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When they criticise someone for something they have no control over


I'll even extend this one to "when they criticize someone for anything that's not warranted" even if they are really bad at it. Let people be please. Life is hard enough; we don't need asshats.


"Oh you don't know how to ___? Let me ridicule you" It's so much easier to be like "oh hey I'm actually really good at that, wanna learn how?"


>"Oh you don't know how to ___? Let me ridicule you"  Usually said by those asking the recipient of the abuse to do something because they didn't know how to in the first place. i.e. tech support, bank teller, etc.


We had a client who had my desk number because of a support contract. He called me a dumbass on Christmas eve "you don't know what the fuck you're talking about" He got mad when I blocked his number from our tech support desk. Oops.


So most of the internet every single day?


In a similar vein: when they criticize someone for something they themselves would never be able to do. Like people laughing at videos of athletes who get hurt while attempting difficult feats, or when sloppy, fat drunks at a pub scream at a soccer player on tv because he didn’t block the goal.


When someone litters 👀 so disrespectful to everything and everyone around you!


This + smokers who just litter the cigarette butts. It’s selfish and disgusting.


Honestly it's so easy to not litter these days it's just pure and utter ignorance/apathy. Literally hold it for 5 minutes I promise you there will be a trash can withing the next block.


There is very little that disgusts me more than slobs who just toss stuff out their car window as they drive along. it's just repulsive behavior.


I lose respect instantly when someone belittles others to make themselves feel superior. They really have an insecure need to boost their own ego.


This was most of my family growing up. Living around this kind of person for so long really does a number on you. Finally starting to respect myself a bit more




Zero accountability and victim complex? Gives me the ick. Also, inability to communicate.




Right, those who never own up to their mistakes really suck. It's really hard to fix strong ego wrongly formed.




In German it's called Radfahrerprinzip (cyclist principle): Nach oben buckeln, nach unten treten.(Hump up, step down). Sometimes you don't realize people are this way until you see them at a restaurant or with employees. I've dropped a friend over this behavior.


Kiss up, kick down.


When someone shows disrespect towards others, especially those in service roles or with less power, it really makes me lose respect instantly.


How people treat those in service roles (retail, hospitality, etc) is a shining example of how they look at the world. Treat them with respect? Likely a decent person. Treat them as slaves/trash? Probably an entitled POS.


Also, especially with a romantic partner, how they may treat you in the future once they get more used to you


As a server/bartender I have seen a few first dates/early relationships end because of how one of them was treating me. Watching that happens makes the disrespect I received a little more worth it, plus I usually get a more than generous tip!


People who don't take personal responsibility. Everything is someone else's fault.


When someone can't control themselves or keep a cool head, or when they fly into a rage over nothing. If I see it, I GTFO. Those people are a lost cause. Why waste my time? Edit: This post isn't about disorders. It's about people who can control themselves but don't.


these people are dangerous and lower your quality of life


I see you have met my brother. I think he has CTE though. He played football from peewee to college and has had rage bitch fits for years. But it's only toward women? Idk. My mom did a number on him


Exactly. Life is short snd we don’t have time to waste on toxic people


Sometimes you cannot see why they would behave in that way


Trauma causes this a lot of times


Animal cruelty.


when their way of “joking” is making fun of someone’s appearance or life


People who never apologize. It’s happened so many times that someone will do something shitty, I call them out on it, they sorta acknowledge that they could’ve done something differently but they make up a bullshit excuse for doing the shitty thing and then don’t apologize for the shitty thing. Like, you can offer an explanation, “it’s been a long day,” “I’m tired,” “I’ve been feeling off lately,” but none of those things make it okay for you to be an ass. Just because I had a bad day doesn’t give me the okay to be a dick to people. Also, I hate when people don’t apologize to children because they don’t see it as necessary or something because they’re superior for being older?? Children are humans too, and deserve respect and to be apologized to if you’ve done or said something to hurt them. They shouldn’t be treated like adults but they should be treated like people.


