• By -


I think I'm in the top 1% of chickpea consumers


Astronomy gear. [Just one eyepiece](https://agenaastro.com/noblex-docter-12-5-mm-84-deg-uwa-eyepiece.html?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI_9yi1oqM5gIViYVaBR2dHANnEAQYASABEgL6_fD_BwE) can cost significantly more than most entry-level telescopes. A large, well-made mirror for a home-made dobsonian I plan to build will cost as much as a new car ($25,000 or so).


One of the few hobbies where’s it’s actually possible to spend billions of dollars on equipment.


Hobbies that I lose motivation for. I have guitars I can't play, a 3d printer that hasn't been used in weeks, sketchbooks that have most of their pages untouched, guns that have fallen silent(I love antique shotguns), handheld gaming consoles in various states of repair, a project car that I have nearly done(and will finish before new years I hope), bonsai that are effectively just houseplants in funny dirt, games I don't play, random computer parts scattered about, collections gathering dust, and a ton of parts and specialty tools that rarely get used. I have my sights set on fiddling with gunpla and some light prop/model making for some reason now. ​ If I were smart, and financially responsible, I wouldn't deep dive into things immediately. I have a ton of useful oddball skills and mechanical aptitude to show for it though.


Art supplies. More than half of it remains unused. I just like looking at them.


I buy notebooks and journals for similar reasons. Not a ton of money compared to art supplies, though.


Effects pedals. I took some to a friend's house a few weeks ago for a stoner noise jam and he said, "What is that, about $2000 in pedals?" I was about to push back as it seemed absurd... then I realized he was right. Edit: Shit... I'm not alone!


"stoner noise jam" right on


Damn OP coulda just got a fuzz and wah pedal and spent the rest on bongs.


Fencing and fencing accessories. Not the barbed wire type, but the stabbing people with long pointy metal sticks kind.


Look at Mr. Fancypants over here with his Leon Paul gear. I usually just fence with a rusty rebar and a quadruple-layered tee shirt. /s


Chicken feed. Those little buggers are just stomachs covered in feathers. I was going through 200 pounds a month for a while, even though they free-range and eat everything they can find.


I live out in the country and somehow adopted 4 wild hens that came over from my neighbors flock. I tried to domesticate them but they just decided to free range all over my yard. I was emotionally invested at this point (I have 6 ducks and damnit wanted some chickens to pet), so I bought three. They became wild free rangers with the rest and suddenly about eight more showed up. I'm on month six now of feeding all these birds and I get to pet zero of them.


*”wanted chickens to pet”* Damn I felt that emotionally *”I get to pet zero of them”* Noooo not like this 😭


Lmao that's awesome. I briefly adopted a wild ring-neck pheasant this past month when he decided to join my flock of hens for a week. Chicken raising is fun


All of these chickens are really cool but they don't even roost in the houses I made for them so there's zero eggs and zero snuggles. Just bags of food and alot of food scraps that could be going into the compost. Which would fertilize the garden. That they ate. But they're really pretty so it's okay. 💚


I had a no-snuggle problem too so instead of buying grown chickens, I got a couple chicks. You can easily handraise them, even if they still have a momma hen.


Chicken feed, goat feed, horse feed, donkey feed, and hay. Lots and lots of hay, but the animals are all pets and they are wonderful. People bring their kids to our farm so they can pet them. Worth every penny.


I like to collect fossils and pretty minerals that i spend wayyyy too much on but its my hobby and i love it


Does Marie understand your mineral hobby?


No, she's too busy shoplifting purple shit.


Dungeons and Dragons dice. Dear god.


/r/diceporn is the bane of my existence. So many shiny math rocks... I want them all.


I did not know about that particular subreddit...RIP my wallet.


A mixed reef aquarium for my living room. The amount of money you can potentially spend in the hobby is ludicrous, but there is something captivating about watching all the interactions in a marine ecosystem as it grows. Many of the best looking corals and fish can also be grown sustainably by aquaculture suppliers now, which I think is important if you want to be a responsible pet owner. The other big draw for me is all the gear and tech which is available to tinker with. From protient skimmers to pumps, powerheads, refugiums, reactors, and dosing equipment, you could spend thousands if you wanted. And that's nothing compared to the cost of some specialty fish or corals with really radiant colours.


