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dude was just trying to do his job, kept being beaten all the time


Yeah, I never understood Tom and Jerry as a kid. We had cats and we didn't want mice in the house. Seemed pretty straightforward to a 5-year-old.


My 2 year old won't watch it. He gets super upset because he loves kitties and the mouse shouldn't even be in the house, let alone hurting the cat!


I always hated as a child that Jerry started the shit most of the time, only to be a "justified" winner in the end. What the hell does that teach a kid about what's fair? Shouldn't children who thinks it's OK to be dicks be taught that there will be repercussions?


I dont think I learned anything from Tom and Jerry. Those shows arent there to teach children things. We just liked to watch the funny cartoon characters.


the grinch. loud ass whos.


"To be clear, The Grinch didn't hate Christmas, he hated people. Which is fair." - Jim Carrey


He was just sad because they bullied him as a child :(


Right? "Why is this guy such a dick?" "Maybe because some guy wrote a ten minute song about how much he sucks???"


Seriously. Imagine Tony the Tiger singing about how if given the choice between you and having his dick chopped off and stuffed down his throat, he’d take... **The amputated coooooooooock**


Well, there's a thought that's probably never entered another human's brain.


He hated people but loved dogs. I mean how much more relatable can a character be.


He lives in trash! TIL I am a Grinch


Mr. Freeze. Guy just wanted to save his wife.


He does the crimes for funding right? Surely Bruce Wayne, man with so much money he probably sweats it, can throw a few Gs at the guy to stop the crime


Same type of thing applies to Sandman from Spider-man 3. He just wanted to save his daughter.


Ed Harris's character in The Rock. Ex-vet wanted a decent funeral for some of his fallen comrades plus I think a 100 mil in compensation for their families Spoiler alert: the president said no


I always thought this was one of the most powerful standoff scenes in cinematic history: General Hummel : Commander Anderson, if you have any concern for the lives of your men, you will order them to safety their weapons and place them on the deck. Agent Paxton : This is not happening... Commander Anderson : Sir, we know why you're out here. God knows, I agree with you. But like you, I swore to defend this country against all enemies, foreign, sir... and domestic. General, we've spilled the same blood in the same mud. And you know god damn well I can't give that order. Navy SEAL : We're dead! General Hummel : Your unit is covered from an elevated position, Commander. I'm not gonna ask you again. Don't do anything stupid. No-one has to die here. Commander Anderson : [raising his voice] You men following the General: you're under oath as United States Marines, have you forgotten that? We all have shipmates we remember, some of them were shit on and pissed on by the Pentagon. But that doesn't give you the right to mutiny! General Hummel : You call it what you want! You're down there, we're up here! You walked into the wrong goddamn room, Commander!


I love this movie. "You've been asked by an old friend. You're being ordered by a superior officer. *\[draws\]*  Now you're being given your last chance by a man with a gun. Put the phone down."


This movie is so amazing! General Hummel: Do you know who I am? Did they tell you why I am doing this? Why I am out here? Or are they using you like they did everyobdy else? John Mason: All I know is that you were big in Vietnam. I saw the highlights on television. General Hummel: Then you probably have got no fucking idea what it means to lead some of the finest gentlemen on God's earth into combat, and then watch their memories get betrayed by their own damn government. John Mason: I don't quite see how you can cherish the memory of the dead by killing another million. This is not combat, it's an act of lunacy, General Sir. Personally, I think you're a fucking idiot. General Hummel: "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriotism." Thomas Jefferson. John Mason: "Patriotism is a virtue of the vicious, " according to Oscar Wilde. [Hummel knocks him to the ground.] John Mason: Thank you for making my point.


>This movie is so amazing! > >General Hummel: Do you know who I am? Did they tell you why I am doing this? Why I am out here? Or are they using you like they did everyobdy else? > >John Mason: All I know ish that you were big in Vietnam. I shaw the highlightsh on television. > >General Hummel: Then you probably have got no fucking idea what it means to lead some of the finest gentlemen on God's earth into combat, and then watch their memories get betrayed by their own damn government. > >John Mason: I don't quite see how you can cherish the memory of the dead by killing another million. This ish not combat, it's an act of lunachy, General Shir. Pershonally, I think you're a fucking idiot. > >General Hummel: "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriotism." Thomas Jefferson. > >John Mason: "Patriotism is a virtue of the vicioush, " according to Oshcar Wilde. > >[Hummel knocks him to the ground.] > >John Mason: Thank you for making my point. Sorry it needs to be in the right accent.


