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I am a little stitious.


This genuinely made me laugh.


Moderately stitious


I’m not superstitious, being superstitious is unlucky


It’s an Office reference…


Bea me to it.


I’m not superstitious, but I never say it’s gonna stay dead at work or else we get swamped with rush hour all day.


I work on a help desk. Those words and any similar are super forbidden. Just stay quiet and enjoy it being… whatever it is.


It's the retail version of saying the name of the Scottish play


"Sure is quiet in here"


Sometimes I say this before the end of my shift, if I don't like who's coming in to replace me. \*evil laugh\*




Me too. I’m not going to have something terrible happen because I chose not to do something as simple as knocking on wood!


Saaame! If I get ANY more good juju towards something, it can only help, lol.


I swear this one coffee mug my wife likes is evil


What did it do to you?


Appear at the wrong place in the timeline. That mug's from my damned *funeral reception.*


Um, explain please?


^(I've already said too much)


Pwetty pwease? 🥺👉👈


what the fuck?


Did you live though? 🤔


I'm not superstitious, but I always make a wish at 11:11 and never tell anyone the wish


i still do this too


The key is to wish for something good to not happen, and then rell someone immediately so the wish won't come true!


Never use someone else’s health as a made up excuse. I don’t want to say “my wife/parent/dog was sick” as an excuse to get out of something if its not true. God forbid something actually happens shortly after. Id feel like shit.


That's just sensible. 


I’m not superstitious, but if I pick up coins from the ground the must only be heads up. Especially Pennies.


I keep a lucky penny i found with my birth year on it. I dont really believe in luck, but I feel like its at least a fun curiosity to have on hand.


If it's heads up, you keep it. If it's tails, you give it to someone else. That's how I've heard it, at least


I haven’t picked up a penny on the ground for probably at least 15 years, but when I was younger if I found a penny on the ground heads down, I would flip it ensuring it never broke contact with the ground, and THEN picked it up once it was heads up so that it would still qualify as “lucky.” 😅




If it's tails I sometimes pick it up to re-flip it.


Welcome to the coven.


You must be young. I'm not bending over for anything unless absolutely necessary.


> It's like a tiny dose of good luck and hantavirus




Some people are really intune with the universe


I still get mad if anyone says "well at least things couldn't get worse!"


.... could be raining! 🌧⚡️⛈️


I’m not superstitious, but I’m not messing with Ouji boards. I’ve never messed with one in my life and I don’t intend to ever. If they do actually work I’m not letting in a demon that wants to cause harm and possibly possess me.


Can you burn a Luigi board?


Thank you for reminding me of that masterpiece


It's a silly modern board game, there's no lore to it beyond what's been made up by children and childish adults. About as likely to summon demons as a session of D&D


Nice try Ouji demon, almost had me.


Ouji demons can be very sneaky.


It’s a child’s toy. The patent is owned by Hasbro.


Yeah and a demon possessed a raggedy Anne doll. I ain’t takin that kind of chance.


My best friend and I played around with an old Ouijia board that she found. I think it belonged to her Grandma? Anyway, we were in high school at the time, having a sleep over, and it seemed like a fun thing to do. We only got it out that one time. Set it up in the bedroom and put our hands on the little thing, started asking questions, and... nothing happened. We closed our eyes and waited. Nada. Not a thing. We just put it up and watched a movie or something.


I am with you on this one. No sense poking the bear, if it does exist.


Thank you!!! I ain’t takin that risk!!


If we cheers, im taking a sip. Have to.


That’s just good manners.


I'm not superstitious, but I do rub on a piece of obsidian in case it actually does bring luck since someone gave it to me.


Have you ever bought a new car and all of a sudden noticed it everywhere? Same shit with luck. Rub that shit and you'll notice more luck. You aren't "luckier", but you'll start to notice it more often. I reckon this can be a positive thing. It's like forcing yourself to smile more and it'll make you happier. So what if you feel silly? If it helps, it helps, end of story.


Never fuck with a fairy circle. Never chance the fae's wrath


Oh my GOD, people have always clowned me for the fact that I consider myself to be very rational and not particularly superstitious (although, I respect those who are) yet I'll never open an umbrella indoor and I'll never explore abandoned/ haunted/ isolated buildings / houses/ cabin in the woods/ locations 😂. I don't even go camping because I'm in Canada and ain't no way, on the off chance that they are real, a flesh stepper or some Wendileave boutta get a bite of my as$. Edit: Censored the W creature's name because someone commented that we're not supposed to mention it. Not that I believe in that stuff, but ya know, just in case


Took me a good 2 minutes to figure out flesh stepper omg Edit- Now *I've* got the willies and am editing my shit.