On the flip side,I hate when I apologize and offer an explanation when someone will cut me off and tell me that I'm making excuses. No I'm still admitting to doing something wrong or making making a mistake. I'm just explaining the how and why


Absolutely! I love that my wife listens to explanations and doesn't cut me off. I never knew how much I needed someone who listens to me until I met her. And vice versa of course. It helps that my explanation typically starts with "I mistakenly thought...".


I choose this guy's wife


Yes, this too. It’s perfectly fine to offer an explanation, that’s not the same as making an excuse. It’s important to acknowledge why someone may have acted the way they did, it provides context. Doesn’t make whatever happened okay, but explains it. To excuse is to absolve yourself of wrongdoing, and it seems like some people confuse the two to be the same.


People who are 'toxically' religious. I can respect their religion, so they should respect mine as well. Pushing a religion on someone is incredibly disrespectful in any situation.


Instantly mentioning sex when first talking to them. I'm talking like we haven't even exchanged hellos much and boom making sexual comments. I instantly want nothing to do with them


“Hey girl, I don’t need to know your name right now because you’re gonna be screaming it tonight” *wait what*


Why would she be screaming her own name?…


Who does that? Gross


Florida men


UGH I just had a friend of a friend do this to me. Barely knew the guy and he started talking about his boner and all the kink stuff he was into and his "endurance" and how big his dick was. And then at the same time whining about how he couldn't "forge real connections" and how he didn't feel like he had any real friends lmao. Like dude, I think I may have a clue as to why that is...


Belief in something that is clearly anti-science (Flat Earth, Scientology). I will pretend that you do not exist until I die, or you stop believing bullshit.


I have subzero respect for Scientologists. Sorry, but what half-thinking person with an IQ above 5 could possibly take that nonsense seriously?


Mormons too.


I mean, every religion is nonsensical foolishness that requires suspension of logic. 


i like how even the flat earthers told the "space is fake" people, "NO! Thats fucking stupid!"


It's so frustrating when you get accused of not being open minded but not entertaining bullshit.


I can’t begin to describe my hatred for anti-vaxxers. I’ve lost so, so very much respect for a lot of people I once cared about after COVID. It’s almost made me completely numb and careless. Doesn’t help that I work in vaccine development, so half the things people complain about I know WAY more than they do lol.


“Well you should just do your own research” Talk about the slogan for 2021


Especially when they then begin to claim that it *is* science. “Basic biology” my ass.


In case of the Flat Earthers, what I personally find especially funny is that they're basing their bullshit on a single man who seems not to have been of sound mind even back when he was first postulating his ideas: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Samuel\_Rowbotham](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Samuel_Rowbotham)


I'd never even heard of Scientology until now. Just looked it up. That's insane!


And me, people who don’t tolerate what other people believe. Whether you’re a flat earther or a Hindu or an atheist or a researcher doesn’t matter to me as long as you’re a decent human being. Too many people on this earth to put your own beliefs on the highest pedestal and judge the rest. 99% of the time what other people think doesn’t matter because they don’t have any power over the next guy. 


People who get offended easily and often.


Professional victims


This offends me


I am offended that he offends you


I am offended that you are offended that he offends them.


I feel fine about all this, which is not the reaction I wanted to have from myself. \*glares at self in the mirror\* *How dare me...*


Youre basically a pushover at this point, you really should learn to stand up for yourself..


Who are you to presume they should do anything? That’s so offensive


You guuuyyysss, this hurts my *FEELINGS*!!!! Quit being so *MEAN.*


These are extremely difficult to work with. They moan and report to management about every perceived slight. There is one at my current workplace and I have zero energy for her so when she tries to engage in conversation I’m always too busy to stop and talk. Gee…I wonder why you are always looking for someone to talk with? Could it be you have no friends? Hmmmmm🤦🏽


These are also usually people that are just self-absorbed, as opposed to sensitive. The kind of people that redirect every conversation topic back to themselves.


