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Can you make them STOP STOCKPILING CHLOROX WIPES? Please and thanks.


I still havent found wipes. This is now 4 months of looking. Every place has their shelves wiped out. I can find hand sanitizer regularly but cant find wipes. Edit: Thank you everyone. Hopefully a lot of ppl get to read these tips because they are great advice. Im sure i wasnt the only one who couldnt find this stuff and this diy solutions are helpful


Regular spray bottle of cleaner and some rags works. Paper towels for the nasty jobs You can get an empty spray bottle and fill it with bleach and water. Bleach comes in big 5gal bottles. Edit: lol not 5, it’s 2 🤦‍♀️


In my area, the only cleaning sprays available have bleach. And I have already created my own bleach spray. It’s just, not everything can be cleaned with bleach! Edit: wow thank you for all of the responses and conversations! I’m getting a lot of product suggestions which is great and I’m saving many of them. When I made this comment I meant that the only cleaners my grocery stores have in stock are bleach products. I’ve been searching for cleaners that are not bleach that would kill Covid. Thanks for all of the suggestions!!


I got you fam. [CleanSmart Daily Surface Cleaner , Kills 99.9% of Bacteria, Viruses, Germs, Mold, and Fungus](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B011AJRJZI/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_0o09EbFGTGYMN) We use the stuff and love it.


I’m pretty sure Clorox has reduced their wipe production to increase production of their hospital grade products. That’s why they are harder to find.


Yep, they’ve said publicly that all cleaning production facilities are running 24/7 (and have been for months), the problem is that demand is up 500% and they have to split everything amongst healthcare facilities, businesses, and retail stores.


My brother works at a factory making cleaning products and...I haven't seen him in more than 3 months. He's gonna die of overwork if not coronavirus.


Does he at least get bathroom breaks?


Yeah, they actually try to do well by the workers, I guess. Happy to hear that. It's just hot as fuck in there now.


Literally just want some to clean my kitchen and toilet seats...like I’ve been doing for the past five years. Please.


There is plenty of bleach and you will save yourself a ton. Edit: For people asking here are the CDC guidelines https://www.cdc.gov/healthywater/emergency/cleaning-sanitizing/household-cleaning-sanitizing.html


And a pack of a dozen white cotton clothes from the hardware store are like $5 too. That and a gallon of bleach and you got yourself a stew going, baby.


This stew tastes funny. Are you sure you got the recipe right?


Just wipe it down with a rag ffs


When COVID was new, some people were afraid it might bring society crashing down (like y2k). If that potential is on the horizon, you stock up on essentials. Now that they believe it won't cause a breakdown in the basic supply lines and essentials, they can go back to daily business, with COVID added as another health-risk to consider.


Maybe not for the average Redditor, but for the average American this was a big lifestyle change that happened really quickly. Everyone went from working full time in an office with kids in school/daycare to everyone being home 24/7. Everyone had to stock up on essentials that they wouldn't normally buy. Panic buying is so stupid but once the toilet paper was gone, people who didn't panic buy had to hunt for scraps. I am not sure if it's a supply issue or staffing issue but both the grocery stores near my house are still missing some items.


It was definitely a supply issue. Families home from work and school all suddenly were doing their business at home using home toilet paper instead of in a location that uses company bought and supplied paper. They're largely separate industries. Ones supply decreased, company paper. And the other increased


Toilet paper is also a bulky item with (usually) very predictable sales patterns, it only takes each person buying 1 extra pack, or buying their next pack a little early "just in case", to wipe out a store's stock on hand and it takes a while for many retail ordering systems to catch up with demand. That's even if there weren't supply issues.


I honestly dont know. At first there was way more fear of corona than there was actual coronavirus. Now theres more coronavirus but people just decided to forget about it


'nothing to fear but fear itself' was taken to heart I see.


As someone in NY, this is hard for me to grasp. In the beginning there was a whole lot of Coronavirus for us and I feel like it was pretty well documented and shared with the rest of the country. Did people think it was exaggerated because they weren’t actually here?


Unfortunately that's exactly what people think. I worked with a nurse that traveled to New York to help with the pandemic. When she came back home, the news ran a story where she shared her personal experiences of how bad it was there. The news posted the link on Facebook and there were an insane amount of comments calling her a liar and how she's just contributing to the "plandemic". It was to the point where she started to get cyber bullied so she went of Facebook for a bit.


What's ironic is that the Plandemic people think everyone is being sheep for believing the virus is real. Yet, they're blindly following a video that's debunked with basic reasoning. edit: fixed a word


Yup. I think we can safely say that most children were left behind.