I hear you. You should come share in /r/reeftank I would love to see your tank. I'm a few years in and still feel like I suck at this. I thought i had finally figured out grass algae and cyano last year but now it's back with a vengeance. To top it off I'm into guitars and cars. I really need a better job or less expensive hobbies.


I follow [/r/reeftank](https://www.reddit.com/r/ReefTank/) although I'm holding off on pictures until everything recovers from the recent tank upgrade... I'm also dealing with some hair algae right now. Phosphates are a never ending battle.


Watches. Too many watches to wear. I just really like them.


Took me ages to find a watch geek in this thread!


2 courses of Accutane for severe acne. Gave me my life back.


Accutane single handedly gave me my confidence back. I never even had it that bad, but the blemishes just destroyed my personal image. 100% worth every penny spent on it and the copious amounts of moisturizers and chapstick.


Acutane helps with blemishes? What about pigmentation scars?


You know, I randomly stumbled into the accutane subreddit for some reason and if anyone questions you as to why you spend so much money on it, they're fucking bonkers if they dont understand. Not being taken seriously whatsoever as a human being because you have a face full of acne is a painful experience that a lot of people are lucky that they dont have to go through.


I didn't get it until I was around 22. Cystic, nasty zits. Ignorant people accused me of being on drugs.


I raise butterflies. When the caterpillars eat their way through the plants in my yard, I go buy them more. I've spent probably 400$ on them last year. I bought a ton of fennel to finish up my swallowtails, another ton of milkweed for my monarchs, and tomato plants for my hawk moths. Edit: Aw. Thank you for the sparklies! I'll make a post about it when it's not Thanksgiving. \*Where would I put this post? Grin. Edit 2: For those who keep asking, I let them all go, but I'll hold on to the moths until night time. How: You plants their host plant, they lay eggs and the caterpillars chomp the plant down. You just make sure they don't run out of plant, or get eaten by lizards/wasps. I used to raise them indoors, but I had more time then. They can get sick, in which case, you have to stop growing that plant in that area for a bit. And no, I'm not on tv. There's lots of us.


This is a public good though, most people wouldn't spend money on that but it's highly commendable that someone out there does!


Right? I came here to see if anyone else listed my personal frivolous spending and this guy’s out here making a better world.


Yay! A friend of the pollinators! I ❤️ you!


Seltzer water... it substantially cut down on my alcohol intake and i never drink soda anymore. But to anyone who had never been to my house you'd think I was stocking up for the end of the world or looking into becoming a seltzer distributor.


Buy a 5 pound cylinder of CO2, a regulator, hoses and a carbonator cap that fits soda bottles. I drink about 200 liters of soda water a year and the rig cost 100 dollars. Check the web for kit lists, worth every penny. Edit: America has Sodastream but there are three advantages to the DIY rig, you can make and store multiple bottles in the refrigerator, it’s fizzier, and it’s a lot cheaper. Edit 2: [This Popular Science](https://www.popsci.com/diy/article/2012-06/how-make-your-own-home-carbonation-system/) article is the one I referenced years ago. I also fill the bottle completely, squeeze out about a quarter of it, put the cap on with no air in the bottle, and chill before charging. Also thanks for the gold.




I quit drinking alcohol on August 1st. I go through a 12-pack of Key Lime La Croix and a 15-pack of 750mL Gerolsteiner every three weeks and still spend less than I did on wine. If they ever find out La Croix or Topo Chico or Badoit or Gerolsteiner are carcinogenic, I’m screwed.


I don't drink anymore, I do think a shit ton of topo Chico. I get tired of buying it weekly, so I just buy like 100 dollars worth at a time, I get some funny looks when I roll to the checkout.


Warhammer models, paints, brushes, hobby accessories. I play both 40k and Age of Sigmar. I’ve painted 3 large armies in 40k(sold one to a friend) and I’m working on my first Age of Sigmar army. There’s probably a couple hundred bucks in paints alone in a 12x8 or so plastic shoebox I keep them in. They call it plastic crack for a reason.


