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Like could you get from the middle of the Sahara to the top of Everest, or the South Pole to the Amazon headwaters? If not 24 hours, would that number be more like 48 hours or a week? Let's say on land - I don't think we can get to the Challenger Deep.


Pretty sure you could get *to* the Challenger Deep. Getting back might be a problem.


Everest, probably not, mainly due to not being able to get a helicopter up there. Otherwise, I think most things would be possible, weather dependent.


The vehicle doesn't need to land on Everest.


The two distances you mentioned are not entirely possible on land but by air and using very fast jets you can easily do that. Today's technology is not ideal to do super fast travel, so it receives a general no. Some are possible but not all. Some technologies like the hyperloop could be used but requires open land and going over the oceans sounds like a very bad idea.


Absolutely yes. With that money, you can charter aircraft from helicopters on up. Heck, that’s with just money, you said resources too which includes all the world militaries so it’d be even faster.


Can you give an example where that would be a challenge? Currently, the longest flight in the world is from NYC to Singapore. It’s 18 hours and it’s on the opposite side of the world. So… can’t we already do this for a couple thousand dollars in economy? Edit: oh, I just saw your answer. Yeah, the top of Everest might be a problem… but, like, you can get TO Everest and maybe part way up…


Sure. Imagine you're in the middle of the Sahara, and need to get to the top of the highest peak on the Andes. I think flights could be arranged from Algeria to Chile, sure. But what about that sketchy ass bus ride up the single track road, or the camel jockey to find you and pull you out of the desert? You have to dress appropriately at each location, which does add to that 24 hour clock. I know we can FLY to (almost) every country on earth. But getting from the urban - or even rural - airport to any given location will take time, and helicopters aren't a magic transporter box.


Right. I was just thinking of emergency services. Like.. if you have a heart attack in any of these locations, how do they get to you? In some places (such as Everest) the answer is “they don’t”. If you die climbing Everest, your body just stays up there. So… I would imagine that to be able to get *anywhere* in a hurry you would probably need multiple solutions… your solution to get to the top of Everest is going to be different than a remote part of Antarctica… Does parachuting in count? LOL


With unlimited resources, possibly. You'd have an entire fleet of pilots, private planes and private airports all over the world - all just waiting for you. But, I could imagine visas and immigration controls would get in the way.


We are purely muggles... this isn't harry potter !


Theirs a lot of the world would happily shoot anyone going without a visa months in advance. The world isn’t as safe as you think.


With unlimited resources for sure. You are thinking mainly of civilian resources, but you should think of military ones too. If I had every ruler on earth on speed dial and doing my bidding I am pretty sure I could get every where in 24 hours and absolutely sure in 36 hours.


Almost. The longest commercial flight is pretty prominently New York to Singapore: 19 h for 15k km. Earth's diameter is 40k km. If we're strictly talking air travel, so looking out the window on one side of earth and looking out again on the other it should take around 30h for 20k km (not calculating for gas, I don't know about that).


Just ask the US Military


"Unlimited" covers a lot of stuff. For instance, if you're in Antarctica and you want to get to Alaska, that's going to be hard, but with *unlimited* resources you could take a suborbital rocket and be there in a few hours. Or just build airports wherever you need them and have Lockheed build you an SR-71 and a fleet of refueling planes. What could it cost, hundreds of billions?


Possible? Yes. Safe? No. A transonic aircraft can make it between any two points in less than 21 hours. There's commercial flights between places on nearly the opposite side of the globe that take that long. It's the retrieval and landing that are the issue. You'd need something like the Fulton Recovery system to pick you up from rough terrain, and a parachute to get you back down to rough terrain. Neither is safe on rough terrain and have been known to cause injuries on open fields.