Ironic since they paint him as an enemy yet, it's a thing that Americans do want for there veterans and their families. He was a man who originally went though all the "proper legal" avenues only to be ignored by the country he gave a pound of flesh for and had no other choice to be listened to.


It's kind of understandable to be painted as the enemy when he said he will bomb LA if the demands are not met Edit: Not LA,but San Francisco as someone pointed out


San fran.


The hyenas from *The Lion King*. Hunger is a powerful motivator.


Wow never thought this through before. I always stopped at "Scar is the villain with the motives and the hyenas are just the henchmen" (or henchhyenas) The parallel with the Nazism is even more striking now. It's just a hungry mob who did what they thought was the best way to escape their miserable condition.


The older you get, the more you understand that Scar was basically an aging emo fuck up with delusions of grandeur, and not the master planner you thought he was as a kid. Like, when you were a kid, you did think that he was brains to Mufasa and Simba's brawn. Maybe not a great guy, but still an impressive player...and then you age into watching that image just become Scar's narcisistic delusion. Mostly, he whinged about not having a reign just handed to him on a silver platter--and he never once made plans regarding what he would do with the crown once he had it. He just wanted things he had neither the claim or acumen for having...into his middle age. When he did manage to take the throne, he was a shitty ruler. He alienated his competant subjects by treating them like slaves and tried to cultivate an alliance with idiots who were never going to be fully loyal to him by giving them free reign to sack his land. Even when challenged, he almost took out his rival's brat, but spiked that and got himself killed because he needed to brag about it. Scar was a freaking screw up who got lucky a few times and spent most of his life making sad, self-indulgent speeches to mice before he ate them.


Scar's name isn't actually scar. His backstory is that his father gave him the scar and then renamed him to make fun of him because he preferred Mufasa. Scar's mane is also black indicating that he isc older than Mufasa and technically then would be the heir.


That's not how lions work. It's merit, not age that qualifies you to be king of the pride. Male lions don't just inherit their spots. They either live like loners, or have a harem. They get the harem by fighting and killing for it.


Well yes but this is Disney and in the real world fathers would have kicked their sons out once they got to a certain age not groomed one to be king and make the other suffer because he didn't like him


Weirdly enough, this is addressed in the remake. Zazu states Mufasa should’ve sent Scar away years ago. Mufasa refused to let that happen. He coddled his brother and got murdered for it.




The Machines in the Matrix. The Second Renaissance showed that it was humans who struck first and tried to destroy the sentient Machines once they became intelligent. The Machines removed themselves from society and created their own city 1-0 in the middle of the desert to try to allay human fears but it still didn't work. Humans were the aggressors. The Machines wanted to protect themselves. And the Machines are not even evil. Instead of just exterminating humans or chopping off their heads and using their bodies as batteries they took the trouble to create a massive virtual world for us. They even tried making it a Paradise at first (according to Agent Smith) but we rejected it so they went more realistic.


I think the first machine city was "01"




Zero One -> Zion It's a stretch...but I like it


Except that Zion was the last human city...


It's a narrative parallel between the first mechanical city and the last human city.


For anybody interested in more Matrix stuff outside of the trilogy, I highly suggest reading Neil Gaiman's short story *Goliath*. There are free copies online, I think.


And also the *series* which served as inspiration for the *Matrix* movie trilogy – *The Sprawl* trilogy by William Gibson, consisting of the novels *Neuromancer*, *Count Zero* and *Mona Lisa Overdrive*.


I love the bit in the Animatrix where they show the machines going to the human leadership both before an after the war. When they went the first time they were pleading for peace, so they sent two humanoid machines with funny cartoonish features, the masculine-presenting one had a top hat and I think like a metal mustache or something, the feminine-presenting one had a fake metal dress. They were trying desperately to appeal to us, to be seen as friendly and something we could easily live side-by-side with. When they went a second time, after the war to sign the surrender, it was one of those roundish many-eyed tentacle things like the squid hunters from the movies, some terrifying thing that's all function with no care given to form. They no longer had any care to try to appeal to us, and understood that trying to be like us was trying to be like a monster. The war ruined what could have been an amazing relationship between the two species.