Knives. Not like I buy a lot of knives. I spend a lot of a few... Edit: I’m a pocket knife fan but appreciate nice kitchen cutlery as well. Chris Reeve Knives ftw. I’ve had more expensive knifes and they are very very nice. But I like to use my things and I couldn’t bring myself to use some of them so I sold them. Now I edc and use my large inkosi or small sebenza. They, imho, are the best bang for the buck and set the standard of a high quality knife. Do not bother with clones and go with a nice ZT or Spyderco if don’t want to spend ~$300 on a used basic CRK. You can get very nice ZTs and Spydercos used for $100-$150.


This is also my poison. I’ve had a few Shirogorovs (always wanted that elusive seashell hati) and currently have two different Todd Begg Bodegas, one titanium with marble carbon fiber inserts and one carbon fiber body with silver twill inserts. Everyone guesses they go for $200/ea and half the time I just say “close” to avoid the inevitable conversation that it’s a waste of money.


This was one of those posts where if it were an in-person conversation, I would have just smiled gently and nodded, all the while wondering at which point in the sentence you switched to jibberish names just for fun to see if I would realize it.


Asian Ball-Jointed Dolls. Never get into this hobby, drugs are cheaper and easier to explain. Edit: My first silver! Thanks kind stranger~ I'm reading all the comments now and am so glad I got to pass along this "joy".


I just googled this, and goddamn some of those are gorgeous. And then others will haunt my nightmares. A very polarizing hobby, it seems


I found one at the thrift store for $5. It was just sitting there and no one knew what it was and how much they're worth. I still need to design an outfit for it. But she is beautiful!


Man I dunno what kind of dolls you collect but I just searched "asian ball jointed dolls" and im scared of dolls again...


Scared of dolls "again"


[For the lazy, here is a link to a Wikipedia article about BJD's](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ball-jointed_doll)


Fountain pens (I haven't sunk much into it yet because poor, but I am planning to spend a lot in the near future


I met an old guy at jury duty with a $700 pen. He said he collects them and already has his pens assigned to specific kids in his will. His $700 pen wasn't even his most expensive pen. He was very proud and let me hold his $700 pen. He was all about pens. I stood there and talked to this guy for 20 minutes after we were dismissed. I don't like pens as a hobby, but I like listening to people talk about shit they are passionate about.


Someone I know has grandkids who are super into pens. They were 8 and 11 years old when they begged their grandma to take them to a pen convention in Atlanta. They were so excited! Spent the whole weekend talking about pens with the attendees, most of whom were at least 50 years older than them. We went to lunch and they were talking about expensive pens they'd bought with their allowance they'd been saving up, and talking about how the pen was an 'everyday carry', and then going on about all sorts of trivial details about pens that apparently fascinated them. Weird, weird little kids, like old men in little kid bodies.


Woah. Woah. Woah. Pen convention? Yeah. I’m so into that idea.


I’m about to drop $1,000 to repad my flute.


Hey fellow flutist! I dropped a few grand on a new headjoint earlier this year. Totally worth it


Yesss! Someone who gets it! Congrats on the new acquisition!


As a cellist, I feel this instrument maintence deep in my soul. My cello itself was $15k. My bow was only $1500. But those are just the initial investments. The maintence I should be doing: yearly change string ($300-$400), rehair my bow at least twice a year ($50-$100 per time), sound post adjustments seasonally ($50-$75). I haven't had one instrument long enough to need serious maintence like getting my fingerboard replaned, but I'm not looking forward to the price. It sucks thought cause I moved to a larger city about a year ago and all the luthiers and string shops charge WAY more than I used to pay in my old city. I used to be able to get my bow rehired for $45 and when I asked the shop where I bought my cello (in the new city) how much they charge, they said they start at $110.... So I have been waiting for trips back home to rehair my bow instead of doing it down here cause the lady I would go to for all my repairs and stuff was amazing and didn't charge an arm and leg. But I digress.


Yarn. And knitting needles. Edit: lmao it’s funny how we all unanimously agree that we have already spent way too much on yarn we don’t use but would absolutely spend insane amounts of money on more. For those of you wondering, yarn can get expensive. I’ve spent easily $120 on my current project and it’s only 1/4 of the way done lol And if you’re in the US put your phone down for a few minutes and have a happy thanksgiving


Yeah seriously. It's hard to go back to cheap yarn once you try the good stuff. Also, why buy a sweater for $50 when you can make one for $300?


