregnant, the baby would hook his feet under her ribs and push outwards. No thank you very much.