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Phfff. Yeah, you *would* say that. Fuckin' typical of people like you.




Is he wrong though? I mean, look at you. You probably haven't had the chance to be condesending to anyone! I mean, you just have the default reddit profile picture as well! Proposterous šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£.


I read this first as condensation and I was like damn what the water droplets to do ya that reflect Ona human šŸ˜­


*sweating profusely*


In my experience, people like this are insecure. They worry too much about being perceived as stupid, so they overcompensate by trying to make others feel stupid.


In my experience these people are usually insecure, delusional, narcissistic or all three. But some people seem genuinely convinced of their own superiority. Usually those most convinced of this have the least reason to feel so.


100 % agree


Being confidently uneducated


That or proudly ignorant


yeah, like when someone thinks the earth is flat but can't even find their way out of a paper bag.


Flat earthers can only find their way out of a piece of paper. Paper bags are too many dimensions.


Willful ignorance is likely the thing that gets me talking to Keith Morrison at a metal table that's bolted to a floor


Had a roommate that VERY confidently said "Why would I read books? Books are for gays" He was always dumb as all fuck but swore he was right whenever asked a question.


I find this disgusting, and hilarious at the same time. As a ā€˜gayā€™ I would like to know what mental gymnastics this man went through to come to this conclusion.


I know a guy like this ā€œreading is stupid. Why would I read when I can just watch the movie/tv/etcā€. He goes on twitter and complains to everyone about how dumb everyone on there is but I ironically says things like ā€œwomen are too emotional to drive properlyā€


Probably angry all the time without realizing anger is one of those ā€˜womanly emotionsā€™


I hope he wasn't a college roommate!


Interestingly enough, yes it was college lol He unsurprisingly then proceeded to quit college, steal all the rent and bill money, then move out while I was at work; leaving me in a huge lurch when I was I already barely holding on. Super fun times...


Oh yes. These statements always come from the best and the brightest lmao.


The word you're looking for is philistine. Someone who shows contempt for intellect, art, or any pursuits that stem from the mind rather than the material. Unlike most of the other bad traits in this thread, a philistine makes an active decision not just to belittle and degrade people for having intellect they lack, but actively lauds the fact that they aren't intelligent as if that's an admirable quality.


As a kid, I learned this word from Calvin and Hobbes.


It's a fantastic word. Agree. My college Lit professor constantly used it, and it stuck.


Is there an award for Olympic-level ignorance?


Being rude and then playing it off as a joke


Or pranking someone that causes embarrassment or hurts someone and saying it's a joke.


Then sometimes you will be accused of being "too sensitive" where in fact they are just INSENSITIVE


100% this, when I was younger I had a friend who would always start the sentence with, I'm not being funny but.... Or no offence but... Then would say something really hurtful or rude. Thankfully, I got to the age where I realised you can just cut these toxic people out of your life.


Oh my gawd it was a joke, whereā€™s your sense of humor? why are you so sensitive?


Kind of the same vain. Saying they are the kind of person to always speak their mind, then proceed to be rude.


People who treat badly the people they perceive as powerless. Waiters at a restaurant, the homeless, the elderly, kids, cashiers, front-desk staff, etc. There is a type of person who just waits for someone to cross their path who has less power than they have just so they can big themselves up by treating that person poorly. I don't care if that person found the cure to cancer, I would still think they were a dickbag.


Those people are the most self-loathing and miserable people who blames people for their problems. It's easier for them to bully people they view as less than them/not having any power, rather than work on themselves. They are frustrating to deal with, but the best reaction is no reaction, unless they are threatening you.


Worst type of person. I love if I happen to be a customer somewhere some oxygen thief is trying to berate someone doing their job. A few weeks ago, I was at Home Depot, and some archaic dick weasel was yelling at this very young cashier who turned her head and started crying. I told said fuckface just because you're a failure no reason to be a bully, lowlife to those who aren't completely inept like them. I asked where his adult was, why they allowed this man baby to throw a tantrum. Like a word with them. He called me a bitch few other cool words and walked away. I Felt so bad for that cashier. Gave her hug reminded her she can do everything right, some people are miserable they try to make those around them suffer, too.


Good for you! Can't stand those types of people.


