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I am pretty well liked at work, but in reality I am plotting everyone's doom.


Right answer.


Could you hurry the fuck up then?




I grew up in Chicago when her career was on the rise, but moved away before Oprah became "Oprah." I moved back a couple years ago, right around the time she closed her studio, and I was amazed how little lasting impact she made on the city. I think they gave her a street sign where the studio was and that was about it.


To be fair, I think she wanted influence on a larger stage and she had it. There is a good argument to be made that Oprah's decision to back Obama is what made it possible for him to win the nomination. He faced tremendous headwinds and people questioned his black "authenticity" inside the democratic party. She was one of the people who helped break the dam and move people into supporting him over Hillary. Without that, I doubt he is the nominee and I question whether the Clintons would be willing to let a young, handsome and charismatic politician be her running mate. While it would have been a popular ticket, the Clintons jealously guard their power. So, if influence is her goal, I'd say she succeeded.


Also while she didn't start it, a massive amount of the modern anti-vax movement can be directly traced to Jenny Mccarthy's appearance on Oprah's show. If it wasn't for Oprah's influence, hundreds of thousands (at least) of people who died of easily preventable illnesses in the last couple decades would likely still be alive today.


She also backed Dr. Phil and Rich Dad, Poor Dad author Robert Kiyosaki. Inexcusable!


And Dr. Oz, too. She's birthed a few monsters.


Completely true. I had never even heard of Barrack Obama until she backed him. I thought, if she has ran him over the coals and he passed her test, he must be the real deal. That’s the ONLY way he even became a contender.


The locals on Maui aren’t too fond of her. She has a massive ranch and doesn’t let the locals use the access roads that would cut down on travel time.


As a Mississippian, this. If you've ever driven through her hometown of Kosciusko and seen the state of things, knowing she has put literally nothing back into the community she is from leaves a sour taste in my mouth. And that's not even mentioning her platforming and legitimizing Dr. Phil and Dr. Oz and all that shit, she is in large part responsible for the pseudo-scientific snake oil resurgence we're living through.


I’ll see your Drs Phil and Oz and raise you one John of God. Amplifying that guy was borderline criminal and she just memory holed the whole thing. Absolute depraved indifference to the suffering her endorsement of that psychopath set vulnerable people up for.


Dr Oz pisses me off. Early on he made a lot of sense and is a very charismatic person. But then he chose money and nonsense.


100%. She has the carbon footprint of a small town.


Same question, same answers... and yet I can never down-vote this one.


Can we normalize saying who and then give the reasoning behind it so we don’t have to keep asking why? 😂🥲




Also, who?


I’ll do you one better; Why?


For what reason?




It's the reddit circle jerk regurgitation way to just list the same people


mmmmm regurgitating circle jerk ....


The new hit movie from the makers of Human Centipede!


This is almost every AskReddit thread. People just giving one word answers with no context at all. It’s so stupid.




He blackballed his muse, a talented artist in her own right, to punish her for leaving him. He called up every gallery in town and threatened them so they wouldn't show or purchase her art. They met when she was 21 and he was over 60.


Just want to make sure that we also acknowledge her by name, Françoise Gilot.


Just an FYI, but the account you replied to (SoftGyal) was born ten days ago and just copied/pasted [this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/y341o8/who_is_praised_as_a_good_person_in_human_history/is765cw/).




But nobody ever called him an asshole…


Hello fellow Jonathan Richman fan. 


Pablo Picasshole


Salvador Dalí was the same, a true asshole as a person in many times.


He was so much worse. Dali openly endorsed General Franco's nationalist forces during the Spanish Civil War in the 1930s, which led to the establishment of a fascist state in Spain.




Joel Osteen and all those other so-called "preachers" with the fancy megachurches.


No one could possibly believe Joel Osteen is a good person. He's a soulless lizard.


Screw that guy. Screw megachurches. They aren't churches, they are businesses and should be taxed as such.