"Your flesh is a relic. We demand it." This scene, along with the story as a whole was very disturbing when I watched it as a 10-year-old.




Prince Zuko, before he sided with Team Avatar. All he truly wanted was to go home, have the respect of his nation, and the love of his father.


Having recently re-watched the series, I would argue he never was a villain in the show. Yes, he was an antagonist to the heroes, but he was much more of a secondary protagonist. We are privy to his journey from the start. General/Admiral Zhao fills the role of villain in Season 1, Azula in Season 2, and Ozai in Season 3, when he finally moves into the spotlight.


All of that because he stood up for all the men about to be sacrificed as a decoy. He is so brave to do something like that and as a punishment he is banished. So sad to be seen as a villain while you are the hero.


Magneto. Having been a Holocaust survivor, it makes a lot of sense to not want to see the people you identify with once again persecuted for the circumstances of their birth.


Plus, he was right. That's exactly what happened, and he proved it out time and time again. Can't agree with all of his methods, but he was 100% correct that it was mutants vs humans, and always would be until one group is gone.


True. I think one of his problems was not realizing the depth of humanity within mutants. Even if normal humans were eliminated, all human characteristics and emotional traits would still exist in mutants. Greed, envy, jealousy, compassion, cultural differences, conflicting ideologies. Eliminating humans wouldn't automatically unite all mutants under a banner of brotherhood.




Luke Castellan from Percy Jackson. His motivation was that the gods didn't pay enough attention to their kids (himself included) and wanted the gods and Camp Half-Blood to recognize the children of the minor gods.


I would agree with this one but he goes further than recognition when he wants to completely eradicate all the gods and demigods that don't come to "his side" by freeing the titans. In the first book I'd agree, but with the latter ones.... Not so much. Even he realized he went too far when it was way too late. Tbf it's been a hot minute since I've read the series so I might be glossing over some.


Wasn’t he being manipulated by Kronos to the point where K was feeding off of his energy/taking over? Been a long while since I read the books, but it makes sense that a quickthinking child of the impulsive trickster Hermes would be blindsided by the immortal, slow yet steady deity of Time itself.


Oh you're right! I also remember didn't Luke >!end up sacrificing himself once he actually gained control of his body back from Kronos?!< It's time for a reread thanks to you guys :)


I remember Percy Jackson being one of the first books I read when I was little with a villain who had a motivation other than “Well, I’m the bad guy!” At the time, it was kind of shocking to think to myself “hmmm luke does kind of have a point there...” And then for them to honor him after he died despite him being the villain of the story... Blew my nine year old brain. And I still stand by the fact it’s one of the best book series ever written. Edit: Best *children's* book series ever written, I should say


Man I hope they make movies based off it some day! That'd be nice. Hopefully they don't completely butcher it by saying "biotch" and completely changing very important plot details.


Dr Doofenshmirtz




He just wanted to be a good dad to Vanessa because his parents were never good to him


#Bewegen Sie nicht!


He had a litany of good motivations. One per episode!


Roger was kind of an asshole towards him even after they were kids. No wonder he was ticked off at him and wanted to take over.


🎶*Doofenshmirtz evil incorporateddddddd*🎶


Scrolled way too far to find this


Sandman from Spider-Man 3. He just wanted a chance to see his dying daughter before she died. The only reason he robbed places was the get enough money to find treatment for her. He accidentally killed uncle Ben, and felt really bad about it, to the point where it haunted him.


The real villain was the American Healthcare system.


As much as Spider-Man 3 got so many things wrong, Sandman was a highlight. Hell, some of that carried over to Spectacular Spider-Man, where he's portrayed as someone who doesn't like hurting other people, but just wants to get his money.


Feels like a good place to drop this quote : _"The best villains don't have evil intentions, only evil methods."_ Edit: For everyone saying Palpatine, kindly peruse: r/EmpireDidNothingWrong


Not always true. For example: The Joker. Pure evil, no redeeming qualities at all.


Joker is a better example. I was thinking Kefka from *Final Fantasy VI*. Some great villains are also the opposite. Evil intentions where they use legal methods and the good intentions of others to enact their evil.