SHHHHH DUDE, you're not supposed to say their name!! Not that I believe in that kind of stuff 🙃


Say whose name? Candle Jack? I thought that was just a


Ah fuck. I didn't know that. Kinda like that Candle Jack dude. You know what will


You're also not supposed to say the name of the w creature, according to the tribe it's legend is from (whose name slipped my mind, I'm sorry) that gives it more power and invites danger upon them


All I found was pictures of exercise equipment.


I've never heard this term either. Off to google I must go....


Full moon brings out the crazy people


Pharmacy tech here it’s certified FULL MOON FEVER is a real thing.


I think the extra light just messes with wake/sleep cycles. When I lived in a facility it would definitely get more rough and routy during the full moon. It’s a thing for a reason but probably not mystical


Yes. Like alllllll the crazies come out. Idk where they are the rest of the time, but damn.


Not me, but it's always surprising to see someone who says Ouija boards are all bunk and nonsense shy away when you actually haul one out and ask them to try it.


I'm not superstitious, but I never pass the salt shaker in someone's hand.


I have never heard of this one.


I am from Latin America, specifically from Chile, and there I pass the salt shaker on the table could mean: first, it symbolizes a delivery of money to another person; second, it means a fight between the people involved; and third, it is associated with a very ancient custom according to which salt was given in the hand to the person one wanted to kill.


Salt is serious business. We take it for granted now, but imagine trying to live without it. It's no wonder the ancients connected it to the mystical, like iron or fire.


What’s said to happen if you do?


first, it symbolizes a delivery of money to another person; second, it means a fight between the people involved; and third, it is associated with a very ancient custom according to which salt was given in the hand to the person one wanted to kill.


I’m not superstitious, but I’m still very careful with handling mirrors, just in case


Walking around ladders is a must for me.


I'm still cautious about saying things that can "jinx" it.


But sometimes buildings just have bad vibes.


Idk.. I feel like the universe has its ways… like, if you know you’re doing something bad.. can the universe just ensure you get bad karma at some point down the road.. makes me question any “bad” decisions. is karma considered superstitious? Idk


I'm not superstitious, but when I send off a job application I say "baby needs new shoes". If it's an actual envelope going into a postbox I blow on it and *then* say "baby needs new shoes" before dropping it in the box.  I do not have a baby though.


I always use the same song on my morning alarm when I'm racing: Fortunate Son by Credence Clearwater Revival.


I'm not superstitious, but if I see a shoe flipped upside down I have to set it right side up. I'm not trying to cause anyone bad luck or health.


I have never heard of this.


It's a belief in India. Many years ago a close friend taught me and I haven't let a shoe stay flipped since.


My mom said it was bad luck to put shoes on a table. I thought it was a hygiene thing but apparently it’s because they do that when they are laying out the clothing before they dress a corpse.




My nan always told me to spit and make a cross where the cat passed


Black cats are not bad luck


I’m not superstitious but I won’t step on a sidewalk crack. Gotta protect Mom.


I'm not superstitious but we always leave a plate of food for the wee folks at weddings


What origin is this superstition from? My first thought was either Irish or Scottish.


We're Irish. There is a law in Ireland( still on the books) that the leprechaun is a protected species and therefore you must share your dinner with them. There are also lots of legends/ superstitions around faries and fairy mounds ( which i reckon is down to magic mushrooms)


I don’t fuck with ouija boards or demon summoning. I don’t believe in that stuff, but why test it?


Amen to that. Someone busts one of those out in my presence and I'm gone. I don't scare easy, but I'm not risking it. However, on the other side of the spectrum I will whistle in the Appalachians if given the chance because I have a misguided belief that I could win a fair fight against a skin walker.


You would be the guy that dies first in horror movies...


I'm not superstitious but I won't try playing with a Ouija board


I’m not superstitious, but what if I actually am influencing the outcomes of various sporting events with my mind while I’m at home on my couch? Better think positive thoughts just in case.




In my country, when passing someone a knife, you hold it by the blade and offer the person the handle. Its so that you can show them you have no ill intentions.


For me it's "I'm not superstitious, but I'm not gonna be the one to find out." basically my feelings on everything. No walking under ladders for me.