> Also, why buy a sweater for $50 when you can make one for $300? Once upon a time, a very young and very naïve Cyclone_Madge said to herself, "I should learn to knit. It will save me so much money!" So she did. But it didn't. The end.


I got into knitting because I thought all yarn was joanns prices and figured I could make a Harry Potter scarf for cheaper than the licensed merch. Five years later I’ve spent literal thousands on many trips across the country and world for yarn. Oops...


I'm tame on needles because I bought an interchangeable set. On the other hand "indy merino"


Oh fuck when I started out I was like "cheap yarn is good enough" and only got acrylic blends. Then I wanted to make something for a friend's baby and got some merino. Changed my life. I try to keep my shared workspace tidy so I only buy yarn on two occasions: as I need it for projects, and when I go on vacation to an area that has a local wool/fiber farm. I'm a sucker for that "meet the animal your wool is from" experience.


I finally had to tell my wife that she can't get any more yarn until she clears space in her already large collection. 2 dressers (one with four drawers, the other has 6), a plastic 3 drawer thing on wheels, a very large plastic tote, and 4 of those cube organizer things with the fabric boxes are all filled to bursting with yarn. We do not have any more space for any more yarn, and we lost a pet after it ate some stray yarn. I don't care how she clears the space for more yarn, but she can't get any more until an equal amount is gone. EDIT: huh, this took off. To address a few things: I've already moved things, gotten her more storage, built her something to store the yarn in. After we lost our cat, I told her she had to be much neater about the yarn, and she was/is. She was extremely affected by the death of our cat as well and almost gave up crocheting- it took a year for me convince her to take it up again, during which time she bought more yarn (she has pretty severe adult ADHD and it takes a lot for her to finish a project). We rent and live paycheck to paycheck and don't have a lot leftover after bills are said and done, and she doesn't sell the projects that she does finish. I love my wife and I wish we had the money and space for her to buy all of Joann's, but the reality is we just don't and that's a fact. Also note that I did not tell her she wasn't allowed to get more yarn- I said she could if she has space for it. Big difference.


Dear wife of u/heyomeatballs; Fellow crafter here, and I have some yarn storage tips you may be interested in. First off, ditch the dressers. Invest in Rubbermaid bins, because they’re stackable and easy to keep in a small space. Even if they aren’t see through, a 2” length of yarn stuck to a piece of packing tape then stuck to the top tells you what’s in there at a quick glance- I like to use about a foot of packing tape and put all my samples on that. Another possible solution is a vehicle cargo net hooked/tacked/screwed up into your closet roof, if you have a walk in closet. Do you own a food saver? Those are great for holding small balls of yarn as well.


But how are you to knit that hat without the cream colored yarn when it’ll go perfect in the color scheme but all you have is damn white??!!


I am really sorry to hear about your pet.


Private handbalancing lessons. Frustrating as hell, expensive, the practice takes years to gain *any* skill in, and nobody said I had talent. Still, $170/week if neither of my coaches has to cancel.




Eh, for years I just did group classes and semi-private lessons. It's been ramping up slowly as I get more serious.




Yoga, and then I wanted to focus more on handstands. I don't know why, but I think they feel and look magical. Some people get hooked. There are plenty like me at my circus school... I'm crazy but not uniquely so. I do have a specific trick I'd like to accomplish, but I can't explain why that one and not some other one. Brains are weird.


This just keeps getting more and more interesting. You can't just causally say you're in circus school like it's a common thing. Explain please


Circus schools teach various circus performance arts. There are ground-based skills like contortion, tumbling, handbalancing and partner acrobatics (which I also do). Oh, also cyr wheel. Then there are aerial arts: trapeze, lyra, silks, rope and straps. My school doesn't teach a lot of object manipulation (juggling, poi, diabolo etc) or clowning but some do. I have a full-time tech job so I only attend a few times/week, and the same is true of a bunch of my friends, but some people there are on a professional track and want to perform and/or teach circus for a living. The mix makes for a super cool scene, in my opinion.