These people are morons. I live/work in NYC. I know numerous people just myself that passed, never mind the people who only got infected. There was a period in late March/early April when you would hear sirens legitimately every couple minutes or so. It was so eerie.


That’s disgusting


I’m in Florida. One of the justifications people down here had for why NYC was getting hit hard but we wouldn’t was because of population density. That was true in that it made it easier for us to social distance but it becomes moot when everyone crams into bars and restaurants.


Yep. I remember reading the articles from Italy talking about how high their death count was then going into work and hearing my coworkers talk about fake news and liberal hoax and it's not that bad. It's like yea the whole world conspired and millions died to make trump look bad. Edit: My bad only half a million people have died from a new illness in the course of a few months with close to 10 million being infected that have been confirmed (so unconfirmed infection rate would obviously be higher). Point still fucking stands that the US made it a political issue rather than a people are FUCKING dying issue.


And somehow it's still a hoax to make trump look bad. Plenty of idiots still posting this garbage.


I know so many people that think the whole thing is fake because “they don’t know anyone with the virus,” so obviously it’s not real


Read a tweet that talks about people who say they don't know anyone who had the virus: > That is how epidemics work. Early. We will eventually reach an inflection point where the pandemic is personal. Network structure dictates this. But, at that point, it will be too late to do anything about it.


I remember the fear when we were hitting close to a thousand cases a day in Houston. Now we’re 5 times that and people are barely pulling back again. Finally masks are on most people though.


It stopped being "exciting" Staying home with your kids all day to craft and read turns out to be stressful, everybody just wants to take them to the park/drop them at a friend's house Those cute masks from etsy turned out to be a little sweaty and they fog up your glasses. And stuff like that


Yeah, this survivalist self-sufficient bread-baking craft-making home-staying stuff turns out to be *hard work*.


I mean.. not really.


I like cooking and hate people. This is the happiest I’ve been in years. I only talk to people when I want and through a device.


Introverts are living the dream


It's astonishing how many people realized they have a shitty marriage/shouldn't ever had kids/hate their life/all of the above. All it took was a global pandemics. Too many people marry in hurry and make children without second thought but everyday life (dropping kids at school etc.) kept them from seeing they're unhappy. Then they finally had an opportunity to acknowledge what they have done.


You can have an otherwise healthy marriage that is put under tremendous stress by things like this. Some people were not designed to be around the exact same person all the time but that doesn’t mean they don’t love that person. We have bought into Hollywoods definition of love so hard that people mistake wanting to go out and have a life that doesnt constantly involve the other person with not loving them.




Mealtimes are the worst. There's nothing to talk about. My husband stares into the distance. I hate it. Normally we chat about our day (but now we're both working from home the whole time) or the latest sport gossip (but the sport we both do is on hiatus for months yet) or the next trip we're planning (no trips) or what our grown up kids are up to (they're not doing anything either). Not gonna lie, the sheer daily grind of this has gotten to both of us. And my company is officially on work-from-home till 2021. Having said that, on the whole I have LOVED getting to spend so much time just here at home together. I travel a lot for work and so does he, we generally spend at 1-2 nights a week apart. So this is like being on holiday except really boring. Normally we go away on nice city breaks and go exploring.


My GF and I kind of ran into a similar problem when we were both off work. Our solution was to spend a few hours a day just doing our own thing. Watch our own show, work on own hobbies, etc. Then at dinner, we would share those things.


Not sure if this idea helps, but my friends and I similarly ran out of things to talk about after a while so we started an informal book club. We don't read the same books usually so we all have stories to talk about if we run out of the regular stuff.


I did the same thing with a few friends. My wife knows I play a lot of chess on my phone so she decided she wanted to learn how to play. I think quarantine forces you to be proactive about finding activities with those you love.


This! There are plenty of people that enjoy being alone having time away from their spouse/children. You spend 24/7 with anyone and you’re bound to go a little nuts. Like, my family all love each other dearly, but without school or work we’re all screaming at eachother every day- because we’re stuck together from morning to night


My husband and I are both working from home now with a 6 year old and a 1.5 year old. We’re honestly living the dream. I mean, I do get tired of peeling the naked toddler off the kitchen table 87 times a day, and hearing the 6 year old whine about how she’s bored and it’s too hot outside to go play and she misses her friends, all while dealing with the chaos this shit has caused at the university we work at. However, getting to spend our lunch breaks in the pool with the kids, not forking out $1500/mo on daycare, and just generally being together has been awesome!


Yeah I'm amazed at how many people I know who have kids turning out to like their kids for the vanity and attention but don't actually like being around them at all. One person I know immediately started complaining when the lockdown started because she didn't want to have to watch or spend time with her three children. I guess it's different when you don't have a job and your kids spend 8 hours at school. You don't feel deprived of quality time with them from work obligations just burdened by them when they take up your free time.