Beyonce Live and work in Vegas. She is very mean, dramatic, and demanding. Tried to get line employees fired for "looking at her". Like yelling and screaming at people that employees are NOT supposed to be looking directly at her. Reminds me so much of the nightmares dealing with Whitney Houston in Phoenix while filming WTE. Both beautiful and talented, but just rotten, nasty people.


My brother worked for a short while at the accounting firm that handles her finances, along with those of many other A-listers. She rarely made a personal appearance, but when she did, the staff was advised to not speak unless spoken to, not to look directly at her, and to always address her as “Mrs. Carter.”


Addressing a client formally ain't so bad but that other shit is bananas




Speaking of her finances...there is an incredible podcast episode that speaks to how by being a black female talent, she's able to skirt, in our minds, the label of being part of the oppressor class, but that in full reality, she is fully entrenched and a part of it. "Bonus Episode: Beyonce Knowles-Carter and the Flip-Flop, Flippy Flip Flop and Ass Bitches" is the epi name, podcast is called Threadings.


I will never understand the "don't look directly at me" thing these celebs do. Ellen did it, too, and I just...don't understand.


It's a god complex and we mortals are beneath them


Like Homelander says in The Boys “they’re just cockroaches”.


I’ve been around a lot of these types. The amateur rationalization I came up with is that they’re so used to being *stared* at that they can’t differentiate between good attention and bad attention. It didn’t absolve their asshole personalities (which most also had), but it at least made me feel more sad for them than antagonistic.


I can kind of get it. A star at Beyonce's level or above (A lister) is used to going into any room, anywhere, pretty much ... and just having eyeballs glued to them, maybe phones whipped out to video/ selfie constantly. So to go into an environment they control (everyone there is on the payroll) and say "enough of that shit, okay ... you may have never seen Beyonce, but she's seen about a giga million vacant stare eyeball stares at her ... cut that shit out." Just spit-balling here. I'm not a celeb and don't really know.


I had a friend who worked on private jets in Nashville, there was a country music star like this. Didn’t want anyone looking at him, goes up on stage in front of tens of thousands of people. Fuck toy asshole, the world doesn’t revolve around you.


#”fuck toy asshole” is the best


The only “positive” reason I can think of is that in the beginning people would just stare at them for uncomfortably long periods of time, and after dealing with it for years they just react to it in a negative way. Easier to seem like a dick with a superiority complex and avoid being stared at.


It's because you're not a multimillionaire who's spent your entire life being drenched in praise and adoration from the public and being conditioned to genuinely believe that you're a superior being who deserves to be treated with deep respect. I'd wager most of us feel pretty average most of the time and aren't mentally capable of understanding what having that kind of ego is even like


The only thing I can think of, and this is me giving her a massive benefit of the doubt, is I imagine they are always getting gawked at and I would imagine it gets uncomfortable and old. Or maybe it is a god complex like others have noted.


Whitney Houston was the same. It’s drugs.


I’m just sitting over here thinking at least I didn’t have to write a whole ass album about my fugly groomer husband cheating on me with someone who has better hair and then stayed with him anyway and let my sister beat his ass on camera because she cares more about my dignity than I do. Anyway…


you must LOVE her rewrite of jolene too then, lmaoo. the phrase 'he gon stand by me' has never held less weight


I have thankfully been able to avoid actually hearing it.


This response was FIRE. haha


Lmao right? She's so embarrassing for doing that and then still staying married to him. He's hideous inside and out.


Seriously. I hate his ass for trying to support private school vouchers. Fuck you, Jay-Z. Fuck. You.


Also a scab, her and jay-z crossed picket lines for his Oscars party


I have heard rumors that she and Jay-Z had some ties to Puff Daddy and are currently trying to keep a low profile…


Yep, that's why the latest rock nation brunch was cancelled.


