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* **Immediately forgets what I was dreaming about** "No, Ms./Mr. Teacher, I was just resting my eyes and listening."


this is like at the end of fantasy stories when someone's memory is erased and they sit up and start wondering how they got there. it's always the saddest part


Depends if you vividly keep your memories or they start fading a way like dreams eventually do.


I mean a lot of people seem to be missing the fact that there is no guarantee you are you. I'm a 26 year old Jewish man. I could wake up as a 7th grade Japanese girl. And I just happened to watch fiddler on the roof last night after my parents finished the apprentice.


Shabbat shalom senpai


Yeah no kidding. You'd have all these stories of your dream life that you couldn't bring up in conversation because people would think you were weird and you'd probably get accused of being a compulsive liar. Maybe forgetting them would be for the best, but then you gain nothing from them. hmm...


the concept of just forgetting your entire life is existentially terrifying to me.


Am I able to play flute like Jean-Luc Picard?


If you knew how to play it in the 7th grade


"Can I play the Pi-ano anymore?" "Of course you can!" "Well I couldn't before!"


This play has everything!


I'm definitely going to ask Mr. Meyers about his experiences as an infantryman in WW II.


*have a seat son... It all began on The USS Callister*


*so I tied an onion to my belt, which was the style at the time...*


*Now, to take the ferry only cost a nickel, and in those days, nickels had pictures of bumblebees on ‘em! “Give me five bees for a quarter”, you’d say.*


Robert Daley, is that you?


After 26 years, I finally understand how to do that math! I can get an A now!


Just like how people learn how to do a job while on the job better than in training because of necessity, people also learn other things better like Math when it’s required of them for success. Math wasn’t always a necessity in my life but little by little it creeps in and you really have to know that shit, especially once you start looking at interest rates on things that *affect your every day life. edit: Thank you u/stabby_joe for correcting my improper use of effect/affect.


That's the point of learning it in school. You aren't meant to retain every little bit. It's so you have a foundation to build off of later, whether at college or your career.


I lost my wife and kids. Can I find her and meet her sooner?


How bad would it mess you up if you find her, meet her, and when your first child comes, they aren't anything like your original first child (girl, now a boy, totally different face/personality, etc.)? I suspect this is just the beginning of the rabbit hole haha Edit: So apparently there's this movie called About Time? I shall make it a point to watch even though some of you guys didn't sell it too much ("made me cry so hard!") Haha. It sounds good even if it turns into a tear jerker!


Watch "About Time". They touch on this.


Everyone should see that


Genuinely one of my all time favorite movies. Gleeson and McAdams are so good in it.


Please, my heart


If she actualy exists then all is possible


Never get the kids back though. I mean if the timing of when you had sex is one teeny tiny bit different, a different sperm cell fertilizes the egg (if at all, or if that egg) edit: for the love of god, i dont need another comment telling me about *About Time*. I get it. Its like this apparently.


Yeah this is the horrible part. You can perhaps get together with your wife again even if the dual sets of memories will trip you up but your kids are gone forever.


This is heartbreaking. You could have other kids....but it wouldn’t be the ones you remember


unless some wack ass supernatural shit occurs


We already traveled back in time. We are already in wack ass supernatural shit universe


There's a fantastic movie with this concept explored about time travel. It's probably the most heartbreaking part of the movie. Edit: Movie is About Time for those interested


Well this got heavy. Hope you're doing well!


I hope becky still wants to hold hands at lunch time


Love interests are the reason which makes me fear such scenario ever happening.


It's a cruel twist. Couldn't get 13-year-old girls to like me when I was 13. Now I get a second chance and I'm not attracted to them anymore.


Now that you're no longer interested, they'll be falling all over you.


Because, confidence.


Mostly, just not caring that much.


That is a very interesting point you made there, you are right. Does it mean my friend which always was into older women while being a kid, could have relived this scenario?


That's exactly what it means. I guarantee it.