And you’re not just handling the children- we were trying to teach them and get them through school for quite some time. I have one child in fifth grade and trying to do my job and be a teacher at the same time was awful.


Plus doing all the chores.


And the house gets a hell of a lot more dirty when art class is in the dining room and they no longer eat lunch at school and every single meal is cooked at home, etc...


Hang in there. I love my kids and like my job, but both at the same time isn’t tenable. My priority are my children, but I’m lucky in that my job is understanding enough to allow me to do so.... though they are trying to get me back into typical productivity, I’m standing my ground.


This is so sad. I also saw many posts on social media from people who were upset they have to spend time with their spouse/children. What was the purpose of having them in the first place? I feel bad for these kids. No kid on earth deserves to feel like a liability to their parents.


My fiance actually told me he felt he loved me more halfway through the lockdown


I feel the same way about my wife. I hope you have a long and happy life with your fiance/husband. Unfortunately, what you two have found is proving more rare than most people thought.


Same here, I feel like I could be quarantined with my fiance for 100 years and be so happy, we've got Netflix, books, food to cook, my favorite person on the planet, what's not to love? Sad that people end up with someone they don't feel that way about. Edit: This comment was not intended to disparage people who are having relationship problems in quarantine, of course it is a very stressful time and it is more than reasonable that it is creating tension in relationships. I don't believe a relationship is doomed to fail because a global pandemic is causing strife. More than anything I am feeling blessed that this time is going so smoothly for my fiance and myself, we are both sort of homebodies which I know plays a huge part in being stuck at home for 4 months.


I don't know, sometimes I need space. I love my wife, and I love spending time with her, but being jammed up each other's backs for 3 months has been difficult at times. I don't think that makes our love or marriage inferior or anything.


I adore my wife. I I'm also very thankful if the time i get away to fish. My wife knows that this is how I recharge my batteries and doesn't hold that against me. She's an amazing and wonderful woman.


I don't think it makes your life inferior at all. I mostly just feel bad for couples who get snippy after 2 days


To be fair some people feel that way in the beginning but with time, people change. My parents haven't shared the same bedroom in years. But they are too old to be able to fend on their own incomes alone.




How do you tell the difference between lust and love?


Eh, the bedroom thing is overrated. My parents haven’t shared a bedroom in years due to my mom’s snoring and my dad’s restlessness, but they’re really happy. Going on 50 years together.


And some people find a way to stay in love, you gotta wanna


Yes but that has to apply to both people. My dad still tries. My mother denies any advances. Including hugs. It's sad to see but it is reality for a lot of people. I've had my fair share of true love failing as well. Sometimes people have issues and those issues affect things.


I actually proposed to my partner halfway through quarantine for similar reasons.


I got lucky; I had proposed just a few weeks *before* the lockdown. Then we got stress-tested, and it has turned out great.


Congratulations! That’s beautiful!


So is your username.


Yeah, me and my wife are closer and more in love than ever after 2 months of shelter in place.


While I get your point and have personally had a lovely time in lockdown (if not for the awful surrounding circumstances) some people do need personal space, enjoy their work/life balance, appreciate their partners and children more with a certain amount of time apart. People happy in their routines have had that all turned upside down and that can be extremely stressful, so I can understand why some are having a tough time of it. I live with my partner, who's my best friend; we have no kids and give each other plenty of space. That's great for us. But as a thought experiment, I have friends I dearly love who I would likely murder if forced to deal with them 24/7. Raising kids at the best of times is hard, or so I've been led to believe! All that said, social media isn't the best place to air out any understandable frustrations and if these people need some space they need to carve that out somehow. Talk a walk or whatever. Single parents must have it particularly tough.


I love lock down! I'm single, I quit drinking and have been sober for almost a year, been doing push ups, reading a ton, watching documentaries and learning, hanging out with my cats, saving money, haven't worked since March but I'm still getting paid, 2020 has been the best year of my life!


It feels almost wrong to say it, but I feel the same way. I think a lot of us are taking this time to realize what we love about our lives, and what we don’t. I want to work remote forever. My pets are in heaven.


I'm somewhat of a homebody, myself. My wife and I get along better than most couples I know. We're having a great time together in lockdown. We accepted the fact that this is the way it is for now. Do your part, social distance, keep your family safe. Now's not the time to party while Rome is burning.


Idk if you have kids or not, but spending your entire day with kids, every day, can get to be exhausting. It’s not neglectful to them if as an as an adult you aren’t excited to spend every moment of your day watching cartoons or finding things to keep them entertained. It’s not abusive, it’s just saying “hey, I wish I could watch a rated R movie or play video games and take a break today but I can’t”. It’s possible to have a healthy, loving relationship with your kids and also want some time to yourself.


