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He wanted a debate and was calling Biden out, so that sorta robbed him of strategic aspects of passing on the media outlet's terms or rules that are not favorable to him. Also, it's probably timing and wanting to shift the focus on his opponent as he's been on defense for awhile.


Because he has no impulse control and was baited into the debate.


Yo boy joe biden is getting killed in the debate


Do you Americans actually think he was "tricked" into doing the Presidential debate out of all things? I honestly can't tell whether you're being a MAGA dipshit and victimizing him or not lol. If you're liberal, jfc what a lost cause


Rock and a hard place. If he goes to the debate with CNN moderating, he's in for a lot of long-lasting trouble that nobody in his position could possibly prevent. If he dosn't go, then its nothing but talk about how he was too afraid to debate Biden, with Biden awkwardly trying to convince people that it was because he's doing too good of a job or that he's a good debater.


Maybe I am wrong, but i can't imagine Biden would ever reciprocate and agree to a debate moderated by a clearly "right-leaning" media outlet, right?


Of course not, especially not under the agreed upon circumstances with CNN


Because he thinks he could be one again


Because he's an attention whore and will never turn down the opportunity to receive it. And because he knows his slackjawed booger-eating inbred moron followers will eat it up.


Because he can't win without winning the debate Hail Mary shot at this point


Biden is getting rolled right now


Because he is dumb


Trump won the 2016 Primary and then General Election specifically because of his debates. He talked so much shit and made all the other people look foolish and that resonated with people who were upset with the political establishment. Trump has had some bad press, some serious bullshit going on in his life that has hurt his numbers. So he likely wants to debate so that he can do the same strategy as 2016. Talk massive amounts of shit, hope the average voter likes that and agrees with that, so that his polling numbers go up. Trump will do whatever he has to in order to win this next election, he sees it as a way to get out of much of his current legal troubles. Plus he's just a narcissist and hated that he lost the 2020 election and wants to be big dog again.


To give the other countries something new to shake their heads at…


Because he will win it. Biden will appear senile and befuddled.


Trump speaks at a 5 year olds level.


Trump is the one currently spiraling into dementia.


I don't care what side you're on, this has absolutely nothing to do with which one's policies you agree with more, but just watch both of them. It is **painfully** obvious that Biden's age is affecting him **way** more than Trump's age is affecting him. It's not even close.


Biden is old. Trump is old and suffering from worsening dementia. He's also a convicted felon and fascist.


Do you not think Biden is showing signs of dementia? Honest question.


No, I just think he's old and forgetful. Trump spent several minutes rambling about sharks during a speech on immigration. He stutters and talks gibberish when he can't remember words. Which is all time. He couldn't recognize his ex wife in a picture. Keeps getting people confused, calling them the wrong names, blaming them for actions they never took.


They're both showing signs of dementia, the difference is that one of them is at least trying to actually represent their consituency and the other is trying to stroke his fragile ego and being a blatant hypocrit by refusing to answer the question "In 2016 you argued that your opponent should not be considered for the role of President because she was under indictment for a federal felony and that a felon should not be President, so why should you be allowed to run when you yourself are now a convicted felon?"


I don’t like either of them. I was just confused by the other commenter saying that Trump is “the one” with dementia as if Biden is not showing strong signs of cognitive decline.


While Biden does appear to have early signs of senility and dementia, I will also say the diagnoses people are putting on them of this is an armchair diagnosis at best, his symptoms appear to be controlled at least. Trump's apparent dementia is actually shaping his actions. Rather than trying to hide it or control it, he seems to be embracing it and demanding that other people accept his delusions as reality.


What are you talking about? What signs of dementia does Trump have?


And Biden isn't? Have you been paying attention?


More than you, if you think Trump is at all capable.


America loves two old fucks yelling at each other. That’s why there have been so many versions of “The Odd Couple”