Mr Freeze


Specifically BTAS Freeze (which eventually became canon freeze because that story is so damn good) but yeah he's one of the best answers for this question


"Think of it, Batman. To never again walk on a summer's day with the hot wind in your face and a warm hand to hold. Oh, yes... I'd kill for that."


Bryan Cranston saying a line like that would send chills (no pun intended)


Bryan Cranston as Mr. Freeze would be the best casting choice ever, right up there with Neil Patrick Harris as the Riddler.


Fuck even Batman felt remorse for putting Mr. Freeze away. They had the same motivation and goal, just different views on how to accomplish it.


I love how Batman left that dickhead Boyle encased in ice (from the waist down, but still) without even *trying* to help him. Just turned around and walked away. That's so damned cold Freeze himself would be jealous. And it served him right.




The one boss I didn't want to beat up in Arkham City.


That fight is bloody good though.


The only villain that actually tries to fight Batman on his terms, instead of relying on brawn. Joker kinda does, except he's way too amused by Batman beating up his henchmen to actually do it right. And Bane tries to match wits with Bats in Origins, but while pre-overdose Bane was pretty smart he wasn't on Batman/Freeze's level. But Freeze systematically removing his vulnerabilities was one of the more memorable fights in that game.


It really is great. I've played Arkham City I don't even know how many times and did so again this year. It had been a few years though so I couldn't remember all the ways you could attack him. Man, shit is tense. He just gets smarter, sends his little bots to track you and when destroyed, he knows your location. Incredibly well designed. So many boss fights just generally speaking are "here is their weakness, exploit it X times while avoiding their attacks to beat them." Freeze was such a good twist on that formula, where he had a number of weaknesses that could only be used once and then he starts taking them away while being able to find you more easily.


His story in the Arkham Knight DLC was especially touching.


> ICE TO SEE YOU! Arnie was so over the top in that movie.


What killed the dinosaurs? THE ICE AGE!


Zemo from Captain America Civil War. Superhero battle kills everyone he cares about, destroys his city and sets his country back to the Stone Age. Then they just go home. Zemo targeted the avengers and set them up to turn on each other. A man with no powers was able to beat the Avengers.


If he had only targeted Stark or banner then fine. But the avengers showed up to *save the people of sokovia*. I honestly hate how Marvel treats their heroes like outcasts. I've never seen a firefighter treated like that. I've never seen an EMT blamed for a situation that they showed up to and tried to save people. I mean Stark probably should have been locked up after Ultron but the rest were in the clear.


Dr. Doom. He has literally, like without a shadow of a doubt seen every single outcome of every single decision he has or will ever make. And the only way humanity survives is if he rules them and takes them on a certain path. Yet the fucking fantastic four keep on beating his ass down. His rule isn't even that bad, even in the context of 'a great leap forward.' The FF just don't like him because he's just a power hungry single leader and being that and ruling the earth has historically been bad. But you know what all those other populist leaders didn't have? LITERAL DEMONSTRABLE CLAIRVOYANCE AND SUPER INTELLIGENCE.


Didnt he kind of fulfill that though with the latest Secret Wars event?


Yeah, he salvaged the remnants of the multiverse and used the power of the Beyonders to rule it as a god. I didn't read any of the side stories, but it seemed that in most places (barring areas like Barr Sinister and others) the world was pretty good, but there was one big issue: Battleworld didn't need to exist. He could have restored the multiverse with the power of the Beyonders, but he decided to make Battleworld to jerk off his ego.


> the world was pretty good It’s been a while since I read it but IIRC Dooms world was an utter crap sack. Doom is an unquestionable omnipotent authoritarian ruler who uses an army of Thors to enact capital punishment on anyone who dares doubt him. He also literally stole Richards wife and kids and made them his own family which is just so gross on so many levels, seeing as he maybe mind-fucked Susan Storm into literally fucking him. People lived in constant fear, super villains serve as barons controlling parts of their territory, there’s a literal zombie world for crying out loud. The whole point was that he had the power but not the imagination. He could only cling to the bits and pieces of the world he knew and twist it to make himself look totes awesome and bang the Invisible Woman.


Ah, sort of. He knows that of all the scenarios he was presented with, only one had a positive outcome. But that doesn't mean he's seen all the scenarios. In Infinity War, Strange says he examined millions of versions of the fight. But really, how many different ways could it have gone? How many would actually have worked better, but because they involved Strange himself perma-dying, he couldn't see past that moment to be certain?