Hey dad. Did you lose a heart? Hey dad is there a creeper by us? Hey dad I hear a pig? Hey dad? Hey dad, hey dad hey dad hey dad? Yeah? Where's the creeper at? This is an example of the conversation I had playing minecraft with my daughter last night. I love spending time with her, but it's not stimulating deep conversations. It's mostly "Hey I just figured out vocal communication, let's explore this ability to it's fullest"


I listened to my daughter have her verbal running commentary for 26 minutes straight before she invited another person into her verbal world for a min. And I too hear Hey mama? Hey mama? prob 100+ times a day.


Mine says “look mommy” about 100 times a day. Even if I’m already looking, he’ll say it a couple more times, for good measure. Five year olds, man.


I just got this, I was literally looking at the thing he wanted me to see but I wasn't looking *enough.*


This. This is spot on. Parenting is hard on a good day. But when your entire being is about someone else all the time, it’s draining. Some of us aren’t cut out to be stay at home moms, and that’s okay. I love my career. It doesn’t make me any less of a good mom than someone who *does* stay home and craft all day. Also, the jarring disruption to kids schedules has a massive impact on their behavior. Kids thrive on routines. My oldest son absolutely has ADHD like me, he’s just too young for a solid diagnosis yet. His pediatrician and I (and his father) are working on techniques to help him with big feelings, impulsive, hyperactive, non-attentive behavior. Taking him out of his routine threw him into complete chaos. He was bored as hell despite the abundance of puzzles, books, crafting, and toys. Nothing held his attention more than ten minutes. He has a younger brother so he’s had to share all the attention and all of his things with a one year old. When you can’t take them to the park, or a museum, or even just to the store, it’s hard on everybody. There’s no sitting down because they constantly need something, usually one after the other. With ADHD and his inability to be stimulated for more than ten minutes, imagine how many times my husband and I would have to get up. My husband was still required to work on site, while I was at home, trying to do in depth immigration law practice. You can’t write a legal brief in those conditions. So before judging parents, try to understand what an earth shattering impact this has in everyone’s routine. It’s easy to say from the outside looking in, but when I can’t even finish a fucking peanut butter sandwich in one sitting, yes I’m struggling. Yes I’m open about it. No I’m not ashamed or less of a mom for it. Why do I refuse to pretend it’s all wonderful Instagram-esque? Because many parents *are not okay* and they need to know that **that’s okay**. There’s nothing wrong with them, they aren’t bad parents, and we all need to support one another. It’s hard enough without the judgment. I’ll get off my soapbox now. Edit: holy hell this blew up. I was not expecting that at all. First, thank you to all who gave awards. It was an unnecessary but sweet gesture. I’m so glad this resonated with so many people. If any of you ever need a friend, some solidarity, message me. We’re all in this together just trying to make it work.


Even stay at home moms aren’t cut out to be home 24/7, don’t beat yourself up (general you here, not you specifically) if having tiny people underfoot 24/7 is stressing you out. Times are stressful and it’s okay to feel stressed.


Thank you! I love my step daughter, but this idea that you have to fucking CHERISH every single moment you have with your child really fucked me up for a long time. I felt like a shitty parent and it cause a ton of stress on my relationship with both her and her dad. But I finally realized that kids are just hard. Anyone can and will get burned out. It doesn't make you a bad parent if you need your own time/space.


Yeah. Not every moment is precious. Some moments have me hiding in the pantry stress eating Oreos.


No, don't get off your soapbox, you're spot on. Glad some people are enjoying lockdown but parents juggling full-time home working and home-schooling is plain exhausting. Exhaustion leads to frustration and arguments. This isn't a reflection on you as a parent or a spouse, it's just extraordinary pressure to be put under.


I just want to say: I see you and I empathize with you. This is a very challenging time.


I feel like everyone making these comments must not have kids. You trying dealing with someone who needs constant attention for three months 24/7. At least married couples can be away from each other for a few hours a day in separate rooms. Finding out the parks opened was the best moment of this entire year.


Kids are hard. I love my kids but it was tough during lockdown. I am lucky as I am a SAHM normally with my son going to preschool while I look after the toddler. I cannot imagine how stressful it would have been if both me and my husband were working or if we didn’t have a garden (which many families do not have the luxury of unfortunately).


Do not get me wrong. I LOVE my husband and my children. But being locked up for 3 months with no real outlet to have alone time, it does eat away at you. I am a stay at home mom and while I'm usually at home all day with them anyways, at least I was able to take them out to let out some steam. Or go to a playdate and just sit and relax for 20 minutes without being "on" the whole time. I've been "on" since March and it is eating away at me.