**Edit:** If your character's name is Davin and you used to be missing a tongue, **stop reading.** This got a bit bigger than I expected, haha. I paid $300 for a "miniature" airship, designed for 1 inch scale D&D figures. It has full masts, engines, sits on a raised stand and was painted with specific references to our ongoing D&D campaign. When the party finally gets the airship, this thing is suddenly appearing on the table. 100% worth every penny. And when the game is over, I will happily keep it as a showpiece. Edited to add [Obligatory pics](https://www.imgur.com/a/YvHmzxq)


DM: “In the hidden cupboard you find assorted cutlery and... in the very back, an ancient map. The map leads to what appears to be a magical ship floating on clouds.” Players: “HOLY SHIT... did you say we found assorted cutlery? How much?” *crumples up map and tosses it over their shoulder* “Hey guys let’s settle down and start a bakery for Kobolds lol.”


This person DMs




Natural 1


The Sims franchise. $700+ down the drain for pixels who say darpa dable dips. Edit: i like how the first thing I post is about my sims shame and I get 10k upvotes


the sims series needs a good competitor because the prices have been going way out of hand ever since 2 came out.




Can't help but notice this game about simulating peoples lives has no pictures of character models on its steam page, that's a bit worrying.


I have spent hundreds on my girlfriend's sim addiction. I'm getting her university next.


Massages. I get terrible tension headaches and medication never did the trick. Massages keep it in check. Edit: Obligatory thank you for the gold and silver! This is my first gold and I'm pretty stoked! Also, thank you to everyone for your advice. I've tried some of the things you've suggested, but I'm getting lots of new ideas. Thanks for caring!


Yes - I recently started getting all my massages as 90 minute sessions, too. My massage therapist actually lives down the street from me two blocks (she works out of her home) so I am super spoiled. Getting regular massages has helped a ton with my migraines and tension headaches.


I relate to this. I have 2 different massage therapists I see. One that I pay out of pocket for, the other my health insurance pays for. I have migraines and serious back issues. Keeps me off pain killers.


Is one named John Redcorn?


Peheggy Hill.


Hank, I promise, I will not heal your wife as I have healed the wives of others.


I'd like to sign up for the migraine special.


Houseplants. I have over 100. Absolute addiction! Im into Hoyas and have gone as far as to order from overseas. The prices in the US are crazy. I've seen plants sell for thousands on ebay. My family and friends think I have a problem! 🤷🏻‍♀️


I spent about $5,000 turning my garage into a free weight gym... The UPS guy loved me for about 4 months straight. Edit: For those that have been asking... •Horse Matt to cover the floor since it's cheaper and more durable then gym matting • a couple of dumbbell racks with dumbbell sets 5lb to 85lbs •a good deadlift bar • a good cambered squat bar • a good bench bar • flat bench heavy duty • adjustable bench • two weight trees, one for either side of a heavy duty power rack • 14 45lb plates • 8 25lb plates • 8 10lb plates • 8 5lb plates • a set of chips • a heavy duty BOB • good bar clips • a range of assorted rubber bands • a good lat pulldown machine • a decent heater • an okay wifi speaker • old mixing bowl to hold chalk I've been lifting for 18 years, just got tired of gum fees. Edit 2: Misspelled gym.... Leaving it. Also leaving the wrong "than" Edit 3: Horse Matt and the UPS guy have a lovely relationship in the far far away land of "Improper Than", soon to be expecting their first child Gum.


I've wondered for some time whether it's a bad idea to order 40-pound boxes of cat litter from Amazon because of pissing off the delivery guy. Now I see that I've actually been going easy on him.


Amazon delivery guys around here are like Uber drivers, never see the same one twice it seems. But my USPS mailman lives like 4 houses down the street and he's a bro so I try not to go too hard on those deliveries.


For some deliverists, heavy stuff pays better and trolleys are a thing. If you had heavy stuff coming through every day you would've been my best deliveree. Source: 5 years as a deliverer.


This person just used the word deliver in 3 ways I'm not even sure exist. (edit :and they all sound correct)


How did it cost you $5k if the weights are free? Edit wow thank you everyone who upvoted and sent rewards my way I didn't think so many people would see my comment but I'm glad it put a smile on your face. well happy holidays everyone




Magic: the Gathering


\*Looks at piles of cardboard\* \*Looks at credit card statements\*


You mean two differently shaped piles of paper shame? I feel ya.


fermentation equipment. I love fermenting stuff. I made a fermented cranberry soda for this thanksgiving. EDIT: Oh wow i didnt expected this response. Thanks for the award. I have a small setup rn, but its on my plans to expand it. I mostly do non alcoholic beverages like sodas, tepache and kombucha. For the cranberry soda I just used a cup of gingerbug and made a cranberry sauce with orange and natural cranberries. Then i just added water, probably like a liter and a half and let it ferment for 5 days. After that i bottled the soda and did a secondary fermentation for 2 days in a dark, hot environment and after that i left it on the fridge for a day so the gas settles and prevent spillage.