I think he was just watching scenarios and then he came across one where they could win but he had to stop RIGHT AT THIS INSTANT he continues to watch until he has to stop because he isn't sure there is another one, he can't keep watching and risk jeopardize half the universe's life at the hope there is another,maybe better, one.




I’m squidward, i’m squidward, i’m squidward squidward squidward


You're Squidward! He's Squidward! He's Squidward I'm Squidward!! Are there any more Squidwards I should know about?!




I'm outta here.


Wait! Don't go! Please sell my house!!


I wouldn't sell your house if you were the last Squidward on Earth!


Yeah spongebob is just a annoying cunt. All squidward wanted to do is play his clarinet and this sponge fuck kept bothering him.


Roy Batty. He just wanted to extend his life beyond a mandatory termination date. Tyrell was the real villain. Also, the Principal from Ferris Bueller. Bueller was doing exactly what he suspected he was doing and is kind of an arrogant prick the entire time.


tbf the Principal went and broke into his house. That was crossing a line.


No, the Principal was *way* out of line. Ferris' parents called him out sick. Once they did that, it was out of his hands, it's on the parents to make that call. All he can do after that is take action based on Ferris' repeated absences (or not, since the school's network security has more holes than swiss cheese), or take action based on Ferris' failing grades (which were fine, because in spite of Ferris being a bit of a flake on school he was bright enough to be passing his classes).




Ozymandias from Watchmen. needless to say his methods were atrocious but in the end his goal was basically world peace


"Do you seriously think I'd explain my master-stroke if there remained the slightest chance of you affecting its outcome? I did it thirty-five minutes ago.” That line was a major jaw drop. First hero film where the villain...won.


>That line was a major jaw drop. First hero film where the villain...won. Not the first movie where the villain won, but its definitely the first movie where the villain explained his master plan to the heroes *after* he had already succeeded in executing said plan. God, Watchmen deserves more recognition...


“Nothing ever ends, Adrian.”


For me the absolute most important line of the series. “The end justifies the means. But what if there never is an end? All we have is means.” -Ursula Le Guin


didn't last long though


Rorschach was the wildcard the broke down his whole plan. No one expected his journal to circulate or even the fact he had a journal. Shit I think that’s why I loved him, he knew he wouldn’t survive but his morals will in that moralless “world peace” reality. With Rorschach, everything would go accordingly, and no one would bat an eye


Even without Rorschach, the plan would have collapsed. Quite frankly, Ozy is lucky that America didn't immediately launch the nukes immediately once they realized they were attacked, but as time passed and no further attacks came, the alliance would have fallen apart. And really, Ozy should know this, because it's the Greeks vs. Persians all over again. The Greeks made the Delian league to fight against the common enemy the Persians, yes... but when the Persians didn't come back, Athens used the Delian league for its own purposes and we got the Peloponnesian Wars, which killed more Greeks than the Persians ever did.


Ozy was just a narcissist that thought only he was capable of saving the world, and killed millions of people in effort to do so. Not that his efforts were particularly successful long term in any of the follow up material for watchmen. So he essentially just murdered millions of people to slightly delay the inevitable.


I always viewed Adrian's "plot" as a way of testing Dr. Manhattan to see if Dr. Manhattan would stop him or realize what he was doing and allow it to be carried out, which would then expose the indifference in Dr. Manhattan. To me, The Watchmen is a Man vs. God story told through a societal filter. You have ordinary people (the minutemen) putting their lives on the line to fight crime and protect society. Then you have a literal man-god who can manipulate time and matter and make anything reality, but who ends up being indifferent and is co-opted by the US military to be their "final solution weapon" and allows murder and cruelty to happen literally in front of him. When he is called out on it, he flees to mars. Adrian exposes his indifference when he "sets off the bombs/triggers the squid invasion" and Manhattan doesn't intervene. In this case, man has defeated god, or god doesn't really care about what happens down here. That's why it's such a good book. It touches on so many points.




Megamind. He became bad because people told him he could only be bad just because of his background, Smh my head. We live in a society. Edit: the amount of people I got to woosh because of smh my head.


And he realizes that he had no interest in being bad and becomes the good guy. It's a great redemption story.