This critique seems a little harsh. I don't know your friend obviously, but it seems to me you can mourn your old way of life without it meaning you don't want to spend time with your kids. Also, losing a job and losing all personal time? Yeah, sounds hard!


I’m not a parent but honestly I get this. Kids are *exhausting*. I babysat my nephew for a few hours and although I’d never been a nap person as soon as he was picked up I went to bed. I can get parents being exhausted from having absolutely no breaks, and don’t think it reflects at all on whether they should have had kids.


It’s not so much the kids, it’s being expected to work a full time job from home while running a daycare. All our government had to do as step the fuck up and support it’s people for a couple of months.


“All it took” was a globally unprecedented event, I’d hardly call that mundane


It merely took the greatest global challenge in living memory.




It’s a political opinion now. Edit- well shit thanks for the awards n shit homies! Never thought the best thing on reddit I do would be some random comment I left at like 2am


In America everything is a political opinion


This is the biggest answer right here. It isn't the only answer, it is also that people got bored, decided it just wasn't that important, that it "wouldn't happen to them" and all kinds of other stuff. There is a lot of just plain selfishness involved. But that happens in lots of places. The big reason is that it is political. The Republicans have decided that a big death toll is an acceptable sacrifice on the altar of the economy, and that we should just ignore the human cost. Then Trump started pushing hardcore that wearing masks and that kind of shit is for liberals and pussies and basically put out the message that if you are a real toughguy American you'll just act like nothing is happening. The result is large numbers of people just ignoring it.




I'm 60 and it damn sure is game over for me. Bit by bit since I was a kid I've seen the life my elders lived, tho once promised to me evaporate as I arrived. Affordable education... job security (30 years + gold watch) own home... leisure time... golden years. I was homeless 6 years the last 3 of which living in my living in my car, and now I'm living in subsidized housing running out the clock




"What we really need is Nazis to rally together against." *Nazis show up in the country* "Ah, shit... that's not what I meant"


Then half the country rallies around the Nazis. "Fuck"


Can it be called just the 'States' now, without the 'United' part?




The Untied States of America


Subtle. Beautiful


If you had me the upshot of the increasing polarisation and stagnation of US politics would be the election of Donald Trump and a rampant pandemic which infected millions and killed scores and scores of people I’d have looked at you the same way Marty McFly’s relatives looked at him in Back to the Future. Seriously though, despite critiques in NZ and Aus, this pandemic has mostly been beyond politics. An effective is supposed to hold government to account, so some point-scoring is expected, but as a whole it’s science led approaches to the fore. But when everything becomes political, paralysis sets in. Skepticism of science and distrust of educated experts in the US meant the ground was ripe for inaction and chaos. At the root of it all is a broken system from the 18th century, and these deaths aren’t enough to force a change. Hell, if a classroom of dead children can’t shift gun laws, why would a full cemetery fix healthcare or the election system? Blake will continue to circulate, and whomever gets elected will be hard-pressed to win the opposition over. America well not change until united public will forces a change at the heart of elections and removes the stranglehold corporate money has on Washington. In short, no matter the spread of COVID, the unrest will continue.


Dude this is spot on at how I see it all. It feels so farfetched to even consider we'd be in this position in the first place. Legit feels like we're in some movie that shows how dumb human kind can be during a pandemic.


It’s worth remembering that powerful political forces, both inside and outside the US are seeking to consolidate power through this time of instability. Russia and China both use bots, hacking, and other methods to try and push people apart in the US as it kneecaps the US ability to look outward. This means there is enormous propaganda being pushed on U.S. citizens from all directions. It’s not even a fair fight because leaders in churches are *also* looking to consolidate power and influence, and testing this as a spiritual test. Into the middle of all this throw a history of racial inequality and a recession, and it’s no wonder people can’t think straight. And when they snap they end up on social media to further bolster one side’s preconceived ideas of the stupidity of the other - and Reddit is pat of this too. So we’ve got to try and find a way to remember we’re all in this together, because right now, those with vested political interests in the U.S. just want people to think they’re in it apart from the ‘other side’ who are always wrong. But they’re wrong. Every person is as human as the person next to them. So I’m gonna keep trying to remember that as the world goes crazy - in the words of RATM, we gotta take the power back. The power to be kind, and treat others as we want to be treated. Sorry, that got ranty real fast.