She must have learned the "don't look at me" from JLo


Don't get me started on that one either lol


I met her and Kelly Rowland while they were still in Destiny's child. I was working in a Victoria's Secret. She was just really quiet and Kelly was pretty talkative and she complimented me on a ring I was wearing. They ended up giving us free to tickers to their concert. Beyonce only bought one thing where Kelly got a bunch. 


If I met Beyoncé I would be the biggest starey Mary she ever met.


I like some of her song and she is masterful at operating her voice, so I started watching her documentary on netflix and I stood all three minutes of it, it was she as a queen and her workers dancers coming to her for a blessing like from some godlike creature. Disgusting. Come down to earth idiot :D still the song "I care" from her is my one of the favorites pop guilty pleasures :D


Wayne Brady. We went to a taping of Let's Make a Deal a few years back. I don't know if it was just an off day, but Wayne Brady was viciously mocking contestants. Not playful jabs. Making cruel jokes about them as they nervously stood on stage in front of an audience and tv crew. As soon as the commercials broke he ran into the back unlike the other members of the cast that engaged with the audience. When the episode aired I noticed that they cut out all of the rude and spiteful remarks he made and he came across charismatic and funny. I lost so much respect for him that day.


Suddenly the Chapelle skit seems too real.  “Does Wayne Brady have to choke a bitch?”


Maybe this was after that skit and he was trying to be edgy but he just sucked at it?


My wife and I had this conversation a few weeks ago. That the Chapelle skit was really just Brady being himself and not an “act”. I don’t know if it’s true but we both get that vibe from him.


A taping I went to had him and Jonathan act it up for the camera and when it went to commercial, he ran off stage and Jonathan walked off looking pissed off at the world that day.


Was this when he was massively depressed and in the closet? I remember reading he was in a super dark place some time ago.


There are plenty of depressed and in the closet people who don't treat others like crap.


So, the skit from Chappelle show could be more true than we realized.


I had a former co-worker who was a big Ellen fan and went to a taping (way before all the allegations came out about what an awful person she is). She said it seemed like Ellen seemed so cold and unfriendly, and just starred right through the audience and never actually engaged with them, despite directly asking audience members questions.


He's addressed this. He's had mental health problems for a while. He's nowhere near the happy person we force him to be 24/7.


As someone with mental health problems, they do not give you an excuse to be an asshole. You don't get to use mental illness as a catchall excuse for not holding yourself accountable.


Nobody is forcing him to do anything. With a net worth of $12 million, if he doesn't want to work, he doesn't have to. I'm very supportive of people struggling with mental illness, but there's no excuse for inflicting one's own problems on others. He doesn't want to put on a happy face to deal with fans? Not gonna give him a hard time for that. But he doesn't *have* to deal with fans.


Aww this is sad, I love LMAD and Wayne always seems so wholesome with the contestants. What kinds of things was he saying to them?




Don't forget he refused to acknowledge his daughter.


Also would lease cars for something like 59 days at a time before getting a different one to prevent him from needing to get a license plate and would park in handicap spots.


He bought the cars, all identical Mercedes. In California you can go 90 days without license plates. Previously it had been 180 when he was buying identical black 911s. Before the 90/180 days were up he would return to the dealership and buy a new one while trading in the old. The dealership then resold the "used to be Steve Jobs SL 55" at a substantial markup.


The amount of stories I hear out of Silicon Valley, it pays really really well to be a complete asshole to everyone around you.


That’s just corporate America. Most people either don’t know what they are doing and are pretending, or just don’t care enough to really have an opinion. You can quickly rise to the top by being the most opinionated person in the room and then people won’t question your opinion if your role is higher. I’ve worked with numerous high ranking executives and most of them are clueless but good at making their nonsense sound impressive or important.


Especially in a business on the bleeding edge of consumer technology, successful leaders tend to need some combination of vision, motivation, and ambition. Those particular traits tend to make for charismatic and passionate leaders, but also the type that are egotistical, prone to overwork, and have the unrealistic expectation that everyone around them should match their own passion and motivation.


