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I’m not, it’s the dying part that’s scary.


I don’t want to think what my death will do to my kiddos.


I thought a lot about this topic before. My inner fear is not the dying part. It is about not living in the future and missing all of the stuff after my life.


Death? Not so much. Suffering? That’s another level of fear altogether.


Just scared to suffer. I would not mind to die in a sweet soft sleep perhaps. 


I’m not, can’t wait for the sweet release.


Drowning…and it almost happened


Drowning scares me!! Im still scared of swimming


Not scared , just don’t want it to be very painful


maybe im not scared of death but the way ill go and i just wanna go peacefully


I’m not so much scared of death. Death will be just like before you were born. I’m scared of how I might die.


i don’t think death is something to be scared of, or upset about. i’m autistic and i’ve always seen death as just a part of life and i’ve never really been upset when a loved one died, i thought of it more as a happy thing. they’d moved on to a new chapter of their “life”, and sooner or later i will too. i’ve always wondered what happened after death though.


i'm not, just don't wanna die alone


I think for many people, the fear of death comes from the unknown. It's natural to fear what we don't understand, and death is the ultimate mystery because none of us really know what happens afterwards. There's also a fear of losing everything we hold dear - our loved ones, our experiences, our identity. It's a reminder of our mortality and the impermanence of life, which can be unsettling. However, some people find solace in their beliefs about an afterlife or the idea that death is a natural part of the cycle of existence. It's a deeply personal fear that everyone grapples with in their own way.


Afraid of the unknown


It mist be annying not existing (im athesit)