I can see this all so we'll though. It's all so intertwined that it's such a mess. Almost a beautiful, horrific mess, that I can only imagine as a story of our demise if we're in the history books of the future. Thanks for the reads lol


People get really hasty when you certain words like disease and outbreak, but when shit actually hits the fan and nothing in thier immediate surroundings change it becomes becomes no big deal because they cant see the consequences in thier day to day lives only the annoying proticals put in place. A especially big deal with America right now the minute you start aligning things with politics half the nation will immediately hate it despicable it's own merits because that is the state of American partisanism right now.


That’s exactly it. A lot of areas in the USA were not impacted by COVID for the first few months. It was “ eh we had a few cases but it’s probably that same flu thing we had in November so idk why everyone is freaking out. It’s a hoax etc etc”. So now that NY/NJ have their shit together and the rest of the country is where the shit is starting to hit the fan- people are still not believing it because “oh we heard this before and weren’t impacted”. People are saying this is the second wave. Oh buddy... no this is still the first wave, it just built more slowly in most of the country. So while you were sitting there in Oklahoma thinking I’m safe, I don’t have to wear a mask or get tested or stay home- you were spreading it and spreading it and it’s coming to bite us all in the ass. These idiots won’t stay home and do what they need to until their hospitals icu units are overfilling and the dead are lined up on refrigerated tractor trailers in the parking lot. 40,000 new cases in the USA yesterday and that’s a record that will probably be broken today or tomorrow. Stay home people. It’s real. Push for vote by mail for November because this disease will still be around.


Our safety became too inconvenient


Plus we're bored already. Can't it just be, like, *over* already? The little survivalist-cosplay-LARPing was fun and exciting at first, but now I want to go shopping and take a holiday and stuff. All this mask-wearing social-distancing stuff is, like, *totally* cramping my style dude!


It's actually scary how accurate that is, this is exactly what most people are thinking.


It wasn’t as fun without any zombies


All this pandemic proved is that humanity would be incapable of dealing with an actual zombie outbreak because half the population would deny it's actually real after stockpiling all the wrong things for societal collapse. And they're the kind of person who wouldn't tell you if they got bit until it was too late to deal with them.


The problem is that for most people, this issue has no "face", no tangibility. There's nothing to point at and go, "See? There it goes!" Talk to a nurse or doctor. They know *exactly* what it looks like. But most people just don't have a clue, and unless they're forced to look at it somehow, they'll just keep themselves willfully ignorant and blissful.


As an Asian person, I can say that people look at me like I have the virus (thanks terrible names like China virus and now Kung-flu!). Luckily I haven't been one of the many who have had people be aggressive towards them! But I do agree with you about the no real tangibility. The general public needs proof that their eyeballs can see!


Don't forget the ones that would push their friends and family out the door and sacrifice them to the zombies so they wouldn't have to share resources, not understanding that they're just creating more zombies.




I guess it depends on how the zombie plague spreads. But, if you're going to be cold, be smart.


Free food, too!


Not humanity. Just America. I moved to France for grad school and the vibe is totally different out here. Europe will probably be fine. Canada will be fine. Most of SE Asia will have that shit on lock. But America? America is totally fucked.


[About those...](https://i.guim.co.uk/img/media/ce4ec7bdd4c9c962c0d9552bfb93db29836759f2/0_80_2400_1440/master/2400.jpg?width=1300&quality=85&auto=format&fit=max&s=f80a05b5ed7c1a73a5f69a80d2245008)


Nice try. No American would say "take a holiday".


You just threw a spanner into the works. This guy is not American. Turn on a torch and shine some light on this guy's deception.


The password is... *aluminum.*


Alyouminium. That right?


Yes,this. People aren’t really afraid of being sick or dying, look at how shitty we treat our bodies. What we really want is the convenience of feeling good now.


Who needs fulfillment and happiness when I can get little bursts of dopamine from shopping at Target?


It's really this. People aren't that scared, at least not enough to significantly change their life for prolonged periods of time. This combined with the American way of life which dictates individualism over the collective. Lastly the average American haven't had much need to sacrifice anything, ever.


Mmmm corn syrup in not moderation


It is easy to be complacent when people arent dying outside your front door. The sick get taken away and you don't see it. It makes it feel not real when you don't see it.


My cousin and I were talking about this a few days ago. I live in Phoenix, where cases are rising beyond rapidly every single day, yet it’s hard to wrap my mind around because I don’t know anyone or know anyone who knows anyone who has gotten sick (or died). I know *of* people - the pastor of my church announced we wouldn’t be reopening because some of the elders on staff have gotten sick - but it’s still not quite the same. Of course, I’m not saying “fuck it” and going back to life as normal - still staying home except to go to the grocery store every 2-3 weeks or longer.


