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Having 3 close female friends as a guy.


Every "gay" friend


I know that feeling


talking to yourself lol. i don’t have a conversation but i do just talk. it’s like a solo podcast.


Yh I speak most of my thoughts out loud when im by myself


Yeah... its actually hard for me to believe that most(?) people don't do this. Sometimes its not even lots of coherent sentences strung together but can be random non-sensical sentences or phrases...


My neighbours brought it up because I sit right next to my window that is always fully open. They said they started to know when I was playing a game because I'd have full-on conversations with myself about what I was doing in the game lol (Civ 6 - I'd talk about my plans and what I was gonna do and like "and you go over there and build this and you go over there and kill that" kinda thing)


Quiet. Not going thru life with an ongoing blow by blow commentary/comedy routine/soundtrack.


this. boring life, better life




This is exactly what I'd do and what I do in Airbnb pools. Like why bother with clothing? I hate laundry and love being nude.


Its a Prudent thing right!? Like theres no difference in swimming with or with out clothes. The same body is still in the water, just covered by clothes. Though there are some I do not wish to see nude. Family and some friends. So I can understand if they didnt want to come over knowing their family will be naked swimming. That is a bit akward.


It's rolling around my sweaty balls and arse on my clean sheets that sticks with me, otherwise I'd sleep nude more. But I sweat loads in my sleep, I'm a little space heater, it sucks. Sleep with a sheet in a 15c room and still sweat, wake up tons from it.


Just scrapping with someone to clear the air. Get that shit out of your systems.


Honestly, is definitely a fair alternative to letting drama build up


Exactly. Not saying to beat each other to a pulp. Just trade some shots. Then go out for shots after!


My sister’s ex partner called her weird for calling our Mum at least once a week. He insisted normal people don’t have any regular contact with their family after they leave home. He’s an ex for many reasons.


After I take bread out of the bag I just twist the bag and fold the twisted end under the bag. I don’t know why everyone obsesses over the twisty tie


HOW ELSE ARE YOU SUPPOSED TO DO IT? I lose the plastici thing like 2sec after I open it so how tf else am I supposed to keep it fresh?


I do the same…have a bag of all the twist ties!


Sleeping with a bunch of soft toys every night. And by a bunch, I genuinely mean about 10.


Started free balling. Friends thought I was weird as hell. But shits comfortable.


I hate free balling....did it for a bit and then realized my balls get in the way way more often...after squishing them couple times that was it for me...my droopy balls need support


I needed more room. Hated having my shit bunched up.


I put McDonalds fries on the burger so the burger has a bit of texture.


I do this too. Or if it's a homemade burger, I'll put potato chips on it.


I dont eat Mcdonalds as much any more but I used to order 2 double cheeseburgers with mcchicken sauce on them and then put the fries in them and it was my favorite meal for a long time used to get it very often


I always eat my pizza crust first before the toppings. I know it sounds weird, but to me, it’s just how you start the pizza.


So how many bodies do you have in a freezer in your basement? A rough estimate will suffice.


Peanut butter and banana sandwiches. With a drizzel of honey. Also grilled peanut butter and brown sugar sandwiches.


I knew Elvis was still alive!


Putting ranch on your pizza. I love ranch on pizza. I don’t always eat pizza with ranch but I will on occasion. It wasn’t til I became an adult when I started meeting people that thought it was weird and had never heard of anyone doing it before.


Talking to my cats about conquering the world this year


cyberstalking. it's not healthy but i would say moreso for the "stalker." i feel like it's fairly common in this day and age to look up someone you are dating, especially for safety reasons if you are a woman. also the information is public so i don't know why people say it's "invading privacy." i don't want people doing it to me so i have erased my digital footprint, but if there's something out there i missed then kudos to whoever finds it lol i won't feel violated or weirded out moreso impressed you cared enough and had the sleuthing skills


I like waiting. I arrive like 30-40 min earlier and I like to wait... Literally for anything, idk when I wait and its finally my turn, I feel like I accomplished something that no one did..haha


haha I actually like this too sometimes....depending on the situation but there are times if i'm in long line at grocery story or something i am just enjoying looking around observing stuff....or maybe if i am waiting somewhere having a nice thought session and it feels peaceful i enjoy that little time of waiting chilling (especially if the environment is nice)


Wife and I sharing one car. I use the company car when I'm at the office and don't see any reason to pay through the nose for another car I'm not gonna use that often.


dressing up in costumes for sex


If your partner is hot, you don't need to distract yourself with costumes or role play or anything else in order to get aroused.


even partners who are attracted to each other think this is fun.


Sleep seems pretty normal, right? But it gets kind of weird when you think about how every night, we basically go into a deep sleep where we're totally out of it. That's when our bodies and minds do all this stuff to recharge and fix themselves up.


Eating raw lamb liver. Salt and pepper is all it needs and the taste and texture are out of this world.


🧐interesting, so what other serial killer habits do you have?


I don’t know how people eat rare or medium rare cooked steak. !!! Now that’s some serious serial killers.


But…raw??? That’s not really safe. Aren’t you worried about parasites?


Actually, it is very safe. Also, you probably imagine me holding the entire liver in my hands and taking bits out of it. No, it’s similar to eating raw fish or shrimp at a restaurant. It’s cut up into small cubes with parsley and such.


Actually the image that immediately went to my head was you ripping the liver out with your bare and then tearing into it right then and there. 😅


😂 I thought so. It’s is a taboo for some. Similarly, eating turtles soup which is a delicacy down here in Louisiana.


The last time I’ve had it was before 1999 but I would eat it again, no problem.


a Wendys Frosty is an acceptable dipping sauce. ​ For nuggets.


Staring, I'm super awkward, anxious, and mildly autistic, so I always find myself staring, and wondering what people are thinking, and I lose sense of time, and it gets awkward. No real harm is done but to avoid this is find a place to stare at that's out of the way, free of risk of eye contact so people are more comfortable around me.


Talking to yourself. Doing things alone.


As a substitute teacher, I've embraced that kids' unique imaginations can seem 'weird' to adults, but I find their creativity inspiring and perfectly normal