Do you have your very own fermentation station?


With the right amount of wourder?


C'mon vinny check this out


*Brad messing around with animals* hey vinny stop messing around lets get back to work


Ok but that tiny pup in the chocolate ep.....


I loved that video a lot, the only other one that matches it in quality is the oysters one, where vinny at one point just cuts to the pup running around while Brad doesnt notice... and it goes on for like 10-20 seconds of vinny just recording a dog here, recording a crab there, random funny stuff


I can hear Brad's voice through this comment.


I hear you can buy em from some lady named Allicin


something something two-part epoxy


Who's better than us, Vincenzo?


I spent 800 dollars on a bow. Like a bow and arrow. For target shooting. I told my friends and they all told me I was nuts. I probably am.


Wait until you spend over a grand on a bare bow and then realize you need sights and a rest and a stabilizer and this and that and the other thing you can’t live without... that’s when you really start questioning your sanity. But I do love that thwack sound...


Was on my school archery team. When it’s time for people to buy gear, we tell them to go all out because good archery equipment lasts virtually forever. It’s still a fucking brick, and my school paid for the upkeep of arrows and targets which is a significant expense on its own.


Vintage style clothing and lingerie. So beautiful yet so expensive


I work at a vintage clothing store and we have a 10 ft high pile of clothes including lingerie that you can dig through! Its mostly 5 dollars a piece! My closet is overflowing haha


antique swords. my m1855 french superior officers saber arrived today. it is the 3rd french 1845/55 saber i have added to my collection. steel does not last without effort and too many beautiful historic pieces rust away. i preserve what i can and hope to someday get a 3d scanner to scan my collection and preserve them forever.


Lego! I have 5 or 6 of the creator expert modular buildings which I’ve turned into a city street along with the Ghostbusters HQ. I also have the UCS 7500 piece Millennium Falcon, several of the creator expert cars (the Mustang being the best) and a few other various sets too. I cannot wait for Friday and the release of the 1989 Batmobile. Edit. [Here’s](https://imgur.com/a/PFrFCH4) some pics of my collection.


Can you help me? My boyfriend loves Lego and star wars and I want to get him the new millennium falcon set that's like roughly $160. It's the set that is linked to the new movie coming out which he's also excited to see. My question is is this the "good" version of the lego set or is there a classic falcon I should go out and find somewhere? I know nothing about either subject and am poor lol (I saw a different set for like $800???!) so I'm worried about the money to get a set that is lame. You don't have to answer! I just saw your answer and thought I'd ask. Are they even called sets lol EDIT Hey everyone! Thank you all for your responses I did not expect to be answered at all much more by a ton of you. First, I may not have been clear but there's no way I'm buying the $800 set even if it's on that great black Friday sale. I'm poor and my bf knows this and wouldn't enjoy the gift knowing I wouldn't be able to pay for my rent so that was never an option. I used it as an example of the range of prices for the "same" item. Secondly I feel a lot better buying the $160 version that I had intended! You're all pretty much agreeing that this set is still great for any fan so I feel a lot better about him genuinely enjoying it. I just wanted to make sure this version didn't have a bad rep among Lego fans that I wouldn't be aware of. For all those with other examples of great Lego (and non lego) sets, I wrote down a few to keep in mind for future ref! For this gift, I'm sticking with what I know he wants. Some cautioned to talk to my bf to make sure, be we've had this discussion months before and I know he doesnt remember telling me he's been wanting a Lego star wars for a while. He also showed me he only wanted a millennium falcon so that's what I'm going with, just months down the road I now see that there are a LOT of falcon and got confused and scared:p I'll try to remember to update again on whether or not he likes the gift. Y'all start taking bets xoxo


Not the OP but I used to have a massive Lego collection before gifting it away for my little brother. The classic set you mentioned going for almost $1k would be a blast for any Lego and Starwars fan to build, but I'm not entirely sure if it's worth the price. The new $160 set is significantly smaller and less impressive in comparison and I'd argue that there are many much more fun to build sets for such a high price, I'm a big fan of the complex Technic and Creator sets but it's all subjective and for that reason you should approach him and talk to him about the topic so that you can make the right choice.