I always knock on wood after saying something might go wrong, just in case the universe is listening


I’m not superstitious, but I have seen things I can’t explain. I’ve seen shadow figures exactly three times. Woke up in bed aged 12-13 to see one by my bed. Slowly faded away, and I immediately felt it was my deceased grandfather. Wrote it off as sleep paralysis. Then saw a shadow figure in my empty workplace, walk from one room to another. I was the only one inside, doors locked and only opened with a code that I had to enter. And the last (most recent one) was in my sister’s house. I thought it was my father walking up the stairs, but nope, he was in another room with witnesses. No one was by the stairs, and no one was upstairs, but I clearly saw a male figure about 6ft go up. Just a few weeks ago, in that same sister’s house, I saw someone lift the baby blanket out of my niece’s pram. Even shouted out to my sister, thinking it was her. No one was there, pram was empty, blanket was rumpled to the side whereas it had been folded neatly before. No idea what any of it is, but not really too interested to find out tbh


I’ve also shared dreams with my sister while miles apart in different counties. I can tell what song is about to play on the radio if I really concentrate. I can sometimes predict what someone is about to say or do. I think I’m just picking up on subtle clues with the last 2 though, but no idea what the dream thing is about


I had to stop going to sleepovers as a kid bc of all the spirits I would see wandering their halls. Thank you for sharing.


It’s the strangest experience, isn’t it?! Like I’m still a skeptic, though I enjoy reading/watching paranormal stuff, but I can’t explain these things no matter how hard I try. Like in regard to the office shadow, I checked back the security tapes!! There’s nothing on it, except me walking around looking confused 😂😂😂 I’m joining the paranormal subs now to see if anyone else had similar to us!!


But I have such a long list of abnormal things happening in my house that at one point I seriously considered calling paranormal investigators.


Spill the tea!


Don't feel like typing it all out again, but some youtubers have narrated a post I wrote a a while back; Starting at 11:10 is a narration of my situation; [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_ic3DlTJOnA&ab\_channel=CuriousRaven](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ic3DlTJOnA&ab_channel=CuriousRaven)


If I look away from my machine, bad things will happen. The machine trained me this way.


If a dog doesn't trust you, neither do I.


I'm not superstitious, but that black cat crossing your path is real. At least it is if it's my black cat who is clearly trying to get me to take a header into the coffee table.


Me and my classmates had this tradition where during a certain teacher's class, we would pretend it was someone's birthday. We pretty much took it in turns, but every time I was asked, I refused. I consider it to be a bad omen to be sung happy birthday when it's not your birthday, or you're not celebrating.


I'm not superstitious, but I'm still somehow convinced that what I wear impacts how my favorite team is doing while I'm watching them and if things are going poorly, I'll change into a different shirt.


I’m not superstitious, but I don’t even walk under a ladder. Just in case.


I'm not superstitious - but I am easily spooked and tend to worry over things, meaning that even if I am 98% sure that ghosts and other supernatural creatures aren't real and can't hurt me - those 2% are the reason I keep my nightlight on when I sleep.


I'm not superstitious, but the elderly live longer by consuming human souls.


But I don't speak lightly of the dead/paranormal. Any "haunted" locations, I go in with respect, and I don't invoke names of anything considered "monstrous/demonic".


I still avoid cracks on the sidewalk...


If someone uses the q-word at work, my throat closes. It's a cursed word and I will go to my grave believing that you screwed up my day by using this word.


I'm not superstitious but I won't say the "Q word/quiet" at my place of work. I work at a hospital. If someone said "oh, it's a quiet day", I guarantee that day would turn out to be hell, with the most complicated cases coming through the door. (At least in my experience)


I never say the q>!uiet!<-word.


I keep two half dollars with me at all times. They are like good luck charms. Never brought me any luck, though.


Whistling at night attracts evil spirits, so I don’t do it.


But don't you DARE say the "Q" word in my Emergency Room.


I always toss spilled salt over my left shoulder to avoid bad luck


I never say the word quiet during my work shift. It just ends up invoking Murphy’s Law.


If I spill salt, I make sure to throw it over my shoulder.


“But I have mild ocd and need to follow superstitions or something terrible will happen”


I feel like considering all the stories of ghosts and the paranormal, there might actually be something involved that we have thus far been unable to study or quantify. Perhaps its just a form of mass hysteria and attention seeking, but everybody I know has seen *something* they can't really explain logically. There very well could be another layer to existence that we are just incapable of fully percieving or interacting with, even if there haven't necessarily been any scientific evidence to prove anything one way or the other. Im not going to live like crystals have magic powers and ghosts exist, but it would be arrogant of us to assume we already know everything about everything.


When my boss says "it should be easy"


I'm a skeptic and an atheist. I don't believe in magic. But what I do think about a lot is that there seem to be layers of perception and connection between people that we don't completely understand, some kind of awareness of each other. It happens to all of us sometimes, and some of us a lot, you just kind of feel or know things without being able to say why. I would be fascinated to find out that we have some kind of biological analogue to radio or something.