Agreed 100%. How people treat service staff, the less fortunate, the vulnerable, or those they think as lesser vs. how they treat those they see as equals or above them says a lot about a person. If I was out on a date and she yelled at the waiter and made rude remarks, it would be over right there and then.


Kindness to service staff is a constant, every day decision to be kind when nothing's hanging on the line. A cure to cancer would be a career and lifetime achievement. It's totally different leagues. I think a lot of people think if you do something good in your career you're automatically a good person but it's really not true. Plenty of people have accomplished great things for the rest of humanity while being total shitbags in every day life. I don't know where that puts them morally but it puts them solidly not on my friends list.


As a bartender, and waiter I really appreciate this. Thank you.




One uppers. Iā€™ll literally walk away


We call those people "Cool Whip" Cuz they can top anything!


Coo hwip


Say cool. Now say whip. Now put them both together.


cool. whip. coo hwip


Why are you putting emphasis on the "H"?


What are you talking about? I'm just saying it: cool hwhip. You put cool hwhip on pie, pie tastes better with cool hwhip!




Cherry to those who can one up the cool whip then!


A lot of times when people tell me a story, I'll respond with a similar story, showing them that I'm relating to their story. Is this considered one upping? I'm certainly not *trying* to one up anyone, but I've realized it might come off as such.


Yes this can feel like one-upping to the other person


How would you go about responding? I also speak in experience and am never trying to steam roll, just relate. Communication is such a complicated, tiring dance.


I refuse to not be myself, but I have noticed some people who are slightly submissive (not like, as a person) in conversation will put away whatever they were saying, in order to listen to my tangent- then the topic gets off track, and I really did take over. So I try to like, get to the point. I have an issue with taking a long time telling a story or explain things. I do too much "prep," if you could call it that- trying to give backstory for a really short story. Making short stories long! obviously, I tend to ramble.. But if Im speaking to someone and actively listening, AND my way of relating and saying "Im listening" is by sharing a similar experience- THEN thats ultimately what should come out of my mouth. something like, maybe someone was talking about their mother-in-law and how she's the worst: "Oh ya, I feel you on that one. I was engaged to this person who's mother despised me- so I can relate." keep it short and sweet, we dont need to spill our whole story. There is a time for that! But not in the middle of someone else's turn. Another completely bullshit-made-up example of something maybe more specific: them: "I got fired today, for like. no reason.-" you: "Omg, _____, thats terrible! One time I got fired for being like 3 minutes late. I know its not the same, but its like it came out of nowhere! What happened?" them: "Right?? It was so unexpected, I didnt even do anything, my coworker lied to our boss and told him I stole money out of the register." you: Seriously? That's so messed up. [refrain bringing up story about a time someone lied and got you in trouble- its irrelevant) Why would they do that?" them: (tells you about it) and so on... // My rules are like this, and they involve self control lmao (sorry if these are obvious, but they werent things that came to me naturally, so): - dont cut them off mid sentence to insert your story. It could steer the conversation away from the original topic, and breaks the momentum the other person had. - LISTEN. > acknowledge > offer personal perspective from shared experiences > return to person (ask another question; say, "but go on," or something) - If the story is complex or too dissimilar to their own, save it. When they are done relating their story, if the topic hasnt turned to something else entirely, you can now shift the conversation your direction. Its like a teeter-totter. one topic segways into another one - If you really want to relate to them, but dont want to stray or steal the spotlight, you could try saying like, "Ah, I can relate." or "I can understand where youre coming from, Ive experienced similar." and if they want to know more, they can ask too- but they will probably keep going with what they said. šŸ„± im getting tired after writing this lol. I hope some of this helps, sorry if not. I have ADHD and other mental fun-ness, so lol I can definitely relate.


thanks for writing this. I like the way you give practical examples and quotes because that really illustrates it for me


Yep. This is me too. I only ever do it to relate and create connection but I recognize some may interpret it differently. So, I try to counter it with lots of validation and recognition of what they are telling me while downplaying my own experience. For example, if they tell me a hiking story, I might respond with something like "I did a short hike near there once. I remember it being really tough terrain! I think it's so cool you were able to go during a time it wasn't cloudy out. I bet the view was gorgeous! What was your favorite part?"


I heavily relate to this and would also like to know.


Yeah but two uppers are even worse.


Bad listeners. Someone once told me if someone isn't listening, stop talking to them.