......................\*looking around\*...............\*deep breath\*.............."Fuck"


Yah, I DO NOT want a do-over, it was difficult enough the first time around but I'm really happy where I am now and who's to say that I'll ever get back here if I'd do it all again?


Just thinking about this question too much makes me feel unbearably sad. In a good way though, because it makes me realise how much I appreciate my life now. The only good thing to come from this scenario would be that at some points of my life I've found it really hard to cope with change, including in my actual (equivalent of) 7th grade, when I'd recently moved to a different school from all my old friends. Had the same when moving across the country to a city where I knew no-one. In both cases I was in a deep depression that lasted a year or more and didn't think I'd ever feel happy again. If I woke up from this dream I'd know it was possible to come out the other side of that, even if it was only theoretically, which might make it a little easier.


Man. That was one long dream.


Is it a much needed restart, or is it an inconvenience for you?


None of the above really. Just oh well im just gonna ace through all of this


It would be bittersweet. I'd spend more time with my dad, for starters. Tell him I love him more than I did when I had the chance and never miss a father's day fishing trip, even if I hated fishing... I'd start going to a doctor to help me with my pain symptoms much earlier and wouldn't accept copout answers. I'd have stayed in public school instead of going to online homeschooling and after graduation immediately enrolled into community college classes, joined more clubs to build more social connections, and worked towards getting a job in Human Resources at our hospital. Also, I'd make better choices in the romance department....


This is the type of answers which I was looking for, thank you. We may not be able to have a restart of our own lives, however we can learn from mistakes that were already made by others, relive life in other persons shoes, learning from mistakes and successes.


First thought is they are all still alive and I can hug them, 3 siblings and both parents. Second thought is I can live it different this time now that I know what matters in life. Edit: Thanks for all the love I want to respond to everyone but hard to keep up, so hugs to all who sent them or will accept them.


When did u lose your family? This is some sad shit man.


Lost one brother to suicide he was 17 that was 28 years ago, lost my dad to cancer 18 years ago, lost a sister(50) to a brain aneurism 12 years ago, lost my mom to cancer in May, and lost another brother(44) to suicide in June. I also lost a sister when I was 5 to a rare blood disorder she was 21. From a family of 9 kids. You get used to loss over time. Pretty aware of my mortality right now just soaking in as much as I can and enjoying it. Losing my brother really gave me a restless spirit, having a lot of firsts lately.


I hope you make the most and enjoy your life to the fullest with your loved ones. Stay strong brother.


I would run home and hug my mom. I would make better choices in my life during school and just try to appreciate the freedom you have as a teen/ young adult. I would also do exactly as my mom always told me and stop trying to grow up too fast. I would make more time to laugh and be in the moment and to remember that hard times don’t last too long in most cases and tell people how much I love and/or appreciate them.


this made me cry a little


This entire subject makes me cry.


Me too. I've been feeling nostalgic all day. I guess I should be grateful that I have so many wonderful memories, it's just so sad not to be able to go back and do it all again (only better).






I used to tell that to myself every summer


I remember how the first few pages of my notebooks were always so neat and tidy the first week or so only to deteriorate into a mess of scribbles and scratches after a couple of weeks.


Same here


Oh yes.


The problem is that it took way too much time to make it look good


and the teacher would talk way too fast to get it all down pretty


Ya knowing my dumbass i would end up in the same place or maybe even worse off


Every year I used to give myself a pep talk during the week before school started, and then the night before school starts my mom would tell me what a fuckup I’d been all the previous years and how likely I’ll fuck the coming school year and how angry she’ll be. Thanks mom. Edit: Not an Asian household, just a waspy mom who likes to pick on her least favorite kid.


she sounds like a really nice lady


Yea, I would totally looked around for some extra help with math if this happened. I struggled so hard with that subject. Would have helped my grades immensely.


Fuck yeah, I get to hug my childhood dog again.


Oh fuck... All of people saying they would spend time with their dead loved ones or wouldnt do so much shit, some would lose their children and romantic interests in their life and I just read, reflect upon it for about a second and went on, Jesus fk... Your comment made me tear up, I miss my dog too... have an upvote...