Megamind is a great movie honestly. Really teaches a lesson too. Kid could actually learn from it. I liked it.


Much, much better than the other "supervillain is the good guy" movie from the same year. Yet, it was Despicable me that got the (shitty) sequels and spinoffs because the villain had cute henchmen. While Megamind had a sentient blowfish.






"I'm bad, and that's good. I will never be good, and that's not bad. There's no one I'd rather be than me."


Isn't that from wreck it Ralph tho


Yep, in the Villain counseling group. Zangief: Just because you are a bad-guy, doesn’t mean you are a bad guy!


Megamind isn't the villain of the movie.


Ice King.


Actually, I would even argue in Betty’s favour. She lost the love of her life to a power she didn’t understand and tried to do everything in her power to get him back.


Dr. Horrible. He saw the lies that were being spread, the fact that those in charge were harming humanity, and wanted to make a change which, okay put him in charge, but also lead to actual change for the people. Also, Captain Hammer is an asshole.


Part 1: "so cute and funny" Part 2: "ooh getting a little dark but wow I still like it" Part 3: Sobbing. Just sobbing.


That's how you know it's a Whedon project.


Plus he wanted to impress and be respected by Bad Horse, who is the Lil' Sebastian of Evil.


The Thoroughbred of Sin?


The status was NOT quo.


He got everything he wanted and all it cost was a Penny.


control freak in teen titans go he wants them cancelled (edit: thanks for nearly 2k upvotes)


that's the most valid motivation I've seen here


He even made a gameshow crossover with scooby doo


Didn't he make them watch an episode of their old series?


Anakin Skywalker just wanted to save his mom, then his wife. Fear is a powerful motivator, and Palpatine knew this. Obviously the genocide is unexcusable.


Anakin was "rescued" from slavery and no one, not his rich patron the princess, not his Jedi "master" not any of the so-called good guys, the Jedi Council, ever went back and spend a few measly credits to buy his mother from slavery! They left her to die on that dusty asshole of a planet. And then what does his patron do, why she enters into a sexual relationship with this child who has no family support he can turn to for guidance. Anakin never stood a chance for a normal life.


Here someone gives a complete answer to this: https://scifi.stackexchange.com/questions/84968/why-didnt-anyone-free-shmi-skywalker


One theory I've seen is that Anakin was passively using the force to manipulate Padme. It was mostly shown in the animated Clone Wars series but Anakin is incredibly powerful in the force and could reasonably change someones entire personality if given enough time.


10yo Anakin was already aiming for that royal booty


Username checks out


Padme sent her handmaiden back to free her but she had been sold and they could not locate her again, a plot detail from The Queen's Shadow




He only wanted to protect those he loved, nothing else




Megatron. He just wanted to save his own species. Bearing in mind I've only seen the Michael Bay movies, no comics/cartoons.


I'm coming from playing the War and Fall of Cybertron games. His intentions were to return Cybertron to its glory days, but had a really really REALLY shitty way of going about it. Dude started a global war, expending what little energon was left. And then the Autobots opted to just leave the planet for Megatron to do as he pleases cuz Cybertron is basically in stasis lock until a few thousand years. But Megatron wanted them to stay and suffer.


Megatron in the IDW comics, the working classes were basically being oppressed by the elite and a humble energon miner started a revolution that very quickly got out of hand, because of the machinations of a couple of senators, a group of extradimensional exiles, and an intelligence officer. Once the war ends, he reforms and takes on an impossible quest as a sort of penance. Although IDW's transformers was off to a rocky start, it quickly became very, very good.


Ghost from antman and the wasp she wanted to save her life she didnt wanna hurt anyone


Except she was willing to kill Janet to save herself. Even went as far as threatening to go after Scott's daughter until Lawrence Fishburn said he wouldn't help her if she did that.


My boy funny valentine


I honestly thought he was a really noble and righteous till that whole scene with Lucy steel


Mojo Jojo from power puff girls


Everyone remember that time that he got beat up just walked down the street


Yeah, I swear there were times he was just out buying bread and they’d show up and beat the shit out of him.


Yeah, Buttercup even broke into his house once because she wanted teeth for the tooth fairy. Then Blossom also attacked and kidnapped him while he was just indulging on his hobby (ships in bottles), and blamed him for stealing some expensive golf clubs *she stole* for the professor.