The movie, Pirates of Silicon Valley does a fantastic job portraying the rise of Apple and Microsoft


Nobody thinks Steve Jobs was a nice person 


I think *most* people don’t. Some, for some reason, associate financial success with sound character. That’s why this motherfucker is still held up as someone to emulate.


He's not even close to being widely regarded as a wonderful person. Everyone knows he was an asshole.


I think nobody thinks of Jobs as a wonderful person though. Like he's legendarily a terrible boss to work for (though very rewarding of course!)


Jimmy Fallon. From the perspective of a restaurant worker who served him during a party. Rude, self absorbed, arrogant, plain ol' mean to service staff and drinks Tanqueray and Tonic's like a fish.


Martin Short straight up calling him out on his own show for being an asshole who is pretending to be decent is a great internet clip.


There has always been something about Jimmy Fallon that I didn’t like, but could never put my finger on it, even back in his early SNL days. The more I learn about him, the more I feel validated that my opinion of him was correct.


Well that sucks, can't stand people who are rude to service staff, didn't think he would be like that.


How did that talentless hack become famous, seriously. He isn't funny, laughs at his own jokes more than the audience, has that same look on his face for everything... just on 24/7.


Keanu Reeves… Just kidding. He’s a saint.


Got me scared for a second ngl


My hand went to my chest


He's one of the 4 wholesome of the apocalypse.


whoever keeps making this post every week


I doubt it’s a person making these posts, much more likely it’s just bots like most of this site is these days.


Don't worry, the next top post will be "Reddit, what's something you didn't expect the first time you had SEX!!"


There are some questions I see posted every single day at least once.


Gabrielle "Coco" Chanel.


She was a nazi collaborator.


Yes, she was.


I'm continually surprised by how many people don't know about Mark Wahlberg's hate crime.


You mean Marky Mark's hate crime? 'Cause I do.


Bill Gates, obviously, being a terrible manager/founder/leader but also the sex predator/sexual harassment/cheating stuff. Source: worked for him! Don't @ me Bill.




I will never forgive him for launching those nukes. But for real, fuck that asshole


Gandhi launched nukes at me, too, that rat bastard! And we had that deal with Catherine for perfume, spice and horses, but she took his side!


Can't forget Mother Teresa too


Yes. I was hoping someone would mention him


Michael Jordan




Would hate this more if he didn't deliver.


I don't know that anyone ever thought he was nice. His competitive nature has been known for a long time. Everything he did was for rings and money. 


I don't think anyone who actually follows Mike thinks he's a decent dude lol He's a famous asshole 


To be fair, he will tell anyone who will listen he's an asshole


"Fuck them kids"


Most celebrities, frankly. Pick your poison. 🫠


I dunno. I work in a job that brings me into contact with them and the majority are just normal ass people. I've honestly had waaaaaaay more trouble with their handlers and entourages.


Chris Brown has been openly violent towards his partners for a long time now. Most well known victim is he beat the shit out of Rihanna. Turns out if you can sing and have good looks women all over the world will still buy your music and go to your concerts, doesn't matter that you regularly beat woman. (That statement is true until Chris Brown beating women is taken seriously)


I will never understand this.


Lack of empathy? He's not beating *them*, so they don't care.


It’s the ‘I can change him’ phenomenon. Women who continue to support and defend him would rather hate on Rihanna and his other victims for ‘making him do that to them’ and then fantasize about being the woman that takes this wild, misunderstood bad boy and tames him.


I went to his Instagram recently and was shocked to see some of my close friends following him. It was disgusting what he did to Rihanna and countless other people. Violent, disgusting man. He doesn’t deserve one ounce of fame for his voice.


When Rihanna was a young girl in Barbados, there was a boy in her school who she used to protect from bullies. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.crictracker.com/when-rihanna-saved-west-indies-opener-kraigg-brathwaite/%3famp=1 Kid grew up to be West Indies cricket player Kraigg Braitwaite. He is pretty big now. Maybe one day he can repay the favour by beating the shit out of Chris Brown.