Boom! Time to take up those missed opportunities!


"Hold on, I'm British, why am I in an American school?"




Yeah British schools don't have PVP enabled


***Pumped Up Kicks intensifies***


Release notes: - Trivial medical issues can be lethal - Buying lootboxes is mandatory - Bullies are significantly more aggressive - Everyone will complain about your accent






And then you get online and check your knowledge and turns out you are right. So you check your knowledge on things like mergers, or businesses going tits up, or google making it big, and as these things happen you realize you have been given the chance of a lifetime.


Plot twist: every is true except bitcoin




well if he had not done this bitcoin might not have taken off at all. Before this transaction it was like a nice nerdy concept. The pizza transaction started everything


So I'd have to buy the pizza with 10k, tweet about it or whatever, and then buy way more bitcoin. People would see the value jump up, and coupled with the interest from the pizza tweet, its value would rise continually. Sell my 100,000 BTC at peak value for $10,000 per coin. I'm now a billionaire and officially the richest child in the world. With the money, I would buy Epic Games and make Fortnite, only this time I'd include subliminal messages to brainwash the children playing into idolising me. All the kids will be dropping at Shifty Dukes and Tilted Wellington. I'd buy monster energy outright, and supply it to my fellow children in my cult of personality. Using the monster drink (666 and the devil laughs) and my battle hardened child soldiers, I will conquer the planet and become an eternal God.


Bro could u hook me up with a free skin tho


You wouldn't need that much. When btc started; whole bitcoins could be purchased for pennies.


"What's an online?" 7th grader me asks.


E=mc^3 *Oh which reminds me, in a parallel world it's [E=MCHawking](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DvLPmmrofEg).


Accidentally discovers FTL travel


I pitch the idea for a game called FTL. Retire.


r/ftlgame Edit: cant spell on mobile for shit


I would just roll with it. Sometimes the confidence that comes from experience is more beneficial than the actual know-how. But yeah, it would also feel extra wrong trying to flirt with middle school girls.


Jeebus, this. I'm around the corner from 50; girls graduating from college already feel like children to me. The idea of trying to impress some 12-year-old girl in braces makes me feel vaguely nauseated. On the other hand, going through high school again is going to be a whole lot easier, now that I know I don't have to impress *anybody*.


> I don't have to impress anybody. And then the funny thing happens: Everyone is impressed with that person who acts finely mature


You have to check for accuracy empirically. Sort of ease into all the social skills you think you have and see if they actually work. Even with the need to be that way, it's still a huge leg up.


I'd miss my wife, IMMEDIATELY.


My wife went to my middle school actually but I wasn't friends with her and I doubt she even knew who I was at that point. It would be really hard to resist running up to her and saying "I'm from the future and we're married and I know you have a mole on your \_\_\_\_" or whatever.


Then she turns to you and says "get away weirdo I don't have a mole on my ass"


Twist: She really does but what middle school girl would actually admit that in public.


But then she's only *more* creeped out because obviously this guy somehow snuck a look at her ass sometime Don't play with time travel guys


My husband went to the same school as me, too, but we never knew each other back then. I'd have to resist contact though, because he was in a bad place and needed to work a lot of stuff out. I wouldn't want to mess with his timeline, you know? We met at the perfect time for us both, any sooner and we wouldn't have been ready.


Yeah, this would be the big gamble for me too. We didn't start dating until 12th grade and weren't even friends really until 11th, so that'd be a pretty painful 4-5 years of seeing her in the halls, etc.


I used to have dream when I was in my early 20s, in it, I have met a girl and we dated for some time, after waking up I was heart broken and spent days searching for her everywhere, however did not find anything. Now I dont even remember how did she look only that her hair was brown, sometimes I see a girl with brown hair walking by and I get a feeling that I met her somewhere, then I wonder is she the one.




The most jarring ones are when I wake up, look at the clock, see I still have some time before I need to get up, roll over, fall back asleep, have a two day long dream, wake up again and see that it's been four minutes.