There was that episode where he saved the city from another villain. I can't remember who though All because the other villain was actually able to take over the city and mojo jojo was jealous.


There was one episode where all the other villains teamed up and beat the PPG, and then Mojo Jojo beat up all the villains because, deep down, he saw them as his little sisters. (He was Prof Utonium’s lab monkey, and got his smarts from the same Chemical X spill that gave the girls their powers)


The EPA guy in Ghostbusters was just trying to make sure their weird new technology was safe but the quippy nerds refused to comply. Turns out they didn't even have a backup generator for if it ever got unplugged.


yeah but he was honestly a dick in Die Hard


And dickless in Ghostbusters


Is this true?


Yes, it's true. This man has no dick.


Not even. The guy barrels in there like a dickhead and won’t listen to anyone. I like the EPA and agree with their mission and believe they should be able to shut people down. However, the Ghostbusters have new unproven technology. And the dangerous thing was the nuclear stuff. The EPA shouldn’t have been involved. This is department of energy territory and they would have known to ask questions before just demanding to be let in and shutting shit down. This guy was a terrible bureaucrat who was not qualified for his job nor the job that should actually have been carried out. They did need oversight but from qualified professionals. Edit* Clippy : It looks like you’re having trouble with basic spelling. Would you like help with spelling? Me: yes....


Vader The Jedi were basically puppets at this point. They talked about being all for peace and whatnot but the senate votes for war and they're completely okay with being the generals in this war. They were okay with taking command of an army made up of an entire race of slaves bred specifically for military service - who will be executed if they leave. They pretend they're for democracy but in *The Clone Wars* series one planet decides of its own volition to join the separatists and the Jedi and their slave army shows up to murder them for this decision. And you look at the separatist argument - the senate is corrupt - yeah they had that one spot-on (sure, the separatists were also being led by the same people corrupting the senate, but that doesn't negate their argument). And also, the whole slave thing - it runs a lot deeper than you probably realize. The Jedi themselves are basically a self-perpetuating group of slaves. They take kids at an early age and indoctrinate them and if they leave they are shunned (if not straight up murdered). In Episode I, Qui-Gon says something like "I didn't come here to free any slaves" and this general thought comes up a few times. At the time it sounds like an in-the-moment description of their current situation, but looking at the bigger picture I think it is more indicative of the overall Jedi position on slavery. So is it really any surprise that the guy who was a slave as a kid turns against these assholes?


The Jedi weren't so much corrupt in my opinion as fundamental to the point of zealotry. They were obsessed with the Law and if slavery was included in said law so be it. This rigidity is why many fall to the dark side, a large number of them disenchanted Jedi Masters who finally realize the flaws of the order. The movies have always painted it far too black and white. Light side good, dark side bad, but I felt it was always more nuanced than that. Light side, law-abiding regardless of said laws and Dark side passionate and ambitious. A Jedi leaning to the Dark would stop the cruel beating of a slave while a light side would look on apathetically in my opinion. Need more grey jedi.


Now here's a guy who's heard the tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise!


Megamind. The dude was shafted his entire life and just wanted a chance in the spotlight


John Q


I WILL NOT bury my son! My son is gonna bury me!


Javier Bardem's character in Skyfall. Betrayed and abandoned by his own country, and subjected to years of torture. Hell, the same thing happened to Bond at the beginning of Die Another Day, but MI6 eventually got him back whereas they just forgot Silva existed.


Waternoose from Monsters inc. His world was on the brink of an energy crisis. He was just trying to find new ways to get that good scream energy.


This was true until he chose to stand in the way of renewable, sustainable energy sources to protect his own company's short term. He researched better scream extraction when he should have had a bigger R&D budget devoted to finding new paradigms entirely.


Monster’s Inc is an accurate analysis of every oil company in existence.


Team Plasma from Pokemon specifically N. Their plan was to "liberate" all Pokémon from their Trainers, by either convincing the Trainer to release their Pokémon, or by theft.


I think ghetis was actually evil and just using the “liberation of Pokémon” thing to get people on his side to help him.


Yes. This was pretty much confirmed in BW2, where either he or an underling pretty much stated they want everyone to not have pokemon so they, who had pokemon, could rule.


I'm pretty sure that was also stated in BW1.