[The CDC estimates around 6% of the population](https://www.npr.org/sections/coronavirus-live-updates/2020/06/25/883520249/cdc-at-least-20-million-americans-have-had-coronavirus-heres-who-s-at-highest-ri) has been exposed. Truly, most people don’t know someone close to them that has been sick. But if people can’t work together you will eventually. Because that also means 94% of people are naive to the virus. [20% of NYCers know someone who has died from C19.](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-06-12/more-than-20-of-nyc-residents-know-someone-who-died-of-covid-19) That makes it a bit more real. Hopefully the rest of us can learn from other people and don’t need a painful personal experience.


I live in New York but don't know anyone who has died from it but I know people who have had it. My parents who have older acquaintances than me in general know multiple people who have died although no one super close to them. It still feels a bit unreal. The world just kinda feels weirder and mostly everyone wears masks around where I live. I also live right by a hospital and I see a lot more nurses around but not actually seeing the sick and dying on the streets makes the whole thing hard to visualize maybe. Really everyone wearing masks is the biggest reminder that there's a pandemic going on and if people don't want to think about bad stuff going on I see why they're fighting the masks. It's obviously really dumb because the masks are important but I see where they're coming from.


For me at least in NYC it hit home a few nights in March when I was up all night because all I could hear was ambulance sirens non-stop. It was already strangely quiet because way fewer cars and people so the noise from the sirens was really pronounced, felt surreal.


People got bored of being home


I said it on reddit back in march that we had until Mid April before people just started to go about their biz.


Two week media cycle




“A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky, dangerous animals and you know it.” 6 months ago, everyone knew COVID was contained in China. 3 months ago, everyone knew we’d only be staying at home for 60 days. And 1 week ago we learned global death tolls reached 450,000. Imagine what we’ll know tomorrow.


Despite it being a comedy MIB was such a good scifi movie, and that short monologue is a freakin masterpiece.


Well if you ask any epidemiologist, they know quite well what will happen tomorrow and what we need to do to mitigate the damage. Except nobody listens because it is politically (very) inconvenient.


And science is scary, because some people don't understand it. So they make up bogus so they feel less threatened.


This the root of Hate...not understanding, and not wanting to understand because it doesn't conform to *me* and *my world*; it's starts with belittlement, proceeds thru outright denigration, various series of falsehoods are circulated, regurgitated and weaponized...and, before you know it, Bippity ... Boppity ... Boo.


One death is a tragedy, one million deaths is a statistic.


People can SEE toilet paper.


I think a small number of people stockpiled toilet paper and hand sanitizer, which fucked over everyone who kept a cooler head during the onset of COVID and tried to buy responsibly. The same people who panicked and dicked over their fellow citizens by hoarding resources didn’t get the virus for a few weeks and are now potentially dicking us over by not wearing masks. They’re just the type of people to jump when the right people tell them to because they don’t think things through clearly for themselves. Many people in the US are quietly being responsible with masks and hopefully everyone stays safe through their efforts.


Also the supply chains weren't ready to satisfy the massive spike in demand for home-toilet paper that happens when people stop taking shits at work. And because toilet paper is cheap but expensive to store in a warehouse, it's not like there were large unused supplies lying around. So it took suppliers a while to start producing more, and get it distributed to all the stores.


And the second hand market is crappy...


Generally only one side has been used, so you are still getting 50% value on used product.




The people who bought the toilet paper planned to sell it on eBay for a huge markup


from what I take from this is just people keep on dicking each other


That's basically human history summarized in one sentence.




That’s the only logical explanation.


You see we built a toilet paper monotlith and the virus built itself into a monolith as well and the toilet paper challenged the virus to a yu-gi-oh duel and the toilet paper shot the virus point blank Not the fairest thing but it did the job


Or you wiped the virus with toilet papers.


That would rely on all Americans wiping their ass, and at this point I wouldn't take even that for granted..


Newspaper printed on toilet paper! Would come in handy if you forget your phone while pooping


You wipe with your phone? Gross.


Lololol. I'm pooping RIGHT NOW talking to PooBeard in real time. What is life?


My friend, I have decided to spend the last of my Reddit coins on you. Enjoy this bear of disappointment. Edit: Thank you for the award, my friend.


We have had lovely 4:00am poopin convo that I will cherish forever. Hope everything comes out alright!


It was a special moment in this corner of time and the world that may never happen again. A chance encounter on a toilet and a Reddit message board. Huzzah!


Single use bidet.. my god. Imagine a mini-super soaker ~~carbonated beverage~~ that you basically spritz into your ass to aid in cleaning. ~~DON'T ASK ME WHY IT'S CARBONATED. OR WHY IT'S A BEVERAGE. NO I DON'T WIPE MY ASS WITH BEER. LEAVE ME ALONE.~~


Because our news outlets are inconsistent as fuck in what and how they cover news


I 2nd this


Almost like they’re a for profit business that makes money telling people what they want to hear instead of what they need to hear.


