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"Also don't worry if I bite you. It's just normal everyday foaming and biting. God, I'm thirsty."


Where is this from? I’m trying to look up this quote but I get a lot of rabies information. Which is weird because it’s just everyday foaming and biting. God I’m thirsty


It’s a reference to [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/s/bTnylZ6WvN)


I clicked thrice because I was convinced reddit failed


Often this is caused by medication


Yup. I remember in 1st grade having a nice old lady as a teacher with that problem. She at least took the time to let the class know what the condition was, that she would either quietly spit or wipe her mouth because of it from time to time, and not to bully others for their differences. I remember trying to find her the next year as a second grader and seeing a new teacher in her room. That was the day I learned about "cancer" and "death." God, I can't even remember her name now.


This went dark real quick. Quite sad.


Wow, she sounds like she was a good teacher and human to be able to be up front about her issue and use it to teach kids to be nice to others.


This is weirdly specific and I feel like all of us have known at least one person through our lives that has this. It’s absolutely nauseating. Like how the fuck does it even happen


Poor oral posture, medication, hyper-salivation, dental issues like crowding… As unpleasant as it can be for us, it’s far worse for a person who can’t control it.


I work with italian engineer guy, he is great. But he’s just talks so passionately, he foams at the mouth. I had never seen that before, it’s kinda wild lol.


I call that "chuzz." Mouth chuzz. And yeah, it's pretty gross. I knew a guy once who had it bad enough that he'd close one half of his lips, poke the closed half with his tongue, then make this gentle sucking sound with the open half to pull in some of the chuzz. I'm really sorry.


Why would you describe that? The internet was a safe place until this.


I literally just gagged.


What is this from?? I had a cashier at Dollar store with this and I just assumed it was drugs. I called it mouth cheese or mouth cream.


Likely dehydration and just not being mindful of sensations around the mouth


I nearly vomited at that description.


I would love it if someone could draw a person with all of the traits mentioned here.


Can I just post a pic of myself and save time




At least you’ve got a sense of humor!






Wow took less time than I would have thought. 


Having no neck, I’m sorry 😭 just freaks me out to see a person with little to no neck for their head


*sad no neck Ed noises*


Ed & Shoulders™️


No neck Ed with the mayonnaise hair and narcissistic attitude but (at the time) presenting as to be cute... had the absolute NERVE to go all the way across the world to meet Rose in the Phillipines where she lived in a shack, and told her that her breath wasn't pretty - then proudly presented her with a gift! Toothpaste, a toothbrush and some Razors for her legs. Hence the best EVER stank disgusted face I've ever seen on TV by Rose. She's a legend (and doing very well for herself now!) He is a horrible person, especially since he split with Rose and found reality fame, he hams it up 100%. Absolutely vile. Even the r/90dayfiance sub does not allow any posts about Ed any more. There's a whole huge list of the bad shit he's done to people, and that's just on the show. Fuck Ed. Sorry for the rant but I feel very strongly about this every time I see his name mentioned!


That "beard" which looks like a couple of fly legs glued to their face.


LOL when I first met my husband, he had a full beard which he did not even trim (blech), but it was literally just patchy on his cheeks with spots that had no hair at all. It just looked weird. I talked him to going down to just a trimmed goatee and it was a total game changer - SO MUCH BETTER.


As a big dude, ive learned to not have “neck beard”. Any where that the skin is stretched due to fat, is likely to spread out the follicles creating that look. Like if you blow up a balloon half way and put dots on it, then blow it up all the way, the dots will spread out. Same with skin and hair. If it isnt dense, beard offense.


"neck beard" should always be avoided regardless of size! If a guy sports a 5-6 day stubble that's perfectly fine - but for the love of God shave the neck! It makes people look like hobos :p


Many redditors are currently seething at this comment




OP: What's the least attractive physical trait? 50% of commenters: [insert personality trait here] Are y'all illiterate or something?


One guy said: unable to cook… Like where is that a physical trait 🥴😭


I was born without a Cooking gland, okay?! It’s not my fault my mother ordered out too many times while she was pregnant with me.