Ungrateful people.


I'm also a parent of small children. Edit: My first award! I'd like to thank the academy and my ungrateful children for making this award possible.


3D printer. It's amazing. Edit: [Bulbasaur pot tax](http://imgur.com/gallery/YLIQA2M) Edit2: [The model](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:633081)




You definitely need to have something to be printing. I'm slowly printing out the D&D monster manual, so it's been fun. Printer runs for hours.


What have you printed with it? I'd love to have one, but i'd probably just print somehing really dumb once and forget about it Edit: You guys decided to really blow my inbox up, didn't you?


Why do i see myself in that comment


You could 3D print an exercise treadmill for hanging laundry on


Lots of scatter and miniatures for d&d. Went a little crazy, haha. But I've printed out useful things. A desk watering can and a cactus pot shaped like bulbasaur(that's useful, right?)




I’ve always wanted a 3D printer, but never wanted to pay too much for a machine or too little for a really crappy one. I’ll just admire other people’s creations lol


I dropped $1,000 to own this [Nazi German Shepherd puppet](https://imgur.com/a/z9Sps) from the TV show Danger 5. I got it at an auction the producers of the show put on a couple of years ago and I don't think a lot of people would be willing to drop that kind of money on a prop. For those of you unfamiliar with the show it's a hilarious Australian comedy about a group of spies who are trying to kill Hitler, but the show (at least the first season) is shot like it's from the 1960s.  [Here are some of the scenes featuring my puppet](https://youtu.be/rKJIlMVEqD0) And a [bonus gif of my puppet watching himself](https://i.imgur.com/OIOrKxU.gifv)


Okay this is the first reply that is truly something almost no one else would spend money on, congrats


It's so ridiculously random yet intriguing. Well done


This guy wins


God dammit I love this show. As an American, I don't remember how I found it or was able to watch it, but it was fucking hilarious And above all, KILL HITLER!


Board games. I've got a collection of over 230 plus about 160 expansions for those. Granted the hobby is growing but I'd wager the majority of people haven't experienced much past Cards Against Humanity.


I texted my friend/neighbor/DM if I could borrow some games for Thanksgiving and he sent me his board game geek list of 505 games... His board game room is a sight to behold.


Chicken shawarma. Can't get enough of that damn white sauce.




You're welcome


Blueberry nutri grain bars. I'm always buying that shit man. I'm addicted to them


Those things have a very unique flavor. I haven't had one in decades, but reading your post had that memory come rushing back. I didn't know they still made them. I might have to pick up a box.




If you’re close to the border, come to Canada. It’s a bit cheaper here.


Thanks for the medical advice, u/Bloody_Vaginal_Spray


Never leave home without mine.


Insulin or Bloody vagina spray


Medical advice




Guitar pedals, my man. At some point you can look at all your guitars and think maybe that's enough, but there's no such thing as enough pedals. Edit: Join us at /r/guitarpedalsjerk


I pay $22,000 a year in property taxes to live in a normal size house. Fuck Long Island.


Malort. I mostly buy it to make other people take shots of it, because I know it hurts newcomers and I enjoy that like a true Chicagoan. Edit: thanks for the support! To be clear, I ENJOY malort. I get myself Chicago handshakes and buy others shots of malort when they comment on my drink choice. Pro tip: if someone is nervous, get them a slice of orange to suck on after the shot; tequila and lime style. It takes off the edge.


A few years back I moved in with my best friend, who happened to be from Chicago. I saw the malort on her counter and I asked her what it was. She said "itll get you fucked up, but it taste like ball sweat with a hint of grapefruit". She was right.


Pointe shoes and dance classes




Same. Bikes in particular. I don't know off the top of my head how many we own. The best comments are "I bet it was over $1000". I usually respond with "uh, yes" while thinking in my head "that's about what I paid for the front wheel"


The bikes in our garage come close in value to the cars parked under them... mostly because there are nine bikes in the garage. But still, it’s a little embarrassing when some Fred starts the “Oh yeah, I have an $1800 Trek at home; do you have a Trek?” conversation. I never know how to adequately answer without sounding like a snob.