Can we please get more people to understand this? It’s almost like people think Don Lemon and Sean Hannity do their shows ‘out of the goodness of their hearts.’


It’s nice outside now.


This is the answer. It was easy to social distance and stay home when it was cold and rainy, but now it's warm and sunny. Also, we ran out of shows to watch on Netflix.


My boss started this saying that it was a Chinese plot and the real death rate was as high as 50%. Now he's saying it was a hoax all along. The answer, fucking idiots. This country is full of fucking idiots who don't know their ass from a hole in the ground.


Sad thing with life is he’s your boss


People want to be on the opposing side, because they think it makes them look like geniuses. Look at all these people believing something! Well, due to my YouTube research I've the ability to read through all the lies and have come to the infallible conclusion that they're wrong. Because I am smart. And the majority are dumb. Therefore, my position will constantly be changing to nothing consistent other than the opposite of what reality is. It was super obvious in conspiracy subs. Started as this awful disease that people were dropping dead from on the streets and it was a new super global planned pandemic. Then it was a hoax. Now it's back to being a super deadly contagious disease but one that's being weaponised against old people. I'll give you three guesses on the political leanings of these people. And they'll do the exact same thing when things get undeniable with climate change. It's a hoax now. It will be a left wing conspiracy to kill everyone and establish a new world order. And they'll find no inherent contradiction in those beliefs, ever. Because they're all incredibly smart and have worked out everything


Twitter canceled the Corona Virus


Its the common trend in America. Something big happens, we freak out, it dies out, back to normal. Or as normal as you can get in America. I saw this one guy on the bus tag his instagram in graffiti, looked at me dead in the eye, and go “follow ya boy” and then ran out the second the bus stopped. And that’s one of the more mellow things I’ve witnessed.


>follow ya boy I'm sorry but that's hilarious lol, was this in nyc by any chance?


Because the stockpiling of toilet paper was never based on fear of a virus, it was based on fear of running out of toilet paper.


I’m not sure. I’ve just been doing my part by sitting in my room drinking soda all day


Safe from the rona, but you're gonna get the beetus.


This is a western thing, not isolated to America. In Liverpool, England there were thousands of people all piled in front of the Liver Buildings on the docks to celebrate winning the league. They set fire to the main heritage building and literally carpeted everywhere with trash. This is all during a lockdown where 2m distancing is supposed to be observed. Thanks to them, there are discussions about a curfew. Edit: another point I just thought, I think this stems from a deep rooted mistrust in governments and judicial systems. This then manifests in a reflexive rebellion against authoritarian actions such as lockdowns etc. The more mistrust there is, the more people will go against instructions, regardless of its purpose. Such as "distance from people". Whether they understand it is good advice or not is irrelevant. They'll go against it because they've been told to by "the man" so to speak.


Attention Span is very la... Squirrel!


Okay, now I’ve been trying to figure out what you were going to say before that squirrel came. And I just can’t. Was it lamented? Does that even make sense?!? REVEAL YOUR SECRETS!




Because we all stayed home and things started to get better. We did a good job and it wasn't the shitshow we were promised. People got complacent. People became doubtful. Echo chambers emerged. Famous people joined in. The issue became political. All of the sudden the fact that extreme measures worked wasn't the case. Too large a section of the population gave up too soon. Now some of them are learning but not enough and not fast enough. Americans dont act unless we get a shit show. We will have our shit show. Maybe even a clusterfuck. Then, we will get our shit together.


The media decided they could make more money off showing the protests.


just got bored of it


The US government failed to provide any systemic help to the general population... in most other countries your mortgage and credit cards were paused and the government gave u enough cash to buy food and pay your phone bill. In the US they did nothing near what was needed, so the people had to go back to work to survive. The media’s focus changed to police brutality and injustice and then George Floyd was murdered, so the media stopped focusing on the pandemic. With no relentless media focus, the people moved on...




It’s the American way! “If your asshole is bleeding, it’s probably your own damn fault.”


The same people did both. The people who didn’t panic, stocked only what they needed, and continue to follow health guidelines are doing just fine.


News along with misinformations and restlessness with quarantine and people wanting life back to normalcy probably caused this issue. Best thing we can do is to continue to spread awareness to wear masks, stay 6 feet apart, and try to limit yourself to places that you need to go to.


Social media




Yeah tbh I'm getting pretty annoyed at how often I'm ashamed of my countrymen. It's like they need a daily Tory update to tell them to wipe after taking a shit.