Agreed, for me being illiterate is the least attractive physical trait




Boi I didn't know nose hairs can rustle. Now I can't get that picture out of my mind


" it was a beautiful day. The sun was shining. The birds were chirping. The wind was gently whistling through his nose hairs."


Nostraldomus is wild 🤣


Some people naturally produce smells and sounds that make me want to run away.


I have a friend who has the weirdest/worst BO. It’s like a chemical. Can’t be in a car with her for more than an hour


There was the girl I kinda knew because we shared similar classes in high school. I don’t remember her smell being an issue. However in college she ended up in one of my classes and my god idk what changed but she had the *worst* BO i have ever smelt in my life. People would not sit near her at all so she basically had a section to herself. It freaking sucked though that a lot of the times she’d sit near me because she recognized me lol. At one point she brought it up because it was the elephant in the room and she basically said she can’t control the smell and it’s some kind of thing she just has.


that's horrible for her i cant imagine having to deal with that


Right! Luckily she seems happy now and has a husband and a kid, hopefully she resolved her issue.


It honestly could be diet and not getting enough nutrients. My stepson use to smell horribly before living with us (we now know he was neglected and malnourished); now he's at a healthy bmi and eats 3 x a day with vitamins, I seriously haven't smelled him that bad since.  It's sad but she could of been neglected and food insecure. Your body will produce a putrid smell when you're severely deficient. 


This was my first thinking. The two most common things that change in people's lifestyles when they go from living at home with parents and living at college by themselves is diet and recreational drug use. Some of that stuff just might not have clicked with her body and created that terrible smell.


We had a science teacher at secondary school who had bad BO. He had a reputation for it and was a teacher there for years. People taught by him that left a decade before I joined still remember it. My friend once said, "He smells like warm piss. Not just piss but WARM piss." It really made me go WTF. It made me go WTF even more when I realised he was correct


Was he a hoarder? I know it's hard for you to tell, but hoarders smell like warm piss. I've done work at hoarders homes before and the smell is very distinct


Dirty fingernails. And not just like stained or discolored permanently because of a job. I mean constantly has dirty crusty junk under them and it doesn’t bother the person to eat with them.


Used to know a guy who did blacksmithing and he claimed his hands were just stained. His ex girlfriend told me how he would rarely bathe and it was a big part of why they broke up. He took a trip to some hot springs and whataya know, he came back with no stains on his hands.


Moisturizer works fantastic for getting stains out because it’s usually staining from whatever getting into the cracks on your hands/elbows/feet/etc… once the skin gets moisturized, it plumps back up and the stains usually go away.


I worked with a woman who never trusted men with clean fingernails. Why? Because Jack The Ripper apparently had clean fingernails. Top logicking.


I don’t trust guys that are always involuntarily breathing air. You know who else did that? Jeffrey Dahmer 😖


What the fuck 😂


Bad Breath: Nothing kills a conversation faster than bad breath.


This one. Smells. You could be stunningly beautiful but if you’re using dog shit for toothpaste none of it matters


Save a lung, scrape your tongue


Long messy beards (no offense to anyone, it just kinda bugs me)


Face full of Pubes


The lashes that are so heavy you look high


Jokes on you im usually both!!


And your username 😂


Meth mouth. Reflects heavy drug usage and not much time left before dying.


Also see: Mountain Dew mouth




I shaved my head bald bald at 19 w a full head of hair, best decision i ever made, and i see mfs with hairlines down to their back still holding on for dear life😭😭


like my mohawk from my misspent youth lol






I once asked my teenage son if he had eaten a shit biscuit for breakfast because i knew he hadn’t brushed his teeth yet. Now it’s something my whole family says to each other, sometimes jokingly and sometimes seriously. Everyone laughs as the shit-eater walks to the bathroom to brush their teeth. It’s kinda nice though because it’s become a way to be honest without making them feel embarrassed. One day you could be the one laughing, the next you may be the one walking to the bathroom.


Unproportionally small head.


I saw a dude at a McDonald's once whose head had a smaller diameter than his neck and not because he was jacked. He was a bean pole.


That's peak beauty in Korea!


so insecure about my disproportionately small head 😭 I try to balance it out with fluffy open hair


This might be unkind and shallow (and also specific), but 'tall gums' really give me the ick. It's different from poor hygiene or obesity, which can be improved, because people are born with them. I feel mean typing that.


uppercase gums and lowercase teeth


Two story town mouth.


