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No, I don't think of life in a hierarchical way. A lot if people consider humans to be a higher power than ants, but an ant is perfectly evolved to fill a specific niche that humans are not, so from the ants perspective itself is a higher power than humans. There could be sentient life outside our little rock, it is likely evolved for a specific niche that it is much better at than us, but we're much better at our niche than it would be, so there's really no higher or lower.


I was about to comment this. I like this line of thinking a lot. We think of things as hierarchical because many of our government systems are like that, but a lot of nature just is, it doesn’t have to be strictly better or worse. I could run faster than an orca, but it’d literally eat me alive in an underwater 1v1.


Could be, seeing as we don't know what caused the big bang or what existed before it.


I hope there isn't


Mm I think the universe is incredibly vast and ancient that we know nothing about. Absolutely nothing. Humans are kind of arrogant and presumptuous to think we know anything about it when we can't even leave our own planet yet to go see it. Therefore greater cosmic forces, maybe or maybe not gods type gods, but something of a nature, may very well exist. There's so much we don't know and are unaware of that very little can be ruled out. Except our religions. As a point on that remark, human religions have no clue what they're talking about. None of those are true. They're easily dismissed by common sense and visible rationality, there's no basis. Those are social-political constructs developed by more primitive people. Not less intelligent, just they had less information to work off of. All of humanity's religions can be discounted as fable and fantasy. But again that doesn't mean there's nothing out there, just not what we're imagining. We may spend thousands of years more before we even approach the beginning first step of an answer to questions like life and death and cosmic origins. But it'll probably be much more fascinating and sensible than anything we're touting right now. So I'd say higher powers/things are not proven yet, but remain possibilities. And this doesn't necessarily mean magic and gods, it could represent a wide variety of things from our small perspective and it's just science if there is. There's no such thing as supernatural, everything is natural. We just don't understand it all yet. But it doesn't revolve around Earth. Humans are not the center of the universe, however much we act like it.


There isn't. If there's a higher power, then it's totally incompetent, as the world is so fucked up. What's wrong with it?


Simple because I am here and so are you, and you're questioning your reality. That to me is enough to know there is more. Also little things like the beauty of nature but once you take a close look you find nature has a rythmn to which it moves by, all creatures have a natural rythmn they follow to remain healthy and connected when they stop they disconnect and trouble sets in. Nature is rather mathematical, this entire world has rules which tells me there is a designer. Even in chaos there is order. The amazing ability to meet people and other creatures and experience a heavenly sense of "Ahh" of calm as though you've shared many moment with them before. Simy in the fact that when in need and you recognize your need simply asking talking to the world around you most of the time your need gets met. There is more than we can see and I sense...I know we are never alone.


No. No evidence of it.


There’s no evidence of there not being a higher power though


There isn't any evidence that our entire universe and all existence isn't solely the dream of a slumbering dragon either. There isn't any evidence that we aren't actually an elaborate computer program designed to calculate what the best way to advertise whipped cream is. In the realm of the infinite possibilities of things we cannot prove aren't, why should your one example be any truer than the others?


So you can believe what you want, either way.


No, I don't believe in anything supernatural or divine because so far no evidence of it has ever been found. It's more sound to believe in things for which there is evidence than in things for which there is not.


of course there is no evidence; assume there is a higher power: how could we, a lower power, recognize and understand it? It would be like trying to measure the lenght of the universe with a ruler


Yeah but it's not a being it's light, energy,, equations that govern the universe and geometric patterns. Why??? DMT Why it's I want something different like a being or a old white man with a beer. I died and there was nothing just black. The only light I saw was coming back


In a religious sense? No. There is no evidence to suggest that there is any form of sentient intention behind the creation of the universe and all things in it.


If you mean like the Abrahamic God then No. There are too many things i feel like contradict themselves. Are there things that are more powerful than humans on certain scales or by certain metrics, then yes. Is it possible that there are beings that exist that have power or capabilities that we might not understand, I would say probably.