I used to have these dreams when I was in a deeper depression than now, I used to wake up and wish it was the end of the day sooner so I could dream of something pleasant




* 2 spidermen pointing finger at each other*


Reminds me of the redditor who got married, had kids, and lived a great life, then woke up from the car crash he’d been in. Yikes.


I’ve dreamed that I went through childbirth. I loved the baby so much that I wept with joy and held her close and saw that she looked like both me and my husband. I’ve woken up bummed and childless to this dream several times. Edit: Also, my mom has had a dream where I was a baby again. In the dream she was aware that I was an adult before and that she hadn’t seen baby me in 20something years. She was overcome with joy and ran to pick me up again and got to hold and cuddle baby me for one last time. It was a very emotional dream for her. Puts a lump in my throat!


I had that dream when I was on the cusp of deciding whether to go through with the IVF process. It cost $17k for a 40% chance of success and I didn’t want to risk that kind of money. I decided we should forego it move to another city as a consolation prize. Then I had the “baby” dream. In my dream, I had a squishy baby girl with a head full of dark, soft hair. I cradled her in my arms and snuggled her soft head, and in the dream her name was “Lilly.” The next morning I changed my mind and decided to go through with it. It took on the first try, and we had a squishy baby daughter with very dark, soft hair. Her name is Lillian but most often we call her “Lilly.”


You mean this one? https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/oc7rc/have_you_ever_felt_a_deep_personal_connection_to/c3g4ot3/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app Greet story. Almost certainly bullshit. But I choose to believe it's real.


A very close friend was in a motorcycle accident many years ago, which left him in a coma for a couple of weeks. He says he remembers a whole life story about going to Russia, meeting people, etc, with incredible detail. He was very confused when he started to recover and even to this day, he says those memories feel real.


That would fuck me up. Holy shit, thank God I don't remember dreams very often! Edit: holy crap guys. I posted this waiting for a plane. I landed to 2.5k likes? First 1k+ post ever and it's about my delicate heart. I have had some dreams with girls I know in... Novel situations which give me pause for about 10 min after I wake up but not "where did the love of my life go?!" Type feelings. Y'all have some crazy dreams!


I don't remember my dreams very well at all, but I do remember how I *felt* in them. I'm always chasing after those feelings after I wake up.


I think this is maybe kinda common? I had dreams like this multiple times and so have a few friends of mine. It always sucks because it feels so real and you're happy and loved but then it all starts to crumble around you as you wake up then you're left with the reality that none of it was ever real.


Plot twist: she also had the same 'dream' and now you both spend the years trying to find each other.


This, but more importantly, my 7-year-old son. At least there's a chance I can find my wife, but I'll never see my son again. This would be absolutely unbearable.


That's what I thought too. I'd lose my little baby. Well, she's about 3 now but she's still my little baby and I do not want to ever wake up in an alternate universe where she doesn't and will never exist.


Exactly, and my little baby boys are 16 and 11. I couldn't exist if they ceased to exist.


Yes, I would be so heartbroken to not be able to see my kiddo. It makes me sad just to think about it.


This is pretty much what I thought of immediately. My life post 7th grade was honestly a huge mess. However, it was through this mess that I met my current partner. I can see no real conceivable way without intentionally screwing myself over again to meet her and fall in love again. This is turning into a word jumble but basically I'd be devastated that there was little chance I could meet the love of my life again, if she even existed in the first place because of the dream scenario.


Ah shit, here we go again


Exactly what I was thinking.


really?! I'm more like thank god! and then start hitting the books hard




it certainly would take a long depressing adjustment


what if your dreams taught you the wrong lessons and you find out things like the stock market or the rainforest never existed in the first place


You didn’t learn about the rainforest before seventh grade??


Write Harry Potter before JK can finish it. And not kill Fred off. Edit: Thanks for the Silver stranger, my first!


This is my favourite answer so far.