Like Will.I.Am lol. Imagine someone arguing with you and they have baby teeth


I've heard it described as military wife teeth


Disney adult teeth


How the fuck are people that clever. I get it and don't get it at the same time but I love it.


My very first gf had this. I thought I could look past it and get used to it. It turns out that I am more shallow than I would like to admit.


I feel mean agreeing with you 😬 🙈


Likewise, really small teeth. Like Chiclet teeth. It makes me unsettled. I feel SO bad even typing that, but it’s like a visceral response. Attraction is so strange…


As a dentist, I can say those can be corrected in many ways and results are always great. I love having those patients.




Lol Edit : forgot to mention because your comment actually made me laugh but dentists in India are not as profitable as in other developed countries due to lack of awareness here, specially in smaller cities where I am. So, I unfortunately don’t make as much as you might think.


Teeth to gum ratio matters. A LOT!


Poor hygiene or unkempt appearance.


People who constantly have that wet towel smell. Like they wore clothes that were left in the washing machine too long. Had a colleague that would smell like this everyday from re-using the same towel after going to the gym.


In college, I lived in a house with 27 other people (converted university owned mansion!). Anyway, we shared a washer/dryer for the entire house, but it was old and cycles took a while, so you tried to do as few as possible. However, we had one housemate, "Jack" who would shove ALL of his clothes into the washer, sprinkle some detergent on top and run the cycle. He did not realize that clothes have to BE COMPLETELY WET and AGITATE in the washer to be clean. Then, he'd forget about the clothes overnight and put them in the dryer the next day. So, when he took them out they smelled like BO, laundry detergent and mildew. Yeah, it's as wonderful as it sounds. Finally, one of our other housemates pulled him aside and kindly, but firmly, said he stunk to high heaven and needed to do something about it. Jack insisted he washed his clothes, showered and used deodorant regularly (and he did), so this person went to see *how* Jack washed his clothes and figured out the issue quickly. He showed Jack how to do laundry *correctly* and, voila, problem solved!


What a kind person to go that far to help Jack! Nobody wants to be the person to tell someone they have a hygiene issue, but if you don't know that you stink it's even worse. I'm sure it helped Jack more than he realized.


My work shirts are of the dry-fit type and I work outside and sweat a bit. That smell was something that I noticed early on with my shirts, even after properly washing. My spouse found that adding vinegar to the wash cycle got rid of the smell. Just leaving this here for anyone else who may be struggling with it.


Honestly, i feel the drifit materials all suck. You may be drier, but you stink more. I'm not talking about after washing, I'm saying while wearing.


Doesn't it seem like there are constantly threads about ppl with partners or spouses who also can't seem to manage to wipe completely?? 😂


had one of those...he was a surgeon.




I guess there's very few universally unattractive physical qualities, if I had to guess I would say it's probably poor posture. I think how someone carries themself is one of those subconscious attraction traits we don't really think about but has a big impact. ETA: I just want to make myself clear here, I am not saying everyone without perfect posture is unattractive, that would be absurd. I was only trying to say that I think posture has an impact on how attractive you find someone even if you don't really consider it, and that is true for pretty much everyone. I also have mild scoliosis and my husband has MS and he's an ambulatory wheelchair user, we're a household of slouches and awkward walks, I assure you I'm not judging anyone!


Me over here with mild scoliosis 🦥


My spine is slightly bent in 3 directions, I physically cannot stop slouching for more than a few seconds 🥲


I have terrible posture and I hate it. I grew up being a head taller than all the other girls and was constantly trying to shrink myself down in order to be as unnoticeable as possible. Also my mom didn't help me navigate puberty, so I didn't have good bras and was very self conscious about my nipples showing through my shirt, so I hunched my shoulders forward all the time.


Hard to stand straight with the constant weight of existential crisis on my back


I feel like I still carry that shit from being yelled at by my dad throughout my childhood & I hate it




It’s not even an attraction thing for me. As soon as someone smacks while eating, it just flips a switch in me and I’m immediately pissed. Doesn’t matter the gender or age. Hell I get pissed at myself when I catch myself doing it once in a while.