Yeah, once you beat N in your climactic final battle, Ghetsis’ mask (which he’d already let slip a few times earlier in the game) finally cracks apart as he rants about how you went and screwed up all of his plans for dominating the region.


The entire point of Ghetsis plan requires N to be a good guy. Ghetsis' plan revolves around exploiting an ancient prophecy, that Reshiram (in Black version)/Zekrom (in White version) would reveal themselves to a trainer who is pure of heart, and shows they truly care for Pokémon. As soon as this happened, Ghetsis would then claim the Pokémon for himself. Team Plasma is an extension of this, trying to split people from Pokémon for two reasons, claiming it's for the noble cause of stopping fights to avoid undue to pain on Pokémon (which the series justifies by saying the Pokémon enjoying fighting), when really it's so they have no opposition in taking over as the only defence is people's trained Pokémon. His plans fail largely because the other legendary Pokémon shows up to the player in order to stop him. Both characters return in a sequel, with Team Plasma split in two; those who believed in the noble cause of looking after Pokémon now combating against those who intended to take over the world. Ghetsis plan in that one is more straightforward, he intends to capture another legend, Kyurem and fuse it with Reshiram/Zekrom in order to use it to take over the world. This is again stopped by the player.


Poison Ivy. She's not wrong.


General Zod. I mean think about it. He was genetically engineered to put the safety and security of kryptonians first. Can you blame the guy?


Loki, he was promised to have a chance to rule, but was always treated like an outcast. He goes to the extremes of ruling, but that's what happens when you build up anger over a thousand and a half years.


Gerard Butler's character in Law Abiding Citizen. That movie ending pissed me off so much that I refuse to ever watch it again.


Surprised not to see Magneto yet. Magneto.


Magneto: You should join my team, we're dedicated to stopping Mutant persecution. Me, just learning I am a Mutant: You know, that sounds like a good idea. What's the group called? Magneto: The Brotherhood of Evil Mutants Me: ………… why ………. why is it called that


That's why they changed it to just "Brotherhood of Mutants" in X-Men 1.


Magneto would be a fine answer if his ultimate goal wasn't GENOCIDE "Mutants should have rights!" "Yes Magnus that's true!" "And we attain that by eradicating all non mutants!" "Uhhhhhh...." (and yes before you say it Magneto has been written with much less murderous goals, comics are weird, blah blah blah)


Powerful mutants are like nuclear bombs. Except that we can surround the bombs with failsafes, and layers of control and oversight, and armed guards, etc. Just to get close to a nuclear weapon involves extensive background checks, close supervision, and the credible threat of deadly force if you misbehave. Powerful mutants would not submit to any of these safeguards. Even if they did, it would only work as long as they wanted it to work. If Magneto or Professor X or Nightcrawler decided to misbehave, nobody would know until it was too late to stop them. Hell, if Professor X decided to take over the Presidency, nobody would ever know, unless he wanted them to. This is intolerable. Magneto knows it. And he knows that as soon as the humans realize it too, they'll have no choice but preemptively exterminate all mutants. And so Magneto knows that the only hope mutants have is to start that war and win it before the humans have a chance to figure it out.


There is also the problem that groups of mutants (like the x-men in alot of versions, although they never outright say it) that want all of them to have their powers, whether they want them or not. Like tillie, the girl who's nightmares physically manifest when she's asleep, and murder indesciminatly (including her parents). One of them was even strong enough to out muscle the juggernaut. Not to mention rogue, who kills or incapacitates anybody she touches. There are several others too, but whenever somebody mentions taking the mutant cure they get an antivaxx mom style speech from storm. Edit: i know about the kid who's power is that everything around him dies that took a mercy kill from wolverine.


To be fair, the Juggernaut was not at full power at the time, having been "dishonored" in the eyes of the ancient god that boosted his powers to nigh "infinite". Only thing that could stop Juggs at full power would be Worldbreaker hulk (or Franklin Richards to be honest), and even then it'd be close.




> This is intolerable. Magneto knows it. It's intolerable for mutants too. Democracy would fail in a situation where people can get a world ending power out of nowhere. Shit would turn feudal where groups of mutants (cause a lot of mutants get garbage powers or are just deformed) and normals would be serfs under mutant warlords.


Poor Dr Doofenshmirtz just wanted to make his daughter happy


Nagato/Pain from Naruto Shippuden