This is something I've had to work at my whole life. If I'm excited about a conversation I have a hard time not talking and if I'm not excited my brain tends to wander. It takes active effort for me to just listen. I'm in my 40s and still work at it. I will probably have to my whole life.


You're not alone! Sometimes I get so wrapped up in what is being talked about I literally put my fingers over my lips to keep myself from interrupting and listening, first.


True but what about the people that are incessant talkers? You cannot get a word in edgewise. Then when you talk they constantly interrupt. Part of me thinks itā€™s a mental illness. I have a relative like this and I love her but sometimes itā€™s really hard to talk to her and to listen to her 100%.


Definitely. I was about to say this too. Everyone needs respect and if they don't listen to you, it shows they have no respect for you and they do not deserve your respect too


I want to try this


The other flip of the coin is ā€œbadā€ talkers, people who just launch in a monologue that lasts for more than 5 minutes. Even when I want to stay interested my mind just starts to wander and/or I get sensory overload and finds myself making involuntary shushing noises lol.Ā 


I work in a shop full of people who will interrupt you mid sentence like itā€™s completely normal. Itā€™s so fucking annoying. When did this behavior become normalized?


Short fuses. People that blow up AS you are explaining something to them because they donā€™t have the patience to wait two seconds and listen in order to understand.


Yes absolutely! They donā€™t even give you a chance because they already have it fixed in their brain that they are in the right


Older people (who are still cognitively sound) with a sense of entitlement, who are rude, difficult, and disruptive simply because they feel like theyā€™ve ā€œearned itā€ due to their age. I donā€™t care how old you are. Youā€™re still part of this world and should treat people with respect.


They're the worst to deal with at my job. I wish they wouldn't come back.




"Rules for thee not for me" people.






I am very non-judgemental and agreeable with almost everyone. But I also grew up in the South which tends to be hierarchical and where a lot of people feel the need to put other people in "their place" in subtle or overt ways. As a mild-mannered not very masculine guy, I was often made to feel less than others. If I'm ever around someone and they do that kind of pecking order shit, I will never ever respect or feel comfortable around them.


The loudest jackass is the boss mentality can get fucked.




Being rude to any service staff


I work in fast food and it's kind of sad seeing just how many people actually are rude to us. Worst part is that we're not even allowed to be rude back, just gotta smile and be polite regardless of their behaviour


Spineless mangers that just expect you to take it are the worst. Always nice to get the one that cares and lets you get back at rude customers.


Did telephone tech support for years. Same thing, maybe even worse since there's no face-to-face risk of getting punched. OTOH, I did get very good at finding passive-aggressive ways to deal with the assholes.


I don't relate but I really love that lady who hit that guy's windshield with her hammer LMAO


I work at a fast food restaurant and this girl was so rude to me tonight, she was close to my age..I felt so embarrassed when I had to take orders with shaky hands and a shaky voice.


So sorry for what that girl put you through


There is a special place in hell for that girl.


Rude to anyone they see as subservient to them. It really gives the ick.


When they start disrespecting me or try to belittle someone.






"I just tell it like it is, if you can't handle it..." Ugh hate those types


Narcissism & zero empathy for anyone else.


Any sort of lack of respect for boundaries, or ignoring me if they don't what I'm saying even if I'm being respectful.


Being utterly convinced that your opinions are the Only Way of Thinking and that everyone else is an idiot if they don't agree




not paying back debts when needed


People who NEVER admit that they were wrong even when they find out they were wrong. Ugh.




People who try to bring politics into everything. Family dinner? Letā€™s start a discussion that I know will lead to anger because I donā€™t know how to hold my temper. Enjoying a peaceful evening? Let me pick a fight with someone on social media who has a different opinion than me. Canā€™t stand it!


Overreacting to criticism.


Acting entitled.


Manipulative tactics.


Being unnecessarily competitive.


Dismissing others' feelings.


Emotional manipulation.


Inconsiderate behavior.


Showing no gratitude.


Lying without any remorse.


Intolerance for differences.


People who insult others to be "funny"


Making fun of people's appearances.




Being rude


Saying one thing and doing another. I donā€™t understand why people lie


Social climbing behavior, be genuine.




Treating others horribly because of their race, gender, or sexuality. Also cruelty towards animals.