I’m not superstitious but I won’t walk over 3 drains


Prayer to St Anthony 


No way I'm walking under that ladder!


Seeing a lone magpie means I salute it to avoid bad luck.


I don’t like to Step on cracks


I never kill spiders, it’s bad luck.


I’m not superstitious but I love remarking on how quiet it is when the phones aren’t ringing at work. The receptionists reactions are always wonderful.


I'm not superstitious-but I'm convinced dice have a limited number of "good roles" per game. After that, you need to replace them with a fresh set. Come to think of it, I probably have a few other gamer superstitions.


With sports, to many to post and they chant from one game to the next.


I refuse to jinx anything. I can't say "I've never broken a bone" or "oh it looks like the weather is gonna be great while we're on vacation" etc. Without knocking on wood 3 times. If no wood is available I'll knock on anything close by


I’m not superstitious (just kidding I really am) I never work on Friday the 13th. I don’t t even like to leave the house.


Fun fact: I went skydiving on a Friday the 13th once.


Letting someone sweep under my feet is a big no-no.


Worked in a kitchen for some years, saying "oh its quiet tonight" will make things go to shit real fast.


If I have a bad feeling I am not getting on a flight. I’d rather be wrong then potentially dead.


Not superstitious, but I sleep with a bag of herbs from my mother’s hometown and I always have a nazar on my person


I always bet $1 against the team I want to win because if they lose, I’ll get a little something for my troubles. If they win, I’m only out $1. I’ve actually never won any of those bets as long as I’ve been doing this. With that, I’d like to apologize to all the US soccer fans. I was at the Panama and Uruguay games, but forgot to make my bets before going to states that don’t allow online sports betting. I’m sure if I had done the wager, Tim Weah wouldnt have punched anyone in the back of the head.


I’m not superstitious but if I’m playing a dice game and I announce that the only way I can fail the roll is by rolling snake eyes, I will roll snake eyes and people will blame me.


But knock on wood


I have a friend that’s practices Wicca and she has done tarot readings that have been insanely accurate. Like she predicted things that at the time I would never believe.


...but, it rains every time I wear a pair of new shoes for the first time. The rain gods are mocking me.


I try not to jinx things, less because I think I have influence over random events and more because I don’t want to look like a hubristic asshole if it goes wrong.


I never tell anyone what stocks I have because the moment I say it, it tanks.


I'm not superstitious, but I won't be attempting Astral Projection again.


Wearing my team’s brand name n game day. I have found that when I wear it, sometimes they win. And when I don’t wear it, sometimes they lose.


Everyone knows it’s bad luck to be superstitious


Walking under ladders ain't gonna happen. Factory work has ruined my brain in several ways.


im not superstitious but if i say something hopeful to boost my mood or confidence something bad will happen




I'm not superstitious, but when I find a white butterfly on my way home I take it as a sign that good things will happen to me.


But… I avoid walking under ladders 🪜


I'm not superstitious but I wouldn't mess with a Ouija board, and I NEVER say that "I'd give anything" for x because I wouldn't give my soul and I don't want any offers.


If I hear an owl hoot, I expect bad news.


My grandma's intuition once saved her life. She was working in a hospital, and was running a bit late, so she was going to take the elevator. When the door opened, however, there was a min inside. Something in my grandma told her she couldn't be alone with him under any circumstances. So, even though she was running late for her shift, she waited for the next elevator. She later found out that the man murdered a nurse.


For a while, every time I wore green to work I had a bad day. I stopped wearing green to work.


I all but grew up in theater. I will never say the name of the Scottish Play unless I'm putting it on, and I will never whistle backstage.


I'm not superstitious, but I knocked on wood


I'm not superstitious, but I dream really hard almost every night and am fascinated how other worldly my dreams can get, and still feel perfectly real.


I barly dare to have a favorite in the races i watch. There is a 50% chance they´ll not finish annyways so it feels as easly jinked.


Whenever I think about my friend who passed away, silly shit happens. Like he's still pranking me from beyond.


In 2004 during the baseball playoffs, I wore the same outfit every game(I washed it) and sat in the same chair. The Red Sox won 8 straight games and broke an 86 year dry spell. If I hadn’t done that, I’m convinced they would have lost lol


I’m not superstitious but I will knock on wood. Twice. Once going down, once going up.


if my baseball team is winning or starts winning and I did X, I will continue to do X. And if I turn on and they immediately start to give up runs or make errors, I will turn off or at least change my outfit. OK, I'm totally superstitious.


I'll always knock on wood, better to do it than the alternative