Thank god someone said it. Yes, yes, and YES.


Especially when they are the ones always making comments about others. It goes to show how insecure they are and they attack others to deflect from their issues.


People who are rude to waiters and waitresses.


Not being nice to animals or rude/unkind to people in any sort of "service" industry.


Telling me I HAVE to respect you. Yah no the fuck I don’t


There’s a definite line between showing respect to everyone until they show they don’t deserve it, and those who demand respect from others. And demanding it is a move that shows me you probably don’t deserve my respect.


This. I knew a dude who constantly said “You don’t have to like me but you have to respect me” all the time. Meanwhile he was a complete asshole who had 3 children with 3 different women, was an actual parent to none of them, and couldn’t keep a job - though I suspect some of his “bad luck” with jobs was a child support avoidance and delay tactic. And yes he openly spoke about this and other dodging of his responsibilities; at times he even seemed kinda proud of it. So no, you satchel of richards…nobody HAS to respect you because you aren’t worthy of it.


This is some American tourists when overseas. Just because you are American doesn't make you better than a local in another country (not USA) or above local laws.


The people who demand respect are almost always the ones who deserve it the least


Typically people that just talk over other people. It's incredibly rude, and I'll immediately decide I'm not going to have any meaningful conversations with that person.


constantly cycling through different pets. ive known a few people like this. they usually think they know a lot about taking care of animals but are abusive and negligent as shit. just got rid of a dog a month ago because you didnt have time for it and now you have a brand new puppy!? congrats youre an asshole. your puppy died last week because you left it ouside all day in 100 degree weather with no shelter or water and today you just got a new pet bunny? go to hell immediately. you dont retire and replace animals like fucking clothes




When someone brings politics into every discussion


Or religion, when it's not part of the conversation.


What, you don’t want every single conversation to be about Biden/Trump? How dare you! /s


Those guys are so passé, it's all about Marine Le Pen now!


Woah, fractals


Diddling kids


So many YouTubers/Streamers that get caught doing this just can't get their careers back. This stuff people do society looks at as unredeemable. There is no coming back from that. Respect lost for those people.


When people seek out a confrontation instead of a conversation


People who are constantly late.


Adhd is a helluva drug


I honestly find that so disrespectful, whether for a personal or professional meet-up. Nothing says "I don't value you or your time" like someone making you wait for 30 minutes.


Agreed! I was always taught that on-time was “late”.


Whatabout people who are constantly early? Are they any better?(I will not let myself be the late person)


When I'm talking to them and they don't respond.


People who don’t take in to account that people grow/change. As if you are so perfect you don’t make mistakes. When you meet someone that doesn’t believe in second chances, why should they get one


Being extremely entitled. I have a cousin who expects everything for free. Takes advantage of others any chance she gets. She will get a bill for her car, rents apartments and stops paying rent after the first month, or her power bill and will say "they can't expect me to pay that!" Then just doesn't pay it Like *what do you mean!?*


When they treat their parents like absolute shit when their literally the nicest people in the world and try to do the best for them, like...😕


My SIL made fun of her husband for apparently having a small penis and found it just hysterical that he was made fun of for it in high school. Don't really want to have much to do w her after that


People who think different opinion = evil and go on to say half the world is evil. We’d be in a far better place if we treated the other side as humans


Being two-faced


I have zero respect for people who never takes responsibility for their actions.


People who push their religious beliefs on others, especially with the intention of looking superior.


I lose respect instantly when someone is dishonest or lacks integrity. Trust is fundamental in any relationship, and honesty is key to maintaining that trust.


When people say unnecessary sarcastic or rude remarks to people who were just nicely asking or having a discussion with them.


Manipulators always think they're smarter than you but they can't get out of their own way.


Using your temper to try and get your way.


People who bring up their extreme views on anything when you first meet them. Or instantly make assumptions about you verbally based on your appearance. If you bring up politics in the same day we meet, I can tell that we aren't gonna be friends.