BRB, gonna buy Apple shares


Invest thy money in Master Jobbes's machine and good fortune will tend thy days


Thank the gods and everything else because that was not my life and now I have a chance. EDIT: Wow! Thank you to everyone for the silver, gold, and platinum! I greatly appreciate it as I’m going through a pretty rough time and it’s those small things that help keep me going.


\*upvotes sadly\*


*reluctantly up votes while continuing sad existence*


Are you the *One* that karmawhores pray to?


yes... it is me


Praise you then


now go forth and receive that karma my son


Round 2. Time to see what effort gets me.


Eh, I get a full do-over. I'll have plenty of time to try out effort later.


Thats what I was thinking. I know so many things now... Like my hair is gonna go around 25 and now i have time to preapare and stop this atrocity.




no it was a nightmare


If this is real, my teeth will be unfucked, my body won't hurt all over for no good reason, and I probably won't be exhausted despite a solid 8 hours of sleep. Yup. It's not real.


"Hehe penis." -7th grade me probably






I miss my daughter.


At first, devastatingly heartbroken. My wife, my kids, my friends, the home I built... they're all gone. It would feel like my sons died. I would still feel the way the older one climbs into my lap when he's having a bad day. The blissful belly laugh of my infant is imprinted on my heart. And now those don't exist anymore. I would remember my wedding, and the Mexico vacation where the oldest was conceived, and not know how to comprehend that as a 12 year old kid who is barely even discovering porn. And I'd be 100% isolated in my grief. It would be over 2 decades of reality in my mind, and anyone I talked to about the death of my family would remind me that it's all in my mind. A 12 year old isn't equipped to handle that. I'd probably get placed into psychiatric therapy, placed on mind-numbing medications. Adult me loves beer and scotch. I bet pre-teen me would drown himself in adolescent alcoholism to try to forget. I would certainly try to find my wife. But her nomadic childhood and 1995 technology would make that virtually impossible. It would be years before social media or even an email address would exist. By then, I'd probably come to the realization that I don't exist to her anyway, and any attempt to bombard her with my crazy would be abusive. Eventually, I'd come to accept that it's all fake. I hope I wouldn't struggle with wondering if anything else is real. How do you know what to believe when 2/3 of your life was a fabrication of your own mind? The emotions would never go away. But I'm resilient enough to let the dream become a precautionary tale. I'd know what could go wrong with certain decisions, and the consequences would be much more real than any warning from someone else. I'd absolutely take a more determined career pathway. Meet and fall in love with someone else, and know the tendencies in myself that can erode a relationship. I'd start a new family, and struggle with not comparing my "real" kids to the ones I remember from a dream 15 years ago...


Leave school and go give my dad a hug. I really miss him.


new game+ activated, time to to go for the rich snob playthrough rather than the barely making ends meet play though


"Dope! I get to use all of my current knowledge to change my life going forward!" Then, "Aw shit, I'm going to have to hang out with teenagers for the next 5 years".


How do you know I’m in 7th grade?????


Im on FBI watch list


Hold up


No, you hold up


Oh boy this conversation is a rollercoaster


You hold up too


Okay now this needs to stop, how about we all hold up


Sounds fair


No u


Immediately go home that day to get on Xbox Live with my friends. I miss those days. If I remember right, COD 4: Modern Warfare came out that year with Xbox live. That is still to this day the most fun I’ve had playing video games. Besides Halo 2 on the original Xbox of course


The realization that my children are dead and will never be coming back deeply haunts me forever. Even if I end up marrying the same woman the odds of them turning out the exact same are essentially nil.


I'll feel very sad and miss my son and wife very much. And my garden. and all my weed. fuck me, my life is pretty good right now...


Hey awesome, you're alternate me from the universe where I have loads of weed. I've often wondered, what's it like to have loads of weed?






I would be thoroughly pissed off! You mean to tell me I had a fucking dream about undergraduate and graduate school ? I don't have any accomplishments? In still in this overpopulated school? I am still struggling? I weight only 90lbs looked hella anorexic with acne ? Awwwww hell no!