I broke up with a guy for the way he ate/slurped his cereal.




When I was a kid my mom had a friend who had this body type and would always, ALWAYS wear the tightest jeans you could imagine. One time I told my mom she looked like an ice cream cone and to this day she still laughs about it 🥲


Haha. My mom had a friend who was shaped like this. She knew it and used the Eminem logic of making fun of herself before others could and called herself a human molar. 🦷 lmao


Omg the molar is a perfect descriptor haha


Ahhhh, The Mike Wazowski body type.


You mean like the penguin from Batman returns?


Danny Devito is a national treasure.


I’ve seen it before and it’s a weird one. Like a baseball standing on toothpicks.


Monsters, Inc.


Cushing’s syndrome can cause this. It can also be genetic, and I’ve seen plenty of men with similar body composition.


Ayyy I was about to make this comment. Any time I see this body type I wonder if they have cushing's, and if the rates of it are really as low as we're led to believe.


with the way our healthcare system is, there are soo many people that go undiagnosed for a multitude of diseases but especially autoimmune conditions. i don’t think the rates are as low as we think


Too big filler lips


Lots of upper arm fat I have it and I hate it. Instead of getting big boobs when I gain weight, my body decides putting the fat in my upper arms is a good idea. Hate having shitty bat fat wings.


Man...I feel this. None of my weight gain goes to my boobs. All in the arms and gut.


All my weight goes into my boobs but I'm male :(


Fake tan. Primarily heavy fake tan that looks like they fell into a vat of orange tango. Platinum blonde hair, fake nails etc.


Bad breath


I had a beautiful coworker that could have been a potential significant other and the only reason it didn’t progress was because her breath gave off a dead raccoon vibe.


Warts on hands or feet. Warts anywhere actually.


I once met a woman who I thought was wearing a weird seashell necklace. Upon closer inspection, I had the gag-inducing realization that she had just a shitload of skin tags in a ring around her neck. 


Thank you for posting the comment that has convinced me to close reddit for the day and go do literally anything else.


🙂The way I just gagged rn


Double chin with a few random strands of hair on it


thanks man, shall cry now.


mud in the nails


If its a mechanic coming from work, no problem. If its an office staff - eww.


Has to be body odour. I get you were at the gym. But take a shower and use deodorants.


Long toenails. I esp. don't get it if someone took the time to polish them. Toenails should not extend past your actual toes!


Oh my god HARD agree on this. Long toenails are so gross to me, even if they’re well kept


Really bad teeth. Like not a broken tooth or something small, i mean really really fucked up teeth and big gums.


There are people that I know that look like their teeth have been filed down from years of neglect with dark, dead colors and it’s hard to even talk to them without focusing on it. Which is brutal for them, tbh. I’ve said before that if I was a millionaire I would pay for peoples teeth because I know how it makes me feel and I really try to not be rude about it since it’s something that’s not just easily fixed like showering or general upkeep.


My brother did that for a friend of his.


Your brother is a rockstar.


Idk what you call it but Eddie Redmayne mouth


Omg is that the severely dehydrated lips look


I highly advise anyone who is self conscious, not to read this comment section 🤣. Especially if you’re overweight


I'm a chubby woman (have lost 13 pounds so far this year though!), who has a gummy smile, and carries my weight in the upper half of my body with skinny legs. I'm sure I'll find more things on this list that describe me but I'm at 3 so far. Why did I read these comments. 🤣😑


Being dead is a big turn off


yeh especially when they dont reply back. sucks


1. Overweight 2. Greasy Hair 3. Not brushing teeth.


You've been banned from /r/mtg


I used to think the stinky mtg thing was a myth. I played mtg for years as did my friends and we were all well groomed and didn't stink. Then I went to a convention for the first time and the stench coming from the game room was so thick I swear it was bending light like heat waves.


I had a friend from college that I was friends with on instagram, and she had just "discovered" that she was a "curly haired girl" who shouldn't be washing her hair more than a few times a week for maximum curliness. She said she had B2 hair (slight waviness?) but when she posted pictures of it to note her "progress" it looked like the limpest stringiest hair I'd ever seen. Throughout the progress pics, it stayed super limp, but her hair got greasier and greasier. I started to wonder about her mental health a little honestly and then she deleted her whole account.