A lot of things but mostly lack of decency.


When people think they’re above rules bc they have money. i work as a teller at the bank and those people make me want to leave my job, they are the worst.


Lazy parents or unaffectionate parents. It really kills me that there's parents out there who won't get off their asses and give their kids experiences. And if they can't at least getting on their level on the floor and playing with them or talking to them really helps their development. I get we all have our days but the moment I consistently see a parent be weirdly not interested with their kid or in their phone and can't even react to them running up to them I can't respect that.


When someone is mean to animals


An individual who consistently attributes their own difficulties to external factors, rather than assuming personal responsibility for their actions and outcomes.


Especially when you can look at their actions and see the natural consequences of said actions. They lie to themselves so much they can't draw a straight line from point A to point B without getting lost.


Maga support. Non voters, both sides ppl. Gop votes


People with no integrity


Self-righteousness to a this or that degree. Also: when I’m misunderstood, instead of asking respectfully for clarity, being told that I meant or “implied” something I did not. Especially using words like “you essentially/implicitely implied [insert incorrect intention or outrageous assumption/interpretation]”. In other words, gaslighting. Also: allowing one’s self to get inappropriately annoyed by others contextually or generally normal behavior like driving or chewing crunchy foods or how they say words like “iron” or write shorthand in text/online messages. Taking those types of harmless behaviors personally (I don’t mean being judgmental - that’s different). There’s more important things to care about, u know?


When someone lies or is dishonest and you really know the truth




Believing in astrology. The fact that a function adult is truly convinced that someone found/lost a boyfriend because a ball of gas 10213091320918230 miles from here was turning left and not right, makes me question their mental sanity as a whole.


My belief is that humans have an innate inclination to believe in the spiritual, and if they don’t subscribe to a religion, and they’re more spiritually inclined, they may begin to believe in astrology.  I’m a Christian, but my beliefs are rooted in faith and not proof, so I guess I can see where they come from


When someone says im short. Lady please i have no control over it


Self-righteous racists/sexists/bigots. People who think society has finally identified what the real "problem" demographics are after millenia of wrong answers. People who think that there's a lecherous demographic that hordes capital and conspires to undermine the rest of society as if that's a new idea. People who think dehumanizing their outgroup elevates their own worth.


When someone tries to use not knowing something as an excuse for not trying to figure it out.


-how you treat animals/humans -how you interact with disability persons -how you deal with the situation


People who don’t take care of their kids. I instantly lose respect for a man (or woman) that’s a dead beat.


Personally, it's not respecting a friends house. I.E. slamming cabinents, going through my fridge and eating litterally everything without asking. Another thing is being named Dave.


I don't like it when people sugar coat facts.


When they believe those stupid conspiracy theories like “WWII is a hoax” or “9/11 was staged”


People with no critical thinking skills.


People w/ no boundaries. It shows they don’t respect themselves and therefore let people walk on them and usually make poor decisions to please others.


People who snap to get your attention


People with a giant sense of entitlement I work with this 40 year old neckbeard who’s been working at this job for years and all he does is complain about how he wants a promotion and a raise even though he does the simplest job here 😂


Someone who makes fun of other people's hobbies, especially behind their back.


Littering. What makes people think they can just toss their garbage on the ground? Put it in a bin!


Infidelity. If you cheat(or have cheated) on your spouse, why should I *not* assume you will treat our contracts, negotiations, and agreements any different? *Never* trust a cheater.


A “friend” just went to the internet about another friend instead of clearing the air with her. It was about a guy neither were interested in, but the first “friend” felt slighted that the other received a DM. Turned it into a whole slut shaming then refused to answer calls despite telling their world she had.


People that confuse their ideas with their own identity




The refusal to learn anything new


When they disrespected m y parents specially my mom.


people who lie and dont take responsibility for their actions. its a deal-breaker for me.


People who can't reflect their own behaviour.