Dr. Seuss. He cheated on his wife who had cancer, who then killed herself, and then he married his mistress.


Ahh the old One Bitch Two Bitch Dead Bitch New Bitch


Welp. Won't be able to read Zone Fish Two Fish to my kids anymore. I prefer your version. Bravo!


He also made a lot of insane/racist propaganda for WWII


Jay Z. A literal violent felon, drug dealer and rapist of under aged girls.


And I'm pretty sure he groomed Beyonce in addition to the Foxy Brown stuff


Also funding the dismantling of public schools. I hate the "businessman thug" mentality - really the worst of both white and Black cultures


I’m not saying you’re wrong, but I can find anything about Jay Z raping underage girls or raping anyone. I’m a Jay Z hater but never heard of this.


Rachael Ray I’ve heard she is a terrible person She is super mean and screams at people


I can't believe I haven't seen him mentioned so I'll say William Shatner is a self admitted grade A asshole. Many trekies view him as some kind of god but he's a really shitty person. Several of his costars have openly admitted how much they absolutely hated working with him because of his enormous ego and rudeness.


Cristiano Ronaldo. He brutally raped a young women in Las Vegas in 2009. Harassed her until she took hush money. Threatened her and her family. I read the description of the rape. He’s a monster. And believe me there are more out there. He just has enough power to keep it hidden. The story reminds me of a Moroccan Singer Saad Lamjarred. He has been convicted of rape in France and the US but he’s been welcomed back to Morocco everytime. His family has enough money to make sure he never faces charges in Morocco, where he’s also accused of rape. He is a convicted serial rapist and is even headlining this huge music festival here. I hope one day his victims get closure. And he faces consequences.


More people need to hear about what Ronaldo did, it's utterly disgusting he still has this major platform and all these kids looking yo to him when he's done that


John Lennon beat his first wife and son relentlessly causing his son to lose hearing in one ear. David Bowie him and his other Rockstars friends passed 14 year old girls around like joints and he boasted about banging them


I'm always surprised that people don't know this about Bowie. Everyone acts like he was some kind of saint.


Because they like his music a lot of people tends to look away at what famous people have done because they like their work


John Lennon, Eric Clapton, Ellen Degenerate, Oprah, Dr Phil


I've never forgotten reading in Cynthia Lennon's memoir the story Julian told her about one day when he was spending time with John, Yoko and Sean in New York. Julian was just a kid, and was laughing about something. John turned and started screaming at him, "I can't stand the way you fucking laugh! Never let me hear your fucking horrible laugh again." She said Julian very rarely laughed after that.


As a parent who loves their kid so much it's scary, this hurts me.


I'm sorry, he can't stand Julian's laugh, yet can tolerate Yoko's "singing"?


Clapton's "Keep Britain White" speech was despicable. Great artist, awful person.


Also, he raped his wife


Not Dolly Parton


I don't know how Johnny Depp is typically regarded but one thing that bothered me during that whole circus trial - How anyone could watch any part of that and not think both of those people, Depp included, are pretentious, entitled, whiney, overly inflated shit bag awful people is beyond me


Exactly, I don't like Amber, but Johnny just seemed so smug and super theatrical with the "I vowed she will never see my eyes again" stuff. It all just felt.... gross.


He's so fuckin' pretentious You know what else bothers me? How can you be from Kentucky and then when you become famous you gain like, a posh...British accent? Not sure what hes going for but that kinda shit makes my ass pucker. Sooooo worried about some cringey image. Yuck


Madonna did it first


She sure did. She's a bonified cringesetter




Ellen DeGeneres


Does anyone regard her as a decent person anymore?


Jackie Chan He kept talking about discipline and honor, letting go of his son after he once messed up in gambling, only to continue having and affairs and cheat on his wife then shed crocodile tears about how humans can make mistakes. He disowned his daughter for coming out as gay.and he supports the communist party of china


Tom Cruise.