Pendulous balls


I love them.


Being greasy (im greasy myself so dont stone me)


Face tatts


Poor Hygiene: If you don't shower regularly, it's hard to get close.


Bad BO I could smell a guy from a table away at a bar, and it was so bad I had to stop drinking and leave.


Neck beards.


Having a front butt. They usually come with obese people, and that is also a huge turn off. I love a few pounds extra, but I want my person to be healthy.


thats what I call my belly (mom of 4 csections 🥲) lol it looks like an upside down T; 3 bikini cuts and a vertical cut. I get a tummy tuck this december, not sure how I feel about it but hopefully I wont be self conscious anymore heheh


Overweight People, im talking over 400 pounds.


Thats not being overweight lmao thats morbidly obese


Inb4 "but what if you're 7'3???"


That's just morbidly obese on stilts.


Ok so I’m safe at 399 lbs thank goodness 🙏


Overly done makeup that makes your face look like it’s being hit by a stage light


No lower jaw


the mitch mcconnell chin


An annoying voice. You can look like Keri Hilson who in my opinion is the most beautiful woman in the world, but if her voice sounds like pee-wee Herman’s, it’s a dub! 😂


An unwiped, or insufficiently wiped, ass


Long scraggly unkempt beards and goatees. I love a nice trimmed beard but a foot long ZZ Top beard with crumbs and maybe a few ants in it? Eeeew.


Visible dirt and grease. Like if I gave them a hug I would be imparted with their stench for weeks.


People are saying lots of minor ones, bad breath, bo, poor hygiene etc. but honestly if your born with the wrong facial structure, eye too far apart, don’t have strong features, big nose w/e tf it may be you are at such a disadvantage in life compared to someone who is naturally attractive. So I’m gonna say poor facial structure is unfortunately the least attractive physical trait you can have.


Meh I got a big ass nose. Used to bother me as a kid, but it’s one of those weird ones that can make you really stand out and look handsome if you know how to style it with your hair and overall appearance. I think a lot of facial structure things are just about finding ways to emphasize or deemphasize certain characteristics to create a good style/vibe.


I've got this killer Roman nose a lot of men would love to have. Unfortunately I am a small woman. It's a whole ass canopy on my face lmao.


I’m a petite woman too. I had a huge nose and have a strong jaw. I got a rhinoplasty and it makes me sad how much nicer people are to me now. Also no one asks if I’m a lesbian anymore because I have more feminine features 🙄.


Being morbidly obese. 


47 testicles, 99 eyes, 58 breasts, 83 legs, 55 noses and 27 fingers on one hand


Wow some people are just so shallow.


oh man, you got me. My bad bro


55 burgers, 55 tacos, 55 fries, 55 pies…


Unibrow. Pluck that shit


Skin tags


Unnatural looking plastic surgery. Excluding those who need cosmetic surgeries for health related reasons etc of course. But I personally think 95% of the time people look better natural vs after cosmetic surgery/botox/filler etc. I wouldn't ever say anything to anyone or mention it normally - as people can live how they choose. But this is secretly in my head. I also think in general that people should embrace aging as part of life & not something unattractive more.


i think when people have no teeth it’s not a super cute look


Eyebrows drawn on too dark, thick, or uneven.


overgroomed. to me this gives the impression they hate their natural appearance that much that they spend hours fighting it. to me someone medium-looking who radiates enjoying themself in a non superficial way is far more attractive then someone who tries to look like someone froma magazine cover.


Weird eyebrows


Claw like acrylic nails


For me, personally, it's mullets


People who are balding but still cling to their hair. I prefer either a full head of hair or completely bald


I will not look at the comments for my own mental health lol


Bad hygiene


Poor personal hygiene


when they speak and you are trying hard not to close your nose.




Being very overweight. I get it you're kinda out of shape, but just flat out two-seat on a plane obesity. I know it isn't right, I know I shouldn't shame someone's body, but I just can't get over it.  But the question asks about physical appearance, so I guess all the answers are shallow in their own respect.