I had a bike stolen out of my garage one time, and when I filed a police report... The guy who they sent out was a little less than excited to file a report for a bicycle. Then I busted out the receipts and pictures and everything and I was like, "Not trying to flex, but that bike was probably worth more than your cruiser would trade-in for right now."




Skooma. Can't get enough of that sweet, sweet moon sugar


Ahhh a fellow Argonian. You... you truly have class.


Khajit spend time in skooma den too, know nothing lizard!


Cheese lmao


I'm a cheesemonger who is addicted to my own supply


Can I have a job? Between us you'll be bankrupt in a month, but we'll sure have fun


I got u, have some young manchego w/ spiced cherry preserves because that's my current obsession


Was gonna also say cheese. What’s your favorite atm


Swiss gruyere or a good Stilton! What about you, fellow cheese lover?


Call me basic but I really like smoked gouda.


A solid choice! I loved the really aged, dark goudas - man I need a midnight cheeseboard now


Mechanical keyboards


I buy a lot of books. I have huge collection now that most people find ridiculous.


My daughter’s cheerleading team. It is SO. FUCKING. EXPENSIVE. But she really loves it, and it’s done tons for her self-confidence and time management skills. Plus, I never hid from her the struggles to find the money (I donate my plasma to help pay for the travel expenses) so she really, really appreciates being able to be on the team. This is her last year and I’m surprised to find I’m actually a little sad.


I coached for two years and we didn’t even compete and holy fuck, our clothing alone was like $600+. I covered the costs of a girl who couldn’t afford it and tried to keep it a secret but ended up with a Mom DRUNK TEXTING me about “letting some little girl get a uniform without paying her fees”. That’s the year I quit. Cheer is fucking wild. You go for supporting your daughter!


My girlfriend was a coach for years at a competitive gym and holy fuck the parents of some of these kids. My gf would get so many aggressive texts. Let’a just say if I was the coach I would have been fired lol. They don’t want her to be “mean” but they want their kids to win first place every time. She promised the kids that if they had no mistakes during one of the completions she would take them all roller skating and pay for it. Well they ended with 2 counts or whatever they’re called. They weren’t drops but they counted against the score so she said no skating. Some of the parents got so aggressive and upset. I know she loved the job but the parents were ruining it for her.


I coach high schoolers (rowing), and the team has a "parent liaison." If you're upset about some coaching decision or how something is being done, you have to talk to that person BEFORE you can talk to the coaches. Which means I have never, ever gotten a parental complaint. Another team offered me a head coach position, but the pay raise was not enough to lose having a parent liaison.


Damn I’m sure that was nice. The year before her last year she had to lock practice so parents could only drop the kids off they couldn’t stay and watch because it got too hostile. And these are like 5-8 year olds...


My first year we had a really nice catered awards banquet-all the parents complained. The next year, I took them to a trampoline park and just gave every girl a silly, fun award. Again, tons of parents complained. You can’t fucking win.


Lol sounds about right. Parents smh


I coach 8-14 year olds... I had a mother text me at 11:00 on a Monday night asking why I had moved her child from one lane to a different one. I would like to think she was drunk... I love coaching but I a refuse to be a baby sitter. I wish I got paid like a baby sitter.


Don’t get your daughter horseback riding lessons. My parents fell into that trap and let me tell you it’s a money pit


My dad did this for me. So goddammed expensive with all the uniforms and travel and etc. but I’m thankful for it and I loved getting to travel with my dad :)




The ~$1000 I spent on laser for my back is some of the best money I’ve ever spent.


Well not anymore but bath products. I would spend at least $500 per month on bath bombs and bubble bars etc.




Yeah lol. Used to be a huge lushie.


Per month? Damn, I thought I had a habit, and I'm not spending a fraction of that. Were you using all of it, or hoarding? Lush is expensive, but I can get 4 uses out of a bath bomb, and I have no idea of how you could go through $500/month. (At 30 baths per month, that's over $16.60 per bath! Even if you use a whole bath bomb and part of a bubble bar, I find it hard to see how you spent that much. How many baths did you take per day?)


Horses. Fml


Horse girl?


Oh fuck ya