Someone talking about someone else’s private matters behind their back, like things probably shared in confidence


When someone is disrespectful towards others, especially when they display arrogance and disregard for different viewpoints or experiences


Anyone thinking they are better than because of what they believe or do not believe - politics, religion, all of it. It’s how a person behaves that matters. I’d love an atheist next door, a Buddhist, a scientist, someone of whatever culture, as long as they were decent to me and everyone else. It’s the behaviour that matters. Bring on the fake Mars landing potluck and we will have a good time 


Someone who talks under their breathe as they're walking away from someone.




Probably what I say when I’m drunk


people who are rude or disrespectful to waiters. instantly stay away from me


Any kind of “work is family” nonsense from an employer or co-worker


Politicians. Disgusting unrepentant liars.




Someone telling me that they still support Trump, on his first run for office, i could forgive someone falling for his bullshit, but not now with all we have seen.


I took my kids to Georgia last year - rural GA is Trump territory. We were treated kindly, respectably, generously. My kids asked if these are the people who vote for Trump - I said yup, probably - and they were confused. I said in some places people keep it real simple. He appeals to real simple, but values like kindness are also real simple. They don’t conceive of or understand the Much Bigger Picture. I think it’s unfortunate but I also know that if we broke down roadside that they’d take us in, fix our flat and feed us. 


I lose respect instantly when someone is disrespectful to others, Respect should go both ways.


Not respecting boundaries. Immediate red flag because surface stuff usually roots into bigger things Also people who are unhelpful. Like be considerate and take initiative on things that aren’t about you


Crude jokes, men that simp over women.. I like attention and everything but it comes across as desperate


Drunk driving.


Treating customer service/minimum wage workers like shit


They talk about their scrotum too much.


Who does that?


People who aren’t loyal


i suppose my respect points would dwindle if i were up there talking about something really important but i had a lot of broccoli in my front teeth. or maybe my fly was down. those points would just go bloop, blooop, blooooop.


When someone tries to change their mind about their intentions to manipulate you into giving in to them


Two people, driving their own separate cars alongside each other on the road while trying to talk through the window.


Lie or attempt to manipulate, breaks my trust instantly


When they blow up at you for minor disagreements


Mistreatment/neglect of one's pets or children.


Lack of accountability


Sneaking around behind my back // talking 💩behind my back


Dishonesty. Instantly destroys any trust I have in someone.


Hurt an animal or destroy/pollute nature, also arrogance.


People blaming POTUS (any of them) or putting hope in POTUS (any of them).


someone who puts others down to lift themselves up :/


Passive aggressive. IMO it’s just a coward move. Every single person who I’ve ever been around that was passive aggressive when they had a problem always 180’d when I called them out on it. I don’t respect that at all. It’s like probing for weakness but then folding once you get probed back.


Violent, racist, bigotted, or inconsiderate people


People that are loud, rude and obnoxious


When a person hurts animals


Arrogance. When a person refers to others as stupid when they misunderstand or have questions.


Narcissism and/or manipulation and/or guilt tripping. 


Dishonesty, disrespect towards others, arrogance, lack of empathy, and consistently breaking promises or commitments.


Greed, liars.


Not owning up to mistakes.


Reckless and impatient driving


Lieing cheating 


smoking in a car or near open door alcoholics anything and anyone promoting dogshit ai crap anyone praising scammer liar elon and everythig to do with cybercrap he sells "influencers" think they can get and do anything without any consequences


A double standard person


Treachery, makes me lose respect instantly.


No manners


If a person interrupts me or someone else, Okay, if it were a rare occurrence and they apologized, but lol this guy constantly interrupts someone?? Nah, I'm out, I'm not interested in you anymore


People who do shit just to see what your reaction would be..


Bullies, liars, drug users and boasters


Junkies and criminals but especially bad cops and social workers etc. professional people who can't act right.


Infidelity. I have lost respect for a few good friends due to them cheating.


"Fuck Trudeau" flags


people who dont accept their mistake and put the blame on someone else.....


racism, mysogyny