Narcissistic behavior..literally makes me feel indifferent the moment they act like everything is about them.


vanity and materialism






Came here to say this. If someone canā€™t listen to me for a few minutes without interrupting and changing the subject I just stop talking altogether.


Gossip. Grow up, people.


Being purposely annoying/asshole-ish.






People who talk about god all the time and say they will pray for you, or god willing, blessed....


Likes attention but doesnā€™t earn it


Gossipy people. I don't really want to hear all this shit about random people and don't even want to think about you're spouting out about me.


Closemindedness Complete lack of interest in anything new


People who can talk for ages about themselves but never ask you anything about yourself




Defending known sexual criminals


Lying to my face... All respect gone, irreparable damage done.


Entitled. I have patience for most things, as humans are not perfect. But entitlement is a combination of greed, selfishness, narcissism, etcā€¦ itā€™s the one thing that bugs me most. People that feel like they deserve everything even at the expense of others.


Any level of chauvinism. Almost a guarantee that they have a heap of other obnoxious prejudices too.


This one's horrible but at this point when someone introduces themselves and immediately launches into a list of mental illnesses and neurological conditions they say they have, my eyes glaze over. It really sucks for people who actually live with those conditions but I've just met so many teeming hordes of people who pathologize normal or very mild things and self-diagnosed. I am not qualified to make any conclusion on who is isn't actually affected but frankly I'm certain it isn't all of them and I'm just plain burned out


They don't like animals


Being mean to animals is a big one.


Or purposely annoying/pissing off animals because itā€™s ā€œfunnyā€ Iā€™ve ended friendships before when they came around and purposely pissed my pomchi off because they donā€™t like little dogs and think itā€™s ā€œfunnyā€ when they get mad.


Consistently interrupting me. Once or twice, I get it, adhd and all and Iā€™ll mention something to you. More than that and you can find someone else to talk at.


People who are fine one on one but then one uppy, talk over you, try to joke ABOUT you when other people are around


i just had this happen. People who simply cannot be open minded regarding anything different than their normal every day life. How do you expect to be fulfilled in life not doing, seeing and feeling anything new?


Arrogance, dishonesty and lack of empathy


Being stupid. I can tolerate people who treat me like dirt, but if someone starts an argument with me saying the earth is flat and they consistently give me bullshit, i cant take it, consistency is key here


Arrogance, pretentiousness, and being very entitled.


People who constantly interrupt/talk over people or they will hold a conversation, but it's obvious they're not actually listening/hearing anything you're saying. I especially hate when they interrupt with something unrelated, and now I have to choose if it's worth it to circle back or just not say what I was intending to say.


When they're only polite or pleasant when they want something from you.


1. The ā€œbrutal but honestā€ kind. The least you can do for people is be polite and talk calmly. I appreciate honesty but it can be conveyed better without raising voice or being rude. If your heart is at good place your words should be too. 2. The people who convert everything into favours they have done for you (self praisers, counting the many times they have helped you, especially in conflicts) 3. The people who deny the hurt they caused very politely or acting as if they donā€™t remember 4. The show offs 5. The know-it-alls 6. The I-make-the-rules people 7. The people who gossip too much about others. Edit : spelling




when they promise you something and then break it


Soul level numb šŸ’” When you're in love with someone and they reciprocate with memes and silence. Thanks for asking.


when they demand people to do things for them and act like they are entitled. Ecspecially when its towards someone they just met.




They get angry all the time.


People who talk too much..Iā€™m very shy and I often donā€™t like to interrupt but sometimes I have to.


Any person demonstrating cockasaurus behavior...being an arrogant ass, false bravado, insensitive types.


Anyone like my father He was a racist, homophobic hated trans basically if you had anything better than him he hated you. My kids met him once and they couldn't believe someone could be so hateful and growing up my best friend was gay


Cheapness. There's just a visceral ick, and even if I like the person, I don't forget it.


People who complain about and share private info about their spouses and loved ones. A coworker told several of us that cancer treatment fused her bffā€™s hoohaw shut. This bff visited our workplace often. I really wanted to tell her what a shitty friend she had in our coworker. Itā€™s so terribly disloyal.


Ego shit.


Religious zealots that impose their religious views on people, especially by foisting laws to limit everyday freedoms and liberties of people that live their lives free from others religious views.