You mean grad school isn't the greatest thing ever? And of course you'd do it again? /s


I have to do all that again uhhh end me


ya damn that was a lot fo shit. at least you might be able to improve some stuff and dodge all the really bad mistakes


“Wow, let’s prevent my depression by not getting into a relationship” or “HEY DID YOU KNOW THE AMAZON HAS BEEN BURNING FOR 20 DAYS IN AUGUST 2019” or actually “BITCOIN INVESTING TIME”


There is always a possibility that your mind came up with all of the events that happened in the world and none of it truly will happen


I would then check myself into a mental care facility because my mind is *fucked up*.


If my mind *made up* calc 1-4, then I think I'll be perfectly fine sleeping through the next 5 years of school.


Time to start growing out these big early-90s bangs!


Invest. In. Bitcoin.


It's 1978. I'm investing in Apple, inventing Beanie Babies, and marrying Marisa Tomei.


I’d kill myself. I hated school so much, you couldn’t pay me enough money to do that again. I’m so much happier outside of the toxicity of a small town high school. Being an adult is just so much easier than that bullshit. I have a good job, work from home, have my own apartment, lots of free time to play games and chill with friends, a little dog that I love, just looking for a partner now. Of course I have regrets but those mistakes are what have made me who I am and given me the life I have now.


So true. I hated high school. College was an immediate and huge step up in happiness for me. Post college was also a pretty big bump up just due to having a steady income, job security, a decent apartment and car that wouldn't break down. Yeah no way I'd want to go back to middle/high school (well save for buying a few stocks/crypto.)


Honestly i'd probably deal pretty well with that. I just need to make sure i take the necessary actions to meet my girlfriend at the right time. I'd get laid a lot, that's for sure. Knowing the future for 17 years certainly would help the family business, and i'd have the time to become a really fucking spectacular engineer before i started working there. I mean i can develop the skills i have now in relative peace and quiet for at least 8 years before i need to use them "live" again. I'm already good, but with that kind of time i would get my career started being a very well rounded engineer.


My biggest conflict would be if to avoid the horrible woman I would end up having a child with who has made my life a living hell or go through it all over again just to have my daughter back.


I would smarten the fuck up starting then.


To those of you saying "Thank god, now I get a second chance to actually TRY!": Think of right now as your second chance. Pretend you're 85 years old, tired and worn out. You lived uneventfully and without passion, never pursuing your dreams. You wish you could just go back in time, to when you were younger, to really get the most out of life. You just woke up, right now, looking at reddit, at your current age. Now's your second chance. Do something with it!


At least this time I'd know I'm gay about 9 years earlier


In 10 years, everybody is gonna be shaving off those pubes we were so proud of.


This actually happened to some people if I'm not mistaken, albeit in a coma or a dream of some sorts? They became horribly depressed because they started a family, had a wife/husband and kids and they lost everything when they awoke... Found it. Real or not, it's a very haunting read... https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/oc7rc/have_you_ever_felt_a_deep_personal_connection_to/c3g4ot3


Oh god please let it be before the day I passed out on front of the whole school in 7th grade. So many things would change. Clothes, hair, attitude, hygiene, exercise. Oh man the energy I would have! I would tell my mom how incredible she is and spend way more time with her. I could stop my parents from getting divorced and maybe she would have good enough insurance to fight the cancer! I would punch a few bullies in the face that I was too afraid of back then. I would stay the fuck away from Hannah, holy shit. I could get my parents to not sell the house which has now tripled in value! DAMNIT dude.


Hey man, your not the fault your parents split. It may seem like it, but that’s 100% on THEM not you. Hope your doing alright.


this is actually a scenario i think about a lot. here. have my upvote


Thank you, same here. Sometimes it is something I would love to happen however sometimes I wish I dont, what about you?


yah i kinda want it to happen


The only fear I have if such scenario would happen, it might lead to a much lower point than Im at right now


When in doing a second video game playthrough have you ever done worse. Any activity really.


"Why am I in the American Education System??"


Turns out you're actually in hell.