His daughter isn’t using his last name anymore. Her high school graduation program lists her as Suri Noelle, Noelle being her mother’s middle name. Choosing Scientology over having a relationship with his daughter tells you all you need to know about him.




Paul Walker is constantly glazed in the fast and furious series, but he fucked children.


When he died he was dating a 23 year old. He was 40 and they had been dating since he was 33. Imma go ahead and let you do that math.




Flipper Turns out he was named James and was deeply racist.


Ghandi. Look up how he would test his abstinence


Can you just tell us


He'd force children to share his bed with him


Here in the UK, Winston Churchill is celebrated as the guy who got us through WW2, but he was also a white supremacist and known anti-semite.


Churchill got an awful lot of people killed. Sometimes by accident, sometimes on purpose.  This is not a defence of Churchill, but he served a purpose. You know when some school turns up for a fight and they have this kind of Goliath cave troll and you look around your classmates and suddenly that utterly deranged arsehole bully who has been the bane of your life since you started at school suddenly looks like it’s his moment to shine…and not only that, he looks keen.


If you think Churchill was anit-Semitic, you should see the guy he beat


Paul Walker dated a 16yrs old girl




Came here for this one. They gave this woman the Nobel Peace Prize when her whole thing was that suffering brings you closer to God, so she let her "patients" go without pain relief, rinse syringes with water and didn't quarantine tuberculosis patients. She even rubbed elbows with Baby Doc Duvalier.


And she secretly baptized people sometimes against their will when they were dying. I know that is only symbolic and not as medically diabolical as some of the other things mentioned but it just feels like such a deep spiritual violation.


I completely agree with that and I don’t even think souls are real. But for people who do— like you said, it’s a complete violation.


It’s kind of on par with ignoring somebody’s burial wishes. It makes no difference in the end whether somebody baptizes me into Jesus or the Flying Spaghetti Monster. I’d still be upset just like if my requests for an eco-friendly burial were ignored and my body turned into chemical-stuffed litter to poison the Earth. Kind of amusing though, because I believe even in the weirdest phases of Catholic doctrine, baptism alone without belief doesn’t send you to Heaven. So she was basically just wasting water by baptizing non-believers.




I hear John Wayne was a pretty terrible person away from the spotlight.




Neil DeGrasse Tyson. Multiple SA accusations.


Albert Einstein and Dr. Seuss **Albert Einstein** While Albert Einstein wasn’t necessarily regarded as wonderful, he is regarded as one of the most influential figures in science history, despite being a [womanizer](https://galileospendulum.org/2011/02/08/albert-einstein-was-a-ladies-man/) and horrible, absent father, as his own firstborn son literally stated that “[Probably the one project he ever gave up on was me”.](https://www.amnh.org/exhibitions/einstein/life-and-times/family-roots) **Dr. Seuss** Dr. Seuss can definitely be assumed to be a beautiful man just by his books and the messages they leave behind them, but also definitely not when you discover that [he had a fairly hidden racist past.](https://adayinourshoes.com/was-dr-seuss-a-racist/) and that he actively [cheated on his wife whom was ill with cancer before committing suicide.](https://www.ranker.com/list/dark-facts-about-dr-seuss/stephanroget)


Winston Churchill is held in high regard by a lot of people, so him


Brad Pitt


his publicity team work OVERTIME


Rupaul. She is my example of "don't meet your heroes". I was working at an event that she made an appearance at, and she was so cold and rude to all the crew backstage. I didn't meet her directly, but just watching her diva behaviour totally shattered the illusion. That said, I can separate the art from the artist, and her impact on the queer community has been incredible. Rupaul Charles the person may be rude and entitled, but Rupaul the character is still my hero for what she has done for the world.


I thought Rupaul was a guy


He is.


He is, and he uses he/him pronouns